use std::{ collections::HashSet, env, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use clap::ArgMatches; use dunce::canonicalize; use ignore_files::IgnoreFile; use miette::{miette, IntoDiagnostic, Result}; use project_origins::ProjectType; use tracing::{debug, warn}; use watchexec::paths::common_prefix; pub async fn dirs(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result<(PathBuf, PathBuf)> { let curdir = env::current_dir() .and_then(canonicalize) .into_diagnostic()?; debug!(?curdir, "current directory"); let project_origin = if let Some(origin) = args.value_of("project-origin") { debug!(?origin, "project origin override"); canonicalize(origin).into_diagnostic()? } else { let homedir = dirs::home_dir() .map(canonicalize) .transpose() .into_diagnostic()?; debug!(?homedir, "home directory"); let mut paths = HashSet::new(); for path in args.values_of("paths").unwrap_or_default() { paths.insert(canonicalize(path).into_diagnostic()?); } let homedir_requested = homedir.as_ref().map_or(false, |home| paths.contains(home)); debug!( ?homedir_requested, "resolved whether the homedir is explicitly requested" ); if paths.is_empty() { debug!("no paths, using current directory"); paths.insert(curdir.clone()); } debug!(?paths, "resolved all watched paths"); let mut origins = HashSet::new(); for path in paths { origins.extend(project_origins::origins(&path).await); } match (homedir, homedir_requested) { (Some(ref dir), false) if origins.contains(dir) => { debug!("removing homedir from origins"); origins.remove(dir); } _ => {} } if origins.is_empty() { debug!("no origins, using current directory"); origins.insert(curdir.clone()); } debug!(?origins, "resolved all project origins"); // This canonicalize is probably redundant canonicalize( common_prefix(&origins) .ok_or_else(|| miette!("no common prefix, but this should never fail"))?, ) .into_diagnostic()? }; debug!(?project_origin, "resolved common/project origin"); let workdir = curdir; debug!(?workdir, "resolved working directory"); Ok((project_origin, workdir)) } pub async fn vcs_types(origin: &Path) -> Vec { let vcs_types = project_origins::types(origin) .await .into_iter() .filter(|pt| pt.is_vcs()) .collect::>(); debug!(?vcs_types, "resolved vcs types"); vcs_types } pub async fn ignores( args: &ArgMatches, vcs_types: &[ProjectType], origin: &Path, ) -> Vec { let (mut ignores, errors) = ignore_files::from_origin(origin).await; for err in errors { warn!("while discovering project-local ignore files: {}", err); } debug!(?ignores, "discovered ignore files from project origin"); // TODO: use drain_ignore instead for x = x.filter()... when that stabilises let mut skip_git_global_excludes = false; if !vcs_types.is_empty() { ignores = ignores .into_iter() .filter(|ig| match ig.applies_to { Some(pt) if pt.is_vcs() => vcs_types.contains(&pt), _ => true, }) .inspect(|ig| { if let IgnoreFile { applies_to: Some(ProjectType::Git), applies_in: None, .. } = ig { warn!("project git config overrides the global excludes"); skip_git_global_excludes = true; } }) .collect::>(); debug!(?ignores, "filtered ignores to only those for project vcs"); } let (mut global_ignores, errors) = ignore_files::from_environment(Some("watchexec")).await; for err in errors { warn!("while discovering global ignore files: {}", err); } debug!(?global_ignores, "discovered ignore files from environment"); if skip_git_global_excludes { global_ignores = global_ignores .into_iter() .filter(|gig| { !matches!( gig, IgnoreFile { applies_to: Some(ProjectType::Git), applies_in: None, .. } ) }) .collect::>(); debug!( ?global_ignores, "filtered global ignores to exclude global git ignores" ); } ignores.extend(global_ignores.into_iter().filter(|ig| match ig.applies_to { Some(pt) if pt.is_vcs() => vcs_types.contains(&pt), _ => true, })); debug!( ?ignores, ?vcs_types, "combined and applied overall vcs filter over ignores" ); if args.is_present("no-project-ignore") { ignores = ignores .into_iter() .filter(|ig| { !ig.applies_in .as_ref() .map_or(false, |p| p.starts_with(&origin)) }) .collect::>(); debug!( ?ignores, "filtered ignores to exclude project-local ignores" ); } if args.is_present("no-global-ignore") { ignores = ignores .into_iter() .filter(|ig| !matches!(ig.applies_in, None)) .collect::>(); debug!(?ignores, "filtered ignores to exclude global ignores"); } if args.is_present("no-vcs-ignore") { ignores = ignores .into_iter() .filter(|ig| matches!(ig.applies_to, None)) .collect::>(); debug!(?ignores, "filtered ignores to exclude VCS-specific ignores"); } ignores }