module completions { def "nu-complete watchexec screen_clear" [] { [ "clear" "reset" ] } def "nu-complete watchexec on_busy_update" [] { [ "queue" "do-nothing" "restart" "signal" ] } def "nu-complete watchexec emit_events_to" [] { [ "environment" "stdin" "file" "json-stdin" "json-file" "none" ] } def "nu-complete watchexec filter_fs_events" [] { [ "access" "create" "remove" "rename" "modify" "metadata" ] } def "nu-complete watchexec completions" [] { [ "bash" "elvish" "fish" "nu" "powershell" "zsh" ] } # Execute commands when watched files change export extern watchexec [ ...command: string # Command to run on changes --watch(-w): string # Watch a specific file or directory --clear(-c): string@"nu-complete watchexec screen_clear" # Clear screen before running command --on-busy-update(-o): string@"nu-complete watchexec on_busy_update" # What to do when receiving events while the command is running --watch-when-idle(-W) # Deprecated alias for '--on-busy-update=do-nothing' --restart(-r) # Restart the process if it's still running --signal(-s): string # Send a signal to the process when it's still running --kill(-k) # Hidden legacy shorthand for '--signal=kill' --stop-signal: string # Signal to send to stop the command --stop-timeout: string # Time to wait for the command to exit gracefully --debounce(-d): string # Time to wait for new events before taking action --stdin-quit # Exit when stdin closes --no-vcs-ignore # Don't load gitignores --no-project-ignore # Don't load project-local ignores --no-global-ignore # Don't load global ignores --no-default-ignore # Don't use internal default ignores --no-discover-ignore # Don't discover ignore files at all --ignore-nothing # Don't ignore anything at all --postpone(-p) # Wait until first change before running command --delay-run: string # Sleep before running the command --poll: string # Poll for filesystem changes --shell: string # Use a different shell -n # Don't use a shell --no-shell-long # Don't use a shell --no-environment # Shorthand for '--emit-events=none' --emit-events-to: string@"nu-complete watchexec emit_events_to" # Configure event emission --only-emit-events # Only emit events to stdout, run no commands --env(-E): string # Add env vars to the command --no-process-group # Don't use a process group -1 # Testing only: exit Watchexec after the first run --notify(-N) # Alert when commands start and end --project-origin: string # Set the project origin --workdir: string # Set the working directory --exts(-e): string # Filename extensions to filter to --filter(-f): string # Filename patterns to filter to --filter-file: string # Files to load filters from --ignore(-i): string # Filename patterns to filter out --ignore-file: string # Files to load ignores from --fs-events: string@"nu-complete watchexec filter_fs_events" # Filesystem events to filter to --no-meta # Don't emit fs events for metadata changes --print-events # Print events that trigger actions --verbose(-v) # Set diagnostic log level --log-file: string # Write diagnostic logs to a file --manual # Show the manual page --completions: string@"nu-complete watchexec completions" # Generate a shell completions script --help(-h) # Print help (see more with '--help') --version(-V) # Print version ] } export use completions *