2019-10-23 17:29:44 +13:00

35 lines
1.7 KiB

#compdef watchexec
setopt localoptions extended_glob
local cmd
local -a args
local -a _comp_priv_prefix
'(-c --clear)'{-c,--clear}'[Clear screen before executing command]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Prints help information]'
'(-k --kill)'{-k,--kill}'[Send SIGKILL to child processes (deprecated, use -s SIGKILL instead)]'
'(-n --no-shell)'{-n,--no-shell}'[Do not wrap command in ''sh -c'' resp. ''cmd.exe /C'']'
'(-p --postpone)'{-p,--postpone}'[Wait until first change to execute command]'
'(-r --restart)'{-r,--restart}'[Restart the process if it''s still running]'
'(-V --version)'{-V,--version}'[Prints version information]'
'(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[Print debugging messages to stderr]'
'(-d --debounce)'{-d+,--debounce=}'[Set the timeout between detected change and command execution, defaults to 500ms]:milliseconds'
'(-e --exts)'{-e+,--exts=}'[Comma-separated list of file extensions to watch (js,css,html)]:extensions'
'(-f --filter)'{-f+,--filter=}'[Ignore all modifications except those matching the pattern]:pattern'
'(-i --ignore)'{-i+,--ignore=}'[Ignore modifications to paths matching the pattern]:pattern'
'(-w --watch)'{-w+,--watch=}'[Watch a specific directory]:path:_path_files -/'
'(-s --signal)'{-s+,--signal=}'[Send signal to process upon changes, e.g. SIGHUP]:signal'
'--force-poll=[Forces polling mode]:interval'
'--no-ignore[Skip auto-loading of ignore files (.gitignore, .ignore, etc.) for filtering]'
'--no-default-ignore[Skip auto-ignoring of commonly ignored globs]'
'--no-vcs-ignore[Skip auto-loading of .gitignore files for filtering]'
'(-)1:command: _command_names -e'
'*::arguments:{ _comp_priv_prefix=( $cmd -n ${(kv)opt_args[-u]} ) ; _normal }'
_arguments -s -S $args