use std::{ fmt, mem::{replace, take}, sync::Arc, }; use atomic_take::AtomicTake; use futures::FutureExt; use tokio::{ spawn, sync::{mpsc, watch, Notify}, task::{JoinError, JoinHandle}, try_join, }; use crate::{ action, config::{InitConfig, RuntimeConfig}, error::{CriticalError, ReconfigError, RuntimeError}, fs, handler::Handler, signal, }; pub struct Watchexec { handle: Arc>>>, start_lock: Arc, action_watch: watch::Sender, fs_watch: watch::Sender, } impl fmt::Debug for Watchexec { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Watchexec").finish_non_exhaustive() } } impl Watchexec { /// TODO /// /// Returns an [`Arc`] for convenience; use [`try_unwrap`][Arc::try_unwrap()] to get the value /// directly if needed. pub fn new( mut init: InitConfig, mut runtime: RuntimeConfig, ) -> Result, CriticalError> { let (fs_s, fs_r) = watch::channel(take(&mut runtime.fs)); let (ac_s, ac_r) = watch::channel(take(&mut runtime.action)); let notify = Arc::new(Notify::new()); let start_lock = notify.clone(); let handle = spawn(async move { notify.notified().await; let (er_s, er_r) = mpsc::channel(init.error_channel_size); let (ev_s, ev_r) = mpsc::channel(init.event_channel_size); let eh = replace(&mut init.error_handler, Box::new(()) as _); macro_rules! subtask { ($task:expr) => { spawn($task).then(|jr| async { flatten(jr) }) }; } let action = subtask!(action::worker(ac_r, er_s.clone(), ev_r)); let fs = subtask!(fs::worker(fs_r, er_s.clone(), ev_s.clone())); let signal = subtask!(signal::worker(er_s.clone(), ev_s.clone())); let error_hook = subtask!(error_hook(er_r, eh)); try_join!(action, error_hook, fs, signal).map(drop) }); Ok(Arc::new(Self { handle: Arc::new(AtomicTake::new(handle)), start_lock, action_watch: ac_s, fs_watch: fs_s, })) } pub fn reconfig(&self, config: RuntimeConfig) -> Result<(), ReconfigError> { self.action_watch.send(config.action)?; self.fs_watch.send(config.fs)?; Ok(()) } /// Start watchexec and obtain the handle to its main task. /// /// This must only be called once. /// /// # Panics /// Panics if called twice. pub fn main(&self) -> JoinHandle> { self.start_lock.notify_one(); self.handle .take() .expect("Watchexec::main was called twice") } } #[inline] fn flatten(join_res: Result, JoinError>) -> Result<(), CriticalError> { join_res .map_err(CriticalError::MainTaskJoin) .and_then(|x| x) } async fn error_hook( mut errors: mpsc::Receiver, mut handler: Box + Send>, ) -> Result<(), CriticalError> { while let Some(err) = errors.recv().await { if let Err(e) = handler.handle(err) { handler .handle(RuntimeError::Handler { ctx: "error hook", err: e.to_string(), }) .ok(); } } Ok(()) }