* Author: Caleb Hutchinson * Duckencoder: 1.0 * Target: Windows 7 * Description: Changes the users desktop background to a Rubber Duck saying “YOU GOT QUACKED!” with a Hak5 logo :D ``` GUI d WINDOWS STRING https://i.imgflip.com/1dv8ac.jpg ENTER DELAY 100 REM Opens up window and goes to a image I created xD CTRL s STRING %userprofile%\Desktop\QUACKED ENTER REM saving the picture to the user Desktop, pic name QUACKED... DELAY 100 GUI d REM shows desktop WINDOWS r STRING %userprofile%\Desktop\QUACKED.png ENTER REM opens the png file MENU ENTER ALT F4 REM sets the background, and closes. GUI d MENU STRING v STRING d REM I know its basic but tell what you think im only 14 and this is my first "program" thanks Darren ```