
133 lines
3.9 KiB

use std::{env::var, io::stderr, path::PathBuf};
use clap::{ArgAction, Parser, ValueHint};
use miette::{bail, Result};
use tokio::fs::metadata;
use tracing::{info, warn};
use tracing_appender::{non_blocking, non_blocking::WorkerGuard, rolling};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Parser)]
pub struct LoggingArgs {
/// Set diagnostic log level
/// This enables diagnostic logging, which is useful for investigating bugs or gaining more
/// insight into faulty filters or "missing" events. Use multiple times to increase verbosity.
/// Goes up to '-vvvv'. When submitting bug reports, default to a '-vvv' log level.
/// You may want to use with '--log-file' to avoid polluting your terminal.
/// Setting $RUST_LOG also works, and takes precedence, but is not recommended. However, using
/// $RUST_LOG is the only way to get logs from before these options are parsed.
help_heading = super::OPTSET_DEBUGGING,
action = ArgAction::Count,
default_value = "0",
num_args = 0,
pub verbose: u8,
/// Write diagnostic logs to a file
/// This writes diagnostic logs to a file, instead of the terminal, in JSON format. If a log
/// level was not already specified, this will set it to '-vvv'.
/// If a path is not provided, the default is the working directory. Note that with
/// '--ignore-nothing', the write events to the log will likely get picked up by Watchexec,
/// causing a loop; prefer setting a path outside of the watched directory.
/// If the path provided is a directory, a file will be created in that directory. The file name
/// will be the current date and time, in the format 'watchexec.YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SSZ.log'.
help_heading = super::OPTSET_DEBUGGING,
num_args = 0..=1,
default_missing_value = ".",
value_hint = ValueHint::AnyPath,
value_name = "PATH",
pub log_file: Option<PathBuf>,
pub fn preargs() -> bool {
let mut log_on = false;
#[cfg(feature = "dev-console")]
match console_subscriber::try_init() {
Ok(_) => {
warn!("dev-console enabled");
log_on = true;
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Failed to initialise tokio console, falling back to normal logging\n{e}")
if !log_on && var("RUST_LOG").is_ok() {
match tracing_subscriber::fmt::try_init() {
Ok(()) => {
warn!(RUST_LOG=%var("RUST_LOG").unwrap(), "logging configured from RUST_LOG");
log_on = true;
Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to initialise logging with RUST_LOG, falling back\n{e}"),
pub async fn postargs(args: &LoggingArgs) -> Result<Option<WorkerGuard>> {
if args.verbose == 0 {
return Ok(None);
let (log_writer, guard) = if let Some(file) = &args.log_file {
let is_dir = metadata(&file).await.map_or(false, |info| info.is_dir());
let (dir, filename) = if is_dir {
} else if let (Some(parent), Some(file_name)) = (file.parent(), file.file_name()) {
(parent.into(), PathBuf::from(file_name))
} else {
bail!("Failed to determine log file name");
non_blocking(rolling::never(dir, filename))
} else {
let mut builder = tracing_subscriber::fmt().with_env_filter(match args.verbose {
0 => unreachable!("checked by if earlier"),
1 => "warn",
2 => "info",
3 => "debug",
_ => "trace",
if args.verbose > 2 {
use tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::FmtSpan;
builder = builder.with_span_events(FmtSpan::NEW | FmtSpan::CLOSE);
match if args.log_file.is_some() {
} else if args.verbose > 3 {
} else {
} {
Ok(()) => info!("logging initialised"),
Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to initialise logging, continuing with none\n{e}"),