2023-03-18 21:32:24 +13:00

113 lines
4.0 KiB

use std::path::PathBuf;
use miette::Diagnostic;
use thiserror::Error;
use tokio::sync::watch;
use crate::{action, fs, keyboard};
// compatibility re-export
#[deprecated(note = "use the `watchexec_signals` crate directly instead")]
pub use watchexec_signals::SignalParseError;
/// Errors occurring from reconfigs.
#[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
pub enum ReconfigError {
/// Error received when the action processor cannot be updated.
#[error("reconfig: action watch: {0}")]
ActionWatch(#[from] watch::error::SendError<action::WorkingData>),
/// Error received when the fs event source cannot be updated.
#[error("reconfig: fs watch: {0}")]
FsWatch(#[from] watch::error::SendError<fs::WorkingData>),
/// Error received when the keyboard event source cannot be updated.
#[error("reconfig: keyboard watch: {0}")]
KeyboardWatch(#[from] watch::error::SendError<keyboard::WorkingData>),
/// Errors emitted by the filesystem watcher.
#[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
pub enum FsWatcherError {
/// Error received when creating a filesystem watcher fails.
/// Also see `TooManyWatches` and `TooManyHandles`.
#[error("failed to instantiate")]
help("perhaps retry with the poll watcher")
Create(#[source] notify::Error),
/// Error received when creating or updating a filesystem watcher fails because there are too many watches.
/// This is the OS error 28 on Linux.
#[error("failed to instantiate: too many watches")]
#[cfg_attr(target_os = "linux", diagnostic(help("you will want to increase your inotify.max_user_watches, see inotify(7) and")))]
not(target_os = "linux"),
diagnostic(help("this should not happen on your platform"))
TooManyWatches(#[source] notify::Error),
/// Error received when creating or updating a filesystem watcher fails because there are too many file handles open.
/// This is the OS error 24 on Linux. It may also occur when the limit for inotify instances is reached.
#[error("failed to instantiate: too many handles")]
#[cfg_attr(target_os = "linux", diagnostic(help("you will want to increase your `nofile` limit, see pam_limits(8); or increase your inotify.max_user_instances, see inotify(7) and")))]
not(target_os = "linux"),
diagnostic(help("this should not happen on your platform"))
TooManyHandles(#[source] notify::Error),
/// Error received when reading a filesystem event fails.
#[error("received an event that we could not read")]
Event(#[source] notify::Error),
/// Error received when adding to the pathset for the filesystem watcher fails.
#[error("while adding {path:?}")]
PathAdd {
/// The path that was attempted to be added.
path: PathBuf,
/// The underlying error.
err: notify::Error,
/// Error received when removing from the pathset for the filesystem watcher fails.
#[error("while removing {path:?}")]
PathRemove {
/// The path that was attempted to be removed.
path: PathBuf,
/// The underlying error.
err: notify::Error,
/// Errors emitted by the keyboard watcher.
#[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
pub enum KeyboardWatcherError {
/// Error received when shutting down stdin watcher fails.
#[error("failed to shut down stdin watcher")]