# Watchexec CLI A simple standalone tool that watches a path and runs a command whenever it detects modifications. Example use cases: * Automatically run unit tests * Run linters/syntax checkers ## Features * Simple invocation and use * Runs on Linux, Mac, Windows, and more * Monitors current directory and all subdirectories for changes * Uses efficient event polling mechanism (on Linux, Mac, Windows, BSD) * Coalesces multiple filesystem events into one, for editors that use swap/backup files during saving * By default, uses `.gitignore`, `.ignore`, and other such files to determine which files to ignore notifications for * Support for watching files with a specific extension * Support for filtering/ignoring events based on [glob patterns](https://docs.rs/globset/*/globset/#syntax) * Launches the command in a new process group (can be disabled with `--no-process-group`) * Optionally clears screen between executions * Optionally restarts the command with every modification (good for servers) * Optionally sends a desktop notification on command start and end * Does not require a language runtime * Sets the following environment variables in the process: `$WATCHEXEC_COMMON_PATH` is set to the longest common path of all of the below variables, and so should be prepended to each path to obtain the full/real path. | Variable name | Event kind | |---|---| | `$WATCHEXEC_CREATED_PATH` | files/folders were created | | `$WATCHEXEC_REMOVED_PATH` | files/folders were removed | | `$WATCHEXEC_RENAMED_PATH` | files/folders were renamed | | `$WATCHEXEC_WRITTEN_PATH` | files/folders were modified | | `$WATCHEXEC_META_CHANGED_PATH` | files/folders' metadata were modified | | `$WATCHEXEC_OTHERWISE_CHANGED_PATH` | every other kind of event | These variables may contain multiple paths: these are separated by the platform's path separator, as with the `PATH` system environment variable. On Unix that is `:`, and on Windows `;`. Within each variable, paths are deduplicated and sorted in binary order (i.e. neither Unicode nor locale aware). This can be disabled or limited with `--no-environment` (doesn't set any of these variables) and `--no-meta` (ignores metadata changes). ## Anti-Features * Not tied to any particular language or ecosystem * Not tied to Git or the presence of a repository/project * Does not require a cryptic command line involving `xargs` ## Usage Examples Watch all JavaScript, CSS and HTML files in the current directory and all subdirectories for changes, running `make` when a change is detected: $ watchexec --exts js,css,html make Call `make test` when any file changes in this directory/subdirectory, except for everything below `target`: $ watchexec -i "target/**" make test Call `ls -la` when any file changes in this directory/subdirectory: $ watchexec -- ls -la Call/restart `python server.py` when any Python file in the current directory (and all subdirectories) changes: $ watchexec -e py -r python server.py Call/restart `my_server` when any file in the current directory (and all subdirectories) changes, sending `SIGKILL` to stop the command: $ watchexec -r -s SIGKILL my_server Send a SIGHUP to the command upon changes (Note: using `-n` here we're executing `my_server` directly, instead of wrapping it in a shell: $ watchexec -n -s SIGHUP my_server Run `make` when any file changes, using the `.gitignore` file in the current directory to filter: $ watchexec make Run `make` when any file in `lib` or `src` changes: $ watchexec -w lib -w src make Run `bundle install` when the `Gemfile` changes: $ watchexec -w Gemfile bundle install Run two commands: $ watchexec 'date; make' If you come from `entr`, note that the watchexec command is run in a shell by default. You can use `-n` or `--shell=none` to not do that: $ watchexec -n -- echo ';' lorem ipsum On Windows, you may prefer to use Powershell: $ watchexec --shell=powershell -- test-connection localhost ## Installation ### First-party #### Pre-built Use the download section on [Github](https://github.com/watchexec/watchexec/releases/latest) or [the website](https://watchexec.github.io/downloads/) to obtain the package appropriate for your platform and architecture, extract it, and place it in your `PATH`. There are also Debian/Ubuntu (DEB) and Fedora/RedHat (RPM) packages. Checksums and signatures are available. #### Cargo (from source) Only the latest Rust stable is supported, but older versions may work. $ cargo install watchexec-cli #### [Binstall](https://github.com/ryankurte/cargo-binstall) $ cargo binstall watchexec-cli ### Third-party These are provided by third parties, caveat emptor! #### macOS - Homebrew: `$ brew install watchexec` - Nix/NixOS: `$ nix-env -iA nixpkgs.watchexec` - Webi: `$ curl -sS https://webinstall.dev/watchexec | bash` #### Linux - ArchLinux: `$ pacman -S watchexec` - Nix/NixOS: `$ nix-env -iA nixpkgs.watchexec` - Webi: `$ curl -sS https://webinstall.dev/watchexec | bash` #### Windows - Scoop: `#> scoop install watchexec` - Chocolatey: `#> choco install watchexec` - Webi: `#> curl.exe -A MS https://webinstall.dev/watchexec | powershell` ## Shell completions Currently available shell completions: - zsh: `completions/zsh` should be installed to `/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_watchexec`