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use std::{future::Future, sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use tokio::process::Command as TokioCommand;
use watchexec_signals::Signal;
use crate::{command::Command, errors::SyncIoError, flag::Flag};
use super::{
messages::{Control, ControlMessage, Ticket},
priority::{Priority, PrioritySender},
/// A handle to a job task spawned in the supervisor.
/// A job is a task which manages a [`Command`]. It is responsible for spawning the command's
/// program, for handling messages which control it, for managing the program's lifetime, and for
/// collecting its exit status and some timing information.
/// Most of the methods here queue [`Control`]s to the job task and return [`Ticket`]s. Controls
/// execute in order, except where noted. Tickets are futures which resolve when the corresponding
/// control has been run. Unlike most futures, tickets don't need to be polled for controls to make
/// progress; the future is only used to signal completion. Dropping a ticket will not drop the
/// control, so it's safe to do so if you don't care about when the control completes.
/// Note that controls are not guaranteed to run, like if the job task stops or panics before a
/// control is processed. If a job task stops gracefully, all pending tickets will resolve
/// immediately. If a job task panics (outside of hooks, panics are bugs!), pending tickets will
/// never resolve.
/// This struct is cloneable (internally it is made of Arcs). Dropping the last instance of a Job
/// will close the job's control queue, which will cause the job task to stop gracefully. Note that
/// a task graceful stop is not the same as a graceful stop of the contained command; when the job
/// drops, the command will be dropped in turn, and forcefully terminated via `kill_on_drop`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Job {
pub(crate) command: Arc<Command>,
pub(crate) control_queue: PrioritySender,
/// Set to true when the command task has stopped gracefully.
pub(crate) gone: Flag,
impl Job {
/// The [`Command`] this job is managing.
pub fn command(&self) -> Arc<Command> {
/// If this job is dead.
pub fn is_dead(&self) -> bool {
fn prepare_control(&self, control: Control) -> (Ticket, ControlMessage) {
let done = Flag::default();
Ticket {
job_gone: self.gone.clone(),
control_done: done.clone(),
ControlMessage { control, done },
pub(crate) fn send_controls<const N: usize>(
controls: [Control; N],
priority: Priority,
) -> Ticket {
if N == 0 || self.gone.raised() {
} else if N == 1 {
let control = controls.into_iter().next().expect("UNWRAP: N > 0");
let (ticket, control) = self.prepare_control(control);
self.control_queue.send(control, priority);
} else {
let mut last_ticket = None;
for control in controls {
let (ticket, control) = self.prepare_control(control);
last_ticket = Some(ticket);
self.control_queue.send(control, priority);
last_ticket.expect("UNWRAP: N > 0")
/// Send a control message to the command.
/// All control messages are queued in the order they're sent and processed in order.
/// In general prefer using the other methods on this struct rather than sending [`Control`]s
/// directly.
pub fn control(&self, control: Control) -> Ticket {
self.send_controls([control], Priority::Normal)
/// Start the command if it's not running.
pub fn start(&self) -> Ticket {
/// Stop the command if it's running and wait for completion.
/// If you don't want to wait for completion, use `signal(Signal::ForceStop)` instead.
pub fn stop(&self) -> Ticket {
/// Gracefully stop the command if it's running.
/// The command will be sent `signal` and then given `grace` time before being forcefully
/// terminated. If `grace` is zero, that still happens, but the command is terminated forcefully
/// on the next "tick" of the supervisor loop, which doesn't leave the process a lot of time to
/// do anything.
pub fn stop_with_signal(&self, signal: Signal, grace: Duration) -> Ticket {
if cfg!(unix) {
self.control(Control::GracefulStop { signal, grace })
} else {
/// Restart the command if it's running, or start it if it's not.
pub fn restart(&self) -> Ticket {
self.send_controls([Control::Stop, Control::Start], Priority::Normal)
/// Gracefully restart the command if it's running, or start it if it's not.
/// The command will be sent `signal` and then given `grace` time before being forcefully
/// terminated. If `grace` is zero, that still happens, but the command is terminated forcefully
/// on the next "tick" of the supervisor loop, which doesn't leave the process a lot of time to
/// do anything.
pub fn restart_with_signal(&self, signal: Signal, grace: Duration) -> Ticket {
if cfg!(unix) {
[Control::GracefulStop { signal, grace }, Control::Start],
} else {
/// Restart the command if it's running, but don't start it if it's not.
pub fn try_restart(&self) -> Ticket {
/// Restart the command if it's running, but don't start it if it's not.
/// The command will be sent `signal` and then given `grace` time before being forcefully
/// terminated. If `grace` is zero, that still happens, but the command is terminated forcefully
/// on the next "tick" of the supervisor loop, which doesn't leave the process a lot of time to
/// do anything.
pub fn try_restart_with_signal(&self, signal: Signal, grace: Duration) -> Ticket {
if cfg!(unix) {
self.control(Control::TryGracefulRestart { signal, grace })
} else {
/// Send a signal to the command.
/// Sends a signal to the current program, if there is one. If there isn't, this is a no-op.
/// On Windows, this is a no-op for all signals but [`Signal::ForceStop`], which tries to stop
/// the command like a `stop()` would, but doesn't wait for completion. This is because Windows
/// doesn't have signals; in future [`Hangup`](Signal::Hangup), [`Interrupt`](Signal::Interrupt),
/// and [`Terminate`](Signal::Terminate) may be implemented using [GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent],
/// see [tracking issue #219](
/// [GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent]:
pub fn signal(&self, sig: Signal) -> Ticket {
/// Stop the command, then mark it for garbage collection.
/// The underlying control messages are sent like normal, so they wait for all pending controls
/// to process. If you want to delete the command immediately, use `delete_now()`.
pub fn delete(&self) -> Ticket {
self.send_controls([Control::Stop, Control::Delete], Priority::Normal)
/// Stop the command immediately, then mark it for garbage collection.
/// The underlying control messages are sent with higher priority than normal, so they bypass
/// all others. If you want to delete after all current controls are processed, use `delete()`.
pub fn delete_now(&self) -> Ticket {
self.send_controls([Control::Stop, Control::Delete], Priority::Urgent)
/// Get a future which resolves when the command ends.
/// If the command is not running, the future resolves immediately.
/// The underlying control message is sent with higher priority than normal, so it targets the
/// actively running command, not the one that will be running after the rest of the controls
/// get done; note that may still be racy if the command ends between the time the message is
/// sent and the time it's processed.
pub fn to_wait(&self) -> Ticket {
self.send_controls([Control::NextEnding], Priority::High)
/// Run an arbitrary function.
/// The function is given [`&JobTaskContext`](JobTaskContext), which contains the state of the
/// currently executing, next-to-start, or just-finished command, as well as the final state of
/// the _previous_ run of the command.
/// Technically, some operations can be done through a `&self` shared borrow on the running
/// command's [`ErasedChild`](command_group::tokio::ErasedChild), but this library recommends
/// against taking advantage of this, and prefer using the methods here instead, so that the
/// supervisor can keep track of what's going on.
pub fn run(&self, fun: impl FnOnce(&JobTaskContext<'_>) + Send + Sync + 'static) -> Ticket {
/// Run an arbitrary function and await the returned future.
/// The function is given [`&JobTaskContext`](JobTaskContext), which contains the state of the
/// currently executing, next-to-start, or just-finished command, as well as the final state of
/// the _previous_ run of the command.
/// Technically, some operations can be done through a `&self` shared borrow on the running
/// command's [`ErasedChild`](command_group::tokio::ErasedChild), but this library recommends
/// against taking advantage of this, and prefer using the methods here instead, so that the
/// supervisor can keep track of what's going on.
/// A gotcha when using this method is that the future returned by the function can live longer
/// than the `&JobTaskContext` it was given, so you can't bring the context into the async block
/// and instead must clone or copy the parts you need beforehand, in the sync portion.
/// For example, this won't compile:
/// ```compile_fail
/// # use std::sync::Arc;
/// # use tokio::sync::mpsc;
/// # use watchexec_supervisor::command::{Command, Program};
/// # use watchexec_supervisor::job::{CommandState, start_job};
/// #
/// # let (job, _task) = start_job(Arc::new(Command { program: Program::Exec { prog: "/bin/date".into(), args: Vec::new() }.into(), options: Default::default() }));
/// let (channel, receiver) = mpsc::channel(10);
/// job.run_async(|context| Box::new(async move {
/// if let CommandState::Finished { status, .. } = context.current {
/// channel.send(status).await.ok();
/// }
/// }));
/// ```
/// But this does:
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::sync::Arc;
/// # use tokio::sync::mpsc;
/// # use watchexec_supervisor::command::{Command, Program};
/// # use watchexec_supervisor::job::{CommandState, start_job};
/// #
/// # let (job, _task) = start_job(Arc::new(Command { program: Program::Exec { prog: "/bin/date".into(), args: Vec::new() }.into(), options: Default::default() }));
/// let (channel, receiver) = mpsc::channel(10);
/// job.run_async(|context| {
/// let status = if let CommandState::Finished { status, .. } = context.current {
/// Some(*status)
/// } else {
/// None
/// };
/// Box::new(async move {
/// if let Some(status) = status {
/// channel.send(status).await.ok();
/// }
/// })
/// });
/// ```
pub fn run_async(
fun: impl (FnOnce(&JobTaskContext<'_>) -> Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send + Sync>)
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
) -> Ticket {
/// Set the spawn hook.
/// The hook will be called once per process spawned, before the process is spawned. It's given
/// a mutable reference to the [`tokio::process::Command`] and some context; it can modify the
/// command as it sees fit.
pub fn set_spawn_hook(
fun: impl Fn(&mut TokioCommand, &JobTaskContext<'_>) + Send + Sync + 'static,
) -> Ticket {
/// Set the spawn hook (async version).
/// The hook will be called once per process spawned, before the process is spawned. It's given
/// a mutable reference to the [`tokio::process::Command`] and some context; it can modify the
/// command as it sees fit.
/// A gotcha when using this method is that the future returned by the function can live longer
/// than the references it was given, so you can't bring the command or context into the async
/// block and instead must clone or copy the parts you need beforehand, in the sync portion. See
/// the documentation for [`run_async`](Job::run_async) for an example.
/// Fortunately, async spawn hooks should be exceedingly rare: there's very few things to do in
/// spawn hooks that can't be done in the simpler sync version.
pub fn set_spawn_async_hook(
fun: impl (Fn(&mut TokioCommand, &JobTaskContext<'_>) -> Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send + Sync>)
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
) -> Ticket {
/// Unset any spawn hook.
pub fn unset_spawn_hook(&self) -> Ticket {
/// Set the error handler.
pub fn set_error_handler(&self, fun: impl Fn(SyncIoError) + Send + Sync + 'static) -> Ticket {
/// Set the error handler (async version).
pub fn set_async_error_handler(
fun: impl (Fn(SyncIoError) -> Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send + Sync>)
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
) -> Ticket {
/// Unset the error handler.
/// Errors will be silently ignored.
pub fn unset_error_handler(&self) -> Ticket {