2016-10-22 15:37:03 -04:00

243 lines
7.1 KiB

extern crate clap;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate libc;
extern crate log;
#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate notify;
#[cfg(unix)] extern crate nix;
#[cfg(unix)] extern crate signal;
#[cfg(windows)] extern crate winapi;
#[cfg(windows)] extern crate kernel32;
mod gitignore;
mod interrupt_handler;
mod notification_filter;
mod runner;
mod watcher;
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, RecvError};
use std::{env, thread, time};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use clap::{App, Arg, ArgMatches};
use notification_filter::NotificationFilter;
use runner::Runner;
use watcher::{Event, Watcher};
// Starting at the specified path, search for gitignore files,
// stopping at the first one found.
fn find_gitignore_file(path: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
let mut gitignore_path = path.join(".gitignore");
if gitignore_path.exists() {
return Some(gitignore_path);
let p = path.to_owned();
while let Some(p) = p.parent() {
gitignore_path = p.join(".gitignore");
if gitignore_path.exists() {
return Some(gitignore_path);
fn get_args<'a>() -> ArgMatches<'a> {
.about("Execute commands when watched files change")
.help("Path to watch")
.help("Command to execute")
.help("Comma-separated list of file extensions to watch (js,css,html)")
.help("Clear screen before executing command")
.help("Restart the process if it's still running")
.help("Print debugging messages to stderr")
.help("Ignore all modifications except those matching the pattern")
.help("Ignore modifications to paths matching the pattern")
.help("Skip auto-loading of .gitignore files for filtering")
.help("Run command initially, before first file change")
.help("Forces polling mode")
fn init_logger(debug: bool) {
let mut log_builder = env_logger::LogBuilder::new();
let level = if debug {
} else {
.format(|r| format!("*** {}", r.args()))
.filter(None, level);
log_builder.init().expect("unable to initialize logger");
fn main() {
let args = get_args();
let cwd = env::current_dir()
.expect("unable to get cwd")
.expect("unable to canonicalize cwd");
let mut gitignore_file = None;
if !args.is_present("no-vcs-ignore") {
if let Some(gitignore_path) = find_gitignore_file(&cwd) {
debug!("Found .gitignore file: {:?}", gitignore_path);
gitignore_file = gitignore::parse(&gitignore_path).ok();
let mut filter = NotificationFilter::new(&cwd, gitignore_file).expect("unable to create notification filter");
// Add default ignore list
let dotted_dirs = Path::new(".*").join("*");
let default_filters = vec!["*/.DS_Store", "*.pyc", "*.swp", dotted_dirs.to_str().unwrap()];
for p in default_filters {
filter.add_ignore(p).expect("bad default filter");
if let Some(extensions) = args.values_of("extensions") {
for ext in extensions {
filter.add_extension(ext).expect("bad extension");
if let Some(filters) = args.values_of("filter") {
for p in filters {
filter.add_filter(p).expect("bad filter");
if let Some(ignores) = args.values_of("ignore") {
for i in ignores {
filter.add_ignore(i).expect("bad ignore pattern");
let (tx, rx) = channel();
// TODO: die on invalid input, seems to be a clap issue
let interval = value_t!(args.value_of("poll"), u32).unwrap_or(1000);
let force_poll = args.is_present("poll");
let mut watcher = Watcher::new(tx, force_poll, interval)
.expect("unable to create watcher");
if watcher.is_polling() {
warn!("Polling for changes every {} ms", interval);
let paths = args.values_of("path").unwrap();
for path in paths {
match Path::new(path).canonicalize() {
Ok(canonicalized) =>"unable to watch path"),
Err(_) => {
println!("invalid path: {}", path);
let cmd_parts: Vec<&str> = args.values_of("command").unwrap().collect();
let cmd = cmd_parts.join(" ");
let mut runner = Runner::new(args.is_present("restart"), args.is_present("clear"));
if args.is_present("run-initially") {
runner.run_command(&cmd, vec![]);
loop {
let e = wait(&rx, &filter).expect("error when waiting for filesystem changes");
debug!("{:?}: {:?}", e.op, e.path);
// TODO: update wait to return all paths
let updated: Vec<&str> = e.path
.map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap())
runner.run_command(&cmd, updated);
fn wait(rx: &Receiver<Event>, filter: &NotificationFilter) -> Result<Event, RecvError> {
loop {
// Block on initial notification
let e = try!(rx.recv());
if let Some(ref path) = e.path {
if filter.is_excluded(path) {
// Accumulate subsequent events
// Drain rx buffer and drop them
while let Ok(_) = rx.try_recv() {
// nothing to do here
return Ok(e);