2021-08-22 22:06:31 +12:00

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//! Configuration and builders for [`crate::Watchexec`].
use std::{fmt, path::Path, sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use atomic_take::AtomicTake;
use derive_builder::Builder;
use crate::{action::Action, command::Shell, error::RuntimeError, fs::Watcher, handler::Handler};
/// Runtime configuration for [`Watchexec`][crate::Watchexec].
/// This is used both when constructing the instance (as initial configuration) and to reconfigure
/// it at runtime via [`Watchexec::reconfig()`][crate::Watchexec::reconfig()].
/// Use [`RuntimeConfig::default()`] to build a new one, or modify an existing one. This struct is
/// marked non-exhaustive such that new options may be added without breaking change. You can make
/// changes through the fields directly, or use the convenience (chainable!) methods instead.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct RuntimeConfig {
/// Working data for the filesystem event source.
/// This notably includes the path set to be watched.
pub fs: crate::fs::WorkingData,
/// Working data for the action processing.
/// This is the task responsible for scheduling the actions in response to events, applying the
/// filtering, etc.
pub action: crate::action::WorkingData,
impl RuntimeConfig {
/// Set the pathset to be watched.
pub fn pathset<I, P>(&mut self, pathset: I) -> &mut Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = P>,
P: AsRef<Path>,
self.fs.pathset = pathset.into_iter().map(|p| p.as_ref().into()).collect();
/// Set the file watcher type to use.
pub fn file_watcher(&mut self, watcher: Watcher) -> &mut Self {
self.fs.watcher = watcher;
/// Set the action throttle.
pub fn action_throttle(&mut self, throttle: impl Into<Duration>) -> &mut Self {
self.action.throttle = throttle.into();
/// Set the shell to use to invoke commands.
pub fn command_shell(&mut self, shell: Shell) -> &mut Self { = shell;
/// Set the command to run on action.
pub fn command<'cmd>(&mut self, command: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'cmd str>) -> &mut Self {
self.action.command = command.into_iter().map(|c| c.to_owned()).collect();
/// Set the action handler.
/// TODO: notes on how outcome is read immediately after handler returns
pub fn on_action(&mut self, handler: impl Handler<Action> + Send + 'static) -> &mut Self {
self.action.action_handler = Arc::new(AtomicTake::new(Box::new(handler) as _));
/// Initialisation configuration for [`Watchexec`][crate::Watchexec].
/// This is used only for constructing the instance.
/// Use [`InitConfigBuilder`] to build a new one, or modify an existing one. This struct is marked
/// non-exhaustive such that new options may be added without breaking change. Note that this
/// builder uses a different style (consuming `self`) for technical reasons (cannot be `Clone`d).
#[builder(pattern = "owned")]
pub struct InitConfig {
/// Runtime error handler.
/// This is run on every runtime error that occurs within watchexec. By default the placeholder
/// `()` handler is used, which discards all errors.
/// If the handler errors, [_that_ error][crate::error::RuntimeError::Handler] is immediately
/// given to the handler. If this second handler call errors as well, its error is ignored.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use std::convert::Infallible;
/// # use watchexec::config::InitConfigBuilder;
/// let mut init = InitConfigBuilder::default();
/// init.on_error(|err| async move {
/// tracing::error!("{}", err);
/// Ok::<(), Infallible>(())
/// });
/// ```
#[builder(private, default = "Box::new(()) as _")]
// TODO: figure out how to remove the builder setter entirely
pub error_handler: Box<dyn Handler<RuntimeError> + Send>,
/// Internal: the buffer size of the channel which carries runtime errors.
/// The default (64) is usually fine. If you expect a much larger throughput of runtime errors,
/// or if your `error_handler` is slow, adjusting this value may help.
#[builder(default = "64")]
pub error_channel_size: usize,
/// Internal: the buffer size of the channel which carries events.
/// The default (1024) is usually fine. If you expect a much larger throughput of events,
/// adjusting this value may help.
#[builder(default = "1024")]
pub event_channel_size: usize,
impl InitConfigBuilder {
/// Set the runtime error handler.
/// See the [documentation on the field][InitConfig#structfield.error_handler] for more details.
pub fn on_error(&mut self, handler: impl Handler<RuntimeError> + Send + 'static) -> &mut Self {
self.error_handler = Some(Box::new(handler) as _);
impl fmt::Debug for InitConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("error_channel_size", &self.error_channel_size)
.field("event_channel_size", &self.event_channel_size)