2017-04-10 00:19:58 +02:00

254 lines
7.5 KiB

extern crate clap;
extern crate globset;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate libc;
extern crate log;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate notify;
extern crate nix;
extern crate winapi;
extern crate kernel32;
extern crate mktemp;
mod cli;
mod gitignore;
mod notification_filter;
mod process;
mod signal;
mod watcher;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver};
use std::time::Duration;
use notification_filter::NotificationFilter;
use process::Process;
use signal::Signal;
use watcher::{Event, Watcher};
fn init_logger(debug: bool) {
let mut log_builder = env_logger::LogBuilder::new();
let level = if debug {
} else {
.format(|r| format!("*** {}", r.args()))
.filter(None, level);
log_builder.init().expect("unable to initialize logger");
fn main() {
let args = cli::get_args();
let child_process: Arc<RwLock<Option<Process>>> = Arc::new(RwLock::new(None));
let weak_child = Arc::downgrade(&child_process);
// Convert signal string to the corresponding integer
let signal = signal::new(args.signal);
signal::install_handler(move |sig: Signal| {
if let Some(lock) = weak_child.upgrade() {
let strong =;
if let Some(ref child) = *strong {
match sig {
Signal::SIGCHLD => child.reap(), // SIGCHLD is special, initiate reap()
_ => child.signal(sig),
let paths: Vec<PathBuf> = args.paths
.map(|p| {
.expect(&format!("unable to canonicalize \"{}\"", &p))
let gitignore = if !args.no_vcs_ignore {
} else {
let filter = NotificationFilter::new(args.filters, args.ignores, gitignore)
.expect("unable to create notification filter");
let (tx, rx) = channel();
let watcher =
Watcher::new(tx, &paths, args.poll, args.poll_interval).expect("unable to create watcher");
if watcher.is_polling() {
warn!("Polling for changes every {} ms", args.poll_interval);
// Start child process initially, if necessary
if args.run_initially && !args.once {
if args.clear_screen {
let mut guard = child_process.write().unwrap();
*guard = Some(process::spawn(&args.cmd, vec![], args.no_shell));
loop {
debug!("Waiting for filesystem activity");
let paths = wait_fs(&rx, &filter);
if let Some(path) = paths.get(0) {
debug!("Path updated: {:?}", path);
// We have three scenarios here:
// 1. Make sure the previous run was ended, then run the command again
// 2. Just send a specified signal to the child, do nothing more
// 3. Send SIGTERM to the child, wait for it to exit, then run the command again
// 4. Send a specified signal to the child, wait for it to exit, then run the command again
let scenario = (args.restart, signal.is_some());
match scenario {
// Custom restart behaviour (--restart was given, and --signal specified):
// Send specified signal to the child, wait for it to exit, then run the command again
(true, true) => {
signal_process(&child_process, signal, true);
// Launch child process
if args.clear_screen {
debug!("Launching child process");
let mut guard = child_process.write().unwrap();
*guard = Some(process::spawn(&args.cmd, paths, args.no_shell));
// Default restart behaviour (--restart was given, but --signal wasn't specified):
// Send SIGTERM to the child, wait for it to exit, then run the command again
(true, false) => {
let sigterm = signal::new(Some("SIGTERM".to_owned()));
signal_process(&child_process, sigterm, true);
// Launch child process
if args.clear_screen {
debug!("Launching child process");
let mut guard = child_process.write().unwrap();
*guard = Some(process::spawn(&args.cmd, paths, args.no_shell));
// SIGHUP scenario: --signal was given, but --restart was not
// Just send a signal (e.g. SIGHUP) to the child, do nothing more
(false, true) => signal_process(&child_process, signal, false),
// Default behaviour (neither --signal nor --restart specified):
// Make sure the previous run was ended, then run the command again
(false, false) => {
signal_process(&child_process, None, true);
// Launch child process
if args.clear_screen {
debug!("Launching child process");
let mut guard = child_process.write().unwrap();
*guard = Some(process::spawn(&args.cmd, paths, args.no_shell));
// Handle once option for integration testing
if args.once {
signal_process(&child_process, signal, false);
fn wait_fs(rx: &Receiver<Event>, filter: &NotificationFilter) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
let mut paths = vec![];
let mut cache = HashMap::new();
loop {
let e = rx.recv().expect("error when reading event");
if let Some(ref path) = e.path {
// Ignore cache for the initial file. Otherwise, in
// debug mode it's hard to track what's going on
let excluded = filter.is_excluded(path);
if !cache.contains_key(path) {
cache.insert(path.to_owned(), excluded);
if !excluded {
// Wait for filesystem activity to cool off
let timeout = Duration::from_millis(500);
while let Ok(e) = rx.recv_timeout(timeout) {
if let Some(ref path) = e.path {
if cache.contains_key(path) {
let excluded = filter.is_excluded(path);
let p = path.to_owned();
cache.insert(p.clone(), excluded);
if !excluded {
// signal_process sends signal to process. It waits for the process to exit if wait is true
fn signal_process(process: &RwLock<Option<Process>>, signal: Option<Signal>, wait: bool) {
let guard =;
if let Some(ref child) = *guard {
if let Some(s) = signal {
if wait {
debug!("Waiting for process to exit...");