const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter, dns = require('dns'), net = require('net'), Reader = require('../lib/reader'), HexUtil = require('../lib/HexUtil'), util = require('util'), dnsLookupAsync = util.promisify(dns.lookup), dnsResolveAsync = util.promisify(dns.resolve), requestAsync = require('request-promise'); class Core extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this.options = { socketTimeout: 2000, attemptTimeout: 10000, maxAttempts: 1 }; this.encoding = 'utf8'; this.byteorder = 'le'; this.delimiter = '\0'; this.srvRecord = null; this.asyncLeaks = new Set(); this.udpCallback = null; this.udpLocked = false; this.lastAsyncLeakId = 0; } initState() { return { name: '', map: '', password: false, raw: {}, maxplayers: 0, players: [], bots: [] }; } // Run all attempts async runAll() { let result = null; let lastError = null; for (let attempt = 1; attempt <= this.options.maxAttempts; attempt++) { try { result = await this.runOnceSafe(); result.query.attempts = attempt; break; } catch (e) { lastError = e; } } if (result === null) { throw lastError; } return result; } // Runs a single attempt with a timeout and cleans up afterward async runOnceSafe() { try { const result = await this.timedPromise(this.runOnce(), this.options.attemptTimeout, "Attempt"); if (this.asyncLeaks.size) { let out = []; for (const leak of this.asyncLeaks) { out.push( + " " + leak.stack); } throw new Error('Query succeeded, but async leak was detected:\n' + out.join('\n---\n')); } return result; } finally { // Clean up any lingering long-running functions for (const leak of this.asyncLeaks) { try { leak.cleanup(); } catch(e) { this.debugLog("Error during async cleanup: " + e.stack); } } this.asyncLeaks.clear(); } } timedPromise(promise, timeoutMs, timeoutMsg) { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { const cancelTimeout = this.setTimeout( () => reject(new Error(timeoutMsg + " - Timed out after " + timeoutMs + "ms")), timeoutMs ); promise = promise.finally(cancelTimeout); promise.then(resolve,reject); }); } async runOnce() { const startMillis =; const options = this.options; if (('host' in options) && !('address' in options)) { options.address = await this.parseDns(; } if(!('port_query' in options) && 'port' in options) { const offset = options.port_query_offset || 0; options.port_query = options.port + offset; } const state = this.initState(); await; if (this.options.notes) state.notes = this.options.notes; state.query = {}; if ('host' in this.options) =; if ('address' in this.options) state.query.address = this.options.address; if ('port' in this.options) state.query.port = this.options.port; if ('port_query' in this.options) state.query.port_query = this.options.port_query; state.query.type = this.type; if ('pretty' in this) state.query.pretty = this.pretty; state.query.duration = - startMillis; return state; } async run(state) {} /** * @param {string} host * @returns {Promise} */ async parseDns(host) { const isIp = (host) => { return !!host.match(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/); }; const resolveStandard = async (host) => { if(isIp(host)) return host; this.debugLog("Standard DNS Lookup: " + host); const {address,family} = await dnsLookupAsync(host); this.debugLog(address); return address; }; const resolveSrv = async (srv,host) => { if(isIp(host)) return host; this.debugLog("SRV DNS Lookup: " + srv+'.'+host); let records; try { records = await dnsResolveAsync(srv + '.' + host, 'SRV'); this.debugLog(records); if(records.length >= 1) { const record = records[0]; this.options.port = record.port; const srvhost =; return await resolveStandard(srvhost); } } catch(e) { this.debugLog(e.toString()); } return await resolveStandard(host); }; if(this.srvRecord) return await resolveSrv(this.srvRecord, host); else return await resolveStandard(host); } addAsyncLeak(fn) { const id = ++this.lastAsyncLeakId; const stack = new Error().stack; const entry = { id: id, cleanup: fn, stack: stack }; this.debugLog("Registering async leak: " + id); this.asyncLeaks.add(entry); return () => { this.debugLog("Removing async leak: " + id); this.asyncLeaks.delete(entry); } } // utils /** @returns {Reader} */ reader(buffer) { return new Reader(this,buffer); } translate(obj,trans) { for(const from of Object.keys(trans)) { const to = trans[from]; if(from in obj) { if(to) obj[to] = obj[from]; delete obj[from]; } } } trueTest(str) { if(typeof str === 'boolean') return str; if(typeof str === 'number') return str !== 0; if(typeof str === 'string') { if(str.toLowerCase() === 'true') return true; if(str.toLowerCase() === 'yes') return true; if(str === '1') return true; } return false; } /** * @template T * @param {function(Socket):Promise} fn * @returns {Promise} */ async withTcp(fn) { const address = this.options.address; const port = this.options.port_query; const socket = net.connect(port,address); socket.setNoDelay(true); const cancelAsyncLeak = this.addAsyncLeak(() => socket.destroy()); this.debugLog(log => { this.debugLog(address+':'+port+" TCP Connecting"); const writeHook = socket.write; socket.write = (...args) => { log(address+':'+port+" TCP-->"); log(HexUtil.debugDump(args[0])); writeHook.apply(socket,args); }; socket.on('error', e => log('TCP Error: ' + e)); socket.on('close', () => log('TCP Closed')); socket.on('data', (data) => { log(address+':'+port+" <--TCP"); log(data); }); socket.on('ready', () => log(address+':'+port+" TCP Connected")); }); try { await this.timedPromise( new Promise((resolve,reject) => { socket.on('ready', resolve); socket.on('close', () => reject(new Error('TCP Connection Refused'))); }), this.options.socketTimeout, 'TCP Opening' ); return await fn(socket); } finally { cancelAsyncLeak(); socket.destroy(); } } setTimeout(callback, time) { let cancelAsyncLeak; const onTimeout = () => { cancelAsyncLeak(); callback(); }; const timeout = setTimeout(onTimeout, time); cancelAsyncLeak = this.addAsyncLeak(() => clearTimeout(timeout)); return () => { cancelAsyncLeak(); clearTimeout(timeout); } } /** * @template T * @param {Socket} socket * @param {Buffer|string} buffer * @param {function(Buffer):T} ondata * @returns Promise */ async tcpSend(socket,buffer,ondata) { return await this.timedPromise( new Promise(async (resolve,reject) => { let received = Buffer.from([]); const onData = (data) => { received = Buffer.concat([received, data]); const result = ondata(received); if (result !== undefined) {'data', onData); resolve(result); } }; socket.on('data', onData); socket.write(buffer); }), this.options.socketTimeout, 'TCP' ); } async withUdpLock(fn) { if (this.udpLocked) { throw new Error('Attempted to lock UDP when already locked'); } this.udpLocked = true; try { return await fn(); } finally { this.udpLocked = false; this.udpCallback = null; } } /** * @param {Buffer|string} buffer * @param {function(Buffer):T} onPacket * @param {(function():T)=} onTimeout * @returns Promise * @template T */ async udpSend(buffer,onPacket,onTimeout) { if(!('port_query' in this.options)) throw new Error('Attempted to send without setting a port'); if(!('address' in this.options)) throw new Error('Attempted to send without setting an address'); if(typeof buffer === 'string') buffer = Buffer.from(buffer,'binary'); this.debugLog(log => { log(this.options.address+':'+this.options.port_query+" UDP-->"); log(HexUtil.debugDump(buffer)); }); return await this.withUdpLock(async() => { this.udpSocket.send(buffer,0,buffer.length,this.options.port_query,this.options.address); return await new Promise((resolve,reject) => { const cancelTimeout = this.setTimeout(() => { this.debugLog("UDP timeout detected"); let success = false; if (onTimeout) { const result = onTimeout(); if (result !== undefined) { this.debugLog("UDP timeout resolved by callback"); resolve(result); success = true; } } if (!success) { reject(new Error('UDP Watchdog Timeout')); } },this.options.socketTimeout); this.udpCallback = (buffer) => { const result = onPacket(buffer); if(result !== undefined) { this.debugLog("UDP send finished by callback"); cancelTimeout(); resolve(result); } }; }); }); } _udpIncoming(buffer) { this.udpCallback && this.udpCallback(buffer); } request(params) { let promise = requestAsync({ ...params, timeout: this.options.socketTimeout, resolveWithFullResponse: true }); const cancelAsyncLeak = this.addAsyncLeak(() => { promise.cancel(); }); this.debugLog(log => { log(() => params.uri+" HTTP-->"); promise .then((response) => log(params.uri+" <--HTTP " + response.statusCode)) .catch(()=>{}); }); promise = promise.finally(cancelAsyncLeak); promise = promise.then(response => response.body); return promise; } debugLog(...args) { if (!this.debug) return; try { if(args[0] instanceof Buffer) { this.debugLog(HexUtil.debugDump(args[0])); } else if (typeof args[0] == 'function') { const result = args[0].call(undefined, this.debugLog.bind(this)); if (result !== undefined) { this.debugLog(result); } } else { console.log(...args); } } catch(e) { console.log("Error while debug logging: " + e); } } } module.exports = Core;