use std::sync::Mutex; lazy_static! { static ref CLEANUP: Mutex>> = Mutex::new(None); } #[allow(dead_code)] pub enum Signal { Terminate, Stop, Continue, ChildExit, } #[cfg(unix)] pub fn install_handler(handler: F) where F: Fn(self::Signal) + 'static + Send + Sync { use std::thread; use libc::c_int; use nix::sys::signal::*; // Mask all signals interesting to us. The mask propagates // to all threads started after this point. let mut mask = SigSet::empty(); mask.add(SIGTERM); mask.add(SIGINT); mask.add(SIGTSTP); mask.add(SIGCONT); mask.add(SIGCHLD); mask.thread_set_mask().expect("unable to set signal mask"); set_handler(handler); // Indicate interest in SIGCHLD by setting a dummy handler pub extern "C" fn sigchld_handler(_: c_int) {} unsafe { let _ = sigaction(SIGCHLD, &SigAction::new(SigHandler::Handler(sigchld_handler), SaFlags::empty(), SigSet::empty())); } // Spawn a thread to catch these signals thread::spawn(move || { loop { let raw_signal = mask.wait().expect("unable to sigwait"); debug!("Received {:?}", raw_signal); let sig = match raw_signal { SIGTERM | SIGINT => self::Signal::Terminate, SIGTSTP => self::Signal::Stop, SIGCONT => self::Signal::Continue, SIGCHLD => self::Signal::ChildExit, _ => unreachable!(), }; // Invoke closure invoke(sig); // Restore default behavior for received signal and unmask it if raw_signal != SIGCHLD { let default_action = SigAction::new(SigHandler::SigDfl, SaFlags::empty(), SigSet::empty()); unsafe { let _ = sigaction(raw_signal, &default_action); } } let mut new_mask = SigSet::empty(); new_mask.add(raw_signal); // Re-raise with signal unmasked let _ = new_mask.thread_unblock(); let _ = raise(raw_signal); let _ = new_mask.thread_block(); } }); } #[cfg(windows)] pub fn install_handler(handler: F) where F: Fn(self::Signal) + 'static + Send + Sync { use kernel32::SetConsoleCtrlHandler; use winapi::{BOOL, DWORD, FALSE, TRUE}; pub unsafe extern "system" fn ctrl_handler(_: DWORD) -> BOOL { invoke(self::Signal::Terminate); FALSE } set_handler(handler); unsafe { SetConsoleCtrlHandler(Some(ctrl_handler), TRUE); } } fn invoke(sig: self::Signal) { if let Some(ref handler) = *CLEANUP.lock().unwrap() { handler(sig) } } fn set_handler(handler: F) where F: Fn(self::Signal) + 'static + Send + Sync { *CLEANUP.lock().unwrap() = Some(Box::new(handler)); }