use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use futures::stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt}; use ignore::{ gitignore::{Gitignore, GitignoreBuilder, Glob}, Match, }; use radix_trie::{Trie, TrieCommon}; use tokio::fs::read_to_string; use tracing::{trace, trace_span}; use crate::{Error, IgnoreFile}; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct Ignore { gitignore: Gitignore, builder: Option, } /// A mutable filter dedicated to ignore files and trees of ignore files. /// /// This reads and compiles ignore files, and should be used for handling ignore files. It's created /// with a project origin and a list of ignore files, and new ignore files can be added later /// (unless [`finish`](IgnoreFilter::finish()) is called). #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct IgnoreFilter { origin: PathBuf, ignores: Trie, } impl IgnoreFilter { /// Create a new empty filterer. /// /// Prefer [`new()`](IgnoreFilter::new()) if you have ignore files ready to use. pub fn empty(origin: impl AsRef) -> Self { let origin = origin.as_ref(); let mut ignores = Trie::new(); ignores.insert( origin.display().to_string(), Ignore { gitignore: Gitignore::empty(), builder: Some(GitignoreBuilder::new(origin)), }, ); Self { origin: origin.to_owned(), ignores, } } /// Read ignore files from disk and load them for filtering. /// /// Use [`empty()`](IgnoreFilter::empty()) if you want an empty filterer, /// or to construct one outside an async environment. pub async fn new(origin: impl AsRef + Send, files: &[IgnoreFile]) -> Result { let origin = dunce::simplified(origin.as_ref()); let _span = trace_span!("build_filterer", ?origin); trace!(files=%files.len(), "loading file contents"); let (files_contents, errors): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = files .iter() .map(|file| async move { trace!(?file, "loading ignore file"); let content = read_to_string(&file.path) .await .map_err(|err| Error::Read { file: file.path.clone(), err, })?; Ok((file.clone(), content)) }) .collect::>() .collect::>() .await .into_iter() .map(|res| match res { Ok(o) => (Some(o), None), Err(e) => (None, Some(e)), }) .unzip(); let errors: Vec = errors.into_iter().flatten().collect(); if !errors.is_empty() { trace!("found {} errors", errors.len()); return Err(Error::Multi(errors)); } // TODO: different parser/adapter for non-git-syntax ignore files? trace!(files=%files_contents.len(), "building ignore list"); let mut ignores_trie = Trie::new(); // add builder for the root of the file system, so that we can handle global ignores and globs ignores_trie.insert( prefix(origin), Ignore { gitignore: Gitignore::empty(), builder: Some(GitignoreBuilder::new(origin)), }, ); let mut total_num_ignores = 0; let mut total_num_whitelists = 0; for (file, content) in files_contents.into_iter().flatten() { let _span = trace_span!("loading ignore file", ?file).entered(); let applies_in = get_applies_in_path(origin, &file); let parent_ignore = ignores_trie .get_ancestor_value(&applies_in.display().to_string()) // unwrap will always succeed because we created an entry with the root of the origin .unwrap(); let mut builder = parent_ignore .builder .clone() .unwrap_or_else(|| GitignoreBuilder::new(&applies_in)); for line in content.lines() { if line.is_empty() || line.starts_with('#') { continue; } trace!(?line, "adding ignore line"); builder .add_line(Some(applies_in.clone().to_owned()), line) .map_err(|err| Error::Glob { file: Some(file.path.clone()), err, })?; } trace!("compiling globset"); let compiled_builder = builder .build() .map_err(|err| Error::Glob { file: None, err })?; total_num_ignores += compiled_builder.num_ignores(); total_num_whitelists += compiled_builder.num_whitelists(); ignores_trie.insert( applies_in.display().to_string(), Ignore { gitignore: compiled_builder, builder: Some(builder), }, ); } trace!( files=%files.len(), trie=?ignores_trie, ignores=%total_num_ignores, allows=%total_num_whitelists, "ignore files loaded and compiled", ); Ok(Self { origin: origin.to_owned(), ignores: ignores_trie, }) } /// Returns the number of ignores and allowlists loaded. #[must_use] pub fn num_ignores(&self) -> (u64, u64) { self.ignores.iter().fold((0, 0), |mut acc, (_, ignore)| { acc.0 += ignore.gitignore.num_ignores(); acc.1 += ignore.gitignore.num_whitelists(); acc }) } /// Deletes the internal builder, to save memory. /// /// This makes it impossible to add new ignore files without re-compiling the whole set. pub fn finish(&mut self) { let keys = self.ignores.keys().cloned().collect::>(); for key in keys { if let Some(ignore) = self.ignores.get_mut(&key) { ignore.builder = None; } } } /// Reads and adds an ignore file, if the builder is available. /// /// Does nothing silently otherwise. pub async fn add_file(&mut self, file: &IgnoreFile) -> Result<(), Error> { let applies_in = get_applies_in_path(&self.origin, file) .display() .to_string(); let Some(Ignore { builder: Some(ref mut builder), ..}) = self.ignores.get_mut(&applies_in) else { return Ok(()); }; trace!(?file, "reading ignore file"); let content = read_to_string(&file.path) .await .map_err(|err| Error::Read { file: file.path.clone(), err, })?; let _span = trace_span!("loading ignore file", ?file).entered(); for line in content.lines() { if line.is_empty() || line.starts_with('#') { continue; } trace!(?line, "adding ignore line"); builder .add_line(file.applies_in.clone(), line) .map_err(|err| Error::Glob { file: Some(file.path.clone()), err, })?; } self.recompile(file)?; Ok(()) } fn recompile(&mut self, file: &IgnoreFile) -> Result<(), Error> { let applies_in = get_applies_in_path(&self.origin, file) .display() .to_string(); let Some(Ignore { gitignore: compiled, builder: Some(builder)}) = self.ignores.get(&applies_in) else { return Ok(()); }; let pre_ignores = compiled.num_ignores(); let pre_allows = compiled.num_whitelists(); trace!("recompiling globset"); let recompiled =|err| Error::Glob { file: Some(file.path.clone()), err, })?; trace!( new_ignores=%(recompiled.num_ignores() - pre_ignores), new_allows=%(recompiled.num_whitelists() - pre_allows), "ignore file loaded and set recompiled", ); self.ignores.insert( applies_in, Ignore { gitignore: recompiled, builder: Some(builder.to_owned()), }, ); Ok(()) } /// Adds some globs manually, if the builder is available. /// /// Does nothing silently otherwise. pub fn add_globs(&mut self, globs: &[&str], applies_in: Option<&PathBuf>) -> Result<(), Error> { let applies_in = applies_in.unwrap_or(&self.origin); let Some(Ignore {builder: Some(builder), ..}) = self.ignores.get_mut(&applies_in.display().to_string()) else { return Ok(()); }; let _span = trace_span!("loading ignore globs", ?globs).entered(); for line in globs { if line.is_empty() || line.starts_with('#') { continue; } trace!(?line, "adding ignore line"); builder .add_line(Some(applies_in.clone()), line) .map_err(|err| Error::Glob { file: None, err })?; } self.recompile(&IgnoreFile { path: "manual glob".into(), applies_in: Some(applies_in.clone()), applies_to: None, })?; Ok(()) } /// Match a particular path against the ignore set. pub fn match_path(&self, path: &Path, is_dir: bool) -> Match<&Glob> { let path = dunce::simplified(path); let Some(ignores) = self.ignores.get_ancestor_value(&path.display().to_string()) else { trace!(?path, "no ignores for path"); return Match::None; }; if path.strip_prefix(&self.origin).is_ok() { trace!("checking against path or parents"); ignores.gitignore.matched_path_or_any_parents(path, is_dir) } else { trace!("checking against path only"); ignores.gitignore.matched(path, is_dir) } } /// Check a particular folder path against the ignore set. /// /// Returns `false` if the folder should be ignored. /// /// Note that this is a slightly different implementation than watchexec's Filterer trait, as /// the latter handles events with multiple associated paths. pub fn check_dir(&self, path: &Path) -> bool { let _span = trace_span!("check_dir", ?path).entered(); trace!("checking against compiled ignore files"); match self.match_path(path, true) { Match::None => { trace!("no match (pass)"); true } Match::Ignore(glob) => { if glob.from().map_or(true, |f| path.strip_prefix(f).is_ok()) { trace!(?glob, "positive match (fail)"); false } else { trace!(?glob, "positive match, but not in scope (pass)"); true } } Match::Whitelist(glob) => { trace!(?glob, "negative match (pass)"); true } } } } fn get_applies_in_path(origin: &Path, ignore_file: &IgnoreFile) -> PathBuf { let root_path = PathBuf::from(prefix(origin)); ignore_file .applies_in .as_ref() .map(|p| PathBuf::from(dunce::simplified(p))) .unwrap_or(root_path) } /// Gets the root component of a given path. /// /// This will be `/` on unix systems, or a Drive letter (`C:`, `D:`, etc) fn prefix>(path: T) -> String { let path = path.as_ref(); let Some(prefix) = path.components().next() else { return "/".into(); }; match prefix { std::path::Component::Prefix(prefix_component) => { prefix_component.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap_or("/").into() } _ => "/".into(), } }