//! Processor responsible for receiving events, filtering them, and scheduling actions in response. use std::{ sync::Arc, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use clearscreen::ClearScreen; use tokio::{ sync::{mpsc, watch}, time::timeout, }; use tracing::{debug, trace, warn}; pub use command_group::Signal; use crate::{ command::Supervisor, error::{CriticalError, RuntimeError}, event::Event, handler::{rte, Handler}, }; #[doc(inline)] pub use outcome::Outcome; #[doc(inline)] pub use workingdata::*; mod outcome; mod workingdata; pub async fn worker( working: watch::Receiver, errors: mpsc::Sender, events_tx: mpsc::Sender, mut events: mpsc::Receiver, ) -> Result<(), CriticalError> { let mut last = Instant::now(); let mut set = Vec::new(); let mut process: Option = None; let mut action_handler = { working.borrow().action_handler.take() }.ok_or(CriticalError::MissingHandler)?; let mut pre_spawn_handler = { working.borrow().pre_spawn_handler.take() }.ok_or(CriticalError::MissingHandler)?; let mut post_spawn_handler = { working.borrow().post_spawn_handler.take() }.ok_or(CriticalError::MissingHandler)?; loop { let maxtime = if set.is_empty() { trace!("nothing in set, waiting forever for next event"); Duration::from_secs(u64::MAX) } else { working.borrow().throttle.saturating_sub(last.elapsed()) }; if maxtime.is_zero() { if set.is_empty() { trace!("out of throttle but nothing to do, resetting"); last = Instant::now(); continue; } else { trace!("out of throttle on recycle"); } } else { trace!(?maxtime, "waiting for event"); match timeout(maxtime, events.recv()).await { Err(_timeout) => { trace!("timed out, cycling"); continue; } Ok(None) => break, Ok(Some(event)) => { trace!(?event, "got event"); let filtered = working.borrow().filterer.check_event(&event); match filtered { Err(err) => { trace!(%err, "filter errored on event"); errors.send(err).await?; continue; } Ok(false) => { trace!("filter rejected event"); continue; } Ok(true) => { trace!("filter passed event"); } } if set.is_empty() { trace!("event is the first, resetting throttle window"); last = Instant::now(); } set.push(event); let elapsed = last.elapsed(); if elapsed < working.borrow().throttle { trace!(?elapsed, "still within throttle window, cycling"); continue; } } } } trace!("out of throttle, starting action process"); last = Instant::now(); let action = Action::new(set.drain(..).collect()); debug!(?action, "action constructed"); if let Some(h) = working.borrow().action_handler.take() { trace!("action handler updated"); action_handler = h; } if let Some(h) = working.borrow().pre_spawn_handler.take() { trace!("pre-spawn handler updated"); pre_spawn_handler = h; } if let Some(h) = working.borrow().post_spawn_handler.take() { trace!("post-spawn handler updated"); post_spawn_handler = h; } debug!("running action handler"); let outcome = action.outcome.clone(); let err = action_handler .handle(action) .map_err(|e| rte("action worker", e)); if let Err(err) = err { errors.send(err).await?; debug!("action handler errored, skipping"); continue; } let outcome = outcome.get().cloned().unwrap_or_default(); debug!(?outcome, "handler finished"); let is_running = process.as_ref().map(|p| p.is_running()).unwrap_or(false); let outcome = outcome.resolve(is_running); debug!(?outcome, "outcome resolved"); let w = working.borrow().clone(); let rerr = apply_outcome( outcome, w, &mut process, &mut pre_spawn_handler, &mut post_spawn_handler, errors.clone(), events_tx.clone(), ) .await; if let Err(err) = rerr { errors.send(err).await?; } } debug!("action worker finished"); Ok(()) } #[async_recursion::async_recursion] async fn apply_outcome( outcome: Outcome, working: WorkingData, process: &mut Option, pre_spawn_handler: &mut Box + Send>, post_spawn_handler: &mut Box + Send>, errors: mpsc::Sender, events: mpsc::Sender, ) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> { trace!(?outcome, "applying outcome"); match (process.as_mut(), outcome) { (_, Outcome::DoNothing) => {} (_, Outcome::Exit) => { return Err(RuntimeError::Exit); } (Some(p), Outcome::Stop) => { p.kill().await; p.wait().await?; *process = None; } (None, o @ Outcome::Stop) | (None, o @ Outcome::Wait) | (None, o @ Outcome::Signal(_)) => { debug!(outcome=?o, "meaningless without a process, not doing anything"); } (_, Outcome::Start) => { if working.command.is_empty() { warn!("tried to start a command without anything to run"); } else { let command = working.shell.to_command(&working.command); let (pre_spawn, command) = PreSpawn::new(command, working.command.clone()); debug!("running pre-spawn handler"); pre_spawn_handler .handle(pre_spawn) .map_err(|e| rte("action pre-spawn", e))?; let mut command = Arc::try_unwrap(command) .map_err(|_| RuntimeError::HandlerLockHeld("pre-spawn"))? .into_inner(); trace!("spawing supervisor for command"); let sup = Supervisor::spawn( errors.clone(), events.clone(), &mut command, working.grouped, )?; debug!("running post-spawn handler"); let post_spawn = PostSpawn { command: working.command.clone(), id: sup.id(), grouped: working.grouped, }; post_spawn_handler .handle(post_spawn) .map_err(|e| rte("action post-spawn", e))?; // TODO: consider what we want to do for processes still running here? *process = Some(sup); } } (Some(p), Outcome::Signal(sig)) => { // TODO: windows p.signal(sig).await; } (Some(p), Outcome::Wait) => { p.wait().await?; } (_, Outcome::Clear) => { clearscreen::clear()?; } (_, Outcome::Reset) => { for cs in [ ClearScreen::WindowsCooked, ClearScreen::WindowsVt, ClearScreen::VtLeaveAlt, ClearScreen::VtWellDone, ClearScreen::default(), ] { cs.clear()?; } } (Some(_), Outcome::IfRunning(then, _)) => { apply_outcome( *then, working, process, pre_spawn_handler, post_spawn_handler, errors, events, ) .await?; } (None, Outcome::IfRunning(_, otherwise)) => { apply_outcome( *otherwise, working, process, pre_spawn_handler, post_spawn_handler, errors, events, ) .await?; } (_, Outcome::Both(one, two)) => { if let Err(err) = apply_outcome( *one, working.clone(), process, pre_spawn_handler, post_spawn_handler, errors.clone(), events.clone(), ) .await { debug!( "first outcome failed, sending an error but proceeding to the second anyway" ); errors.send(err).await.ok(); } apply_outcome( *two, working, process, pre_spawn_handler, post_spawn_handler, errors, events, ) .await?; } } Ok(()) }