use std::path::PathBuf; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use pathop::PathOp; pub fn spawn(cmd: &str, updated_paths: Vec, no_shell: bool) -> Process { self::imp::Process::new(cmd, updated_paths, no_shell).expect("unable to spawn process") } pub use self::imp::Process; #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] mod imp { use nix::{self, Error}; use nix::libc::*; use std::io::{self, Result}; use std::process::Command; use std::sync::*; use signal::Signal; use pathop::PathOp; pub struct Process { pgid: pid_t, lock: Mutex, cvar: Condvar, } fn from_nix_error(err: nix::Error) -> io::Error { match err { Error::Sys(errno) => io::Error::from_raw_os_error(errno as i32), Error::InvalidPath => io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, err), _ => io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err), } } #[allow(unknown_lints)] #[allow(mutex_atomic)] impl Process { pub fn new(cmd: &str, updated_paths: Vec, no_shell: bool) -> Result { use nix::unistd::*; use std::os::unix::process::CommandExt; // Assemble command to run. // This is either the first argument from cmd (if no_shell was given) or "sh". // Using "sh -c" gives us features like supportin pipes and redirects, // but is a little less performant and can cause trouble when using custom signals // (e.g. --signal SIGHUP) let mut command = if no_shell { let mut split = cmd.split_whitespace(); let mut command = Command::new(; command.args(split); command } else { let mut command = Command::new("sh"); command.arg("-c").arg(cmd); command }; debug!("Assembled command {:?}", command); let command_envs = super::collect_path_env_vars(&updated_paths); for &(ref name, ref val) in &command_envs { command.env(name, val); } command .before_exec(|| setpgid(Pid::from_raw(0), Pid::from_raw(0)) .map_err(from_nix_error)) .spawn() .and_then(|p| { Ok(Process { pgid: as i32, lock: Mutex::new(false), cvar: Condvar::new(), }) }) } pub fn reap(&self) { use nix::sys::wait::*; use nix::unistd::Pid; let mut finished = true; loop { match waitpid(Pid::from_raw(-self.pgid), Some(WaitPidFlag::WNOHANG)) { Ok(WaitStatus::Exited(_, _)) | Ok(WaitStatus::Signaled(_, _, _)) => finished = finished && true, Ok(_) => { finished = false; break; } Err(_) => break, } } if finished { let mut done = self.lock.lock().unwrap(); *done = true; self.cvar.notify_one(); } } pub fn signal(&self, signal: Signal) { use signal::ConvertToLibc; let signo = signal.convert_to_libc(); debug!("Sending {:?} (int: {}) to child process", signal, signo); self.c_signal(signo); } fn c_signal(&self, sig: c_int) { extern "C" { fn killpg(pgrp: pid_t, sig: c_int) -> c_int; } unsafe { killpg(self.pgid, sig); } } pub fn wait(&self) { let mut done = self.lock.lock().unwrap(); while !*done { done = self.cvar.wait(done).unwrap(); } } } } #[cfg(target_family = "windows")] mod imp { use std::io; use std::io::Result; use std::mem; use std::process::Command; use std::ptr; use kernel32::*; use winapi::*; use signal::Signal; use pathop::PathOp; pub struct Process { job: HANDLE, completion_port: HANDLE, } #[repr(C)] struct JOBOBJECT_ASSOCIATE_COMPLETION_PORT { completion_key: PVOID, completion_port: HANDLE, } impl Process { pub fn new(cmd: &str, updated_paths: Vec, no_shell: bool) -> Result { use std::os::windows::io::IntoRawHandle; use std::os::windows::process::CommandExt; fn last_err() -> io::Error { io::Error::last_os_error() } let job = unsafe { CreateJobObjectW(0 as *mut _, 0 as *const _) }; if job.is_null() { panic!("failed to create job object: {}", last_err()); } let completion_port = unsafe { CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, ptr::null_mut(), 0, 1) }; if job.is_null() { panic!("unable to create IO completion port for job: {}", last_err()); } let mut associate_completion: JOBOBJECT_ASSOCIATE_COMPLETION_PORT = unsafe { mem::zeroed() }; associate_completion.completion_key = job; associate_completion.completion_port = completion_port; unsafe { let r = SetInformationJobObject(job, JobObjectAssociateCompletionPortInformation, &mut associate_completion as *mut _ as LPVOID, mem::size_of_val(&associate_completion) as DWORD); if r == 0 { panic!("failed to associate completion port with job: {}", last_err()); } } let mut info: JOBOBJECT_EXTENDED_LIMIT_INFORMATION = unsafe { mem::zeroed() }; info.BasicLimitInformation.LimitFlags = JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_KILL_ON_JOB_CLOSE; let r = unsafe { SetInformationJobObject(job, JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation, &mut info as *mut _ as LPVOID, mem::size_of_val(&info) as DWORD) }; if r == 0 { panic!("failed to set job info: {}", last_err()); } let mut iter_args = cmd.split_whitespace(); let arg0 = match no_shell { true =>, false => "cmd.exe", }; // TODO: There might be a better way of doing this with &str. // I've had to fall back to String, as I wasn't able to join(" ") a Vec<&str> // into a &str let args: Vec = match no_shell { true =>, false => vec!["/C".to_string(), iter_args.collect::>().join(" ")], }; let mut command = Command::new(arg0); command.args(args); command.creation_flags(CREATE_SUSPENDED); debug!("Assembled command {:?}", command); let command_envs = super::collect_path_env_vars(&updated_paths); for &(ref name, ref val) in &command_envs { command.env(name, val); } command .spawn() .and_then(|p| { let handle = p.into_raw_handle(); let r = unsafe { AssignProcessToJobObject(job, handle) }; if r == 0 { panic!("failed to add to job object: {}", last_err()); } resume_threads(handle); Ok(Process { job: job, completion_port: completion_port }) }) } pub fn reap(&self) {} pub fn signal(&self, _signal: Signal) { unsafe { let _ = TerminateJobObject(self.job, 1); } } pub fn wait(&self) { unsafe { loop { let mut code: DWORD = 0; let mut key: ULONG_PTR = 0; let mut overlapped: LPOVERLAPPED = mem::uninitialized(); GetQueuedCompletionStatus(self.completion_port, &mut code, &mut key, &mut overlapped, INFINITE); if code == JOB_OBJECT_MSG_ACTIVE_PROCESS_ZERO && (key as HANDLE) == self.job { break; } } } } } impl Drop for Process { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { let _ = CloseHandle(self.job); let _ = CloseHandle(self.completion_port); } } } unsafe impl Send for Process {} unsafe impl Sync for Process {} // This is pretty terrible, but it's either this or we re-implement all of Rust's std::process just to get at PROCESS_INFORMATION fn resume_threads(child_process: HANDLE) { unsafe { let child_id = GetProcessId(child_process); let h = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0); let mut entry = THREADENTRY32 { dwSize: 28, cntUsage: 0, th32ThreadID: 0, th32OwnerProcessID: 0, tpBasePri: 0, tpDeltaPri: 0, dwFlags: 0}; let mut result = Thread32First(h, &mut entry); while result != 0 { if entry.th32OwnerProcessID == child_id { let thread_handle = OpenThread(0x0002, 0, entry.th32ThreadID); ResumeThread(thread_handle); CloseHandle(thread_handle); } result = Thread32Next(h, &mut entry); } CloseHandle(h); } } } /// Collect `PathOp` details into op-categories to pass onto the exec'd command as env-vars /// /// WRITTEN -> `notify::ops::WRITE`, `notify::ops::CLOSE_WRITE` /// META_CHANGED -> `notify::ops::CHMOD` /// REMOVED -> `notify::ops::REMOVE` /// CREATED -> `notify::ops::CREATE` /// RENAMED -> `notify::ops::RENAME` fn collect_path_env_vars(pathops: &[PathOp]) -> Vec<(String, String)> { #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] const ENV_SEP: &'static str = ":"; #[cfg(not(target_family = "unix"))] const ENV_SEP: &'static str = ";"; let mut by_op = HashMap::new(); // Paths as `String`s collected by `notify::op` let mut all_pathbufs = HashSet::new(); // All unique `PathBuf`s for pathop in pathops { if let Some(op) = pathop.op { // ignore pathops that don't have a `notify::op` set if let Some(s) = pathop.path.to_str() { // ignore invalid utf8 paths all_pathbufs.insert(pathop.path.clone()); let e = by_op.entry(op).or_insert_with(Vec::new); e.push(s.to_owned()); } } } let mut vars = vec![]; // Only break off a common path if we have more than one unique path, // otherwise we end up with a `COMMON_PATH` being set and other vars // being present but empty. let common_path = if all_pathbufs.len() > 1 { let all_pathbufs: Vec = all_pathbufs.into_iter().collect(); get_longest_common_path(&all_pathbufs) } else { None }; if let Some(ref common_path) = common_path { vars.push(("WATCHEXEC_COMMON_PATH".to_string(), common_path.to_string())); } for (op, paths) in by_op { let key = match op { op if PathOp::is_create(op) => "WATCHEXEC_CREATED_PATH", op if PathOp::is_remove(op) => "WATCHEXEC_REMOVED_PATH", op if PathOp::is_rename(op) => "WATCHEXEC_RENAMED_PATH", op if PathOp::is_write(op) => "WATCHEXEC_WRITTEN_PATH", op if PathOp::is_meta(op) => "WATCHEXEC_META_CHANGED_PATH", _ => continue, // ignore `notify::op::RESCAN`s }; let paths = if let Some(ref common_path) = common_path { paths.iter().map(|path_str| path_str.trim_left_matches(common_path).to_string()).collect::>() } else { paths }; vars.push((key.to_string(), paths.as_slice().join(ENV_SEP))); } vars } fn get_longest_common_path(paths: &[PathBuf]) -> Option { match paths.len() { 0 => return None, 1 => return paths[0].to_str().map(|ref_val| ref_val.to_string()), _ => {} }; let mut longest_path: Vec<_> = paths[0].components().collect(); for path in &paths[1..] { let mut greatest_distance = 0; for component_pair in path.components().zip(longest_path.iter()) { if component_pair.0 != *component_pair.1 { break; } greatest_distance += 1; } if greatest_distance != longest_path.len() { longest_path.truncate(greatest_distance); } } let mut result = PathBuf::new(); for component in longest_path { result.push(component.as_os_str()); } result.to_str().map(|ref_val| ref_val.to_string()) } #[cfg(test)] #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] mod tests { use std::path::PathBuf; use std::collections::HashSet; use notify; use pathop::PathOp; use super::spawn; use super::get_longest_common_path; use super::collect_path_env_vars; #[test] fn test_start() { let _ = spawn("echo hi", vec![], true); } #[test] fn longest_common_path_should_return_correct_value() { let single_path = vec![PathBuf::from("/tmp/random/")]; let single_result = get_longest_common_path(&single_path).unwrap(); assert_eq!(single_result, "/tmp/random/"); let common_paths = vec![PathBuf::from("/tmp/logs/hi"), PathBuf::from("/tmp/logs/bye"), PathBuf::from("/tmp/logs/bye"), PathBuf::from("/tmp/logs/fly")]; let common_result = get_longest_common_path(&common_paths).unwrap(); assert_eq!(common_result, "/tmp/logs"); let diverging_paths = vec![PathBuf::from("/tmp/logs/hi"), PathBuf::from("/var/logs/hi")]; let diverging_result = get_longest_common_path(&diverging_paths).unwrap(); assert_eq!(diverging_result, "/"); let uneven_paths = vec![PathBuf::from("/tmp/logs/hi"), PathBuf::from("/tmp/logs/"), PathBuf::from("/tmp/logs/bye")]; let uneven_result = get_longest_common_path(&uneven_paths).unwrap(); assert_eq!(uneven_result, "/tmp/logs"); } #[test] fn pathops_collect_to_env_vars() { let pathops = vec![ PathOp::new(&PathBuf::from("/tmp/logs/hi"), Some(notify::op::CREATE), None), PathOp::new(&PathBuf::from("/tmp/logs/hey/there"), Some(notify::op::CREATE), None), PathOp::new(&PathBuf::from("/tmp/logs/bye"), Some(notify::op::REMOVE), None), ]; let expected_vars = vec![ ("WATCHEXEC_COMMON_PATH".to_string(), "/tmp/logs".to_string()), ("WATCHEXEC_REMOVED_PATH".to_string(), "/bye".to_string()), ("WATCHEXEC_CREATED_PATH".to_string(), "/hi:/hey/there".to_string()), ]; let vars = collect_path_env_vars(&pathops); assert_eq!(vars.iter().collect::>(), expected_vars.iter().collect::>()); } }