
133 lines
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//! Event source for keyboard input and related events
use async_priority_channel as priority;
use tokio::{
sync::{mpsc, oneshot, watch},
use tracing::trace;
use crate::{
error::{CriticalError, KeyboardWatcherError, RuntimeError},
event::{Event, Priority, Source, Tag},
/// The configuration of the [keyboard][self] worker.
/// This is marked non-exhaustive so new configuration can be added without breaking.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct WorkingData {
/// Whether or not to watch for 'end of file' on stdin
pub eof: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Enumeration of different keyboard events
pub enum Keyboard {
/// Event representing an 'end of file' on stdin
/// Launch the filesystem event worker.
/// While you can run several, you should only have one.
/// Sends keyboard events via to the provided 'events' channel
pub async fn worker(
mut working: watch::Receiver<WorkingData>,
errors: mpsc::Sender<RuntimeError>,
events: priority::Sender<Event, Priority>,
) -> Result<(), CriticalError> {
let mut send_close = None;
while working.changed().await.is_ok() {
let watch_for_eof = { working.borrow().eof };
match (watch_for_eof, &send_close) {
// If we want to watch stdin and we're not already watching it then spawn a task to watch it
(true, None) => {
let (close_s, close_r) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<()>();
send_close = Some(close_s);
tokio::spawn(watch_stdin(errors.clone(), events.clone(), close_r));
// If we don't want to watch stdin but we are already watching it then send a close signal to end the
// watching
(false, Some(_)) => {
// Repeat match using 'take'
if let Some(close_s) = send_close.take() {
if close_s.send(()).is_err() {
.send(RuntimeError::KeyboardWatcher {
err: KeyboardWatcherError::StdinShutdown,
// Otherwise no action is required
_ => {}
async fn watch_stdin(
errors: mpsc::Sender<RuntimeError>,
events: priority::Sender<Event, Priority>,
mut close_r: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
) -> Result<(), CriticalError> {
let mut stdin = tokio::io::stdin();
let mut buffer = [0; 10];
loop {
tokio::select! {
result = buffer[..]) => {
// Read from stdin and if we've read 0 bytes then we assume stdin has received an 'eof' so
// we send that event into the system and break out of the loop as 'eof' means that there will
// be no more information on stdin.
match result {
Ok(0) => {
send_event(errors, events, Keyboard::Eof).await?;
Err(_) => break,
_ => {
_ = &mut close_r => {
// If we receive a close signal then break out of the loop and end which drops
// our handle on stdin
async fn send_event(
errors: mpsc::Sender<RuntimeError>,
events: priority::Sender<Event, Priority>,
msg: Keyboard,
) -> Result<(), CriticalError> {
let tags = vec![Tag::Source(Source::Keyboard), Tag::Keyboard(msg)];
let event = Event {
metadata: Default::default(),
trace!(?event, "processed keyboard input into event");
if let Err(err) = events.send(event, Priority::Normal).await {
.send(RuntimeError::EventChannelSend {
ctx: "keyboard",