use std::{ collections::HashMap, convert::Infallible, env::current_dir, ffi::OsString, path::Path, str::FromStr, string::ToString, time::Duration, }; use clap::ArgMatches; use miette::{miette, IntoDiagnostic, Result}; use notify_rust::Notification; use tracing::{debug, debug_span}; use watchexec::{ action::{Action, Outcome, PostSpawn, PreSpawn}, command::{Command, Shell}, config::RuntimeConfig, error::RuntimeError, event::{Event, ProcessEnd, Tag}, fs::Watcher, handler::SyncFnHandler, keyboard::Keyboard, paths::summarise_events_to_env, signal::{process::SubSignal, source::MainSignal}, }; pub fn runtime(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result { let _span = debug_span!("args-runtime").entered(); let mut config = RuntimeConfig::default(); config.command(interpret_command_args(args)?); config.pathset(match args.values_of_os("paths") { Some(paths) =>|os| Path::new(os).to_owned()).collect(), None => vec![current_dir().into_diagnostic()?], }); config.action_throttle(Duration::from_millis( args.value_of("debounce") .unwrap_or("50") .parse() .into_diagnostic()?, )); config.keyboard_emit_eof(args.is_present("stdin-quit")); if let Some(interval) = args.value_of("poll") { config.file_watcher(Watcher::Poll(Duration::from_millis( interval.parse().into_diagnostic()?, ))); } if args.is_present("no-process-group") { config.command_grouped(false); } let clear = args.is_present("clear"); let notif = args.is_present("notif"); let on_busy = if args.is_present("restart") { "restart" } else if args.is_present("watch-when-idle") { "do-nothing" } else { args.value_of("on-busy-update").unwrap_or("queue") } .to_owned(); let signal = if args.is_present("kill") { Some(SubSignal::ForceStop) } else { args.value_of("signal") .map(SubSignal::from_str) .transpose() .into_diagnostic()? }; let print_events = args.is_present("print-events"); let once = args.is_present("once"); let delay_run = args .value_of("delay-run") .map(u64::from_str) .transpose() .into_diagnostic()? .map(Duration::from_secs); config.on_action(move |action: Action| { let fut = async { Ok::<(), Infallible>(()) }; if print_events { for (n, event) in { eprintln!("[EVENT {n}] {event}"); } } if once { action.outcome(Outcome::both( if let Some(delay) = &delay_run { Outcome::both(Outcome::Sleep(*delay), Outcome::Start) } else { Outcome::Start }, Outcome::wait(Outcome::Exit), )); return fut; } let signals: Vec =; let has_paths =; if signals.contains(&MainSignal::Terminate) { action.outcome(Outcome::both(Outcome::Stop, Outcome::Exit)); return fut; } if signals.contains(&MainSignal::Interrupt) { action.outcome(Outcome::both(Outcome::Stop, Outcome::Exit)); return fut; } let is_keyboard_eof = action .events .iter() .any(|e| e.tags.contains(&Tag::Keyboard(Keyboard::Eof))); if is_keyboard_eof { action.outcome(Outcome::both(Outcome::Stop, Outcome::Exit)); return fut; } if !has_paths { if !signals.is_empty() { let mut out = Outcome::DoNothing; for sig in signals { out = Outcome::both(out, Outcome::Signal(sig.into())); } action.outcome(out); return fut; } let completion =; if let Some(status) = completion { let (msg, printit) = match status { Some(ProcessEnd::ExitError(code)) => { (format!("Command exited with {code}"), true) } Some(ProcessEnd::ExitSignal(sig)) => { (format!("Command killed by {sig:?}"), true) } Some(ProcessEnd::ExitStop(sig)) => { (format!("Command stopped by {sig:?}"), true) } Some(ProcessEnd::Continued) => ("Command continued".to_string(), true), Some(ProcessEnd::Exception(ex)) => { (format!("Command ended by exception {ex:#x}"), true) } Some(ProcessEnd::Success) => ("Command was successful".to_string(), false), None => ("Command completed".to_string(), false), }; if printit { eprintln!("[[{msg}]]"); } if notif { Notification::new() .summary("Watchexec: command ended") .body(&msg) .show() .map_or_else( |err| { eprintln!("[[Failed to send desktop notification: {err}]]"); }, drop, ); } action.outcome(Outcome::DoNothing); return fut; } } let start = if clear { Outcome::both(Outcome::Clear, Outcome::Start) } else { Outcome::Start }; let start = if let Some(delay) = &delay_run { Outcome::both(Outcome::Sleep(*delay), start) } else { start }; let when_idle = start.clone(); let when_running = match on_busy.as_str() { "restart" => Outcome::both( if let Some(sig) = signal { Outcome::both( Outcome::Signal(sig), Outcome::both(Outcome::Sleep(Duration::from_secs(60)), Outcome::Stop), ) } else { Outcome::Stop }, start, ), "signal" => Outcome::Signal(signal.unwrap_or(SubSignal::Terminate)), "queue" => Outcome::wait(start), // "do-nothing" => Outcome::DoNothing, _ => Outcome::DoNothing, }; action.outcome(Outcome::if_running(when_running, when_idle)); fut }); let mut add_envs = HashMap::new(); for pair in args.values_of("command-env").unwrap_or_default() { if let Some((k, v)) = pair.split_once('=') { add_envs.insert(k.to_owned(), OsString::from(v)); } else { return Err(miette!("{pair} is not in key=value format")); } } debug!( ?add_envs, "additional environment variables to add to command" ); let workdir = args .value_of_os("command-workdir") .map(|wkd| Path::new(wkd).to_owned()); let no_env = args.is_present("no-environment"); config.on_pre_spawn(move |prespawn: PreSpawn| { let add_envs = add_envs.clone(); let workdir = workdir.clone(); async move { if !no_env || !add_envs.is_empty() || workdir.is_some() { if let Some(mut command) = prespawn.command().await { let mut envs = add_envs.clone(); if !no_env { envs.extend( summarise_events_to_env( .into_iter() .map(|(k, v)| (format!("WATCHEXEC_{k}_PATH"), v)), ); } for (k, v) in envs { debug!(?k, ?v, "inserting environment variable"); command.env(k, v); } if let Some(ref workdir) = workdir { debug!(?workdir, "set command workdir"); command.current_dir(workdir); } } } Ok::<(), Infallible>(()) } }); config.on_post_spawn(SyncFnHandler::from(move |postspawn: PostSpawn| { if notif { Notification::new() .summary("Watchexec: change detected") .body(&format!("Running {}", postspawn.command)) .show() .map_or_else( |err| { eprintln!("[[Failed to send desktop notification: {err}]]"); }, drop, ); } Ok::<(), Infallible>(()) })); Ok(config) } fn interpret_command_args(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result { let mut cmd = args .values_of("command") .expect("(clap) Bug: command is not present") .map(ToString::to_string) .collect::>(); Ok(if args.is_present("no-shell") { Command::Exec { prog: cmd.remove(0), args: cmd, } } else { let (shell, shopts) = if let Some(s) = args.value_of("shell") { if s.is_empty() { return Err(RuntimeError::CommandShellEmptyShell).into_diagnostic(); } else if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("powershell") { (Shell::Powershell, Vec::new()) } else if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("none") { return Ok(Command::Exec { prog: cmd.remove(0), args: cmd, }); } else if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("cmd") { (cmd_shell(s.into()), Vec::new()) } else { let sh = s.split_ascii_whitespace().collect::>(); // UNWRAP: checked by first if branch #[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] let (shprog, shopts) = sh.split_first().unwrap(); ( Shell::Unix((*shprog).to_string()), shopts.iter().map(|s| (*s).to_string()).collect(), ) } } else { (default_shell(), Vec::new()) }; Command::Shell { shell, args: shopts, command: cmd.join(" "), } }) } // until 2.0, then Powershell #[cfg(windows)] fn default_shell() -> Shell { Shell::Cmd } #[cfg(not(windows))] fn default_shell() -> Shell { Shell::Unix("sh".to_string()) } // because Shell::Cmd is only on windows #[cfg(windows)] fn cmd_shell(_: String) -> Shell { Shell::Cmd } #[cfg(not(windows))] fn cmd_shell(s: String) -> Shell { Shell::Unix(s) }