* Auther - Justin * Win10 * Description: Changes the users desktop background to a Rubber Duck saying “YOU GOT QUACKED!” and prints the screen, hides icons, and taskbar. This is my first duckyscript and Git. It works with Win10 with chrome and Windows Photo app. It has long delays for slow computers. GUI d DELAY 1000 GUI r DELAY 1000 STRING chrome https://i.imgflip.com/1dv8ac.jpg ENTER DELAY 6000 ENTER DELAY 1000 CTRL s DELAY 1000 STRING %userprofile%\Desktop\QUACKED DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 1000 GUI d DELAY 1000 GUI r DELAY 1000 STRING %userprofile%\Desktop\QUACKED.jpg DELAY 1000 SHIFT F10 DELAY 1000 REM The repeat switch didn't work for me here. DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 1000 DOWN DELAY 1000 ENTER GUI d DELAY 700 PRINTSCREEN DELAY 700 SHIFT F10 DELAY 700 DOWN DELAY 700 RIGHT DELAY 700 STRING D SHIFT F10 DELAY 700 STRING R DELAY 1000 TAB DELAY 700 DOWN REPEAT 4 ENTER DELAY 700 TAB DELAY 700 TAB DELAY 700 REM To toggle taskbar on or off change to "SPACE" for Win 10 and "UP ARROW" for Server 2016 SPACE GUI D DELAY 700 GUI r DELAY 2000 STRING mspaint ENTER DELAY 2000 CTRL v DELAY 700 CTRL s DELAY 1000 STRING %userprofile%\a.bmp ENTER DELAY 700 ALT f DELAY 700 STRING K DELAY 700 STRING F DELAY 1000 ALT F4 DELAY 700 GUI d