#[macro_use] extern crate clap; extern crate env_logger; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate notify; mod gitignore; mod notification_filter; mod runner; use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, RecvError}; use std::{env, thread, time}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use clap::{App, Arg, ArgMatches}; use notify::{Event, PollWatcher, Watcher}; use notification_filter::NotificationFilter; use runner::Runner; // Starting at the specified path, search for gitignore files, // stopping at the first one found. fn find_gitignore_file(path: &Path) -> Option { let mut gitignore_path = path.join(".gitignore"); if gitignore_path.exists() { return Some(gitignore_path); } let p = path.to_owned(); while let Some(p) = p.parent() { gitignore_path = p.join(".gitignore"); if gitignore_path.exists() { return Some(gitignore_path); } } None } fn get_args<'a>() -> ArgMatches<'a> { App::new("watchexec") .version(crate_version!()) .about("Execute commands when watched files change") .arg(Arg::with_name("path") .help("Path to watch") .short("w") .long("watch") .number_of_values(1) .multiple(true) .takes_value(true) .default_value(".")) .arg(Arg::with_name("command") .help("Command to execute") .multiple(true) .required(true)) .arg(Arg::with_name("extensions") .help("Comma-separated list of file extensions to watch (js,css,html)") .short("e") .long("exts") .takes_value(true)) .arg(Arg::with_name("clear") .help("Clear screen before executing command") .short("c") .long("clear")) .arg(Arg::with_name("restart") .help("Restart the process if it's still running") .short("r") .long("restart")) .arg(Arg::with_name("debug") .help("Print debugging messages to stderr") .short("d") .long("debug")) .arg(Arg::with_name("filter") .help("Ignore all modifications except those matching the pattern") .short("f") .long("filter") .number_of_values(1) .multiple(true) .takes_value(true) .value_name("pattern")) .arg(Arg::with_name("ignore") .help("Ignore modifications to paths matching the pattern") .short("i") .long("ignore") .number_of_values(1) .multiple(true) .takes_value(true) .value_name("pattern")) .arg(Arg::with_name("no-vcs-ignore") .help("Skip auto-loading of .gitignore files for filtering") .long("no-vcs-ignore")) .arg(Arg::with_name("run-initially") .help("Run command initially, before first file change") .long("run-initially")) .arg(Arg::with_name("poll") .help("Forces polling mode") .long("force-poll") .value_name("interval")) .get_matches() } fn init_logger(debug: bool) { let mut log_builder = env_logger::LogBuilder::new(); let level = if debug { log::LogLevelFilter::Debug } else { log::LogLevelFilter::Warn }; log_builder .format(|r| format!("*** {}", r.args())) .filter(None, level); log_builder.init().expect("unable to initialize logger"); } fn main() { let args = get_args(); init_logger(args.is_present("debug")); let cwd = env::current_dir() .expect("unable to get cwd") .canonicalize() .expect("unable to canonicalize cwd"); let mut gitignore_file = None; if !args.is_present("no-vcs-ignore") { if let Some(gitignore_path) = find_gitignore_file(&cwd) { debug!("Found .gitignore file: {:?}", gitignore_path); gitignore_file = gitignore::parse(&gitignore_path).ok(); } } let mut filter = NotificationFilter::new(&cwd, gitignore_file).expect("unable to create notification filter"); // Add default ignore list let dotted_dirs = Path::new(".*").join("*"); let default_filters = vec!["*/.DS_Store", "*.pyc", "*.swp", dotted_dirs.to_str().unwrap()]; for p in default_filters { filter.add_ignore(p).expect("bad default filter"); } if let Some(extensions) = args.values_of("extensions") { for ext in extensions { filter.add_extension(ext).expect("bad extension"); } } if let Some(filters) = args.values_of("filter") { for p in filters { filter.add_filter(p).expect("bad filter"); } } if let Some(ignores) = args.values_of("ignore") { for i in ignores { filter.add_ignore(i).expect("bad ignore pattern"); } } let (tx, rx) = channel(); let mut watcher = if !args.is_present("poll") { Watcher::new(tx).expect("unable to create watcher") } else { // TODO: die on invalid input, seems to be a clap issue let interval = value_t!(args.value_of("poll"), u32).unwrap_or(1000); warn!("Polling for changes every {} ms", interval); PollWatcher::with_delay(tx, interval).expect("unable to create poll watcher") }; let paths = args.values_of("path").unwrap(); for path in paths { match Path::new(path).canonicalize() { Ok(canonicalized) => watcher.watch(canonicalized).expect("unable to watch path"), Err(_) => { println!("invalid path: {}", path); return; } } } let cmd_parts: Vec<&str> = args.values_of("command").unwrap().collect(); let cmd = cmd_parts.join(" "); let mut runner = Runner::new(args.is_present("restart"), args.is_present("clear")); if args.is_present("run-initially") { runner.run_command(&cmd, vec![]); } loop { let e = wait(&rx, &filter).expect("error when waiting for filesystem changes"); debug!("{:?}: {:?}", e.op, e.path); // TODO: update wait to return all paths let updated: Vec<&str> = e.path .iter() .map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap()) .collect(); runner.run_command(&cmd, updated); } } fn wait(rx: &Receiver, filter: &NotificationFilter) -> Result { loop { // Block on initial notification let e = try!(rx.recv()); if let Some(ref path) = e.path { if filter.is_excluded(path) { continue; } } // Accumulate subsequent events thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(250)); // Drain rx buffer and drop them while let Ok(_) = rx.try_recv() { // nothing to do here } return Ok(e); } }