use std::{ ffi::{OsStr, OsString}, path::MAIN_SEPARATOR, sync::Arc, }; use clap::ArgMatches; use miette::{IntoDiagnostic, Result}; use watchexec::{ error::RuntimeError, event::{ filekind::{FileEventKind, ModifyKind}, Event, Priority, Tag, }, filter::Filterer, }; use watchexec_filterer_globset::GlobsetFilterer; pub async fn globset(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result> { let (project_origin, workdir) = super::common::dirs(args).await?; let vcs_types = super::common::vcs_types(&project_origin).await; let ignore_files = super::common::ignores(args, &vcs_types, &project_origin).await; let mut ignores = Vec::new(); if !args.is_present("no-default-ignore") { ignores.extend([ (format!("**{s}.DS_Store", s = MAIN_SEPARATOR), None), (String::from("*.py[co]"), None), (String::from("#*#"), None), (String::from(".#*"), None), (String::from(".*.kate-swp"), None), (String::from(".*.sw?"), None), (String::from(".*.sw?x"), None), (format!("**{s}.bzr{s}**", s = MAIN_SEPARATOR), None), (format!("**{s}_darcs{s}**", s = MAIN_SEPARATOR), None), ( format!("**{s}.fossil-settings{s}**", s = MAIN_SEPARATOR), None, ), (format!("**{s}.git{s}**", s = MAIN_SEPARATOR), None), (format!("**{s}.hg{s}**", s = MAIN_SEPARATOR), None), (format!("**{s}.pijul{s}**", s = MAIN_SEPARATOR), None), (format!("**{s}.svn{s}**", s = MAIN_SEPARATOR), None), ]); } let filters = args .values_of("filter") .unwrap_or_default() .map(|f| (f.to_owned(), Some(workdir.clone()))); ignores.extend( args.values_of("ignore") .unwrap_or_default() .map(|f| (f.to_owned(), Some(workdir.clone()))), ); let exts = args .values_of_os("extensions") .unwrap_or_default() .flat_map(|s| s.split(b',')) .map(|e| os_strip_prefix(e, b'.')); Ok(Arc::new(WatchexecFilterer { inner: GlobsetFilterer::new(project_origin, filters, ignores, ignore_files, exts) .await .into_diagnostic()?, no_meta: args.is_present("no-meta"), })) } /// A custom filterer that combines the library's Globset filterer and a switch for --no-meta #[derive(Debug)] pub struct WatchexecFilterer { inner: GlobsetFilterer, no_meta: bool, } impl Filterer for WatchexecFilterer { fn check_event(&self, event: &Event, priority: Priority) -> Result { let is_meta = event.tags.iter().any(|tag| { matches!( tag, Tag::FileEventKind(FileEventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Metadata(_))) ) }); if self.no_meta && is_meta { Ok(false) } else { self.inner.check_event(event, priority) } } } trait OsStringSplit { fn split(&self, sep: u8) -> OsSplit; } impl OsStringSplit for OsStr { fn split(&self, sep: u8) -> OsSplit { OsSplit { os: self.to_os_string(), pos: 0, sep, } } } struct OsSplit { os: OsString, pos: usize, sep: u8, } #[cfg(unix)] impl Iterator for OsSplit { type Item = OsString; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { use std::os::unix::ffi::{OsStrExt, OsStringExt}; let bytes = self.os.as_bytes(); if self.pos >= bytes.len() { None } else { let mut pos = self.pos; while pos < bytes.len() && bytes[pos] != self.sep { pos += 1; } let res = OsString::from_vec(bytes[self.pos..pos].to_vec()); self.pos = pos + 1; Some(res) } } } #[cfg(unix)] fn os_strip_prefix(os: OsString, prefix: u8) -> OsString { use std::os::unix::ffi::{OsStrExt, OsStringExt}; let bytes = os.as_bytes(); if bytes.first().copied() == Some(prefix) { OsString::from_vec(bytes[1..].to_vec()) } else { os } } #[cfg(windows)] impl Iterator for OsSplit { type Item = OsString; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { use std::os::windows::ffi::{OsStrExt, OsStringExt}; let wides = self.os.encode_wide().skip(self.pos); let mut cur = Vec::new(); for wide in wides { if wide == u16::from(self.sep) { break; } cur.push(wide); } self.pos += cur.len() + 1; if cur.is_empty() && self.pos >= self.os.len() { None } else { Some(OsString::from_wide(&cur)) } } } #[cfg(windows)] fn os_strip_prefix(os: OsString, prefix: u8) -> OsString { use std::os::windows::ffi::{OsStrExt, OsStringExt}; let wides: Vec = os.encode_wide().collect(); if wides.first().copied() == Some(u16::from(prefix)) { OsString::from_wide(&wides[1..]) } else { os } } #[cfg(test)] #[test] fn os_split_none() { let os = OsString::from(""); assert_eq!( os.split(b',').collect::>(), Vec::::new() ); let mut split = os.split(b','); assert_eq!(, None); } #[cfg(test)] #[test] fn os_split_one() { let os = OsString::from("abc"); assert_eq!( os.split(b',').collect::>(), vec![OsString::from("abc")] ); let mut split = os.split(b','); assert_eq!(, Some(OsString::from("abc"))); assert_eq!(, None); } #[cfg(test)] #[test] fn os_split_multi() { let os = OsString::from("a,b,c"); assert_eq!( os.split(b',').collect::>(), vec![ OsString::from("a"), OsString::from("b"), OsString::from("c"), ] ); let mut split = os.split(b','); assert_eq!(, Some(OsString::from("a"))); assert_eq!(, Some(OsString::from("b"))); assert_eq!(, Some(OsString::from("c"))); assert_eq!(, None); } #[cfg(test)] #[test] fn os_split_leading() { let os = OsString::from(",a,b,c"); assert_eq!( os.split(b',').collect::>(), vec![ OsString::from(""), OsString::from("a"), OsString::from("b"), OsString::from("c"), ] ); let mut split = os.split(b','); assert_eq!(, Some(OsString::from(""))); assert_eq!(, Some(OsString::from("a"))); assert_eq!(, Some(OsString::from("b"))); assert_eq!(, Some(OsString::from("c"))); assert_eq!(, None); } #[cfg(test)] #[test] fn os_strip_none() { let os = OsString::from("abc"); assert_eq!(os_strip_prefix(os, b'.'), OsString::from("abc")); } #[cfg(test)] #[test] fn os_strip_left() { let os = OsString::from(".abc"); assert_eq!(os_strip_prefix(os, b'.'), OsString::from("abc")); } #[cfg(test)] #[test] fn os_strip_not_right() { let os = OsString::from("abc."); assert_eq!(os_strip_prefix(os, b'.'), OsString::from("abc.")); } #[cfg(test)] #[test] fn os_strip_only_left() { let os = OsString::from(".abc."); assert_eq!(os_strip_prefix(os, b'.'), OsString::from("abc.")); } #[cfg(test)] #[test] fn os_strip_only_once() { let os = OsString::from(""); assert_eq!(os_strip_prefix(os, b'.'), OsString::from(".abc")); }