const Core = require('./core'); const stringKeys = new Set([ 'website', 'gametype', 'gamemode', 'player' ]); function normalizeEntry([key,value]) { key = key.toLowerCase(); const split = key.split('_'); let keyType; if (split.length === 2 && !isNaN(parseInt(split[1]))) { keyType = split[0]; } else { keyType = key; } if (!stringKeys.has(keyType) && !keyType.includes('name')) { if (value.toLowerCase() === 'true') { value = true; } else if (value.toLowerCase() === 'false') { value = false; } else if (!isNaN(parseInt(value))) { value = parseInt(value); } } return [key,value]; } class Gamespy1 extends Core { constructor() { super(); this.encoding = 'latin1'; this.byteorder = 'be'; } async run(state) { const raw = await this.sendPacket('\\status\\xserverquery'); // Convert all keys to lowercase and normalize value types const data = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(raw).map(entry => normalizeEntry(entry))); state.raw = data; if ('hostname' in data) = data.hostname; if ('mapname' in data) = data.mapname; if (this.trueTest(data.password)) state.password = true; if ('maxplayers' in data) state.maxplayers = parseInt(data.maxplayers); if ('hostport' in data) state.gamePort = parseInt(data.hostport); const teamOffByOne = data.gameid === 'bf1942'; const playersById = {}; const teamNamesById = {}; for (const ident of Object.keys(data)) { const split = ident.split('_'); if (split.length !== 2) continue; let key = split[0].toLowerCase(); const id = parseInt(split[1]); if (isNaN(id)) continue; let value = data[ident]; delete data[ident]; if (key !== 'team' && key.startsWith('team')) { // Info about a team if (key === 'teamname') { teamNamesById[id] = value; } else { // other team info which we don't track } } else { // Info about a player if (!(id in playersById)) playersById[id] = {}; if (key === 'playername' || key === 'player') { key = 'name'; } if (key === 'team' && !isNaN(parseInt(value))) { key = 'teamId'; value = parseInt(value) + (teamOffByOne ? -1 : 0); } if (key !== 'name' && !isNaN(parseInt(value))) { value = parseInt(value); } playersById[id][key] = value; } } state.raw.teams = teamNamesById; const players = Object.values(playersById); const seenHashes = new Set(); for (const player of players) { // Some servers (bf1942) report the same player multiple times (bug?) // Ignore these duplicates if (player.keyhash) { if (seenHashes.has(player.keyhash)) { this.logger.debug("Rejected player with hash " + player.keyhash + " (Duplicate keyhash)"); continue; } else { seenHashes.add(player.keyhash); } } // Convert player's team ID to team name if possible if (player.hasOwnProperty('teamId')) { if (Object.keys(teamNamesById).length) { = teamNamesById[player.teamId] || ''; } else { = player.teamId; delete player.teamId; } } state.players.push(player); } } async sendPacket(type) { let receivedQueryId; const output = {}; const parts = new Set(); let maxPartNum = 0; return await this.udpSend(type, buffer => { const reader = this.reader(buffer); const str = reader.string(buffer.length); const split = str.split('\\'); split.shift(); const data = {}; while(split.length) { const key = split.shift(); const value = split.shift() || ''; data[key] = value; } let queryId, partNum; const partFinal = ('final' in data); if (data.queryid) { const split = data.queryid.split('.'); if (split.length >= 2) { partNum = parseInt(split[1]); } queryId = split[0]; } delete; delete data.queryid; this.logger.debug("Received part num=" + partNum + " queryId=" + queryId + " final=" + partFinal); if (queryId) { if (receivedQueryId && receivedQueryId !== queryId) { this.logger.debug("Rejected packet (Wrong query ID)"); return; } else if (!receivedQueryId) { receivedQueryId = queryId; } } if (!partNum) { partNum = parts.size; this.logger.debug("No part number received (assigned #" + partNum + ")"); } if (parts.has(partNum)) { this.logger.debug("Rejected packet (Duplicate part)"); return; } parts.add(partNum); if (partFinal) { maxPartNum = partNum; } this.logger.debug("Received part #" + partNum + " of " + (maxPartNum ? maxPartNum : "?")); for(const i of Object.keys(data)) { output[i] = data[i]; } if (maxPartNum && parts.size === maxPartNum) { this.logger.debug("Received all parts"); this.logger.debug(output); return output; } }); } } module.exports = Gamespy1;