/* module.exports = require('./protocols/valve').extend({ init: function() { this._super(); this.options.port = 7777; this.pretty = 'Just Cause 2 Multiplayer'; } }); */ // supposedly, gamespy3 is the "official" query protocol for jcmp, // but it's broken (requires singlePacketSplits), and doesn't include player names module.exports = require('./protocols/gamespy3').extend({ init: function() { this._super(); this.options.port = 7777; this.pretty = 'Just Cause 2 Multiplayer'; this._singlePacketSplits = true; }, finalizeState: function(state) { this._super(state); if(!state.players.length && parseInt(state.raw.numplayers)) { for(var i = 0; i < parseInt(state.raw.numplayers); i++) { state.players.push({}); } } } });