use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::mpsc::Sender; use notify::{PollWatcher, RecommendedWatcher, RecursiveMode, raw_watcher}; /// Thin wrapper over the notify crate /// /// `PollWatcher` and `RecommendedWatcher` are distinct types, but watchexec /// really just wants to handle them without regard to the exact type /// (e.g. polymorphically). This has the nice side effect of separating out /// all coupling to the notify crate into this module. pub struct Watcher { watcher_impl: WatcherImpl, } pub use notify::RawEvent as Event; pub use notify::Error; enum WatcherImpl { Recommended(RecommendedWatcher), Poll(PollWatcher), } impl Watcher { pub fn new(tx: Sender, paths: &[PathBuf], poll: bool, interval_ms: u32) -> Result { use notify::Watcher; let imp = if poll { let mut watcher = try!(PollWatcher::with_delay_ms(tx, interval_ms)); for path in paths { try!(, RecursiveMode::Recursive)); debug!("Watching {:?}", path); } WatcherImpl::Poll(watcher) } else { let mut watcher = try!(raw_watcher(tx)); for path in paths { try!(, RecursiveMode::Recursive)); debug!("Watching {:?}", path); } WatcherImpl::Recommended(watcher) }; Ok(self::Watcher { watcher_impl: imp }) } pub fn is_polling(&self) -> bool { if let WatcherImpl::Poll(_) = self.watcher_impl { true } else { false } } }