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2023-12-09 10:30:58 +01:00
use std::{ffi::OsStr, path::PathBuf, str::FromStr, time::Duration};
2023-12-09 10:30:58 +01:00
use clap::{
builder::TypedValueParser, error::ErrorKind, Arg, ArgAction, Command, CommandFactory, Parser,
ValueEnum, ValueHint,
2023-03-18 09:32:24 +01:00
use watchexec::paths::PATH_SEPARATOR;
use watchexec_signals::Signal;
const OPTSET_FILTERING: &str = "Filtering";
const OPTSET_COMMAND: &str = "Command";
const OPTSET_DEBUGGING: &str = "Debugging";
const OPTSET_OUTPUT: &str = "Output";
/// Execute commands when watched files change.
/// Recursively monitors the current directory for changes, executing the command when a filesystem
/// change is detected (among other event sources). By default, watchexec uses efficient
/// kernel-level mechanisms to watch for changes.
2023-03-18 11:23:46 +01:00
/// At startup, the specified command is run once, and watchexec begins monitoring for changes.
/// Examples:
/// Rebuild a project when source files change:
/// $ watchexec make
/// Watch all HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files for changes:
/// $ watchexec -e html,css,js make
/// Run tests when source files change, clearing the screen each time:
/// $ watchexec -c make test
/// Launch and restart a node.js server:
/// $ watchexec -r node app.js
/// Watch lib and src directories for changes, rebuilding each time:
/// $ watchexec -w lib -w src make
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Parser)]
name = "watchexec",
bin_name = "watchexec",
long_version = Bosion::LONG_VERSION,
after_help = "Want more detail? Try the long '--help' flag!",
after_long_help = "Use @argfile as first argument to load arguments from the file 'argfile' (one argument per line) which will be inserted in place of the @argfile (further arguments on the CLI will override or add onto those in the file).\n\nDidn't expect this much output? Use the short '-h' flag to get short help.",
hide_possible_values = true,
#[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, command(before_help = "⚠ DEBUG BUILD ⚠"))]
feature = "dev-console",
command(before_help = "⚠ DEV CONSOLE ENABLED ⚠")
pub struct Args {
/// Command to run on changes
/// It's run when events pass filters and the debounce period (and once at startup unless
/// '--postpone' is given). If you pass flags to the command, you should separate it with --
/// though that is not strictly required.
/// Examples:
/// $ watchexec -w src npm run build
/// $ watchexec -w src -- rsync -a src dest
/// Take care when using globs or other shell expansions in the command. Your shell may expand
/// them before ever passing them to Watchexec, and the results may not be what you expect.
/// Compare:
/// $ watchexec echo src/*.rs
/// $ watchexec echo 'src/*.rs'
/// $ watchexec --shell=none echo 'src/*.rs'
/// Behaviour depends on the value of '--shell': for all except 'none', every part of the
/// command is joined together into one string with a single ascii space character, and given to
/// the shell as described in the help for '--shell'. For 'none', each distinct element the
/// command is passed as per the execvp(3) convention: first argument is the program, as a path
/// or searched for in the 'PATH' environment variable, rest are arguments.
trailing_var_arg = true,
num_args = 1..,
value_hint = ValueHint::CommandString,
value_name = "COMMAND",
2023-11-27 11:29:55 +01:00
required_unless_present_any = ["completions", "manual", "only_emit_events"],
pub command: Vec<String>,
/// Watch a specific file or directory
/// By default, Watchexec watches the current directory.
/// When watching a single file, it's often better to watch the containing directory instead,
/// and filter on the filename. Some editors may replace the file with a new one when saving,
/// and some platforms may not detect that or further changes.
/// Upon starting, Watchexec resolves a "project origin" from the watched paths. See the help
/// for '--project-origin' for more information.
/// This option can be specified multiple times to watch multiple files or directories.
/// The special value '/dev/null', provided as the only path watched, will cause Watchexec to
/// not watch any paths. Other event sources (like signals or key events) may still be used.
short = 'w',
long = "watch",
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
value_hint = ValueHint::AnyPath,
value_name = "PATH",
pub paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// Clear screen before running command
/// If this doesn't completely clear the screen, try '--clear=reset'.
short = 'c',
long = "clear",
help_heading = OPTSET_OUTPUT,
num_args = 0..=1,
default_missing_value = "clear",
value_name = "MODE",
pub screen_clear: Option<ClearMode>,
/// What to do when receiving events while the command is running
/// Default is to 'queue' up events and run the command once again when the previous run has
/// finished. You can also use 'do-nothing', which ignores events while the command is running
/// and may be useful to avoid spurious changes made by that command, or 'restart', which
/// terminates the running command and starts a new one. Finally, there's 'signal', which only
/// sends a signal; this can be useful with programs that can reload their configuration without
/// a full restart.
/// The signal can be specified with the '--signal' option.
/// Note that this option is scheduled to change its default to 'do-nothing' in the next major
/// release. File an issue if you have any concerns.
default_value = "queue",
hide_default_value = true,
value_name = "MODE"
pub on_busy_update: OnBusyUpdate,
/// Deprecated alias for '--on-busy-update=do-nothing'
/// This option is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.
short = 'W',
hide = true,
conflicts_with_all = ["on_busy_update", "restart"],
pub watch_when_idle: bool,
/// Restart the process if it's still running
/// This is a shorthand for '--on-busy-update=restart'.
conflicts_with_all = ["on_busy_update", "watch_when_idle"],
pub restart: bool,
/// Send a signal to the process when it's still running
/// Specify a signal to send to the process when it's still running. This implies
/// '--on-busy-update=signal'; otherwise the signal used when that mode is 'restart' is
/// controlled by '--stop-signal'.
/// See the long documentation for '--stop-signal' for syntax.
2023-03-22 11:54:53 +01:00
/// Signals are not supported on Windows at the moment, and will always be overridden to 'kill'.
/// See '--stop-signal' for more on Windows "signals".
conflicts_with_all = ["restart", "watch_when_idle"],
value_name = "SIGNAL"
2023-03-18 09:32:24 +01:00
pub signal: Option<Signal>,
/// Hidden legacy shorthand for '--signal=kill'.
#[arg(short, long, hide = true)]
pub kill: bool,
/// Signal to send to stop the command
/// This is used by 'restart' and 'signal' modes of '--on-busy-update' (unless '--signal' is
/// provided). The restart behaviour is to send the signal, wait for the command to exit, and if
/// it hasn't exited after some time (see '--timeout-stop'), forcefully terminate it.
/// The default on unix is "SIGTERM".
/// Input is parsed as a full signal name (like "SIGTERM"), a short signal name (like "TERM"),
/// or a signal number (like "15"). All input is case-insensitive.
/// On Windows this option is technically supported but only supports the "KILL" event, as
/// Watchexec cannot yet deliver other events. Windows doesn't have signals as such; instead it
/// has termination (here called "KILL" or "STOP") and "CTRL+C", "CTRL+BREAK", and "CTRL+CLOSE"
/// events. For portability the unix signals "SIGKILL", "SIGINT", "SIGTERM", and "SIGHUP" are
/// respectively mapped to these.
#[arg(long, value_name = "SIGNAL")]
2023-03-18 09:32:24 +01:00
pub stop_signal: Option<Signal>,
/// Time to wait for the command to exit gracefully
/// This is used by the 'restart' mode of '--on-busy-update'. After the graceful stop signal
/// is sent, Watchexec will wait for the command to exit. If it hasn't exited after this time,
/// it is forcefully terminated.
/// Takes a unit-less value in seconds, or a time span value such as "5min 20s".
/// The default is 60 seconds. Set to 0 to immediately force-kill the command.
2023-03-22 11:54:53 +01:00
/// This has no practical effect on Windows as the command is always forcefully terminated; see
/// '--stop-signal' for why.
default_value = "60",
hide_default_value = true,
value_name = "TIMEOUT"
pub stop_timeout: TimeSpan,
2023-12-09 10:30:58 +01:00
/// Translate signals from the OS to signals to send to the command
/// Takes a pair of signal names, separated by a colon, such as "TERM:INT" to map SIGTERM to
/// SIGINT. The first signal is the one received by watchexec, and the second is the one sent to
/// the command. The second can be omitted to discard the first signal, such as "TERM:" to
/// not do anything on SIGTERM. Note this can make it hard to quit watchexec itself.
/// This option can be specified multiple times to map multiple signals.
/// Signal syntax is case-insensitive for short names (like "TERM", "USR2") and long names (like
/// "SIGKILL", "SIGHUP"). Signal numbers are also supported (like "15", "31"). On Windows, the
/// forms "STOP", "CTRL+C", "CTRL+BREAK", and "CTRL+CLOSE" are also supported to parse, but will
/// not actually do anything as Watchexec cannot yet deliver nor receive those events.
#[arg(long = "map-signal", value_name = "SIGNAL:SIGNAL", value_parser = SignalMappingValueParser)]
pub signal_map: Vec<SignalMapping>,
/// Time to wait for new events before taking action
/// When an event is received, Watchexec will wait for up to this amount of time before handling
/// it (such as running the command). This is essential as what you might perceive as a single
/// change may actually emit many events, and without this behaviour, Watchexec would run much
/// too often. Additionally, it's not infrequent that file writes are not atomic, and each write
/// may emit an event, so this is a good way to avoid running a command while a file is
/// partially written.
/// An alternative use is to set a high value (like "30min" or longer), to save power or
/// bandwidth on intensive tasks, like an ad-hoc backup script. In those use cases, note that
/// every accumulated event will build up in memory.
/// Takes a unit-less value in milliseconds, or a time span value such as "5sec 20ms".
/// The default is 50 milliseconds. Setting to 0 is highly discouraged.
2023-08-30 06:04:53 +02:00
default_value = "50",
hide_default_value = true,
value_name = "TIMEOUT"
pub debounce: TimeSpan<1_000_000>,
/// Exit when stdin closes
/// This watches the stdin file descriptor for EOF, and exits Watchexec gracefully when it is
/// closed. This is used by some process managers to avoid leaving zombie processes around.
pub stdin_quit: bool,
/// Don't load gitignores
/// Among other VCS exclude files, like for Mercurial, Subversion, Bazaar, DARCS, Fossil. Note
/// that Watchexec will detect which of these is in use, if any, and only load the relevant
/// files. Both global (like '~/.gitignore') and local (like '.gitignore') files are considered.
/// This option is useful if you want to watch files that are ignored by Git.
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
pub no_vcs_ignore: bool,
/// Don't load project-local ignores
/// This disables loading of project-local ignore files, like '.gitignore' or '.ignore' in the
/// watched project. This is contrasted with '--no-vcs-ignore', which disables loading of Git
/// and other VCS ignore files, and with '--no-global-ignore', which disables loading of global
/// or user ignore files, like '~/.gitignore' or '~/.config/watchexec/ignore'.
/// Supported project ignore files:
2023-03-18 09:32:24 +01:00
/// - Git: .gitignore at project root and child directories, .git/info/exclude, and the file pointed to by `core.excludesFile` in .git/config.
/// - Mercurial: .hgignore at project root and child directories.
/// - Bazaar: .bzrignore at project root.
/// - Darcs: _darcs/prefs/boring
/// - Fossil: .fossil-settings/ignore-glob
/// - Ripgrep/Watchexec/generic: .ignore at project root and child directories.
/// VCS ignore files (Git, Mercurial, Bazaar, Darcs, Fossil) are only used if the corresponding
/// VCS is discovered to be in use for the project/origin. For example, a .bzrignore in a Git
/// repository will be discarded.
/// Note that this was previously called '--no-ignore', but that's now deprecated and its use is
/// discouraged, as it may be repurposed in the future.
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
alias = "no-ignore", // deprecated
pub no_project_ignore: bool,
/// Don't load global ignores
/// This disables loading of global or user ignore files, like '~/.gitignore',
/// '~/.config/watchexec/ignore', or '%APPDATA%\Bazzar\2.0\ignore'. Contrast with
/// '--no-vcs-ignore' and '--no-project-ignore'.
/// Supported global ignore files
2023-03-18 09:32:24 +01:00
/// - Git (if core.excludesFile is set): the file at that path
/// - Git (otherwise): the first found of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore, %APPDATA%/.gitignore, %USERPROFILE%/.gitignore, $HOME/.config/git/ignore, $HOME/.gitignore.
/// - Bazaar: the first found of %APPDATA%/Bazzar/2.0/ignore, $HOME/.bazaar/ignore.
/// - Watchexec: the first found of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/watchexec/ignore, %APPDATA%/watchexec/ignore, %USERPROFILE%/.watchexec/ignore, $HOME/.watchexec/ignore.
/// Like for project files, Git and Bazaar global files will only be used for the corresponding
/// VCS as used in the project.
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
pub no_global_ignore: bool,
/// Don't use internal default ignores
/// Watchexec has a set of default ignore patterns, such as editor swap files, `*.pyc`, `*.pyo`,
/// `.DS_Store`, `.bzr`, `_darcs`, `.fossil-settings`, `.git`, `.hg`, `.pijul`, `.svn`, and
/// Watchexec log files.
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
pub no_default_ignore: bool,
2023-08-30 06:21:13 +02:00
/// Don't discover ignore files at all
/// This is a shorthand for '--no-global-ignore', '--no-vcs-ignore', '--no-project-ignore', but
/// even more efficient as it will skip all the ignore discovery mechanisms from the get go.
/// Note that default ignores are still loaded, see '--no-default-ignore'.
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
pub no_discover_ignore: bool,
2023-11-27 11:50:39 +01:00
/// Don't ignore anything at all
/// This is a shorthand for '--no-discover-ignore', '--no-default-ignore'.
/// Note that ignores explicitly loaded via other command line options, such as '--ignore' or
/// '--ignore-file', will still be used.
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
pub ignore_nothing: bool,
/// Wait until first change before running command
/// By default, Watchexec will run the command once immediately. With this option, it will
/// instead wait until an event is detected before running the command as normal.
#[arg(long, short)]
pub postpone: bool,
/// Sleep before running the command
/// This option will cause Watchexec to sleep for the specified amount of time before running
/// the command, after an event is detected. This is like using "sleep 5 && command" in a shell,
/// but portable and slightly more efficient.
/// Takes a unit-less value in seconds, or a time span value such as "2min 5s".
#[arg(long, value_name = "DURATION")]
pub delay_run: Option<TimeSpan>,
/// Poll for filesystem changes
/// By default, and where available, Watchexec uses the operating system's native file system
/// watching capabilities. This option disables that and instead uses a polling mechanism, which
/// is less efficient but can work around issues with some file systems (like network shares) or
/// edge cases.
/// Optionally takes a unit-less value in milliseconds, or a time span value such as "2s 500ms",
/// to use as the polling interval. If not specified, the default is 30 seconds.
/// Aliased as '--force-poll'.
alias = "force-poll",
num_args = 0..=1,
default_missing_value = "30s",
value_name = "INTERVAL",
pub poll: Option<TimeSpan<1_000_000>>,
/// Use a different shell
/// By default, Watchexec will use 'sh' on unix and 'cmd' (CMD.EXE) on Windows. With this, you
/// can override that and use a different shell, for example one with more features or one which
/// has your custom aliases and functions.
/// If the value has spaces, it is parsed as a command line, and the first word used as the
/// shell program, with the rest as arguments to the shell.
2023-11-27 13:57:01 +01:00
/// The command is run with the '-c' flag (except for 'cmd' on Windows, where it's '/C').
/// Note that the default shell will change at the next major release: the value of '$SHELL'
/// will be respected, falling back to 'sh' on unix and to PowerShell on Windows.
/// The special value 'none' can be used to disable shell use entirely. In that case, the
/// command provided to Watchexec will be parsed, with the first word being the executable and
/// the rest being the arguments, and executed directly. Note that this parsing is rudimentary,
/// and may not work as expected in all cases.
/// Using 'none' is a little more efficient and can enable a stricter interpretation of the
2023-11-27 13:57:01 +01:00
/// input, but it also means that you can't use shell features like globbing, redirection,
/// control flow, logic, or pipes.
/// Examples:
/// Use without shell:
/// $ watchexec -n -- zsh -x -o shwordsplit scr
2023-11-27 13:57:01 +01:00
/// Use with powershell core:
2023-11-27 13:57:01 +01:00
/// $ watchexec --shell=pwsh -- Test-Connection localhost
2023-11-27 13:57:01 +01:00
/// Use with cmd (default on Windows):
/// $ watchexec --shell=cmd -- dir
/// Use with a different unix shell:
/// $ watchexec --shell=bash -- 'echo $BASH_VERSION'
/// Use with a unix shell and options:
/// $ watchexec --shell='zsh -x -o shwordsplit' -- scr
help_heading = OPTSET_COMMAND,
value_name = "SHELL",
pub shell: Option<String>,
/// Don't use a shell
/// This is a shorthand for '--shell=none'.
short = 'n',
help_heading = OPTSET_COMMAND,
pub no_shell: bool,
/// Don't use a shell
/// This is a deprecated alias for '--shell=none'.
hide = true,
help_heading = OPTSET_COMMAND,
alias = "no-shell", // deprecated
pub no_shell_long: bool,
/// Shorthand for '--emit-events=none'
/// This is the old way to disable event emission into the environment. See '--emit-events' for
/// more.
help_heading = OPTSET_COMMAND,
// TODO: deprecate then remove
pub no_environment: bool,
/// Configure event emission
/// Watchexec emits event information when running a command, which can be used by the command
/// to target specific changed files.
2023-03-18 09:32:24 +01:00
/// One thing to take care with is assuming inherent behaviour where there is only chance.
/// Notably, it could appear as if the `RENAMED` variable contains both the original and the new
/// path being renamed. In previous versions, it would even appear on some platforms as if the
/// original always came before the new. However, none of this was true. It's impossible to
/// reliably and portably know which changed path is the old or new, "half" renames may appear
/// (only the original, only the new), "unknown" renames may appear (change was a rename, but
/// whether it was the old or new isn't known), rename events might split across two debouncing
/// boundaries, and so on.
/// This option controls where that information is emitted. It defaults to 'environment', which
/// sets environment variables with the paths of the affected files, for filesystem events:
/// $WATCHEXEC_COMMON_PATH is set to the longest common path of all of the below variables,
/// and so should be prepended to each path to obtain the full/real path. Then:
2023-03-18 09:32:24 +01:00
/// - $WATCHEXEC_CREATED_PATH is set when files/folders were created
/// - $WATCHEXEC_REMOVED_PATH is set when files/folders were removed
/// - $WATCHEXEC_RENAMED_PATH is set when files/folders were renamed
/// - $WATCHEXEC_WRITTEN_PATH is set when files/folders were modified
/// - $WATCHEXEC_META_CHANGED_PATH is set when files/folders' metadata were modified
/// - $WATCHEXEC_OTHERWISE_CHANGED_PATH is set for every other kind of pathed event
/// Multiple paths are separated by the system path separator, ';' on Windows and ':' on unix.
/// Within each variable, paths are deduplicated and sorted in binary order (i.e. neither
/// Unicode nor locale aware).
/// This is the legacy mode and will be deprecated and removed in the future. The environment of
/// a process is a very restricted space, while also limited in what it can usefully represent.
/// Large numbers of files will either cause the environment to be truncated, or may error or
/// crash the process entirely.
2023-11-28 12:30:33 +01:00
/// Two new modes are available: 'stdio' writes absolute paths to the stdin of the command,
/// one per line, each prefixed with `create:`, `remove:`, `rename:`, `modify:`, or `other:`,
/// then closes the handle; 'file' writes the same thing to a temporary file, and its path is
/// given with the $WATCHEXEC_EVENTS_FILE environment variable.
/// There are also two JSON modes, which are based on JSON objects and can represent the full
/// set of events Watchexec handles. Here's an example of a folder being created on Linux:
/// ```json
2023-03-18 09:32:24 +01:00
/// {
/// "tags": [
/// {
/// "kind": "path",
/// "absolute": "/home/user/your/new-folder",
/// "filetype": "dir"
/// },
/// {
/// "kind": "fs",
/// "simple": "create",
/// "full": "Create(Folder)"
/// },
/// {
/// "kind": "source",
/// "source": "filesystem",
/// }
/// ],
/// "metadata": {
/// "notify-backend": "inotify"
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// The fields are as follows:
2023-03-18 09:32:24 +01:00
/// - `tags`, structured event data.
/// - `tags[].kind`, which can be:
/// * 'path', along with:
/// + `absolute`, an absolute path.
/// + `filetype`, a file type if known ('dir', 'file', 'symlink', 'other').
/// * 'fs':
/// + `simple`, the "simple" event type ('access', 'create', 'modify', 'remove', or 'other').
/// + `full`, the "full" event type, which is too complex to fully describe here, but looks like 'General(Precise(Specific))'.
/// * 'source', along with:
/// + `source`, the source of the event ('filesystem', 'keyboard', 'mouse', 'os', 'time', 'internal').
/// * 'keyboard', along with:
/// + `keycode`. Currently only the value 'eof' is supported.
/// * 'process', for events caused by processes:
/// + `pid`, the process ID.
/// * 'signal', for signals sent to Watchexec:
/// + `signal`, the normalised signal name ('hangup', 'interrupt', 'quit', 'terminate', 'user1', 'user2').
/// * 'completion', for when a command ends:
/// + `disposition`, the exit disposition ('success', 'error', 'signal', 'stop', 'exception', 'continued').
/// + `code`, the exit, signal, stop, or exception code.
/// - `metadata`, additional information about the event.
2023-11-28 12:30:33 +01:00
/// The 'json-stdio' mode will emit JSON events to the standard input of the command, one per
/// line, then close stdin. The 'json-file' mode will create a temporary file, write the
/// events to it, and provide the path to the file with the $WATCHEXEC_EVENTS_FILE
/// environment variable.
/// Finally, the special 'none' mode will disable event emission entirely.
2023-11-27 13:57:01 +01:00
// TODO: when deprecating, make the none mode the default.
help_heading = OPTSET_COMMAND,
default_value = "environment",
hide_default_value = true,
value_name = "MODE",
2023-11-27 11:29:55 +01:00
required_if_eq("only_emit_events", "true"),
pub emit_events_to: EmitEvents,
2023-11-27 11:29:55 +01:00
/// Only emit events to stdout, run no commands.
/// This is a convenience option for using Watchexec as a file watcher, without running any
/// commands. It is almost equivalent to using `cat` as the command, except that it will not
/// spawn a new process for each event.
/// This option requires `--emit-events-to` to be set, and restricts the available modes to
2023-11-28 12:30:33 +01:00
/// `stdio` and `json-stdio`, modifying their behaviour to write to stdout instead of the stdin
2023-11-27 11:29:55 +01:00
/// of the command.
help_heading = OPTSET_OUTPUT,
2023-11-27 11:29:55 +01:00
conflicts_with_all = ["command", "completions", "manual"],
pub only_emit_events: bool,
/// Add env vars to the command
/// This is a convenience option for setting environment variables for the command, without
/// setting them for the Watchexec process itself.
/// Use key=value syntax. Multiple variables can be set by repeating the option.
short = 'E',
help_heading = OPTSET_COMMAND,
value_name = "KEY=VALUE",
pub env: Vec<String>,
/// Don't use a process group
/// By default, Watchexec will run the command in a process group, so that signals and
/// terminations are sent to all processes in the group. Sometimes that's not what you want, and
/// you can disable the behaviour with this option.
help_heading = OPTSET_COMMAND,
pub no_process_group: bool,
/// Testing only: exit Watchexec after the first run
#[arg(short = '1', hide = true)]
pub once: bool,
/// Alert when commands start and end
/// With this, Watchexec will emit a desktop notification when a command starts and ends, on
/// supported platforms. On unsupported platforms, it may silently do nothing, or log a warning.
short = 'N',
help_heading = OPTSET_OUTPUT,
pub notify: bool,
/// When to use terminal colours
help_heading = OPTSET_OUTPUT,
default_value = "auto",
value_name = "MODE",
alias = "colour",
pub color: ColourMode,
/// Print how long the command took to run
/// This may not be exactly accurate, as it includes some overhead from Watchexec itself. Use
/// the `time` utility, high-precision timers, or benchmarking tools for more accurate results.
help_heading = OPTSET_OUTPUT,
pub timings: bool,
/// Don't print starting and stopping messages
/// By default Watchexec will print a message when the command starts and stops. This option
/// disables this behaviour, so only the command's output, warnings, and errors will be printed.
help_heading = OPTSET_OUTPUT,
pub quiet: bool,
/// Ring the terminal bell on command completion
help_heading = OPTSET_OUTPUT,
pub bell: bool,
/// Set the project origin
/// Watchexec will attempt to discover the project's "origin" (or "root") by searching for a
/// variety of markers, like files or directory patterns. It does its best but sometimes gets it
/// it wrong, and you can override that with this option.
/// The project origin is used to determine the path of certain ignore files, which VCS is being
/// used, the meaning of a leading '/' in filtering patterns, and maybe more in the future.
/// When set, Watchexec will also not bother searching, which can be significantly faster.
value_hint = ValueHint::DirPath,
value_name = "DIRECTORY",
pub project_origin: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Set the working directory
/// By default, the working directory of the command is the working directory of Watchexec. You
/// can change that with this option. Note that paths may be less intuitive to use with this.
value_hint = ValueHint::DirPath,
value_name = "DIRECTORY",
pub workdir: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Filename extensions to filter to
/// This is a quick filter to only emit events for files with the given extensions. Extensions
/// can be given with or without the leading dot (e.g. 'js' or '.js'). Multiple extensions can
/// be given by repeating the option or by separating them with commas.
long = "exts",
short = 'e',
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
value_delimiter = ',',
value_name = "EXTENSIONS",
pub filter_extensions: Vec<String>,
/// Filename patterns to filter to
/// Provide a glob-like filter pattern, and only events for files matching the pattern will be
/// emitted. Multiple patterns can be given by repeating the option. Events that are not from
/// files (e.g. signals, keyboard events) will pass through untouched.
long = "filter",
short = 'f',
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
value_name = "PATTERN",
pub filter_patterns: Vec<String>,
/// Files to load filters from
/// Provide a path to a file containing filters, one per line. Empty lines and lines starting
/// with '#' are ignored. Uses the same pattern format as the '--filter' option.
/// This can also be used via the $WATCHEXEC_FILTER_FILES environment variable.
long = "filter-file",
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
value_delimiter = PATH_SEPARATOR.chars().next().unwrap(),
value_hint = ValueHint::FilePath,
value_name = "PATH",
hide_env = true,
pub filter_files: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// Filename patterns to filter out
/// Provide a glob-like filter pattern, and events for files matching the pattern will be
/// excluded. Multiple patterns can be given by repeating the option. Events that are not from
/// files (e.g. signals, keyboard events) will pass through untouched.
long = "ignore",
short = 'i',
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
value_name = "PATTERN",
pub ignore_patterns: Vec<String>,
/// Files to load ignores from
/// Provide a path to a file containing ignores, one per line. Empty lines and lines starting
/// with '#' are ignored. Uses the same pattern format as the '--ignore' option.
/// This can also be used via the $WATCHEXEC_IGNORE_FILES environment variable.
long = "ignore-file",
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
value_delimiter = PATH_SEPARATOR.chars().next().unwrap(),
value_hint = ValueHint::FilePath,
value_name = "PATH",
hide_env = true,
pub ignore_files: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// Filesystem events to filter to
/// This is a quick filter to only emit events for the given types of filesystem changes. Choose
/// from 'access', 'create', 'remove', 'rename', 'modify', 'metadata'. Multiple types can be
/// given by repeating the option or by separating them with commas. By default, this is all
/// types except for 'access'.
/// This may apply filtering at the kernel level when possible, which can be more efficient, but
/// may be more confusing when reading the logs.
long = "fs-events",
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
default_value = "create,remove,rename,modify,metadata",
value_delimiter = ',',
hide_default_value = true,
value_name = "EVENTS",
pub filter_fs_events: Vec<FsEvent>,
/// Don't emit fs events for metadata changes
/// This is a shorthand for '--fs-events create,remove,rename,modify'. Using it alongside the
/// '--fs-events' option is non-sensical and not allowed.
long = "no-meta",
help_heading = OPTSET_FILTERING,
conflicts_with = "filter_fs_events",
pub filter_fs_meta: bool,
/// Print events that trigger actions
/// This prints the events that triggered the action when handling it (after debouncing), in a
/// human readable form. This is useful for debugging filters.
/// Use '-v' when you need more diagnostic information.
alias = "changes-only", // deprecated
help_heading = OPTSET_DEBUGGING,
pub print_events: bool,
/// Set diagnostic log level
/// This enables diagnostic logging, which is useful for investigating bugs or gaining more
/// insight into faulty filters or "missing" events. Use multiple times to increase verbosity.
/// Goes up to '-vvvv'. When submitting bug reports, default to a '-vvv' log level.
/// You may want to use with '--log-file' to avoid polluting your terminal.
2023-06-27 00:12:24 +02:00
/// Setting $RUST_LOG also works, and takes precedence, but is not recommended. However, using
/// $RUST_LOG is the only way to get logs from before these options are parsed.
help_heading = OPTSET_DEBUGGING,
action = ArgAction::Count,
num_args = 0,
pub verbose: Option<u8>,
/// Write diagnostic logs to a file
/// This writes diagnostic logs to a file, instead of the terminal, in JSON format. If a log
/// level was not already specified, this will set it to '-vvv'.
/// If a path is not provided, the default is the working directory. Note that with
/// '--ignore-nothing', the write events to the log will likely get picked up by Watchexec,
/// causing a loop; prefer setting a path outside of the watched directory.
/// If the path provided is a directory, a file will be created in that directory. The file name
/// will be the current date and time, in the format 'watchexec.YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SSZ.log'.
help_heading = OPTSET_DEBUGGING,
num_args = 0..=1,
default_missing_value = ".",
value_hint = ValueHint::AnyPath,
value_name = "PATH",
pub log_file: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Show the manual page
/// This shows the manual page for Watchexec, if the output is a terminal and the 'man' program
/// is available. If not, the manual page is printed to stdout in ROFF format (suitable for
/// writing to a watchexec.1 file).
help_heading = OPTSET_DEBUGGING,
conflicts_with_all = ["command", "completions"],
2023-03-18 10:34:33 +01:00
pub manual: bool,
/// Generate a shell completions script
/// Provides a completions script or configuration for the given shell. If Watchexec is not
/// distributed with pre-generated completions, you can use this to generate them yourself.
/// Supported shells: bash, elvish, fish, nu, powershell, zsh.
help_heading = OPTSET_DEBUGGING,
2023-03-18 10:34:33 +01:00
conflicts_with_all = ["command", "manual"],
pub completions: Option<ShellCompletion>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, ValueEnum)]
pub enum EmitEvents {
2023-11-28 12:30:33 +01:00
2023-11-28 12:30:33 +01:00
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, ValueEnum)]
pub enum OnBusyUpdate {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, ValueEnum)]
pub enum ClearMode {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, ValueEnum)]
pub enum FsEvent {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, ValueEnum)]
pub enum ShellCompletion {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, ValueEnum)]
pub enum ColourMode {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct TimeSpan<const UNITLESS_NANOS_MULTIPLIER: u64 = { 1_000_000_000 }>(pub Duration);
type Err = humantime::DurationError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
2023-11-26 03:40:57 +01:00
|_| humantime::parse_duration(s),
|unitless| Ok(Duration::from_nanos(unitless * UNITLESS_NANOS_MULTIPLIER)),
2023-12-09 10:30:58 +01:00
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct SignalMapping {
pub from: Signal,
pub to: Option<Signal>,
struct SignalMappingValueParser;
impl TypedValueParser for SignalMappingValueParser {
type Value = SignalMapping;
fn parse_ref(
_cmd: &Command,
_arg: Option<&Arg>,
value: &OsStr,
) -> Result<Self::Value, clap::error::Error> {
let value = value
.ok_or_else(|| clap::error::Error::raw(ErrorKind::ValueValidation, "invalid UTF-8"))?;
let (from, to) = value
.ok_or_else(|| clap::error::Error::raw(ErrorKind::ValueValidation, "missing ':'"))?;
let from = from
.map_err(|sigparse| clap::error::Error::raw(ErrorKind::ValueValidation, sigparse))?;
let to = if to.is_empty() {
} else {
Some(to.parse::<Signal>().map_err(|sigparse| {
clap::error::Error::raw(ErrorKind::ValueValidation, sigparse)
Ok(Self::Value { from, to })
pub fn get_args() -> Args {
use tracing::{debug, warn};
if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_ok() {
warn!("⚠ RUST_LOG environment variable set, logging options have no effect");
if let Ok(filt) = std::env::var("WATCHEXEC_FILTERER") {
warn!("WATCHEXEC_FILTERER is deprecated");
if filt == "tagged" {
eprintln!("Tagged filterer has been removed. Open an issue if you have no workaround.");
2021-04-10 16:36:10 +02:00
debug!("expanding @argfile arguments if any");
let args = argfile::expand_args(argfile::parse_fromfile, argfile::PREFIX).unwrap();
debug!("parsing arguments");
let mut args = Args::parse_from(args);
2023-11-27 11:50:39 +01:00
if args.ignore_nothing {
args.no_global_ignore = true;
args.no_vcs_ignore = true;
args.no_project_ignore = true;
args.no_default_ignore = true;
args.no_discover_ignore = true;
if args.kill {
2023-03-18 09:32:24 +01:00
args.signal = Some(Signal::ForceStop);
if args.signal.is_some() {
args.on_busy_update = OnBusyUpdate::Signal;
} else if args.restart {
args.on_busy_update = OnBusyUpdate::Restart;
} else if args.watch_when_idle {
args.on_busy_update = OnBusyUpdate::DoNothing;
if args.no_environment {
args.emit_events_to = EmitEvents::None;
if args.filter_fs_meta {
args.filter_fs_events = vec![
2023-11-27 11:29:55 +01:00
if args.only_emit_events
&& !matches!(
2023-11-28 12:30:33 +01:00
EmitEvents::JsonStdio | EmitEvents::Stdio
2023-11-27 11:29:55 +01:00
) {
2023-11-28 12:30:33 +01:00
"only-emit-events requires --emit-events-to=stdio or --emit-events-to=json-stdio",
2023-11-27 11:29:55 +01:00
debug!(?args, "got arguments");
2021-04-10 16:36:10 +02:00