//! A filterer implementation that exposes the full capabilities of Watchexec. //! //! Filters match against [event tags][Tag]; can be exact matches, glob matches, regex matches, or //! set matches; can reverse the match (equal/not equal, etc); and can be negated. //! //! [Filters][Filter] can be generated from your application and inserted directly, or they can be //! parsed from a textual format: //! //! ```text //! [!]{Matcher}{Op}{Value} //! ``` //! //! For example: //! //! ```text //! path==/foo/bar //! path*=**/bar //! path~=bar$ //! !kind=file //! ``` //! //! There is a set of [operators][Op]: //! - `==` and `!=`: exact match and exact not match (case insensitive) //! - `~=` and `~!`: regex match and regex not match //! - `*=` and `*!`: glob match and glob not match //! - `:=` and `:!`: set match and set not match //! //! Sets are a list of values separated by `,`. //! //! In addition to the two-symbol operators, there is the `=` "auto" operator, which maps to the //! most convenient operator for the given _matcher_. The current mapping is: //! //! | Matcher | Operator | //! |-------------------------------------------------|---------------| //! | [Tag](Matcher::Tag) | `:=` (in set) | //! | [Path](Matcher::Path) | `*=` (glob) | //! | [FileType](Matcher::FileType) | `:=` (in set) | //! | [FileEventKind](Matcher::FileEventKind) | `*=` (glob) | //! | [Source](Matcher::Source) | `:=` (in set) | //! | [Process](Matcher::Process) | `:=` (in set) | //! | [Signal](Matcher::Signal) | `:=` (in set) | //! | [ProcessCompletion](Matcher::ProcessCompletion) | `*=` (glob) | //! | [Priority](Matcher::Priority) | `:=` (in set) | //! //! [Matchers][Matcher] correspond to Tags, but are not one-to-one: the `path` matcher operates on //! the `path` part of the `Path` tag, and the `type` matcher operates on the `file_type`, for //! example. //! //! | Matcher | Syntax | Tag | //! |------------------------------------|----------|----------------------------------------------| //! | [Tag](Matcher::Tag) | `tag` | _the presence of a Tag on the event_ | //! | [Path](Matcher::Path) | `path` | [Path](Tag::Path) (`path` field) | //! | [FileType](Matcher::FileType) | `type` | [Path](Tag::Path) (`file_type` field, when Some) | //! | [FileEventKind](Matcher::FileEventKind) | `kind` or `fek` | [FileEventKind](Tag::FileEventKind) | //! | [Source](Matcher::Source) | `source` or `src` | [Source](Tag::Source) | //! | [Process](Matcher::Process) | `process` or `pid` | [Process](Tag::Process) | //! | [Signal](Matcher::Signal) | `signal` | [Signal](Tag::Signal) | //! | [ProcessCompletion](Matcher::ProcessCompletion) | `complete` or `exit` | [ProcessCompletion](Tag::ProcessCompletion) | //! | [Priority](Matcher::Priority) | `priority` | special: event [Priority] | //! //! Filters are checked in order, grouped per tag and per matcher. Filter groups may be checked in //! any order, but the filters in the groups are checked in add order. Path glob filters are always //! checked first, for internal reasons. //! //! The `negate` boolean field behaves specially: it is not operator negation, but rather the same //! kind of behaviour that is applied to `!`-prefixed globs in gitignore files: if a negated filter //! matches the event, the result of the event checking for that matcher is reverted to `true`, even //! if a previous filter set it to `false`. Unmatched negated filters are ignored. //! //! Glob syntax is as supported by the [ignore] crate for Paths, and by [globset] otherwise. (As of //! writing, the ignore crate uses globset internally). Regex syntax is the default syntax of the //! [regex] crate. // to make filters pub use regex::Regex; pub use error::*; pub use files::*; pub use filter::*; pub use filterer::*; mod error; mod files; mod filter; mod filterer; mod parse; mod swaplock;