name: Open a release PR on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: crate: description: Crate to release required: true type: choice choices: - cli - lib - filterer-globset - filterer-ignore - filterer-tagged - ignore-files - project-origins version: description: Version to release required: true type: string jobs: make-branch: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Install cargo-release uses: baptiste0928/cargo-install@v1 with: crate: cargo-release version: "0.21" - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: ref: main - name: Make branch "release-${{ inputs.crate }}-${{ inputs.version }}" run: git switch -c "release-${{ inputs.crate }}-${{ inputs.version }}" - name: Find crate name run: | set -euxo pipefail pushd "crates/${{ inputs.crate }}" crate_name=$(head Cargo.toml -n2 | grep name | cut -d '"' -f2) echo "crate_name=${crate_name}" >> $GITHUB_ENV popd - name: Do release run: | set -euxo pipefail git config github-actions git config cargo release \ --execute \ --no-push \ --no-tag \ --no-publish \ --no-confirm \ --verbose \ --allow-branch "release-${{ inputs.crate }}-${{ inputs.version }}" --package "${{ env.crate_name }}" \ "${{ inputs.version }}" - name: Push new branch run: | set -euxo pipefail git push origin "release-${{ inputs.crate }}-${{ inputs.version }}" make-pr: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: make-branch steps: - run: | set -euxo pipefail title="release: ${{ inputs.crate }} v${{ inputs.version }}" body="This is a release PR for **${{ inputs.crate }}** to version **${{ inputs.version }}**." if [[ "${{ inputs.crate }}" == "cli" ]]; then body="$body Upon merging, this will automatically build the CLI and create a GitHub release. You still need to manually publish the cargo crate." else body="$body Upon merging, you will still need to manually publish the cargo crate." fi body="$body \`\`\` $ cd crates/${{ inputs.crate }} $ cargo publish \`\`\` To merge this release, review the changes then say: \`\`\` bors r+ \`\`\`" pr_url=$(gh pr create --title "$title" --body "$body" --base main --head "release-${{ inputs.crate }}-${{ inputs.version }}" --label "release") gh pr comment "$pr_url" --body "bors single on\nbors p=10" env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}