var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter, dns = require('dns'), async = require('async'), Class = require('../Class'), Reader = require('../reader'); module.exports = Class.extend(EventEmitter,{ init: function() { this._super(); this.options = {}; this.maxAttempts = 1; this.attempt = 1; this.finished = false; this.encoding = 'utf8'; this.byteorder = 'le'; this.delimiter = '\0'; var self = this; this.globalTimeoutTimer = setTimeout(function() { self.fatal('timeout'); },10000); }, fatal: function(err) { this.error(err,true); }, error: function(err,fatal) { if(!fatal && this.attempt < this.maxAttempts) { this.attempt++; this.start(); return; } this.done({error: err.toString()}); }, initState: function() { return { name: '', map: '', password: false, raw: {}, maxplayers: 0, players: [], bots: [] }; }, finalizeState: function(state) { if(this.options.notes) state.notes = this.options.notes; state.query = {}; if('host' in this.options) =; if('port' in this.options) state.query.port = this.options.port; state.query.type = this.type; if('pretty' in this) state.query.pretty = this.pretty; if('players' in state) state.numplayers = state.players.length; if('bots' in state) state.numbots = state.bots.length; }, finish: function(result) { this.finalizeState(result); this.done(result); }, done: function(result) { if(this.finished) return; clearTimeout(this.globalTimeoutTimer); this.reset(); this.finished = true; this.emit('finished',result); if(this.options.callback) this.options.callback(result); }, reset: function() { if(this.timers) { this.timers.forEach(function(timer) { clearTimeout(timer); }); } this.timers = []; this.udpTimeoutTimer = false; this.udpCallback = false; }, start: function() { var self = this; this.reset(); async.series([ function(c) { // resolve host names if(!('host' in self.options)) return c(); if(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)) { self.options.address =; c(); } else { self.parseDns(,c); } }, function(c) {; } ]); }, parseDns: function(host,c) { var self = this; dns.lookup(host, function(err,address,family) { if(err) return self.error(err); self.options.address = address; c(); }); }, // utils reader: function(buffer) { return new Reader(this,buffer); }, translate: function(obj,trans) { for(var from in trans) { var to = trans[from]; if(from in obj) { if(to) obj[to] = obj[from]; delete obj[from]; } } }, setTimeout: function(c,t) { if(this.finished) return 0; var id = setTimeout(c,t); this.timers.push(id); return id; }, udpSend: function(buffer,onpacket,ontimeout) { var self = this; process.nextTick(function() { if(self.udpCallback) return self.fatal('Attempted to send UDP packet while still waiting on a managed response'); self._udpSendNow(buffer); if(!onpacket) return; self.udpTimeoutTimer = self.setTimeout(function() { self.udpCallback = false; var timeout = false; if(!ontimeout || ontimeout() !== true) timeout = true; if(timeout) self.error('timeout'); },1000); self.udpCallback = onpacket; }); }, _udpSendNow: function(buffer) { if(!('port' in this.options)) return this.fatal('Attempted to send without setting a port'); if(!('address' in this.options)) return this.fatal('Attempted to send without setting an address'); if(typeof buffer == 'string') buffer = new Buffer(buffer,'binary'); this.udpSocket.send(buffer,0,buffer.length,this.options.port,this.options.address); }, _udpResponse: function(buffer) { if(this.udpCallback) { var result = this.udpCallback(buffer); if(result === true) { // we're done with this udp session clearTimeout(this.udpTimeoutTimer); this.udpCallback = false; } } else { this.udpResponse(buffer); } }, udpResponse: function() {} });