* Author: Darren Kitchen * Duckencoder: 1.0 * Target: Windows 7 * Description: Minimizes all windows to desktop, takes screenshot, disables desktop icons, saves screenshot in %userprofile% and sets as wallpaper GUI d DELAY 500 PRINTSCREEN DELAY 100 MENU DELAY 300 STRING V DELAY 40 STRING D DELAY 300 GUI r DELAY 700 STRING mspaint ENTER DELAY 1200 CTRL v DELAY 500 CTRL s DELAY 1000 STRING %userprofile%\a.bmp ENTER DELAY 500 ALT f DELAY 400 STRING K DELAY 100 STRING F DELAY 1000 ALT F4 DELAY 300 GUI d ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Author: FlyinGrub * Target: Windows 7 * Description: same things but better :P, (work on french windows 7, some shortcut differs ...) DELAY 10000 GUI d DELAY 100 PRINTSCREEN DELAY 100 MENU DELAY 70 STRING h DELAY 50 STRING b DELAY 50 GUI r DELAY 200 STRING mspaint ENTER DELAY 500 CTRL v DELAY 300 ALT f DELAY 300 STRING b DELAY 300 ENTER DELAY 300 STRING a1z2.png ENTER ALT F4 DELAY 300 GUI d ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Author: C4PT4IN B4RCODE * Target: Windows 10 * Description: same thing with the addition of hiding the desktop icons (work on Portuguese windows 10) ``` GUI d DELAY 500 PRINTSCREEN DELAY 100 MENU DELAY 300 STRING V DELAY 40 STRING D DELAY 300 GUI r DELAY 700 STRING mspaint ENTER DELAY 1200 CTRL v DELAY 500 ALT f STRING c DELAY 1000 STRING %userprofile%\a.bmp ENTER DELAY 500 ALT f DELAY 400 STRING F DELAY 1000 ALT F4 DELAY 300 GUI d DELAY 300 SHIFT F10 DELAY 100 DOWN DELAY 100 RIGHT DELAY 100 UP DELAY 100 ENTER ```