//! A value that is always available, but can be swapped out. use std::fmt; use tokio::sync::watch::{channel, error::SendError, Receiver, Ref, Sender}; /// A value that is always available, but can be swapped out. /// /// This is a wrapper around a [Tokio `watch`][tokio::sync::watch]. The value can be read without /// await, but can only be written to with async. Borrows should be held for as little as possible, /// as they keep a read lock. pub struct SwapLock { r: Receiver, s: Sender, } impl SwapLock where T: Clone, { /// Create a new `SwapLock` with the given value. pub fn new(inner: T) -> Self { let (s, r) = channel(inner); Self { r, s } } /// Get a reference to the value. pub fn borrow(&self) -> Ref<'_, T> { self.r.borrow() } /// Rewrite the value using a closure. /// /// This obtains a clone of the value, and then calls the closure with a mutable reference to /// it. Once the closure returns, the value is swapped in. pub async fn change(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut T)) -> Result<(), SendError> { let mut new = { self.r.borrow().clone() }; f(&mut new); self.s.send(new) } /// Replace the value with a new one. pub async fn replace(&self, new: T) -> Result<(), SendError> { self.s.send(new) } } impl fmt::Debug for SwapLock where T: fmt::Debug + Clone, { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { f.debug_struct("SwapLock") .field("(watch)", &self.r) .finish() } }