use std::{ sync::{Arc, Mutex}, time::Duration, }; use miette::{IntoDiagnostic, Result}; use watchexec::{ command::{Command, Program, Shell}, job::CommandState, Watchexec, }; use watchexec_events::{Event, Priority}; use watchexec_signals::Signal; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { // this is okay to start with, but Watchexec logs a LOT of data, // even at error level. you will quickly want to filter it down. tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_env_filter(tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::from_default_env()) .init(); // initialise Watchexec with a simple initial action handler let job = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)); let wx = Watchexec::new({ let outerjob = job.clone(); move |mut action| { let (_, job) = action.create_job(Arc::new(Command { program: Program::Shell { shell: Shell::new("bash"), command: " echo 'Hello world' trap 'echo Not quitting yet!' TERM read " .into(), args: Vec::new(), }, options: Default::default(), })); // store the job outside this closure too *outerjob.lock().unwrap() = Some(job.clone()); // block SIGINT #[cfg(unix)] job.set_spawn_hook(|cmd, _| { use nix::sys::signal::{sigprocmask, SigSet, SigmaskHow, Signal}; unsafe { cmd.command_mut().pre_exec(|| { let mut newset = SigSet::empty(); newset.add(Signal::SIGINT); sigprocmask(SigmaskHow::SIG_BLOCK, Some(&newset), None)?; Ok(()) }); } }); // start the command job.start(); action } })?; // start the engine let main = wx.main(); // send an event to start wx.send_event(Event::default(), Priority::Urgent) .await .unwrap(); // ^ this will cause the action handler we've defined above to run, // creating and starting our little bash program, and storing it in the mutex // spin until we've got the job while job.lock().unwrap().is_none() { tokio::task::yield_now().await; } // watch the job and restart it when it exits let job = job.lock().unwrap().clone().unwrap(); let auto_restart = tokio::spawn(async move { loop { job.to_wait().await;|context| { if let CommandState::Finished { status, started, finished, } = context.current { let duration = *finished - *started; eprintln!("[Program stopped with {status:?}; ran for {duration:?}]") } }) .await; eprintln!("[Restarting...]"); job.start().await; } }); // now we change what the action does: let auto_restart_abort = auto_restart.abort_handle(); wx.config.on_action(move |mut action| { // if we get Ctrl-C on the Watchexec instance, we quit if action.signals().any(|sig| sig == Signal::Interrupt) { eprintln!("[Quitting...]"); auto_restart_abort.abort(); action.quit_gracefully(Signal::ForceStop, Duration::ZERO); return action; } // if the action was triggered by file events, gracefully stop the program if action.paths().next().is_some() { // watchexec can manage ("supervise") more than one program; // here we only have one but we don't know its Id so we grab it out of the iterator if let Some(job) = action.list_jobs().next().map(|(_, job)| job.clone()) { eprintln!("[Asking program to stop...]"); job.stop_with_signal(Signal::Terminate, Duration::from_secs(5)); } // we could also use `action.get_or_create_job` initially and store its Id to use here, // see the for an example under "3.0.0 > Action". } action }); // and watch all files in the current directory: wx.config.pathset(["."]); // then keep running until Watchexec quits! let _ = main.await.into_diagnostic()?; auto_restart.abort(); Ok(()) }