2022-06-15 03:25:05 +00:00

77 lines
2.6 KiB

use miette::Diagnostic;
use thiserror::Error;
use tokio::{sync::mpsc, task::JoinError};
use crate::event::{Event, Priority};
use super::RuntimeError;
/// Errors which are not recoverable and stop watchexec execution.
#[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
pub enum CriticalError {
/// Pseudo-error used to signal a graceful exit.
#[error("this should never be printed (exit)")]
/// For custom critical errors.
/// This should be used for errors by external code which are not covered by the other error
/// types; watchexec-internal errors should never use this.
#[error("external(critical): {0}")]
External(#[from] Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>),
/// For elevated runtime errors.
/// This should be used for runtime errors elevated to critical. This currently does not happen
/// in watchexec, but it is possible in the future. This variant is useful with the `on_error`
/// runtime error handler; see [`ErrorHook`](crate::ErrorHook).
#[error("a runtime error is too serious for the process to continue")]
#[diagnostic(code(watchexec::critical::elevated_runtime), help("{help:?}"))]
Elevated {
/// The runtime error to be elevated.
err: RuntimeError,
/// Some context or help for the user.
help: Option<String>,
/// A critical I/O error occurred.
#[error("io({about}): {err}")]
IoError {
/// What it was about.
about: &'static str,
/// The I/O error which occurred.
err: std::io::Error,
/// Error received when a runtime error cannot be sent to the errors channel.
#[error("cannot send internal runtime error: {0}")]
ErrorChannelSend(#[from] mpsc::error::SendError<RuntimeError>),
/// Error received when an event cannot be sent to the events channel.
#[error("cannot send event to internal channel: {0}")]
EventChannelSend(#[from] async_priority_channel::SendError<(Event, Priority)>),
/// Error received when joining the main watchexec task.
#[error("main task join: {0}")]
MainTaskJoin(#[source] JoinError),
/// Error received when a handler is missing on initialisation.
/// This is a **bug** and should be reported.
#[error("internal: missing handler on init")]