use std::time::Duration; use miette::{IntoDiagnostic, Result}; use watchexec::{ action::{Action, Outcome}, command::Command, config::{InitConfig, RuntimeConfig}, error::ReconfigError, event::Event, fs::Watcher, ErrorHook, Watchexec, }; use watchexec_signals::Signal; // Run with: `env RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --example print_out` #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let mut init = InitConfig::default(); init.on_error(|err: ErrorHook| async move { eprintln!("Watchexec Runtime Error: {}", err.error); Ok::<(), std::convert::Infallible>(()) }); let mut runtime = RuntimeConfig::default(); runtime.pathset(["src", "dontexist", "examples"]); runtime.command(Command::Exec { prog: "date".into(), args: Vec::new(), }); let wx = Watchexec::new(init, runtime.clone())?; let w = wx.clone(); let config = runtime.clone(); runtime.on_action(move |action: Action| { let mut config = config.clone(); let w = w.clone(); async move { eprintln!("Watchexec Action: {action:?}"); let sigs = action .events .iter() .flat_map(Event::signals) .collect::>(); if sigs.iter().any(|sig| sig == &Signal::Interrupt) { action.outcome(Outcome::Exit); } else if sigs.iter().any(|sig| sig == &Signal::User1) { eprintln!("Switching to native for funsies"); config.file_watcher(Watcher::Native); w.reconfigure(config)?; } else if sigs.iter().any(|sig| sig == &Signal::User2) { eprintln!("Switching to polling for funsies"); config.file_watcher(Watcher::Poll(Duration::from_millis(50))); w.reconfigure(config)?; } else if { action.outcome(Outcome::if_running( Outcome::both(Outcome::Stop, Outcome::Start), Outcome::Start, )); } Ok::<(), ReconfigError>(()) } }); wx.reconfigure(runtime)?; wx.main().await.into_diagnostic()??; Ok(()) }