Re-add --kill flag for compatibility

--kill translates to --signal SIGKILL
This commit is contained in:
Chris Aumann 2017-04-02 21:13:44 +02:00
parent 627f828b3c
commit 4763de3790
1 changed files with 88 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -33,86 +33,96 @@ pub fn clear_screen() {
pub fn get_args() -> Args {
let args =
.about("Execute commands when watched files change")
.help("Command to execute")
.help("Comma-separated list of file extensions to watch (js,css,html)")
.help("Watch a specific directory")
.help("Clear screen before executing command")
.help("Restart the process if it's still running")
.help("Send signal to process upon changes, e.g. SIGHUP")
.help("Print debugging messages to stderr")
.help("Ignore all modifications except those matching the pattern")
.help("Ignore modifications to paths matching the pattern")
.help("Skip auto-loading of .gitignore files for filtering")
.help("Wait until first change to execute command")
.help("Forces polling mode")
let args = App::new("watchexec")
.about("Execute commands when watched files change")
.help("Command to execute")
.help("Comma-separated list of file extensions to watch (js,css,html)")
.help("Watch a specific directory")
.help("Clear screen before executing command")
.help("Restart the process if it's still running")
.help("Send signal to process upon changes, e.g. SIGHUP")
.help("Send SIGKILL to child processes (deprecated, use -s SIGKILL instead)")
.help("Print debugging messages to stderr")
.help("Ignore all modifications except those matching the pattern")
.help("Ignore modifications to paths matching the pattern")
.help("Skip auto-loading of .gitignore files for filtering")
.help("Wait until first change to execute command")
.help("Forces polling mode")
let cmd = values_t!(args.values_of("command"), String).unwrap().join(" ");
let cmd = values_t!(args.values_of("command"), String)
.join(" ");
let paths = values_t!(args.values_of("path"), String).unwrap_or(vec![String::from(".")]);
let signal = args.value_of("signal").map(str::to_string); // Convert Option<&str> to Option<String>
// Treat --kill as --signal SIGKILL (for compatibility with older syntax)
let signal = match args.is_present("kill") {
true => Some("SIGKILL".to_string()),
false => args.value_of("signal").map(str::to_string), // Convert Option<&str> to Option<String>
let mut filters = values_t!(args.values_of("filter"), String).unwrap_or(vec![]);
if let Some(extensions) = args.values_of("extensions") {
for exts in extensions {
.filter(|ext| !ext.is_empty())
.map(|ext| format!("*.{}", ext.replace(".", ""))));
.filter(|ext| !ext.is_empty())
.map(|ext| format!("*.{}", ext.replace(".", ""))));
@ -138,6 +148,12 @@ pub fn get_args() -> Args {
if signal.is_some() && args.is_present("kill") {
// TODO: Error::argument_conflict() might be the better fit, usage was unclear, though
Error::value_validation_auto(format!("--kill and --signal is ambiguous.\n Hint: Use only '--signal SIGKILL' without --kill"))
Args {
cmd: cmd,
paths: paths,