Tom 01794f6339
Add support for running using deno (#362)
* Add missing CRLF line ending

* Add support for running using deno

Prefix node imports with "node:" and gate a socket API that is not
implemented in [deno]( so that the library can be used
there. This should not break node and doesn't in my brief testing.
2023-10-10 12:25:57 +03:00

351 lines
10 KiB

import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'
import * as net from 'node:net'
import Reader from '../lib/reader.js'
import { debugDump } from '../lib/HexUtil.js'
import Logger from '../lib/Logger.js'
import DnsResolver from '../lib/DnsResolver.js'
import { Results } from '../lib/Results.js'
import Promises from '../lib/Promises.js'
let uid = 0
export default class Core extends EventEmitter {
constructor () {
this.encoding = 'utf8'
this.byteorder = 'le'
this.delimiter = '\0'
this.srvRecord = null
this.abortedPromise = null
this.logger = new Logger()
this.dnsResolver = new DnsResolver(this.logger)
// Sent to us by QueryRunner
this.options = null
/** @type GlobalUdpSocket */
this.udpSocket = null
this.shortestRTT = 0
this.usedTcp = false
// Runs a single attempt with a timeout and cleans up afterward
async runOnceSafe () {
if (this.options.debug) {
this.logger.debugEnabled = true
this.logger.prefix = 'Q#' + (uid++)
this.logger.debug('Protocol: ' +
this.logger.debug('Options:', this.options)
let abortCall = null
this.abortedPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
abortCall = () => reject(new Error('Query is finished -- cancelling outstanding promises'))
}).catch(() => {
// Make sure that if this promise isn't attached to, it doesn't throw a unhandled promise rejection
let timeout
try {
const promise = this.runOnce()
timeout = Promises.createTimeout(this.options.attemptTimeout, 'Attempt')
const result = await Promise.race([promise, timeout])
this.logger.debug('Query was successful')
return result
} catch (e) {
this.logger.debug('Query failed with error', e)
throw e
} finally {
timeout && timeout.cancel()
try {
} catch (e) {
this.logger.debug('Error during abort cleanup: ' + e.stack)
async runOnce () {
const options = this.options
if (('host' in options) && !('address' in options)) {
const resolved = await this.dnsResolver.resolve(, options.ipFamily, this.srvRecord)
options.address = resolved.address
if (resolved.port) options.port = resolved.port
const state = new Results()
// because lots of servers prefix with spaces to try to appear first = ( || '').trim()
if (!('connect' in state)) {
state.connect = '' +
(state.gameHost || || this.options.address) +
':' +
(state.gamePort || this.options.port)
} = this.shortestRTT
delete state.gameHost
delete state.gamePort
this.logger.debug(log => {
log('Size of players array: ' + state.players.length)
log('Size of bots array: ' + state.bots.length)
return state
async run (/** Results */ state) {}
/** Param can be a time in ms, or a promise (which will be timed) */
registerRtt (param) {
if (param.then) {
const start =
param.then(() => {
const end =
const rtt = end - start
}).catch(() => {})
} else {
this.logger.debug('Registered RTT: ' + param + 'ms')
if (this.shortestRTT === 0 || param < this.shortestRTT) {
this.shortestRTT = param
// utils
/** @returns {Reader} */
reader (buffer) {
return new Reader(this, buffer)
translate (obj, trans) {
for (const from of Object.keys(trans)) {
const to = trans[from]
if (from in obj) {
if (to) obj[to] = obj[from]
delete obj[from]
trueTest (str) {
if (typeof str === 'boolean') return str
if (typeof str === 'number') return str !== 0
if (typeof str === 'string') {
if (str.toLowerCase() === 'true') return true
if (str.toLowerCase() === 'yes') return true
if (str === '1') return true
return false
assertValidPort (port) {
if (!port) {
throw new Error('Could not determine port to query. Did you provide a port?')
if (port < 1 || port > 65535) {
throw new Error('Invalid tcp/ip port: ' + port)
* @template T
* @param {function(NodeJS.Socket):Promise<T>} fn
* @param {number=} port
* @returns {Promise<T>}
async withTcp (fn, port) {
this.usedTcp = true
const address = this.options.address
if (!port) port = this.options.port
let socket, connectionTimeout
try {
socket = net.connect(port, address)
// Prevent unhandled 'error' events from dumping straight to console
socket.on('error', () => {})
this.logger.debug(log => {
this.logger.debug(address + ':' + port + ' TCP Connecting')
const writeHook = socket.write
socket.write = (...args) => {
log(address + ':' + port + ' TCP-->')
writeHook.apply(socket, args)
socket.on('error', e => log('TCP Error:', e))
socket.on('close', () => log('TCP Closed'))
socket.on('data', (data) => {
log(address + ':' + port + ' <--TCP')
socket.on('ready', () => log(address + ':' + port + ' TCP Connected'))
const connectionPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
socket.on('ready', resolve)
socket.on('close', () => reject(new Error('TCP Connection Refused')))
connectionTimeout = Promises.createTimeout(this.options.socketTimeout, 'TCP Opening')
await Promise.race([
return await fn(socket)
} finally {
socket && socket.destroy()
connectionTimeout && connectionTimeout.cancel()
* @template T
* @param {NodeJS.Socket} socket
* @param {Buffer|string} buffer
* @param {function(Buffer):T} ondata
* @returns Promise<T>
async tcpSend (socket, buffer, ondata) {
let timeout
try {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let received = Buffer.from([])
const onData = (data) => {
received = Buffer.concat([received, data])
const result = ondata(received)
if (result !== undefined) {
socket.removeListener('data', onData)
socket.on('data', onData)
timeout = Promises.createTimeout(this.options.socketTimeout, 'TCP')
return await Promise.race([promise, timeout, this.abortedPromise])
} finally {
timeout && timeout.cancel()
* @param {Buffer|string} buffer
* @param {function(Buffer):T=} onPacket
* @param {(function():T)=} onTimeout
* @returns Promise<T>
* @template T
async udpSend (buffer, onPacket, onTimeout) {
const address = this.options.address
const port = this.options.port
if (typeof buffer === 'string') buffer = Buffer.from(buffer, 'binary')
const socket = this.udpSocket
await socket.send(buffer, address, port, this.options.debug)
if (!onPacket && !onTimeout) {
return null
let socketCallback
let timeout
try {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const start =
let end = null
socketCallback = (fromAddress, fromPort, buffer) => {
try {
if (fromAddress !== address) return
if (fromPort !== port) return
if (end === null) {
end =
const rtt = end - start
const result = onPacket(buffer)
if (result !== undefined) {
this.logger.debug('UDP send finished by callback')
} catch (e) {
socket.addCallback(socketCallback, this.options.debug)
timeout = Promises.createTimeout(this.options.socketTimeout, 'UDP')
const wrappedTimeout = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
timeout.catch((e) => {
this.logger.debug('UDP timeout detected')
if (onTimeout) {
try {
const result = onTimeout()
if (result !== undefined) {
this.logger.debug('UDP timeout resolved by callback')
} catch (e) {
return await Promise.race([promise, wrappedTimeout, this.abortedPromise])
} finally {
timeout && timeout.cancel()
socketCallback && socket.removeCallback(socketCallback)
async tcpPing () {
// This will give a much more accurate RTT than using the rtt of an http request.
if (!this.usedTcp) {
await this.withTcp(() => {})
async request (params) {
await this.tcpPing()
const got = (await import('got')).got
let requestPromise
try {
requestPromise = got({
timeout: {
request: this.options.socketTimeout
this.logger.debug(log => {
log(() => params.url + ' HTTP-->')
.then((response) => log(params.url + ' <--HTTP ' + response.statusCode))
.catch(() => {})
const wrappedPromise = requestPromise.then(response => {
if (response.statusCode !== 200) throw new Error('Bad status code: ' + response.statusCode)
return response.body
return await Promise.race([wrappedPromise, this.abortedPromise])
} finally {
requestPromise && requestPromise.cancel()