const Bzip2 = require('compressjs').Bzip2; const Core = require('./core'); const Results = require('../lib/Results'); const Reader = require('../lib/reader'); const AppId = { Squad: 393380, Bat1944: 489940, Ship: 2400, DayZ: 221100, Rust: 252490 }; class Valve extends Core { constructor() { super(); // legacy goldsrc info response -- basically not used by ANYTHING now, // as most (all?) goldsrc servers respond with the source info reponse // delete in a few years if nothing ends up using it anymore this.goldsrcInfo = false; // unfortunately, the split format from goldsrc is still around, but we // can detect that during the query this.goldsrcSplits = false; // some mods require a challenge, but don't provide them in the new format // at all, use the old dedicated challenge query if needed this.legacyChallenge = false; // 2006 engines don't pass packet switching size in split packet header // while all others do, this need is detected automatically this._skipSizeInSplitHeader = false; this._challenge = ''; } async run(state) { if (!this.options.port) this.options.port = 27015; await this.queryInfo(state); await this.queryChallenge(); await this.queryPlayers(state); await this.queryRules(state); await this.cleanup(state); } async queryInfo(/** Results */ state) { this.debugLog("Requesting info ..."); const b = await this.sendPacket( this.goldsrcInfo ? undefined : 0x54, this.goldsrcInfo ? 'details' : 'Source Engine Query\0', this.goldsrcInfo ? 0x6D : 0x49, false ); const reader = this.reader(b); if(this.goldsrcInfo) state.raw.address = reader.string(); else state.raw.protocol = reader.uint(1); = reader.string(); = reader.string(); state.raw.folder = reader.string(); = reader.string(); if(!this.goldsrcInfo) state.raw.appId = reader.uint(2); state.raw.numplayers = reader.uint(1); state.maxplayers = reader.uint(1); if(this.goldsrcInfo) state.raw.protocol = reader.uint(1); else state.raw.numbots = reader.uint(1); state.raw.listentype = String.fromCharCode(reader.uint(1)); state.raw.environment = String.fromCharCode(reader.uint(1)); state.password = !!reader.uint(1); if(this.goldsrcInfo) { state.raw.ismod = reader.uint(1); if(state.raw.ismod) { state.raw.modlink = reader.string(); state.raw.moddownload = reader.string(); reader.skip(1); state.raw.modversion = reader.uint(4); state.raw.modsize = reader.uint(4); state.raw.modtype = reader.uint(1); state.raw.moddll = reader.uint(1); } } else { = reader.uint(1); if(state.raw.appId === AppId.Ship) { state.raw.shipmode = reader.uint(1); state.raw.shipwitnesses = reader.uint(1); state.raw.shipduration = reader.uint(1); } state.raw.version = reader.string(); const extraFlag = reader.uint(1); if(extraFlag & 0x80) state.gamePort = reader.uint(2); if(extraFlag & 0x10) state.raw.steamid = reader.uint(8).toString(); if(extraFlag & 0x40) { state.raw.sourcetvport = reader.uint(2); state.raw.sourcetvname = reader.string(); } if(extraFlag & 0x20) state.raw.tags = reader.string().split(','); if(extraFlag & 0x01) { const gameId = reader.uint(8); const betterAppId = gameId.getLowBitsUnsigned() & 0xffffff; if (betterAppId) { state.raw.appId = betterAppId; } } } const appId = state.raw.appId; // from if( state.raw.protocol === 7 && ( state.raw.appId === 215 || state.raw.appId === 17550 || state.raw.appId === 17700 || state.raw.appId === 240 ) ) { this._skipSizeInSplitHeader = true; } this.logger.debug("INFO: ", state.raw); if(state.raw.protocol === 48) { this.logger.debug("GOLDSRC DETECTED - USING MODIFIED SPLIT FORMAT"); this.goldsrcSplits = true; } // DayZ embeds some of the server information inside the tags attribute if (appId === AppId.DayZ) { if (state.raw.tags) { state.raw.dlcEnabled = false state.raw.firstPerson = false for (const tag of state.raw.tags) { if (tag.startsWith('lqs')) { const value = parseInt(tag.replace('lqs', '')); if (!isNaN(value)) { state.raw.queue = value; } } if (tag.includes('no3rd')) { state.raw.firstPerson = true; } if (tag.includes('isDLC')) { state.raw.dlcEnabled = true; } if (tag.includes(':')) { state.raw.time = tag; } if (tag.startsWith('etm')) { const value = parseInt(tag.replace('etm', '')); if (!isNaN(value)) { state.raw.dayAcceleration = value; } } if (tag.startsWith('entm')) { const value = parseInt(tag.replace('entm', '')); if (!isNaN(value)) { state.raw.nightAcceleration = value; } } } } } if (appId === AppId.Rust) { if (state.raw.tags) { for (const tag of state.raw.tags) { if (tag.startsWith('mp')) { const value = parseInt(tag.replace('mp', '')); if (!isNaN(value)) { state.maxplayers = value; } } } } } } async queryChallenge() { if(this.legacyChallenge) { // sendPacket will catch the response packet and // save the challenge for us this.debugLog("Requesting legacy challenge key ..."); await this.sendPacket( 0x57, null, 0x41, false ); } } async queryPlayers(/** Results */ state) { state.raw.players = []; this.debugLog("Requesting player list ..."); const b = await this.sendPacket( this.goldsrcInfo ? undefined : 0x55, this.goldsrcInfo ? 'players' : null, 0x44, true ); if (b === null) { // Player query timed out // CSGO doesn't respond to player query if host_players_show is not 2 // Conan Exiles never responds to player query // Just skip it, and we'll fill with dummy objects in cleanup() return; } const reader = this.reader(b); const num = reader.uint(1); for(let i = 0; i < num; i++) { reader.skip(1); const name = reader.string(); const score =; const time = reader.float(); this.debugLog("Found player: "+name+" "+score+" "+time); // connecting players don't count as players. if(!name) continue; // CSGO sometimes adds a bot named 'Max Players' if host_players_show is not 2 if (state.raw.appId === 730 && name === 'Max Players') continue; state.raw.players.push({ name:name, score:score, time:time }); } } async queryRules(/** Results */ state) { const appId = state.raw.appId; if (appId === AppId.Squad || appId === AppId.Bat1944 || this.options.requestRules) { // let's get 'em } else { return; } const rules = {}; state.raw.rules = rules; const dayZPayload = []; this.debugLog("Requesting rules ..."); if (this.goldsrcInfo) { const b = await this.udpSend('\xff\xff\xff\xffrules', b=>b, ()=>null); if (b === null) return; // timed out - the server probably has rules disabled const reader = this.reader(b); while (!reader.done()) { const key = reader.string(); const value = reader.string(); rules[key] = value; } } else { const b = await this.sendPacket(0x56,null,0x45,true); if (b === null) return; // timed out - the server probably has rules disabled let dayZPayloadEnded = false; const reader = this.reader(b); const num = reader.uint(2); for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (appId === AppId.DayZ && !dayZPayloadEnded) { const one = reader.uint(1); const two = reader.uint(1); const three = reader.uint(1); if (one !== 0 && two !== 0 && three === 0) { while (true) { const byte = reader.uint(1); if (byte === 0) break; dayZPayload.push(byte); } continue; } else { reader.skip(-3); dayZPayloadEnded = true; } } const key = reader.string(); const value = reader.string(); rules[key] = value; } } // Battalion 1944 puts its info into rules fields for some reason if (appId === AppId.Bat1944) { if ('bat_name_s' in rules) { = rules.bat_name_s; delete rules.bat_name_s; if ('bat_player_count_s' in rules) { state.raw.numplayers = parseInt(rules.bat_player_count_s); delete rules.bat_player_count_s; } if ('bat_max_players_i' in rules) { state.maxplayers = parseInt(rules.bat_max_players_i); delete rules.bat_max_players_i; } if ('bat_has_password_s' in rules) { state.password = rules.bat_has_password_s === 'Y'; delete rules.bat_has_password_s; } // apparently map is already right, and this var is often wrong delete rules.bat_map_s; } } // Squad keeps its password in a separate field if (appId === AppId.Squad) { if (rules.Password_b === "true") { state.password = true; } } if (appId === AppId.DayZ) { state.raw.dayzMods = this.readDayzMods(Buffer.from(dayZPayload)); } } readDayzMods(/** Buffer */ buffer) { if (!buffer.length) { return {}; } this.logger.debug("DAYZ BUFFER"); this.logger.debug(buffer); const reader = this.reader(buffer); const version = this.readDayzByte(reader); const overflow = this.readDayzByte(reader); const dlc1 = this.readDayzByte(reader); const dlc2 = this.readDayzByte(reader); this.logger.debug("version " + version); this.logger.debug("overflow " + overflow); this.logger.debug("dlc1 " + dlc1); this.logger.debug("dlc2 " + dlc2); if (dlc1) { const unknown = this.readDayzUint(reader, 4); // ? this.logger.debug("unknown " + unknown); } if (dlc2) { const unknown = this.readDayzUint(reader, 4); // ? this.logger.debug("unknown " + unknown); } const mods = []; mods.push(...this.readDayzModsSection(reader, true)); mods.push(...this.readDayzModsSection(reader, false)); this.logger.debug("dayz buffer rest:",; return mods; } readDayzModsSection(/** Reader */ reader, withHeader) { const out = []; const count = this.readDayzByte(reader); this.logger.debug("dayz mod section withHeader:" + withHeader + " count:" + count); for(let i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (reader.done()) break; const mod = {}; if (withHeader) { mod.unknown = this.readDayzUint(reader, 4); // ? // For some reason this is 4 on all of them, but doesn't exist on the last one? but only sometimes? const offset = reader.offset(); const flag = this.readDayzByte(reader); if (flag !== 4) reader.setOffset(offset); mod.workshopId = this.readDayzUint(reader, 4); } mod.title = this.readDayzString(reader); this.logger.debug(mod); out.push(mod); } return out; } readDayzUint(reader, bytes) { const out = []; for (let i = 0; i < bytes; i++) { out.push(this.readDayzByte(reader)); } const buf = Buffer.from(out); const r2 = this.reader(buf); return r2.uint(bytes); } readDayzByte(reader) { const byte = reader.uint(1); if (byte === 1) { const byte2 = reader.uint(1); if (byte2 === 1) return 1; if (byte2 === 2) return 0; if (byte2 === 3) return 0xff; return 0; // ? } return byte; } readDayzString(reader) { const length = this.readDayzByte(reader); const out = []; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { out.push(this.readDayzByte(reader)); } return Buffer.from(out).toString('utf8'); } async cleanup(/** Results */ state) { // Organize players / hidden players into player / bot arrays const botProbability = (p) => { if (p.time === -1) return Number.MAX_VALUE; return p.time; }; const sortedPlayers = state.raw.players.sort((a,b) => { return botProbability(a) - botProbability(b); }); delete state.raw.players; const numBots = state.raw.numbots || 0; const numPlayers = state.raw.numplayers - numBots; while(state.bots.length < numBots) { if (sortedPlayers.length) state.bots.push(sortedPlayers.pop()); else state.bots.push({}); } while(state.players.length < numPlayers || sortedPlayers.length) { if (sortedPlayers.length) state.players.push(sortedPlayers.pop()); else state.players.push({}); } } /** * Sends a request packet and returns only the response type expected * @param {number} type * @param {boolean} sendChallenge * @param {?string|Buffer} payload * @param {number} expect * @param {boolean=} allowTimeout * @returns Buffer|null **/ async sendPacket( type, payload, expect, allowTimeout ) { for (let keyRetry = 0; keyRetry < 3; keyRetry++) { let receivedNewChallengeKey = false; const response = await this.sendPacketRaw( type, payload, (payload) => { const reader = this.reader(payload); const type = reader.uint(1); this.debugLog(() => "Received 0x" + type.toString(16) + " expected 0x" + expect.toString(16)); if (type === 0x41) { const key = reader.uint(4); if (this._challenge !== key) { this.debugLog('Received new challenge key: 0x' + key.toString(16)); this._challenge = key; receivedNewChallengeKey = true; } } if (type === expect) { return; } else if (receivedNewChallengeKey) { return null; } }, () => { if (allowTimeout) return null; } ); if (!receivedNewChallengeKey) { return response; } } throw new Error('Received too many challenge key responses'); } /** * Sends a request packet and assembles partial responses * @param {number} type * @param {boolean} sendChallenge * @param {?string|Buffer} payload * @param {function(Buffer)} onResponse * @param {function()} onTimeout **/ async sendPacketRaw( type, payload, onResponse, onTimeout ) { const challengeAtBeginning = type === 0x55 || type === 0x56; const challengeAtEnd = type === 0x54 && !!this._challenge; if (typeof payload === 'string') payload = Buffer.from(payload, 'binary'); const b = Buffer.alloc(4 + (type !== undefined ? 1 : 0) + (challengeAtBeginning ? 4 : 0) + (challengeAtEnd ? 4 : 0) + (payload ? payload.length : 0) ); let offset = 0; let challenge = this._challenge; if (!challenge) challenge = 0xffffffff; b.writeInt32LE(-1, offset); offset += 4; if (type !== undefined) { b.writeUInt8(type, offset); offset += 1; } if (challengeAtBeginning) { if (this.byteorder === 'le') b.writeUInt32LE(challenge, offset); else b.writeUInt32BE(challenge, offset); offset += 4; } if (payload) { payload.copy(b, offset); offset += payload.length; } if (challengeAtEnd) { if (this.byteorder === 'le') b.writeUInt32LE(challenge, offset); else b.writeUInt32BE(challenge, offset); offset += 4; } const packetStorage = {}; return await this.udpSend( b, (buffer) => { const reader = this.reader(buffer); const header =; if(header === -1) { // full package this.debugLog("Received full packet"); return onResponse(; } if(header === -2) { // partial package const uid = reader.uint(4); if(!(uid in packetStorage)) packetStorage[uid] = {}; const packets = packetStorage[uid]; let bzip = false; if(!this.goldsrcSplits && uid & 0x80000000) bzip = true; let packetNum,payload,numPackets; if(this.goldsrcSplits) { packetNum = reader.uint(1); numPackets = packetNum & 0x0f; packetNum = (packetNum & 0xf0) >> 4; payload =; } else { numPackets = reader.uint(1); packetNum = reader.uint(1); if(!this._skipSizeInSplitHeader) reader.skip(2); if(packetNum === 0 && bzip) reader.skip(8); payload =; } packets[packetNum] = payload; this.debugLog(() => "Received partial packet uid: 0x"+uid.toString(16)+" num: "+packetNum); this.debugLog(() => "Received "+Object.keys(packets).length+'/'+numPackets+" packets for this UID"); if(Object.keys(packets).length !== numPackets) return; // assemble the parts const list = []; for(let i = 0; i < numPackets; i++) { if(!(i in packets)) { throw new Error('Missing packet #'+i); } list.push(packets[i]); } let assembled = Buffer.concat(list); if(bzip) { this.debugLog("BZIP DETECTED - Extracing packet..."); try { assembled = Buffer.from(Bzip2.decompressFile(assembled)); } catch(e) { throw new Error('Invalid bzip packet'); } } const assembledReader = this.reader(assembled); assembledReader.skip(4); // header return onResponse(; } }, onTimeout ); } } module.exports = Valve;