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"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/quick" + "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/quick" ) // Colorize applies syntax-highlighting to a cheatsheet's Text. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 34e3c41..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.PHONY: chromad upload all - -VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --dirty --always) - -all: README.md tokentype_string.go - -README.md: lexers/*/*.go - ./table.py - -tokentype_string.go: types.go - go generate - -chromad: - rm -f chromad - (export CGOENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64; cd ./cmd/chromad && go build -ldflags="-X 'main.version=$(VERSION)'" -o ../../chromad .) - -upload: chromad - scp chromad root@swapoff.org: && \ - ssh root@swapoff.org 'install -m755 ./chromad /srv/http/swapoff.org/bin && service chromad restart' diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/README.md b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index b62b847..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -# Chroma — A general purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go -[![Golang Documentation](https://godoc.org/github.com/alecthomas/chroma?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/alecthomas/chroma) [![CI](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/actions/workflows/ci.yml) [![Slack chat](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?logo=slack&style=flat&label=slack&color=green&message=gophers)](https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org/) - -> **NOTE:** As Chroma has just been released, its API is still in flux. That said, the high-level interface should not change significantly. - -Chroma takes source code and other structured text and converts it into syntax -highlighted HTML, ANSI-coloured text, etc. - -Chroma is based heavily on [Pygments](http://pygments.org/), and includes -translators for Pygments lexers and styles. - - -## Table of Contents - - - -1. [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) -2. [Supported languages](#supported-languages) -3. [Try it](#try-it) -4. [Using the library](#using-the-library) - 1. [Quick start](#quick-start) - 2. [Identifying the language](#identifying-the-language) - 3. [Formatting the output](#formatting-the-output) - 4. [The HTML formatter](#the-html-formatter) -5. [More detail](#more-detail) - 1. [Lexers](#lexers) - 2. [Formatters](#formatters) - 3. [Styles](#styles) -6. [Command-line interface](#command-line-interface) -7. [What's missing compared to Pygments?](#whats-missing-compared-to-pygments) - - - - -## Supported languages - -Prefix | Language -:----: | -------- -A | ABAP, ABNF, ActionScript, ActionScript 3, Ada, Angular2, ANTLR, ApacheConf, APL, AppleScript, Arduino, Awk -B | Ballerina, Base Makefile, Bash, Batchfile, BibTeX, Bicep, BlitzBasic, BNF, Brainfuck -C | C, C#, C++, Caddyfile, Caddyfile Directives, Cap'n Proto, Cassandra CQL, Ceylon, CFEngine3, cfstatement, ChaiScript, Cheetah, Clojure, CMake, COBOL, CoffeeScript, Common Lisp, Coq, Crystal, CSS, Cython -D | D, Dart, Diff, Django/Jinja, Docker, DTD, Dylan -E | EBNF, Elixir, Elm, EmacsLisp, Erlang -F | Factor, Fish, Forth, Fortran, FSharp -G | GAS, GDScript, Genshi, Genshi HTML, Genshi Text, Gherkin, GLSL, Gnuplot, Go, Go HTML Template, Go Text Template, GraphQL, Groff, Groovy -H | Handlebars, Haskell, Haxe, HCL, Hexdump, HLB, HTML, HTTP, Hy -I | Idris, Igor, INI, Io -J | J, Java, JavaScript, JSON, Julia, Jungle -K | Kotlin -L | Lighttpd configuration file, LLVM, Lua -M | Mako, markdown, Mason, Mathematica, Matlab, MiniZinc, MLIR, Modula-2, MonkeyC, MorrowindScript, Myghty, MySQL -N | NASM, Newspeak, Nginx configuration file, Nim, Nix -O | Objective-C, OCaml, Octave, OnesEnterprise, OpenEdge ABL, OpenSCAD, Org Mode -P | PacmanConf, Perl, PHP, PHTML, Pig, PkgConfig, PL/pgSQL, plaintext, Pony, PostgreSQL SQL dialect, PostScript, POVRay, PowerShell, Prolog, PromQL, Protocol Buffer, Puppet, Python 2, Python -Q | QBasic -R | R, Racket, Ragel, Raku, react, ReasonML, reg, reStructuredText, Rexx, Ruby, Rust -S | SAS, Sass, Scala, Scheme, Scilab, SCSS, Smalltalk, Smarty, Snobol, Solidity, SPARQL, SQL, SquidConf, Standard ML, Stylus, Svelte, Swift, SYSTEMD, systemverilog -T | TableGen, TASM, Tcl, Tcsh, Termcap, Terminfo, Terraform, TeX, Thrift, TOML, TradingView, Transact-SQL, Turing, Turtle, Twig, TypeScript, TypoScript, TypoScriptCssData, TypoScriptHtmlData -V | VB.net, verilog, VHDL, VimL, vue -W | WDTE -X | XML, Xorg -Y | YAML, YANG -Z | Zig - - -_I will attempt to keep this section up to date, but an authoritative list can be -displayed with `chroma --list`._ - - -## Try it - -Try out various languages and styles on the [Chroma Playground](https://swapoff.org/chroma/playground/). - - -## Using the library - -Chroma, like Pygments, has the concepts of -[lexers](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tree/master/lexers), -[formatters](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tree/master/formatters) and -[styles](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tree/master/styles). - -Lexers convert source text into a stream of tokens, styles specify how token -types are mapped to colours, and formatters convert tokens and styles into -formatted output. - -A package exists for each of these, containing a global `Registry` variable -with all of the registered implementations. There are also helper functions -for using the registry in each package, such as looking up lexers by name or -matching filenames, etc. - -In all cases, if a lexer, formatter or style can not be determined, `nil` will -be returned. In this situation you may want to default to the `Fallback` -value in each respective package, which provides sane defaults. - - -### Quick start - -A convenience function exists that can be used to simply format some source -text, without any effort: - -```go -err := quick.Highlight(os.Stdout, someSourceCode, "go", "html", "monokai") -``` - - -### Identifying the language - -To highlight code, you'll first have to identify what language the code is -written in. There are three primary ways to do that: - -1. Detect the language from its filename. - - ```go - lexer := lexers.Match("foo.go") - ``` - -3. Explicitly specify the language by its Chroma syntax ID (a full list is available from `lexers.Names()`). - - ```go - lexer := lexers.Get("go") - ``` - -3. Detect the language from its content. - - ```go - lexer := lexers.Analyse("package main\n\nfunc main()\n{\n}\n") - ``` - -In all cases, `nil` will be returned if the language can not be identified. - -```go -if lexer == nil { - lexer = lexers.Fallback -} -``` - -At this point, it should be noted that some lexers can be extremely chatty. To -mitigate this, you can use the coalescing lexer to coalesce runs of identical -token types into a single token: - -```go -lexer = chroma.Coalesce(lexer) -``` - - -### Formatting the output - -Once a language is identified you will need to pick a formatter and a style (theme). - -```go -style := styles.Get("swapoff") -if style == nil { - style = styles.Fallback -} -formatter := formatters.Get("html") -if formatter == nil { - formatter = formatters.Fallback -} -``` - -Then obtain an iterator over the tokens: - -```go -contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) -iterator, err := lexer.Tokenise(nil, string(contents)) -``` - -And finally, format the tokens from the iterator: - -```go -err := formatter.Format(w, style, iterator) -``` - - -### The HTML formatter - -By default the `html` registered formatter generates standalone HTML with -embedded CSS. More flexibility is available through the `formatters/html` package. - -Firstly, the output generated by the formatter can be customised with the -following constructor options: - -- `Standalone()` - generate standalone HTML with embedded CSS. -- `WithClasses()` - use classes rather than inlined style attributes. -- `ClassPrefix(prefix)` - prefix each generated CSS class. -- `TabWidth(width)` - Set the rendered tab width, in characters. -- `WithLineNumbers()` - Render line numbers (style with `LineNumbers`). -- `LinkableLineNumbers()` - Make the line numbers linkable and be a link to themselves. -- `HighlightLines(ranges)` - Highlight lines in these ranges (style with `LineHighlight`). -- `LineNumbersInTable()` - Use a table for formatting line numbers and code, rather than spans. - -If `WithClasses()` is used, the corresponding CSS can be obtained from the formatter with: - -```go -formatter := html.New(html.WithClasses()) -err := formatter.WriteCSS(w, style) -``` - - -## More detail - - -### Lexers - -See the [Pygments documentation](http://pygments.org/docs/lexerdevelopment/) -for details on implementing lexers. Most concepts apply directly to Chroma, -but see existing lexer implementations for real examples. - -In many cases lexers can be automatically converted directly from Pygments by -using the included Python 3 script `pygments2chroma.py`. I use something like -the following: - -```sh -python3 _tools/pygments2chroma.py \ - pygments.lexers.jvm.KotlinLexer \ - > lexers/k/kotlin.go \ - && gofmt -s -w lexers/k/kotlin.go -``` - -See notes in [pygments-lexers.txt](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/blob/master/pygments-lexers.txt) -for a list of lexers, and notes on some of the issues importing them. - - -### Formatters - -Chroma supports HTML output, as well as terminal output in 8 colour, 256 colour, and true-colour. - -A `noop` formatter is included that outputs the token text only, and a `tokens` -formatter outputs raw tokens. The latter is useful for debugging lexers. - - -### Styles - -Chroma styles use the [same syntax](http://pygments.org/docs/styles/) as Pygments. - -All Pygments styles have been converted to Chroma using the `_tools/style.py` script. - -When you work with one of [Chroma's styles](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tree/master/styles), know that the `chroma.Background` token type provides the default style for tokens. It does so by defining a foreground color and background color. - -For example, this gives each token name not defined in the style a default color of `#f8f8f8` and uses `#000000` for the highlighted code block's background: - -~~~go -chroma.Background: "#f8f8f2 bg:#000000", -~~~ - -Also, token types in a style file are hierarchical. For instance, when `CommentSpecial` is not defined, Chroma uses the token style from `Comment`. So when several comment tokens use the same color, you'll only need to define `Comment` and override the one that has a different color. - -For a quick overview of the available styles and how they look, check out the [Chroma Style Gallery](https://xyproto.github.io/splash/docs/). - - -## Command-line interface - -A command-line interface to Chroma is included. - -Binaries are available to install from [the releases page](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/releases). - -The CLI can be used as a preprocessor to colorise output of `less(1)`, -see documentation for the `LESSOPEN` environment variable. - -The `--fail` flag can be used to suppress output and return with exit status -1 to facilitate falling back to some other preprocessor in case chroma -does not resolve a specific lexer to use for the given file. For example: - -```shell -export LESSOPEN='| p() { chroma --fail "$1" || cat "$1"; }; p "%s"' -``` - -Replace `cat` with your favourite fallback preprocessor. - -When invoked as `.lessfilter`, the `--fail` flag is automatically turned -on under the hood for easy integration with [lesspipe shipping with -Debian and derivatives](https://manpages.debian.org/lesspipe#USER_DEFINED_FILTERS); -for that setup the `chroma` executable can be just symlinked to `~/.lessfilter`. - - -## What's missing compared to Pygments? - -- Quite a few lexers, for various reasons (pull-requests welcome): - - Pygments lexers for complex languages often include custom code to - handle certain aspects, such as Raku's ability to nest code inside - regular expressions. These require time and effort to convert. - - I mostly only converted languages I had heard of, to reduce the porting cost. -- Some more esoteric features of Pygments are omitted for simplicity. -- Though the Chroma API supports content detection, very few languages support them. - I have plans to implement a statistical analyser at some point, but not enough time. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/abap.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/abap.go deleted file mode 100644 index 268aa6a..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/abap.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -package a - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// ABAP lexer. -var Abap = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "ABAP", - Aliases: []string{"abap"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.abap", "*.ABAP"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-abap"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - abapRules, -)) - -func abapRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "common": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`^\*.*$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\".*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`##\w+`, CommentSpecial, nil}, - }, - "variable-names": { - {`<\S+>`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\w[\w~]*(?:(\[\])|->\*)?`, NameVariable, nil}, - }, - "root": { - Include("common"), - {`CALL\s+(?:BADI|CUSTOMER-FUNCTION|FUNCTION)`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(CALL\s+(?:DIALOG|SCREEN|SUBSCREEN|SELECTION-SCREEN|TRANSACTION|TRANSFORMATION))\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(FORM|PERFORM)(\s+)(\w+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(PERFORM)(\s+)(\()(\w+)(\))`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Punctuation, NameVariable, Punctuation), nil}, - {`(MODULE)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(INPUT|OUTPUT)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameFunction, Text, Keyword), nil}, - {`(METHOD)(\s+)([\w~]+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(\s+)([\w\-]+)([=\-]>)([\w\-~]+)`, ByGroups(Text, NameVariable, Operator, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(?<=(=|-)>)([\w\-~]+)(?=\()`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`(TEXT)(-)(\d{3})`, ByGroups(Keyword, Punctuation, LiteralNumberInteger), nil}, - {`(TEXT)(-)(\w{3})`, ByGroups(Keyword, Punctuation, NameVariable), nil}, - {`(ADD-CORRESPONDING|AUTHORITY-CHECK|CLASS-DATA|CLASS-EVENTS|CLASS-METHODS|CLASS-POOL|DELETE-ADJACENT|DIVIDE-CORRESPONDING|EDITOR-CALL|ENHANCEMENT-POINT|ENHANCEMENT-SECTION|EXIT-COMMAND|FIELD-GROUPS|FIELD-SYMBOLS|FUNCTION-POOL|INTERFACE-POOL|INVERTED-DATE|LOAD-OF-PROGRAM|LOG-POINT|MESSAGE-ID|MOVE-CORRESPONDING|MULTIPLY-CORRESPONDING|NEW-LINE|NEW-PAGE|NEW-SECTION|NO-EXTENSION|OUTPUT-LENGTH|PRINT-CONTROL|SELECT-OPTIONS|START-OF-SELECTION|SUBTRACT-CORRESPONDING|SYNTAX-CHECK|SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS|TYPE-POOL|TYPE-POOLS|NO-DISPLAY)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(?])(CREATE\s+(PUBLIC|PRIVATE|DATA|OBJECT)|(PUBLIC|PRIVATE|PROTECTED)\s+SECTION|(TYPE|LIKE)\s+((LINE\s+OF|REF\s+TO|(SORTED|STANDARD|HASHED)\s+TABLE\s+OF))?|FROM\s+(DATABASE|MEMORY)|CALL\s+METHOD|(GROUP|ORDER) BY|HAVING|SEPARATED BY|GET\s+(BADI|BIT|CURSOR|DATASET|LOCALE|PARAMETER|PF-STATUS|(PROPERTY|REFERENCE)\s+OF|RUN\s+TIME|TIME\s+(STAMP)?)?|SET\s+(BIT|BLANK\s+LINES|COUNTRY|CURSOR|DATASET|EXTENDED\s+CHECK|HANDLER|HOLD\s+DATA|LANGUAGE|LEFT\s+SCROLL-BOUNDARY|LOCALE|MARGIN|PARAMETER|PF-STATUS|PROPERTY\s+OF|RUN\s+TIME\s+(ANALYZER|CLOCK\s+RESOLUTION)|SCREEN|TITLEBAR|UPADTE\s+TASK\s+LOCAL|USER-COMMAND)|CONVERT\s+((INVERTED-)?DATE|TIME|TIME\s+STAMP|TEXT)|(CLOSE|OPEN)\s+(DATASET|CURSOR)|(TO|FROM)\s+(DATA BUFFER|INTERNAL TABLE|MEMORY ID|DATABASE|SHARED\s+(MEMORY|BUFFER))|DESCRIBE\s+(DISTANCE\s+BETWEEN|FIELD|LIST|TABLE)|FREE\s(MEMORY|OBJECT)?|PROCESS\s+(BEFORE\s+OUTPUT|AFTER\s+INPUT|ON\s+(VALUE-REQUEST|HELP-REQUEST))|AT\s+(LINE-SELECTION|USER-COMMAND|END\s+OF|NEW)|AT\s+SELECTION-SCREEN(\s+(ON(\s+(BLOCK|(HELP|VALUE)-REQUEST\s+FOR|END\s+OF|RADIOBUTTON\s+GROUP))?|OUTPUT))?|SELECTION-SCREEN:?\s+((BEGIN|END)\s+OF\s+((TABBED\s+)?BLOCK|LINE|SCREEN)|COMMENT|FUNCTION\s+KEY|INCLUDE\s+BLOCKS|POSITION|PUSHBUTTON|SKIP|ULINE)|LEAVE\s+(LIST-PROCESSING|PROGRAM|SCREEN|TO LIST-PROCESSING|TO TRANSACTION)(ENDING|STARTING)\s+AT|FORMAT\s+(COLOR|INTENSIFIED|INVERSE|HOTSPOT|INPUT|FRAMES|RESET)|AS\s+(CHECKBOX|SUBSCREEN|WINDOW)|WITH\s+(((NON-)?UNIQUE)?\s+KEY|FRAME)|(BEGIN|END)\s+OF|DELETE(\s+ADJACENT\s+DUPLICATES\sFROM)?|COMPARING(\s+ALL\s+FIELDS)?|(INSERT|APPEND)(\s+INITIAL\s+LINE\s+(IN)?TO|\s+LINES\s+OF)?|IN\s+((BYTE|CHARACTER)\s+MODE|PROGRAM)|END-OF-(DEFINITION|PAGE|SELECTION)|WITH\s+FRAME(\s+TITLE)|(REPLACE|FIND)\s+((FIRST|ALL)\s+OCCURRENCES?\s+OF\s+)?(SUBSTRING|REGEX)?|MATCH\s+(LENGTH|COUNT|LINE|OFFSET)|(RESPECTING|IGNORING)\s+CASE|IN\s+UPDATE\s+TASK|(SOURCE|RESULT)\s+(XML)?|REFERENCE\s+INTO|AND\s+(MARK|RETURN)|CLIENT\s+SPECIFIED|CORRESPONDING\s+FIELDS\s+OF|IF\s+FOUND|FOR\s+EVENT|INHERITING\s+FROM|LEAVE\s+TO\s+SCREEN|LOOP\s+AT\s+(SCREEN)?|LOWER\s+CASE|MATCHCODE\s+OBJECT|MODIF\s+ID|MODIFY\s+SCREEN|NESTING\s+LEVEL|NO\s+INTERVALS|OF\s+STRUCTURE|RADIOBUTTON\s+GROUP|RANGE\s+OF|REF\s+TO|SUPPRESS DIALOG|TABLE\s+OF|UPPER\s+CASE|TRANSPORTING\s+NO\s+FIELDS|VALUE\s+CHECK|VISIBLE\s+LENGTH|HEADER\s+LINE|COMMON\s+PART)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(^|(?<=(\s|\.)))(ABBREVIATED|ABSTRACT|ADD|ALIASES|ALIGN|ALPHA|ASSERT|AS|ASSIGN(ING)?|AT(\s+FIRST)?|BACK|BLOCK|BREAK-POINT|CASE|CATCH|CHANGING|CHECK|CLASS|CLEAR|COLLECT|COLOR|COMMIT|CREATE|COMMUNICATION|COMPONENTS?|COMPUTE|CONCATENATE|CONDENSE|CONSTANTS|CONTEXTS|CONTINUE|CONTROLS|COUNTRY|CURRENCY|DATA|DATE|DECIMALS|DEFAULT|DEFINE|DEFINITION|DEFERRED|DEMAND|DETAIL|DIRECTORY|DIVIDE|DO|DUMMY|ELSE(IF)?|ENDAT|ENDCASE|ENDCATCH|ENDCLASS|ENDDO|ENDFORM|ENDFUNCTION|ENDIF|ENDINTERFACE|ENDLOOP|ENDMETHOD|ENDMODULE|ENDSELECT|ENDTRY|ENDWHILE|ENHANCEMENT|EVENTS|EXACT|EXCEPTIONS?|EXIT|EXPONENT|EXPORT|EXPORTING|EXTRACT|FETCH|FIELDS?|FOR|FORM|FORMAT|FREE|FROM|FUNCTION|HIDE|ID|IF|IMPORT|IMPLEMENTATION|IMPORTING|IN|INCLUDE|INCLUDING|INDEX|INFOTYPES|INITIALIZATION|INTERFACE|INTERFACES|INTO|LANGUAGE|LEAVE|LENGTH|LINES|LOAD|LOCAL|JOIN|KEY|NEXT|MAXIMUM|MESSAGE|METHOD[S]?|MINIMUM|MODULE|MODIFIER|MODIFY|MOVE|MULTIPLY|NODES|NUMBER|OBLIGATORY|OBJECT|OF|OFF|ON|OTHERS|OVERLAY|PACK|PAD|PARAMETERS|PERCENTAGE|POSITION|PROGRAM|PROVIDE|PUBLIC|PUT|PF\d\d|RAISE|RAISING|RANGES?|READ|RECEIVE|REDEFINITION|REFRESH|REJECT|REPORT|RESERVE|RESUME|RETRY|RETURN|RETURNING|RIGHT|ROLLBACK|REPLACE|SCROLL|SEARCH|SELECT|SHIFT|SIGN|SINGLE|SIZE|SKIP|SORT|SPLIT|STATICS|STOP|STYLE|SUBMATCHES|SUBMIT|SUBTRACT|SUM(?!\()|SUMMARY|SUMMING|SUPPLY|TABLE|TABLES|TIMESTAMP|TIMES?|TIMEZONE|TITLE|\??TO|TOP-OF-PAGE|TRANSFER|TRANSLATE|TRY|TYPES|ULINE|UNDER|UNPACK|UPDATE|USING|VALUE|VALUES|VIA|VARYING|VARY|WAIT|WHEN|WHERE|WIDTH|WHILE|WITH|WINDOW|WRITE|XSD|ZERO)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(abs|acos|asin|atan|boolc|boolx|bit_set|char_off|charlen|ceil|cmax|cmin|condense|contains|contains_any_of|contains_any_not_of|concat_lines_of|cos|cosh|count|count_any_of|count_any_not_of|dbmaxlen|distance|escape|exp|find|find_end|find_any_of|find_any_not_of|floor|frac|from_mixed|insert|lines|log|log10|match|matches|nmax|nmin|numofchar|repeat|replace|rescale|reverse|round|segment|shift_left|shift_right|sign|sin|sinh|sqrt|strlen|substring|substring_after|substring_from|substring_before|substring_to|tan|tanh|to_upper|to_lower|to_mixed|translate|trunc|xstrlen)(\()\b`, ByGroups(NameBuiltin, Punctuation), nil}, - {`&[0-9]`, Name, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`(?<=(\s|.))(AND|OR|EQ|NE|GT|LT|GE|LE|CO|CN|CA|NA|CS|NOT|NS|CP|NP|BYTE-CO|BYTE-CN|BYTE-CA|BYTE-NA|BYTE-CS|BYTE-NS|IS\s+(NOT\s+)?(INITIAL|ASSIGNED|REQUESTED|BOUND))\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - Include("variable-names"), - {`[?*<>=\-+&]`, Operator, nil}, - {`'(''|[^'])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {"`([^`])*`", LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`([|}])([^{}|]*?)([|{])`, ByGroups(Punctuation, LiteralStringSingle, Punctuation), nil}, - {`[/;:()\[\],.]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(!)(\w+)`, ByGroups(Operator, Name), nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/abnf.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/abnf.go deleted file mode 100644 index 85c47af..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/abnf.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -package a - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Abnf lexer. -var Abnf = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "ABNF", - Aliases: []string{"abnf"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.abnf"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-abnf"}, - }, - abnfRules, -)) - -func abnfRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`;.*$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`(%[si])?"[^"]*"`, Literal, nil}, - {`%b[01]+\-[01]+\b`, Literal, nil}, - {`%b[01]+(\.[01]+)*\b`, Literal, nil}, - {`%d[0-9]+\-[0-9]+\b`, Literal, nil}, - {`%d[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*\b`, Literal, nil}, - {`%x[0-9a-fA-F]+\-[0-9a-fA-F]+\b`, Literal, nil}, - {`%x[0-9a-fA-F]+(\.[0-9a-fA-F]+)*\b`, Literal, nil}, - {`\b[0-9]+\*[0-9]+`, Operator, nil}, - {`\b[0-9]+\*`, Operator, nil}, - {`\b[0-9]+`, Operator, nil}, - {`\*`, Operator, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `ALPHA`, `BIT`, `CHAR`, `CR`, `CRLF`, `CTL`, `DIGIT`, `DQUOTE`, `HEXDIG`, `HTAB`, `LF`, `LWSP`, `OCTET`, `SP`, `VCHAR`, `WSP`), Keyword, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]+\b`, NameClass, nil}, - {`(=/|=|/)`, Operator, nil}, - {`[\[\]()]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`.`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/actionscript.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/actionscript.go deleted file mode 100644 index df55d6d..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/actionscript.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -package a - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Actionscript lexer. -var Actionscript = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "ActionScript", - Aliases: []string{"as", "actionscript"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.as"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-actionscript", "text/x-actionscript", "text/actionscript"}, - NotMultiline: true, - DotAll: true, - }, - actionscriptRules, -)) - -func actionscriptRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*.*?\*/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/(\\\\|\\/|[^/\n])*/[gim]*`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`[~^*!%&<>|+=:;,/?\\-]+`, Operator, nil}, - {`[{}\[\]();.]+`, Punctuation, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `case`, `default`, `for`, `each`, `in`, `while`, `do`, `break`, `return`, `continue`, `if`, `else`, `throw`, `try`, `catch`, `var`, `with`, `new`, `typeof`, `arguments`, `instanceof`, `this`, `switch`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `class`, `public`, `final`, `internal`, `native`, `override`, `private`, `protected`, `static`, `import`, `extends`, `implements`, `interface`, `intrinsic`, `return`, `super`, `dynamic`, `function`, `const`, `get`, `namespace`, `package`, `set`), KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`(true|false|null|NaN|Infinity|-Infinity|undefined|Void)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `Accessibility`, `AccessibilityProperties`, `ActionScriptVersion`, `ActivityEvent`, `AntiAliasType`, `ApplicationDomain`, `AsBroadcaster`, `Array`, `AsyncErrorEvent`, `AVM1Movie`, `BevelFilter`, `Bitmap`, `BitmapData`, `BitmapDataChannel`, `BitmapFilter`, `BitmapFilterQuality`, `BitmapFilterType`, `BlendMode`, `BlurFilter`, `Boolean`, `ByteArray`, `Camera`, `Capabilities`, `CapsStyle`, `Class`, `Color`, `ColorMatrixFilter`, `ColorTransform`, `ContextMenu`, `ContextMenuBuiltInItems`, `ContextMenuEvent`, `ContextMenuItem`, `ConvultionFilter`, `CSMSettings`, `DataEvent`, `Date`, `DefinitionError`, `DeleteObjectSample`, `Dictionary`, `DisplacmentMapFilter`, `DisplayObject`, `DisplacmentMapFilterMode`, `DisplayObjectContainer`, `DropShadowFilter`, `Endian`, `EOFError`, `Error`, `ErrorEvent`, `EvalError`, `Event`, `EventDispatcher`, `EventPhase`, `ExternalInterface`, `FileFilter`, `FileReference`, `FileReferenceList`, `FocusDirection`, `FocusEvent`, `Font`, `FontStyle`, `FontType`, `FrameLabel`, `FullScreenEvent`, `Function`, `GlowFilter`, `GradientBevelFilter`, `GradientGlowFilter`, `GradientType`, `Graphics`, `GridFitType`, `HTTPStatusEvent`, `IBitmapDrawable`, `ID3Info`, `IDataInput`, `IDataOutput`, `IDynamicPropertyOutputIDynamicPropertyWriter`, `IEventDispatcher`, `IExternalizable`, `IllegalOperationError`, `IME`, `IMEConversionMode`, `IMEEvent`, `int`, `InteractiveObject`, `InterpolationMethod`, `InvalidSWFError`, `InvokeEvent`, `IOError`, `IOErrorEvent`, `JointStyle`, `Key`, `Keyboard`, `KeyboardEvent`, `KeyLocation`, `LineScaleMode`, `Loader`, `LoaderContext`, `LoaderInfo`, `LoadVars`, `LocalConnection`, `Locale`, `Math`, `Matrix`, `MemoryError`, `Microphone`, `MorphShape`, `Mouse`, `MouseEvent`, `MovieClip`, `MovieClipLoader`, `Namespace`, `NetConnection`, `NetStatusEvent`, `NetStream`, `NewObjectSample`, `Number`, `Object`, `ObjectEncoding`, `PixelSnapping`, `Point`, `PrintJob`, `PrintJobOptions`, `PrintJobOrientation`, `ProgressEvent`, `Proxy`, `QName`, `RangeError`, `Rectangle`, `ReferenceError`, `RegExp`, `Responder`, `Sample`, `Scene`, `ScriptTimeoutError`, `Security`, `SecurityDomain`, `SecurityError`, `SecurityErrorEvent`, `SecurityPanel`, `Selection`, `Shape`, `SharedObject`, `SharedObjectFlushStatus`, `SimpleButton`, `Socket`, `Sound`, `SoundChannel`, `SoundLoaderContext`, `SoundMixer`, `SoundTransform`, `SpreadMethod`, `Sprite`, `StackFrame`, `StackOverflowError`, `Stage`, `StageAlign`, `StageDisplayState`, `StageQuality`, `StageScaleMode`, `StaticText`, `StatusEvent`, `String`, `StyleSheet`, `SWFVersion`, `SyncEvent`, `SyntaxError`, `System`, `TextColorType`, `TextField`, `TextFieldAutoSize`, `TextFieldType`, `TextFormat`, `TextFormatAlign`, `TextLineMetrics`, `TextRenderer`, `TextSnapshot`, `Timer`, `TimerEvent`, `Transform`, `TypeError`, `uint`, `URIError`, `URLLoader`, `URLLoaderDataFormat`, `URLRequest`, `URLRequestHeader`, `URLRequestMethod`, `URLStream`, `URLVariabeles`, `VerifyError`, `Video`, `XML`, `XMLDocument`, `XMLList`, `XMLNode`, `XMLNodeType`, `XMLSocket`, `XMLUI`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `decodeURI`, `decodeURIComponent`, `encodeURI`, `escape`, `eval`, `isFinite`, `isNaN`, `isXMLName`, `clearInterval`, `fscommand`, `getTimer`, `getURL`, `getVersion`, `parseFloat`, `parseInt`, `setInterval`, `trace`, `updateAfterEvent`, `unescape`), NameFunction, nil}, - {`[$a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameOther, nil}, - {`[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-f]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/actionscript3.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/actionscript3.go deleted file mode 100644 index 45596dc..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/actionscript3.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -package a - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Actionscript 3 lexer. -var Actionscript3 = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "ActionScript 3", - Aliases: []string{"as3", "actionscript3"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.as"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-actionscript3", "text/x-actionscript3", "text/actionscript3"}, - DotAll: true, - }, - actionscript3Rules, -)) - -func actionscript3Rules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`(function\s+)([$a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, NameFunction, Text, Operator), Push("funcparams")}, - {`(var|const)(\s+)([$a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(:)(\s*)([$a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\.<\w+>)?)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text, Name, Text, Punctuation, Text, KeywordType), nil}, - {`(import|package)(\s+)((?:[$a-zA-Z_]\w*|\.)+)(\s*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameNamespace, Text), nil}, - {`(new)(\s+)([$a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\.<\w+>)?)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, KeywordType, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*.*?\*/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/(\\\\|\\/|[^\n])*/[gisx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`(\.)([$a-zA-Z_]\w*)`, ByGroups(Operator, NameAttribute), nil}, - {`(case|default|for|each|in|while|do|break|return|continue|if|else|throw|try|catch|with|new|typeof|arguments|instanceof|this|switch|import|include|as|is)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(class|public|final|internal|native|override|private|protected|static|import|extends|implements|interface|intrinsic|return|super|dynamic|function|const|get|namespace|package|set)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`(true|false|null|NaN|Infinity|-Infinity|undefined|void)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(decodeURI|decodeURIComponent|encodeURI|escape|eval|isFinite|isNaN|isXMLName|clearInterval|fscommand|getTimer|getURL|getVersion|isFinite|parseFloat|parseInt|setInterval|trace|updateAfterEvent|unescape)\b`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`[$a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-f]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`[~^*!%&<>|+=:;,/?\\{}\[\]().-]+`, Operator, nil}, - }, - "funcparams": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`(\s*)(\.\.\.)?([$a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(:)(\s*)([$a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\.<\w+>)?|\*)(\s*)`, ByGroups(Text, Punctuation, Name, Text, Operator, Text, KeywordType, Text), Push("defval")}, - {`\)`, Operator, Push("type")}, - }, - "type": { - {`(\s*)(:)(\s*)([$a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\.<\w+>)?|\*)`, ByGroups(Text, Operator, Text, KeywordType), Pop(2)}, - {`\s+`, Text, Pop(2)}, - Default(Pop(2)), - }, - "defval": { - {`(=)(\s*)([^(),]+)(\s*)(,?)`, ByGroups(Operator, Text, UsingSelf("root"), Text, Operator), Pop(1)}, - {`,`, Operator, Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/ada.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/ada.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9167271..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/ada.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -package a - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Ada lexer. -var Ada = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Ada", - Aliases: []string{"ada", "ada95", "ada2005"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.adb", "*.ads", "*.ada"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-ada"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - adaRules, -)) - -func adaRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`--.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`function|procedure|entry`, KeywordDeclaration, Push("subprogram")}, - {`(subtype|type)(\s+)(\w+)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text, KeywordType), Push("type_def")}, - {`task|protected`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`(subtype)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text), nil}, - {`(end)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordReserved, Text), Push("end")}, - {`(pragma)(\s+)(\w+)`, ByGroups(KeywordReserved, Text, CommentPreproc), nil}, - {`(true|false|null)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `Address`, `Byte`, `Boolean`, `Character`, `Controlled`, `Count`, `Cursor`, `Duration`, `File_Mode`, `File_Type`, `Float`, `Generator`, `Integer`, `Long_Float`, `Long_Integer`, `Long_Long_Float`, `Long_Long_Integer`, `Natural`, `Positive`, `Reference_Type`, `Short_Float`, `Short_Integer`, `Short_Short_Float`, `Short_Short_Integer`, `String`, `Wide_Character`, `Wide_String`), KeywordType, nil}, - {`(and(\s+then)?|in|mod|not|or(\s+else)|rem)\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`generic|private`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`package`, KeywordDeclaration, Push("package")}, - {`array\b`, KeywordReserved, Push("array_def")}, - {`(with|use)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("import")}, - {`(\w+)(\s*)(:)(\s*)(constant)`, ByGroups(NameConstant, Text, Punctuation, Text, KeywordReserved), nil}, - {`<<\w+>>`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`(\w+)(\s*)(:)(\s*)(declare|begin|loop|for|while)`, ByGroups(NameLabel, Text, Punctuation, Text, KeywordReserved), nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `abort`, `abs`, `abstract`, `accept`, `access`, `aliased`, `all`, `array`, `at`, `begin`, `body`, `case`, `constant`, `declare`, `delay`, `delta`, `digits`, `do`, `else`, `elsif`, `end`, `entry`, `exception`, `exit`, `interface`, `for`, `goto`, `if`, `is`, `limited`, `loop`, `new`, `null`, `of`, `or`, `others`, `out`, `overriding`, `pragma`, `protected`, `raise`, `range`, `record`, `renames`, `requeue`, `return`, `reverse`, `select`, `separate`, `subtype`, `synchronized`, `task`, `tagged`, `terminate`, `then`, `type`, `until`, `when`, `while`, `xor`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`"[^"]*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - Include("attribute"), - Include("numbers"), - {`'[^']'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`(\w+)(\s*|[(,])`, ByGroups(Name, UsingSelf("root")), nil}, - {`(<>|=>|:=|[()|:;,.'])`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[*<>+=/&-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`\n+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "numbers": { - {`[0-9_]+#[0-9a-f]+#`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`[0-9_]+\.[0-9_]*`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9_]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - }, - "attribute": { - {`(')(\w+)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameAttribute), nil}, - }, - "subprogram": { - {`\(`, Punctuation, Push("#pop", "formal_part")}, - {`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`is\b`, KeywordReserved, Pop(1)}, - {`"[^"]+"|\w+`, NameFunction, nil}, - Include("root"), - }, - "end": { - {`(if|case|record|loop|select)`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`"[^"]+"|[\w.]+`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "type_def": { - {`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`\(`, Punctuation, Push("formal_part")}, - {`with|and|use`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`array\b`, KeywordReserved, Push("#pop", "array_def")}, - {`record\b`, KeywordReserved, Push("record_def")}, - {`(null record)(;)`, ByGroups(KeywordReserved, Punctuation), Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - "array_def": { - {`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`(\w+)(\s+)(range)`, ByGroups(KeywordType, Text, KeywordReserved), nil}, - Include("root"), - }, - "record_def": { - {`end record`, KeywordReserved, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - "import": { - {`[\w.]+`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "formal_part": { - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`\w+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`,|:[^=]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(in|not|null|out|access)\b`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - Include("root"), - }, - "package": { - {`body`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`is\s+new|renames`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`is`, KeywordReserved, Pop(1)}, - {`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`\(`, Punctuation, Push("package_instantiation")}, - {`([\w.]+)`, NameClass, nil}, - Include("root"), - }, - "package_instantiation": { - {`("[^"]+"|\w+)(\s+)(=>)`, ByGroups(NameVariable, Text, Punctuation), nil}, - {`[\w.\'"]`, Text, nil}, - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/al.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/al.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4055f36..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/al.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -package a - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Al lexer. -var Al = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "AL", - Aliases: []string{"al"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.al", "*.dal"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-al"}, - DotAll: true, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - alRules, -)) - -// https://github.com/microsoft/AL/blob/master/grammar/alsyntax.tmlanguage -func alRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - {`(?s)\/\*.*?\\*\*\/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`(?s)//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\"([^\"])*\"`, Text, nil}, - {`'([^'])*'`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\b(?i:(ARRAY|ASSERTERROR|BEGIN|BREAK|CASE|DO|DOWNTO|ELSE|END|EVENT|EXIT|FOR|FOREACH|FUNCTION|IF|IMPLEMENTS|IN|INDATASET|INTERFACE|INTERNAL|LOCAL|OF|PROCEDURE|PROGRAM|PROTECTED|REPEAT|RUNONCLIENT|SECURITYFILTERING|SUPPRESSDISPOSE|TEMPORARY|THEN|TO|TRIGGER|UNTIL|VAR|WHILE|WITH|WITHEVENTS))\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\b(?i:(AND|DIV|MOD|NOT|OR|XOR))\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`\b(?i:(AVERAGE|CONST|COUNT|EXIST|FIELD|FILTER|LOOKUP|MAX|MIN|ORDER|SORTING|SUM|TABLEDATA|UPPERLIMIT|WHERE|ASCENDING|DESCENDING))\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\b(?i:(CODEUNIT|PAGE|PAGEEXTENSION|PAGECUSTOMIZATION|DOTNET|ENUM|ENUMEXTENSION|VALUE|QUERY|REPORT|TABLE|TABLEEXTENSION|XMLPORT|PROFILE|CONTROLADDIN|REPORTEXTENSION|INTERFACE|PERMISSIONSET|PERMISSIONSETEXTENSION|ENTITLEMENT))\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\b(?i:(Action|Array|Automation|BigInteger|BigText|Blob|Boolean|Byte|Char|ClientType|Code|Codeunit|CompletionTriggerErrorLevel|ConnectionType|Database|DataClassification|DataScope|Date|DateFormula|DateTime|Decimal|DefaultLayout|Dialog|Dictionary|DotNet|DotNetAssembly|DotNetTypeDeclaration|Duration|Enum|ErrorInfo|ErrorType|ExecutionContext|ExecutionMode|FieldClass|FieldRef|FieldType|File|FilterPageBuilder|Guid|InStream|Integer|Joker|KeyRef|List|ModuleDependencyInfo|ModuleInfo|None|Notification|NotificationScope|ObjectType|Option|OutStream|Page|PageResult|Query|Record|RecordId|RecordRef|Report|ReportFormat|SecurityFilter|SecurityFiltering|Table|TableConnectionType|TableFilter|TestAction|TestField|TestFilterField|TestPage|TestPermissions|TestRequestPage|Text|TextBuilder|TextConst|TextEncoding|Time|TransactionModel|TransactionType|Variant|Verbosity|Version|XmlPort|HttpContent|HttpHeaders|HttpClient|HttpRequestMessage|HttpResponseMessage|JsonToken|JsonValue|JsonArray|JsonObject|View|Views|XmlAttribute|XmlAttributeCollection|XmlComment|XmlCData|XmlDeclaration|XmlDocument|XmlDocumentType|XmlElement|XmlNamespaceManager|XmlNameTable|XmlNode|XmlNodeList|XmlProcessingInstruction|XmlReadOptions|XmlText|XmlWriteOptions|WebServiceActionContext|WebServiceActionResultCode|SessionSettings))\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\b([<>]=|<>|<|>)\b?`, Operator, nil}, - {`\b(\-|\+|\/|\*)\b`, Operator, nil}, - {`\s*(\:=|\+=|-=|\/=|\*=)\s*?`, Operator, nil}, - {`\b(?i:(ADD|ADDFIRST|ADDLAST|ADDAFTER|ADDBEFORE|ACTION|ACTIONS|AREA|ASSEMBLY|CHARTPART|CUEGROUP|CUSTOMIZES|COLUMN|DATAITEM|DATASET|ELEMENTS|EXTENDS|FIELD|FIELDGROUP|FIELDATTRIBUTE|FIELDELEMENT|FIELDGROUPS|FIELDS|FILTER|FIXED|GRID|GROUP|MOVEAFTER|MOVEBEFORE|KEY|KEYS|LABEL|LABELS|LAYOUT|MODIFY|MOVEFIRST|MOVELAST|MOVEBEFORE|MOVEAFTER|PART|REPEATER|USERCONTROL|REQUESTPAGE|SCHEMA|SEPARATOR|SYSTEMPART|TABLEELEMENT|TEXTATTRIBUTE|TEXTELEMENT|TYPE))\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\s*[(\.\.)&\|]\s*`, Operator, nil}, - {`\b((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]*)|(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)|(\.[0-9]+))((e|E)(\+|-)?[0-9]+)?)(L|l|UL|ul|u|U|F|f|ll|LL|ull|ULL)?\b`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`[;:,]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`#[ \t]*(if|else|elif|endif|define|undef|region|endregion|pragma)\b.*?\n`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`\w+`, Text, nil}, - {`.`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/angular2.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/angular2.go deleted file mode 100644 index a947eda..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/angular2.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -package a - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Angular2 lexer. -var Angular2 = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Angular2", - Aliases: []string{"ng2"}, - Filenames: []string{}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - angular2Rules, -)) - -func angular2Rules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[^{([*#]+`, Other, nil}, - {`(\{\{)(\s*)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Text), Push("ngExpression")}, - {`([([]+)([\w:.-]+)([\])]+)(\s*)(=)(\s*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameAttribute, Punctuation, Text, Operator, Text), Push("attr")}, - {`([([]+)([\w:.-]+)([\])]+)(\s*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameAttribute, Punctuation, Text), nil}, - {`([*#])([\w:.-]+)(\s*)(=)(\s*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameAttribute, Punctuation, Operator), Push("attr")}, - {`([*#])([\w:.-]+)(\s*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameAttribute, Punctuation), nil}, - }, - "ngExpression": { - {`\s+(\|\s+)?`, Text, nil}, - {`\}\}`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)}, - {`:?(true|false)`, LiteralStringBoolean, nil}, - {`:?"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`:?'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?(eE[+-][0-9])?[flFLdD]?|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[Ll]?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z][\w-]*(\(.*\))?`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\.[\w-]+(\(.*\))?`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`(\?)(\s*)([^}\s]+)(\s*)(:)(\s*)([^}\s]+)(\s*)`, ByGroups(Operator, Text, LiteralString, Text, Operator, Text, LiteralString, Text), nil}, - }, - "attr": { - {`".*?"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`'.*?'`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`[^\s>]+`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/antlr.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/antlr.go deleted file mode 100644 index c744353..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/antlr.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -package a - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// ANTLR lexer. -var ANTLR = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "ANTLR", - Aliases: []string{"antlr"}, - Filenames: []string{}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - antlrRules, -)) - -func antlrRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "whitespace": { - {`\s+`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - }, - "comments": { - {`//.*$`, Comment, nil}, - {`/\*(.|\n)*?\*/`, Comment, nil}, - }, - "root": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("comments"), - {`(lexer|parser|tree)?(\s*)(grammar\b)(\s*)([A-Za-z]\w*)(;)`, ByGroups(Keyword, TextWhitespace, Keyword, TextWhitespace, NameClass, Punctuation), nil}, - {`options\b`, Keyword, Push("options")}, - {`tokens\b`, Keyword, Push("tokens")}, - {`(scope)(\s*)([A-Za-z]\w*)(\s*)(\{)`, ByGroups(Keyword, TextWhitespace, NameVariable, TextWhitespace, Punctuation), Push("action")}, - {`(catch|finally)\b`, Keyword, Push("exception")}, - {`(@[A-Za-z]\w*)(\s*)(::)?(\s*)([A-Za-z]\w*)(\s*)(\{)`, ByGroups(NameLabel, TextWhitespace, Punctuation, TextWhitespace, NameLabel, TextWhitespace, Punctuation), Push("action")}, - {`((?:protected|private|public|fragment)\b)?(\s*)([A-Za-z]\w*)(!)?`, ByGroups(Keyword, TextWhitespace, NameLabel, Punctuation), Push("rule-alts", "rule-prelims")}, - }, - "exception": { - {`\n`, TextWhitespace, Pop(1)}, - {`\s`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - Include("comments"), - {`\[`, Punctuation, Push("nested-arg-action")}, - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push("action")}, - }, - "rule-prelims": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("comments"), - {`returns\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\[`, Punctuation, Push("nested-arg-action")}, - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push("action")}, - {`(throws)(\s+)([A-Za-z]\w*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, TextWhitespace, NameLabel), nil}, - {`(,)(\s*)([A-Za-z]\w*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, TextWhitespace, NameLabel), nil}, - {`options\b`, Keyword, Push("options")}, - {`(scope)(\s+)(\{)`, ByGroups(Keyword, TextWhitespace, Punctuation), Push("action")}, - {`(scope)(\s+)([A-Za-z]\w*)(\s*)(;)`, ByGroups(Keyword, TextWhitespace, NameLabel, TextWhitespace, Punctuation), nil}, - {`(@[A-Za-z]\w*)(\s*)(\{)`, ByGroups(NameLabel, TextWhitespace, Punctuation), Push("action")}, - {`:`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "rule-alts": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("comments"), - {`options\b`, Keyword, Push("options")}, - {`:`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`<<([^>]|>[^>])>>`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\$?[A-Z_]\w*`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`\$?[a-z_]\w*`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`(\+|\||->|=>|=|\(|\)|\.\.|\.|\?|\*|\^|!|\#|~)`, Operator, nil}, - {`,`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\[`, Punctuation, Push("nested-arg-action")}, - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push("action")}, - {`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "tokens": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("comments"), - {`\{`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`([A-Z]\w*)(\s*)(=)?(\s*)(\'(?:\\\\|\\\'|[^\']*)\')?(\s*)(;)`, ByGroups(NameLabel, TextWhitespace, Punctuation, TextWhitespace, LiteralString, TextWhitespace, Punctuation), nil}, - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "options": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("comments"), - {`\{`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`([A-Za-z]\w*)(\s*)(=)(\s*)([A-Za-z]\w*|\'(?:\\\\|\\\'|[^\']*)\'|[0-9]+|\*)(\s*)(;)`, ByGroups(NameVariable, TextWhitespace, Punctuation, TextWhitespace, Text, TextWhitespace, Punctuation), nil}, - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "action": { - {`([^${}\'"/\\]+|"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"|'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'|//.*$\n?|/\*(.|\n)*?\*/|/(?!\*)(\\\\|\\/|[^/])*/|\\(?!%)|/)+`, Other, nil}, - {`(\\)(%)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, Other), nil}, - {`(\$[a-zA-Z]+)(\.?)(text|value)?`, ByGroups(NameVariable, Punctuation, NameProperty), nil}, - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push()}, - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "nested-arg-action": { - {`([^$\[\]\'"/]+|"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"|'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'|//.*$\n?|/\*(.|\n)*?\*/|/(?!\*)(\\\\|\\/|[^/])*/|/)+`, Other, nil}, - {`\[`, Punctuation, Push()}, - {`\]`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`(\$[a-zA-Z]+)(\.?)(text|value)?`, ByGroups(NameVariable, Punctuation, NameProperty), nil}, - {`(\\\\|\\\]|\\\[|[^\[\]])+`, Other, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/apache.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/apache.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5685eb1..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/apache.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -package a - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Apacheconf lexer. -var Apacheconf = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "ApacheConf", - Aliases: []string{"apacheconf", "aconf", "apache"}, - Filenames: []string{".htaccess", "apache.conf", "apache2.conf"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-apacheconf"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - apacheconfRules, -)) - -func apacheconfRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`(#.*?)$`, Comment, nil}, - {`(<[^\s>]+)(?:(\s+)(.*?))?(>)`, ByGroups(NameTag, Text, LiteralString, NameTag), nil}, - {`([a-z]\w*)(\s+)`, ByGroups(NameBuiltin, Text), Push("value")}, - {`\.+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "value": { - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - {`$`, Text, Pop(1)}, - {`\\`, Text, nil}, - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:/\d+)?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`/([a-z0-9][\w./-]+)`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`(on|off|none|any|all|double|email|dns|min|minimal|os|productonly|full|emerg|alert|crit|error|warn|notice|info|debug|registry|script|inetd|standalone|user|group)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`[^\s"\\]+`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/apl.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/apl.go deleted file mode 100644 index f929d2e..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/apl.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -package a - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Apl lexer. -var Apl = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "APL", - Aliases: []string{"apl"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.apl"}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - aplRules, -)) - -func aplRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`[⍝#].*$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\'((\'\')|[^\'])*\'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`"(("")|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`[⋄◇()]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[\[\];]`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`⎕[A-Za-zΔ∆⍙][A-Za-zΔ∆⍙_¯0-9]*`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`[A-Za-zΔ∆⍙_][A-Za-zΔ∆⍙_¯0-9]*`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`¯?(0[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]+|[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([Ee][+¯]?[0-9]+)?|¯|∞)([Jj]¯?(0[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]+|[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([Ee][+¯]?[0-9]+)?|¯|∞))?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`[\.\\/⌿⍀¨⍣⍨⍠⍤∘⍥@⌺⌶⍢]`, NameAttribute, nil}, - {`[+\-×÷⌈⌊∣|⍳?*⍟○!⌹<≤=>≥≠≡≢∊⍷∪∩~∨∧⍱⍲⍴,⍪⌽⊖⍉↑↓⊂⊃⌷⍋⍒⊤⊥⍕⍎⊣⊢⍁⍂≈⌸⍯↗⊆⍸]`, Operator, nil}, - {`⍬`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`[⎕⍞]`, NameVariableGlobal, nil}, - {`[←→]`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`[⍺⍵⍶⍹∇:]`, NameBuiltinPseudo, nil}, - {`[{}]`, KeywordType, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/applescript.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/applescript.go deleted file mode 100644 index b6a53c5..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/applescript.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -package a - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Applescript lexer. -var Applescript = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "AppleScript", - Aliases: []string{"applescript"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.applescript"}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - DotAll: true, - }, - applescriptRules, -)) - -func applescriptRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`¬\n`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`'s\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`(--|#).*?$`, Comment, nil}, - {`\(\*`, CommentMultiline, Push("comment")}, - {`[(){}!,.:]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(«)([^»]+)(»)`, ByGroups(Text, NameBuiltin, Text), nil}, - {`\b((?:considering|ignoring)\s*)(application responses|case|diacriticals|hyphens|numeric strings|punctuation|white space)`, ByGroups(Keyword, NameBuiltin), nil}, - {`(-|\*|\+|&|≠|>=?|<=?|=|≥|≤|/|÷|\^)`, Operator, nil}, - {`\b(and|or|is equal|equals|(is )?equal to|is not|isn't|isn't equal( to)?|is not equal( to)?|doesn't equal|does not equal|(is )?greater than|comes after|is not less than or equal( to)?|isn't less than or equal( to)?|(is )?less than|comes before|is not greater than or equal( to)?|isn't greater than or equal( to)?|(is )?greater than or equal( to)?|is not less than|isn't less than|does not come before|doesn't come before|(is )?less than or equal( to)?|is not greater than|isn't greater than|does not come after|doesn't come after|starts? with|begins? with|ends? with|contains?|does not contain|doesn't contain|is in|is contained by|is not in|is not contained by|isn't contained by|div|mod|not|(a )?(ref( to)?|reference to)|is|does)\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`^(\s*(?:on|end)\s+)(zoomed|write to file|will zoom|will show|will select tab view item|will resize( sub views)?|will resign active|will quit|will pop up|will open|will move|will miniaturize|will hide|will finish launching|will display outline cell|will display item cell|will display cell|will display browser cell|will dismiss|will close|will become active|was miniaturized|was hidden|update toolbar item|update parameters|update menu item|shown|should zoom|should selection change|should select tab view item|should select row|should select item|should select column|should quit( after last window closed)?|should open( untitled)?|should expand item|should end editing|should collapse item|should close|should begin editing|selection changing|selection changed|selected tab view item|scroll wheel|rows changed|right mouse up|right mouse dragged|right mouse down|resized( sub views)?|resigned main|resigned key|resigned active|read from file|prepare table drop|prepare table drag|prepare outline drop|prepare outline drag|prepare drop|plugin loaded|parameters updated|panel ended|opened|open untitled|number of rows|number of items|number of browser rows|moved|mouse up|mouse moved|mouse exited|mouse entered|mouse dragged|mouse down|miniaturized|load data representation|launched|keyboard up|keyboard down|items changed|item value changed|item value|item expandable|idle|exposed|end editing|drop|drag( (entered|exited|updated))?|double clicked|document nib name|dialog ended|deminiaturized|data representation|conclude drop|column resized|column moved|column clicked|closed|clicked toolbar item|clicked|choose menu item|child of item|changed|change item value|change cell value|cell value changed|cell value|bounds changed|begin editing|became main|became key|awake from nib|alert ended|activated|action|accept table drop|accept outline drop)`, ByGroups(Keyword, NameFunction), nil}, - {`^(\s*)(in|on|script|to)(\s+)`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, Text), nil}, - {`\b(as )(alias |application |boolean |class |constant |date |file |integer |list |number |POSIX file |real |record |reference |RGB color |script |text |unit types|(?:Unicode )?text|string)\b`, ByGroups(Keyword, NameClass), nil}, - {`\b(AppleScript|current application|false|linefeed|missing value|pi|quote|result|return|space|tab|text item delimiters|true|version)\b`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`\b(ASCII (character|number)|activate|beep|choose URL|choose application|choose color|choose file( name)?|choose folder|choose from list|choose remote application|clipboard info|close( access)?|copy|count|current date|delay|delete|display (alert|dialog)|do shell script|duplicate|exists|get eof|get volume settings|info for|launch|list (disks|folder)|load script|log|make|mount volume|new|offset|open( (for access|location))?|path to|print|quit|random number|read|round|run( script)?|say|scripting components|set (eof|the clipboard to|volume)|store script|summarize|system attribute|system info|the clipboard|time to GMT|write|quoted form)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\b(considering|else|error|exit|from|if|ignoring|in|repeat|tell|then|times|to|try|until|using terms from|while|with|with timeout( of)?|with transaction|by|continue|end|its?|me|my|return|of|as)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\b(global|local|prop(erty)?|set|get)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\b(but|put|returning|the)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\b(attachment|attribute run|character|day|month|paragraph|word|year)s?\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\b(about|above|against|apart from|around|aside from|at|below|beneath|beside|between|for|given|instead of|on|onto|out of|over|since)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\b(accepts arrow key|action method|active|alignment|allowed identifiers|allows branch selection|allows column reordering|allows column resizing|allows column selection|allows customization|allows editing text attributes|allows empty selection|allows mixed state|allows multiple selection|allows reordering|allows undo|alpha( value)?|alternate image|alternate increment value|alternate title|animation delay|associated file name|associated object|auto completes|auto display|auto enables items|auto repeat|auto resizes( outline column)?|auto save expanded items|auto save name|auto save table columns|auto saves configuration|auto scroll|auto sizes all columns to fit|auto sizes cells|background color|bezel state|bezel style|bezeled|border rect|border type|bordered|bounds( rotation)?|box type|button returned|button type|can choose directories|can choose files|can draw|can hide|cell( (background color|size|type))?|characters|class|click count|clicked( data)? column|clicked data item|clicked( data)? row|closeable|collating|color( (mode|panel))|command key down|configuration|content(s| (size|view( margins)?))?|context|continuous|control key down|control size|control tint|control view|controller visible|coordinate system|copies( on scroll)?|corner view|current cell|current column|current( field)? editor|current( menu)? item|current row|current tab view item|data source|default identifiers|delta (x|y|z)|destination window|directory|display mode|displayed cell|document( (edited|rect|view))?|double value|dragged column|dragged distance|dragged items|draws( cell)? background|draws grid|dynamically scrolls|echos bullets|edge|editable|edited( data)? column|edited data item|edited( data)? row|enabled|enclosing scroll view|ending page|error handling|event number|event type|excluded from windows menu|executable path|expanded|fax number|field editor|file kind|file name|file type|first responder|first visible column|flipped|floating|font( panel)?|formatter|frameworks path|frontmost|gave up|grid color|has data items|has horizontal ruler|has horizontal scroller|has parent data item|has resize indicator|has shadow|has sub menu|has vertical ruler|has vertical scroller|header cell|header view|hidden|hides when deactivated|highlights by|horizontal line scroll|horizontal page scroll|horizontal ruler view|horizontally resizable|icon image|id|identifier|ignores multiple clicks|image( (alignment|dims when disabled|frame style|scaling))?|imports graphics|increment value|indentation per level|indeterminate|index|integer value|intercell spacing|item height|key( (code|equivalent( modifier)?|window))?|knob thickness|label|last( visible)? column|leading offset|leaf|level|line scroll|loaded|localized sort|location|loop mode|main( (bunde|menu|window))?|marker follows cell|matrix mode|maximum( content)? size|maximum visible columns|menu( form representation)?|miniaturizable|miniaturized|minimized image|minimized title|minimum column width|minimum( content)? size|modal|modified|mouse down state|movie( (controller|file|rect))?|muted|name|needs display|next state|next text|number of tick marks|only tick mark values|opaque|open panel|option key down|outline table column|page scroll|pages across|pages down|palette label|pane splitter|parent data item|parent window|pasteboard|path( (names|separator))?|playing|plays every frame|plays selection only|position|preferred edge|preferred type|pressure|previous text|prompt|properties|prototype cell|pulls down|rate|released when closed|repeated|requested print time|required file type|resizable|resized column|resource path|returns records|reuses columns|rich text|roll over|row height|rulers visible|save panel|scripts path|scrollable|selectable( identifiers)?|selected cell|selected( data)? columns?|selected data items?|selected( data)? rows?|selected item identifier|selection by rect|send action on arrow key|sends action when done editing|separates columns|separator item|sequence number|services menu|shared frameworks path|shared support path|sheet|shift key down|shows alpha|shows state by|size( mode)?|smart insert delete enabled|sort case sensitivity|sort column|sort order|sort type|sorted( data rows)?|sound|source( mask)?|spell checking enabled|starting page|state|string value|sub menu|super menu|super view|tab key traverses cells|tab state|tab type|tab view|table view|tag|target( printer)?|text color|text container insert|text container origin|text returned|tick mark position|time stamp|title(d| (cell|font|height|position|rect))?|tool tip|toolbar|trailing offset|transparent|treat packages as directories|truncated labels|types|unmodified characters|update views|use sort indicator|user defaults|uses data source|uses ruler|uses threaded animation|uses title from previous column|value wraps|version|vertical( (line scroll|page scroll|ruler view))?|vertically resizable|view|visible( document rect)?|volume|width|window|windows menu|wraps|zoomable|zoomed)\b`, NameAttribute, nil}, - {`\b(action cell|alert reply|application|box|browser( cell)?|bundle|button( cell)?|cell|clip view|color well|color-panel|combo box( item)?|control|data( (cell|column|item|row|source))?|default entry|dialog reply|document|drag info|drawer|event|font(-panel)?|formatter|image( (cell|view))?|matrix|menu( item)?|item|movie( view)?|open-panel|outline view|panel|pasteboard|plugin|popup button|progress indicator|responder|save-panel|scroll view|secure text field( cell)?|slider|sound|split view|stepper|tab view( item)?|table( (column|header cell|header view|view))|text( (field( cell)?|view))?|toolbar( item)?|user-defaults|view|window)s?\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\b(animate|append|call method|center|close drawer|close panel|display|display alert|display dialog|display panel|go|hide|highlight|increment|item for|load image|load movie|load nib|load panel|load sound|localized string|lock focus|log|open drawer|path for|pause|perform action|play|register|resume|scroll|select( all)?|show|size to fit|start|step back|step forward|stop|synchronize|unlock focus|update)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\b((in )?back of|(in )?front of|[0-9]+(st|nd|rd|th)|first|second|third|fourth|fifth|sixth|seventh|eighth|ninth|tenth|after|back|before|behind|every|front|index|last|middle|some|that|through|thru|where|whose)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`\b([a-zA-Z]\w*)\b`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`[-+]?(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)(E[-+][0-9]+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[-+]?\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - }, - "comment": { - {`\(\*`, CommentMultiline, Push()}, - {`\*\)`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[^*(]+`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`[*(]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/arduino.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/arduino.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0edbe3f..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a/arduino.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -package a - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Arduino lexer. -var Arduino = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Arduino", - Aliases: []string{"arduino"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.ino"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-arduino"}, - EnsureNL: true, - }, - arduinoRules, -)) - -func arduinoRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "statements": { - {Words(``, `\b`, `catch`, `const_cast`, `delete`, `dynamic_cast`, `explicit`, `export`, `friend`, `mutable`, `namespace`, `new`, `operator`, `private`, `protected`, `public`, `reinterpret_cast`, `restrict`, `static_cast`, `template`, `this`, `throw`, `throws`, `try`, `typeid`, `typename`, `using`, `virtual`, `constexpr`, `nullptr`, `decltype`, `thread_local`, `alignas`, `alignof`, `static_assert`, `noexcept`, `override`, `final`), Keyword, nil}, - {`char(16_t|32_t)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(class)\b`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("classname")}, - {`(R)(")([^\\()\s]{,16})(\()((?:.|\n)*?)(\)\3)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralString, LiteralStringDelimiter, LiteralStringDelimiter, LiteralString, LiteralStringDelimiter, LiteralString), nil}, - {`(u8|u|U)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralString), Push("string")}, - {`(L?)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralString), Push("string")}, - {`(L?)(')(\\.|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}|[^\\\'\n])(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringChar, LiteralStringChar, LiteralStringChar), nil}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+[fF])[fF]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-fA-F]+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`0[0-7]+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`\d+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`\*/`, Error, nil}, - {`[~!%^&*+=|?:<>/-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[()\[\],.]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `asm`, `auto`, `break`, `case`, `const`, `continue`, `default`, `do`, `else`, `enum`, `extern`, `for`, `goto`, `if`, `register`, `restricted`, `return`, `sizeof`, `static`, `struct`, `switch`, `typedef`, `union`, `volatile`, `while`), Keyword, nil}, - {`(_Bool|_Complex|_Imaginary|array|atomic_bool|atomic_char|atomic_int|atomic_llong|atomic_long|atomic_schar|atomic_short|atomic_uchar|atomic_uint|atomic_ullong|atomic_ulong|atomic_ushort|auto|bool|boolean|BooleanVariables|Byte|byte|Char|char|char16_t|char32_t|class|complex|Const|const|const_cast|delete|double|dynamic_cast|enum|explicit|extern|Float|float|friend|inline|Int|int|int16_t|int32_t|int64_t|int8_t|Long|long|new|NULL|null|operator|private|PROGMEM|protected|public|register|reinterpret_cast|short|signed|sizeof|Static|static|static_cast|String|struct|typedef|uint16_t|uint32_t|uint64_t|uint8_t|union|unsigned|virtual|Void|void|Volatile|volatile|word)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - // Start of: Arduino-specific syntax - {`(and|final|If|Loop|loop|not|or|override|setup|Setup|throw|try|xor)\b`, Keyword, nil}, // Addition to keywords already defined by C++ - {`(ANALOG_MESSAGE|BIN|CHANGE|DEC|DEFAULT|DIGITAL_MESSAGE|EXTERNAL|FALLING|FIRMATA_STRING|HALF_PI|HEX|HIGH|INPUT|INPUT_PULLUP|INTERNAL|INTERNAL1V1|INTERNAL1V1|INTERNAL2V56|INTERNAL2V56|LED_BUILTIN|LED_BUILTIN_RX|LED_BUILTIN_TX|LOW|LSBFIRST|MSBFIRST|OCT|OUTPUT|PI|REPORT_ANALOG|REPORT_DIGITAL|RISING|SET_PIN_MODE|SYSEX_START|SYSTEM_RESET|TWO_PI)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(boolean|const|byte|word|string|String|array)\b`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`(Keyboard|KeyboardController|MouseController|SoftwareSerial|EthernetServer|EthernetClient|LiquidCrystal|RobotControl|GSMVoiceCall|EthernetUDP|EsploraTFT|HttpClient|RobotMotor|WiFiClient|GSMScanner|FileSystem|Scheduler|GSMServer|YunClient|YunServer|IPAddress|GSMClient|GSMModem|Keyboard|Ethernet|Console|GSMBand|Esplora|Stepper|Process|WiFiUDP|GSM_SMS|Mailbox|USBHost|Firmata|PImage|Client|Server|GSMPIN|FileIO|Bridge|Serial|EEPROM|Stream|Mouse|Audio|Servo|File|Task|GPRS|WiFi|Wire|TFT|GSM|SPI|SD)\b`, NameClass, nil}, - {`(abs|Abs|accept|ACos|acos|acosf|addParameter|analogRead|AnalogRead|analogReadResolution|AnalogReadResolution|analogReference|AnalogReference|analogWrite|AnalogWrite|analogWriteResolution|AnalogWriteResolution|answerCall|asin|ASin|asinf|atan|ATan|atan2|ATan2|atan2f|atanf|attach|attached|attachGPRS|attachInterrupt|AttachInterrupt|autoscroll|available|availableForWrite|background|beep|begin|beginPacket|beginSD|beginSMS|beginSpeaker|beginTFT|beginTransmission|beginWrite|bit|Bit|BitClear|bitClear|bitRead|BitRead|bitSet|BitSet|BitWrite|bitWrite|blink|blinkVersion|BSSID|buffer|byte|cbrt|cbrtf|Ceil|ceil|ceilf|changePIN|char|charAt|checkPIN|checkPUK|checkReg|circle|cityNameRead|cityNameWrite|clear|clearScreen|click|close|compareTo|compassRead|concat|config|connect|connected|constrain|Constrain|copysign|copysignf|cos|Cos|cosf|cosh|coshf|countryNameRead|countryNameWrite|createChar|cursor|debugPrint|degrees|Delay|delay|DelayMicroseconds|delayMicroseconds|detach|DetachInterrupt|detachInterrupt|DigitalPinToInterrupt|digitalPinToInterrupt|DigitalRead|digitalRead|DigitalWrite|digitalWrite|disconnect|display|displayLogos|drawBMP|drawCompass|encryptionType|end|endPacket|endSMS|endsWith|endTransmission|endWrite|equals|equalsIgnoreCase|exists|exitValue|Exp|exp|expf|fabs|fabsf|fdim|fdimf|fill|find|findUntil|float|floor|Floor|floorf|flush|fma|fmaf|fmax|fmaxf|fmin|fminf|fmod|fmodf|gatewayIP|get|getAsynchronously|getBand|getButton|getBytes|getCurrentCarrier|getIMEI|getKey|getModifiers|getOemKey|getPINUsed|getResult|getSignalStrength|getSocket|getVoiceCallStatus|getXChange|getYChange|hangCall|height|highByte|HighByte|home|hypot|hypotf|image|indexOf|int|interrupts|IPAddress|IRread|isActionDone|isAlpha|isAlphaNumeric|isAscii|isControl|isDigit|isDirectory|isfinite|isGraph|isHexadecimalDigit|isinf|isListening|isLowerCase|isnan|isPIN|isPressed|isPrintable|isPunct|isSpace|isUpperCase|isValid|isWhitespace|keyboardRead|keyPressed|keyReleased|knobRead|lastIndexOf|ldexp|ldexpf|leftToRight|length|line|lineFollowConfig|listen|listenOnLocalhost|loadImage|localIP|log|Log|log10|log10f|logf|long|lowByte|LowByte|lrint|lrintf|lround|lroundf|macAddress|maintain|map|Map|Max|max|messageAvailable|Micros|micros|millis|Millis|Min|min|mkdir|motorsStop|motorsWrite|mouseDragged|mouseMoved|mousePressed|mouseReleased|move|noAutoscroll|noBlink|noBuffer|noCursor|noDisplay|noFill|noInterrupts|NoInterrupts|noListenOnLocalhost|noStroke|noTone|NoTone|onReceive|onRequest|open|openNextFile|overflow|parseCommand|parseFloat|parseInt|parsePacket|pauseMode|peek|PinMode|pinMode|playFile|playMelody|point|pointTo|position|Pow|pow|powf|prepare|press|print|printFirmwareVersion|println|printVersion|process|processInput|PulseIn|pulseIn|pulseInLong|PulseInLong|put|radians|random|Random|randomSeed|RandomSeed|read|readAccelerometer|readBlue|readButton|readBytes|readBytesUntil|readGreen|readJoystickButton|readJoystickSwitch|readJoystickX|readJoystickY|readLightSensor|readMessage|readMicrophone|readNetworks|readRed|readSlider|readString|readStringUntil|readTemperature|ready|rect|release|releaseAll|remoteIP|remoteNumber|remotePort|remove|replace|requestFrom|retrieveCallingNumber|rewindDirectory|rightToLeft|rmdir|robotNameRead|robotNameWrite|round|roundf|RSSI|run|runAsynchronously|running|runShellCommand|runShellCommandAsynchronously|scanNetworks|scrollDisplayLeft|scrollDisplayRight|seek|sendAnalog|sendDigitalPortPair|sendDigitalPorts|sendString|sendSysex|Serial_Available|Serial_Begin|Serial_End|Serial_Flush|Serial_Peek|Serial_Print|Serial_Println|Serial_Read|serialEvent|setBand|setBitOrder|setCharAt|setClockDivider|setCursor|setDataMode|setDNS|setFirmwareVersion|setMode|setPINUsed|setSpeed|setTextSize|setTimeout|ShiftIn|shiftIn|ShiftOut|shiftOut|shutdown|signbit|sin|Sin|sinf|sinh|sinhf|size|sizeof|Sq|sq|Sqrt|sqrt|sqrtf|SSID|startLoop|startsWith|step|stop|stroke|subnetMask|substring|switchPIN|tan|Tan|tanf|tanh|tanhf|tempoWrite|text|toCharArray|toInt|toLowerCase|tone|Tone|toUpperCase|transfer|trim|trunc|truncf|tuneWrite|turn|updateIR|userNameRead|userNameWrite|voiceCall|waitContinue|width|WiFiServer|word|write|writeBlue|writeGreen|writeJSON|writeMessage|writeMicroseconds|writeRed|writeRGB|yield|Yield)\b`, NameFunction, nil}, - // End of: Arduino-specific syntax - {Words(``, `\b`, `inline`, `_inline`, `__inline`, `naked`, `restrict`, `thread`, `typename`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`(__m(128i|128d|128|64))\b`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {Words(`__`, `\b`, `asm`, `int8`, `based`, `except`, `int16`, `stdcall`, `cdecl`, `fastcall`, `int32`, `declspec`, `finally`, `int64`, `try`, `leave`, `wchar_t`, `w64`, `unaligned`, `raise`, `noop`, `identifier`, `forceinline`, `assume`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`(true|false|NULL)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(:)(?!:)`, ByGroups(NameLabel, Text, Punctuation), nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - }, - "root": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`((?:[\w*\s])+?(?:\s|[*]))([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*\([^;]*?\))([^;{]*)(\{)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), NameFunction, UsingSelf("root"), UsingSelf("root"), Punctuation), Push("function")}, - {`((?:[\w*\s])+?(?:\s|[*]))([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*\([^;]*?\))([^;]*)(;)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), NameFunction, UsingSelf("root"), UsingSelf("root"), Punctuation), nil}, - Default(Push("statement")), - {Words(`__`, `\b`, `virtual_inheritance`, `uuidof`, `super`, `single_inheritance`, `multiple_inheritance`, `interface`, `event`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`__(offload|blockingoffload|outer)\b`, KeywordPseudo, nil}, - }, - "classname": { - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - {`\s*(?=>)`, Text, Pop(1)}, - }, - "whitespace": { - {`^#if\s+0`, CommentPreproc, Push("if0")}, - {`^#`, CommentPreproc, Push("macro")}, - {`^(\s*(?:/[*].*?[*]/\s*)?)(#if\s+0)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), CommentPreproc), Push("if0")}, - {`^(\s*(?:/[*].*?[*]/\s*)?)(#)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), CommentPreproc), Push("macro")}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - {`//(\n|[\w\W]*?[^\\]\n)`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*][\w\W]*?[*](\\\n)?/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*][\w\W]*`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "statement": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("statements"), - {`[{}]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "function": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("statements"), - {`;`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push()}, - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "string": { - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2,4}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|U[a-fA-F0-9]{8}|[0-7]{1,3})`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`[^\\"\n]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\\n`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "macro": { - {`(include)(\s*(?:/[*].*?[*]/\s*)?)([^\n]+)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Text, CommentPreprocFile), nil}, - {`[^/\n]+`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`/[*](.|\n)*?[*]/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, Pop(1)}, - {`/`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`(?<=\\)\n`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`\n`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)}, - }, - "if0": { - {`^\s*#if.*?(?+*%\^/!=|])=?`, Operator, Push("slashstartsregex")}, - {`[{(\[;,]`, Punctuation, Push("slashstartsregex")}, - {`[})\].]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(break|continue|do|while|exit|for|if|else|return|switch|case|default)\b`, Keyword, Push("slashstartsregex")}, - {`function\b`, KeywordDeclaration, Push("slashstartsregex")}, - {`(atan2|cos|exp|int|log|rand|sin|sqrt|srand|gensub|gsub|index|length|match|split|patsplit|sprintf|sub|substr|tolower|toupper|close|fflush|getline|next(file)|print|printf|strftime|systime|mktime|delete|system|strtonum|and|compl|lshift|or|rshift|asorti?|isarray|bindtextdomain|dcn?gettext|@(include|load|namespace))\b`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`(ARGC|ARGIND|ARGV|BEGIN(FILE)?|BINMODE|CONVFMT|ENVIRON|END(FILE)?|ERRNO|FIELDWIDTHS|FILENAME|FNR|FPAT|FS|IGNORECASE|LINT|NF|NR|OFMT|OFS|ORS|PROCINFO|RLENGTH|RS|RSTART|RT|SUBSEP|TEXTDOMAIN)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`[@$a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameOther, nil}, - {`[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-fA-F]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/ballerina.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/ballerina.go deleted file mode 100644 index d8916d0..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/ballerina.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -package b - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Ballerina lexer. -var Ballerina = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Ballerina", - Aliases: []string{"ballerina"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.bal"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-ballerina"}, - DotAll: true, - }, - ballerinaRules, -)) - -func ballerinaRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*.*?\*/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`(break|catch|continue|done|else|finally|foreach|forever|fork|if|lock|match|return|throw|transaction|try|while)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`((?:(?:[^\W\d]|\$)[\w.\[\]$<>]*\s+)+?)((?:[^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), NameFunction, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`@[^\W\d][\w.]*`, NameDecorator, nil}, - {`(annotation|bind|but|endpoint|error|function|object|private|public|returns|service|type|var|with|worker)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`(boolean|byte|decimal|float|int|json|map|nil|record|string|table|xml)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(true|false|null)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(import)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("import")}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`'\\.'|'[^\\]'|'\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`(\.)((?:[^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*)`, ByGroups(Operator, NameAttribute), nil}, - {`^\s*([^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*:`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`([^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*`, Name, nil}, - {`([0-9][0-9_]*\.([0-9][0-9_]*)?|\.[0-9][0-9_]*)([eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*)?[fFdD]?|[0-9][eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*[fFdD]?|[0-9]([eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*)?[fFdD]|0[xX]([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*\.?|([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)?\.[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)[pP][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*[fFdD]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0[xX][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*[lL]?`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`0[bB][01][01_]*[lL]?`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`0[0-7_]+[lL]?`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0|[1-9][0-9_]*[lL]?`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[~^*!%&\[\](){}<>|+=:;,./?-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - }, - "import": { - {`[\w.]+`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bash.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bash.go deleted file mode 100644 index 34b1e22..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bash.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ -package b - -import ( - "regexp" - - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// TODO(moorereason): can this be factored away? -var bashAnalyserRe = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^#!.*/bin/(?:env |)(?:bash|zsh|sh|ksh)`) - -// Bash lexer. -var Bash = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Bash", - Aliases: []string{"bash", "sh", "ksh", "zsh", "shell"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.sh", "*.ksh", "*.bash", "*.ebuild", "*.eclass", ".env", "*.env", "*.exheres-0", "*.exlib", "*.zsh", "*.zshrc", ".bashrc", "bashrc", ".bash_*", "bash_*", "zshrc", ".zshrc", "PKGBUILD"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-sh", "application/x-shellscript"}, - }, - bashRules, -).SetAnalyser(func(text string) float32 { - if bashAnalyserRe.FindString(text) != "" { - return 1.0 - } - return 0.0 -})) - -func bashRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("basic"), - {"`", LiteralStringBacktick, Push("backticks")}, - Include("data"), - Include("interp"), - }, - "interp": { - {`\$\(\(`, Keyword, Push("math")}, - {`\$\(`, Keyword, Push("paren")}, - {`\$\{#?`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push("curly")}, - {`\$[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\$(?:\d+|[#$?!_*@-])`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\$`, Text, nil}, - }, - "basic": { - {`\b(if|fi|else|while|do|done|for|then|return|function|case|select|continue|until|esac|elif)(\s*)\b`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), nil}, - {"\\b(alias|bg|bind|break|builtin|caller|cd|command|compgen|complete|declare|dirs|disown|echo|enable|eval|exec|exit|export|false|fc|fg|getopts|hash|help|history|jobs|kill|let|local|logout|popd|printf|pushd|pwd|read|readonly|set|shift|shopt|source|suspend|test|time|times|trap|true|type|typeset|ulimit|umask|unalias|unset|wait)(?=[\\s)`])", NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\A#!.+\n`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`#.*(\S|$)`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\\[\w\W]`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`(\b\w+)(\s*)(\+?=)`, ByGroups(NameVariable, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`[\[\]{}()=]`, Operator, nil}, - {`<<<`, Operator, nil}, - {`<<-?\s*(\'?)\\?(\w+)[\w\W]+?\2`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`&&|\|\|`, Operator, nil}, - }, - "data": { - {`(?s)\$?"(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\$])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string")}, - {`(?s)\$'(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^'\\])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`(?s)'.*?'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`;`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`&`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\|`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\d+(?= |$)`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {"[^=\\s\\[\\]{}()$\"\\'`\\\\<&|;]+", Text, nil}, - {`<`, Text, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - {`(?s)(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\$])+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - Include("interp"), - }, - "curly": { - {`\}`, LiteralStringInterpol, Pop(1)}, - {`:-`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\w+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {"[^}:\"\\'`$\\\\]+", Punctuation, nil}, - {`:`, Punctuation, nil}, - Include("root"), - }, - "paren": { - {`\)`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - "math": { - {`\)\)`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - {`[-+*/%^|&]|\*\*|\|\|`, Operator, nil}, - {`\d+#\d+`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`\d+#(?! )`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - Include("root"), - }, - "backticks": { - {"`", LiteralStringBacktick, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bashsession.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bashsession.go deleted file mode 100644 index 055cbb3..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bashsession.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -package b - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// BashSession lexer. -var BashSession = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "BashSession", - Aliases: []string{"bash-session", "console", "shell-session"}, - Filenames: []string{".sh-session"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-sh"}, - EnsureNL: true, - }, - bashsessionRules, -)) - -func bashsessionRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`^((?:\[[^]]+@[^]]+\]\s?)?[#$%>])(\s*)(.*\n?)`, ByGroups(GenericPrompt, Text, Using(Bash)), nil}, - {`^.+\n?`, GenericOutput, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/batch.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/batch.go deleted file mode 100644 index f7a8677..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/batch.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ -package b - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Batchfile lexer. -var Batchfile = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Batchfile", - Aliases: []string{"bat", "batch", "dosbatch", "winbatch"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.bat", "*.cmd"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-dos-batch"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - batchfileRules, -)) - -func batchfileRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\)((?=\()|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))(?:(?:[^\n\x1a^]|\^[\n\x1a]?[\w\W])*)`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`(?=((?:(?<=^[^:])|^[^:]?)[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]*)(:))`, Text, Push("follow")}, - {`(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)`, UsingSelf("text"), nil}, - Include("redirect"), - {`[\n\x1a]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\(`, Punctuation, Push("root/compound")}, - {`@+`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`((?:for|if|rem)(?:(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?/)|(?:(?!\^)|(?<=m))(?:(?=\()|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^"\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?/(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?\?)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text")), Push("follow")}, - {`(goto(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(]))((?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|[^"%\n\x1a&<>|])*(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?/(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?\?(?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|[^"%\n\x1a&<>|])*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text")), Push("follow")}, - {Words(``, `(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(])`, `assoc`, `break`, `cd`, `chdir`, `cls`, `color`, `copy`, `date`, `del`, `dir`, `dpath`, `echo`, `endlocal`, `erase`, `exit`, `ftype`, `keys`, `md`, `mkdir`, `mklink`, `move`, `path`, `pause`, `popd`, `prompt`, `pushd`, `rd`, `ren`, `rename`, `rmdir`, `setlocal`, `shift`, `start`, `time`, `title`, `type`, `ver`, `verify`, `vol`), Keyword, Push("follow")}, - {`(call)((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?)(:)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Punctuation), Push("call")}, - {`call(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(])`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(for(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a])(?!\^))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))(/f(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Keyword), Push("for/f", "for")}, - {`(for(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a])(?!\^))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))(/l(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Keyword), Push("for/l", "for")}, - {`for(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a])(?!\^)`, Keyword, Push("for2", "for")}, - {`(goto(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(]))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?)(:?)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Punctuation), Push("label")}, - {`(if(?:(?=\()|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))(?!\^))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?)((?:/i(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))?)((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?)((?:not(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))?)((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Keyword, UsingSelf("text")), Push("(?", "if")}, - {`rem(((?=\()|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?(?:[&<>|]+|(?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^"\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))+)?.*|(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(])(?:(?:[^\n\x1a^]|\^[\n\x1a]?[\w\W])*))`, CommentSingle, Push("follow")}, - {`(set(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(]))((?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^\S\n])*)(/a)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Keyword), Push("arithmetic")}, - {`(set(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(]))((?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^\S\n])*)((?:/p)?)((?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^\S\n])*)((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^"\n\x1a&<>|^=]|\^[\n\x1a]?[^"=])+)?)((?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?=)?)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), UsingSelf("variable"), Punctuation), Push("follow")}, - Default(Push("follow")), - }, - "follow": { - {`((?:(?<=^[^:])|^[^:]?)[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]*)(:)([\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]*)((?:(?:[^\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+:^]|\^[\n\x1a]?[\w\W])*))(.*)`, ByGroups(Text, Punctuation, Text, NameLabel, CommentSingle), nil}, - Include("redirect"), - {`(?=[\n\x1a])`, Text, Pop(1)}, - {`\|\|?|&&?`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - Include("text"), - }, - "arithmetic": { - {`0[0-7]+`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0x[\da-f]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[(),]+`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`([=+\-*/!~]|%|\^\^)+`, Operator, nil}, - {`((?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|(\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^()=+\-*/!~%^"\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|\^[\n\x1a\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]?[\w\W])+`, UsingSelf("variable"), nil}, - {`(?=[\x00|&])`, Text, Pop(1)}, - Include("follow"), - }, - "call": { - {`(:?)((?:(?:[^\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+:^]|\^[\n\x1a]?[\w\W])*))`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameLabel), Pop(1)}, - }, - "label": { - {`((?:(?:[^\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+:^]|\^[\n\x1a]?[\w\W])*)?)((?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|\^[\n\x1a]?[\w\W]|[^"%^\n\x1a&<>|])*)`, ByGroups(NameLabel, CommentSingle), Pop(1)}, - }, - "redirect": { - {`((?:(?<=[\n\x1a\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])\d)?)(>>?&|<&)([\n\x1a\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]*)(\d)`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberInteger, Punctuation, Text, LiteralNumberInteger), nil}, - {`((?:(?<=[\n\x1a\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])(?>?|<)((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?(?:[&<>|]+|(?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^"\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))+))`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberInteger, Punctuation, UsingSelf("text")), nil}, - }, - "root/compound": { - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`(?=((?:(?<=^[^:])|^[^:]?)[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]*)(:))`, Text, Push("follow/compound")}, - {`(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)`, UsingSelf("text"), nil}, - Include("redirect/compound"), - {`[\n\x1a]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\(`, Punctuation, Push("root/compound")}, - {`@+`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`((?:for|if|rem)(?:(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?/)|(?:(?!\^)|(?<=m))(?:(?=\()|(?:(?=\))|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a])))))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^"\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0)])+)?(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?/(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?\?)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text")), Push("follow/compound")}, - {`(goto(?:(?=\))|(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(])))((?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|[^"%\n\x1a&<>|)])*(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?/(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?\?(?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|[^"%\n\x1a&<>|)])*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text")), Push("follow/compound")}, - {Words(``, `(?:(?=\))|(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(]))`, `assoc`, `break`, `cd`, `chdir`, `cls`, `color`, `copy`, `date`, `del`, `dir`, `dpath`, `echo`, `endlocal`, `erase`, `exit`, `ftype`, `keys`, `md`, `mkdir`, `mklink`, `move`, `path`, `pause`, `popd`, `prompt`, `pushd`, `rd`, `ren`, `rename`, `rmdir`, `setlocal`, `shift`, `start`, `time`, `title`, `type`, `ver`, `verify`, `vol`), Keyword, Push("follow/compound")}, - {`(call)((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?)(:)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Punctuation), Push("call/compound")}, - {`call(?:(?=\))|(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(]))`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(for(?:(?=\))|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))(?!\^))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))(/f(?:(?=\))|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a])))`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Keyword), Push("for/f", "for")}, - {`(for(?:(?=\))|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))(?!\^))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))(/l(?:(?=\))|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a])))`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Keyword), Push("for/l", "for")}, - {`for(?:(?=\))|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))(?!\^)`, Keyword, Push("for2", "for")}, - {`(goto(?:(?=\))|(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(])))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?)(:?)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Punctuation), Push("label/compound")}, - {`(if(?:(?=\()|(?:(?=\))|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a])))(?!\^))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?)((?:/i(?:(?=\))|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a])))?)((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?)((?:not(?:(?=\))|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a])))?)((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Keyword, UsingSelf("text")), Push("(?", "if")}, - {`rem(((?=\()|(?:(?=\))|(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a])))(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?(?:[&<>|]+|(?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^"\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))+)?.*|(?:(?=\))|(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(]))(?:(?:[^\n\x1a^)]|\^[\n\x1a]?[^)])*))`, CommentSingle, Push("follow/compound")}, - {`(set(?:(?=\))|(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(])))((?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^\S\n])*)(/a)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Keyword), Push("arithmetic/compound")}, - {`(set(?:(?=\))|(?=(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+./:[\\\]]|[\n\x1a&<>|(])))((?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^\S\n])*)((?:/p)?)((?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^\S\n])*)((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^"\n\x1a&<>|^=)]|\^[\n\x1a]?[^"=])+)?)((?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?=)?)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), UsingSelf("variable"), Punctuation), Push("follow/compound")}, - Default(Push("follow/compound")), - }, - "follow/compound": { - {`(?=\))`, Text, Pop(1)}, - {`((?:(?<=^[^:])|^[^:]?)[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]*)(:)([\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]*)((?:(?:[^\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+:^)]|\^[\n\x1a]?[^)])*))(.*)`, ByGroups(Text, Punctuation, Text, NameLabel, CommentSingle), nil}, - Include("redirect/compound"), - {`(?=[\n\x1a])`, Text, Pop(1)}, - {`\|\|?|&&?`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - Include("text"), - }, - "arithmetic/compound": { - {`(?=\))`, Text, Pop(1)}, - {`0[0-7]+`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0x[\da-f]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[(),]+`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`([=+\-*/!~]|%|\^\^)+`, Operator, nil}, - {`((?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|(\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^()=+\-*/!~%^"\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|\^[\n\x1a\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]?[^)])+`, UsingSelf("variable"), nil}, - {`(?=[\x00|&])`, Text, Pop(1)}, - Include("follow"), - }, - "call/compound": { - {`(?=\))`, Text, Pop(1)}, - {`(:?)((?:(?:[^\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+:^)]|\^[\n\x1a]?[^)])*))`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameLabel), Pop(1)}, - }, - "label/compound": { - {`(?=\))`, Text, Pop(1)}, - {`((?:(?:[^\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0+:^)]|\^[\n\x1a]?[^)])*)?)((?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|\^[\n\x1a]?[^)]|[^"%^\n\x1a&<>|)])*)`, ByGroups(NameLabel, CommentSingle), Pop(1)}, - }, - "redirect/compound": { - {`((?:(?<=[\n\x1a\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])\d)?)(>>?&|<&)([\n\x1a\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]*)(\d)`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberInteger, Punctuation, Text, LiteralNumberInteger), nil}, - {`((?:(?<=[\n\x1a\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])(?>?|<)((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?(?:[&<>|]+|(?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^"\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0)])+))+))`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberInteger, Punctuation, UsingSelf("text")), nil}, - }, - "variable-or-escape": { - {`(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`%%|\^[\n\x1a]?(\^!|[\w\W])`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - {`(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\^!|%%`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`[^"%^\n\x1a]+|[%^]`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "sqstring": { - Include("variable-or-escape"), - {`[^%]+|%`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - }, - "bqstring": { - Include("variable-or-escape"), - {`[^%]+|%`, LiteralStringBacktick, nil}, - }, - "text": { - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string")}, - Include("variable-or-escape"), - {`[^"%^\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0\d)]+|.`, Text, nil}, - }, - "variable": { - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string")}, - Include("variable-or-escape"), - {`[^"%^\n\x1a]+|.`, NameVariable, nil}, - }, - "for": { - {`((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))(in)((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))(\()`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("text"), Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), Punctuation), Pop(1)}, - Include("follow"), - }, - "for2": { - {`\)`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))(do(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("text"), Keyword), Pop(1)}, - {`[\n\x1a]+`, Text, nil}, - Include("follow"), - }, - "for/f": { - {`(")((?:(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|[^"])*?")([\n\x1a\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]*)(\))`, ByGroups(LiteralStringDouble, UsingSelf("string"), Text, Punctuation), nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("#pop", "for2", "string")}, - {`('(?:%%|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|[\w\W])*?')([\n\x1a\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]*)(\))`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("sqstring"), Text, Punctuation), nil}, - {"(`(?:%%|(?:(?:%(?:\\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\\$[^:]+:)?)?\\d|[^%:\\n\\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\\n\\x1a^]|\\^[^%\\n\\x1a])[^=\\n\\x1a]*=(?:[^%\\n\\x1a^]|\\^[^%\\n\\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\\^?![^!:\\n\\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\\n\\x1a^]|\\^[^!\\n\\x1a])[^=\\n\\x1a]*=(?:[^!\\n\\x1a^]|\\^[^!\\n\\x1a])*)?)?\\^?!))|[\\w\\W])*?`)([\\n\\x1a\\t\\v\\f\\r ,;=\\xa0]*)(\\))", ByGroups(UsingSelf("bqstring"), Text, Punctuation), nil}, - Include("for2"), - }, - "for/l": { - {`-?\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - Include("for2"), - }, - "if": { - {`((?:cmdextversion|errorlevel)(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))(\d+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), LiteralNumberInteger), Pop(1)}, - {`(defined(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))((?:[&<>|]+|(?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^"\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))+))`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text"), UsingSelf("variable")), Pop(1)}, - {`(exist(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)(?:[&<>|]+|(?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^"\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))+))`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("text")), Pop(1)}, - {`((?:-?(?:0[0-7]+|0x[\da-f]+|\d+)(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a]))(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))((?:equ|geq|gtr|leq|lss|neq))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)(?:-?(?:0[0-7]+|0x[\da-f]+|\d+)(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a])))`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("arithmetic"), OperatorWord, UsingSelf("arithmetic")), Pop(1)}, - {`(?:[&<>|]+|(?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^"\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))+)`, UsingSelf("text"), Push("#pop", "if2")}, - }, - "if2": { - {`((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?)(==)((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)?(?:[&<>|]+|(?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^"\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))+))`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("text"), Operator, UsingSelf("text")), Pop(1)}, - {`((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))((?:equ|geq|gtr|leq|lss|neq))((?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)(?:[&<>|]+|(?:(?:"[^\n\x1a"]*(?:"|(?=[\n\x1a])))|(?:(?:%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|[^%:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^%\n\x1a^]|\^[^%\n\x1a])*)?)?%))|(?:\^?![^!:\n\x1a]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])[^=\n\x1a]*=(?:[^!\n\x1a^]|\^[^!\n\x1a])*)?)?\^?!))|(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a]?)?[^"\n\x1a&<>|\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+))+))`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("text"), OperatorWord, UsingSelf("text")), Pop(1)}, - }, - "(?": { - {`(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)`, UsingSelf("text"), nil}, - {`\(`, Punctuation, Push("#pop", "else?", "root/compound")}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "else?": { - {`(?:(?:(?:\^[\n\x1a])?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0])+)`, UsingSelf("text"), nil}, - {`else(?=\^?[\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0]|[&<>|\n\x1a])`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bibtex.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bibtex.go deleted file mode 100644 index d6a0ae3..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bibtex.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -package b - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Bibtex lexer. -var Bibtex = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "BibTeX", - Aliases: []string{"bib", "bibtex"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.bib"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-bibtex"}, - NotMultiline: true, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - bibtexRules, -)) - -func bibtexRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`@comment`, Comment, nil}, - {`@preamble`, NameClass, Push("closing-brace", "value", "opening-brace")}, - {`@string`, NameClass, Push("closing-brace", "field", "opening-brace")}, - {"@[a-z_@!$&*+\\-./:;<>?\\[\\\\\\]^`|~][\\w@!$&*+\\-./:;<>?\\[\\\\\\]^`|~]*", NameClass, Push("closing-brace", "command-body", "opening-brace")}, - {`.+`, Comment, nil}, - }, - "opening-brace": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`[{(]`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "closing-brace": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`[})]`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "command-body": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`[^\s\,\}]+`, NameLabel, Push("#pop", "fields")}, - }, - "fields": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`,`, Punctuation, Push("field")}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "field": { - Include("whitespace"), - {"[a-z_@!$&*+\\-./:;<>?\\[\\\\\\]^`|~][\\w@!$&*+\\-./:;<>?\\[\\\\\\]^`|~]*", NameAttribute, Push("value", "=")}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "=": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`=`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "value": { - Include("whitespace"), - {"[a-z_@!$&*+\\-./:;<>?\\[\\\\\\]^`|~][\\w@!$&*+\\-./:;<>?\\[\\\\\\]^`|~]*", NameVariable, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("quoted-string")}, - {`\{`, LiteralString, Push("braced-string")}, - {`[\d]+`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`#`, Punctuation, nil}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "quoted-string": { - {`\{`, LiteralString, Push("braced-string")}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`[^\{\"]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "braced-string": { - {`\{`, LiteralString, Push()}, - {`\}`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`[^\{\}]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "whitespace": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bicep.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bicep.go deleted file mode 100644 index ec136fb..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bicep.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ -package b - -import ( - "strings" - - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Bicep lexer. -var Bicep = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Bicep", - Aliases: []string{"bicep"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.bicep"}, - }, - bicepRules, -)) - -func bicepRules() Rules { - bicepFunctions := []string{ - "any", - "array", - "concat", - "contains", - "empty", - "first", - "intersection", - "items", - "last", - "length", - "min", - "max", - "range", - "skip", - "take", - "union", - "dateTimeAdd", - "utcNow", - "deployment", - "environment", - "loadFileAsBase64", - "loadTextContent", - "int", - "json", - "extensionResourceId", - "getSecret", - "list", - "listKeys", - "listKeyValue", - "listAccountSas", - "listSecrets", - "pickZones", - "reference", - "resourceId", - "subscriptionResourceId", - "tenantResourceId", - "managementGroup", - "resourceGroup", - "subscription", - "tenant", - "base64", - "base64ToJson", - "base64ToString", - "dataUri", - "dataUriToString", - "endsWith", - "format", - "guid", - "indexOf", - "lastIndexOf", - "length", - "newGuid", - "padLeft", - "replace", - "split", - "startsWith", - "string", - "substring", - "toLower", - "toUpper", - "trim", - "uniqueString", - "uri", - "uriComponent", - "uriComponentToString", - } - - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`//[^\n\r]+`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*.*?\*/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`([']?\w+[']?)(:)`, ByGroups(NameProperty, Punctuation), nil}, - {`\b('(resourceGroup|subscription|managementGroup|tenant)')\b`, KeywordNamespace, nil}, - {`'[\w\$\{\(\)\}\.]{1,}?'`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - {`('''|').*?('''|')`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\b(allowed|batchSize|description|maxLength|maxValue|metadata|minLength|minValue|secure)\b`, NameDecorator, nil}, - {`\b(az|sys)\.`, NameNamespace, nil}, - {`\b(` + strings.Join(bicepFunctions, "|") + `)\b`, NameFunction, nil}, - // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/bicep/bicep-functions-logical - {`\b(bool)(\()`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Punctuation), nil}, - {`\b(for|if|in)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\b(module|output|param|resource|var)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`\b(array|bool|int|object|string)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/bicep/operators - {`(>=|>|<=|<|==|!=|=~|!~|::|&&|\?\?|!|-|%|\*|\/|\+)`, Operator, nil}, - {`[\(\)\[\]\.:\?{}@=]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[\w_-]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\s+`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/blitz.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/blitz.go deleted file mode 100644 index 119f96b..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/blitz.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -package b - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Blitzbasic lexer. -var Blitzbasic = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "BlitzBasic", - Aliases: []string{"blitzbasic", "b3d", "bplus"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.bb", "*.decls"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-bb"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - blitzbasicRules, -)) - -func blitzbasicRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[ \t]+`, Text, nil}, - {`;.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string")}, - {`[0-9]+\.[0-9]*(?!\.)`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\.[0-9]+(?!\.)`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`\$[0-9a-f]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`\%[10]+`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `Shl`, `Shr`, `Sar`, `Mod`, `Or`, `And`, `Not`, `Abs`, `Sgn`, `Handle`, `Int`, `Float`, `Str`, `First`, `Last`, `Before`, `After`), Operator, nil}, - {`([+\-*/~=<>^])`, Operator, nil}, - {`[(),:\[\]\\]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\.([ \t]*)([a-z]\w*)`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`\b(New)\b([ \t]+)([a-z]\w*)`, ByGroups(KeywordReserved, Text, NameClass), nil}, - {`\b(Gosub|Goto)\b([ \t]+)([a-z]\w*)`, ByGroups(KeywordReserved, Text, NameLabel), nil}, - {`\b(Object)\b([ \t]*)([.])([ \t]*)([a-z]\w*)\b`, ByGroups(Operator, Text, Punctuation, Text, NameClass), nil}, - {`\b([a-z]\w*)(?:([ \t]*)(@{1,2}|[#$%])|([ \t]*)([.])([ \t]*)(?:([a-z]\w*)))?\b([ \t]*)(\()`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Text, KeywordType, Text, Punctuation, Text, NameClass, Text, Punctuation), nil}, - {`\b(Function)\b([ \t]+)([a-z]\w*)(?:([ \t]*)(@{1,2}|[#$%])|([ \t]*)([.])([ \t]*)(?:([a-z]\w*)))?`, ByGroups(KeywordReserved, Text, NameFunction, Text, KeywordType, Text, Punctuation, Text, NameClass), nil}, - {`\b(Type)([ \t]+)([a-z]\w*)`, ByGroups(KeywordReserved, Text, NameClass), nil}, - {`\b(Pi|True|False|Null)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`\b(Local|Global|Const|Field|Dim)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `End`, `Return`, `Exit`, `Chr`, `Len`, `Asc`, `New`, `Delete`, `Insert`, `Include`, `Function`, `Type`, `If`, `Then`, `Else`, `ElseIf`, `EndIf`, `For`, `To`, `Next`, `Step`, `Each`, `While`, `Wend`, `Repeat`, `Until`, `Forever`, `Select`, `Case`, `Default`, `Goto`, `Gosub`, `Data`, `Read`, `Restore`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`([a-z]\w*)(?:([ \t]*)(@{1,2}|[#$%])|([ \t]*)([.])([ \t]*)(?:([a-z]\w*)))?`, ByGroups(NameVariable, Text, KeywordType, Text, Punctuation, Text, NameClass), nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`""`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`"C?`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - {`[^"]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bnf.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bnf.go deleted file mode 100644 index dcf7360..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/bnf.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -package b - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Bnf lexer. -var Bnf = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "BNF", - Aliases: []string{"bnf"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.bnf"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-bnf"}, - }, - bnfRules, -)) - -func bnfRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`(<)([ -;=?-~]+)(>)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameClass, Punctuation), nil}, - {`::=`, Operator, nil}, - {`[^<>:]+`, Text, nil}, - {`.`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/brainfuck.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/brainfuck.go deleted file mode 100644 index d35e9c6..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b/brainfuck.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -package b - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Brainfuck lexer. -var Brainfuck = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Brainfuck", - Aliases: []string{"brainfuck", "bf"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.bf", "*.b"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-brainfuck"}, - }, - brainfuckRules, -)) - -func brainfuckRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "common": { - {`[.,]+`, NameTag, nil}, - {`[+-]+`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`[<>]+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`[^.,+\-<>\[\]]+`, Comment, nil}, - }, - "root": { - {`\[`, Keyword, Push("loop")}, - {`\]`, Error, nil}, - Include("common"), - }, - "loop": { - {`\[`, Keyword, Push()}, - {`\]`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - Include("common"), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/c.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/c.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3698c4f..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/c.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// C lexer. -var C = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "C", - Aliases: []string{"c"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.c", "*.h", "*.idc", "*.x[bp]m"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-chdr", "text/x-csrc", "image/x-xbitmap", "image/x-xpixmap"}, - EnsureNL: true, - }, - cRules, -)) - -func cRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "whitespace": { - {`^#if\s+0`, CommentPreproc, Push("if0")}, - {`^#`, CommentPreproc, Push("macro")}, - {`^(\s*(?:/[*].*?[*]/\s*)?)(#if\s+0)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), CommentPreproc), Push("if0")}, - {`^(\s*(?:/[*].*?[*]/\s*)?)(#)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), CommentPreproc), Push("macro")}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - {`//(\n|[\w\W]*?[^\\]\n)`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*][\w\W]*?[*](\\\n)?/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*][\w\W]*`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "statements": { - {`(L?)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralString), Push("string")}, - {`(L?)(')(\\.|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}|[^\\\'\n])(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringChar, LiteralStringChar, LiteralStringChar), nil}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+[fF])[fF]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-fA-F]+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`0[0-7]+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`\d+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`\*/`, Error, nil}, - {`[~!%^&*+=|?:<>/-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[()\[\],.]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `asm`, `auto`, `break`, `case`, `const`, `continue`, `default`, `do`, `else`, `enum`, `extern`, `for`, `goto`, `if`, `register`, `restricted`, `return`, `sizeof`, `static`, `struct`, `switch`, `typedef`, `union`, `volatile`, `while`), Keyword, nil}, - {`(bool|int|long|float|short|double|char((8|16|32)_t)?|unsigned|signed|void|u?int(_fast|_least|)(8|16|32|64)_t)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `inline`, `_inline`, `__inline`, `naked`, `restrict`, `thread`, `typename`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`(__m(128i|128d|128|64))\b`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {Words(`__`, `\b`, `asm`, `int8`, `based`, `except`, `int16`, `stdcall`, `cdecl`, `fastcall`, `int32`, `declspec`, `finally`, `int64`, `try`, `leave`, `wchar_t`, `w64`, `unaligned`, `raise`, `noop`, `identifier`, `forceinline`, `assume`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`(true|false|NULL)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(:)(?!:)`, ByGroups(NameLabel, Text, Punctuation), nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - }, - "root": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`((?:[\w*\s])+?(?:\s|[*]))([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*\([^;]*?\))([^;{]*)(\{)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), NameFunction, UsingSelf("root"), UsingSelf("root"), Punctuation), Push("function")}, - {`((?:[\w*\s])+?(?:\s|[*]))([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*\([^;]*?\))([^;]*)(;)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), NameFunction, UsingSelf("root"), UsingSelf("root"), Punctuation), nil}, - Default(Push("statement")), - }, - "statement": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("statements"), - {`[{}]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "function": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("statements"), - {`;`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push()}, - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "string": { - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2,4}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|U[a-fA-F0-9]{8}|[0-7]{1,3})`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`[^\\"\n]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\\n`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "macro": { - {`(include)(\s*(?:/[*].*?[*]/\s*)?)([^\n]+)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Text, CommentPreprocFile), nil}, - {`[^/\n]+`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`/[*](.|\n)*?[*]/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, Pop(1)}, - {`/`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`(?<=\\)\n`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`\n`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)}, - }, - "if0": { - {`^\s*#if.*?(?|+=:;,./?-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`\d{1,3}(_\d{3})+\.\d{1,3}(_\d{3})+[kMGTPmunpf]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d{1,3}(_\d{3})+\.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[kMGTPmunpf]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9][0-9]*\.\d{1,3}(_\d{3})+[kMGTPmunpf]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[kMGTPmunpf]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`#([0-9a-fA-F]{4})(_[0-9a-fA-F]{4})+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`#[0-9a-fA-F]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`\$([01]{4})(_[01]{4})+`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`\$[01]+`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`\d{1,3}(_\d{3})+[kMGTP]?`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[0-9]+[kMGTP]?`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - }, - "class": { - {`[A-Za-z_]\w*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - }, - "import": { - {`[a-z][\w.]*`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - }, - "comment": { - {`[^*/]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push()}, - {`\*/`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[*/]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cfengine3.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cfengine3.go deleted file mode 100644 index f305034..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cfengine3.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Cfengine3 lexer. -var Cfengine3 = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "CFEngine3", - Aliases: []string{"cfengine3", "cf3"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.cf"}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - cfengine3Rules, -)) - -func cfengine3Rules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`#.*?\n`, Comment, nil}, - {`(body)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(control)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword, Text, Keyword), nil}, - {`(body|bundle)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\w+)(\()`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword, Text, NameFunction, Punctuation), Push("arglist")}, - {`(body|bundle)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\w+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(")([^"]+)(")(\s+)(string|slist|int|real)(\s*)(=>)(\s*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameVariable, Punctuation, Text, KeywordType, Text, Operator, Text), nil}, - {`(\S+)(\s*)(=>)(\s*)`, ByGroups(KeywordReserved, Text, Operator, Text), nil}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("string")}, - {`(\w+)(\()`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Punctuation), nil}, - {`([\w.!&|()]+)(::)`, ByGroups(NameClass, Punctuation), nil}, - {`(\w+)(:)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Punctuation), nil}, - {`@[{(][^)}]+[})]`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`[(){},;]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`=>`, Operator, nil}, - {`->`, Operator, nil}, - {`\d+\.\d+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`\w+`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`\$[{(]`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push("interpol")}, - {`\\.`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`\n`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`.`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "interpol": { - {`\$[{(]`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push()}, - {`[})]`, LiteralStringInterpol, Pop(1)}, - {`[^${()}]+`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - }, - "arglist": { - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`,`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\w+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/chaiscript.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/chaiscript.go deleted file mode 100644 index 58db9aa..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/chaiscript.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Chaiscript lexer. -var Chaiscript = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "ChaiScript", - Aliases: []string{"chai", "chaiscript"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.chai"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-chaiscript", "application/x-chaiscript"}, - DotAll: true, - }, - chaiscriptRules, -)) - -func chaiscriptRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "commentsandwhitespace": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*.*?\*/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`^\#.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - }, - "slashstartsregex": { - Include("commentsandwhitespace"), - {`/(\\.|[^[/\\\n]|\[(\\.|[^\]\\\n])*])+/([gim]+\b|\B)`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - {`(?=/)`, Text, Push("#pop", "badregex")}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "badregex": { - {`\n`, Text, Pop(1)}, - }, - "root": { - Include("commentsandwhitespace"), - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\+\+|--|~|&&|\?|:|\|\||\\(?=\n)|\.\.(<<|>>>?|==?|!=?|[-<>+*%&|^/])=?`, Operator, Push("slashstartsregex")}, - {`[{(\[;,]`, Punctuation, Push("slashstartsregex")}, - {`[})\].]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[=+\-*/]`, Operator, nil}, - {`(for|in|while|do|break|return|continue|if|else|throw|try|catch)\b`, Keyword, Push("slashstartsregex")}, - {`(var)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, Push("slashstartsregex")}, - {`(attr|def|fun)\b`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`(true|false)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(eval|throw)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {"`\\S+`", NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`[$a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameOther, nil}, - {`[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-fA-F]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("dqstring")}, - {`'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - }, - "dqstring": { - {`\$\{[^"}]+?\}`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - {`\$`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`\\\\`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`\\"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`[^\\"$]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cheetah.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cheetah.go deleted file mode 100644 index bd5fb9d..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cheetah.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p" // nolint -) - -// Cheetah lexer. -var Cheetah = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Cheetah", - Aliases: []string{"cheetah", "spitfire"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.tmpl", "*.spt"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-cheetah", "application/x-spitfire"}, - }, - cheetahRules, -)) - -func cheetahRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`(##[^\n]*)$`, ByGroups(Comment), nil}, - {`#[*](.|\n)*?[*]#`, Comment, nil}, - {`#end[^#\n]*(?:#|$)`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`#slurp$`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`(#[a-zA-Z]+)([^#\n]*)(#|$)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Using(Python), CommentPreproc), nil}, - {`(\$)([a-zA-Z_][\w.]*\w)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Using(Python)), nil}, - {`(\$\{!?)(.*?)(\})(?s)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Using(Python), CommentPreproc), nil}, - {`(?sx) - (.+?) # anything, followed by: - (?: - (?=\#[#a-zA-Z]*) | # an eval comment - (?=\$[a-zA-Z_{]) | # a substitution - \Z # end of string - ) - `, Other, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/clojure.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/clojure.go deleted file mode 100644 index f99f906..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/clojure.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Clojure lexer. -var Clojure = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Clojure", - Aliases: []string{"clojure", "clj"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.clj"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-clojure", "application/x-clojure"}, - }, - clojureRules, -)) - -func clojureRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`;.*$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`[,\s]+`, Text, nil}, - {`-?\d+\.\d+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`-?\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`0x-?[abcdef\d]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`'(?!#)[\w!$%*+<=>?/.#-]+`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {`\\(.|[a-z]+)`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`::?#?(?!#)[\w!$%*+<=>?/.#-]+`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {"~@|[`\\'#^~&@]", Operator, nil}, - {Words(``, ` `, `.`, `def`, `do`, `fn`, `if`, `let`, `new`, `quote`, `var`, `loop`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, ` `, `def-`, `defn`, `defn-`, `defmacro`, `defmulti`, `defmethod`, `defstruct`, `defonce`, `declare`, `definline`, `definterface`, `defprotocol`, `defrecord`, `deftype`, `defproject`, `ns`), KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {Words(``, ` `, `*`, `+`, `-`, `->`, `/`, `<`, `<=`, `=`, `==`, `>`, `>=`, `..`, `accessor`, `agent`, `agent-errors`, `aget`, `alength`, `all-ns`, `alter`, `and`, `append-child`, `apply`, `array-map`, `aset`, `aset-boolean`, `aset-byte`, `aset-char`, `aset-double`, `aset-float`, `aset-int`, `aset-long`, `aset-short`, `assert`, `assoc`, `await`, `await-for`, `bean`, `binding`, `bit-and`, `bit-not`, `bit-or`, `bit-shift-left`, `bit-shift-right`, `bit-xor`, `boolean`, `branch?`, `butlast`, `byte`, `cast`, `char`, `children`, `class`, `clear-agent-errors`, `comment`, `commute`, `comp`, `comparator`, `complement`, `concat`, `conj`, `cons`, `constantly`, `cond`, `if-not`, `construct-proxy`, `contains?`, `count`, `create-ns`, `create-struct`, `cycle`, `dec`, `deref`, `difference`, `disj`, `dissoc`, `distinct`, `doall`, `doc`, `dorun`, `doseq`, `dosync`, `dotimes`, `doto`, `double`, `down`, `drop`, `drop-while`, `edit`, `end?`, `ensure`, `eval`, `every?`, `false?`, `ffirst`, `file-seq`, `filter`, `find`, `find-doc`, `find-ns`, `find-var`, `first`, `float`, `flush`, `for`, `fnseq`, `frest`, `gensym`, `get-proxy-class`, `get`, `hash-map`, `hash-set`, `identical?`, `identity`, `if-let`, `import`, `in-ns`, `inc`, `index`, `insert-child`, `insert-left`, `insert-right`, `inspect-table`, `inspect-tree`, `instance?`, `int`, `interleave`, `intersection`, `into`, `into-array`, `iterate`, `join`, `key`, `keys`, `keyword`, `keyword?`, `last`, `lazy-cat`, `lazy-cons`, `left`, `lefts`, `line-seq`, `list*`, `list`, `load`, `load-file`, `locking`, `long`, `loop`, `macroexpand`, `macroexpand-1`, `make-array`, `make-node`, `map`, `map-invert`, `map?`, `mapcat`, `max`, `max-key`, `memfn`, `merge`, `merge-with`, `meta`, `min`, `min-key`, `name`, `namespace`, `neg?`, `new`, `newline`, `next`, `nil?`, `node`, `not`, `not-any?`, `not-every?`, `not=`, `ns-imports`, `ns-interns`, `ns-map`, `ns-name`, `ns-publics`, `ns-refers`, `ns-resolve`, `ns-unmap`, `nth`, `nthrest`, `or`, `parse`, `partial`, `path`, `peek`, `pop`, `pos?`, `pr`, `pr-str`, `print`, `print-str`, `println`, `println-str`, `prn`, `prn-str`, `project`, `proxy`, `proxy-mappings`, `quot`, `rand`, `rand-int`, `range`, `re-find`, `re-groups`, `re-matcher`, `re-matches`, `re-pattern`, `re-seq`, `read`, `read-line`, `reduce`, `ref`, `ref-set`, `refer`, `rem`, `remove`, `remove-method`, `remove-ns`, `rename`, `rename-keys`, `repeat`, `replace`, `replicate`, `resolve`, `rest`, `resultset-seq`, `reverse`, `rfirst`, `right`, `rights`, `root`, `rrest`, `rseq`, `second`, `select`, `select-keys`, `send`, `send-off`, `seq`, `seq-zip`, `seq?`, `set`, `short`, `slurp`, `some`, `sort`, `sort-by`, `sorted-map`, `sorted-map-by`, `sorted-set`, `special-symbol?`, `split-at`, `split-with`, `str`, `string?`, `struct`, `struct-map`, `subs`, `subvec`, `symbol`, `symbol?`, `sync`, `take`, `take-nth`, `take-while`, `test`, `time`, `to-array`, `to-array-2d`, `tree-seq`, `true?`, `union`, `up`, `update-proxy`, `val`, `vals`, `var-get`, `var-set`, `var?`, `vector`, `vector-zip`, `vector?`, `when`, `when-first`, `when-let`, `when-not`, `with-local-vars`, `with-meta`, `with-open`, `with-out-str`, `xml-seq`, `xml-zip`, `zero?`, `zipmap`, `zipper`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(?<=\()(?!#)[\w!$%*+<=>?/.#-]+`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`(?!#)[\w!$%*+<=>?/.#-]+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`(\[|\])`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(\{|\})`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(\(|\))`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cmake.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cmake.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0e0708d..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cmake.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Cmake lexer. -var Cmake = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "CMake", - Aliases: []string{"cmake"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.cmake", "CMakeLists.txt"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-cmake"}, - }, - cmakeRules, -)) - -func cmakeRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\b(\w+)([ \t]*)(\()`, ByGroups(NameBuiltin, Text, Punctuation), Push("args")}, - Include("keywords"), - Include("ws"), - }, - "args": { - {`\(`, Punctuation, Push()}, - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`(\$\{)(.+?)(\})`, ByGroups(Operator, NameVariable, Operator), nil}, - {`(\$ENV\{)(.+?)(\})`, ByGroups(Operator, NameVariable, Operator), nil}, - {`(\$<)(.+?)(>)`, ByGroups(Operator, NameVariable, Operator), nil}, - {`(?s)".*?"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`\\\S+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`[^)$"# \t\n]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - Include("keywords"), - Include("ws"), - }, - "string": {}, - "keywords": { - {`\b(WIN32|UNIX|APPLE|CYGWIN|BORLAND|MINGW|MSVC|MSVC_IDE|MSVC60|MSVC70|MSVC71|MSVC80|MSVC90)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - }, - "ws": { - {`[ \t]+`, Text, nil}, - {`#.*\n`, Comment, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cobol.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cobol.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8b2f6d9..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cobol.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Cobol lexer. -var Cobol = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "COBOL", - Aliases: []string{"cobol"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.cob", "*.COB", "*.cpy", "*.CPY"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-cobol"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - cobolRules, -)) - -func cobolRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("comment"), - Include("strings"), - Include("core"), - Include("nums"), - {`[a-z0-9]([\w\-]*[a-z0-9]+)?`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`[ \t]+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "comment": { - {`(^.{6}[*/].*\n|^.{6}|\*>.*\n)`, Comment, nil}, - }, - "core": { - {`(^|(?<=[^\w\-]))(ALL\s+)?((ZEROES)|(HIGH-VALUE|LOW-VALUE|QUOTE|SPACE|ZERO)(S)?)\s*($|(?=[^\w\-]))`, NameConstant, nil}, - {Words(`(^|(?<=[^\w\-]))`, `\s*($|(?=[^\w\-]))`, `ACCEPT`, `ADD`, `ALLOCATE`, `CALL`, `CANCEL`, `CLOSE`, `COMPUTE`, `CONFIGURATION`, `CONTINUE`, `DATA`, `DELETE`, `DISPLAY`, `DIVIDE`, `DIVISION`, `ELSE`, `END`, `END-ACCEPT`, `END-ADD`, `END-CALL`, `END-COMPUTE`, `END-DELETE`, `END-DISPLAY`, `END-DIVIDE`, `END-EVALUATE`, `END-IF`, `END-MULTIPLY`, `END-OF-PAGE`, `END-PERFORM`, `END-READ`, `END-RETURN`, `END-REWRITE`, `END-SEARCH`, `END-START`, `END-STRING`, `END-SUBTRACT`, `END-UNSTRING`, `END-WRITE`, `ENVIRONMENT`, `EVALUATE`, `EXIT`, `FD`, `FILE`, `FILE-CONTROL`, `FOREVER`, `FREE`, `GENERATE`, `GO`, `GOBACK`, `IDENTIFICATION`, `IF`, `INITIALIZE`, `INITIATE`, `INPUT-OUTPUT`, `INSPECT`, `INVOKE`, `I-O-CONTROL`, `LINKAGE`, `LOCAL-STORAGE`, `MERGE`, `MOVE`, `MULTIPLY`, `OPEN`, `PERFORM`, `PROCEDURE`, `PROGRAM-ID`, `RAISE`, `READ`, `RELEASE`, `RESUME`, `RETURN`, `REWRITE`, `SCREEN`, `SD`, `SEARCH`, `SECTION`, `SET`, `SORT`, `START`, `STOP`, `STRING`, `SUBTRACT`, `SUPPRESS`, `TERMINATE`, `THEN`, `UNLOCK`, `UNSTRING`, `USE`, `VALIDATE`, `WORKING-STORAGE`, `WRITE`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - 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{Words(`(^|(?<=[^\w\-]))`, `\s*($|(?=[^\w\-]))`, `ACTIVE-CLASS`, `ALIGNED`, `ANYCASE`, `ARITHMETIC`, `ATTRIBUTE`, `B-AND`, `B-NOT`, `B-OR`, `B-XOR`, `BIT`, `BOOLEAN`, `CD`, `CENTER`, `CF`, `CH`, `CHAIN`, `CLASS-ID`, `CLASSIFICATION`, `COMMUNICATION`, `CONDITION`, `DATA-POINTER`, `DESTINATION`, `DISABLE`, `EC`, `EGI`, `EMI`, `ENABLE`, `END-RECEIVE`, `ENTRY-CONVENTION`, `EO`, `ESI`, `EXCEPTION-OBJECT`, `EXPANDS`, `FACTORY`, `FLOAT-BINARY-16`, `FLOAT-BINARY-34`, `FLOAT-BINARY-7`, `FLOAT-DECIMAL-16`, `FLOAT-DECIMAL-34`, `FLOAT-EXTENDED`, `FORMAT`, `FUNCTION-POINTER`, `GET`, `GROUP-USAGE`, `IMPLEMENTS`, `INFINITY`, `INHERITS`, `INTERFACE`, `INTERFACE-ID`, `INVOKE`, `LC_ALL`, `LC_COLLATE`, `LC_CTYPE`, `LC_MESSAGES`, `LC_MONETARY`, `LC_NUMERIC`, `LC_TIME`, `LINE-COUNTER`, `MESSAGE`, `METHOD`, `METHOD-ID`, `NESTED`, `NONE`, `NORMAL`, `OBJECT`, `OBJECT-REFERENCE`, `OPTIONS`, `OVERRIDE`, `PAGE-COUNTER`, `PF`, `PH`, `PROPERTY`, `PROTOTYPE`, `PURGE`, `QUEUE`, `RAISE`, `RAISING`, `RECEIVE`, `RELATION`, `REPLACE`, `REPRESENTS-NOT-A-NUMBER`, `RESET`, `RESUME`, `RETRY`, `RF`, `RH`, `SECONDS`, `SEGMENT`, `SELF`, `SEND`, `SOURCES`, `STATEMENT`, `STEP`, `STRONG`, `SUB-QUEUE-1`, `SUB-QUEUE-2`, `SUB-QUEUE-3`, `SUPER`, `SYMBOL`, `SYSTEM-DEFAULT`, `TABLE`, `TERMINAL`, `TEXT`, `TYPEDEF`, `UCS-4`, `UNIVERSAL`, `USER-DEFAULT`, `UTF-16`, `UTF-8`, `VAL-STATUS`, `VALID`, `VALIDATE`, `VALIDATE-STATUS`), Error, nil}, - {`(^|(?<=[^\w\-]))(PIC\s+.+?(?=(\s|\.\s))|PICTURE\s+.+?(?=(\s|\.\s))|(COMPUTATIONAL)(-[1-5X])?|(COMP)(-[1-5X])?|BINARY-C-LONG|BINARY-CHAR|BINARY-DOUBLE|BINARY-LONG|BINARY-SHORT|BINARY)\s*($|(?=[^\w\-]))`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(\*\*|\*|\+|-|/|<=|>=|<|>|==|/=|=)`, Operator, nil}, - {`([(),;:&%.])`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(^|(?<=[^\w\-]))(ABS|ACOS|ANNUITY|ASIN|ATAN|BYTE-LENGTH|CHAR|COMBINED-DATETIME|CONCATENATE|COS|CURRENT-DATE|DATE-OF-INTEGER|DATE-TO-YYYYMMDD|DAY-OF-INTEGER|DAY-TO-YYYYDDD|EXCEPTION-(?:FILE|LOCATION|STATEMENT|STATUS)|EXP10|EXP|E|FACTORIAL|FRACTION-PART|INTEGER-OF-(?:DATE|DAY|PART)|INTEGER|LENGTH|LOCALE-(?:DATE|TIME(?:-FROM-SECONDS)?)|LOG(?:10)?|LOWER-CASE|MAX|MEAN|MEDIAN|MIDRANGE|MIN|MOD|NUMVAL(?:-C)?|ORD(?:-MAX|-MIN)?|PI|PRESENT-VALUE|RANDOM|RANGE|REM|REVERSE|SECONDS-FROM-FORMATTED-TIME|SECONDS-PAST-MIDNIGHT|SIGN|SIN|SQRT|STANDARD-DEVIATION|STORED-CHAR-LENGTH|SUBSTITUTE(?:-CASE)?|SUM|TAN|TEST-DATE-YYYYMMDD|TEST-DAY-YYYYDDD|TRIM|UPPER-CASE|VARIANCE|WHEN-COMPILED|YEAR-TO-YYYY)\s*($|(?=[^\w\-]))`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`(^|(?<=[^\w\-]))(true|false)\s*($|(?=[^\w\-]))`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(^|(?<=[^\w\-]))(equal|equals|ne|lt|le|gt|ge|greater|less|than|not|and|or)\s*($|(?=[^\w\-]))`, OperatorWord, nil}, - }, - "strings": { - {`"[^"\n]*("|\n)`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`'[^'\n]*('|\n)`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - }, - "nums": { - {`\d+(\s*|\.$|$)`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[+-]?\d*\.\d+(E[-+]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[+-]?\d+\.\d*(E[-+]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/coffee.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/coffee.go deleted file mode 100644 index 381a8fe..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/coffee.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Coffeescript lexer. -var Coffeescript = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "CoffeeScript", - Aliases: []string{"coffee-script", "coffeescript", "coffee"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.coffee"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/coffeescript"}, - NotMultiline: true, - DotAll: true, - }, - coffeescriptRules, -)) - -func coffeescriptRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "commentsandwhitespace": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`###[^#].*?###`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`#(?!##[^#]).*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - }, - "multilineregex": { - {`[^/#]+`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`///([gim]+\b|\B)`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - {`#\{`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push("interpoling_string")}, - {`[/#]`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - }, - "slashstartsregex": { - Include("commentsandwhitespace"), - {`///`, LiteralStringRegex, Push("#pop", "multilineregex")}, - {`/(?! )(\\.|[^[/\\\n]|\[(\\.|[^\]\\\n])*])+/([gim]+\b|\B)`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - {`/`, Operator, nil}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "root": { - Include("commentsandwhitespace"), - {`^(?=\s|/)`, Text, Push("slashstartsregex")}, - {"\\+\\+|~|&&|\\band\\b|\\bor\\b|\\bis\\b|\\bisnt\\b|\\bnot\\b|\\?|:|\\|\\||\\\\(?=\\n)|(<<|>>>?|==?(?!>)|!=?|=(?!>)|-(?!>)|[<>+*`%&\\|\\^/])=?", Operator, Push("slashstartsregex")}, - {`(?:\([^()]*\))?\s*[=-]>`, NameFunction, Push("slashstartsregex")}, - {`[{(\[;,]`, Punctuation, Push("slashstartsregex")}, - {`[})\].]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(?=|<|>|==`, Operator, nil}, - {`mod\b`, Operator, nil}, - {`(eq|lt|gt|lte|gte|not|is|and|or)\b`, Operator, nil}, - {`\|\||&&`, Operator, nil}, - {`\?`, Operator, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string")}, - {`'.*?'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`(if|else|len|var|xml|default|break|switch|component|property|function|do|try|catch|in|continue|for|return|while|required|any|array|binary|boolean|component|date|guid|numeric|query|string|struct|uuid|case)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(true|false|null)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(application|session|client|cookie|super|this|variables|arguments)\b`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`([a-z_$][\w.]*)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Text, Punctuation), nil}, - {`[a-z_$][\w.]*`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`[()\[\]{};:,.\\]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`""`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`#.+?#`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - {`[^"#]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`#`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/coq.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/coq.go deleted file mode 100644 index e0103ef..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/coq.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Coq lexer. -var Coq = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Coq", - Aliases: []string{"coq"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.v"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-coq"}, - }, - coqRules, -)) - -func coqRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`false|true|\(\)|\[\]`, NameBuiltinPseudo, nil}, - {`\(\*`, Comment, Push("comment")}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `Section`, `Module`, `End`, `Require`, `Import`, `Export`, `Variable`, `Variables`, `Parameter`, `Parameters`, `Axiom`, `Hypothesis`, `Hypotheses`, `Notation`, `Local`, `Tactic`, `Reserved`, `Scope`, `Open`, `Close`, `Bind`, `Delimit`, `Definition`, `Let`, `Ltac`, `Fixpoint`, `CoFixpoint`, `Morphism`, `Relation`, `Implicit`, `Arguments`, `Set`, `Unset`, `Contextual`, `Strict`, `Prenex`, `Implicits`, `Inductive`, `CoInductive`, `Record`, `Structure`, `Canonical`, `Coercion`, `Theorem`, `Lemma`, `Corollary`, `Proposition`, `Fact`, `Remark`, `Example`, `Proof`, `Goal`, `Save`, `Qed`, `Defined`, `Hint`, `Resolve`, `Rewrite`, `View`, `Search`, `Show`, `Print`, `Printing`, `All`, `Graph`, `Projections`, `inside`, `outside`, `Check`, `Global`, `Instance`, `Class`, `Existing`, `Universe`, `Polymorphic`, `Monomorphic`, `Context`), KeywordNamespace, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `forall`, `exists`, `exists2`, `fun`, `fix`, `cofix`, `struct`, `match`, `end`, `in`, `return`, `let`, `if`, `is`, `then`, `else`, `for`, `of`, `nosimpl`, `with`, `as`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `Type`, `Prop`), KeywordType, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `pose`, `set`, `move`, `case`, `elim`, `apply`, `clear`, `hnf`, `intro`, `intros`, `generalize`, `rename`, `pattern`, `after`, `destruct`, `induction`, `using`, `refine`, `inversion`, `injection`, `rewrite`, `congr`, `unlock`, `compute`, `ring`, `field`, `replace`, `fold`, `unfold`, `change`, `cutrewrite`, `simpl`, `have`, `suff`, `wlog`, `suffices`, `without`, `loss`, `nat_norm`, `assert`, `cut`, `trivial`, `revert`, `bool_congr`, `nat_congr`, `symmetry`, `transitivity`, `auto`, `split`, `left`, `right`, `autorewrite`, `tauto`, `setoid_rewrite`, `intuition`, `eauto`, `eapply`, `econstructor`, `etransitivity`, `constructor`, `erewrite`, `red`, `cbv`, `lazy`, `vm_compute`, `native_compute`, `subst`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `by`, `done`, `exact`, `reflexivity`, `tauto`, `romega`, `omega`, `assumption`, `solve`, `contradiction`, `discriminate`, `congruence`), KeywordPseudo, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `do`, `last`, `first`, `try`, `idtac`, `repeat`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`\b([A-Z][\w\']*)`, Name, nil}, - {"(\u03bb|\u03a0|\\|\\}|\\{\\||\\\\/|/\\\\|=>|~|\\}|\\|]|\\||\\{<|\\{|`|_|]|\\[\\||\\[>|\\[<|\\[|\\?\\?|\\?|>\\}|>]|>|=|<->|<-|<|;;|;|:>|:=|::|:|\\.\\.|\\.|->|-\\.|-|,|\\+|\\*|\\)|\\(|&&|&|#|!=)", Operator, nil}, - {`([=<>@^|&+\*/$%-]|[!?~])?[!$%&*+\./:<=>?@^|~-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`\b(unit|nat|bool|string|ascii|list)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`[^\W\d][\w']*`, Name, nil}, - {`\d[\d_]*`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`0[xX][\da-fA-F][\da-fA-F_]*`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`0[oO][0-7][0-7_]*`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0[bB][01][01_]*`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`-?\d[\d_]*(.[\d_]*)?([eE][+\-]?\d[\d_]*)`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`'(?:(\\[\\\"'ntbr ])|(\\[0-9]{3})|(\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}))'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`'.'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`'`, Keyword, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string")}, - {`[~?][a-z][\w\']*:`, Name, nil}, - }, - "comment": { - {`[^(*)]+`, Comment, nil}, - {`\(\*`, Comment, Push()}, - {`\*\)`, Comment, Pop(1)}, - {`[(*)]`, Comment, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`[^"]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`""`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - }, - "dotted": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\.`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[A-Z][\w\']*(?=\s*\.)`, NameNamespace, nil}, - {`[A-Z][\w\']*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - {`[a-z][a-z0-9_\']*`, Name, Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cpp.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cpp.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3f4a1fd..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cpp.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// CPP lexer. -var CPP = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "C++", - Aliases: []string{"cpp", "c++"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.cpp", "*.hpp", "*.c++", "*.h++", "*.cc", "*.hh", "*.cxx", "*.hxx", "*.C", "*.H", "*.cp", "*.CPP"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-c++hdr", "text/x-c++src"}, - EnsureNL: true, - }, - cppRules, -)) - -func cppRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "statements": { - {Words(``, `\b`, `catch`, `const_cast`, `delete`, `dynamic_cast`, `explicit`, `export`, `friend`, `mutable`, `namespace`, `new`, `operator`, `private`, `protected`, `public`, `reinterpret_cast`, `restrict`, `static_cast`, `template`, `this`, `throw`, `throws`, `try`, `typeid`, `typename`, `using`, `virtual`, `constexpr`, `nullptr`, `decltype`, `thread_local`, `alignas`, `alignof`, `static_assert`, `noexcept`, `override`, `final`, `concept`, `requires`, `consteval`, `co_await`, `co_return`, `co_yield`), Keyword, nil}, - {`(enum)\b(\s+)(class)\b(\s*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword, Text), Push("classname")}, - {`(class|struct|enum|union)\b(\s*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("classname")}, - {`\[\[.+\]\]`, NameAttribute, nil}, - {`(R)(")([^\\()\s]{,16})(\()((?:.|\n)*?)(\)\3)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralString, LiteralStringDelimiter, LiteralStringDelimiter, LiteralString, LiteralStringDelimiter, LiteralString), nil}, - {`(u8|u|U)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralString), Push("string")}, - {`(L?)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralString), Push("string")}, - {`(L?)(')(\\.|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}|[^\\\'\n])(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringChar, LiteralStringChar, LiteralStringChar), nil}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+[fF])[fF]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0[xX]([0-9A-Fa-f]('?[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*)[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`0('?[0-7]+)+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0[Bb][01]('?[01]+)*[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`[0-9]('?[0-9]+)*[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`\*/`, Error, nil}, - {`[~!%^&*+=|?:<>/-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[()\[\],.]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `asm`, `auto`, `break`, `case`, `const`, `continue`, `default`, `do`, `else`, `enum`, `extern`, `for`, `goto`, `if`, `register`, `restricted`, `return`, `sizeof`, `static`, `struct`, `switch`, `typedef`, `union`, `volatile`, `while`), Keyword, nil}, - {`(bool|int|long|float|short|double|char((8|16|32)_t)?|wchar_t|unsigned|signed|void|u?int(_fast|_least|)(8|16|32|64)_t)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `inline`, `_inline`, `__inline`, `naked`, `restrict`, `thread`, `typename`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`(__m(128i|128d|128|64))\b`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {Words(`__`, `\b`, `asm`, `int8`, `based`, `except`, `int16`, `stdcall`, `cdecl`, `fastcall`, `int32`, `declspec`, `finally`, `int64`, `try`, `leave`, `w64`, `unaligned`, `raise`, `noop`, `identifier`, `forceinline`, `assume`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`(true|false|NULL)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(:)(?!:)`, ByGroups(NameLabel, Text, Punctuation), nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - }, - "root": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`((?:[\w*\s])+?(?:\s|[*]))([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*\([^;]*?\))([^;{]*)(\{)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), NameFunction, UsingSelf("root"), UsingSelf("root"), Punctuation), Push("function")}, - {`((?:[\w*\s])+?(?:\s|[*]))([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*\([^;]*?\))([^;]*)(;)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), NameFunction, UsingSelf("root"), UsingSelf("root"), Punctuation), nil}, - Default(Push("statement")), - {Words(`__`, `\b`, `virtual_inheritance`, `uuidof`, `super`, `single_inheritance`, `multiple_inheritance`, `interface`, `event`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`__(offload|blockingoffload|outer)\b`, KeywordPseudo, nil}, - }, - "classname": { - {`(\[\[.+\]\])(\s*)`, ByGroups(NameAttribute, Text), nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - {`\s*(?=[>{])`, Text, Pop(1)}, - }, - "whitespace": { - {`^#if\s+0`, CommentPreproc, Push("if0")}, - {`^#`, CommentPreproc, Push("macro")}, - {`^(\s*(?:/[*].*?[*]/\s*)?)(#if\s+0)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), CommentPreproc), Push("if0")}, - {`^(\s*(?:/[*].*?[*]/\s*)?)(#)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), CommentPreproc), Push("macro")}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - {`//(\n|[\w\W]*?[^\\]\n)`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*][\w\W]*?[*](\\\n)?/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*][\w\W]*`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "statement": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("statements"), - {`[{]`, Punctuation, Push("root")}, - {`[;}]`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "function": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("statements"), - {`;`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push()}, - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "string": { - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2,4}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|U[a-fA-F0-9]{8}|[0-7]{1,3})`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`[^\\"\n]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\\n`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "macro": { - {`(include)(\s*(?:/[*].*?[*]/\s*)?)([^\n]+)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Text, CommentPreprocFile), nil}, - {`[^/\n]+`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`/[*](.|\n)*?[*]/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, Pop(1)}, - {`/`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`(?<=\\)\n`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`\n`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)}, - }, - "if0": { - {`^\s*#if.*?(?=~!@#%^&|`?-]+", Operator, nil}, - { - `(?s)(java|javascript)(\s+)(AS)(\s+)('|\$\$)(.*?)(\5)`, - UsingByGroup( - internal.Get, - 1, 6, - NameBuiltin, TextWhitespace, Keyword, TextWhitespace, - LiteralStringHeredoc, LiteralStringHeredoc, LiteralStringHeredoc, - ), - nil, - }, - {`(true|false|null)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-f]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`\.[0-9]+(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?`, Error, nil}, - {`-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9])?(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`'`, LiteralStringSingle, Push("string")}, - {`"`, LiteralStringName, Push("quoted-ident")}, - {`\$\$`, LiteralStringHeredoc, Push("dollar-string")}, - {`[a-z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`:(['"]?)[a-z]\w*\b\1`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`[;:()\[\]\{\},.]`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "multiline-comments": { - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push("multiline-comments")}, - {`\*/`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[^/*]+`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`[/*]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`[^']+`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`''`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`'`, LiteralStringSingle, Pop(1)}, - }, - "quoted-ident": { - {`[^"]+`, LiteralStringName, nil}, - {`""`, LiteralStringName, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringName, Pop(1)}, - }, - "dollar-string": { - {`[^\$]+`, LiteralStringHeredoc, nil}, - {`\$\$`, LiteralStringHeredoc, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/crystal.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/crystal.go deleted file mode 100644 index f06830d..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/crystal.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,266 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Crystal lexer. -var Crystal = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Crystal", - Aliases: []string{"cr", "crystal"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.cr"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-crystal"}, - DotAll: true, - }, - crystalRules, -)) - -func crystalRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`#.*?$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `abstract`, `asm`, `as`, `begin`, `break`, `case`, `do`, `else`, `elsif`, `end`, `ensure`, `extend`, `ifdef`, `if`, `include`, `instance_sizeof`, `next`, `of`, `pointerof`, `private`, `protected`, `rescue`, `return`, `require`, `sizeof`, `super`, `then`, `typeof`, `unless`, `until`, `when`, `while`, `with`, `yield`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `true`, `false`, `nil`), KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(module|lib)(\s+)([a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:::[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameNamespace), nil}, - {`(def|fun|macro)(\s+)((?:[a-zA-Z_]\w*::)*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameNamespace), Push("funcname")}, - {"def(?=[*%&^`~+-/\\[<>=])", Keyword, Push("funcname")}, - {`(class|struct|union|type|alias|enum)(\s+)((?:[a-zA-Z_]\w*::)*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameNamespace), Push("classname")}, - {`(self|out|uninitialized)\b|(is_a|responds_to)\?`, KeywordPseudo, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `debugger`, `record`, `pp`, `assert_responds_to`, `spawn`, `parallel`, `getter`, `setter`, `property`, `delegate`, `def_hash`, `def_equals`, `def_equals_and_hash`, `forward_missing_to`), NameBuiltinPseudo, nil}, - {`getter[!?]|property[!?]|__(DIR|FILE|LINE)__\b`, NameBuiltinPseudo, nil}, - {Words(`(?~!:])|(?<=(?:\s|;)when\s)|(?<=(?:\s|;)or\s)|(?<=(?:\s|;)and\s)|(?<=\.index\s)|(?<=\.scan\s)|(?<=\.sub\s)|(?<=\.sub!\s)|(?<=\.gsub\s)|(?<=\.gsub!\s)|(?<=\.match\s)|(?<=(?:\s|;)if\s)|(?<=(?:\s|;)elsif\s)|(?<=^when\s)|(?<=^index\s)|(?<=^scan\s)|(?<=^sub\s)|(?<=^gsub\s)|(?<=^sub!\s)|(?<=^gsub!\s)|(?<=^match\s)|(?<=^if\s)|(?<=^elsif\s))(\s*)(/)`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralStringRegex), Push("multiline-regex")}, - {`(?<=\(|,|\[)/`, LiteralStringRegex, Push("multiline-regex")}, - {`(\s+)(/)(?![\s=])`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralStringRegex), Push("multiline-regex")}, - {`(0o[0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*(?:_?[iu][0-9]+)?)\b(\s*)([/?])?`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberOct, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+(?:_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*(?:_?[iu][0-9]+)?)\b(\s*)([/?])?`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberHex, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`(0b[01]+(?:_[01]+)*(?:_?[iu][0-9]+)?)\b(\s*)([/?])?`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberBin, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`((?:0(?![0-9])|[1-9][\d_]*)(?:\.\d[\d_]*)(?:e[+-]?[0-9]+)?(?:_?f[0-9]+)?)(\s*)([/?])?`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberFloat, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`((?:0(?![0-9])|[1-9][\d_]*)(?:\.\d[\d_]*)?(?:e[+-]?[0-9]+)(?:_?f[0-9]+)?)(\s*)([/?])?`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberFloat, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`((?:0(?![0-9])|[1-9][\d_]*)(?:\.\d[\d_]*)?(?:e[+-]?[0-9]+)?(?:_?f[0-9]+))(\s*)([/?])?`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberFloat, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`(0\b|[1-9][\d]*(?:_\d+)*(?:_?[iu][0-9]+)?)\b(\s*)([/?])?`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberInteger, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`@@[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameVariableClass, nil}, - {`@[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameVariableInstance, nil}, - {`\$\w+`, NameVariableGlobal, nil}, - {"\\$[!@&`\\'+~=/\\\\,;.<>_*$?:\"^-]", NameVariableGlobal, nil}, - {`\$-[0adFiIlpvw]`, NameVariableGlobal, nil}, - {`::`, Operator, nil}, - Include("strings"), - {`\?(\\[MC]-)*(\\([\\befnrtv#"\']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}|[0-7]{1,3})|\S)(?!\w)`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`[A-Z][A-Z_]+\b`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`\{%`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push("in-macro-control")}, - {`\{\{`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push("in-macro-expr")}, - {`(@\[)(\s*)([A-Z]\w*)`, ByGroups(Operator, Text, NameDecorator), Push("in-attr")}, - {Words(`(\.|::)`, ``, `!=`, `!~`, `!`, `%`, `&&`, `&`, `**`, `*`, `+`, `-`, `/`, `<=>`, `<<`, `<=`, `<`, `===`, `==`, `=~`, `=`, `>=`, `>>`, `>`, `[]=`, `[]?`, `[]`, `^`, `||`, `|`, `~`), ByGroups(Operator, NameOperator), nil}, - {"(\\.|::)([a-zA-Z_]\\w*[!?]?|[*%&^`~+\\-/\\[<>=])", ByGroups(Operator, Name), nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:[!?](?!=))?`, Name, nil}, - {`(\[|\]\??|\*\*|<=>?|>=|<>?|=~|===|!~|&&?|\|\||\.{1,3})`, Operator, nil}, - {`[-+/*%=<>&!^|~]=?`, Operator, nil}, - {`[(){};,/?:\\]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "funcname": { - {"(?:([a-zA-Z_]\\w*)(\\.))?([a-zA-Z_]\\w*[!?]?|\\*\\*?|[-+]@?|[/%&|^`~]|\\[\\]=?|<<|>>|<=?>|>=?|===?)", ByGroups(NameClass, Operator, NameFunction), Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "classname": { - {`[A-Z_]\w*`, NameClass, nil}, - {`(\()(\s*)([A-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(\))`, ByGroups(Punctuation, Text, NameClass, Text, Punctuation), nil}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "in-intp": { - {`\{`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push()}, - {`\}`, LiteralStringInterpol, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - "string-intp": { - {`#\{`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push("in-intp")}, - }, - "string-escaped": { - {`\\([\\befnstv#"\']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}|[0-7]{1,3})`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - }, - "string-intp-escaped": { - Include("string-intp"), - Include("string-escaped"), - }, - "interpolated-regex": { - Include("string-intp"), - {`[\\#]`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`[^\\#]+`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - }, - "interpolated-string": { - Include("string-intp"), - {`[\\#]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`[^\\#]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - }, - "multiline-regex": { - Include("string-intp"), - {`\\\\`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`\\/`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`[\\#]`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`[^\\/#]+`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`/[imsx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - }, - "end-part": { - {`.+`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)}, - }, - "in-macro-control": { - {`\{%`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push()}, - {`%\}`, LiteralStringInterpol, Pop(1)}, - {`for\b|in\b`, Keyword, nil}, - Include("root"), - }, - "in-macro-expr": { - {`\{\{`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push()}, - {`\}\}`, LiteralStringInterpol, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - "in-attr": { - {`\[`, Operator, Push()}, - {`\]`, Operator, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - "strings": { - {`\:@{0,2}[a-zA-Z_]\w*[!?]?`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {Words(`\:@{0,2}`, ``, `!=`, `!~`, `!`, `%`, `&&`, `&`, `**`, `*`, `+`, `-`, `/`, `<=>`, `<<`, `<=`, `<`, `===`, `==`, `=~`, `=`, `>=`, `>>`, `>`, `[]=`, `[]?`, `[]`, `^`, `||`, `|`, `~`), LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {`:'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {`'(\\\\|\\'|[^']|\\[^'\\]+)'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`:"`, LiteralStringSymbol, Push("simple-sym")}, - {`([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(:)(?!:)`, ByGroups(LiteralStringSymbol, Punctuation), nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("simple-string")}, - {"(?&!^|~,(])(\s*)(%([\t ])(?:(?:\\\3|(?!\3).)*)\3)`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralStringOther, None), nil}, - {`^(\s*)(%([\t ])(?:(?:\\\3|(?!\3).)*)\3)`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralStringOther, None), nil}, - {`(%([\[{(<]))((?:\\\2|(?!\2).)*)(\2)`, String, nil}, - }, - "simple-string": { - Include("string-intp-escaped"), - {`[^\\"#]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`[\\#]`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - }, - "simple-sym": { - Include("string-escaped"), - {`[^\\"#]+`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {`[\\#]`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringSymbol, Pop(1)}, - }, - "simple-backtick": { - Include("string-intp-escaped"), - {"[^\\\\`#]+", LiteralStringBacktick, nil}, - {`[\\#]`, LiteralStringBacktick, nil}, - {"`", LiteralStringBacktick, Pop(1)}, - }, - "cb-intp-string": { - {`\\[\{]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\{`, LiteralStringOther, Push()}, - {`\}`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Include("string-intp-escaped"), - {`[\\#{}]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`[^\\#{}]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - }, - "cb-string": { - {`\\[\\{}]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\{`, LiteralStringOther, Push()}, - {`\}`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - {`[\\#{}]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`[^\\#{}]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - }, - "cb-regex": { - {`\\[\\{}]`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`\{`, LiteralStringRegex, Push()}, - {`\}[imsx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - Include("string-intp"), - {`[\\#{}]`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`[^\\#{}]+`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - }, - "sb-intp-string": { - {`\\[\[]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\[`, LiteralStringOther, Push()}, - {`\]`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Include("string-intp-escaped"), - {`[\\#\[\]]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`[^\\#\[\]]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - }, - "sb-string": { - {`\\[\\\[\]]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\[`, LiteralStringOther, Push()}, - {`\]`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - {`[\\#\[\]]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`[^\\#\[\]]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - }, - "sb-regex": { - {`\\[\\\[\]]`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`\[`, LiteralStringRegex, Push()}, - {`\][imsx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - Include("string-intp"), - {`[\\#\[\]]`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`[^\\#\[\]]+`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - }, - "pa-intp-string": { - {`\\[\(]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\(`, LiteralStringOther, Push()}, - {`\)`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Include("string-intp-escaped"), - {`[\\#()]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`[^\\#()]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - }, - "pa-string": { - {`\\[\\()]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\(`, LiteralStringOther, Push()}, - {`\)`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - {`[\\#()]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`[^\\#()]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - }, - "pa-regex": { - {`\\[\\()]`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`\(`, LiteralStringRegex, Push()}, - {`\)[imsx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - Include("string-intp"), - {`[\\#()]`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`[^\\#()]+`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - }, - "ab-intp-string": { - {`\\[<]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`<`, LiteralStringOther, Push()}, - {`>`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Include("string-intp-escaped"), - {`[\\#<>]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`[^\\#<>]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - }, - "ab-string": { - {`\\[\\<>]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`<`, LiteralStringOther, Push()}, - {`>`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - {`[\\#<>]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`[^\\#<>]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - }, - "ab-regex": { - {`\\[\\<>]`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`<`, LiteralStringRegex, Push()}, - {`>[imsx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - Include("string-intp"), - {`[\\#<>]`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`[^\\#<>]+`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/csharp.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/csharp.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4776864..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/csharp.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// CSharp lexer. -var CSharp = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "C#", - Aliases: []string{"csharp", "c#"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.cs"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-csharp"}, - DotAll: true, - EnsureNL: true, - }, - cSharpRules, -)) - -func cSharpRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`^\s*\[.*?\]`, NameAttribute, nil}, - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - {`///[^\n\r]+`, CommentSpecial, nil}, - {`//[^\n\r]+`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/[*].*?[*]/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`[~!%^&*()+=|\[\]:;,.<>/?-]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[{}]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`@"(""|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\$@?"(""|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"\n])*["\n]`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`'\\.'|'[^\\]'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[Ll]?|[0-9_](\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[flFLdD]?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`#[ \t]*(if|endif|else|elif|define|undef|line|error|warning|region|endregion|pragma|nullable)\b[^\n\r]+`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`\b(extern)(\s+)(alias)\b`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword), nil}, - {`(abstract|as|async|await|base|break|by|case|catch|checked|const|continue|default|delegate|do|else|enum|event|explicit|extern|false|finally|fixed|for|foreach|goto|if|implicit|in|init|internal|is|let|lock|new|null|on|operator|out|override|params|private|protected|public|readonly|ref|return|sealed|sizeof|stackalloc|static|switch|this|throw|true|try|typeof|unchecked|unsafe|virtual|void|while|get|set|new|partial|yield|add|remove|value|alias|ascending|descending|from|group|into|orderby|select|thenby|where|join|equals)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(global)(::)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Punctuation), nil}, - {`(bool|byte|char|decimal|double|dynamic|float|int|long|object|sbyte|short|string|uint|ulong|ushort|var)\b\??`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(class|struct|record|interface)(\s+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("class")}, - {`(namespace|using)(\s+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("namespace")}, - {`@?[_a-zA-Z]\w*`, Name, nil}, - }, - "class": { - {`@?[_a-zA-Z]\w*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "namespace": { - {`(?=\()`, Text, Pop(1)}, - {`(@?[_a-zA-Z]\w*|\.)+`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/css.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/css.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9f3a01d..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/css.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// CSS lexer. -var CSS = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "CSS", - Aliases: []string{"css"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.css"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/css"}, - }, - cssRules, -)) - -func cssRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("basics"), - }, - "basics": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`/\*(?:.|\n)*?\*/`, Comment, nil}, - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push("content")}, - {`(\:{1,2})([\w-]+)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameDecorator), nil}, - {`(\.)([\w-]+)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameClass), nil}, - {`(\#)([\w-]+)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameNamespace), nil}, - {`(@)([\w-]+)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, Keyword), Push("atrule")}, - {`[\w-]+`, NameTag, nil}, - {`[~^*!%&$\[\]()<>|+=@:;,./?-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - }, - "atrule": { - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push("atcontent")}, - {`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - Include("basics"), - }, - "atcontent": { - Include("basics"), - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(2)}, - }, - "atparenthesis": { - Include("common-values"), - {`/\*(?:.|\n)*?\*/`, Comment, nil}, - Include("numeric-values"), - {`[*+/-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[,]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_-]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`\(`, Punctuation, Push("atparenthesis")}, - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "content": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`;`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`^@.*?$`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {Words(``, ``, `-ms-`, `mso-`, `-moz-`, `-o-`, `-xv-`, `-atsc-`, `-wap-`, `-khtml-`, `-webkit-`, `prince-`, `-ah-`, `-hp-`, `-ro-`, `-rim-`, `-tc-`), KeywordPseudo, nil}, - {`(align-content|align-items|align-self|alignment-baseline|all|animation|animation-delay|animation-direction|animation-duration|animation-fill-mode|animation-iteration-count|animation-name|animation-play-state|animation-timing-function|appearance|azimuth|backface-visibility|background|background-attachment|background-blend-mode|background-clip|background-color|background-image|background-origin|background-position|background-repeat|background-size|baseline-shift|bookmark-label|bookmark-level|bookmark-state|border|border-bottom|border-bottom-color|border-bottom-left-radius|border-bottom-right-radius|border-bottom-style|border-bottom-width|border-boundary|border-collapse|border-color|border-image|border-image-outset|border-image-repeat|border-image-slice|border-image-source|border-image-width|border-left|border-left-color|border-left-style|border-left-width|border-radius|border-right|border-right-color|border-right-style|border-right-width|border-spacing|border-style|border-top|border-top-color|border-top-left-radius|border-top-right-radius|border-top-style|border-top-width|border-width|bottom|box-decoration-break|box-shadow|box-sizing|box-snap|box-suppress|break-after|break-before|break-inside|caption-side|caret|caret-animation|caret-color|caret-shape|chains|clear|clip|clip-path|clip-rule|color|color-interpolation-filters|column-count|column-fill|column-gap|column-rule|column-rule-color|column-rule-style|column-rule-width|column-span|column-width|columns|content|counter-increment|counter-reset|counter-set|crop|cue|cue-after|cue-before|cursor|direction|display|dominant-baseline|elevation|empty-cells|filter|flex|flex-basis|flex-direction|flex-flow|flex-grow|flex-shrink|flex-wrap|float|float-defer|float-offset|float-reference|flood-color|flood-opacity|flow|flow-from|flow-into|font|font-family|font-feature-settings|font-kerning|font-language-override|font-size|font-size-adjust|font-stretch|font-style|font-synthesis|font-variant|font-variant-alternates|font-variant-caps|font-variant-east-asian|font-variant-ligatures|font-variant-numeric|font-variant-position|font-weight|footnote-display|footnote-policy|glyph-orientation-vertical|grid|grid-area|grid-auto-columns|grid-auto-flow|grid-auto-rows|grid-column|grid-column-end|grid-column-gap|grid-column-start|grid-gap|grid-row|grid-row-end|grid-row-gap|grid-row-start|grid-template|grid-template-areas|grid-template-columns|grid-template-rows|hanging-punctuation|height|hyphenate-character|hyphenate-limit-chars|hyphenate-limit-last|hyphenate-limit-lines|hyphenate-limit-zone|hyphens|image-orientation|image-resolution|initial-letter|initial-letter-align|initial-letter-wrap|isolation|justify-content|justify-items|justify-self|left|letter-spacing|lighting-color|line-break|line-grid|line-height|line-snap|list-style|list-style-image|list-style-position|list-style-type|margin|margin-bottom|margin-left|margin-right|margin-top|marker-side|marquee-direction|marquee-loop|marquee-speed|marquee-style|mask|mask-border|mask-border-mode|mask-border-outset|mask-border-repeat|mask-border-slice|mask-border-source|mask-border-width|mask-clip|mask-composite|mask-image|mask-mode|mask-origin|mask-position|mask-repeat|mask-size|mask-type|max-height|max-lines|max-width|min-height|min-width|mix-blend-mode|motion|motion-offset|motion-path|motion-rotation|move-to|nav-down|nav-left|nav-right|nav-up|object-fit|object-position|offset-after|offset-before|offset-end|offset-start|opacity|order|orphans|outline|outline-color|outline-offset|outline-style|outline-width|overflow|overflow-style|overflow-wrap|overflow-x|overflow-y|padding|padding-bottom|padding-left|padding-right|padding-top|page|page-break-after|page-break-before|page-break-inside|page-policy|pause|pause-after|pause-before|perspective|perspective-origin|pitch|pitch-range|play-during|polar-angle|polar-distance|position|presentation-level|quotes|region-fragment|resize|rest|rest-after|rest-before|richness|right|rotation|rotation-point|ruby-align|ruby-merge|ruby-position|running|scroll-snap-coordinate|scroll-snap-destination|scroll-snap-points-x|scroll-snap-points-y|scroll-snap-type|shape-image-threshold|shape-inside|shape-margin|shape-outside|size|speak|speak-as|speak-header|speak-numeral|speak-punctuation|speech-rate|stress|string-set|tab-size|table-layout|text-align|text-align-last|text-combine-upright|text-decoration|text-decoration-color|text-decoration-line|text-decoration-skip|text-decoration-style|text-emphasis|text-emphasis-color|text-emphasis-position|text-emphasis-style|text-indent|text-justify|text-orientation|text-overflow|text-shadow|text-space-collapse|text-space-trim|text-spacing|text-transform|text-underline-position|text-wrap|top|transform|transform-origin|transform-style|transition|transition-delay|transition-duration|transition-property|transition-timing-function|unicode-bidi|user-select|vertical-align|visibility|voice-balance|voice-duration|voice-family|voice-pitch|voice-range|voice-rate|voice-stress|voice-volume|volume|white-space|widows|width|will-change|word-break|word-spacing|word-wrap|wrap-after|wrap-before|wrap-flow|wrap-inside|wrap-through|writing-mode|z-index)(\s*)(\:)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Punctuation), Push("value-start")}, - {`(--[a-zA-Z_][\w-]*)(\s*)(\:)`, ByGroups(NameVariable, Text, Punctuation), Push("value-start")}, - {`([a-zA-Z_][\w-]*)(\s*)(\:)`, ByGroups(Name, Text, Punctuation), Push("value-start")}, - {`/\*(?:.|\n)*?\*/`, Comment, nil}, - }, - "value-start": { - Include("common-values"), - {Words(``, `\b`, `align-content`, `align-items`, `align-self`, `alignment-baseline`, `all`, `animation`, `animation-delay`, `animation-direction`, `animation-duration`, `animation-fill-mode`, `animation-iteration-count`, `animation-name`, `animation-play-state`, `animation-timing-function`, `appearance`, `azimuth`, `backface-visibility`, `background`, `background-attachment`, `background-blend-mode`, `background-clip`, `background-color`, `background-image`, `background-origin`, `background-position`, `background-repeat`, `background-size`, `baseline-shift`, `bookmark-label`, `bookmark-level`, `bookmark-state`, `border`, `border-bottom`, `border-bottom-color`, `border-bottom-left-radius`, `border-bottom-right-radius`, `border-bottom-style`, `border-bottom-width`, `border-boundary`, `border-collapse`, `border-color`, `border-image`, `border-image-outset`, `border-image-repeat`, `border-image-slice`, `border-image-source`, `border-image-width`, `border-left`, `border-left-color`, `border-left-style`, `border-left-width`, `border-radius`, `border-right`, `border-right-color`, `border-right-style`, `border-right-width`, `border-spacing`, `border-style`, `border-top`, `border-top-color`, `border-top-left-radius`, `border-top-right-radius`, `border-top-style`, `border-top-width`, `border-width`, `bottom`, `box-decoration-break`, `box-shadow`, `box-sizing`, `box-snap`, `box-suppress`, `break-after`, `break-before`, `break-inside`, `caption-side`, `caret`, `caret-animation`, `caret-color`, `caret-shape`, `chains`, `clear`, `clip`, `clip-path`, `clip-rule`, `color`, `color-interpolation-filters`, `column-count`, `column-fill`, 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b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cython.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0cce204..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cython.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ -package c - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Cython lexer. -var Cython = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Cython", - Aliases: []string{"cython", "pyx", "pyrex"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.pyx", "*.pxd", "*.pxi"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-cython", "application/x-cython"}, - }, - cythonRules, -)) - -func cythonRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`^(\s*)("""(?:.|\n)*?""")`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralStringDoc), nil}, - {`^(\s*)('''(?:.|\n)*?''')`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralStringDoc), nil}, - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`#.*$`, Comment, nil}, - {`[]{}:(),;[]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\\`, Text, nil}, - {`(in|is|and|or|not)\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`(<)([a-zA-Z0-9.?]+)(>)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, KeywordType, Punctuation), nil}, - {`!=|==|<<|>>|[-~+/*%=<>&^|.?]`, Operator, nil}, - {`(from)(\d+)(<=)(\s+)(<)(\d+)(:)`, ByGroups(Keyword, LiteralNumberInteger, Operator, Name, Operator, Name, Punctuation), nil}, - 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{`\?`, Operator, nil}, - {`[\[\]{}();,]+`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(class)(\s+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("classname")}, - {`(function)(\s*)(?=\()`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), nil}, - {`(function)(\s+)(&?)(\s*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Operator, Text), Push("functionname")}, - {`(const)(\s+)((?:[\\_a-z]|[^\x00-\x7f])(?:[\\\w]|[^\x00-\x7f])*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameConstant), nil}, - {`(and|E_PARSE|old_function|E_ERROR|or|as|E_WARNING|parent|eval|PHP_OS|break|exit|case|extends|PHP_VERSION|cfunction|FALSE|print|for|require|continue|foreach|require_once|declare|return|default|static|do|switch|die|stdClass|echo|else|TRUE|elseif|var|empty|if|xor|enddeclare|include|virtual|endfor|include_once|while|endforeach|global|endif|list|endswitch|new|endwhile|not|array|E_ALL|NULL|final|php_user_filter|interface|implements|public|private|protected|abstract|clone|try|catch|throw|this|use|namespace|trait|yield|finally)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(true|false|null)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - Include("magicconstants"), - {`\$\{\$+(?:[\\_a-z]|[^\x00-\x7f])(?:[\\\w]|[^\x00-\x7f])*\}`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\$+(?:[\\_a-z]|[^\x00-\x7f])(?:[\\\w]|[^\x00-\x7f])*`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`(?:[\\_a-z]|[^\x00-\x7f])(?:[\\\w]|[^\x00-\x7f])*`, NameOther, nil}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d+e[+-]?[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0[0-7]+`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0x[a-f0-9_]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`\d[\d_]*`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`0b[01]+`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`'([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {"`([^`\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^`\\\\]*)*)`", LiteralStringBacktick, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string")}, - }, - "magicfuncs": { - {Words(``, `\b`, `__construct`, `__destruct`, `__call`, `__callStatic`, `__get`, `__set`, `__isset`, `__unset`, `__sleep`, `__wakeup`, `__toString`, `__invoke`, `__set_state`, `__clone`, `__debugInfo`), NameFunctionMagic, nil}, - }, - "magicconstants": { - {Words(``, `\b`, `__LINE__`, `__FILE__`, `__DIR__`, `__FUNCTION__`, `__CLASS__`, `__TRAIT__`, `__METHOD__`, `__NAMESPACE__`), NameConstant, nil}, - }, - "classname": { - {`(?:[\\_a-z]|[^\x00-\x7f])(?:[\\\w]|[^\x00-\x7f])*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - }, - "functionname": { - Include("magicfuncs"), - {`(?:[\\_a-z]|[^\x00-\x7f])(?:[\\\w]|[^\x00-\x7f])*`, NameFunction, Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "string": { - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - {`[^{$"\\]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`\\([nrt"$\\]|[0-7]{1,3}|x[0-9a-f]{1,2})`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`\$(?:[\\_a-z]|[^\x00-\x7f])(?:[\\\w]|[^\x00-\x7f])*(\[\S+?\]|->(?:[\\_a-z]|[^\x00-\x7f])(?:[\\\w]|[^\x00-\x7f])*)?`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - {`(\{\$\{)(.*?)(\}\})`, ByGroups(LiteralStringInterpol, UsingSelf("root"), LiteralStringInterpol), nil}, - {`(\{)(\$.*?)(\})`, ByGroups(LiteralStringInterpol, UsingSelf("root"), LiteralStringInterpol), nil}, - {`(\$\{)(\S+)(\})`, ByGroups(LiteralStringInterpol, NameVariable, LiteralStringInterpol), nil}, - {`[${\\]`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/d.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/d.go deleted file mode 100644 index ac12d2e..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/d.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -package d - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// D lexer. https://dlang.org/spec/lex.html -var D = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "D", - Aliases: []string{"d"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.d", "*.di"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-d"}, - EnsureNL: true, - }, - dRules, -)) - -func dRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - - // https://dlang.org/spec/lex.html#comment - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*.*?\*/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/\+.*?\+/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - - // https://dlang.org/spec/lex.html#keywords - {`(asm|assert|body|break|case|cast|catch|continue|default|debug|delete|deprecated|do|else|finally|for|foreach|foreach_reverse|goto|if|in|invariant|is|macro|mixin|new|out|pragma|return|super|switch|this|throw|try|version|while|with)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`__(FILE|FILE_FULL_PATH|MODULE|LINE|FUNCTION|PRETTY_FUNCTION|DATE|EOF|TIME|TIMESTAMP|VENDOR|VERSION)__\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`__(traits|vector|parameters)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`((?:(?:[^\W\d]|\$)[\w.\[\]$<>]*\s+)+?)((?:[^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), NameFunction, Text, Operator), nil}, - - // https://dlang.org/spec/attribute.html#uda - {`@[\w.]*`, NameDecorator, nil}, - {`(abstract|auto|alias|align|const|delegate|enum|export|final|function|inout|lazy|nothrow|override|package|private|protected|public|pure|static|synchronized|template|volatile|__gshared)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - - // https://dlang.org/spec/type.html#basic-data-types - {`(void|bool|byte|ubyte|short|ushort|int|uint|long|ulong|cent|ucent|float|double|real|ifloat|idouble|ireal|cfloat|cdouble|creal|char|wchar|dchar|string|wstring|dstring)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(module)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("import")}, - {`(true|false|null)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(class|interface|struct|template|union)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text), Push("class")}, - {`(import)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("import")}, - - // https://dlang.org/spec/lex.html#string_literals - // TODO support delimited strings - {`[qr]?"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"[cwd]?`, LiteralString, nil}, - {"(`)([^`]*)(`)[cwd]?", LiteralString, nil}, - {`'\\.'|'[^\\]'|'\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`(\.)((?:[^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*)`, ByGroups(Operator, NameAttribute), nil}, - {`^\s*([^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*:`, NameLabel, nil}, - - // https://dlang.org/spec/lex.html#floatliteral - {`([0-9][0-9_]*\.([0-9][0-9_]*)?|\.[0-9][0-9_]*)([eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*)?[fFL]?i?|[0-9][eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*[fFL]?|[0-9]([eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*)?[fFL]|0[xX]([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*\.?|([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)?\.[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)[pP][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*[fFL]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - // https://dlang.org/spec/lex.html#integerliteral - {`0[xX][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*[lL]?`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`0[bB][01][01_]*[lL]?`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`0[0-7_]+[lL]?`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0|[1-9][0-9_]*[lL]?`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`([~^*!%&\[\](){}<>|+=:;,./?-]|q{)`, Operator, nil}, - {`([^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*`, Name, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - }, - "class": { - {`([^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - }, - "import": { - {`[\w.]+\*?`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/dart.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/dart.go deleted file mode 100644 index c1dbb5c..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/dart.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -package d - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Dart lexer. -var Dart = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Dart", - Aliases: []string{"dart"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.dart"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-dart"}, - DotAll: true, - }, - dartRules, -)) - -func dartRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("string_literal"), - {`#!(.*?)$`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`\b(import|export)\b`, Keyword, Push("import_decl")}, - {`\b(library|source|part of|part)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*.*?\*/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`\b(class)\b(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text), Push("class")}, - {`\b(assert|break|case|catch|continue|default|do|else|finally|for|if|in|is|new|return|super|switch|this|throw|try|while)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\b(abstract|async|await|const|extends|factory|final|get|implements|native|operator|set|static|sync|typedef|var|with|yield)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`\b(bool|double|dynamic|int|num|Object|String|void)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`\b(false|null|true)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`[~!%^&*+=|?:<>/-]|as\b`, Operator, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_$]\w*:`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_$]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`[(){}\[\],.;]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`\d+(\.\d*)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`\.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - }, - "class": { - {`[a-zA-Z_$]\w*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - }, - "import_decl": { - Include("string_literal"), - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\b(as|show|hide)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_$]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`\,`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "string_literal": { - {`r"""([\w\W]*?)"""`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`r'''([\w\W]*?)'''`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`r"(.*?)"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`r'(.*?)'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`"""`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string_double_multiline")}, - {`'''`, LiteralStringSingle, Push("string_single_multiline")}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string_double")}, - {`'`, LiteralStringSingle, Push("string_single")}, - }, - "string_common": { - {`\\(x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|u\{[0-9A-Fa-f]*\}|[a-z'\"$\\])`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`(\$)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)`, ByGroups(LiteralStringInterpol, Name), nil}, - {`(\$\{)(.*?)(\})`, ByGroups(LiteralStringInterpol, UsingSelf("root"), LiteralStringInterpol), nil}, - }, - "string_double": { - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - {`[^"$\\\n]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - Include("string_common"), - {`\$+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - }, - "string_double_multiline": { - {`"""`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - {`[^"$\\]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - Include("string_common"), - {`(\$|\")+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - }, - "string_single": { - {`'`, LiteralStringSingle, Pop(1)}, - {`[^'$\\\n]+`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - Include("string_common"), - {`\$+`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - }, - "string_single_multiline": { - {`'''`, LiteralStringSingle, Pop(1)}, - {`[^\'$\\]+`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - Include("string_common"), - {`(\$|\')+`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/diff.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/diff.go deleted file mode 100644 index d4d6db4..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/diff.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -package d - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Diff lexer. -var Diff = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Diff", - Aliases: []string{"diff", "udiff"}, - EnsureNL: true, - Filenames: []string{"*.diff", "*.patch"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-diff", "text/x-patch"}, - }, - diffRules, -)) - -func diffRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {` .*\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\+.*\n`, GenericInserted, nil}, - {`-.*\n`, GenericDeleted, nil}, - {`!.*\n`, GenericStrong, nil}, - {`@.*\n`, GenericSubheading, nil}, - {`([Ii]ndex|diff).*\n`, GenericHeading, nil}, - {`=.*\n`, GenericHeading, nil}, - {`.*\n`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/django.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/django.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5d3baa9..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/django.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -package d - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Django/Jinja lexer. -var DjangoJinja = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Django/Jinja", - Aliases: []string{"django", "jinja"}, - Filenames: []string{}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-django-templating", "application/x-jinja"}, - DotAll: true, - }, - djangoJinjaRules, -)) - -func djangoJinjaRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[^{]+`, Other, nil}, - {`\{\{`, CommentPreproc, Push("var")}, - {`\{[*#].*?[*#]\}`, Comment, nil}, - {`(\{%)(-?\s*)(comment)(\s*-?)(%\})(.*?)(\{%)(-?\s*)(endcomment)(\s*-?)(%\})`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Text, Keyword, Text, CommentPreproc, Comment, CommentPreproc, Text, Keyword, Text, CommentPreproc), nil}, - {`(\{%)(-?\s*)(raw)(\s*-?)(%\})(.*?)(\{%)(-?\s*)(endraw)(\s*-?)(%\})`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Text, Keyword, Text, CommentPreproc, Text, CommentPreproc, Text, Keyword, Text, CommentPreproc), nil}, - {`(\{%)(-?\s*)(filter)(\s+)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Text, Keyword, Text, NameFunction), Push("block")}, - {`(\{%)(-?\s*)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Text, Keyword), Push("block")}, - {`\{`, Other, nil}, - }, - "varnames": { - {`(\|)(\s*)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)`, ByGroups(Operator, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(is)(\s+)(not)?(\s+)?([a-zA-Z_]\w*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(_|true|false|none|True|False|None)\b`, KeywordPseudo, nil}, - {`(in|as|reversed|recursive|not|and|or|is|if|else|import|with(?:(?:out)?\s*context)?|scoped|ignore\s+missing)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(loop|block|super|forloop)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_][\w-]*`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\.\w+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`:?"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`:?'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`([{}()\[\]+\-*/,:~]|[><=]=?)`, Operator, nil}, - {`[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?(eE[+-][0-9])?[flFLdD]?|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[Ll]?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - }, - "var": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`(-?)(\}\})`, ByGroups(Text, CommentPreproc), Pop(1)}, - Include("varnames"), - }, - "block": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`(-?)(%\})`, ByGroups(Text, CommentPreproc), Pop(1)}, - Include("varnames"), - {`.`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/docker.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/docker.go deleted file mode 100644 index ea808f0..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/docker.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -package d - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b" - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j" -) - -// Docker lexer. -var Docker = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Docker", - Aliases: []string{"docker", "dockerfile"}, - Filenames: []string{"Dockerfile", "*.docker"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-dockerfile-config"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - dockerRules, -)) - -func dockerRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`#.*`, Comment, nil}, - {`(ONBUILD)((?:\s*\\?\s*))`, ByGroups(Keyword, Using(b.Bash)), nil}, - {`(HEALTHCHECK)(((?:\s*\\?\s*)--\w+=\w+(?:\s*\\?\s*))*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Using(b.Bash)), nil}, - {`(VOLUME|ENTRYPOINT|CMD|SHELL)((?:\s*\\?\s*))(\[.*?\])`, ByGroups(Keyword, Using(b.Bash), Using(j.JSON)), nil}, - {`(LABEL|ENV|ARG)((?:(?:\s*\\?\s*)\w+=\w+(?:\s*\\?\s*))*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Using(b.Bash)), nil}, - {`((?:FROM|MAINTAINER|EXPOSE|WORKDIR|USER|STOPSIGNAL)|VOLUME)\b(.*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, LiteralString), nil}, - {`((?:RUN|CMD|ENTRYPOINT|ENV|ARG|LABEL|ADD|COPY))`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(.*\\\n)*.+`, Using(b.Bash), nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/dtd.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/dtd.go deleted file mode 100644 index aeec6b1..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/dtd.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -package d - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Dtd lexer. -var Dtd = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "DTD", - Aliases: []string{"dtd"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.dtd"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/xml-dtd"}, - DotAll: true, - }, - dtdRules, -)) - -func dtdRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("common"), - {`(\s]+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameTag), nil}, - {`PUBLIC|SYSTEM`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`[\[\]>]`, Keyword, nil}, - }, - "common": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`(%|&)[^;]*;`, NameEntity, nil}, - {``, Comment, Pop(1)}, - {`-`, Comment, nil}, - }, - "element": { - Include("common"), - {`EMPTY|ANY|#PCDATA`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`[^>\s|()?+*,]+`, NameTag, nil}, - {`>`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - }, - "attlist": { - Include("common"), - {`CDATA|IDREFS|IDREF|ID|NMTOKENS|NMTOKEN|ENTITIES|ENTITY|NOTATION`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`#REQUIRED|#IMPLIED|#FIXED`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`xml:space|xml:lang`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`[^>\s|()?+*,]+`, NameAttribute, nil}, - {`>`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - }, - "entity": { - Include("common"), - {`SYSTEM|PUBLIC|NDATA`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`[^>\s|()?+*,]+`, NameEntity, nil}, - {`>`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - }, - "notation": { - Include("common"), - {`SYSTEM|PUBLIC`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`[^>\s|()?+*,]+`, NameAttribute, nil}, - {`>`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/dylan.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/dylan.go deleted file mode 100644 index feda748..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d/dylan.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -package d - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Dylan lexer. -var Dylan = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Dylan", - Aliases: []string{"dylan"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.dylan", "*.dyl", "*.intr"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-dylan"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - func() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Whitespace, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`([a-z0-9-]+:)([ \t]*)(.*(?:\n[ \t].+)*)`, ByGroups(NameAttribute, Whitespace, LiteralString), nil}, - Default(Push("code")), - }, - "code": { - {`\s+`, Whitespace, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push("comment")}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("string")}, - {`'(\\.|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[a-f0-9]{1,2}|[^\\\'\n])'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`#b[01]+`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`#o[0-7]+`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`[-+]?(\d*\.\d+([ed][-+]?\d+)?|\d+(\.\d*)?e[-+]?\d+)`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[-+]?\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`#x[0-9a-f]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - - {`(\?\\?)([\w!&*<>|^$%@+~?/=-]+)(:)(token|name|variable|expression|body|case-body|\*)`, - ByGroups(Operator, NameVariable, Operator, NameBuiltin), nil}, - {`(\?)(:)(token|name|variable|expression|body|case-body|\*)`, - ByGroups(Operator, Operator, NameVariable), nil}, - {`(\?\\?)([\w!&*<>|^$%@+~?/=-]+)`, ByGroups(Operator, NameVariable), nil}, - - {`(=>|::|#\(|#\[|##|\?\?|\?=|\?|[(){}\[\],.;])`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`:=`, Operator, nil}, - {`#[tf]`, Literal, nil}, - {`#"`, LiteralStringSymbol, Push("symbol")}, - {`#[a-z0-9-]+`, Keyword, nil}, - {`#(all-keys|include|key|next|rest)`, Keyword, nil}, - {`[\w!&*<>|^$%@+~?/=-]+:`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`<[\w!&*<>|^$%@+~?/=-]+>`, NameClass, nil}, - {`\*[\w!&*<>|^$%@+~?/=-]+\*`, NameVariableGlobal, nil}, - {`\$[\w!&*<>|^$%@+~?/=-]+`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`(let|method|function)([ \t]+)([\w!&*<>|^$%@+~?/=-]+)`, ByGroups(NameBuiltin, Whitespace, NameVariable), nil}, - {`(error|signal|return|break)`, NameException, nil}, - {`(\\?)([\w!&*<>|^$%@+~?/=-]+)`, ByGroups(Operator, Name), nil}, - }, - "comment": { - {`[^*/]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push()}, - {`\*/`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[*/]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "symbol": { - {`"`, LiteralStringSymbol, Pop(1)}, - {`[^\\"]+`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|x[a-f0-9]{2,4}|[0-7]{1,3})`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`[^\\"\n]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\\n`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - } - }, -)) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/ebnf.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/ebnf.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5ccdd38..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/ebnf.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -package e - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Ebnf lexer. -var Ebnf = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "EBNF", - Aliases: []string{"ebnf"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.ebnf"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-ebnf"}, - }, - ebnfRules, -)) - -func ebnfRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("comment_start"), - Include("identifier"), - {`=`, Operator, Push("production")}, - }, - "production": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("comment_start"), - Include("identifier"), - {`"[^"]*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`'[^']*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`(\?[^?]*\?)`, NameEntity, nil}, - {`[\[\]{}(),|]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`-`, Operator, nil}, - {`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`\.`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "whitespace": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "comment_start": { - {`\(\*`, CommentMultiline, Push("comment")}, - }, - "comment": { - {`[^*)]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - Include("comment_start"), - {`\*\)`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[*)]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "identifier": { - {`([a-zA-Z][\w \-]*)`, Keyword, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/elixir.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/elixir.go deleted file mode 100644 index f283f84..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/elixir.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,281 +0,0 @@ -package e - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Elixir lexer. -var Elixir = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Elixir", - Aliases: []string{"elixir", "ex", "exs"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.ex", "*.exs"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-elixir"}, - }, - elixirRules, -)) - -func elixirRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`#.*$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`(\?)(\\x\{)([\da-fA-F]+)(\})`, ByGroups(LiteralStringChar, LiteralStringEscape, LiteralNumberHex, LiteralStringEscape), nil}, - {`(\?)(\\x[\da-fA-F]{1,2})`, ByGroups(LiteralStringChar, LiteralStringEscape), nil}, - {`(\?)(\\[abdefnrstv])`, ByGroups(LiteralStringChar, LiteralStringEscape), nil}, - {`\?\\?.`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`:::`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {`::`, Operator, nil}, - {`:(?:\.\.\.|<<>>|%\{\}|%|\{\})`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {`:(?:(?:\.\.\.|[a-z_]\w*[!?]?)|[A-Z]\w*(?:\.[A-Z]\w*)*|(?:\<\<\<|\>\>\>|\|\|\||\&\&\&|\^\^\^|\~\~\~|\=\=\=|\!\=\=|\~\>\>|\<\~\>|\|\~\>|\<\|\>|\=\=|\!\=|\<\=|\>\=|\&\&|\|\||\<\>|\+\+|\-\-|\|\>|\=\~|\-\>|\<\-|\||\.|\=|\~\>|\<\~|\<|\>|\+|\-|\*|\/|\!|\^|\&))`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {`:"`, LiteralStringSymbol, Push("string_double_atom")}, - {`:'`, LiteralStringSymbol, Push("string_single_atom")}, - {`((?:\.\.\.|<<>>|%\{\}|%|\{\})|(?:(?:\.\.\.|[a-z_]\w*[!?]?)|[A-Z]\w*(?:\.[A-Z]\w*)*|(?:\<\<\<|\>\>\>|\|\|\||\&\&\&|\^\^\^|\~\~\~|\=\=\=|\!\=\=|\~\>\>|\<\~\>|\|\~\>|\<\|\>|\=\=|\!\=|\<\=|\>\=|\&\&|\|\||\<\>|\+\+|\-\-|\|\>|\=\~|\-\>|\<\-|\||\.|\=|\~\>|\<\~|\<|\>|\+|\-|\*|\/|\!|\^|\&)))(:)(?=\s|\n)`, ByGroups(LiteralStringSymbol, Punctuation), nil}, - {`(fn|do|end|after|else|rescue|catch)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(not|and|or|when|in)\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`(case|cond|for|if|unless|try|receive|raise|quote|unquote|unquote_splicing|throw|super|while)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(def|defp|defmodule|defprotocol|defmacro|defmacrop|defdelegate|defexception|defstruct|defimpl|defcallback)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`(import|require|use|alias)\b`, KeywordNamespace, nil}, - {`(nil|true|false)\b`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`(_|__MODULE__|__DIR__|__ENV__|__CALLER__)\b`, NamePseudo, nil}, - {`@(?:\.\.\.|[a-z_]\w*[!?]?)`, NameAttribute, nil}, - {`(?:\.\.\.|[a-z_]\w*[!?]?)`, Name, nil}, - {`(%?)([A-Z]\w*(?:\.[A-Z]\w*)*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameClass), nil}, - {`\<\<\<|\>\>\>|\|\|\||\&\&\&|\^\^\^|\~\~\~|\=\=\=|\!\=\=|\~\>\>|\<\~\>|\|\~\>|\<\|\>`, Operator, nil}, - {`\=\=|\!\=|\<\=|\>\=|\&\&|\|\||\<\>|\+\+|\-\-|\|\>|\=\~|\-\>|\<\-|\||\.|\=|\~\>|\<\~`, Operator, nil}, - {`\\\\|\<\<|\>\>|\=\>|\(|\)|\:|\;|\,|\[|\]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`&\d`, NameEntity, nil}, - {`\<|\>|\+|\-|\*|\/|\!|\^|\&`, Operator, nil}, - {`0b[01](_?[01])*`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`0o[0-7](_?[0-7])*`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0x[\da-fA-F](_?[\dA-Fa-f])*`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`\d(_?\d)*\.\d(_?\d)*([eE][-+]?\d(_?\d)*)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d(_?\d)*`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`"""\s*`, LiteralStringHeredoc, Push("heredoc_double")}, - {`'''\s*$`, LiteralStringHeredoc, Push("heredoc_single")}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string_double")}, - {`'`, LiteralStringSingle, Push("string_single")}, - Include("sigils"), - {`%\{`, Punctuation, Push("map_key")}, - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push("tuple")}, - }, - "heredoc_double": { - {`^\s*"""`, LiteralStringHeredoc, Pop(1)}, - Include("heredoc_interpol"), - }, - "heredoc_single": { - {`^\s*'''`, LiteralStringHeredoc, Pop(1)}, - Include("heredoc_interpol"), - }, - "heredoc_interpol": { - {`[^#\\\n]+`, LiteralStringHeredoc, nil}, - Include("escapes"), - {`\\.`, LiteralStringHeredoc, nil}, - {`\n+`, LiteralStringHeredoc, nil}, - Include("interpol"), - }, - "heredoc_no_interpol": { - {`[^\\\n]+`, LiteralStringHeredoc, nil}, - {`\\.`, LiteralStringHeredoc, nil}, - {`\n+`, LiteralStringHeredoc, nil}, - }, - "escapes": { - {`(\\x\{)([\da-fA-F]+)(\})`, ByGroups(LiteralStringEscape, LiteralNumberHex, LiteralStringEscape), nil}, - {`(\\x[\da-fA-F]{1,2})`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`(\\[abdefnrstv])`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - }, - "interpol": { - {`#\{`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push("interpol_string")}, - }, - "interpol_string": { - {`\}`, LiteralStringInterpol, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - "map_key": { - Include("root"), - {`:`, Punctuation, Push("map_val")}, - {`=>`, Punctuation, Push("map_val")}, - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "map_val": { - Include("root"), - {`,`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`(?=\})`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "tuple": { - Include("root"), - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "string_double": { - {`[^#"\\]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - Include("escapes"), - {`\\.`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringDouble), Pop(1)}, - Include("interpol"), - }, - "string_single": { - {`[^#'\\]+`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - Include("escapes"), - {`\\.`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringSingle), Pop(1)}, - Include("interpol"), - }, - "string_double_atom": { - {`[^#"\\]+`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - Include("escapes"), - {`\\.`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {`(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringSymbol), Pop(1)}, - Include("interpol"), - }, - "string_single_atom": { - {`[^#'\\]+`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - Include("escapes"), - {`\\.`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {`(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringSymbol), Pop(1)}, - Include("interpol"), - }, - "sigils": { - {`(~[a-z])(""")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringOther, LiteralStringHeredoc), Push("triquot-end", "triquot-intp")}, - {`(~[A-Z])(""")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringOther, LiteralStringHeredoc), Push("triquot-end", "triquot-no-intp")}, - {`(~[a-z])(''')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringOther, LiteralStringHeredoc), Push("triapos-end", "triapos-intp")}, - {`(~[A-Z])(''')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringOther, LiteralStringHeredoc), Push("triapos-end", "triapos-no-intp")}, - {`~[a-z]\{`, LiteralStringOther, Push("cb-intp")}, - {`~[A-Z]\{`, LiteralStringOther, Push("cb-no-intp")}, - {`~[a-z]\[`, LiteralStringOther, Push("sb-intp")}, - {`~[A-Z]\[`, LiteralStringOther, Push("sb-no-intp")}, - {`~[a-z]\(`, LiteralStringOther, Push("pa-intp")}, - {`~[A-Z]\(`, LiteralStringOther, Push("pa-no-intp")}, - {`~[a-z]<`, LiteralStringOther, Push("ab-intp")}, - {`~[A-Z]<`, LiteralStringOther, Push("ab-no-intp")}, - {`~[a-z]/`, LiteralStringOther, Push("slas-intp")}, - {`~[A-Z]/`, LiteralStringOther, Push("slas-no-intp")}, - {`~[a-z]\|`, LiteralStringOther, Push("pipe-intp")}, - {`~[A-Z]\|`, LiteralStringOther, Push("pipe-no-intp")}, - {`~[a-z]"`, LiteralStringOther, Push("quot-intp")}, - {`~[A-Z]"`, LiteralStringOther, Push("quot-no-intp")}, - {`~[a-z]'`, LiteralStringOther, Push("apos-intp")}, - {`~[A-Z]'`, LiteralStringOther, Push("apos-no-intp")}, - }, - "triquot-end": { - {`[a-zA-Z]+`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "triquot-intp": { - {`^\s*"""`, LiteralStringHeredoc, Pop(1)}, - Include("heredoc_interpol"), - }, - "triquot-no-intp": { - {`^\s*"""`, LiteralStringHeredoc, Pop(1)}, - Include("heredoc_no_interpol"), - }, - "triapos-end": { - {`[a-zA-Z]+`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "triapos-intp": { - {`^\s*'''`, LiteralStringHeredoc, Pop(1)}, - Include("heredoc_interpol"), - }, - "triapos-no-intp": { - {`^\s*'''`, LiteralStringHeredoc, Pop(1)}, - Include("heredoc_no_interpol"), - }, - "cb-intp": { - {`[^#\}\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - Include("escapes"), - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\}[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Include("interpol"), - }, - "cb-no-intp": { - {`[^\}\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\}[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - }, - "sb-intp": { - {`[^#\]\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - Include("escapes"), - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\][a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Include("interpol"), - }, - "sb-no-intp": { - {`[^\]\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\][a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - }, - "pa-intp": { - {`[^#\)\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - Include("escapes"), - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\)[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Include("interpol"), - }, - "pa-no-intp": { - {`[^\)\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\)[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - }, - "ab-intp": { - {`[^#>\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - Include("escapes"), - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`>[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Include("interpol"), - }, - "ab-no-intp": { - {`[^>\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`>[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - }, - "slas-intp": { - {`[^#/\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - Include("escapes"), - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`/[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Include("interpol"), - }, - "slas-no-intp": { - {`[^/\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`/[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - }, - "pipe-intp": { - {`[^#\|\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - Include("escapes"), - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\|[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Include("interpol"), - }, - "pipe-no-intp": { - {`[^\|\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\|[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - }, - "quot-intp": { - {`[^#"\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - Include("escapes"), - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`"[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Include("interpol"), - }, - "quot-no-intp": { - {`[^"\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`"[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - }, - "apos-intp": { - {`[^#'\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - Include("escapes"), - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`'[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - Include("interpol"), - }, - "apos-no-intp": { - {`[^'\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\\.`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`'[a-zA-Z]*`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/elm.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/elm.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0fb6689..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/elm.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -package e - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Elm lexer. -var Elm = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Elm", - Aliases: []string{"elm"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.elm"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-elm"}, - }, - elmRules, -)) - -func elmRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\{-`, CommentMultiline, Push("comment")}, - {`--.*`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("doublequote")}, - {`^\s*module\s*`, KeywordNamespace, Push("imports")}, - {`^\s*import\s*`, KeywordNamespace, Push("imports")}, - {`\[glsl\|.*`, NameEntity, Push("shader")}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `alias`, `as`, `case`, `else`, `if`, `import`, `in`, `let`, `module`, `of`, `port`, `then`, `type`, `where`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`[A-Z]\w*`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`^main `, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {Words(`\(`, `\)`, `~`, `||`, `|>`, `|`, "`", `^`, `\`, `'`, `>>`, `>=`, `>`, `==`, `=`, `<~`, `<|`, `<=`, `<<`, `<-`, `<`, `::`, `:`, `/=`, `//`, `/`, `..`, `.`, `->`, `-`, `++`, `+`, `*`, `&&`, `%`), NameFunction, nil}, - {Words(``, ``, `~`, `||`, `|>`, `|`, "`", `^`, `\`, `'`, `>>`, `>=`, `>`, `==`, `=`, `<~`, `<|`, `<=`, `<<`, `<-`, `<`, `::`, `:`, `/=`, `//`, `/`, `..`, `.`, `->`, `-`, `++`, `+`, `*`, `&&`, `%`), NameFunction, nil}, - Include("numbers"), - {`[a-z_][a-zA-Z_\']*`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`[,()\[\]{}]`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "comment": { - {`-(?!\})`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`\{-`, CommentMultiline, Push("comment")}, - {`[^-}]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`-\}`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - }, - "doublequote": { - {`\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`\\[nrfvb\\"]`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`[^"]`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - "imports": { - {`\w+(\.\w+)*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - }, - "numbers": { - {`_?\d+\.(?=\d+)`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`_?\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - }, - "shader": { - {`\|(?!\])`, NameEntity, nil}, - {`\|\]`, NameEntity, Pop(1)}, - {`.*\n`, NameEntity, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/erlang.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/erlang.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5f5c9ca..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/erlang.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -package e - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Erlang lexer. -var Erlang = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Erlang", - Aliases: []string{"erlang"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.erl", "*.hrl", "*.es", "*.escript"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-erlang"}, - }, - erlangRules, -)) - -func erlangRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`%.*\n`, Comment, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `after`, `begin`, `case`, `catch`, `cond`, `end`, `fun`, `if`, `let`, `of`, `query`, `receive`, `try`, `when`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `abs`, `append_element`, `apply`, `atom_to_list`, `binary_to_list`, `bitstring_to_list`, `binary_to_term`, `bit_size`, `bump_reductions`, `byte_size`, `cancel_timer`, `check_process_code`, `delete_module`, `demonitor`, `disconnect_node`, `display`, `element`, `erase`, `exit`, `float`, `float_to_list`, `fun_info`, `fun_to_list`, `function_exported`, `garbage_collect`, `get`, `get_keys`, `group_leader`, `hash`, `hd`, `integer_to_list`, `iolist_to_binary`, `iolist_size`, `is_atom`, `is_binary`, `is_bitstring`, `is_boolean`, `is_builtin`, `is_float`, `is_function`, `is_integer`, `is_list`, `is_number`, `is_pid`, `is_port`, `is_process_alive`, `is_record`, `is_reference`, `is_tuple`, `length`, `link`, `list_to_atom`, `list_to_binary`, `list_to_bitstring`, `list_to_existing_atom`, `list_to_float`, `list_to_integer`, `list_to_pid`, `list_to_tuple`, `load_module`, `localtime_to_universaltime`, `make_tuple`, `md5`, `md5_final`, `md5_update`, `memory`, `module_loaded`, `monitor`, `monitor_node`, `node`, `nodes`, `open_port`, `phash`, `phash2`, `pid_to_list`, `port_close`, `port_command`, `port_connect`, `port_control`, `port_call`, `port_info`, `port_to_list`, `process_display`, `process_flag`, `process_info`, `purge_module`, `put`, `read_timer`, `ref_to_list`, `register`, `resume_process`, `round`, `send`, `send_after`, `send_nosuspend`, `set_cookie`, `setelement`, `size`, `spawn`, `spawn_link`, `spawn_monitor`, `spawn_opt`, `split_binary`, `start_timer`, `statistics`, `suspend_process`, `system_flag`, `system_info`, `system_monitor`, `system_profile`, `term_to_binary`, `tl`, `trace`, `trace_delivered`, `trace_info`, `trace_pattern`, `trunc`, `tuple_size`, `tuple_to_list`, `universaltime_to_localtime`, `unlink`, `unregister`, `whereis`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `and`, `andalso`, `band`, `bnot`, `bor`, `bsl`, `bsr`, `bxor`, `div`, `not`, `or`, `orelse`, `rem`, `xor`), OperatorWord, nil}, - {`^-`, Punctuation, Push("directive")}, - {`(\+\+?|--?|\*|/|<|>|/=|=:=|=/=|=<|>=|==?|<-|!|\?)`, Operator, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("string")}, - {`<<`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`>>`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`((?:[a-z]\w*|'[^\n']*[^\\]'))(:)`, ByGroups(NameNamespace, Punctuation), nil}, - {`(?:^|(?<=:))((?:[a-z]\w*|'[^\n']*[^\\]'))(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Text, Punctuation), nil}, - {`[+-]?(?:[2-9]|[12][0-9]|3[0-6])#[0-9a-zA-Z]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[+-]?\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[+-]?\d+.\d+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[]\[:_@\".{}()|;,]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(?:[A-Z_]\w*)`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`(?:[a-z]\w*|'[^\n']*[^\\]')`, Name, nil}, - {`\?(?:(?:[A-Z_]\w*)|(?:[a-z]\w*|'[^\n']*[^\\]'))`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`\$(?:(?:\\(?:[bdefnrstv\'"\\]|[0-7][0-7]?[0-7]?|(?:x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|x\{[0-9a-fA-F]+\})|\^[a-zA-Z]))|\\[ %]|[^\\])`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`#(?:[a-z]\w*|'[^\n']*[^\\]')(:?\.(?:[a-z]\w*|'[^\n']*[^\\]'))?`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`\A#!.+\n`, CommentHashbang, nil}, - {`#\{`, Punctuation, Push("map_key")}, - }, - "string": { - {`(?:\\(?:[bdefnrstv\'"\\]|[0-7][0-7]?[0-7]?|(?:x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|x\{[0-9a-fA-F]+\})|\^[a-zA-Z]))`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`~[0-9.*]*[~#+BPWXb-ginpswx]`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - {`[^"\\~]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`~`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "directive": { - {`(define)(\s*)(\()((?:(?:[A-Z_]\w*)|(?:[a-z]\w*|'[^\n']*[^\\]')))`, ByGroups(NameEntity, Text, Punctuation, NameConstant), Pop(1)}, - {`(record)(\s*)(\()((?:(?:[A-Z_]\w*)|(?:[a-z]\w*|'[^\n']*[^\\]')))`, ByGroups(NameEntity, Text, Punctuation, NameLabel), Pop(1)}, - {`(?:[a-z]\w*|'[^\n']*[^\\]')`, NameEntity, Pop(1)}, - }, - "map_key": { - Include("root"), - {`=>`, Punctuation, Push("map_val")}, - {`:=`, Punctuation, Push("map_val")}, - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "map_val": { - Include("root"), - {`,`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`(?=\})`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/factor.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/factor.go deleted file mode 100644 index d88beb2..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/factor.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -package f - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Factor lexer. -var Factor = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Factor", - Aliases: []string{"factor"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.factor"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-factor"}, - }, - factorRules, -)) - -func factorRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`#!.*$`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - Default(Push("base")), - }, - "base": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`((?:MACRO|MEMO|TYPED)?:[:]?)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(M:[:]?)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameClass, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(C:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameFunction, Text, NameClass), nil}, - {`(GENERIC:)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(HOOK:|GENERIC#)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameFunction, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`\(\s`, NameFunction, Push("stackeffect")}, - {`;\s`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(USING:)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("vocabs")}, - {`(USE:|UNUSE:|IN:|QUALIFIED:)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text, NameNamespace), nil}, - {`(QUALIFIED-WITH:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text, NameNamespace, Text, NameNamespace), nil}, - {`(FROM:|EXCLUDE:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+=>\s)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text, NameNamespace, Text), Push("words")}, - {`(RENAME:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+=>\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text, NameFunction, Text, NameNamespace, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(ALIAS:|TYPEDEF:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text, NameFunction, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(DEFER:|FORGET:|POSTPONE:)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(TUPLE:|ERROR:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+<\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameClass, Text, NameClass), Push("slots")}, - {`(TUPLE:|ERROR:|BUILTIN:)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameClass), Push("slots")}, - {`(MIXIN:|UNION:|INTERSECTION:)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameClass), nil}, - {`(PREDICATE:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+<\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameClass, Text, NameClass), nil}, - {`(C:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameFunction, Text, NameClass), nil}, - {`(INSTANCE:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameClass, Text, NameClass), nil}, - {`(SLOT:)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(SINGLETON:)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameClass), nil}, - {`SINGLETONS:`, Keyword, Push("classes")}, - {`(CONSTANT:|SYMBOL:|MAIN:|HELP:)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`SYMBOLS:\s`, Keyword, Push("words")}, - {`SYNTAX:\s`, Keyword, nil}, - {`ALIEN:\s`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(STRUCT:)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameClass), nil}, - {`(FUNCTION:)(\s+\S+\s+)(\S+)(\s+\(\s+[^)]+\)\s)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text, NameFunction, Text), nil}, - {`(FUNCTION-ALIAS:)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+\S+\s+)(\S+)(\s+\(\s+[^)]+\)\s)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text, NameFunction, Text, NameFunction, Text), nil}, - {`(?:)\s`, KeywordNamespace, nil}, - {`"""\s+(?:.|\n)*?\s+"""`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`"(?:\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\S+"\s+(?:\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`CHAR:\s+(?:\\[\\abfnrstv]|[^\\]\S*)\s`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`!\s+.*$`, Comment, nil}, - {`#!\s+.*$`, Comment, nil}, - {`/\*\s+(?:.|\n)*?\s\*/\s`, Comment, nil}, - {`[tf]\s`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`[\\$]\s+\S+`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`M\\\s+\S+\s+\S+`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`[+-]?(?:[\d,]*\d)?\.(?:\d([\d,]*\d)?)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?\s`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`[+-]?\d(?:[\d,]*\d)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?\s`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`0x[a-fA-F\d](?:[a-fA-F\d,]*[a-fA-F\d])?(?:p\d([\d,]*\d)?)?\s`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`NAN:\s+[a-fA-F\d](?:[a-fA-F\d,]*[a-fA-F\d])?(?:p\d([\d,]*\d)?)?\s`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`0b[01]+\s`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`0o[0-7]+\s`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`(?:\d([\d,]*\d)?)?\+\d(?:[\d,]*\d)?/\d(?:[\d,]*\d)?\s`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`(?:\-\d([\d,]*\d)?)?\-\d(?:[\d,]*\d)?/\d(?:[\d,]*\d)?\s`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`(?:deprecated|final|foldable|flushable|inline|recursive)\s`, Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\s`, `-rot`, `2bi`, `2bi@`, `2bi*`, `2curry`, `2dip`, `2drop`, `2dup`, `2keep`, `2nip`, `2over`, `2tri`, `2tri@`, `2tri*`, `3bi`, `3curry`, `3dip`, `3drop`, `3dup`, `3keep`, `3tri`, `4dip`, `4drop`, `4dup`, `4keep`, ``, `=`, `>boolean`, `clone`, `?`, `?execute`, `?if`, `and`, `assert`, `assert=`, `assert?`, `bi`, `bi-curry`, `bi-curry@`, `bi-curry*`, `bi@`, `bi*`, `boa`, `boolean`, `boolean?`, `both?`, `build`, `call`, `callstack`, `callstack>array`, `callstack?`, `clear`, `(clone)`, `compose`, `compose?`, `curry`, `curry?`, `datastack`, `die`, `dip`, `do`, `drop`, `dup`, `dupd`, `either?`, `eq?`, `equal?`, `execute`, `hashcode`, `hashcode*`, `identity-hashcode`, `identity-tuple`, `identity-tuple?`, `if`, `if*`, `keep`, `loop`, `most`, `new`, `nip`, `not`, `null`, `object`, `or`, `over`, `pick`, `prepose`, `retainstack`, `rot`, `same?`, `swap`, `swapd`, `throw`, `tri`, `tri-curry`, `tri-curry@`, `tri-curry*`, `tri@`, `tri*`, `tuple`, `tuple?`, `unless`, `unless*`, `until`, `when`, `when*`, `while`, `with`, `wrapper`, `wrapper?`, `xor`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\s`, `2cache`, ``, `>alist`, `?at`, `?of`, `assoc`, `assoc-all?`, `assoc-any?`, `assoc-clone-like`, `assoc-combine`, `assoc-diff`, `assoc-diff!`, `assoc-differ`, `assoc-each`, `assoc-empty?`, `assoc-filter`, `assoc-filter!`, `assoc-filter-as`, `assoc-find`, `assoc-hashcode`, `assoc-intersect`, `assoc-like`, `assoc-map`, `assoc-map-as`, `assoc-partition`, `assoc-refine`, `assoc-size`, `assoc-stack`, `assoc-subset?`, `assoc-union`, `assoc-union!`, `assoc=`, `assoc>map`, `assoc?`, `at`, `at+`, `at*`, `cache`, `change-at`, `clear-assoc`, `delete-at`, `delete-at*`, `enum`, `enum?`, `extract-keys`, `inc-at`, `key?`, `keys`, `map>assoc`, `maybe-set-at`, `new-assoc`, `of`, `push-at`, `rename-at`, `set-at`, `sift-keys`, `sift-values`, `substitute`, `unzip`, `value-at`, `value-at*`, `value?`, `values`, `zip`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\s`, `2cleave`, `2cleave>quot`, `3cleave`, `3cleave>quot`, `4cleave`, `4cleave>quot`, `alist>quot`, `call-effect`, `case`, `case-find`, `case>quot`, `cleave`, `cleave>quot`, `cond`, `cond>quot`, `deep-spread>quot`, `execute-effect`, `linear-case-quot`, `no-case`, `no-case?`, `no-cond`, `no-cond?`, `recursive-hashcode`, `shallow-spread>quot`, `spread`, `to-fixed-point`, `wrong-values`, `wrong-values?`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\s`, `-`, `/`, `/f`, `/i`, `/mod`, `2/`, `2^`, `<`, `<=`, ``, `>`, `>=`, `>bignum`, `>fixnum`, `>float`, `>integer`, `(all-integers?)`, `(each-integer)`, `(find-integer)`, `*`, `+`, `?1+`, `abs`, `align`, `all-integers?`, `bignum`, `bignum?`, `bit?`, `bitand`, `bitnot`, `bitor`, `bits>double`, `bits>float`, `bitxor`, `complex`, `complex?`, `denominator`, `double>bits`, `each-integer`, `even?`, `find-integer`, `find-last-integer`, `fixnum`, `fixnum?`, `float`, `float>bits`, `float?`, `fp-bitwise=`, `fp-infinity?`, `fp-nan-payload`, `fp-nan?`, `fp-qnan?`, `fp-sign`, `fp-snan?`, `fp-special?`, `if-zero`, `imaginary-part`, `integer`, `integer>fixnum`, `integer>fixnum-strict`, `integer?`, `log2`, `log2-expects-positive`, `log2-expects-positive?`, `mod`, `neg`, `neg?`, `next-float`, `next-power-of-2`, `number`, `number=`, `number?`, `numerator`, `odd?`, `out-of-fixnum-range`, `out-of-fixnum-range?`, `power-of-2?`, `prev-float`, `ratio`, `ratio?`, `rational`, `rational?`, `real`, `real-part`, `real?`, `recip`, `rem`, `sgn`, `shift`, `sq`, `times`, `u<`, `u<=`, `u>`, `u>=`, `unless-zero`, `unordered?`, `when-zero`, `zero?`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\s`, `1sequence`, `2all?`, `2each`, `2map`, `2map-as`, `2map-reduce`, `2reduce`, `2selector`, `2sequence`, `3append`, `3append-as`, `3each`, `3map`, `3map-as`, `3sequence`, `4sequence`, ``, ``, ``, `?first`, `?last`, `?nth`, `?second`, `?set-nth`, `accumulate`, `accumulate!`, `accumulate-as`, `all?`, `any?`, `append`, `append!`, `append-as`, `assert-sequence`, `assert-sequence=`, `assert-sequence?`, `binary-reduce`, `bounds-check`, `bounds-check?`, `bounds-error`, `bounds-error?`, `but-last`, `but-last-slice`, `cartesian-each`, `cartesian-map`, `cartesian-product`, `change-nth`, `check-slice`, `check-slice-error`, `clone-like`, `collapse-slice`, `collector`, `collector-for`, `concat`, `concat-as`, `copy`, `count`, `cut`, `cut-slice`, `cut*`, `delete-all`, `delete-slice`, `drop-prefix`, `each`, `each-from`, `each-index`, `empty?`, `exchange`, `filter`, `filter!`, `filter-as`, `find`, `find-from`, `find-index`, `find-index-from`, `find-last`, `find-last-from`, `first`, `first2`, `first3`, `first4`, `flip`, `follow`, `fourth`, `glue`, `halves`, `harvest`, `head`, `head-slice`, `head-slice*`, `head*`, `head?`, `if-empty`, `immutable`, `immutable-sequence`, `immutable-sequence?`, `immutable?`, `index`, `index-from`, `indices`, `infimum`, `infimum-by`, `insert-nth`, `interleave`, `iota`, `iota-tuple`, `iota-tuple?`, `join`, `join-as`, `last`, `last-index`, `last-index-from`, `length`, `lengthen`, `like`, `longer`, `longer?`, `longest`, `map`, `map!`, `map-as`, `map-find`, `map-find-last`, `map-index`, `map-integers`, `map-reduce`, `map-sum`, `max-length`, `member-eq?`, `member?`, `midpoint@`, `min-length`, `mismatch`, `move`, `new-like`, `new-resizable`, `new-sequence`, `non-negative-integer-expected`, `non-negative-integer-expected?`, `nth`, `nths`, `pad-head`, `pad-tail`, `padding`, `partition`, `pop`, `pop*`, `prefix`, `prepend`, `prepend-as`, `produce`, `produce-as`, `product`, `push`, `push-all`, `push-either`, `push-if`, `reduce`, `reduce-index`, `remove`, `remove!`, `remove-eq`, `remove-eq!`, `remove-nth`, `remove-nth!`, `repetition`, `repetition?`, `replace-slice`, `replicate`, `replicate-as`, `rest`, `rest-slice`, `reverse`, `reverse!`, `reversed`, `reversed?`, `second`, `selector`, `selector-for`, `sequence`, `sequence-hashcode`, `sequence=`, `sequence?`, `set-first`, `set-fourth`, `set-last`, `set-length`, `set-nth`, `set-second`, `set-third`, `short`, `shorten`, `shorter`, `shorter?`, `shortest`, `sift`, `slice`, `slice-error`, `slice-error?`, `slice?`, `snip`, `snip-slice`, `start`, `start*`, `subseq`, `subseq?`, `suffix`, `suffix!`, `sum`, `sum-lengths`, `supremum`, `supremum-by`, `surround`, `tail`, `tail-slice`, `tail-slice*`, `tail*`, `tail?`, `third`, `trim`, `trim-head`, `trim-head-slice`, `trim-slice`, `trim-tail`, `trim-tail-slice`, `unclip`, `unclip-last`, `unclip-last-slice`, `unclip-slice`, `unless-empty`, `virtual-exemplar`, `virtual-sequence`, `virtual-sequence?`, `virtual@`, `when-empty`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\s`, `+@`, `change`, `change-global`, `counter`, `dec`, `get`, `get-global`, `global`, `inc`, `init-namespaces`, `initialize`, `is-global`, `make-assoc`, `namespace`, `namestack`, `off`, `on`, `set`, `set-global`, `set-namestack`, `toggle`, `with-global`, `with-scope`, `with-variable`, `with-variables`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\s`, `1array`, `2array`, `3array`, `4array`, ``, `>array`, `array`, `array?`, `pair`, `pair?`, `resize-array`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\s`, `(each-stream-block-slice)`, `(each-stream-block)`, `(stream-contents-by-block)`, `(stream-contents-by-element)`, `(stream-contents-by-length-or-block)`, `(stream-contents-by-length)`, `+byte+`, `+character+`, `bad-seek-type`, `bad-seek-type?`, `bl`, `contents`, `each-block`, `each-block-size`, `each-block-slice`, `each-line`, `each-morsel`, `each-stream-block`, `each-stream-block-slice`, `each-stream-line`, `error-stream`, `flush`, `input-stream`, `input-stream?`, `invalid-read-buffer`, `invalid-read-buffer?`, `lines`, `nl`, `output-stream`, `output-stream?`, `print`, `read`, `read-into`, `read-partial`, `read-partial-into`, `read-until`, `read1`, `readln`, `seek-absolute`, `seek-absolute?`, `seek-end`, `seek-end?`, `seek-input`, `seek-output`, `seek-relative`, `seek-relative?`, `stream-bl`, `stream-contents`, `stream-contents*`, `stream-copy`, `stream-copy*`, `stream-element-type`, `stream-flush`, `stream-length`, `stream-lines`, `stream-nl`, `stream-print`, `stream-read`, `stream-read-into`, `stream-read-partial`, `stream-read-partial-into`, `stream-read-partial-unsafe`, `stream-read-unsafe`, `stream-read-until`, `stream-read1`, `stream-readln`, `stream-seek`, `stream-seekable?`, `stream-tell`, `stream-write`, `stream-write1`, `tell-input`, `tell-output`, `with-error-stream`, `with-error-stream*`, `with-error>output`, `with-input-output+error-streams`, `with-input-output+error-streams*`, `with-input-stream`, `with-input-stream*`, `with-output-stream`, `with-output-stream*`, `with-output>error`, `with-output+error-stream`, `with-output+error-stream*`, `with-streams`, `with-streams*`, `write`, `write1`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\s`, `1string`, ``, `>string`, `resize-string`, `string`, `string?`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\s`, `1vector`, ``, `>vector`, `?push`, `vector`, `vector?`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\s`, ``, ``, ``, `attempt-all`, `attempt-all-error`, `attempt-all-error?`, `callback-error-hook`, `callcc0`, `callcc1`, `cleanup`, `compute-restarts`, `condition`, `condition?`, `continuation`, `continuation?`, `continue`, `continue-restart`, `continue-with`, `current-continuation`, `error`, `error-continuation`, `error-in-thread`, `error-thread`, `ifcc`, `ignore-errors`, `in-callback?`, `original-error`, `recover`, `restart`, `restart?`, `restarts`, `rethrow`, `rethrow-restarts`, `return`, `return-continuation`, `thread-error-hook`, `throw-continue`, `throw-restarts`, `with-datastack`, `with-return`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\S+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "stackeffect": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\(\s+`, NameFunction, Push("stackeffect")}, - {`\)\s`, NameFunction, Pop(1)}, - {`--\s`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`\S+`, NameVariable, nil}, - }, - "slots": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`;\s`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - {`(\{\s+)(\S+)(\s+[^}]+\s+\}\s)`, ByGroups(Text, NameVariable, Text), nil}, - {`\S+`, NameVariable, nil}, - }, - "vocabs": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`;\s`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - {`\S+`, NameNamespace, nil}, - }, - "classes": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`;\s`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - {`\S+`, NameClass, nil}, - }, - "words": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`;\s`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - {`\S+`, NameFunction, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fennel.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fennel.go deleted file mode 100644 index 23134d4..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fennel.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -package f - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Fennel lexer. -var Fennel = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Fennel", - Aliases: []string{"fennel", "fnl"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.fennel"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-fennel", "application/x-fennel"}, - }, - fennelRules, -)) - -// Here's some Fennel code used to generate the lists of keywords: -// (local fennel (require :fennel)) -// -// (fn member? [t x] (each [_ y (ipairs t)] (when (= y x) (lua "return true")))) -// -// (local declarations [:fn :lambda :λ :local :var :global :macro :macros]) -// (local keywords []) -// (local globals []) -// -// (each [name data (pairs (fennel.syntax))] -// (if (member? declarations name) nil ; already populated -// data.special? (table.insert keywords name) -// data.macro? (table.insert keywords name) -// data.global? (table.insert globals name))) -// -// (fn quoted [tbl] -// (table.sort tbl) -// (table.concat (icollect [_ k (ipairs tbl)] -// (string.format "`%s`" k)) ", ")) -// -// (print :Keyword (quoted keywords)) -// (print :KeywordDeclaration (quoted declarations)) -// (print :NameBuiltin (quoted globals)) - -func fennelRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`;.*$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\s+`, Whitespace, nil}, - {`-?\d+\.\d+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`-?\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`0x-?[abcdef\d]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`'(?!#)[\w!$%*+<=>?/.#-]+`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {`\\(.|[a-z]+)`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`::?#?(?!#)[\w!$%*+<=>?/.#-]+`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {"~@|[`\\'#^~&@]", Operator, nil}, - {Words(``, ` `, `#`, `%`, `*`, `+`, `-`, `->`, `->>`, `-?>`, `-?>>`, `.`, `..`, `/`, `//`, `:`, `<`, `<=`, `=`, `>`, `>=`, `?.`, `^`, `accumulate`, `and`, `band`, `bnot`, `bor`, `bxor`, `collect`, `comment`, `do`, `doc`, `doto`, `each`, `eval-compiler`, `for`, `hashfn`, `icollect`, `if`, `import-macros`, `include`, `length`, `let`, `lshift`, `lua`, `macrodebug`, `match`, `not`, `not=`, `or`, `partial`, `pick-args`, `pick-values`, `quote`, `require-macros`, `rshift`, `set`, `set-forcibly!`, `tset`, `values`, `when`, `while`, `with-open`, `~=`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, ` `, `fn`, `global`, `lambda`, `local`, `macro`, `macros`, `var`, `λ`), KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {Words(``, ` `, `_G`, `arg`, `assert`, `bit32`, `bit32.arshift`, `bit32.band`, `bit32.bnot`, `bit32.bor`, `bit32.btest`, `bit32.bxor`, `bit32.extract`, `bit32.lrotate`, `bit32.lshift`, `bit32.replace`, `bit32.rrotate`, `bit32.rshift`, `collectgarbage`, `coroutine`, `coroutine.create`, `coroutine.resume`, `coroutine.running`, `coroutine.status`, `coroutine.wrap`, `coroutine.yield`, `debug`, `debug.debug`, `debug.gethook`, `debug.getinfo`, `debug.getlocal`, `debug.getmetatable`, `debug.getregistry`, `debug.getupvalue`, `debug.getuservalue`, `debug.sethook`, `debug.setlocal`, `debug.setmetatable`, `debug.setupvalue`, `debug.setuservalue`, `debug.traceback`, `debug.upvalueid`, `debug.upvaluejoin`, `dofile`, `error`, `getmetatable`, `io`, `io.close`, `io.flush`, `io.input`, `io.lines`, `io.open`, `io.output`, `io.popen`, `io.read`, `io.tmpfile`, `io.type`, `io.write`, `ipairs`, `load`, `loadfile`, `loadstring`, `math`, `math.abs`, `math.acos`, `math.asin`, `math.atan`, `math.atan2`, `math.ceil`, `math.cos`, `math.cosh`, `math.deg`, `math.exp`, `math.floor`, `math.fmod`, `math.frexp`, `math.ldexp`, `math.log`, `math.log10`, `math.max`, `math.min`, `math.modf`, `math.pow`, `math.rad`, `math.random`, `math.randomseed`, `math.sin`, `math.sinh`, `math.sqrt`, `math.tan`, `math.tanh`, `module`, `next`, `os`, `os.clock`, `os.date`, `os.difftime`, `os.execute`, `os.exit`, `os.getenv`, `os.remove`, `os.rename`, `os.setlocale`, `os.time`, `os.tmpname`, `package`, `package.loadlib`, `package.searchpath`, `package.seeall`, `pairs`, `pcall`, `print`, `rawequal`, `rawget`, `rawlen`, `rawset`, `require`, `select`, `setmetatable`, `string`, `string.byte`, `string.char`, `string.dump`, `string.find`, `string.format`, `string.gmatch`, `string.gsub`, `string.len`, `string.lower`, `string.match`, `string.rep`, `string.reverse`, `string.sub`, `string.upper`, `table`, `table.concat`, `table.insert`, `table.maxn`, `table.pack`, `table.remove`, `table.sort`, `table.unpack`, `tonumber`, `tostring`, `type`, `unpack`, `xpcall`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(?<=\()(?!#)[\w!$%*+<=>?/.#-]+`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`(?!#)[\w!$%*+<=>?/.#-]+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`(\[|\])`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(\{|\})`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(\(|\))`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fish.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fish.go deleted file mode 100644 index 29d5028..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fish.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -package f - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Fish lexer. -var Fish = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Fish", - Aliases: []string{"fish", "fishshell"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.fish", "*.load"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-fish"}, - }, - fishRules, -)) - -func fishRules() Rules { - keywords := []string{ - `begin`, `end`, `if`, `else`, `while`, `break`, `for`, `return`, `function`, `block`, - `case`, `continue`, `switch`, `not`, `and`, `or`, `set`, `echo`, `exit`, `pwd`, `true`, - `false`, `cd`, `cdh`, `count`, `test`, - } - keywordsPattern := Words(`\b`, `\b`, keywords...) - - builtins := []string{ - `alias`, `bg`, `bind`, `breakpoint`, `builtin`, `argparse`, `abbr`, `string`, `command`, - `commandline`, `complete`, `contains`, `dirh`, `dirs`, `disown`, `emit`, `eval`, `exec`, - `fg`, `fish`, `fish_add_path`, `fish_breakpoint_prompt`, `fish_command_not_found`, - `fish_config`, `fish_git_prompt`, `fish_greeting`, `fish_hg_prompt`, `fish_indent`, - `fish_is_root_user`, `fish_key_reader`, `fish_mode_prompt`, `fish_opt`, `fish_pager`, - `fish_prompt`, `fish_right_prompt`, `fish_status_to_signal`, `fish_svn_prompt`, - `fish_title`, `fish_update_completions`, `fish_vcs_prompt`, `fishd`, `funced`, - `funcsave`, `functions`, `help`, `history`, `isatty`, `jobs`, `math`, `mimedb`, `nextd`, - `open`, `prompt_pwd`, `realpath`, `popd`, `prevd`, `psub`, `pushd`, `random`, `read`, - `set_color`, `source`, `status`, `suspend`, `trap`, `type`, `ulimit`, `umask`, `vared`, - `fc`, `getopts`, `hash`, `kill`, `printf`, `time`, `wait`, - } - - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("basic"), - Include("interp"), - Include("data"), - }, - "interp": { - {`\$\(\(`, Keyword, Push("math")}, - {`\(`, Keyword, Push("paren")}, - {`\$#?(\w+|.)`, NameVariable, nil}, - }, - "basic": { - {Words(`(?<=(?:^|\A|;|&&|\|\||\||`+keywordsPattern+`)\s*)`, `(?=;?\b)`, keywords...), Keyword, nil}, - {`(?<=for\s+\S+\s+)in\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\s*\b(?!\.)`, builtins...), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`#!.*\n`, CommentHashbang, nil}, - {`#.*\n`, Comment, nil}, - {`\\[\w\W]`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`(\b\w+)(\s*)(=)`, ByGroups(NameVariable, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`[\[\]()={}]`, Operator, nil}, - {`(?<=\[[^\]]+)\.\.|-(?=[^\[]+\])`, Operator, nil}, - {`<<-?\s*(\'?)\\?(\w+)[\w\W]+?\2`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`(?<=set\s+(?:--?[^\d\W][\w-]*\s+)?)\w+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`(?<=for\s+)\w[\w-]*(?=\s+in)`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`(?<=function\s+)\w(?:[^\n])*?(?= *[-\n])`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`(?<=(?:^|\b(?:and|or|sudo)\b|;|\|\||&&|\||\(|(?:\b\w+\s*=\S+\s)) *)\w[\w-]*`, NameFunction, nil}, - }, - "data": { - {`(?s)\$?"(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\$])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string")}, - {`(?s)\$'(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^'\\])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`(?s)'.*?'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`;`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`&&|\|\||&|\||\^|<|>`, Operator, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\b\d+\b`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`(?<=\s+)--?[^\d][\w-]*`, NameAttribute, nil}, - {".+?", Text, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - {`(?s)(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\$])+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - Include("interp"), - }, - "paren": { - {`\)`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - "math": { - {`\)\)`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - {`[-+*/%^|&]|\*\*|\|\|`, Operator, nil}, - {`\d+#\d+`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`\d+#(?! )`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - Include("root"), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/forth.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/forth.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8d66708..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/forth.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -package f - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Forth lexer. -var Forth = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Forth", - Aliases: []string{"forth"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.frt", "*.fth", "*.fs"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-forth"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - forthRules, -)) - -func forthRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\\.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\([\s].*?\)`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`(:|variable|constant|value|buffer:)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("worddef")}, - {`([.sc]")(\s+?)`, ByGroups(LiteralString, Text), Push("stringdef")}, - {`(blk|block|buffer|evaluate|flush|load|save-buffers|update|empty-buffers|list|refill|scr|thru|\#s|\*\/mod|\+loop|\/mod|0<|0=|1\+|1-|2!|2\*|2\/|2@|2drop|2dup|2over|2swap|>body|>in|>number|>r|\?dup|abort|abort\"|abs|accept|align|aligned|allot|and|base|begin|bl|c!|c,|c@|cell\+|cells|char|char\+|chars|constant|count|cr|create|decimal|depth|do|does>|drop|dup|else|emit|environment\?|evaluate|execute|exit|fill|find|fm\/mod|here|hold|i|if|immediate|invert|j|key|leave|literal|loop|lshift|m\*|max|min|mod|move|negate|or|over|postpone|quit|r>|r@|recurse|repeat|rot|rshift|s\"|s>d|sign|sm\/rem|source|space|spaces|state|swap|then|type|u\.|u\<|um\*|um\/mod|unloop|until|variable|while|word|xor|\[char\]|\[\'\]|@|!|\#|<\#|\#>|:|;|\+|-|\*|\/|,|<|>|\|1\+|1-|\.|\.r|0<>|0>|2>r|2r>|2r@|:noname|\?do|again|c\"|case|compile,|endcase|endof|erase|false|hex|marker|nip|of|pad|parse|pick|refill|restore-input|roll|save-input|source-id|to|true|tuck|u\.r|u>|unused|value|within|\[compile\]|\#tib|convert|expect|query|span|tib|2constant|2literal|2variable|d\+|d-|d\.|d\.r|d0<|d0=|d2\*|d2\/|d<|d=|d>s|dabs|dmax|dmin|dnegate|m\*\/|m\+|2rot|du<|catch|throw|abort|abort\"|at-xy|key\?|page|ekey|ekey>char|ekey\?|emit\?|ms|time&date|BIN|CLOSE-FILE|CREATE-FILE|DELETE-FILE|FILE-POSITION|FILE-SIZE|INCLUDE-FILE|INCLUDED|OPEN-FILE|R\/O|R\/W|READ-FILE|READ-LINE|REPOSITION-FILE|RESIZE-FILE|S\"|SOURCE-ID|W/O|WRITE-FILE|WRITE-LINE|FILE-STATUS|FLUSH-FILE|REFILL|RENAME-FILE|>float|d>f|f!|f\*|f\+|f-|f\/|f0<|f0=|f<|f>d|f@|falign|faligned|fconstant|fdepth|fdrop|fdup|fliteral|float\+|floats|floor|fmax|fmin|fnegate|fover|frot|fround|fswap|fvariable|represent|df!|df@|dfalign|dfaligned|dfloat\+|dfloats|f\*\*|f\.|fabs|facos|facosh|falog|fasin|fasinh|fatan|fatan2|fatanh|fcos|fcosh|fe\.|fexp|fexpm1|fln|flnp1|flog|fs\.|fsin|fsincos|fsinh|fsqrt|ftan|ftanh|f~|precision|set-precision|sf!|sf@|sfalign|sfaligned|sfloat\+|sfloats|\(local\)|to|locals\||allocate|free|resize|definitions|find|forth-wordlist|get-current|get-order|search-wordlist|set-current|set-order|wordlist|also|forth|only|order|previous|-trailing|\/string|blank|cmove|cmove>|compare|search|sliteral|.s|dump|see|words|;code|ahead|assembler|bye|code|cs-pick|cs-roll|editor|state|\[else\]|\[if\]|\[then\]|forget|defer|defer@|defer!|action-of|begin-structure|field:|buffer:|parse-name|buffer:|traverse-wordlist|n>r|nr>|2value|fvalue|name>interpret|name>compile|name>string|cfield:|end-structure)\s`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(\$[0-9A-F]+)`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`(\#|%|&|\-|\+)?[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`(\#|%|&|\-|\+)?[0-9.]+`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(@i|!i|@e|!e|pause|noop|turnkey|sleep|itype|icompare|sp@|sp!|rp@|rp!|up@|up!|>a|a>|a@|a!|a@+|a@-|>b|b>|b@|b!|b@+|b@-|find-name|1ms|sp0|rp0|\(evaluate\)|int-trap|int!)\s`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`(do-recognizer|r:fail|recognizer:|get-recognizers|set-recognizers|r:float|r>comp|r>int|r>post|r:name|r:word|r:dnum|r:num|recognizer|forth-recognizer|rec:num|rec:float|rec:word)\s`, NameDecorator, nil}, - {`(Evalue|Rvalue|Uvalue|Edefer|Rdefer|Udefer)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("worddef")}, - {`[^\s]+(?=[\s])`, NameFunction, nil}, - }, - "worddef": { - {`\S+`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - }, - "stringdef": { - {`[^"]+`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fortran.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fortran.go deleted file mode 100644 index af4a969..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fortran.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -package f - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Fortran lexer. -var Fortran = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Fortran", - Aliases: []string{"fortran"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.f03", "*.f90", "*.F03", "*.F90"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-fortran"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - fortranRules, -)) - -func fortranRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`^#.*\n`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`!.*\n`, Comment, nil}, - Include("strings"), - Include("core"), - {`[a-z][\w$]*`, Name, nil}, - Include("nums"), - {`[\s]+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "core": { - {Words(`\b`, `\s*\b`, `ABSTRACT`, `ACCEPT`, `ALL`, `ALLSTOP`, `ALLOCATABLE`, `ALLOCATE`, `ARRAY`, `ASSIGN`, `ASSOCIATE`, `ASYNCHRONOUS`, `BACKSPACE`, `BIND`, `BLOCK`, `BLOCKDATA`, `BYTE`, `CALL`, `CASE`, `CLASS`, `CLOSE`, `CODIMENSION`, `COMMON`, `CONCURRRENT`, `CONTIGUOUS`, `CONTAINS`, `CONTINUE`, `CRITICAL`, `CYCLE`, `DATA`, `DEALLOCATE`, `DECODE`, `DEFERRED`, `DIMENSION`, `DO`, `ELEMENTAL`, `ELSE`, `ENCODE`, `END`, `ENTRY`, `ENUM`, `ENUMERATOR`, `EQUIVALENCE`, `EXIT`, `EXTENDS`, `EXTERNAL`, `EXTRINSIC`, `FILE`, `FINAL`, `FORALL`, `FORMAT`, `FUNCTION`, `GENERIC`, `GOTO`, `IF`, `IMAGES`, `IMPLICIT`, `IMPORT`, `IMPURE`, `INCLUDE`, `INQUIRE`, `INTENT`, `INTERFACE`, `INTRINSIC`, `IS`, `LOCK`, `MEMORY`, `MODULE`, `NAMELIST`, `NULLIFY`, `NONE`, `NON_INTRINSIC`, `NON_OVERRIDABLE`, `NOPASS`, `OPEN`, `OPTIONAL`, `OPTIONS`, `PARAMETER`, `PASS`, `PAUSE`, `POINTER`, `PRINT`, `PRIVATE`, `PROGRAM`, `PROCEDURE`, `PROTECTED`, `PUBLIC`, `PURE`, `READ`, `RECURSIVE`, `RESULT`, `RETURN`, `REWIND`, `SAVE`, `SELECT`, `SEQUENCE`, `STOP`, `SUBMODULE`, `SUBROUTINE`, `SYNC`, `SYNCALL`, `SYNCIMAGES`, `SYNCMEMORY`, `TARGET`, `THEN`, `TYPE`, `UNLOCK`, `USE`, `VALUE`, `VOLATILE`, `WHERE`, `WRITE`, `WHILE`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\s*\b`, `CHARACTER`, `COMPLEX`, `DOUBLE PRECISION`, `DOUBLE COMPLEX`, `INTEGER`, `LOGICAL`, `REAL`, `C_INT`, `C_SHORT`, `C_LONG`, `C_LONG_LONG`, `C_SIGNED_CHAR`, `C_SIZE_T`, `C_INT8_T`, `C_INT16_T`, `C_INT32_T`, `C_INT64_T`, `C_INT_LEAST8_T`, `C_INT_LEAST16_T`, `C_INT_LEAST32_T`, `C_INT_LEAST64_T`, `C_INT_FAST8_T`, `C_INT_FAST16_T`, `C_INT_FAST32_T`, `C_INT_FAST64_T`, `C_INTMAX_T`, `C_INTPTR_T`, `C_FLOAT`, `C_DOUBLE`, `C_LONG_DOUBLE`, `C_FLOAT_COMPLEX`, `C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX`, `C_LONG_DOUBLE_COMPLEX`, `C_BOOL`, `C_CHAR`, `C_PTR`, `C_FUNPTR`), KeywordType, nil}, - {`(\*\*|\*|\+|-|\/|<|>|<=|>=|==|\/=|=)`, Operator, nil}, - {`(::)`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`[()\[\],:&%;.]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\s*\b`, `Abort`, `Abs`, `Access`, `AChar`, `ACos`, `ACosH`, `AdjustL`, `AdjustR`, `AImag`, `AInt`, `Alarm`, `All`, `Allocated`, `ALog`, `AMax`, `AMin`, `AMod`, `And`, `ANInt`, `Any`, `ASin`, `ASinH`, `Associated`, `ATan`, `ATanH`, `Atomic_Define`, `Atomic_Ref`, `BesJ`, `BesJN`, `Bessel_J0`, `Bessel_J1`, `Bessel_JN`, `Bessel_Y0`, `Bessel_Y1`, `Bessel_YN`, `BesY`, `BesYN`, `BGE`, `BGT`, `BLE`, `BLT`, `Bit_Size`, `BTest`, `CAbs`, `CCos`, `Ceiling`, `CExp`, `Char`, `ChDir`, `ChMod`, `CLog`, `Cmplx`, `Command_Argument_Count`, `Complex`, `Conjg`, `Cos`, `CosH`, `Count`, `CPU_Time`, `CShift`, `CSin`, `CSqRt`, `CTime`, `C_Loc`, `C_Associated`, `C_Null_Ptr`, `C_Null_Funptr`, `C_F_Pointer`, `C_F_ProcPointer`, `C_Null_Char`, `C_Alert`, `C_Backspace`, `C_Form_Feed`, `C_FunLoc`, `C_Sizeof`, `C_New_Line`, `C_Carriage_Return`, `C_Horizontal_Tab`, `C_Vertical_Tab`, `DAbs`, `DACos`, `DASin`, `DATan`, `Date_and_Time`, `DbesJ`, `DbesJN`, `DbesY`, `DbesYN`, `Dble`, `DCos`, `DCosH`, `DDiM`, `DErF`, `DErFC`, `DExp`, `Digits`, `DiM`, `DInt`, `DLog`, `DMax`, `DMin`, `DMod`, `DNInt`, `Dot_Product`, `DProd`, `DSign`, `DSinH`, `DShiftL`, `DShiftR`, `DSin`, `DSqRt`, `DTanH`, `DTan`, `DTime`, `EOShift`, `Epsilon`, `ErF`, `ErFC`, `ErFC_Scaled`, `ETime`, `Execute_Command_Line`, `Exit`, `Exp`, `Exponent`, `Extends_Type_Of`, `FDate`, `FGet`, `FGetC`, `FindLoc`, `Float`, `Floor`, `Flush`, `FNum`, `FPutC`, `FPut`, `Fraction`, `FSeek`, `FStat`, `FTell`, `Gamma`, `GError`, `GetArg`, `Get_Command`, `Get_Command_Argument`, `Get_Environment_Variable`, `GetCWD`, `GetEnv`, `GetGId`, `GetLog`, `GetPId`, `GetUId`, `GMTime`, `HostNm`, `Huge`, `Hypot`, `IAbs`, `IAChar`, `IAll`, `IAnd`, `IAny`, `IArgC`, `IBClr`, `IBits`, `IBSet`, `IChar`, `IDate`, `IDiM`, `IDInt`, `IDNInt`, `IEOr`, `IErrNo`, `IFix`, `Imag`, `ImagPart`, `Image_Index`, `Index`, `Int`, `IOr`, `IParity`, `IRand`, `IsaTty`, `IShft`, `IShftC`, `ISign`, `Iso_C_Binding`, `Is_Contiguous`, `Is_Iostat_End`, `Is_Iostat_Eor`, `ITime`, `Kill`, `Kind`, `LBound`, `LCoBound`, `Len`, `Len_Trim`, `LGe`, `LGt`, `Link`, `LLe`, `LLt`, `LnBlnk`, `Loc`, `Log`, `Log_Gamma`, `Logical`, `Long`, `LShift`, `LStat`, `LTime`, `MaskL`, `MaskR`, `MatMul`, `Max`, `MaxExponent`, `MaxLoc`, `MaxVal`, `MClock`, `Merge`, `Merge_Bits`, `Move_Alloc`, `Min`, `MinExponent`, `MinLoc`, `MinVal`, `Mod`, `Modulo`, `MvBits`, `Nearest`, `New_Line`, `NInt`, `Norm2`, `Not`, `Null`, `Num_Images`, `Or`, `Pack`, `Parity`, `PError`, `Precision`, `Present`, `Product`, `Radix`, `Rand`, `Random_Number`, `Random_Seed`, `Range`, `Real`, `RealPart`, `Rename`, `Repeat`, `Reshape`, `RRSpacing`, `RShift`, `Same_Type_As`, `Scale`, `Scan`, `Second`, `Selected_Char_Kind`, `Selected_Int_Kind`, `Selected_Real_Kind`, `Set_Exponent`, `Shape`, `ShiftA`, `ShiftL`, `ShiftR`, `Short`, `Sign`, `Signal`, `SinH`, `Sin`, `Sleep`, `Sngl`, `Spacing`, `Spread`, `SqRt`, `SRand`, `Stat`, `Storage_Size`, `Sum`, `SymLnk`, `System`, `System_Clock`, `Tan`, `TanH`, `Time`, `This_Image`, `Tiny`, `TrailZ`, `Transfer`, `Transpose`, `Trim`, `TtyNam`, `UBound`, `UCoBound`, `UMask`, `Unlink`, `Unpack`, `Verify`, `XOr`, `ZAbs`, `ZCos`, `ZExp`, `ZLog`, `ZSin`, `ZSqRt`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\.(true|false)\.`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\.(eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge|not|and|or|eqv|neqv)\.`, OperatorWord, nil}, - }, - "strings": { - {`(?s)"(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`(?s)'(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^'\\])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - }, - "nums": { - {`\d+(?![.e])(_[a-z]\w+)?`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[+-]?\d*\.\d+([ed][-+]?\d+)?(_[a-z]\w+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[+-]?\d+\.\d*([ed][-+]?\d+)?(_[a-z]\w+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fortran_fixed.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fortran_fixed.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7c64638..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fortran_fixed.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -package f - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// FortranFixed lexer. -var FortranFixed = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "FortranFixed", - Aliases: []string{"fortranfixed"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.f", "*.F"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-fortran"}, - NotMultiline: true, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - func() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[C*].*\n`, Comment, nil}, - {`#.*\n`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`[\t ]*!.*\n`, Comment, nil}, - {`(.{5})`, NameLabel, Push("cont-char")}, - {`.*\n`, Using(Fortran), nil}, - }, - "cont-char": { - {` `, Text, Push("code")}, - {`0`, Comment, Push("code")}, - {`.`, GenericStrong, Push("code")}, - }, - "code": { - {`(.{66})(.*)(\n)`, ByGroups(Using(Fortran), Comment, Text), Push("root")}, - {`.*\n`, Using(Fortran), Push("root")}, - Default(Push("root")), - }, - } - }, -)) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fsharp.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fsharp.go deleted file mode 100644 index 44fced4..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f/fsharp.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -package f - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Fsharp lexer. -var Fsharp = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "FSharp", - Aliases: []string{"fsharp"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.fs", "*.fsi"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-fsharp"}, - }, - fsharpRules, -)) - -func fsharpRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "escape-sequence": { - {`\\[\\"\'ntbrafv]`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`\\[0-9]{3}`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`\\U[0-9a-fA-F]{8}`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - }, - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\(\)|\[\]`, NameBuiltinPseudo, nil}, - {`\b(?|-|\\.\\.|\\.|::|:=|:>|:|;;|;|<-|<\\]|<|>\\]|>|\\?\\?|\\?|\\[<|\\[\\||\\[|\\]|_|`|\\{|\\|\\]|\\||\\}|~|<@@|<@|=|@>|@@>)", Operator, nil}, - {`([=<>@^|&+\*/$%-]|[!?~])?[!$%&*+\./:<=>?@^|~-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`\b(and|or|not)\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`\b(sbyte|byte|char|nativeint|unativeint|float32|single|float|double|int8|uint8|int16|uint16|int32|uint32|int64|uint64|decimal|unit|bool|string|list|exn|obj|enum)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`#[ \t]*(if|endif|else|line|nowarn|light|\d+)\b.*?\n`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`[^\W\d][\w']*`, Name, nil}, - {`\d[\d_]*[uU]?[yslLnQRZINGmM]?`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`0[xX][\da-fA-F][\da-fA-F_]*[uU]?[yslLn]?[fF]?`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`0[oO][0-7][0-7_]*[uU]?[yslLn]?`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0[bB][01][01_]*[uU]?[yslLn]?`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`-?\d[\d_]*(.[\d_]*)?([eE][+\-]?\d[\d_]*)[fFmM]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`'(?:(\\[\\\"'ntbr ])|(\\[0-9]{3})|(\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}))'B?`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`'.'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`'`, Keyword, nil}, - {`@?"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string")}, - {`[~?][a-z][\w\']*:`, NameVariable, nil}, - }, - "dotted": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\.`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[A-Z][\w\']*(?=\s*\.)`, NameNamespace, nil}, - {`[A-Z][\w\']*`, Name, Pop(1)}, - {`[a-z_][\w\']*`, Name, Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "comment": { - {`[^(*)@"]+`, Comment, nil}, - {`\(\*`, Comment, Push()}, - {`\*\)`, Comment, Pop(1)}, - {`@"`, LiteralString, Push("lstring")}, - {`"""`, LiteralString, Push("tqs")}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("string")}, - {`[(*)@]`, Comment, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`[^\\"]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - Include("escape-sequence"), - {`\\\n`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\n`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`"B?`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - "lstring": { - {`[^"]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\n`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`""`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`"B?`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - "tqs": { - {`[^"]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\n`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`"""B?`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`"`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/gas.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/gas.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1f733f6..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/gas.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -package g - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Gas lexer. -var Gas = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "GAS", - Aliases: []string{"gas", "asm"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.s", "*.S"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-gas"}, - }, - gasRules, -)) - -func gasRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`(?:[a-zA-Z$_][\w$.@-]*|\.[\w$.@-]+):`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`\.(?:[a-zA-Z$_][\w$.@-]*|\.[\w$.@-]+)`, NameAttribute, Push("directive-args")}, - {`lock|rep(n?z)?|data\d+`, NameAttribute, nil}, - {`(?:[a-zA-Z$_][\w$.@-]*|\.[\w$.@-]+)`, NameFunction, Push("instruction-args")}, - {`[\r\n]+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "directive-args": { - {`(?:[a-zA-Z$_][\w$.@-]*|\.[\w$.@-]+)`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`"(\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`@(?:[a-zA-Z$_][\w$.@-]*|\.[\w$.@-]+)`, NameAttribute, nil}, - {`(?:0[xX][a-zA-Z0-9]+|\d+)`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[\r\n]+`, Text, Pop(1)}, - Include("punctuation"), - Include("whitespace"), - }, - "instruction-args": { - {`([a-z0-9]+)( )(<)((?:[a-zA-Z$_][\w$.@-]*|\.[\w$.@-]+))(>)`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberHex, Text, Punctuation, NameConstant, Punctuation), nil}, - {`([a-z0-9]+)( )(<)((?:[a-zA-Z$_][\w$.@-]*|\.[\w$.@-]+))([-+])((?:0[xX][a-zA-Z0-9]+|\d+))(>)`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberHex, Text, Punctuation, NameConstant, Punctuation, LiteralNumberInteger, Punctuation), nil}, - {`(?:[a-zA-Z$_][\w$.@-]*|\.[\w$.@-]+)`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`(?:0[xX][a-zA-Z0-9]+|\d+)`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`%(?:[a-zA-Z$_][\w$.@-]*|\.[\w$.@-]+)`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`$(?:0[xX][a-zA-Z0-9]+|\d+)`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`$'(.|\\')'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`[\r\n]+`, Text, Pop(1)}, - Include("punctuation"), - Include("whitespace"), - }, - "whitespace": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`[;#].*?\n`, Comment, nil}, - }, - "punctuation": { - {`[-*,.()\[\]!:]+`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/gdscript.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/gdscript.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2b6af97..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/gdscript.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,128 +0,0 @@ -package g - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// GDScript lexer. -var GDScript = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "GDScript", - Aliases: []string{"gdscript", "gd"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.gd"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-gdscript", "application/x-gdscript"}, - }, - gdscriptRules, -)) - -func gdscriptRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`^(\s*)([rRuUbB]{,2})("""(?:.|\n)*?""")`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDoc), nil}, - {`^(\s*)([rRuUbB]{,2})('''(?:.|\n)*?''')`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDoc), nil}, - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`#.*$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`[]{}:(),;[]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\\`, Text, nil}, - {`(in|and|or|not)\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`!=|==|<<|>>|&&|\+=|-=|\*=|/=|%=|&=|\|=|\|\||[-~+/*%=<>&^.!|$]`, Operator, nil}, - Include("keywords"), - {`(def)((?:\s|\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("funcname")}, - {`(class)((?:\s|\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("classname")}, - Include("builtins"), - {`([rR]|[uUbB][rR]|[rR][uUbB])(""")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Push("tdqs")}, - {`([rR]|[uUbB][rR]|[rR][uUbB])(''')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Push("tsqs")}, - {`([rR]|[uUbB][rR]|[rR][uUbB])(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Push("dqs")}, - {`([rR]|[uUbB][rR]|[rR][uUbB])(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Push("sqs")}, - {`([uUbB]?)(""")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Combined("stringescape", "tdqs")}, - {`([uUbB]?)(''')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Combined("stringescape", "tsqs")}, - {`([uUbB]?)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Combined("stringescape", "dqs")}, - {`([uUbB]?)(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Combined("stringescape", "sqs")}, - Include("name"), - Include("numbers"), - }, - "keywords": { - {Words(``, `\b`, - `if`, `elif`, `else`, `for`, `do`, - `while`, `switch`, `case`, `break`, `continue`, - `pass`, `return`, `class`, `extends`, `tool`, - `signal`, `func`, `static`, `const`, `enum`, - `var`, `onready`, `export`, `setget`, `breakpoint`), Keyword, nil}, - }, - "builtins": { - {Words(`(?]+>)`, NameVariable, nil}, - }, - "numbers": { - {`(\d+\.?\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "string": { - Include("tableVars"), - {`(\s|.)`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "pyString": { - {`"""`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - Include("string"), - }, - "stepContentRoot": { - {`$`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - Include("stepContent"), - }, - "stepContentStack": { - {`$`, Keyword, Pop(2)}, - Include("stepContent"), - }, - "stepContent": { - {`"`, NameFunction, Push("doubleString")}, - Include("tableVars"), - Include("numbers"), - Include("comments"), - {`(\s|.)`, NameFunction, nil}, - }, - "tableContent": { - {`\s+\|\s*$`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - Include("comments"), - {`\\\|`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\s*\|`, Keyword, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("doubleStringTable")}, - Include("string"), - }, - "doubleString": { - {`"`, NameFunction, Pop(1)}, - Include("string"), - }, - "doubleStringTable": { - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - Include("string"), - }, - "root": { - {`\n`, NameFunction, nil}, - Include("comments"), - {`"""`, Keyword, Push("pyString")}, - {`\s+\|`, Keyword, Push("tableContent")}, - {`"`, NameFunction, Push("doubleString")}, - Include("tableVars"), - Include("numbers"), - {`(\s*)(@[^@\r\n\t ]+)`, ByGroups(NameFunction, NameTag), nil}, - {stepKeywords, ByGroups(NameFunction, Keyword), Push("stepContentRoot")}, - {featureKeywords, ByGroups(Keyword, Keyword, NameFunction), Push("narrative")}, - {featureElementKeywords, ByGroups(NameFunction, Keyword, Keyword, NameFunction), Push("featureElements")}, - {examplesKeywords, ByGroups(NameFunction, Keyword, Keyword, NameFunction), Push("examplesTable")}, - {`(\s|.)`, NameFunction, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/glsl.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/glsl.go deleted file mode 100644 index 14aa58d..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/glsl.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -package g - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// GLSL lexer. -var GLSL = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "GLSL", - Aliases: []string{"glsl"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.vert", "*.frag", "*.geo"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-glslsrc"}, - }, - glslRules, -)) - -func glslRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`^#.*`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`//.*`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*](.|\n)*?[*](\\\n)?/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`\+|-|~|!=?|\*|/|%|<<|>>|<=?|>=?|==?|&&?|\^|\|\|?`, Operator, nil}, - {`[?:]`, Operator, nil}, - {`\bdefined\b`, Operator, nil}, - {`[;{}(),\[\]]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[+-]?\d*\.\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[+-]?\d+\.\d*([eE][-+]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`0[0-7]*`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`[1-9][0-9]*`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `attribute`, `const`, `uniform`, `varying`, `centroid`, `break`, `continue`, `do`, `for`, `while`, `if`, `else`, `in`, `out`, `inout`, `float`, `int`, `void`, `bool`, `true`, `false`, `invariant`, `discard`, `return`, `mat2`, `mat3mat4`, `mat2x2`, `mat3x2`, `mat4x2`, `mat2x3`, `mat3x3`, `mat4x3`, `mat2x4`, `mat3x4`, `mat4x4`, `vec2`, `vec3`, `vec4`, `ivec2`, `ivec3`, `ivec4`, `bvec2`, `bvec3`, `bvec4`, `sampler1D`, `sampler2D`, `sampler3DsamplerCube`, `sampler1DShadow`, `sampler2DShadow`, `struct`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `asm`, `class`, `union`, `enum`, `typedef`, `template`, `this`, `packed`, `goto`, `switch`, `default`, `inline`, `noinline`, `volatile`, `public`, `static`, `extern`, `external`, `interface`, `long`, `short`, `double`, `half`, `fixed`, `unsigned`, `lowp`, `mediump`, `highp`, `precision`, `input`, `output`, `hvec2`, `hvec3`, `hvec4`, `dvec2`, `dvec3`, `dvec4`, `fvec2`, `fvec3`, `fvec4`, `sampler2DRect`, `sampler3DRect`, `sampler2DRectShadow`, `sizeof`, `cast`, `namespace`, `using`), Keyword, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`\.`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/gnuplot.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/gnuplot.go deleted file mode 100644 index a7a2509..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/gnuplot.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -package g - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Gnuplot lexer. -var Gnuplot = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Gnuplot", - Aliases: []string{"gnuplot"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.plot", "*.plt"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-gnuplot"}, - }, - gnuplotRules, -)) - -func gnuplotRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`bind\b|bin\b|bi\b`, Keyword, Push("bind")}, - {`exit\b|exi\b|ex\b|quit\b|qui\b|qu\b|q\b`, Keyword, Push("quit")}, - {`fit\b|fi\b|f\b`, Keyword, Push("fit")}, - {`(if)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Punctuation), Push("if")}, - {`else\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`pause\b|paus\b|pau\b|pa\b`, Keyword, Push("pause")}, - {`plot\b|plo\b|pl\b|p\b|replot\b|replo\b|repl\b|rep\b|splot\b|splo\b|spl\b|sp\b`, Keyword, Push("plot")}, - {`save\b|sav\b|sa\b`, Keyword, Push("save")}, - {`set\b|se\b`, Keyword, Push("genericargs", "optionarg")}, - {`show\b|sho\b|sh\b|unset\b|unse\b|uns\b`, Keyword, Push("noargs", "optionarg")}, - {`lower\b|lowe\b|low\b|raise\b|rais\b|rai\b|ra\b|call\b|cal\b|ca\b|cd\b|clear\b|clea\b|cle\b|cl\b|help\b|hel\b|he\b|h\b|\?\b|history\b|histor\b|histo\b|hist\b|his\b|hi\b|load\b|loa\b|lo\b|l\b|print\b|prin\b|pri\b|pr\b|pwd\b|reread\b|rerea\b|rere\b|rer\b|re\b|reset\b|rese\b|res\b|screendump\b|screendum\b|screendu\b|screend\b|screen\b|scree\b|scre\b|scr\b|shell\b|shel\b|she\b|system\b|syste\b|syst\b|sys\b|sy\b|update\b|updat\b|upda\b|upd\b|up\b`, Keyword, Push("genericargs")}, - {`pwd\b|reread\b|rerea\b|rere\b|rer\b|re\b|reset\b|rese\b|res\b|screendump\b|screendum\b|screendu\b|screend\b|screen\b|scree\b|scre\b|scr\b|shell\b|shel\b|she\b|test\b`, Keyword, Push("noargs")}, - {`([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(=)`, ByGroups(NameVariable, Text, Operator), Push("genericargs")}, - {`([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*\(.*?\)\s*)(=)`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Text, Operator), Push("genericargs")}, - {`@[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`;`, Keyword, nil}, - }, - "comment": { - {`[^\\\n]`, Comment, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Comment, nil}, - {`\\`, Comment, nil}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "whitespace": { - {`#`, Comment, Push("comment")}, - {`[ \t\v\f]+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "noargs": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`\n`, Text, Pop(1)}, - }, - "dqstring": { - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2,4}|[0-7]{1,3})`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`[^\\"\n]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\\n`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\n`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - "sqstring": { - {`''`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`'`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`[^\\'\n]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\\n`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\n`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - "genericargs": { - Include("noargs"), - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("dqstring")}, - {`'`, LiteralString, Push("sqstring")}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`-?\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[,.~!%^&*+=|?:<>/-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[{}()\[\]]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(eq|ne)\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Text, Punctuation), nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`@[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - }, - "optionarg": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`all\b|al\b|a\b|angles\b|angle\b|angl\b|ang\b|an\b|arrow\b|arro\b|arr\b|ar\b|autoscale\b|autoscal\b|autosca\b|autosc\b|autos\b|auto\b|aut\b|au\b|bars\b|bar\b|ba\b|b\b|border\b|borde\b|bord\b|bor\b|boxwidth\b|boxwidt\b|boxwid\b|boxwi\b|boxw\b|box\b|clabel\b|clabe\b|clab\b|cla\b|cl\b|clip\b|cli\b|cl\b|c\b|cntrparam\b|cntrpara\b|cntrpar\b|cntrpa\b|cntrp\b|cntr\b|cnt\b|cn\b|contour\b|contou\b|conto\b|cont\b|con\b|co\b|data\b|dat\b|da\b|datafile\b|datafil\b|datafi\b|dataf\b|data\b|dgrid3d\b|dgrid3\b|dgrid\b|dgri\b|dgr\b|dg\b|dummy\b|dumm\b|dum\b|du\b|encoding\b|encodin\b|encodi\b|encod\b|enco\b|enc\b|decimalsign\b|decimalsig\b|decimalsi\b|decimals\b|decimal\b|decima\b|decim\b|deci\b|dec\b|fit\b|fontpath\b|fontpat\b|fontpa\b|fontp\b|font\b|format\b|forma\b|form\b|for\b|fo\b|function\b|functio\b|functi\b|funct\b|func\b|fun\b|fu\b|functions\b|function\b|functio\b|functi\b|funct\b|func\b|fun\b|fu\b|grid\b|gri\b|gr\b|g\b|hidden3d\b|hidden3\b|hidden\b|hidde\b|hidd\b|hid\b|historysize\b|historysiz\b|historysi\b|historys\b|history\b|histor\b|histo\b|hist\b|his\b|isosamples\b|isosample\b|isosampl\b|isosamp\b|isosam\b|isosa\b|isos\b|iso\b|is\b|key\b|ke\b|k\b|keytitle\b|keytitl\b|keytit\b|keyti\b|keyt\b|label\b|labe\b|lab\b|la\b|linestyle\b|linestyl\b|linesty\b|linest\b|lines\b|line\b|lin\b|li\b|ls\b|loadpath\b|loadpat\b|loadpa\b|loadp\b|load\b|loa\b|locale\b|local\b|loca\b|loc\b|logscale\b|logscal\b|logsca\b|logsc\b|logs\b|log\b|macros\b|macro\b|macr\b|mac\b|mapping\b|mappin\b|mappi\b|mapp\b|map\b|mapping3d\b|mapping3\b|mapping\b|mappin\b|mappi\b|mapp\b|map\b|margin\b|margi\b|marg\b|mar\b|lmargin\b|lmargi\b|lmarg\b|lmar\b|rmargin\b|rmargi\b|rmarg\b|rmar\b|tmargin\b|tmargi\b|tmarg\b|tmar\b|bmargin\b|bmargi\b|bmarg\b|bmar\b|mouse\b|mous\b|mou\b|mo\b|multiplot\b|multiplo\b|multipl\b|multip\b|multi\b|mxtics\b|mxtic\b|mxti\b|mxt\b|nomxtics\b|nomxtic\b|nomxti\b|nomxt\b|mx2tics\b|mx2tic\b|mx2ti\b|mx2t\b|nomx2tics\b|nomx2tic\b|nomx2ti\b|nomx2t\b|mytics\b|mytic\b|myti\b|myt\b|nomytics\b|nomytic\b|nomyti\b|nomyt\b|my2tics\b|my2tic\b|my2ti\b|my2t\b|nomy2tics\b|nomy2tic\b|nomy2ti\b|nomy2t\b|mztics\b|mztic\b|mzti\b|mzt\b|nomztics\b|nomztic\b|nomzti\b|nomzt\b|mcbtics\b|mcbtic\b|mcbti\b|mcbt\b|nomcbtics\b|nomcbtic\b|nomcbti\b|nomcbt\b|offsets\b|offset\b|offse\b|offs\b|off\b|of\b|origin\b|origi\b|orig\b|ori\b|or\b|output\b|outpu\b|outp\b|out\b|ou\b|o\b|parametric\b|parametri\b|parametr\b|paramet\b|parame\b|param\b|para\b|par\b|pa\b|pm3d\b|pm3\b|pm\b|palette\b|palett\b|palet\b|pale\b|pal\b|colorbox\b|colorbo\b|colorb\b|plot\b|plo\b|pl\b|p\b|pointsize\b|pointsiz\b|pointsi\b|points\b|point\b|poin\b|poi\b|polar\b|pola\b|pol\b|print\b|prin\b|pri\b|pr\b|object\b|objec\b|obje\b|obj\b|samples\b|sample\b|sampl\b|samp\b|sam\b|sa\b|size\b|siz\b|si\b|style\b|styl\b|sty\b|st\b|surface\b|surfac\b|surfa\b|surf\b|sur\b|su\b|table\b|terminal\b|termina\b|termin\b|termi\b|term\b|ter\b|te\b|t\b|termoptions\b|termoption\b|termoptio\b|termopti\b|termopt\b|termop\b|termo\b|tics\b|tic\b|ti\b|ticscale\b|ticscal\b|ticsca\b|ticsc\b|ticslevel\b|ticsleve\b|ticslev\b|ticsle\b|ticsl\b|timefmt\b|timefm\b|timef\b|timestamp\b|timestam\b|timesta\b|timest\b|times\b|time\b|tim\b|title\b|titl\b|tit\b|variables\b|variable\b|variabl\b|variab\b|varia\b|vari\b|var\b|va\b|v\b|version\b|versio\b|versi\b|vers\b|ver\b|ve\b|view\b|vie\b|vi\b|xyplane\b|xyplan\b|xypla\b|xypl\b|xyp\b|xdata\b|xdat\b|xda\b|x2data\b|x2dat\b|x2da\b|ydata\b|ydat\b|yda\b|y2data\b|y2dat\b|y2da\b|zdata\b|zdat\b|zda\b|cbdata\b|cbdat\b|cbda\b|xlabel\b|xlabe\b|xlab\b|xla\b|xl\b|x2label\b|x2labe\b|x2lab\b|x2la\b|x2l\b|ylabel\b|ylabe\b|ylab\b|yla\b|yl\b|y2label\b|y2labe\b|y2lab\b|y2la\b|y2l\b|zlabel\b|zlabe\b|zlab\b|zla\b|zl\b|cblabel\b|cblabe\b|cblab\b|cbla\b|cbl\b|xtics\b|xtic\b|xti\b|noxtics\b|noxtic\b|noxti\b|x2tics\b|x2tic\b|x2ti\b|nox2tics\b|nox2tic\b|nox2ti\b|ytics\b|ytic\b|yti\b|noytics\b|noytic\b|noyti\b|y2tics\b|y2tic\b|y2ti\b|noy2tics\b|noy2tic\b|noy2ti\b|ztics\b|ztic\b|zti\b|noztics\b|noztic\b|nozti\b|cbtics\b|cbtic\b|cbti\b|nocbtics\b|nocbtic\b|nocbti\b|xdtics\b|xdtic\b|xdti\b|noxdtics\b|noxdtic\b|noxdti\b|x2dtics\b|x2dtic\b|x2dti\b|nox2dtics\b|nox2dtic\b|nox2dti\b|ydtics\b|ydtic\b|ydti\b|noydtics\b|noydtic\b|noydti\b|y2dtics\b|y2dtic\b|y2dti\b|noy2dtics\b|noy2dtic\b|noy2dti\b|zdtics\b|zdtic\b|zdti\b|nozdtics\b|nozdtic\b|nozdti\b|cbdtics\b|cbdtic\b|cbdti\b|nocbdtics\b|nocbdtic\b|nocbdti\b|xmtics\b|xmtic\b|xmti\b|noxmtics\b|noxmtic\b|noxmti\b|x2mtics\b|x2mtic\b|x2mti\b|nox2mtics\b|nox2mtic\b|nox2mti\b|ymtics\b|ymtic\b|ymti\b|noymtics\b|noymtic\b|noymti\b|y2mtics\b|y2mtic\b|y2mti\b|noy2mtics\b|noy2mtic\b|noy2mti\b|zmtics\b|zmtic\b|zmti\b|nozmtics\b|nozmtic\b|nozmti\b|cbmtics\b|cbmtic\b|cbmti\b|nocbmtics\b|nocbmtic\b|nocbmti\b|xrange\b|xrang\b|xran\b|xra\b|xr\b|x2range\b|x2rang\b|x2ran\b|x2ra\b|x2r\b|yrange\b|yrang\b|yran\b|yra\b|yr\b|y2range\b|y2rang\b|y2ran\b|y2ra\b|y2r\b|zrange\b|zrang\b|zran\b|zra\b|zr\b|cbrange\b|cbrang\b|cbran\b|cbra\b|cbr\b|rrange\b|rrang\b|rran\b|rra\b|rr\b|trange\b|trang\b|tran\b|tra\b|tr\b|urange\b|urang\b|uran\b|ura\b|ur\b|vrange\b|vrang\b|vran\b|vra\b|vr\b|xzeroaxis\b|xzeroaxi\b|xzeroax\b|xzeroa\b|x2zeroaxis\b|x2zeroaxi\b|x2zeroax\b|x2zeroa\b|yzeroaxis\b|yzeroaxi\b|yzeroax\b|yzeroa\b|y2zeroaxis\b|y2zeroaxi\b|y2zeroax\b|y2zeroa\b|zzeroaxis\b|zzeroaxi\b|zzeroax\b|zzeroa\b|zeroaxis\b|zeroaxi\b|zeroax\b|zeroa\b|zero\b|zer\b|ze\b|z\b`, NameBuiltin, Pop(1)}, - }, - "bind": { - {`!`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - {`allwindows\b|allwindow\b|allwindo\b|allwind\b|allwin\b|allwi\b|allw\b|all\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - Include("genericargs"), - }, - "quit": { - {`gnuplot\b`, Keyword, nil}, - Include("noargs"), - }, - "fit": { - {`via\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - Include("plot"), - }, - "if": { - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - Include("genericargs"), - }, - "pause": { - {`(mouse|any|button1|button2|button3)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`keypress\b|keypres\b|keypre\b|keypr\b|keyp\b|key\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - Include("genericargs"), - }, - "plot": { - {`axes\b|axe\b|ax\b|axis\b|axi\b|binary\b|binar\b|bina\b|bin\b|every\b|ever\b|eve\b|ev\b|index\b|inde\b|ind\b|in\b|i\b|matrix\b|matri\b|matr\b|mat\b|smooth\b|smoot\b|smoo\b|smo\b|sm\b|s\b|thru\b|title\b|titl\b|tit\b|ti\b|t\b|notitle\b|notitl\b|notit\b|noti\b|not\b|using\b|usin\b|usi\b|us\b|u\b|with\b|wit\b|wi\b|w\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - Include("genericargs"), - }, - "save": { - {`functions\b|function\b|functio\b|functi\b|funct\b|func\b|fun\b|fu\b|f\b|set\b|se\b|s\b|terminal\b|termina\b|termin\b|termi\b|term\b|ter\b|te\b|t\b|variables\b|variable\b|variabl\b|variab\b|varia\b|vari\b|var\b|va\b|v\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - Include("genericargs"), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/graphql.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/graphql.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7d465cd..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/graphql.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -package g - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Go lexer. -var Graphql = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "GraphQL", - Aliases: []string{"graphql", "graphqls", "gql"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.graphql", "*.graphqls"}, - }, - graphqlRules, -)) - -func graphqlRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`(query|mutation|subscription|fragment|scalar|implements|interface|union|enum|input|type)`, KeywordDeclaration, Push("type")}, - {`(on|extend|schema|directive|\.\.\.)`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`(QUERY|MUTATION|SUBSCRIPTION|FIELD|FRAGMENT_DEFINITION|FRAGMENT_SPREAD|INLINE_FRAGMENT|SCHEMA|SCALAR|OBJECT|FIELD_DEFINITION|ARGUMENT_DEFINITION|INTERFACE|UNION|ENUM|ENUM_VALUE|INPUT_OBJECT|INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`[^\W\d]\w*`, NameProperty, nil}, - {`\@\w+`, NameDecorator, nil}, - {`:`, Punctuation, Push("type")}, - {`[\(\)\{\}\[\],!\|=]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\$\w+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\d+i`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`\d+\.\d*([Ee][-+]\d+)?i`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`\.\d+([Ee][-+]\d+)?i`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`\d+[Ee][-+]\d+i`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`\d+(\.\d+[eE][+\-]?\d+|\.\d*|[eE][+\-]?\d+)`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\.\d+([eE][+\-]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`(0|[1-9][0-9]*)`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`"""[\x00-\x7F]*?"""`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`"(\\["\\abfnrtv]|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\U[0-9a-fA-F]{8}|[^\\])"`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`"(true|false|null)*"`, Literal, nil}, - {`[\r\n\s]+`, Whitespace, nil}, - {`#[^\r\n]*`, Comment, nil}, - }, - // Treats the next word as a class, default rules it would be a property - "type": { - {`[^\W\d]\w*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/groff.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/groff.go deleted file mode 100644 index 65a7093..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/groff.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -package g - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Groff lexer. -var Groff = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Groff", - Aliases: []string{"groff", "nroff", "man"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.[1-9]", "*.1p", "*.3pm", "*.man"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-troff", "text/troff"}, - }, - func() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`(\.)(\w+)`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword), Push("request")}, - {`\.`, Punctuation, Push("request")}, - {`[^\\\n]+`, Text, Push("textline")}, - Default(Push("textline")), - }, - "textline": { - Include("escapes"), - {`[^\\\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, Pop(1)}, - }, - "escapes": { - {`\\"[^\n]*`, Comment, nil}, - {`\\[fn]\w`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`\\\(.{2}`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`\\.\[.*\]`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`\\.`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, Push("request")}, - }, - "request": { - {`\n`, Text, Pop(1)}, - Include("escapes"), - {`"[^\n"]+"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`\S+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - } - }, -)) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/groovy.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/groovy.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8d37bd8..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/groovy.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -package g - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Groovy lexer. -var Groovy = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Groovy", - Aliases: []string{"groovy"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.groovy", "*.gradle"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-groovy"}, - DotAll: true, - }, - groovyRules, -)) - -func groovyRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`#!(.*?)$`, CommentPreproc, Push("base")}, - Default(Push("base")), - }, - "base": { - {`^(\s*(?:[a-zA-Z_][\w.\[\]]*\s+)+?)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), NameFunction, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*.*?\*/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`@[a-zA-Z_][\w.]*`, NameDecorator, nil}, - {`(as|assert|break|case|catch|continue|default|do|else|finally|for|if|in|goto|instanceof|new|return|switch|this|throw|try|while|in|as)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(abstract|const|enum|extends|final|implements|native|private|protected|public|static|strictfp|super|synchronized|throws|transient|volatile)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`(def|boolean|byte|char|double|float|int|long|short|void)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(package)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), nil}, - {`(true|false|null)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(class|interface)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text), Push("class")}, - {`(import)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("import")}, - {`""".*?"""`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`'''.*?'''`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`\$/((?!/\$).)*/\$`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`/(\\\\|\\"|[^/])*/`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`'\\.'|'[^\\]'|'\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`(\.)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)`, ByGroups(Operator, NameAttribute), nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*:`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_$]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`[~^*!%&\[\](){}<>|+=:;,./?-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-fA-F]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`[0-9]+L?`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - }, - "class": { - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - }, - "import": { - {`[\w.]+\*?`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/handlebars.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/handlebars.go deleted file mode 100644 index d34ef3a..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/handlebars.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -package h - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Handlebars lexer. -var Handlebars = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Handlebars", - Aliases: []string{"handlebars", "hbs"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.handlebars", "*.hbs"}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - handlebarsRules, -)) - -func handlebarsRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[^{]+`, Other, nil}, - {`\{\{!.*\}\}`, Comment, nil}, - {`(\{\{\{)(\s*)`, ByGroups(CommentSpecial, Text), Push("tag")}, - {`(\{\{)(\s*)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Text), Push("tag")}, - }, - "tag": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\}\}\}`, CommentSpecial, Pop(1)}, - {`\}\}`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)}, - {`([#/]*)(each|if|unless|else|with|log|in(?:line)?)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Keyword), nil}, - {`#\*inline`, Keyword, nil}, - {`([#/])([\w-]+)`, ByGroups(NameFunction, NameFunction), nil}, - {`([\w-]+)(=)`, ByGroups(NameAttribute, Operator), nil}, - {`(>)(\s*)(@partial-block)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword), nil}, - {`(#?>)(\s*)([\w-]+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameVariable), nil}, - {`(>)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Punctuation), Push("dynamic-partial")}, - Include("generic"), - }, - "dynamic-partial": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`(lookup)(\s+)(\.|this)(\s+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameVariable, Text), nil}, - {`(lookup)(\s+)(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, UsingSelf("variable")), nil}, - {`[\w-]+`, NameFunction, nil}, - Include("generic"), - }, - "variable": { - {`[a-zA-Z][\w-]*`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\.[\w-]+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`(this\/|\.\/|(\.\.\/)+)[\w-]+`, NameVariable, nil}, - }, - "generic": { - Include("variable"), - {`:?"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`:?'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?(eE[+-][0-9])?[flFLdD]?|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[Ll]?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/haskell.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/haskell.go deleted file mode 100644 index e34f03e..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/haskell.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -package h - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Haskell lexer. -var Haskell = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Haskell", - Aliases: []string{"haskell", "hs"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.hs"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-haskell"}, - }, - haskellRules, -)) - -func haskellRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`--(?![!#$%&*+./<=>?@^|_~:\\]).*?$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\{-`, CommentMultiline, Push("comment")}, - {`\bimport\b`, KeywordReserved, Push("import")}, - {`\bmodule\b`, KeywordReserved, Push("module")}, - {`\berror\b`, NameException, nil}, - {`\b(case|class|data|default|deriving|do|else|family|if|in|infix[lr]?|instance|let|newtype|of|then|type|where|_)(?!\')\b`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`'[^\\]'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`^[_\p{Ll}][\w\']*`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`'?[_\p{Ll}][\w']*`, Name, nil}, - {`('')?[\p{Lu}][\w\']*`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(')[\p{Lu}][\w\']*`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(')\[[^\]]*\]`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(')\([^)]*\)`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`\\(?![:!#$%&*+.\\/<=>?@^|~-]+)`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`(<-|::|->|=>|=)(?![:!#$%&*+.\\/<=>?@^|~-]+)`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`:[:!#$%&*+.\\/<=>?@^|~-]*`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`[:!#$%&*+.\\/<=>?@^|~-]+`, Operator, nil}, - {`\d+[eE][+-]?\d+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d+\.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0[oO][0-7]+`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0[xX][\da-fA-F]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`'`, LiteralStringChar, Push("character")}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("string")}, - {`\[\]`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`\(\)`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {"[][(),;`{}]", Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "import": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("string")}, - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`qualified\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`([\p{Lu}][\w.]*)(\s+)(as)(\s+)([\p{Lu}][\w.]*)`, ByGroups(NameNamespace, Text, Keyword, Text, Name), Pop(1)}, - {`([\p{Lu}][\w.]*)(\s+)(hiding)(\s+)(\()`, ByGroups(NameNamespace, Text, Keyword, Text, Punctuation), Push("funclist")}, - {`([\p{Lu}][\w.]*)(\s+)(\()`, ByGroups(NameNamespace, Text, Punctuation), Push("funclist")}, - {`[\w.]+`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - }, - "module": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`([\p{Lu}][\w.]*)(\s+)(\()`, ByGroups(NameNamespace, Text, Punctuation), Push("funclist")}, - {`[\p{Lu}][\w.]*`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - }, - "funclist": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`[\p{Lu}]\w*`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(_[\w\']+|[\p{Ll}][\w\']*)`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`--(?![!#$%&*+./<=>?@^|_~:\\]).*?$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\{-`, CommentMultiline, Push("comment")}, - {`,`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[:!#$%&*+.\\/<=>?@^|~-]+`, Operator, nil}, - {`\(`, Punctuation, Push("funclist", "funclist")}, - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(2)}, - }, - "comment": { - {`[^-{}]+`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`\{-`, CommentMultiline, Push()}, - {`-\}`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[-{}]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "character": { - {`[^\\']'`, LiteralStringChar, Pop(1)}, - {`\\`, LiteralStringEscape, Push("escape")}, - {`'`, LiteralStringChar, Pop(1)}, - }, - "string": { - {`[^\\"]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\`, LiteralStringEscape, Push("escape")}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - "escape": { - {`[abfnrtv"\'&\\]`, LiteralStringEscape, Pop(1)}, - {`\^[][\p{Lu}@^_]`, LiteralStringEscape, Pop(1)}, - {`NUL|SOH|[SE]TX|EOT|ENQ|ACK|BEL|BS|HT|LF|VT|FF|CR|S[OI]|DLE|DC[1-4]|NAK|SYN|ETB|CAN|EM|SUB|ESC|[FGRU]S|SP|DEL`, LiteralStringEscape, Pop(1)}, - {`o[0-7]+`, LiteralStringEscape, Pop(1)}, - {`x[\da-fA-F]+`, LiteralStringEscape, Pop(1)}, - {`\d+`, LiteralStringEscape, Pop(1)}, - {`\s+\\`, LiteralStringEscape, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/hcl.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/hcl.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7206fba..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/hcl.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -package h - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// HCL lexer. -var HCL = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "HCL", - Aliases: []string{"hcl"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.hcl"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-hcl"}, - }, - hclRules, -)) - -func hclRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("string"), - Include("punctuation"), - Include("curly"), - Include("basic"), - Include("whitespace"), - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - }, - "basic": { - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `true`, `false`), KeywordType, nil}, - {`\s*/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push("comment")}, - {`\s*#.*\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`(.*?)(\s*)(=)`, ByGroups(Name, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`\d+`, Number, nil}, - {`\b\w+\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\$\{`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push("var_builtin")}, - }, - "function": { - {`(\s+)(".*")(\s+)`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralString, Text), nil}, - Include("punctuation"), - Include("curly"), - }, - "var_builtin": { - {`\$\{`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push()}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `concat`, `file`, `join`, `lookup`, `element`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - Include("string"), - Include("punctuation"), - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\}`, LiteralStringInterpol, Pop(1)}, - }, - "string": { - {`(".*")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringDouble), nil}, - }, - "punctuation": { - {`[\[\](),.]`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "curly": { - {`\{`, TextPunctuation, nil}, - {`\}`, TextPunctuation, nil}, - }, - "comment": { - {`[^*/]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push()}, - {`\*/`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[*/]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "whitespace": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/hexdump.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/hexdump.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0893537..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/hexdump.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -package h - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Hexdump lexer. -var Hexdump = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Hexdump", - Aliases: []string{"hexdump"}, - Filenames: []string{}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - hexdumpRules, -)) - -func hexdumpRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - Include("offset"), - {`([0-9A-Ha-h]{2})(\-)([0-9A-Ha-h]{2})`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberHex, Punctuation, LiteralNumberHex), nil}, - {`[0-9A-Ha-h]{2}`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`(\s{2,3})(\>)(.{16})(\<)$`, ByGroups(Text, Punctuation, LiteralString, Punctuation), Push("bracket-strings")}, - {`(\s{2,3})(\|)(.{16})(\|)$`, ByGroups(Text, Punctuation, LiteralString, Punctuation), Push("piped-strings")}, - {`(\s{2,3})(\>)(.{1,15})(\<)$`, ByGroups(Text, Punctuation, LiteralString, Punctuation), nil}, - {`(\s{2,3})(\|)(.{1,15})(\|)$`, ByGroups(Text, Punctuation, LiteralString, Punctuation), nil}, - {`(\s{2,3})(.{1,15})$`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralString), nil}, - {`(\s{2,3})(.{16}|.{20})$`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralString), Push("nonpiped-strings")}, - {`\s`, Text, nil}, - {`^\*`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "offset": { - {`^([0-9A-Ha-h]+)(:)`, ByGroups(NameLabel, Punctuation), Push("offset-mode")}, - {`^[0-9A-Ha-h]+`, NameLabel, nil}, - }, - "offset-mode": { - {`\s`, Text, Pop(1)}, - {`[0-9A-Ha-h]+`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`:`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "piped-strings": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - Include("offset"), - {`[0-9A-Ha-h]{2}`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`(\s{2,3})(\|)(.{1,16})(\|)$`, ByGroups(Text, Punctuation, LiteralString, Punctuation), nil}, - {`\s`, Text, nil}, - {`^\*`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "bracket-strings": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - Include("offset"), - {`[0-9A-Ha-h]{2}`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`(\s{2,3})(\>)(.{1,16})(\<)$`, ByGroups(Text, Punctuation, LiteralString, Punctuation), nil}, - {`\s`, Text, nil}, - {`^\*`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "nonpiped-strings": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - Include("offset"), - {`([0-9A-Ha-h]{2})(\-)([0-9A-Ha-h]{2})`, ByGroups(LiteralNumberHex, Punctuation, LiteralNumberHex), nil}, - {`[0-9A-Ha-h]{2}`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`(\s{19,})(.{1,20}?)$`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralString), nil}, - {`(\s{2,3})(.{1,20})$`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralString), nil}, - {`\s`, Text, nil}, - {`^\*`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/hlb.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/hlb.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6c5f637..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/hlb.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -package h - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// HLB lexer. -var HLB = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "HLB", - Aliases: []string{"hlb"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.hlb"}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - hlbRules, -)) - -func hlbRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`(#.*)`, ByGroups(CommentSingle), nil}, - {`((\b(0(b|B|o|O|x|X)[a-fA-F0-9]+)\b)|(\b(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\b))`, ByGroups(LiteralNumber), nil}, - {`((\b(true|false)\b))`, ByGroups(NameBuiltin), nil}, - {`(\bstring\b|\bint\b|\bbool\b|\bfs\b|\boption\b)`, ByGroups(KeywordType), nil}, - {`(\b[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]*\b)(\()`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Punctuation), Push("params")}, - {`(\{)`, ByGroups(Punctuation), Push("block")}, - {`(\n|\r|\r\n)`, Text, nil}, - {`.`, Text, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`\\"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`[^\\"]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "block": { - {`(\})`, ByGroups(Punctuation), Pop(1)}, - {`(#.*)`, ByGroups(CommentSingle), nil}, - {`((\b(0(b|B|o|O|x|X)[a-fA-F0-9]+)\b)|(\b(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\b))`, ByGroups(LiteralNumber), nil}, - {`((\b(true|false)\b))`, ByGroups(KeywordConstant), nil}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("string")}, - {`(with)`, ByGroups(KeywordReserved), nil}, - {`(as)([\t ]+)(\b[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]*\b)`, ByGroups(KeywordReserved, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`(\bstring\b|\bint\b|\bbool\b|\bfs\b|\boption\b)([\t ]+)(\{)`, ByGroups(KeywordType, Text, Punctuation), Push("block")}, - {`(?!\b(?:scratch|image|resolve|http|checksum|chmod|filename|git|keepGitDir|local|includePatterns|excludePatterns|followPaths|generate|frontendInput|shell|run|readonlyRootfs|env|dir|user|network|security|host|ssh|secret|mount|target|localPath|uid|gid|mode|readonly|tmpfs|sourcePath|cache|mkdir|createParents|chown|createdTime|mkfile|rm|allowNotFound|allowWildcards|copy|followSymlinks|contentsOnly|unpack|createDestPath)\b)(\b[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]*\b)`, ByGroups(NameOther), nil}, - {`(\n|\r|\r\n)`, Text, nil}, - {`.`, Text, nil}, - }, - "params": { - {`(\))`, ByGroups(Punctuation), Pop(1)}, - {`(variadic)`, ByGroups(Keyword), nil}, - {`(\bstring\b|\bint\b|\bbool\b|\bfs\b|\boption\b)`, ByGroups(KeywordType), nil}, - {`(\b[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]*\b)`, ByGroups(NameOther), nil}, - {`(\n|\r|\r\n)`, Text, nil}, - {`.`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/html.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/html.go deleted file mode 100644 index b9ca1e1..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/html.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -package h - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j" // nolint -) - -// HTML lexer. -var HTML = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "HTML", - Aliases: []string{"html"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.html", "*.htm", "*.xhtml", "*.xslt"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/html", "application/xhtml+xml"}, - NotMultiline: true, - DotAll: true, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - htmlRules, -)) - -func htmlRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[^<&]+`, Text, nil}, - {`&\S*?;`, NameEntity, nil}, - {`\<\!\[CDATA\[.*?\]\]\>`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {``, Comment, Pop(1)}, - {`-`, Comment, nil}, - }, - "tag": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`([\w:-]+\s*)(=)(\s*)`, ByGroups(NameAttribute, Operator, Text), Push("attr")}, - {`[\w:-]+`, NameAttribute, nil}, - {`(/?)(\s*)(>)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, Text, Punctuation), Pop(1)}, - }, - "script-content": { - {`(<)(\s*)(/)(\s*)(script)(\s*)(>)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, Text, Punctuation, Text, NameTag, Text, Punctuation), Pop(1)}, - {`.+?(?=<\s*/\s*script\s*>)`, Using(Javascript), nil}, - }, - "style-content": { - {`(<)(\s*)(/)(\s*)(style)(\s*)(>)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, Text, Punctuation, Text, NameTag, Text, Punctuation), Pop(1)}, - {`.+?(?=<\s*/\s*style\s*>)`, Using(CSS), nil}, - }, - "attr": { - {`".*?"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`'.*?'`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`[^\s>]+`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/hy.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/hy.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7a07897..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/hy.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -package h - -import ( - . 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{`('')?[A-Z][\w\']*`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`[a-z][\w\']*`, Text, nil}, - {`(<-|::|->|=>|=)`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`([(){}\[\]:!#$%&*+.\\/<=>?@^|~-]+)`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`\d+[eE][+-]?\d+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d+\.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0[xX][\da-fA-F]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`'`, LiteralStringChar, Push("character")}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("string")}, - {`[^\s(){}]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\s+?`, Text, nil}, - }, - "module": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`([A-Z][\w.]*)(\s+)(\()`, ByGroups(NameNamespace, Text, Punctuation), Push("funclist")}, - {`[A-Z][\w.]*`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - }, - "funclist": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`[A-Z]\w*`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(_[\w\']+|[a-z][\w\']*)`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`--.*$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\{-`, CommentMultiline, Push("comment")}, - {`,`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[:!#$%&*+.\\/<=>?@^|~-]+`, Operator, nil}, - {`\(`, Punctuation, Push("funclist", "funclist")}, - 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-import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Igor lexer. -var Igor = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Igor", - Aliases: []string{"igor", "igorpro"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.ipf"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/ipf"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - igorRules, -)) - -func igorRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`//.*$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`"([^"\\]|\\.)*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `if`, `else`, `elseif`, `endif`, `for`, `endfor`, `strswitch`, `switch`, `case`, `default`, `endswitch`, `do`, `while`, `try`, `catch`, `endtry`, `break`, `continue`, `return`, `AbortOnRTE`, `AbortOnValue`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `variable`, `string`, `constant`, `strconstant`, `NVAR`, `SVAR`, `WAVE`, `STRUCT`, `dfref`, `funcref`, `char`, `uchar`, `int16`, `uint16`, `int32`, `uint32`, `int64`, `uint64`, `float`, `double`), KeywordType, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `override`, `ThreadSafe`, `MultiThread`, `static`, `Proc`, `Picture`, `Prompt`, `DoPrompt`, `macro`, `window`, `function`, `end`, `Structure`, `EndStructure`, `EndMacro`, `Menu`, `SubMenu`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `Abort`, `AddFIFOData`, `AddFIFOVectData`, `AddMovieAudio`, `AddMovieFrame`, `AddWavesToBoxPlot`, `AddWavesToViolinPlot`, `AdoptFiles`, `APMath`, `Append`, `AppendBoxPlot`, `AppendImage`, `AppendLayoutObject`, `AppendMatrixContour`, `AppendText`, `AppendToGizmo`, `AppendToGraph`, `AppendToLayout`, `AppendToTable`, `AppendViolinPlot`, `AppendXYZContour`, `AutoPositionWindow`, `AxonTelegraphFindServers`, `BackgroundInfo`, `Beep`, `BoundingBall`, `BoxSmooth`, `BrowseURL`, `BuildMenu`, `Button`, `cd`, `Chart`, `CheckBox`, `CheckDisplayed`, `ChooseColor`, `Close`, `CloseHelp`, `CloseMovie`, `CloseProc`, `ColorScale`, `ColorTab2Wave`, `Concatenate`, `ControlBar`, `ControlInfo`, `ControlUpdate`, `ConvertGlobalStringTextEncoding`, `ConvexHull`, `Convolve`, `CopyDimLabels`, `CopyFile`, 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`ErrorBars`, `EstimatePeakSizes`, `Execute`, `ExecuteScriptText`, `ExperimentInfo`, `ExperimentModified`, `ExportGizmo`, `Extract`, `FastGaussTransform`, `FastOp`, `FBinRead`, `FBinWrite`, `FFT`, `FGetPos`, `FIFOStatus`, `FIFO2Wave`, `FilterFIR`, `FilterIIR`, `FindAPeak`, `FindContour`, `FindDuplicates`, `FindLevel`, `FindLevels`, `FindPeak`, `FindPointsInPoly`, `FindRoots`, `FindSequence`, `FindValue`, `FMaxFlat`, `FPClustering`, `fprintf`, `FReadLine`, `FSetPos`, `FStatus`, `FTPCreateDirectory`, `FTPDelete`, `FTPDownload`, `FTPUpload`, `FuncFit`, `FuncFitMD`, `GBLoadWave`, `GetAxis`, `GetCamera`, `GetFileFolderInfo`, `GetGizmo`, `GetLastUserMenuInfo`, `GetMarquee`, `GetMouse`, `GetSelection`, `GetWindow`, `GISCreateVectorLayer`, `GISGetRasterInfo`, `GISGetRegisteredFileInfo`, `GISGetVectorLayerInfo`, `GISLoadRasterData`, `GISLoadVectorData`, `GISRasterizeVectorData`, `GISRegisterFile`, `GISTransformCoords`, `GISUnRegisterFile`, `GISWriteFieldData`, `GISWriteGeometryData`, 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`ITCSetModes2`, `ITCSetState2`, `ITCStartAcq2`, `ITCStopAcq2`, `ITCUpdateFIFOPositionAll2`, `ITCUpdateFIFOPosition2`, `ITCWriteDigital2`, `JCAMPLoadWave`, `JointHistogram`, `KillBackground`, `KillControl`, `KillDataFolder`, `KillFIFO`, `KillFreeAxis`, `KillPath`, `KillPICTs`, `KillStrings`, `KillVariables`, `KillWaves`, `KillWindow`, `KMeans`, `Label`, `Layout`, `LayoutPageAction`, `LayoutSlideShow`, `Legend`, `LinearFeedbackShiftRegister`, `ListBox`, `LoadData`, `LoadPackagePreferences`, `LoadPICT`, `LoadWave`, `Loess`, `LombPeriodogram`, `Make`, `MakeIndex`, `MarkPerfTestTime`, `MatrixConvolve`, `MatrixCorr`, `MatrixEigenV`, `MatrixFilter`, `MatrixGaussJ`, `MatrixGLM`, `MatrixInverse`, `MatrixLinearSolve`, `MatrixLinearSolveTD`, `MatrixLLS`, `MatrixLUBkSub`, `MatrixLUD`, `MatrixLUDTD`, `MatrixMultiply`, `MatrixOP`, `MatrixSchur`, `MatrixSolve`, `MatrixSVBkSub`, `MatrixSVD`, `MatrixTranspose`, `MCC_FindServers`, `MeasureStyledText`, `MFR_CheckForNewBricklets`, `MFR_CloseResultFile`, `MFR_CreateOverviewTable`, `MFR_GetBrickletCount`, `MFR_GetBrickletData`, `MFR_GetBrickletDeployData`, `MFR_GetBrickletMetaData`, `MFR_GetBrickletRawData`, `MFR_GetReportTemplate`, `MFR_GetResultFileMetaData`, `MFR_GetResultFileName`, `MFR_GetVernissageVersion`, `MFR_GetVersion`, `MFR_GetXOPErrorMessage`, `MFR_OpenResultFile`, `MLLoadWave`, `Modify`, `ModifyBoxPlot`, `ModifyBrowser`, `ModifyCamera`, `ModifyContour`, `ModifyControl`, `ModifyControlList`, `ModifyFreeAxis`, `ModifyGizmo`, `ModifyGraph`, `ModifyImage`, `ModifyLayout`, `ModifyPanel`, `ModifyTable`, `ModifyViolinPlot`, `ModifyWaterfall`, `MoveDataFolder`, `MoveFile`, `MoveFolder`, `MoveString`, `MoveSubwindow`, `MoveVariable`, `MoveWave`, `MoveWindow`, `MultiTaperPSD`, `MultiThreadingControl`, `NC_CloseFile`, `NC_DumpErrors`, `NC_Inquire`, `NC_ListAttributes`, `NC_ListObjects`, `NC_LoadData`, `NC_OpenFile`, `NeuralNetworkRun`, `NeuralNetworkTrain`, `NewCamera`, `NewDataFolder`, `NewFIFO`, `NewFIFOChan`, `NewFreeAxis`, `NewGizmo`, `NewImage`, `NewLayout`, `NewMovie`, `NewNotebook`, `NewPanel`, `NewPath`, `NewWaterfall`, `NILoadWave`, `NI4882`, `Note`, `Notebook`, `NotebookAction`, `Open`, `OpenHelp`, `OpenNotebook`, `Optimize`, `ParseOperationTemplate`, `PathInfo`, `PauseForUser`, `PauseUpdate`, `PCA`, `PlayMovie`, `PlayMovieAction`, `PlaySound`, `PopupContextualMenu`, `PopupMenu`, `Preferences`, `PrimeFactors`, `Print`, `printf`, `PrintGraphs`, `PrintLayout`, `PrintNotebook`, `PrintSettings`, `PrintTable`, `Project`, `PulseStats`, `PutScrapText`, `pwd`, `Quit`, `RatioFromNumber`, `Redimension`, `Remez`, `Remove`, `RemoveContour`, `RemoveFromGizmo`, `RemoveFromGraph`, `RemoveFromLayout`, `RemoveFromTable`, `RemoveImage`, `RemoveLayoutObjects`, `RemovePath`, `Rename`, `RenameDataFolder`, `RenamePath`, `RenamePICT`, `RenameWindow`, `ReorderImages`, `ReorderTraces`, `ReplaceText`, `ReplaceWave`, `Resample`, `ResumeUpdate`, `Reverse`, `Rotate`, `Save`, `SaveData`, `SaveExperiment`, `SaveGizmoCopy`, `SaveGraphCopy`, `SaveNotebook`, `SavePackagePreferences`, `SavePICT`, `SaveTableCopy`, `SetActiveSubwindow`, `SetAxis`, `SetBackground`, `SetDashPattern`, `SetDataFolder`, `SetDimLabel`, `SetDrawEnv`, `SetDrawLayer`, `SetFileFolderInfo`, `SetFormula`, `SetIdlePeriod`, `SetIgorHook`, `SetIgorMenuMode`, `SetIgorOption`, `SetMarquee`, `SetProcessSleep`, `SetRandomSeed`, `SetScale`, `SetVariable`, `SetWaveLock`, `SetWaveTextEncoding`, `SetWindow`, `ShowIgorMenus`, `ShowInfo`, `ShowTools`, `Silent`, `Sleep`, `Slider`, `Smooth`, `SmoothCustom`, `Sort`, `SortColumns`, `SoundInRecord`, `SoundInSet`, `SoundInStartChart`, `SoundInStatus`, `SoundInStopChart`, `SoundLoadWave`, `SoundSaveWave`, `SphericalInterpolate`, `SphericalTriangulate`, `SplitString`, `SplitWave`, `sprintf`, `SQLHighLevelOp`, `sscanf`, `Stack`, `StackWindows`, `StatsAngularDistanceTest`, `StatsANOVA1Test`, `StatsANOVA2NRTest`, `StatsANOVA2RMTest`, `StatsANOVA2Test`, `StatsChiTest`, `StatsCircularCorrelationTest`, 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"github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Ini lexer. -var Ini = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "INI", - Aliases: []string{"ini", "cfg", "dosini"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.ini", "*.cfg", "*.inf", ".gitconfig", ".editorconfig"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-ini", "text/inf"}, - }, - iniRules, -)) - -func iniRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`[;#].*`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\[.*?\]$`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(.*?)([ \t]*)(=)([ \t]*)(.*(?:\n[ \t].+)*)`, ByGroups(NameAttribute, Text, Operator, Text, LiteralString), nil}, - {`(.+?)$`, NameAttribute, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/i/io.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/i/io.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8b2e53a..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/i/io.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -package i - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Io lexer. -var Io = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Io", - Aliases: []string{"io"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.io"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-iosrc"}, - }, - ioRules, -)) - -func ioRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`//(.*?)\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`#(.*?)\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*](.|\n)*?[*](\\\n)?/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/\+`, CommentMultiline, Push("nestedcomment")}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`::=|:=|=|\(|\)|;|,|\*|-|\+|>|<|@|!|/|\||\^|\.|%|&|\[|\]|\{|\}`, Operator, nil}, - {`(clone|do|doFile|doString|method|for|if|else|elseif|then)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(nil|false|true)\b`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`(Object|list|List|Map|args|Sequence|Coroutine|File)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`(\d+\.?\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - }, - "nestedcomment": { - {`[^+/]+`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/\+`, CommentMultiline, Push()}, - {`\+/`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[+/]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j/j.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j/j.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9a2a4e3..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j/j.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -package j - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// J lexer. -var J = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "J", - Aliases: []string{"j"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.ijs"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-j"}, - }, - jRules, -)) - -func jRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`#!.*$`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`NB\..*`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\n+\s*Note`, CommentMultiline, Push("comment")}, - {`\s*Note.*`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`'`, LiteralString, Push("singlequote")}, - {`0\s+:\s*0|noun\s+define\s*$`, NameEntity, Push("nounDefinition")}, - {`(([1-4]|13)\s+:\s*0|(adverb|conjunction|dyad|monad|verb)\s+define)\b`, NameFunction, Push("explicitDefinition")}, - {Words(``, `\b[a-zA-Z]\w*\.`, `for_`, `goto_`, `label_`), NameLabel, nil}, - {Words(``, `\.`, `assert`, `break`, `case`, `catch`, `catchd`, `catcht`, `continue`, `do`, `else`, `elseif`, `end`, `fcase`, `for`, `if`, `return`, `select`, `throw`, `try`, `while`, `whilst`), NameLabel, nil}, - {`\b[a-zA-Z]\w*`, NameVariable, nil}, - {Words(``, ``, `ARGV`, `CR`, `CRLF`, `DEL`, `Debug`, `EAV`, `EMPTY`, `FF`, `JVERSION`, `LF`, `LF2`, `Note`, `TAB`, `alpha17`, `alpha27`, `apply`, `bind`, `boxopen`, `boxxopen`, `bx`, `clear`, `cutLF`, `cutopen`, `datatype`, `def`, `dfh`, `drop`, `each`, `echo`, `empty`, `erase`, `every`, `evtloop`, `exit`, `expand`, `fetch`, `file2url`, `fixdotdot`, `fliprgb`, `getargs`, `getenv`, `hfd`, `inv`, `inverse`, `iospath`, `isatty`, `isutf8`, `items`, `leaf`, `list`, `nameclass`, `namelist`, `names`, `nc`, `nl`, `on`, `pick`, `rows`, `script`, `scriptd`, `sign`, `sminfo`, `smoutput`, `sort`, `split`, `stderr`, `stdin`, `stdout`, `table`, `take`, `timespacex`, `timex`, `tmoutput`, `toCRLF`, `toHOST`, `toJ`, `tolower`, `toupper`, `type`, `ucp`, `ucpcount`, `usleep`, `utf8`, `uucp`), NameFunction, nil}, - {`=[.:]`, Operator, nil}, - {"[-=+*#$%@!~`^&\";:.,<>{}\\[\\]\\\\|/]", Operator, nil}, - {`[abCdDeEfHiIjLMoprtT]\.`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`[aDiLpqsStux]\:`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`(_[0-9])\:`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`\(`, Punctuation, Push("parentheses")}, - Include("numbers"), - }, - "comment": { - {`[^)]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`^\)`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[)]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "explicitDefinition": { - {`\b[nmuvxy]\b`, NameDecorator, nil}, - Include("root"), - {`[^)]`, Name, nil}, - {`^\)`, NameLabel, Pop(1)}, - {`[)]`, Name, nil}, - }, - "numbers": { - {`\b_{1,2}\b`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`_?\d+(\.\d+)?(\s*[ejr]\s*)_?\d+(\.?=\d+)?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`_?\d+\.(?=\d+)`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`_?\d+x`, LiteralNumberIntegerLong, nil}, - {`_?\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - }, - "nounDefinition": { - {`[^)]`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`^\)`, NameLabel, Pop(1)}, - {`[)]`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "parentheses": { - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - Include("explicitDefinition"), - Include("root"), - }, - "singlequote": { - {`[^']`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`''`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`'`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j/java.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j/java.go deleted file mode 100644 index 48a9d9f..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j/java.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -package j - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Java lexer. -var Java = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Java", - Aliases: []string{"java"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.java"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-java"}, - DotAll: true, - EnsureNL: true, - }, - javaRules, -)) - -func javaRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*.*?\*/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`(assert|break|case|catch|continue|default|do|else|finally|for|if|goto|instanceof|new|return|switch|this|throw|try|while)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`((?:(?:[^\W\d]|\$)[\w.\[\]$<>]*\s+)+?)((?:[^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), NameFunction, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`@[^\W\d][\w.]*`, NameDecorator, nil}, - {`(abstract|const|enum|extends|final|implements|native|private|protected|public|static|strictfp|super|synchronized|throws|transient|volatile)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`(boolean|byte|char|double|float|int|long|short|void)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(package)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("import")}, - {`(true|false|null)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(class|interface)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text), Push("class")}, - {`(import(?:\s+static)?)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("import")}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`'\\.'|'[^\\]'|'\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`(\.)((?:[^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*)`, ByGroups(Operator, NameAttribute), nil}, - {`^\s*([^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*:`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`([^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*`, Name, nil}, - {`([0-9][0-9_]*\.([0-9][0-9_]*)?|\.[0-9][0-9_]*)([eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*)?[fFdD]?|[0-9][eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*[fFdD]?|[0-9]([eE][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*)?[fFdD]|0[xX]([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*\.?|([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)?\.[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)[pP][+\-]?[0-9][0-9_]*[fFdD]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0[xX][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*[lL]?`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`0[bB][01][01_]*[lL]?`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`0[0-7_]+[lL]?`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0|[1-9][0-9_]*[lL]?`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[~^*!%&\[\](){}<>|+=:;,./?-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - }, - "class": { - {`([^\W\d]|\$)[\w$]*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - }, - "import": { - {`[\w.]+\*?`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j/javascript.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j/javascript.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5c6b937..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j/javascript.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -package j - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Javascript lexer. -var JavascriptRules = Rules{ - "commentsandwhitespace": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {``, `<--`, `<-->`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, `≥`, `<=`, `≤`, `==`, `===`, `≡`, `!=`, `≠`, `!==`, `≢`, `∈`, `∉`, `∋`, `∌`, `⊆`, `⊈`, `⊂`, `⊄`, `⊊`, `∝`, `∊`, `∍`, `∥`, `∦`, `∷`, `∺`, `∻`, `∽`, `∾`, `≁`, `≃`, `≂`, `≄`, `≅`, `≆`, `≇`, `≈`, `≉`, `≊`, `≋`, `≌`, `≍`, `≎`, `≐`, `≑`, `≒`, `≓`, `≖`, `≗`, `≘`, `≙`, `≚`, `≛`, `≜`, `≝`, `≞`, `≟`, `≣`, `≦`, `≧`, `≨`, `≩`, `≪`, `≫`, `≬`, `≭`, `≮`, `≯`, `≰`, `≱`, `≲`, `≳`, `≴`, `≵`, `≶`, `≷`, `≸`, `≹`, `≺`, `≻`, `≼`, `≽`, `≾`, `≿`, `⊀`, `⊁`, `⊃`, `⊅`, `⊇`, `⊉`, `⊋`, `⊏`, `⊐`, `⊑`, `⊒`, `⊜`, `⊩`, `⊬`, `⊮`, `⊰`, `⊱`, `⊲`, `⊳`, `⊴`, `⊵`, `⊶`, `⊷`, `⋍`, `⋐`, `⋑`, `⋕`, `⋖`, `⋗`, `⋘`, `⋙`, `⋚`, `⋛`, `⋜`, `⋝`, `⋞`, `⋟`, `⋠`, `⋡`, `⋢`, `⋣`, `⋤`, `⋥`, `⋦`, `⋧`, `⋨`, `⋩`, `⋪`, `⋫`, `⋬`, `⋭`, `⋲`, `⋳`, `⋴`, `⋵`, `⋶`, `⋷`, `⋸`, `⋹`, `⋺`, `⋻`, `⋼`, `⋽`, `⋾`, `⋿`, `⟈`, `⟉`, `⟒`, `⦷`, `⧀`, `⧁`, `⧡`, `⧣`, `⧤`, `⧥`, `⩦`, `⩧`, `⩪`, `⩫`, `⩬`, `⩭`, `⩮`, `⩯`, `⩰`, `⩱`, `⩲`, `⩳`, `⩵`, `⩶`, `⩷`, `⩸`, `⩹`, `⩺`, `⩻`, `⩼`, `⩽`, `⩾`, `⩿`, `⪀`, `⪁`, `⪂`, `⪃`, `⪄`, `⪅`, `⪆`, `⪇`, `⪈`, `⪉`, `⪊`, `⪋`, `⪌`, `⪍`, `⪎`, `⪏`, `⪐`, `⪑`, `⪒`, `⪓`, `⪔`, `⪕`, `⪖`, `⪗`, `⪘`, `⪙`, `⪚`, `⪛`, `⪜`, `⪝`, `⪞`, `⪟`, `⪠`, `⪡`, `⪢`, `⪣`, `⪤`, `⪥`, `⪦`, `⪧`, `⪨`, `⪩`, `⪪`, `⪫`, `⪬`, `⪭`, `⪮`, `⪯`, `⪰`, `⪱`, `⪲`, `⪳`, `⪴`, `⪵`, `⪶`, `⪷`, `⪸`, `⪹`, `⪺`, `⪻`, `⪼`, `⪽`, `⪾`, `⪿`, `⫀`, `⫁`, `⫂`, `⫃`, `⫄`, `⫅`, `⫆`, `⫇`, `⫈`, `⫉`, `⫊`, `⫋`, `⫌`, `⫍`, `⫎`, `⫏`, `⫐`, `⫑`, `⫒`, `⫓`, `⫔`, `⫕`, `⫖`, `⫗`, `⫘`, `⫙`, `⫷`, `⫸`, `⫹`, `⫺`, `⊢`, `⊣`, `⟂`, `<:`, `>:`, `<|`, `|>`, `…`, `⁝`, `⋮`, `⋱`, `⋰`, `⋯`, `+`, `-`, `¦`, `|`, `⊕`, `⊖`, `⊞`, `⊟`, `++`, `∪`, `∨`, `⊔`, `±`, `∓`, `∔`, `∸`, `≏`, `⊎`, `⊻`, `⊽`, `⋎`, `⋓`, `⧺`, `⧻`, `⨈`, `⨢`, `⨣`, `⨤`, `⨥`, `⨦`, `⨧`, `⨨`, `⨩`, `⨪`, `⨫`, `⨬`, `⨭`, `⨮`, `⨹`, `⨺`, `⩁`, `⩂`, `⩅`, `⩊`, `⩌`, `⩏`, `⩐`, `⩒`, `⩔`, `⩖`, `⩗`, `⩛`, `⩝`, `⩡`, `⩢`, `⩣`, `*`, `/`, `⌿`, `÷`, `%`, `&`, `⋅`, `∘`, `×`, `\`, `∩`, `∧`, `⊗`, `⊘`, `⊙`, `⊚`, `⊛`, `⊠`, `⊡`, `⊓`, `∗`, `∙`, `∤`, `⅋`, `≀`, `⊼`, `⋄`, `⋆`, `⋇`, `⋉`, `⋊`, `⋋`, `⋌`, `⋏`, `⋒`, `⟑`, `⦸`, `⦼`, `⦾`, `⦿`, `⧶`, `⧷`, `⨇`, `⨰`, `⨱`, `⨲`, `⨳`, `⨴`, `⨵`, `⨶`, `⨷`, `⨸`, `⨻`, `⨼`, `⨽`, `⩀`, `⩃`, `⩄`, `⩋`, `⩍`, `⩎`, `⩑`, `⩓`, `⩕`, `⩘`, `⩚`, `⩜`, `⩞`, `⩟`, `⩠`, `⫛`, `⊍`, `▷`, `⨝`, `⟕`, `⟖`, `⟗`, `⨟`, `//`, `>>`, `<<`, `>>>`, `^`, `↑`, `↓`, `⇵`, `⟰`, `⟱`, `⤈`, `⤉`, `⤊`, `⤋`, `⤒`, `⤓`, `⥉`, `⥌`, `⥍`, `⥏`, `⥑`, `⥔`, `⥕`, `⥘`, `⥙`, `⥜`, `⥝`, `⥠`, `⥡`, `⥣`, `⥥`, `⥮`, `⥯`, `↑`, `↓`, `!`, `¬`, `√`, `∛`, `∜`), Operator, nil}, - {Words(``, `[²³¹ʰʲʳʷʸˡˢˣᴬᴮᴰᴱᴳᴴᴵᴶᴷᴸᴹᴺᴼᴾᴿᵀᵁᵂᵃᵇᵈᵉᵍᵏᵐᵒᵖᵗᵘᵛᵝᵞᵟᵠᵡᵢᵣᵤᵥᵦᵧᵨᵩᵪᶜᶠᶥᶦᶫᶰᶸᶻᶿ′″‴‵‶‷⁗⁰ⁱ⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁺⁻⁼⁽⁾ⁿ₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉₊₋₌₍₎ₐₑₒₓₕₖₗₘₙₚₛₜⱼⱽ]*`, `.=`, `.+=`, `.-=`, `.*=`, `./=`, `.//=`, `.\=`, `.^=`, `.÷=`, `.%=`, `.<<=`, `.>>=`, `.>>>=`, `.|=`, `.&=`, `.⊻=`, `.≔`, `.⩴`, `.≕'`, `.~`, `.=>`, `.→`, `.↔`, `.↚`, `.↛`, `.↞`, `.↠`, `.↢`, `.↣`, `.↦`, `.↤`, `.↮`, `.⇎`, `.⇍`, `.⇏`, `.⇐`, `.⇒`, `.⇔`, `.⇴`, `.⇶`, `.⇷`, `.⇸`, `.⇹`, `.⇺`, `.⇻`, `.⇼`, `.⇽`, `.⇾`, `.⇿`, `.⟵`, `.⟶`, `.⟷`, `.⟹`, `.⟺`, `.⟻`, `.⟼`, `.⟽`, `.⟾`, `.⟿`, `.⤀`, `.⤁`, `.⤂`, `.⤃`, `.⤄`, `.⤅`, `.⤆`, `.⤇`, `.⤌`, `.⤍`, `.⤎`, `.⤏`, `.⤐`, `.⤑`, `.⤔`, `.⤕`, `.⤖`, `.⤗`, `.⤘`, `.⤝`, `.⤞`, `.⤟`, `.⤠`, `.⥄`, `.⥅`, `.⥆`, `.⥇`, `.⥈`, `.⥊`, `.⥋`, `.⥎`, `.⥐`, `.⥒`, `.⥓`, `.⥖`, `.⥗`, `.⥚`, `.⥛`, `.⥞`, `.⥟`, `.⥢`, `.⥤`, `.⥦`, `.⥧`, `.⥨`, `.⥩`, `.⥪`, `.⥫`, `.⥬`, `.⥭`, `.⥰`, `.⧴`, `.⬱`, `.⬰`, `.⬲`, `.⬳`, `.⬴`, `.⬵`, `.⬶`, `.⬷`, `.⬸`, `.⬹`, `.⬺`, `.⬻`, `.⬼`, `.⬽`, `.⬾`, `.⬿`, `.⭀`, `.⭁`, `.⭂`, `.⭃`, `.⭄`, `.⭇`, `.⭈`, `.⭉`, `.⭊`, `.⭋`, `.⭌`, `.←`, `.→`, `.⇜`, `.⇝`, `.↜`, `.↝`, `.↩`, `.↪`, `.↫`, `.↬`, `.↼`, `.↽`, `.⇀`, `.⇁`, `.⇄`, `.⇆`, `.⇇`, `.⇉`, `.⇋`, `.⇌`, `.⇚`, `.⇛`, `.⇠`, `.⇢`, `.↷`, `.↶`, `.↺`, `.↻`, `.-->`, `.<--`, `.<-->`, `.>`, `.<`, `.>=`, `.≥`, `.<=`, `.≤`, `.==`, `.===`, `.≡`, `.!=`, `.≠`, `.!==`, `.≢`, `.∈`, `.∉`, `.∋`, `.∌`, `.⊆`, `.⊈`, `.⊂`, `.⊄`, `.⊊`, `.∝`, `.∊`, `.∍`, `.∥`, `.∦`, `.∷`, `.∺`, `.∻`, `.∽`, `.∾`, `.≁`, `.≃`, `.≂`, `.≄`, `.≅`, `.≆`, `.≇`, `.≈`, `.≉`, `.≊`, `.≋`, `.≌`, `.≍`, `.≎`, `.≐`, `.≑`, `.≒`, `.≓`, `.≖`, `.≗`, `.≘`, `.≙`, `.≚`, `.≛`, `.≜`, `.≝`, `.≞`, `.≟`, `.≣`, `.≦`, `.≧`, `.≨`, `.≩`, `.≪`, `.≫`, `.≬`, `.≭`, `.≮`, `.≯`, `.≰`, `.≱`, `.≲`, `.≳`, `.≴`, `.≵`, `.≶`, `.≷`, `.≸`, `.≹`, `.≺`, `.≻`, `.≼`, `.≽`, `.≾`, `.≿`, `.⊀`, `.⊁`, `.⊃`, `.⊅`, `.⊇`, `.⊉`, `.⊋`, `.⊏`, `.⊐`, `.⊑`, `.⊒`, `.⊜`, `.⊩`, `.⊬`, `.⊮`, `.⊰`, `.⊱`, `.⊲`, `.⊳`, `.⊴`, `.⊵`, `.⊶`, `.⊷`, `.⋍`, `.⋐`, `.⋑`, `.⋕`, `.⋖`, `.⋗`, `.⋘`, `.⋙`, `.⋚`, `.⋛`, `.⋜`, `.⋝`, `.⋞`, `.⋟`, `.⋠`, `.⋡`, `.⋢`, `.⋣`, `.⋤`, `.⋥`, `.⋦`, `.⋧`, `.⋨`, `.⋩`, `.⋪`, `.⋫`, `.⋬`, `.⋭`, `.⋲`, `.⋳`, `.⋴`, `.⋵`, `.⋶`, `.⋷`, `.⋸`, `.⋹`, `.⋺`, `.⋻`, `.⋼`, `.⋽`, `.⋾`, `.⋿`, `.⟈`, `.⟉`, `.⟒`, `.⦷`, `.⧀`, `.⧁`, `.⧡`, `.⧣`, `.⧤`, `.⧥`, `.⩦`, `.⩧`, `.⩪`, `.⩫`, `.⩬`, `.⩭`, `.⩮`, `.⩯`, `.⩰`, `.⩱`, `.⩲`, `.⩳`, `.⩵`, `.⩶`, `.⩷`, `.⩸`, `.⩹`, `.⩺`, `.⩻`, `.⩼`, `.⩽`, `.⩾`, `.⩿`, `.⪀`, `.⪁`, `.⪂`, `.⪃`, `.⪄`, `.⪅`, `.⪆`, `.⪇`, `.⪈`, `.⪉`, `.⪊`, `.⪋`, `.⪌`, `.⪍`, `.⪎`, `.⪏`, `.⪐`, `.⪑`, `.⪒`, `.⪓`, `.⪔`, `.⪕`, `.⪖`, `.⪗`, `.⪘`, `.⪙`, `.⪚`, `.⪛`, `.⪜`, `.⪝`, `.⪞`, `.⪟`, `.⪠`, `.⪡`, `.⪢`, `.⪣`, `.⪤`, `.⪥`, `.⪦`, `.⪧`, `.⪨`, `.⪩`, `.⪪`, `.⪫`, `.⪬`, `.⪭`, `.⪮`, `.⪯`, `.⪰`, `.⪱`, `.⪲`, `.⪳`, `.⪴`, `.⪵`, `.⪶`, `.⪷`, `.⪸`, `.⪹`, `.⪺`, `.⪻`, `.⪼`, `.⪽`, `.⪾`, `.⪿`, `.⫀`, `.⫁`, `.⫂`, `.⫃`, `.⫄`, `.⫅`, `.⫆`, `.⫇`, `.⫈`, `.⫉`, `.⫊`, `.⫋`, `.⫌`, `.⫍`, `.⫎`, `.⫏`, `.⫐`, `.⫑`, `.⫒`, `.⫓`, `.⫔`, `.⫕`, `.⫖`, `.⫗`, `.⫘`, `.⫙`, `.⫷`, `.⫸`, `.⫹`, `.⫺`, `.⊢`, `.⊣`, `.⟂`, `.<:`, `.>:`, `.<|`, `.|>`, `.…`, `.⁝`, `.⋮`, `.⋱`, `.⋰`, `.⋯`, `.+`, `.-`, `.¦`, `.|`, `.⊕`, `.⊖`, `.⊞`, `.⊟`, `.++`, `.∪`, `.∨`, `.⊔`, `.±`, `.∓`, `.∔`, `.∸`, `.≏`, `.⊎`, `.⊻`, `.⊽`, `.⋎`, `.⋓`, `.⧺`, `.⧻`, `.⨈`, `.⨢`, `.⨣`, `.⨤`, `.⨥`, `.⨦`, `.⨧`, `.⨨`, `.⨩`, `.⨪`, `.⨫`, `.⨬`, `.⨭`, `.⨮`, `.⨹`, `.⨺`, `.⩁`, `.⩂`, `.⩅`, `.⩊`, `.⩌`, `.⩏`, `.⩐`, `.⩒`, `.⩔`, `.⩖`, `.⩗`, `.⩛`, `.⩝`, `.⩡`, `.⩢`, `.⩣`, `.*`, `./`, `.⌿`, `.÷`, `.%`, `.&`, `.⋅`, `.∘`, `.×`, `.\`, `.∩`, `.∧`, `.⊗`, `.⊘`, `.⊙`, `.⊚`, `.⊛`, `.⊠`, `.⊡`, `.⊓`, `.∗`, `.∙`, `.∤`, `.⅋`, `.≀`, `.⊼`, `.⋄`, `.⋆`, `.⋇`, `.⋉`, `.⋊`, `.⋋`, `.⋌`, `.⋏`, `.⋒`, `.⟑`, `.⦸`, `.⦼`, `.⦾`, `.⦿`, `.⧶`, `.⧷`, `.⨇`, `.⨰`, `.⨱`, `.⨲`, `.⨳`, `.⨴`, `.⨵`, `.⨶`, `.⨷`, `.⨸`, `.⨻`, `.⨼`, `.⨽`, `.⩀`, `.⩃`, `.⩄`, `.⩋`, `.⩍`, `.⩎`, `.⩑`, `.⩓`, `.⩕`, `.⩘`, `.⩚`, `.⩜`, `.⩞`, `.⩟`, `.⩠`, `.⫛`, `.⊍`, `.▷`, `.⨝`, `.⟕`, `.⟖`, `.⟗`, `.⨟`, `.//`, `.>>`, `.<<`, `.>>>`, `.^`, `.↑`, `.↓`, `.⇵`, `.⟰`, `.⟱`, `.⤈`, `.⤉`, `.⤊`, `.⤋`, `.⤒`, `.⤓`, `.⥉`, `.⥌`, `.⥍`, `.⥏`, `.⥑`, `.⥔`, `.⥕`, `.⥘`, `.⥙`, `.⥜`, `.⥝`, `.⥠`, `.⥡`, `.⥣`, `.⥥`, `.⥮`, `.⥯`, `.↑`, `.↓`, `.!`, `.¬`, `.√`, `.∛`, `.∜`), Operator, nil}, - {Words(``, ``, `...`, `..`), Operator, nil}, - {`'(\\.|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,3}|\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}|\\U[a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}|[^\\\'\n])'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`(?<=[.\w)\]])(\'[²³¹ʰʲʳʷʸˡˢˣᴬᴮᴰᴱᴳᴴᴵᴶᴷᴸᴹᴺᴼᴾᴿᵀᵁᵂᵃᵇᵈᵉᵍᵏᵐᵒᵖᵗᵘᵛᵝᵞᵟᵠᵡᵢᵣᵤᵥᵦᵧᵨᵩᵪᶜᶠᶥᶦᶫᶰᶸᶻᶿ′″‴‵‶‷⁗⁰ⁱ⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁺⁻⁼⁽⁾ⁿ₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉₊₋₌₍₎ₐₑₒₓₕₖₗₘₙₚₛₜⱼⱽ]*)+`, Operator, nil}, - {`(raw)(""")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralString), Push("tqrawstring")}, - {`(raw)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralString), Push("rawstring")}, - {`(r)(""")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringRegex), Push("tqregex")}, - {`(r)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringRegex), Push("regex")}, - {`((?:[a-zA-Z_¡-􏿿][a-zA-Z_0-9!¡-􏿿]*))?(""")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralString), Push("tqstring")}, - {`((?:[a-zA-Z_¡-􏿿][a-zA-Z_0-9!¡-􏿿]*))?(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralString), Push("string")}, - {"((?:[a-zA-Z_\u00a1-\U0010ffff][a-zA-Z_0-9!\u00a1-\U0010ffff]*))?(```)", ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringBacktick), Push("tqcommand")}, - {"((?:[a-zA-Z_\u00a1-\U0010ffff][a-zA-Z_0-9!\u00a1-\U0010ffff]*))?(`)", ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringBacktick), Push("command")}, - {`((?:[a-zA-Z_¡-􏿿][a-zA-Z_0-9!¡-􏿿]*))(\{)`, ByGroups(KeywordType, Punctuation), Push("curly")}, - {`(where)(\s+)((?:[a-zA-Z_¡-􏿿][a-zA-Z_0-9!¡-􏿿]*))`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, KeywordType), nil}, - {`(\{)`, Punctuation, Push("curly")}, - {`(abstract[ \t]+type|primitive[ \t]+type|mutable[ \t]+struct|struct)([\s()]+)((?:[a-zA-Z_¡-􏿿][a-zA-Z_0-9!¡-􏿿]*))`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, KeywordType), nil}, - {`@(?:[a-zA-Z_¡-􏿿][a-zA-Z_0-9!¡-􏿿]*)`, NameDecorator, nil}, - {Words(`@`, `[²³¹ʰʲʳʷʸˡˢˣᴬᴮᴰᴱᴳᴴᴵᴶᴷᴸᴹᴺᴼᴾᴿᵀᵁᵂᵃᵇᵈᵉᵍᵏᵐᵒᵖᵗᵘᵛᵝᵞᵟᵠᵡᵢᵣᵤᵥᵦᵧᵨᵩᵪᶜᶠᶥᶦᶫᶰᶸᶻᶿ′″‴‵‶‷⁗⁰ⁱ⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁺⁻⁼⁽⁾ⁿ₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉₊₋₌₍₎ₐₑₒₓₕₖₗₘₙₚₛₜⱼⱽ]*`, `->`, `:=`, `$=`, `?`, `||`, `&&`, `:`, `$`, `::`, `..`, `.`, `=`, `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `//=`, `\=`, `^=`, `÷=`, `%=`, `<<=`, `>>=`, `>>>=`, `|=`, `&=`, `⊻=`, `≔`, `⩴`, `≕'`, `~`, `=>`, `→`, `↔`, `↚`, `↛`, `↞`, `↠`, `↢`, `↣`, `↦`, `↤`, `↮`, `⇎`, `⇍`, `⇏`, `⇐`, `⇒`, `⇔`, `⇴`, `⇶`, `⇷`, `⇸`, `⇹`, `⇺`, `⇻`, `⇼`, `⇽`, `⇾`, `⇿`, `⟵`, `⟶`, `⟷`, `⟹`, `⟺`, `⟻`, `⟼`, `⟽`, `⟾`, `⟿`, `⤀`, `⤁`, `⤂`, `⤃`, `⤄`, `⤅`, `⤆`, `⤇`, `⤌`, `⤍`, `⤎`, `⤏`, `⤐`, `⤑`, `⤔`, `⤕`, `⤖`, `⤗`, `⤘`, `⤝`, `⤞`, `⤟`, `⤠`, `⥄`, `⥅`, `⥆`, `⥇`, `⥈`, `⥊`, `⥋`, `⥎`, `⥐`, `⥒`, `⥓`, `⥖`, `⥗`, `⥚`, `⥛`, `⥞`, `⥟`, `⥢`, `⥤`, `⥦`, `⥧`, `⥨`, `⥩`, `⥪`, `⥫`, `⥬`, `⥭`, `⥰`, `⧴`, `⬱`, `⬰`, `⬲`, `⬳`, `⬴`, `⬵`, `⬶`, `⬷`, `⬸`, `⬹`, `⬺`, `⬻`, `⬼`, `⬽`, `⬾`, `⬿`, `⭀`, `⭁`, `⭂`, `⭃`, `⭄`, `⭇`, `⭈`, `⭉`, `⭊`, `⭋`, `⭌`, `←`, `→`, `⇜`, `⇝`, `↜`, `↝`, `↩`, `↪`, `↫`, `↬`, `↼`, `↽`, `⇀`, `⇁`, `⇄`, `⇆`, `⇇`, `⇉`, `⇋`, `⇌`, `⇚`, `⇛`, `⇠`, `⇢`, `↷`, `↶`, `↺`, `↻`, `-->`, `<--`, `<-->`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, `≥`, `<=`, `≤`, `==`, `===`, `≡`, `!=`, `≠`, `!==`, `≢`, `∈`, `∉`, `∋`, `∌`, `⊆`, `⊈`, `⊂`, `⊄`, `⊊`, `∝`, `∊`, `∍`, `∥`, `∦`, `∷`, `∺`, `∻`, `∽`, `∾`, `≁`, `≃`, `≂`, `≄`, `≅`, `≆`, `≇`, `≈`, `≉`, `≊`, `≋`, `≌`, `≍`, `≎`, `≐`, `≑`, `≒`, `≓`, `≖`, `≗`, `≘`, `≙`, `≚`, `≛`, `≜`, `≝`, `≞`, `≟`, `≣`, `≦`, `≧`, `≨`, `≩`, `≪`, `≫`, `≬`, `≭`, `≮`, `≯`, `≰`, `≱`, `≲`, `≳`, `≴`, `≵`, `≶`, `≷`, `≸`, `≹`, `≺`, `≻`, `≼`, `≽`, `≾`, `≿`, `⊀`, `⊁`, `⊃`, `⊅`, `⊇`, `⊉`, `⊋`, `⊏`, `⊐`, `⊑`, `⊒`, `⊜`, `⊩`, `⊬`, `⊮`, `⊰`, `⊱`, `⊲`, `⊳`, `⊴`, `⊵`, `⊶`, `⊷`, `⋍`, `⋐`, `⋑`, `⋕`, `⋖`, `⋗`, `⋘`, `⋙`, `⋚`, `⋛`, `⋜`, `⋝`, `⋞`, `⋟`, `⋠`, `⋡`, `⋢`, `⋣`, `⋤`, `⋥`, `⋦`, `⋧`, `⋨`, `⋩`, `⋪`, `⋫`, `⋬`, `⋭`, `⋲`, `⋳`, `⋴`, `⋵`, `⋶`, `⋷`, `⋸`, `⋹`, `⋺`, `⋻`, `⋼`, `⋽`, `⋾`, `⋿`, `⟈`, `⟉`, `⟒`, `⦷`, `⧀`, `⧁`, `⧡`, `⧣`, `⧤`, `⧥`, `⩦`, `⩧`, `⩪`, `⩫`, `⩬`, `⩭`, `⩮`, `⩯`, `⩰`, `⩱`, `⩲`, `⩳`, `⩵`, `⩶`, `⩷`, `⩸`, `⩹`, `⩺`, `⩻`, `⩼`, `⩽`, `⩾`, `⩿`, `⪀`, `⪁`, `⪂`, `⪃`, `⪄`, `⪅`, `⪆`, `⪇`, `⪈`, `⪉`, `⪊`, `⪋`, `⪌`, `⪍`, `⪎`, `⪏`, `⪐`, `⪑`, `⪒`, `⪓`, `⪔`, `⪕`, `⪖`, `⪗`, `⪘`, `⪙`, `⪚`, `⪛`, `⪜`, `⪝`, `⪞`, `⪟`, `⪠`, `⪡`, `⪢`, `⪣`, `⪤`, `⪥`, `⪦`, `⪧`, `⪨`, `⪩`, `⪪`, `⪫`, `⪬`, `⪭`, `⪮`, `⪯`, `⪰`, `⪱`, `⪲`, `⪳`, `⪴`, `⪵`, `⪶`, `⪷`, `⪸`, `⪹`, `⪺`, `⪻`, `⪼`, `⪽`, `⪾`, `⪿`, `⫀`, `⫁`, `⫂`, `⫃`, `⫄`, `⫅`, `⫆`, `⫇`, `⫈`, `⫉`, `⫊`, `⫋`, `⫌`, `⫍`, `⫎`, `⫏`, `⫐`, `⫑`, `⫒`, `⫓`, `⫔`, `⫕`, `⫖`, `⫗`, `⫘`, `⫙`, `⫷`, `⫸`, `⫹`, `⫺`, `⊢`, `⊣`, `⟂`, `<:`, `>:`, `<|`, `|>`, `…`, `⁝`, `⋮`, `⋱`, `⋰`, `⋯`, `+`, `-`, `¦`, `|`, `⊕`, `⊖`, `⊞`, `⊟`, `++`, `∪`, `∨`, `⊔`, `±`, `∓`, `∔`, `∸`, `≏`, `⊎`, `⊻`, `⊽`, `⋎`, `⋓`, `⧺`, `⧻`, `⨈`, `⨢`, `⨣`, `⨤`, `⨥`, `⨦`, `⨧`, `⨨`, `⨩`, `⨪`, `⨫`, `⨬`, `⨭`, `⨮`, `⨹`, `⨺`, `⩁`, `⩂`, `⩅`, `⩊`, `⩌`, `⩏`, `⩐`, `⩒`, `⩔`, `⩖`, `⩗`, `⩛`, `⩝`, `⩡`, `⩢`, `⩣`, `*`, `/`, `⌿`, `÷`, `%`, `&`, `⋅`, `∘`, `×`, `\`, `∩`, `∧`, `⊗`, `⊘`, `⊙`, `⊚`, `⊛`, `⊠`, `⊡`, `⊓`, `∗`, `∙`, `∤`, `⅋`, `≀`, `⊼`, `⋄`, `⋆`, `⋇`, `⋉`, `⋊`, `⋋`, `⋌`, `⋏`, `⋒`, `⟑`, `⦸`, `⦼`, `⦾`, `⦿`, `⧶`, `⧷`, `⨇`, `⨰`, `⨱`, `⨲`, `⨳`, `⨴`, `⨵`, `⨶`, `⨷`, `⨸`, `⨻`, `⨼`, `⨽`, `⩀`, `⩃`, `⩄`, `⩋`, `⩍`, `⩎`, `⩑`, `⩓`, `⩕`, `⩘`, `⩚`, `⩜`, `⩞`, `⩟`, `⩠`, `⫛`, `⊍`, `▷`, `⨝`, `⟕`, `⟖`, `⟗`, `⨟`, `//`, `>>`, `<<`, `>>>`, `^`, `↑`, `↓`, `⇵`, `⟰`, `⟱`, `⤈`, `⤉`, `⤊`, `⤋`, `⤒`, `⤓`, `⥉`, `⥌`, `⥍`, `⥏`, `⥑`, `⥔`, `⥕`, `⥘`, `⥙`, `⥜`, `⥝`, `⥠`, `⥡`, `⥣`, `⥥`, `⥮`, `⥯`, `↑`, `↓`, `!`, `¬`, `√`, `∛`, `∜`), NameDecorator, nil}, - 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{Words(``, ``, `.`), Operator, nil}, - }, - "blockcomment": { - {`[^=#]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`#=`, CommentMultiline, Push()}, - {`=#`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[=#]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "curly": { - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push()}, - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`(?:[a-zA-Z_¡-􏿿][a-zA-Z_0-9!¡-􏿿]*)`, KeywordType, nil}, - Include("root"), - }, - "tqrawstring": { - {`"""`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`([^"]|"[^"][^"])+`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "rawstring": { - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`\\"`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`([^"\\]|\\[^"])+`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "interp": { - {`\$(?:[a-zA-Z_¡-􏿿][a-zA-Z_0-9!¡-􏿿]*)`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - {`(\$)(\()`, ByGroups(LiteralStringInterpol, Punctuation), Push("in-intp")}, - }, - "in-intp": { - {`\(`, Punctuation, Push()}, - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - "string": { - {`(")((?:[a-zA-Z_¡-􏿿][a-zA-Z_0-9!¡-􏿿]*)|\d+)?`, ByGroups(LiteralString, LiteralStringAffix), Pop(1)}, - {`\\([\\"\'$nrbtfav]|(x|u|U)[a-fA-F0-9]+|\d+)`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - Include("interp"), - {`%[-#0 +]*([0-9]+|[*])?(\.([0-9]+|[*]))?[hlL]?[E-GXc-giorsux%]`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - {`[^"$%\\]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`.`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "tqstring": { - {`(""")((?:[a-zA-Z_¡-􏿿][a-zA-Z_0-9!¡-􏿿]*)|\d+)?`, ByGroups(LiteralString, LiteralStringAffix), Pop(1)}, - {`\\([\\"\'$nrbtfav]|(x|u|U)[a-fA-F0-9]+|\d+)`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - Include("interp"), - {`[^"$%\\]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`.`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "regex": { - {`(")([imsxa]*)?`, ByGroups(LiteralStringRegex, LiteralStringAffix), Pop(1)}, - {`\\"`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`[^\\"]+`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - }, - "tqregex": { - {`(""")([imsxa]*)?`, ByGroups(LiteralStringRegex, LiteralStringAffix), Pop(1)}, - {`[^"]+`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - }, - "command": { - {"(`)((?:[a-zA-Z_\u00a1-\U0010ffff][a-zA-Z_0-9!\u00a1-\U0010ffff]*)|\\d+)?", ByGroups(LiteralStringBacktick, LiteralStringAffix), Pop(1)}, - {"\\\\[`$]", LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - Include("interp"), - {"[^\\\\`$]+", LiteralStringBacktick, nil}, - {`.`, LiteralStringBacktick, nil}, - }, - "tqcommand": { - {"(```)((?:[a-zA-Z_\u00a1-\U0010ffff][a-zA-Z_0-9!\u00a1-\U0010ffff]*)|\\d+)?", ByGroups(LiteralStringBacktick, LiteralStringAffix), Pop(1)}, - {`\\\$`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - Include("interp"), - {"[^\\\\`$]+", LiteralStringBacktick, nil}, - {`.`, LiteralStringBacktick, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j/jungle.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j/jungle.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5dbda9f..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j/jungle.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -package j - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -var Jungle = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Jungle", - Aliases: []string{"jungle"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.jungle"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-jungle"}, - }, - jungleRules, -)) - -func jungleRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`#(\n|[\w\W]*?[^#]\n)`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`^(?=\S)`, None, Push("instruction")}, - {`[\.;\[\]\(\)\$]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - }, - "instruction": { - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`=`, Operator, Push("value")}, - {`(?=\S)`, None, Push("var")}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "value": { - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\$\(`, Punctuation, Push("var")}, - {`[;\[\]\(\)\$]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`#(\n|[\w\W]*?[^#]\n)`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`[\w_\-\.\/\\]+`, Text, nil}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "var": { - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\b(((re)?source|barrel)Path|excludeAnnotations|annotations|lang)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\bbase\b`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`\b(ind|zsm|hrv|ces|dan|dut|eng|fin|fre|deu|gre|hun|ita|nob|po[lr]|rus|sl[ov]|spa|swe|ara|heb|zh[st]|jpn|kor|tha|vie|bul|tur)`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`\b((semi)?round|rectangle)(-\d+x\d+)?\b`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`[\.;\[\]\(\$]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/k/kotlin.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/k/kotlin.go deleted file mode 100644 index deb182e..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/k/kotlin.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -package k - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Kotlin lexer. -var Kotlin = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Kotlin", - Aliases: []string{"kotlin"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.kt"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-kotlin"}, - DotAll: true, - }, - kotlinRules, -)) - -func kotlinRules() Rules { - const kotlinIdentifier = "(?:[_\\p{L}][\\p{L}\\p{N}]*|`@?[_\\p{L}][\\p{L}\\p{N}]+`)" - - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`^\s*\[.*?\]`, NameAttribute, nil}, - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - {`//[^\n]*\n?`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/[*].*?[*]/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`!==|!in|!is|===`, Operator, nil}, - {`%=|&&|\*=|\+\+|\+=|--|-=|->|\.\.|\/=|::|<=|==|>=|!!|!=|\|\||\?[:.]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[~!%^&*()+=|\[\]:;,.<>\/?-]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[{}]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`"""`, LiteralString, Push("rawstring")}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string")}, - {`(')(\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringChar, LiteralStringEscape, LiteralStringChar), nil}, - {`'\\.'|'[^\\]'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[Uu]?[Ll]?|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+-][0-9]+)?[fF]?[Uu]?[Ll]?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`(companion)(\s+)(object)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword), nil}, - {`(class|interface|object)(\s+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("class")}, - {`(package|import)(\s+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("package")}, - {`(val|var)(\s+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("property")}, - {`(fun)(\s+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("function")}, - {`(abstract|actual|annotation|as|as\?|break|by|catch|class|companion|const|constructor|continue|crossinline|data|delegate|do|dynamic|else|enum|expect|external|false|field|file|final|finally|for|fun|get|if|import|in|infix|init|inline|inner|interface|internal|is|it|lateinit|noinline|null|object|open|operator|out|override|package|param|private|property|protected|public|receiver|reified|return|sealed|set|setparam|super|suspend|tailrec|this|throw|true|try|typealias|typeof|val|var|vararg|when|where|while)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`@` + kotlinIdentifier, NameDecorator, nil}, - {kotlinIdentifier, Name, nil}, - }, - "package": { - {`\S+`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - }, - "class": { - // \x60 is the back tick character (`) - {`\x60[^\x60]+?\x60`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - {kotlinIdentifier, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - }, - "property": { - {`\x60[^\x60]+?\x60`, NameProperty, Pop(1)}, - {kotlinIdentifier, NameProperty, Pop(1)}, - }, - "generics-specification": { - {`<`, Punctuation, Push("generics-specification")}, // required for generics inside generics e.g. > - {`>`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`[,:*?]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(in|out|reified)`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\x60[^\x60]+?\x60`, NameClass, nil}, - {kotlinIdentifier, NameClass, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "function": { - {`<`, Punctuation, Push("generics-specification")}, - {`\x60[^\x60]+?\x60`, NameFunction, Pop(1)}, - {kotlinIdentifier, NameFunction, Pop(1)}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "rawstring": { - // raw strings don't allow character escaping - {`"""`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`(?:[^$"]+|\"{1,2}[^"])+`, LiteralString, nil}, - Include("string-interpol"), - // remaining dollar signs are just a string - {`\$`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`\\[tbnr'"\\\$]`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - Include("string-interpol"), - {`[^\n\\"$]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - // remaining dollar signs are just a string - {`\$`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - }, - "string-interpol": { - {`\$` + kotlinIdentifier, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - {`\${[^}\n]*}`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/l/lighttpd.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/l/lighttpd.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6d83298..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/l/lighttpd.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -package l - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Lighttpd Configuration File lexer. -var Lighttpd = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Lighttpd configuration file", - Aliases: []string{"lighty", "lighttpd"}, - Filenames: []string{}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-lighttpd-conf"}, - }, - lighttpdRules, -)) - -func lighttpdRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`#.*\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\S*`, Name, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z._-]+`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:/\d+)?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`=>|=~|\+=|==|=|\+`, Operator, nil}, - {`\$[A-Z]+`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`[(){}\[\],]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/l/llvm.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/l/llvm.go deleted file mode 100644 index e9ea319..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/l/llvm.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -package l - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Llvm lexer. -var Llvm = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "LLVM", - Aliases: []string{"llvm"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.ll"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-llvm"}, - }, - llvmRules, -)) - -func llvmRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`([-a-zA-Z$._][\w\-$.]*|"[^"]*?")\s*:`, NameLabel, nil}, - Include("keyword"), - {`%([-a-zA-Z$._][\w\-$.]*|"[^"]*?")`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`@([-a-zA-Z$._][\w\-$.]*|"[^"]*?")`, NameVariableGlobal, nil}, - {`%\d+`, NameVariableAnonymous, nil}, - {`@\d+`, NameVariableGlobal, nil}, - {`#\d+`, NameVariableGlobal, nil}, - {`!([-a-zA-Z$._][\w\-$.]*|"[^"]*?")`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`!\d+`, NameVariableAnonymous, nil}, - {`c?"[^"]*?"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`-?\d+(?:[.]\d+)?(?:[eE][-+]?\d+(?:[.]\d+)?)?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`[=<>{}\[\]()*.,!]|x\b`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "whitespace": { - {`(\n|\s)+`, Text, nil}, - {`;.*?\n`, Comment, nil}, - }, - "keyword": { - {Words(``, `\b`, `begin`, `end`, `true`, `false`, `declare`, `define`, `global`, `constant`, `private`, `linker_private`, `internal`, `available_externally`, `linkonce`, `linkonce_odr`, `weak`, `weak_odr`, `appending`, `dllimport`, `dllexport`, `common`, `default`, `hidden`, `protected`, `extern_weak`, `external`, `thread_local`, `zeroinitializer`, `undef`, `null`, `to`, `tail`, `target`, `triple`, `datalayout`, `volatile`, `nuw`, `nsw`, `nnan`, `ninf`, `nsz`, `arcp`, `fast`, `exact`, `inbounds`, `align`, `addrspace`, `section`, `alias`, `module`, `asm`, `sideeffect`, `gc`, `dbg`, `linker_private_weak`, `attributes`, `blockaddress`, `initialexec`, `localdynamic`, `localexec`, `prefix`, `unnamed_addr`, `ccc`, `fastcc`, `coldcc`, `x86_stdcallcc`, `x86_fastcallcc`, `arm_apcscc`, `arm_aapcscc`, `arm_aapcs_vfpcc`, `ptx_device`, `ptx_kernel`, `intel_ocl_bicc`, `msp430_intrcc`, `spir_func`, `spir_kernel`, `x86_64_sysvcc`, `x86_64_win64cc`, `x86_thiscallcc`, `cc`, `c`, `signext`, `zeroext`, `inreg`, `sret`, `nounwind`, `noreturn`, `noalias`, `nocapture`, `byval`, `nest`, `readnone`, `readonly`, `inlinehint`, `noinline`, `alwaysinline`, `optsize`, `ssp`, `sspreq`, `noredzone`, `noimplicitfloat`, `naked`, `builtin`, `cold`, `nobuiltin`, `noduplicate`, `nonlazybind`, `optnone`, `returns_twice`, `sanitize_address`, `sanitize_memory`, `sanitize_thread`, `sspstrong`, `uwtable`, `returned`, `type`, `opaque`, `eq`, `ne`, `slt`, `sgt`, `sle`, `sge`, `ult`, `ugt`, `ule`, `uge`, `oeq`, `one`, `olt`, `ogt`, `ole`, `oge`, `ord`, `uno`, `ueq`, `une`, `x`, `acq_rel`, `acquire`, `alignstack`, `atomic`, `catch`, `cleanup`, `filter`, `inteldialect`, `max`, `min`, `monotonic`, `nand`, `personality`, `release`, `seq_cst`, `singlethread`, `umax`, `umin`, `unordered`, `xchg`, `add`, `fadd`, `sub`, `fsub`, `mul`, `fmul`, `udiv`, `sdiv`, `fdiv`, `urem`, `srem`, `frem`, `shl`, `lshr`, `ashr`, `and`, `or`, `xor`, `icmp`, `fcmp`, `phi`, `call`, `trunc`, `zext`, `sext`, `fptrunc`, `fpext`, `uitofp`, `sitofp`, `fptoui`, `fptosi`, `inttoptr`, `ptrtoint`, `bitcast`, `addrspacecast`, `select`, `va_arg`, `ret`, `br`, `switch`, `invoke`, `unwind`, `unreachable`, `indirectbr`, `landingpad`, `resume`, `malloc`, `alloca`, `free`, `load`, `store`, `getelementptr`, `extractelement`, `insertelement`, `shufflevector`, `getresult`, `extractvalue`, `insertvalue`, `atomicrmw`, `cmpxchg`, `fence`, `allocsize`, `amdgpu_cs`, `amdgpu_gs`, `amdgpu_kernel`, `amdgpu_ps`, `amdgpu_vs`, `any`, `anyregcc`, `argmemonly`, `avr_intrcc`, `avr_signalcc`, `caller`, `catchpad`, `catchret`, `catchswitch`, `cleanuppad`, `cleanupret`, `comdat`, `convergent`, `cxx_fast_tlscc`, `deplibs`, `dereferenceable`, `dereferenceable_or_null`, `distinct`, `exactmatch`, `externally_initialized`, `from`, `ghccc`, `hhvm_ccc`, `hhvmcc`, `ifunc`, `inaccessiblemem_or_argmemonly`, `inaccessiblememonly`, `inalloca`, `jumptable`, `largest`, `local_unnamed_addr`, `minsize`, `musttail`, `noduplicates`, `none`, `nonnull`, `norecurse`, `notail`, `preserve_allcc`, `preserve_mostcc`, `prologue`, `safestack`, `samesize`, `source_filename`, `swiftcc`, `swifterror`, `swiftself`, `webkit_jscc`, `within`, `writeonly`, `x86_intrcc`, `x86_vectorcallcc`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, ``, `void`, `half`, `float`, `double`, `x86_fp80`, `fp128`, `ppc_fp128`, `label`, `metadata`, `token`), KeywordType, nil}, - {`i[1-9]\d*`, Keyword, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/l/lua.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/l/lua.go deleted file mode 100644 index db574a1..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/l/lua.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -package l - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Lua lexer. -var Lua = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Lua", - Aliases: []string{"lua"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.lua", "*.wlua"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-lua", "application/x-lua"}, - }, - luaRules, -)) - -func luaRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`#!.*`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - Default(Push("base")), - }, - "ws": { - {`(?:--\[(=*)\[[\w\W]*?\](\1)\])`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`(?:--.*$)`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`(?:\s+)`, Text, nil}, - }, - "base": { - Include("ws"), - {`(?i)0x[\da-f]*(\.[\da-f]*)?(p[+-]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`(?i)(\d*\.\d+|\d+\.\d*)(e[+-]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`(?i)\d+e[+-]?\d+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`(?s)\[(=*)\[.*?\]\1\]`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`::`, Punctuation, Push("label")}, - {`\.{3}`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[=<>|~&+\-*/%#^]+|\.\.`, Operator, nil}, - {`[\[\]{}().,:;]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(and|or|not)\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`(break|do|else|elseif|end|for|if|in|repeat|return|then|until|while)\b`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`goto\b`, KeywordReserved, Push("goto")}, - {`(local)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`(true|false|nil)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(function)\b`, KeywordReserved, Push("funcname")}, - {`[A-Za-z_]\w*(\.[A-Za-z_]\w*)?`, Name, nil}, - {`'`, LiteralStringSingle, Combined("stringescape", "sqs")}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Combined("stringescape", "dqs")}, - }, - "funcname": { - Include("ws"), - {`[.:]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(?:[^\W\d]\w*)(?=(?:(?:--\[(=*)\[[\w\W]*?\](\2)\])|(?:--.*$)|(?:\s+))*[.:])`, NameClass, nil}, - {`(?:[^\W\d]\w*)`, NameFunction, Pop(1)}, - {`\(`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "goto": { - Include("ws"), - {`(?:[^\W\d]\w*)`, NameLabel, Pop(1)}, - }, - "label": { - Include("ws"), - {`::`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`(?:[^\W\d]\w*)`, NameLabel, nil}, - }, - "stringescape": { - {`\\([abfnrtv\\"\']|[\r\n]{1,2}|z\s*|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|\d{1,3}|u\{[0-9a-fA-F]+\})`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - }, - "sqs": { - {`'`, LiteralStringSingle, Pop(1)}, - {`[^\\']+`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - }, - "dqs": { - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - {`[^\\"]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/lexers.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/lexers.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2b42921..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/lexers.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -// Package lexers contains the registry of all lexers. -// -// Sub-packages contain lexer implementations. -package lexers - -// nolint -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/a" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/circular" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/d" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/f" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/i" - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/j" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/k" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/l" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/n" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/o" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/q" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/r" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/s" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/t" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/v" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/w" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/x" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/y" - _ "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/z" -) - -// Registry of Lexers. -var Registry = internal.Registry - -// Names of all lexers, optionally including aliases. -func Names(withAliases bool) []string { return internal.Names(withAliases) } - -// Get a Lexer by name, alias or file extension. -func Get(name string) chroma.Lexer { return internal.Get(name) } - -// MatchMimeType attempts to find a lexer for the given MIME type. -func MatchMimeType(mimeType string) chroma.Lexer { return internal.MatchMimeType(mimeType) } - -// Match returns the first lexer matching filename. -func Match(filename string) chroma.Lexer { return internal.Match(filename) } - -// Analyse text content and return the "best" lexer.. -func Analyse(text string) chroma.Lexer { return internal.Analyse(text) } - -// Register a Lexer with the global registry. -func Register(lexer chroma.Lexer) chroma.Lexer { return internal.Register(lexer) } - -// Fallback lexer if no other is found. -var Fallback = internal.Fallback diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/make.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/make.go deleted file mode 100644 index 905491a..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/make.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -package m - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/b" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Makefile lexer. -var Makefile = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Base Makefile", - Aliases: []string{"make", "makefile", "mf", "bsdmake"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.mak", "*.mk", "Makefile", "makefile", "Makefile.*", "GNUmakefile"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-makefile"}, - EnsureNL: true, - }, - makefileRules, -)) - -func makefileRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`^(?:[\t ]+.*\n|\n)+`, Using(Bash), nil}, - {`\$[<@$+%?|*]`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`#.*?\n`, Comment, nil}, - {`(export)(\s+)(?=[\w${}\t -]+\n)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("export")}, - {`export\s+`, Keyword, nil}, - {`([\w${}().-]+)(\s*)([!?:+]?=)([ \t]*)((?:.*\\\n)+|.*\n)`, ByGroups(NameVariable, Text, Operator, Text, Using(Bash)), nil}, - {`(?s)"(\\\\|\\.|[^"\\])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`(?s)'(\\\\|\\.|[^'\\])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`([^\n:]+)(:+)([ \t]*)`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Operator, Text), Push("block-header")}, - {`\$\(`, Keyword, Push("expansion")}, - }, - "expansion": { - {`[^$a-zA-Z_()]+`, Text, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\$`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\(`, Keyword, Push()}, - {`\)`, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - }, - "export": { - {`[\w${}-]+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, Pop(1)}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "block-header": { - {`[,|]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`#.*?\n`, Comment, Pop(1)}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\$\(`, Keyword, Push("expansion")}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]+`, Name, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, Pop(1)}, - {`.`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/mako.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/mako.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6f777dd..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/mako.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -package m - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p" // nolint -) - -// Mako lexer. -var Mako = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Mako", - Aliases: []string{"mako"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.mao"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-mako"}, - }, - makoRules, -)) - -func makoRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`(\s*)(%)(\s*end(?:\w+))(\n|\Z)`, ByGroups(Text, CommentPreproc, Keyword, Other), nil}, - {`(\s*)(%)([^\n]*)(\n|\Z)`, ByGroups(Text, CommentPreproc, Using(Python), Other), nil}, - {`(\s*)(##[^\n]*)(\n|\Z)`, ByGroups(Text, CommentPreproc, Other), nil}, - {`(?s)<%doc>.*?`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`(<%)([\w.:]+)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, NameBuiltin), Push("tag")}, - {`()`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, NameBuiltin, CommentPreproc), nil}, - {`<%(?=([\w.:]+))`, CommentPreproc, Push("ondeftags")}, - {`(<%(?:!?))(.*?)(%>)(?s)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Using(Python), CommentPreproc), nil}, - {`(\$\{)(.*?)(\})`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Using(Python), CommentPreproc), nil}, - {`(?sx) - (.+?) # anything, followed by: - (?: - (?<=\n)(?=%|\#\#) | # an eval or comment line - (?=\#\*) | # multiline comment - (?=`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "attr": { - {`".*?"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`'.*?'`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`[^\s>]+`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/mason.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/mason.go deleted file mode 100644 index bc48f5c..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/mason.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -package m - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p" // nolint -) - -// Mason lexer. -var Mason = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Mason", - Aliases: []string{"mason"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.m", "*.mhtml", "*.mc", "*.mi", "autohandler", "dhandler"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-mason"}, - Priority: 0.1, - }, - masonRules, -)) - -func masonRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`(<%doc>)(.*?)()(?s)`, ByGroups(NameTag, CommentMultiline, NameTag), nil}, - {`(<%(?:def|method))(\s*)(.*?)(>)(.*?)()(?s)`, ByGroups(NameTag, Text, NameFunction, NameTag, UsingSelf("root"), NameTag), nil}, - {`(<%\w+)(.*?)(>)(.*?)()(?s)`, ByGroups(NameTag, NameFunction, NameTag, Using(Perl), NameTag), nil}, - {`(<&[^|])(.*?)(,.*?)?(&>)(?s)`, ByGroups(NameTag, NameFunction, Using(Perl), NameTag), nil}, - {`(<&\|)(.*?)(,.*?)?(&>)(?s)`, ByGroups(NameTag, NameFunction, Using(Perl), NameTag), nil}, - {``, NameTag, nil}, - {`(<%!?)(.*?)(%>)(?s)`, ByGroups(NameTag, Using(Perl), NameTag), nil}, - {`(?<=^)#[^\n]*(\n|\Z)`, Comment, nil}, - {`(?<=^)(%)([^\n]*)(\n|\Z)`, ByGroups(NameTag, Using(Perl), Other), nil}, - {`(?sx) - (.+?) # anything, followed by: - (?: - (?<=\n)(?=[%#]) | # an eval or comment line - (?=`, `:>`, `/.`, `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `^`, `&&`, `||`, `!`, `<>`, `|`, `/;`, `?`, `@`, `//`, `/@`, `@@`, `@@@`, `~~`, `===`, `&`, `<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=`), Operator, nil}, - {Words(``, ``, `,`, `;`, `(`, `)`, `[`, `]`, `{`, `}`), Punctuation, nil}, - {`".*?"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\s+`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/matlab.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/matlab.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4e98d69..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/matlab.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -package m - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Matlab lexer. -var Matlab = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Matlab", - Aliases: []string{"matlab"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.m"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/matlab"}, - }, - matlabRules, -)) - -func matlabRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`^!.*`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`%\{\s*\n`, CommentMultiline, Push("blockcomment")}, - {`%.*$`, Comment, nil}, - {`^\s*function`, Keyword, Push("deffunc")}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `break`, `case`, `catch`, `classdef`, `continue`, `else`, `elseif`, `end`, `enumerated`, `events`, `for`, `function`, `global`, `if`, `methods`, `otherwise`, `parfor`, `persistent`, `properties`, `return`, `spmd`, `switch`, `try`, `while`), Keyword, nil}, - {`(sin|sind|sinh|asin|asind|asinh|cos|cosd|cosh|acos|acosd|acosh|tan|tand|tanh|atan|atand|atan2|atanh|sec|secd|sech|asec|asecd|asech|csc|cscd|csch|acsc|acscd|acsch|cot|cotd|coth|acot|acotd|acoth|hypot|exp|expm1|log|log1p|log10|log2|pow2|realpow|reallog|realsqrt|sqrt|nthroot|nextpow2|abs|angle|complex|conj|imag|real|unwrap|isreal|cplxpair|fix|floor|ceil|round|mod|rem|sign|airy|besselj|bessely|besselh|besseli|besselk|beta|betainc|betaln|ellipj|ellipke|erf|erfc|erfcx|erfinv|expint|gamma|gammainc|gammaln|psi|legendre|cross|dot|factor|isprime|primes|gcd|lcm|rat|rats|perms|nchoosek|factorial|cart2sph|cart2pol|pol2cart|sph2cart|hsv2rgb|rgb2hsv|zeros|ones|eye|repmat|rand|randn|linspace|logspace|freqspace|meshgrid|accumarray|size|length|ndims|numel|disp|isempty|isequal|isequalwithequalnans|cat|reshape|diag|blkdiag|tril|triu|fliplr|flipud|flipdim|rot90|find|end|sub2ind|ind2sub|bsxfun|ndgrid|permute|ipermute|shiftdim|circshift|squeeze|isscalar|isvector|ans|eps|realmax|realmin|pi|i|inf|nan|isnan|isinf|isfinite|j|why|compan|gallery|hadamard|hankel|hilb|invhilb|magic|pascal|rosser|toeplitz|vander|wilkinson)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\.\.\..*$`, Comment, nil}, - {`-|==|~=|<|>|<=|>=|&&|&|~|\|\|?`, Operator, nil}, - {`\.\*|\*|\+|\.\^|\.\\|\.\/|\/|\\`, Operator, nil}, - {`\[|\]|\(|\)|\{|\}|:|@|\.|,`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`=|:|;`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(?<=[\w)\].])\'+`, Operator, nil}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eEf][+-]?[0-9]+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d+[eEf][+-]?[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`(?=]|<=|>=)`, Punctuation, nil}, - Include("simplevalue"), - {`\s+`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - }, - } - }, -)) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/meson.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/meson.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2a6a22f..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/meson.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -package m - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Meson lexer. -var Meson = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Meson", - Aliases: []string{"meson", "meson.build"}, - Filenames: []string{"meson.build", "meson_options.txt"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-meson"}, - }, - func() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`#.*?$`, Comment, nil}, - {`'''.*'''`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`[1-9][0-9]*`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`0o[0-7]+`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0x[a-fA-F0-9]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - Include("string"), - Include("keywords"), - Include("expr"), - {`[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*`, Name, nil}, - {`\s+`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`[']{3}([']{0,2}([^\\']|\\(.|\n)))*[']{3}`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`'.*?(?/-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[()\[\],.]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `break`, `case`, `const`, `continue`, `do`, `else`, `enum`, `extern`, `for`, `if`, `return`, `sizeof`, `static`, `struct`, `switch`, `typedef`, `union`, `while`), Keyword, nil}, - {`(bool|float|half|long|ptrdiff_t|size_t|unsigned|u?char|u?int((8|16|32|64)_t)?|u?short)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(bool|float|half|u?(char|int|long|short))(2|3|4)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`packed_(float|half|long|u?(char|int|short))(2|3|4)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(float|half)(2|3|4)x(2|3|4)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`atomic_u?int\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(rg?(8|16)(u|s)norm|rgba(8|16)(u|s)norm|srgba8unorm|rgb10a2|rg11b10f|rgb9e5)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(array|depth(2d|cube)(_array)?|depth2d_ms(_array)?|sampler|texture_buffer|texture(1|2)d(_array)?|texture2d_ms(_array)?|texture3d|texturecube(_array)?|uniform|visible_function_table)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(true|false|NULL)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `device`, `constant`, `ray_data`, `thread`, `threadgroup`, `threadgroup_imageblock`), Keyword, nil}, - {`([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(:)(?!:)`, ByGroups(NameLabel, Text, Punctuation), nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - }, - "root": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`(fragment|kernel|vertex)?((?:[\w*\s])+?(?:\s|[*]))([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*\([^;]*?\))([^;{]*)(\{)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("root"), NameFunction, UsingSelf("root"), UsingSelf("root"), Punctuation), Push("function")}, - {`(fragment|kernel|vertex)?((?:[\w*\s])+?(?:\s|[*]))([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*\([^;]*?\))([^;]*)(;)`, ByGroups(Keyword, UsingSelf("root"), NameFunction, UsingSelf("root"), UsingSelf("root"), Punctuation), nil}, - Default(Push("statement")), - }, - "classname": { - {`(\[\[.+\]\])(\s*)`, ByGroups(NameAttribute, Text), nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - {`\s*(?=[>{])`, Text, Pop(1)}, - }, - "whitespace": { - {`^#if\s+0`, CommentPreproc, Push("if0")}, - {`^#`, CommentPreproc, Push("macro")}, - {`^(\s*(?:/[*].*?[*]/\s*)?)(#if\s+0)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), CommentPreproc), Push("if0")}, - {`^(\s*(?:/[*].*?[*]/\s*)?)(#)`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), CommentPreproc), Push("macro")}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - {`//(\n|[\w\W]*?[^\\]\n)`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*][\w\W]*?[*](\\\n)?/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*][\w\W]*`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "statement": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("statements"), - {`[{]`, Punctuation, Push("root")}, - {`[;}]`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "function": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("statements"), - {`;`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push()}, - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "macro": { - {`(include)(\s*(?:/[*].*?[*]/\s*)?)([^\n]+)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Text, CommentPreprocFile), nil}, - {`[^/\n]+`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`/[*](.|\n)*?[*]/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, Pop(1)}, - {`/`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`(?<=\\)\n`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`\n`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)}, - }, - "if0": { - {`^\s*#if.*?(?|->|<-|\\/|xor|/\\)`, Operator, nil}, - {`(<|>|<=|>=|==|=|!=)`, Operator, nil}, - {`(\+|-|\*|/|div|mod)`, Operator, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `in`, `subset`, `superset`, `union`, `diff`, `symdiff`, `intersect`), Operator, nil}, - {`(\\|\.\.|\+\+)`, Operator, nil}, - {`[|()\[\]{},:;]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(true|false)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`([+-]?)\d+(\.(?!\.)\d*)?([eE][-+]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`::\s*([^\W\d]\w*)(\s*\([^\)]*\))?`, NameDecorator, nil}, - {`\b([^\W\d]\w*)\b(\()`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Punctuation), nil}, - {`[^\W\d]\w*`, NameOther, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/mlir.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/mlir.go deleted file mode 100644 index 112a1c3..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/mlir.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -package m - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// MLIR lexer. -var Mlir = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "MLIR", - Aliases: []string{"mlir"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.mlir"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-mlir"}, - }, - mlirRules, -)) - -func mlirRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`c?"[^"]*?"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\^([-a-zA-Z$._][\w\-$.0-9]*)\s*`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`([\w\d_$.]+)\s*=`, NameLabel, nil}, - Include("keyword"), - {`->`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`@([\w_][\w\d_$.]*)`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`[%#][\w\d_$.]+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`([1-9?][\d?]*\s*x)+`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`-?\d+(?:[.]\d+)?(?:[eE][-+]?\d+(?:[.]\d+)?)?`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`[=<>{}\[\]()*.,!:]|x\b`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[\w\d]+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "whitespace": { - {`(\n|\s)+`, Text, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, Comment, nil}, - }, - "keyword": { - {Words(``, ``, `constant`, `return`), KeywordType, nil}, - {Words(``, ``, `func`, `loc`, `memref`, `tensor`, `vector`), KeywordType, nil}, - {`bf16|f16|f32|f64|index`, Keyword, nil}, - {`i[1-9]\d*`, Keyword, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/modula2.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/modula2.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6ab05c9..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/modula2.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -package m - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Modula-2 lexer. -var Modula2 = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Modula-2", - Aliases: []string{"modula2", "m2"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.def", "*.mod"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-modula2"}, - DotAll: true, - }, - modula2Rules, -)) - -func modula2Rules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "whitespace": { - {`\n+`, Text, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "dialecttags": { - {`\(\*!m2pim\*\)`, CommentSpecial, nil}, - {`\(\*!m2iso\*\)`, CommentSpecial, nil}, - {`\(\*!m2r10\*\)`, CommentSpecial, nil}, - {`\(\*!objm2\*\)`, CommentSpecial, nil}, - {`\(\*!m2iso\+aglet\*\)`, CommentSpecial, nil}, - {`\(\*!m2pim\+gm2\*\)`, CommentSpecial, nil}, - {`\(\*!m2iso\+p1\*\)`, CommentSpecial, nil}, - {`\(\*!m2iso\+xds\*\)`, CommentSpecial, nil}, - }, - "identifiers": { - {`([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*)`, Name, nil}, - }, - "prefixed_number_literals": { - {`0b[01]+(\'[01]+)*`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`0[ux][0-9A-F]+(\'[0-9A-F]+)*`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - }, - "plain_number_literals": { - {`[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*\.[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*[eE][+-]?[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*\.[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - }, - "suffixed_number_literals": { - {`[0-7]+B`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`[0-7]+C`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`[0-9A-F]+H`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - }, - "string_literals": { - {`'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "digraph_operators": { - {`\*\.`, Operator, nil}, - {`\+>`, Operator, nil}, - {`<>`, Operator, nil}, - {`<=`, Operator, nil}, - {`>=`, Operator, nil}, - {`==`, Operator, nil}, - {`::`, Operator, nil}, - {`:=`, Operator, nil}, - {`\+\+`, Operator, nil}, - {`--`, Operator, nil}, - }, - "unigraph_operators": { - {`[+-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[*/]`, Operator, nil}, - {`\\`, Operator, nil}, - {`[=#<>]`, Operator, nil}, - {`\^`, Operator, nil}, - {`@`, Operator, nil}, - {`&`, Operator, nil}, - {`~`, Operator, nil}, - {"`", Operator, nil}, - }, - "digraph_punctuation": { - {`\.\.`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`<<`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`>>`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`->`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\|#`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`##`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\|\*`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "unigraph_punctuation": { - {`[()\[\]{},.:;|]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`!`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\?`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "comments": { - {`^//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\(\*([^$].*?)\*\)`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/\*(.*?)\*/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "pragmas": { - {`<\*.*?\*>`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`\(\*\$.*?\*\)`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - }, - "root": { - Include("whitespace"), - Include("dialecttags"), - Include("pragmas"), - Include("comments"), - Include("identifiers"), - Include("suffixed_number_literals"), - Include("prefixed_number_literals"), - Include("plain_number_literals"), - Include("string_literals"), - Include("digraph_punctuation"), - Include("digraph_operators"), - Include("unigraph_punctuation"), - Include("unigraph_operators"), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/monkeyc.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/monkeyc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8ad81cc..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/monkeyc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -package m - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -var MonkeyC = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "MonkeyC", - Aliases: []string{"monkeyc"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.mc"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-monkeyc"}, - }, - monkeyCRules, -)) - -func monkeyCRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`//(\n|[\w\W]*?[^\\]\n)`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*][\w\W]*?[*](\\\n)?/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*][\w\W]*`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`:[a-zA-Z_][\w_\.]*`, StringSymbol, nil}, - {`[{}\[\]\(\),;:\.]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[&~\|\^!+\-*\/%=?]`, Operator, nil}, - {`=>|[+-]=|&&|\|\||>>|<<|[<>]=?|[!=]=`, Operator, nil}, - {`\b(and|or|instanceof|has|extends|new)`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `NaN`, `null`, `true`, `false`), KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(using)((?:\s|\\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("import")}, - {`(class)((?:\s|\\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text), Push("class")}, - {`(function)((?:\s|\\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text), Push("function")}, - {`(module)((?:\s|\\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text), Push("module")}, - {`\b(if|else|for|switch|case|while|break|continue|default|do|try|catch|finally|return|throw|extends|function)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\b(const|enum|hidden|public|protected|private|static)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`\bvar\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`\b(Activity(Monitor|Recording)?|Ant(Plus)?|Application|Attention|Background|Communications|Cryptography|FitContributor|Graphics|Gregorian|Lang|Math|Media|Persisted(Content|Locations)|Position|Properties|Sensor(History|Logging)?|Storage|StringUtil|System|Test|Time(r)?|Toybox|UserProfile|WatchUi|Rez|Drawables|Strings|Fonts|method)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\b(me|self|\$)\b`, NameBuiltinPseudo, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`'(\\\\|\\'|[^''])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`-?(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+l?)`, NumberHex, nil}, - {`-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+[df]?|[df]))\b`, NumberFloat, nil}, - {`-?([0-9]+l?)`, NumberInteger, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - }, - "import": { - {`([a-zA-Z_][\w_\.]*)(?:(\s+)(as)(\s+)([a-zA-Z_][\w_]*))?`, ByGroups(NameNamespace, Text, KeywordNamespace, Text, NameNamespace), nil}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "class": { - {`([a-zA-Z_][\w_\.]*)(?:(\s+)(extends)(\s+)([a-zA-Z_][\w_\.]*))?`, ByGroups(NameClass, Text, KeywordDeclaration, Text, NameClass), nil}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "function": { - {`initialize`, NameFunctionMagic, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_][\w_\.]*`, NameFunction, nil}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "module": { - {`[a-zA-Z_][\w_\.]*`, NameNamespace, nil}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/mwscript.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/mwscript.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0ba0ba9..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/mwscript.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -package m - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// MorrowindScript lexer. -var MorrowindScript = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "MorrowindScript", - Aliases: []string{"morrowind", "mwscript"}, - Filenames: []string{}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - morrowindScriptRules, -)) - -func morrowindScriptRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`;.*$`, Comment, nil}, - {`(["'])(?:(?=(\\?))\2.)*?\1`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[0-9]+\.[0-9]*(?!\.)`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - Include("keywords"), - Include("types"), - Include("builtins"), - Include("punct"), - Include("operators"), - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\S+\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z0-9_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - }, - "keywords": { - {`(?i)(begin|if|else|elseif|endif|while|endwhile|return|to)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(?i)(end)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(?i)(end)\w+.*$`, Text, nil}, - {`[\w+]->[\w+]`, Operator, nil}, - }, - "builtins": { - {`(?i)(Activate|AddItem|AddSoulGem|AddSpell|AddToLevCreature|AddToLevItem|AddTopic|AIActivate|AIEscort|AIEscortCell|AIFollow|AiFollowCell|AITravel|AIWander|BecomeWerewolf|Cast|ChangeWeather|Choice|ClearForceJump|ClearForceMoveJump|ClearForceRun|ClearForceSneak|ClearInfoActor|Disable|DisableLevitation|DisablePlayerControls|DisablePlayerFighting|DisablePlayerJumping|DisablePlayerLooking|DisablePlayerMagic|DisablePlayerViewSwitch|DisableTeleporting|DisableVanityMode|DontSaveObject|Drop|Enable|EnableBirthMenu|EnableClassMenu|EnableInventoryMenu|EnableLevelUpMenu|EnableLevitation|EnableMagicMenu|EnableMapMenu|EnableNameMenu|EnablePlayerControls|EnablePlayerFighting|EnablePlayerJumping|EnablePlayerLooking|EnablePlayerMagic|EnablePlayerViewSwitch|EnableRaceMenu|EnableRest|EnableStatsMenu|EnableTeleporting|EnableVanityMode|Equip|ExplodeSpell|Face|FadeIn|FadeOut|FadeTo|Fall|ForceGreeting|ForceJump|ForceRun|ForceSneak|Flee|GotoJail|HurtCollidingActor|HurtStandingActor|Journal|Lock|LoopGroup|LowerRank|MenuTest|MessageBox|ModAcrobatics|ModAgility|ModAlarm|ModAlchemy|ModAlteration|ModArmorBonus|ModArmorer|ModAthletics|ModAttackBonus|ModAxe|ModBlock|ModBluntWeapon|ModCastPenalty|ModChameleon|ModConjuration|ModCurrentFatigue|ModCurrentHealth|ModCurrentMagicka|ModDefendBonus|ModDestruction|ModDisposition|ModEnchant|ModEndurance|ModFactionReaction|ModFatigue|ModFight|ModFlee|ModFlying|ModHandToHand|ModHealth|ModHeavyArmor|ModIllusion|ModIntelligence|ModInvisible|ModLightArmor|ModLongBlade|ModLuck|ModMagicka|ModMarksman|ModMediumArmor|ModMercantile|ModMysticism|ModParalysis|ModPCCrimeLevel|ModPCFacRep|ModPersonality|ModRegion|ModReputation|ModResistBlight|ModResistCorprus|ModResistDisease|ModResistFire|ModResistFrost|ModResistMagicka|ModResistNormalWeapons|ModResistParalysis|ModResistPoison|ModResistShock|ModRestoration|ModScale|ModSecurity|ModShortBlade|ModSilence|ModSneak|ModSpear|ModSpeechcraft|ModSpeed|ModStrength|ModSuperJump|ModSwimSpeed|ModUnarmored|ModWaterBreathing|ModWaterLevel|ModWaterWalking|ModWillpower|Move|MoveWorld|PayFine|PayFineThief|PCClearExpelled|PCExpell|PCForce1stPerson|PCForce3rdPerson|PCJoinFaction|PCLowerRank|PCRaiseRank|PlaceAtMe|PlaceAtPC|PlaceItem|PlaceItemCell|PlayBink|PlayGroup|PlayLoopSound3D|PlayLoopSound3DVP|PlaySound|PlaySound3D|PlaySound3DVP|PlaySoundVP|Position|PositionCell|RaiseRank|RemoveEffects|RemoveFromLevCreature|RemoveFromLevItem|RemoveItem|RemoveSoulgem|RemoveSpell|RemoveSpellEffects|ResetActors|Resurrect|Rotate|RotateWorld|Say|StartScript|[S|s]et|SetAcrobatics|SetAgility|SetAlarm|SetAlchemy|SetAlteration|SetAngle|SetArmorBonus|SetArmorer|SetAthletics|SetAtStart|SetAttackBonus|SetAxe|SetBlock|SetBluntWeapon|SetCastPenalty|SetChameleon|SetConjuration|SetDelete|SetDefendBonus|SetDestruction|SetDisposition|SetEnchant|SetEndurance|SetFactionReaction|SetFatigue|SetFight|SetFlee|SetFlying|SetHandToHand|SetHealth|SetHeavyArmor|SetIllusion|SetIntelligence|SetInvisible|SetJournalIndex|SetLightArmor|SetLevel|SetLongBlade|SetLuck|SetMagicka|SetMarksman|SetMediumArmor|SetMercantile|SetMysticism|SetParalysis|SetPCCCrimeLevel|SetPCFacRep|SetPersonality|SetPos|SetReputation|SetResistBlight|SetResistCorprus|SetResistDisease|SetResistFire|SetResistFrost|SetResistMagicka|SetResistNormalWeapons|SetResistParalysis|SetResistPoison|SetResistShock|SetRestoration|SetScale|SetSecurity|SetShortBlade|SetSilence|SetSneak|SetSpear|SetSpeechcraft|SetSpeed|SetStrength|SetSuperJump|SetSwimSpeed|SetUnarmored|SetWaterBreathing|SetWaterlevel|SetWaterWalking|SetWerewolfAcrobatics|SetWillpower|ShowMap|ShowRestMenu|SkipAnim|StartCombat|StopCombat|StopScript|StopSound|StreamMusic|TurnMoonRed|TurnMoonWhite|UndoWerewolf|Unlock|WakeUpPC|CenterOnCell|CenterOnExterior|FillMap|FixMe|ToggleAI|ToggleCollision|ToggleFogOfWar|ToggleGodMode|ToggleMenus|ToggleSky|ToggleWorld|ToggleVanityMode|CellChanged|GetAcrobatics|GetAgility|GetAIPackageDone|GetAlarm|GetAlchemy|GetAlteration|GetAngle|GetArmorBonus|GetArmorer|GetAthletics|GetAttackBonus|GetAttacked|GetArmorType,|GetAxe|GetBlightDisease|GetBlock|GetBluntWeapon|GetButtonPressed|GetCastPenalty|GetChameleon|GetCollidingActor|GetCollidingPC|GetCommonDisease|GetConjuration|GetCurrentAIPackage|GetCurrentTime|GetCurrentWeather|GetDeadCount|GetDefendBonus|GetDestruction|GetDetected|GetDisabled|GetDisposition|GetDistance|GetEffect|GetEnchant|GetEndurance|GetFatigue|GetFight|GetFlee|GetFlying|GetForceJump|GetForceRun|GetForceSneak|GetHandToHand|GetHealth|GetHealthGetRatio|GetHeavyArmor|GetIllusion|GetIntelligence|GetInterior|GetInvisible|GetItemCount|GetJournalIndex|GetLightArmor|GetLineOfSight|GetLOS|GetLevel|GetLocked|GetLongBlade|GetLuck|GetMagicka|GetMarksman|GetMasserPhase|GetSecundaPhase|GetMediumArmor|GetMercantile|GetMysticism|GetParalysis|GetPCCell|GetPCCrimeLevel|GetPCinJail|GetPCJumping|GetPCRank|GetPCRunning|GetPCSleep|GetPCSneaking|GetPCTraveling|GetPersonality|GetPlayerControlsDisabled|GetPlayerFightingDisabled|GetPlayerJumpingDisabled|GetPlayerLookingDisabled|GetPlayerMagicDisabled|GetPos|GetRace|GetReputation|GetResistBlight|GetResistCorprus|GetResistDisease|GetResistFire|GetResistFrost|GetResistMagicka|GetResistNormalWeapons|GetResistParalysis|GetResistPoison|GetResistShock|GetRestoration|GetScale|GetSecondsPassed|GetSecurity|GetShortBlade|GetSilence|GetSneak|GetSoundPlaying|GetSpear|GetSpeechcraft|GetSpeed|GetSpell|GetSpellEffects|GetSpellReadied|GetSquareRoot|GetStandingActor|GetStandingPC|GetStrength|GetSuperJump|GetSwimSpeed|GetTarget|GetUnarmored|GetVanityModeDisabled|GetWaterBreathing|GetWaterLevel|GetWaterWalking|GetWeaponDrawn|GetWeaponType|GetWerewolfKills|GetWillpower|GetWindSpeed|HasItemEquipped|HasSoulgem|HitAttemptOnMe|HitOnMe|IsWerewolf|MenuMode|OnActivate|OnDeath|OnKnockout|OnMurder|PCExpelled|PCGet3rdPerson|PCKnownWerewolf|Random|RepairedOnMe|SameFaction|SayDone|ScriptRunning|AllowWereWolfForceGreeting|Companion|MinimumProfit|NoFlee|NoHello|NoIdle|NoLore|OnPCAdd|OnPCDrop|OnPCEquip|OnPCHitMe|OnPCRepair|PCSkipEquip|OnPCSoulGemUse|StayOutside|CrimeGoldDiscount|CrimeGoldTurnIn|Day|DaysPassed|GameHour|Month|NPCVoiceDistance|PCRace|PCWerewolf|PCVampire|TimeScale|VampClan|Year)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(?i)(sEffectWaterBreathing|sEffectSwiftSwim|sEffectWaterWalking|sEffectShield|sEffectFireShield|sEffectLightningShield|sEffectFrostShield|sEffectBurden|sEffectFeather|sEffectJump|sEffectLevitate|sEffectSlowFall|sEffectLock|sEffectOpen|sEffectFireDamage|sEffectShockDamage|sEffectFrostDamage|sEffectDrainAttribute|sEffectDrainHealth|sEffectDrainSpellpoints|sEffectDrainFatigue|sEffectDrainSkill|sEffectDamageAttribute|sEffectDamageHealth|sEffectDamageMagicka|sEffectDamageFatigue|sEffectDamageSkill|sEffectPoison|sEffectWeaknessToFire|sEffectWeaknessToFrost|sEffectWeaknessToShock|sEffectWeaknessToMagicka|sEffectWeaknessToCommonDisease|sEffectWeaknessToBlightDisease|sEffectWeaknessToCorprusDisease|sEffectWeaknessToPoison|sEffectWeaknessToNormalWeapons|sEffectDisintegrateWeapon|sEffectDisintegrateArmor|sEffectInvisibility|sEffectChameleon|sEffectLight|sEffectSanctuary|sEffectNightEye|sEffectCharm|sEffectParalyze|sEffectSilence|sEffectBlind|sEffectSound|sEffectCalmHumanoid|sEffectCalmCreature|sEffectFrenzyHumanoid|sEffectFrenzyCreature|sEffectDemoralizeHumanoid|sEffectDemoralizeCreature|sEffectRallyHumanoid|sEffectRallyCreature|sEffectDispel|sEffectSoultrap|sEffectTelekinesis|sEffectMark|sEffectRecall|sEffectDivineIntervention|sEffectAlmsiviIntervention|sEffectDetectAnimal|sEffectDetectEnchantment|sEffectDetectKey|sEffectSpellAbsorption|sEffectReflect|sEffectCureCommonDisease|sEffectCureBlightDisease|sEffectCureCorprusDisease|sEffectCurePoison|sEffectCureParalyzation|sEffectRestoreAttribute|sEffectRestoreHealth|sEffectRestoreSpellPoints|sEffectRestoreFatigue|sEffectRestoreSkill|sEffectFortifyAttribute|sEffectFortifyHealth|sEffectFortifySpellpoints|sEffectFortifyFatigue|sEffectFortifySkill|sEffectFortifyMagickaMultiplier|sEffectAbsorbAttribute|sEffectAbsorbHealth|sEffectAbsorbSpellPoints|sEffectAbsorbFatigue|sEffectAbsorbSkill|sEffectResistFire|sEffectResistFrost|sEffectResistShock|sEffectResistMagicka|sEffectResistCommonDisease|sEffectResistBlightDisease|sEffectResistCorprusDisease|sEffectResistPoison|sEffectResistNormalWeapons|sEffectResistParalysis|sEffectRemoveCurse|sEffectTurnUndead|sEffectSummonScamp|sEffectSummonClannfear|sEffectSummonDaedroth|sEffectSummonDremora|sEffectSummonAncestralGhost|sEffectSummonSkeletalMinion|sEffectSummonLeastBonewalker|sEffectSummonGreaterBonewalker|sEffectSummonBonelord|sEffectSummonWingedTwilight|sEffectSummonHunger|sEffectSummonGoldensaint|sEffectSummonFlameAtronach|sEffectSummonFrostAtronach|sEffectSummonStormAtronach|sEffectFortifyAttackBonus|sEffectCommandCreatures|sEffectCommandHumanoids|sEffectBoundDagger|sEffectBoundLongsword|sEffectBoundMace|sEffectBoundBattleAxe|sEffectBoundSpear|sEffectBoundLongbow|sEffectExtraSpell|sEffectBoundCuirass|sEffectBoundHelm|sEffectBoundBoots|sEffectBoundShield|sEffectBoundGloves|sEffectCorpus|sEffectVampirism|sEffectSummonCenturionSphere|sEffectSunDamage|sEffectStuntedMagicka)`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - }, - "types": { - {`(?i)(short|long|float)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - }, - "punct": { - {`[()]`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "operators": { - {`[#=,./%+\-?]`, Operator, nil}, - {`(==|<=|<|>=|>|!=)`, Operator, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/myghty.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/myghty.go deleted file mode 100644 index eac082c..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/myghty.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -package m - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p" // nolint -) - -// Myghty lexer. -var Myghty = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Myghty", - Aliases: []string{"myghty"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.myt", "autodelegate"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-myghty"}, - }, - myghtyRules, -)) - -func myghtyRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`(<%(?:def|method))(\s*)(.*?)(>)(.*?)()(?s)`, ByGroups(NameTag, Text, NameFunction, NameTag, UsingSelf("root"), NameTag), nil}, - {`(<%\w+)(.*?)(>)(.*?)()(?s)`, ByGroups(NameTag, NameFunction, NameTag, Using(Python2), NameTag), nil}, - {`(<&[^|])(.*?)(,.*?)?(&>)`, ByGroups(NameTag, NameFunction, Using(Python2), NameTag), nil}, - {`(<&\|)(.*?)(,.*?)?(&>)(?s)`, ByGroups(NameTag, NameFunction, Using(Python2), NameTag), nil}, - {``, NameTag, nil}, - {`(<%!?)(.*?)(%>)(?s)`, ByGroups(NameTag, Using(Python2), NameTag), nil}, - {`(?<=^)#[^\n]*(\n|\Z)`, Comment, nil}, - {`(?<=^)(%)([^\n]*)(\n|\Z)`, ByGroups(NameTag, Using(Python2), Other), nil}, - {`(?sx) - (.+?) # anything, followed by: - (?: - (?<=\n)(?=[%#]) | # an eval or comment line - (?== 1 && nameBetweenBacktickCount >= (2*nameBetweenBracketCount) { - // Found at least twice as many `name` as [name]. - result += 0.5 - } else if nameBetweenBacktickCount > nameBetweenBracketCount { - result += 0.2 - } else if nameBetweenBacktickCount > 0 { - result += 0.1 - } - - return result -})) - -func mySQLRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - {`(#|--\s+).*\n?`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push("multiline-comments")}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[0-9]*\.[0-9]+(e[+-][0-9]+)`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`((?:_[a-z0-9]+)?)(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Push("string")}, - {`((?:_[a-z0-9]+)?)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Push("double-string")}, - {"[+*/<>=~!@#%^&|`?-]", Operator, nil}, - {`\b(tinyint|smallint|mediumint|int|integer|bigint|date|datetime|time|bit|bool|tinytext|mediumtext|longtext|text|tinyblob|mediumblob|longblob|blob|float|double|double\s+precision|real|numeric|dec|decimal|timestamp|year|char|varchar|varbinary|varcharacter|enum|set)(\b\s*)(\()?`, ByGroups(KeywordType, TextWhitespace, Punctuation), nil}, - {`\b(add|all|alter|analyze|and|as|asc|asensitive|before|between|bigint|binary|blob|both|by|call|cascade|case|change|char|character|check|collate|column|condition|constraint|continue|convert|create|cross|current_date|current_time|current_timestamp|current_user|cursor|database|databases|day_hour|day_microsecond|day_minute|day_second|dec|decimal|declare|default|delayed|delete|desc|describe|deterministic|distinct|distinctrow|div|double|drop|dual|each|else|elseif|enclosed|escaped|exists|exit|explain|fetch|flush|float|float4|float8|for|force|foreign|from|fulltext|grant|group|having|high_priority|hour_microsecond|hour_minute|hour_second|identified|if|ignore|in|index|infile|inner|inout|insensitive|insert|int|int1|int2|int3|int4|int8|integer|interval|into|is|iterate|join|key|keys|kill|leading|leave|left|like|limit|lines|load|localtime|localtimestamp|lock|long|loop|low_priority|match|minute_microsecond|minute_second|mod|modifies|natural|no_write_to_binlog|not|numeric|on|optimize|option|optionally|or|order|out|outer|outfile|precision|primary|privileges|procedure|purge|raid0|read|reads|real|references|regexp|release|rename|repeat|replace|require|restrict|return|revoke|right|rlike|schema|schemas|second_microsecond|select|sensitive|separator|set|show|smallint|soname|spatial|specific|sql|sql_big_result|sql_calc_found_rows|sql_small_result|sqlexception|sqlstate|sqlwarning|ssl|starting|straight_join|table|terminated|then|to|trailing|trigger|undo|union|unique|unlock|unsigned|update|usage|use|user|using|utc_date|utc_time|utc_timestamp|values|varying|when|where|while|with|write|x509|xor|year_month|zerofill)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\b(auto_increment|engine|charset|tables)\b`, KeywordPseudo, nil}, - {`(true|false|null)`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`([a-z_]\w*)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(NameFunction, TextWhitespace, Punctuation), nil}, - {`[a-z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`@[a-z0-9]*[._]*[a-z0-9]*`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`[;:()\[\],.]`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "multiline-comments": { - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push("multiline-comments")}, - {`\*/`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[^/*]+`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`[/*]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`[^']+`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`''`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`'`, LiteralStringSingle, Pop(1)}, - }, - "double-string": { - {`[^"]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`""`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/n/nasm.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/n/nasm.go deleted file mode 100644 index de6734e..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/n/nasm.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -package n - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Nasm lexer. -var Nasm = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "NASM", - Aliases: []string{"nasm"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.asm", "*.ASM"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-nasm"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - nasmRules, -)) - -func nasmRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`^\s*%`, CommentPreproc, Push("preproc")}, - Include("whitespace"), - {`[a-z$._?][\w$.?#@~]*:`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`([a-z$._?][\w$.?#@~]*)(\s+)(equ)`, ByGroups(NameConstant, KeywordDeclaration, KeywordDeclaration), Push("instruction-args")}, - {`BITS|USE16|USE32|SECTION|SEGMENT|ABSOLUTE|EXTERN|GLOBAL|ORG|ALIGN|STRUC|ENDSTRUC|COMMON|CPU|GROUP|UPPERCASE|IMPORT|EXPORT|LIBRARY|MODULE`, Keyword, Push("instruction-args")}, - {`(?:res|d)[bwdqt]|times`, KeywordDeclaration, Push("instruction-args")}, - {`[a-z$._?][\w$.?#@~]*`, NameFunction, Push("instruction-args")}, - {`[\r\n]+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "instruction-args": { - {"\"(\\\\\"|[^\"\\n])*\"|'(\\\\'|[^'\\n])*'|`(\\\\`|[^`\\n])*`", LiteralString, nil}, - {`(?:0x[0-9a-f]+|$0[0-9a-f]*|[0-9]+[0-9a-f]*h)`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`[0-7]+q`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`[01]+b`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`[0-9]+\.e?[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - Include("punctuation"), - {`r[0-9][0-5]?[bwd]|[a-d][lh]|[er]?[a-d]x|[er]?[sb]p|[er]?[sd]i|[c-gs]s|st[0-7]|mm[0-7]|cr[0-4]|dr[0-367]|tr[3-7]`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`[a-z$._?][\w$.?#@~]*`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`[\r\n]+`, Text, Pop(1)}, - Include("whitespace"), - }, - "preproc": { - {`[^;\n]+`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`;.*?\n`, CommentSingle, Pop(1)}, - {`\n`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)}, - }, - "whitespace": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`[ \t]+`, Text, nil}, - {`;.*`, CommentSingle, nil}, - }, - "punctuation": { - {`[,():\[\]]+`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[&|^<>+*/%~-]+`, Operator, nil}, - {`[$]+`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`seg|wrt|strict`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`byte|[dq]?word`, KeywordType, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/n/newspeak.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/n/newspeak.go deleted file mode 100644 index c9d3ae0..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/n/newspeak.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -package n - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Newspeak lexer. -var Newspeak = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Newspeak", - Aliases: []string{"newspeak"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.ns2"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-newspeak"}, - }, - newspeakRules, -)) - -func newspeakRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\b(Newsqueak2)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`'[^']*'`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\b(class)(\s+)(\w+)(\s*)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text, NameClass, Text), nil}, - {`\b(mixin|self|super|private|public|protected|nil|true|false)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(\w+\:)(\s*)([a-zA-Z_]\w+)`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Text, NameVariable), nil}, - {`(\w+)(\s*)(=)`, ByGroups(NameAttribute, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`<\w+>`, CommentSpecial, nil}, - Include("expressionstat"), - Include("whitespace"), - }, - "expressionstat": { - {`(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+[fF])[fF]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`:\w+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`(\w+)(::)`, ByGroups(NameVariable, Operator), nil}, - {`\w+:`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`\w+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\(|\)`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\[|\]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\{|\}`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(\^|\+|\/|~|\*|<|>|=|@|%|\||&|\?|!|,|-|:)`, Operator, nil}, - {`\.|;`, Punctuation, nil}, - Include("whitespace"), - Include("literals"), - }, - "literals": { - {`\$.`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`'[^']*'`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`#'[^']*'`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {`#\w+:?`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - {`#(\+|\/|~|\*|<|>|=|@|%|\||&|\?|!|,|-)+`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil}, - }, - "whitespace": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`"[^"]*"`, Comment, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/n/nginx.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/n/nginx.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6d80523..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/n/nginx.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -package n - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Nginx Configuration File lexer. -var Nginx = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Nginx configuration file", - Aliases: []string{"nginx"}, - Filenames: []string{"nginx.conf"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-nginx-conf"}, - }, - nginxRules, -)) - -func nginxRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`(include)(\s+)([^\s;]+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Name), nil}, - {`[^\s;#]+`, Keyword, Push("stmt")}, - Include("base"), - }, - "block": { - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(2)}, - {`[^\s;#]+`, KeywordNamespace, Push("stmt")}, - Include("base"), - }, - "stmt": { - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push("block")}, - {`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - Include("base"), - }, - "base": { - {`#.*\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`on|off`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`\$[^\s;#()]+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`([a-z0-9.-]+)(:)([0-9]+)`, ByGroups(Name, Punctuation, LiteralNumberInteger), nil}, - {`[a-z-]+/[a-z-+]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`[0-9]+[km]?\b`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`(~)(\s*)([^\s{]+)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, Text, LiteralStringRegex), nil}, - {`[:=~]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[^\s;#{}$]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`/[^\s;#]*`, Name, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`[$;]`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/n/nim.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/n/nim.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3f98086..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/n/nim.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ -package n - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Nim lexer. -var Nim = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Nim", - Aliases: []string{"nim", "nimrod"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.nim", "*.nimrod"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-nim"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - nimRules, -)) - -func nimRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`#\[[\s\S]*?\]#`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`##.*$`, LiteralStringDoc, nil}, - {`#.*$`, Comment, nil}, - {`[*=><+\-/@$~&%!?|\\\[\]]`, Operator, nil}, - {"\\.\\.|\\.|,|\\[\\.|\\.\\]|\\{\\.|\\.\\}|\\(\\.|\\.\\)|\\{|\\}|\\(|\\)|:|\\^|`|;", Punctuation, nil}, - {`(?:[\w]+)"`, LiteralString, Push("rdqs")}, - {`"""`, LiteralString, Push("tdqs")}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("dqs")}, - {`'`, LiteralStringChar, Push("chars")}, - {`(a_?n_?d_?|o_?r_?|n_?o_?t_?|x_?o_?r_?|s_?h_?l_?|s_?h_?r_?|d_?i_?v_?|m_?o_?d_?|i_?n_?|n_?o_?t_?i_?n_?|i_?s_?|i_?s_?n_?o_?t_?)\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`(p_?r_?o_?c_?\s)(?![(\[\]])`, Keyword, Push("funcname")}, - {`(a_?d_?d_?r_?|a_?n_?d_?|a_?s_?|a_?s_?m_?|a_?t_?o_?m_?i_?c_?|b_?i_?n_?d_?|b_?l_?o_?c_?k_?|b_?r_?e_?a_?k_?|c_?a_?s_?e_?|c_?a_?s_?t_?|c_?o_?n_?c_?e_?p_?t_?|c_?o_?n_?s_?t_?|c_?o_?n_?t_?i_?n_?u_?e_?|c_?o_?n_?v_?e_?r_?t_?e_?r_?|d_?e_?f_?e_?r_?|d_?i_?s_?c_?a_?r_?d_?|d_?i_?s_?t_?i_?n_?c_?t_?|d_?i_?v_?|d_?o_?|e_?l_?i_?f_?|e_?l_?s_?e_?|e_?n_?d_?|e_?n_?u_?m_?|e_?x_?c_?e_?p_?t_?|e_?x_?p_?o_?r_?t_?|f_?i_?n_?a_?l_?l_?y_?|f_?o_?r_?|f_?u_?n_?c_?|i_?f_?|i_?n_?|y_?i_?e_?l_?d_?|i_?n_?t_?e_?r_?f_?a_?c_?e_?|i_?s_?|i_?s_?n_?o_?t_?|i_?t_?e_?r_?a_?t_?o_?r_?|l_?e_?t_?|m_?a_?c_?r_?o_?|m_?e_?t_?h_?o_?d_?|m_?i_?x_?i_?n_?|m_?o_?d_?|n_?o_?t_?|n_?o_?t_?i_?n_?|o_?b_?j_?e_?c_?t_?|o_?f_?|o_?r_?|o_?u_?t_?|p_?r_?o_?c_?|p_?t_?r_?|r_?a_?i_?s_?e_?|r_?e_?f_?|r_?e_?t_?u_?r_?n_?|s_?h_?a_?r_?e_?d_?|s_?h_?l_?|s_?h_?r_?|s_?t_?a_?t_?i_?c_?|t_?e_?m_?p_?l_?a_?t_?e_?|t_?r_?y_?|t_?u_?p_?l_?e_?|t_?y_?p_?e_?|w_?h_?e_?n_?|w_?h_?i_?l_?e_?|w_?i_?t_?h_?|w_?i_?t_?h_?o_?u_?t_?|x_?o_?r_?)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(f_?r_?o_?m_?|i_?m_?p_?o_?r_?t_?|i_?n_?c_?l_?u_?d_?e_?)\b`, KeywordNamespace, nil}, - {`(v_?a_?r)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - {`(i_?n_?t_?|i_?n_?t_?8_?|i_?n_?t_?1_?6_?|i_?n_?t_?3_?2_?|i_?n_?t_?6_?4_?|f_?l_?o_?a_?t_?|f_?l_?o_?a_?t_?3_?2_?|f_?l_?o_?a_?t_?6_?4_?|b_?o_?o_?l_?|c_?h_?a_?r_?|r_?a_?n_?g_?e_?|a_?r_?r_?a_?y_?|s_?e_?q_?|s_?e_?t_?|s_?t_?r_?i_?n_?g_?)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(n_?i_?l_?|t_?r_?u_?e_?|f_?a_?l_?s_?e_?)\b`, KeywordPseudo, nil}, - {`\b_\b`, Name, nil}, // Standalone _ used as discardable variable identifier - {`\b((?![_\d])\w)(((?!_)\w)|(_(?!_)\w))*`, Name, nil}, - {`[0-9][0-9_]*(?=([e.]|\'f(32|64)))`, LiteralNumberFloat, Push("float-suffix", "float-number")}, - {`0x[a-f0-9][a-f0-9_]*`, LiteralNumberHex, Push("int-suffix")}, - {`0b[01][01_]*`, LiteralNumberBin, Push("int-suffix")}, - {`0o[0-7][0-7_]*`, LiteralNumberOct, Push("int-suffix")}, - {`[0-9][0-9_]*`, LiteralNumberInteger, Push("int-suffix")}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`.+$`, Error, nil}, - }, - "chars": { - {`\\([\\abcefnrtvl"\']|x[a-f0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,3})`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`'`, LiteralStringChar, Pop(1)}, - {`.`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - }, - "strings": { - {`(? <= < >= > *")...), Operator, nil}, - {`[;:]`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "comment": { - {`\*/`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`.|\n`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "paren": { - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - "list": { - {`\]`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - "qstring": { - {`"`, StringDouble, Pop(1)}, - {`\${`, StringInterpol, Push("interpol")}, - {`\\.`, StringEscape, nil}, - {`.|\n`, StringDouble, nil}, - }, - "istring": { - {`''\$`, StringEscape, nil}, // "$" - {`'''`, StringEscape, nil}, // "''" - {`''\\.`, StringEscape, nil}, // "\." - {`''`, StringSingle, Pop(1)}, - {`\${`, StringInterpol, Push("interpol")}, - // The next rule is important: "$" escapes any symbol except "{"! - {`\$.`, StringSingle, nil}, // "$." - {`.|\n`, StringSingle, nil}, - }, - "scope": { - {`}:`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`in` + nixb, Keyword, Pop(1)}, - {`\${`, StringInterpol, Push("interpol")}, - Include("root"), // "==" has to be above "=" - {Words(``, ``, strings.Fields("= ? ,")...), Operator, nil}, - }, - "interpol": { - {`}`, StringInterpol, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - "id": { - {`[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_'-]*`, Name, nil}, - }, - "uri": { - {`[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]*:[a-zA-Z0-9%/?:@&=+$,_.!~*'-]+`, StringDoc, nil}, - }, - "path": { - {`[a-zA-Z0-9._+-]*(/[a-zA-Z0-9._+-]+)+`, StringRegex, nil}, - {`~(/[a-zA-Z0-9._+-]+)+/?`, StringRegex, nil}, - {`<[a-zA-Z0-9._+-]+(/[a-zA-Z0-9._+-]+)*>`, StringRegex, nil}, - }, - "int": { - {`-?[0-9]+` + nixb, NumberInteger, nil}, - }, - "float": { - {`-?(([1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]*)|(0?\.[0-9]+))([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?` + nixb, NumberFloat, nil}, - }, - "space": { - {`[ \t\r\n]+`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/o/objectivec.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/o/objectivec.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0ae3029..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/o/objectivec.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,169 +0,0 @@ -package o - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Objective-C lexer. -var ObjectiveC = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Objective-C", - Aliases: []string{"objective-c", "objectivec", "obj-c", "objc"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.m", "*.h"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-objective-c"}, - }, - objectiveCRules, -)) - -func objectiveCRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "statements": { - {`@"`, LiteralString, Push("string")}, - {`@(YES|NO)`, LiteralNumber, nil}, - {`@'(\\.|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}|[^\\\'\n])'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`@(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d+[lL]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`@(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+[fF])[fF]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`@0x[0-9a-fA-F]+[Ll]?`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`@0[0-7]+[Ll]?`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`@\d+[Ll]?`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`@\(`, Literal, Push("literal_number")}, - {`@\[`, Literal, Push("literal_array")}, - {`@\{`, Literal, Push("literal_dictionary")}, - 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"github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Octave lexer. -var Octave = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Octave", - Aliases: []string{"octave"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.m"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/octave"}, - }, - octaveRules, -)) - -func octaveRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[%#].*$`, Comment, nil}, - {`^\s*function`, Keyword, Push("deffunc")}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `__FILE__`, `__LINE__`, `break`, `case`, `catch`, `classdef`, `continue`, `do`, `else`, `elseif`, `end`, `end_try_catch`, `end_unwind_protect`, `endclassdef`, `endevents`, `endfor`, `endfunction`, `endif`, `endmethods`, `endproperties`, `endswitch`, `endwhile`, `events`, `for`, `function`, `get`, `global`, `if`, `methods`, `otherwise`, `persistent`, `properties`, `return`, `set`, `static`, `switch`, `try`, `until`, `unwind_protect`, `unwind_protect_cleanup`, `while`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `addlistener`, `addpath`, 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`XREF`, `XREF-XML`, `Y`, `Y-OF`, `YEAR`, `YEAR-OFFSET`, `YES`, `YES-NO`, `YES-NO-CANCEL`), KeywordReserved, nil}, //nolint - {`"(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^"\\])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`'(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^'\\])*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`[+*/=-]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[.:()]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`.`, NameVariable, nil}, - }, - "comment": { - {`[^*/]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push()}, - {`\*/`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[*/]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`\/\/`, CommentSingle, nil}, - }, - "preprocessor": { - {`[^{}]`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`\{`, CommentPreproc, Push()}, - {`\}`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)}, - }, - } - }, -)) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/o/openscad.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/o/openscad.go deleted file mode 100644 index d18b9ca..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/o/openscad.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -package o - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -var OpenSCAD = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "OpenSCAD", - Aliases: []string{"openscad"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.scad"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-scad"}, - }, - openSCADRules, -)) - -func openSCADRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`//(\n|[\w\W]*?[^\\]\n)`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*][\w\W]*?[*](\\\n)?/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*][\w\W]*`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`[{}\[\]\(\),;:]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[*!#%\-+=?/]`, Operator, nil}, - {`<|<=|==|!=|>=|>|&&|\|\|`, Operator, nil}, - {`\$(f[asn]|t|vp[rtd]|children)`, NameVariableMagic, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `PI`, `undef`), KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(use|include)((?:\s|\\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("includes")}, - {`(module)(\s*)([^\s\(]+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text, NameNamespace), nil}, - {`(function)(\s*)([^\s\(]+)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text, NameFunction), nil}, - {`\b(true|false)\b`, Literal, nil}, - {`\b(function|module|include|use|for|intersection_for|if|else|return)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`\b(circle|square|polygon|text|sphere|cube|cylinder|polyhedron|translate|rotate|scale|resize|mirror|multmatrix|color|offset|hull|minkowski|union|difference|intersection|abs|sign|sin|cos|tan|acos|asin|atan|atan2|floor|round|ceil|ln|log|pow|sqrt|exp|rands|min|max|concat|lookup|str|chr|search|version|version_num|norm|cross|parent_module|echo|import|import_dxf|dxf_linear_extrude|linear_extrude|rotate_extrude|surface|projection|render|dxf_cross|dxf_dim|let|assign|len)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\bchildren\b`, NameBuiltinPseudo, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`-?\d+(\.\d+)?(e[+-]?\d+)?`, Number, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - }, - "includes": { - {"(<)([^>]*)(>)", ByGroups(Punctuation, CommentPreprocFile, Punctuation), nil}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/o/org.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/o/org.go deleted file mode 100644 index 00f6df4..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/o/org.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ -package o - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Org mode lexer. -var Org = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Org Mode", - Aliases: []string{"org", "orgmode"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.org"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/org"}, // https://lists.gnu.org/r/emacs-orgmode/2017-09/msg00087.html - }, - orgRules, -)) - -func orgRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`^# .*$`, Comment, nil}, - // Headings - {`^(\*)( COMMENT)( .*)$`, ByGroups(GenericHeading, NameEntity, GenericStrong), nil}, - {`^(\*\*+)( COMMENT)( .*)$`, ByGroups(GenericSubheading, NameEntity, Text), nil}, - {`^(\*)( DONE)( .*)$`, ByGroups(GenericHeading, LiteralStringRegex, GenericStrong), nil}, - {`^(\*\*+)( DONE)( .*)$`, ByGroups(GenericSubheading, LiteralStringRegex, Text), nil}, - {`^(\*)( TODO)( .*)$`, ByGroups(GenericHeading, Error, GenericStrong), nil}, - {`^(\*\*+)( TODO)( .*)$`, ByGroups(GenericSubheading, Error, Text), nil}, - {`^(\*)( .+?)( :[a-zA-Z0-9_@:]+:)$`, ByGroups(GenericHeading, GenericStrong, GenericEmph), nil}, // Level 1 heading with tags - {`^(\*)( .+)$`, ByGroups(GenericHeading, GenericStrong), nil}, // // Level 1 heading with NO tags - {`^(\*\*+)( .+?)( :[a-zA-Z0-9_@:]+:)$`, ByGroups(GenericSubheading, Text, GenericEmph), nil}, // Level 2+ heading with tags - {`^(\*\*+)( .+)$`, ByGroups(GenericSubheading, Text), nil}, // Level 2+ heading with NO tags - // Checkbox lists - {`^( *)([+-] )(\[[ X]\])( .+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil}, - {`^( +)(\* )(\[[ X]\])( .+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil}, - // Definition lists - {`^( *)([+-] )([^ \n]+ ::)( .+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil}, - {`^( +)(\* )([^ \n]+ ::)( .+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil}, - // Unordered lists - {`^( *)([+-] )(.+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil}, - {`^( +)(\* )(.+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil}, - // Ordered lists - {`^( *)([0-9]+[.)])( \[@[0-9]+\])( .+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, GenericEmph, UsingSelf("inline")), nil}, - {`^( *)([0-9]+[.)])( .+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil}, - // Dynamic Blocks - {`(?i)^( *#\+begin: )([^ ]+)([\w\W]*?\n)([\w\W]*?)(^ *#\+end: *$)`, ByGroups(Comment, CommentSpecial, Comment, UsingSelf("inline"), Comment), nil}, - // Blocks - // - Comment Blocks - {`(?i)^( *#\+begin_comment *\n)([\w\W]*?)(^ *#\+end_comment *$)`, ByGroups(Comment, Comment, Comment), nil}, - // - Src Blocks - { - `(?i)^( *#\+begin_src )([^ \n]+)(.*?\n)([\w\W]*?)(^ *#\+end_src *$)`, - UsingByGroup( - internal.Get, - 2, 4, - Comment, CommentSpecial, Comment, Text, Comment, - ), - nil, - }, - // - Export Blocks - { - `(?i)^( *#\+begin_export )(\w+)( *\n)([\w\W]*?)(^ *#\+end_export *$)`, - UsingByGroup( - internal.Get, - 2, 4, - Comment, CommentSpecial, Text, Text, Comment, - ), - nil, - }, - // - Org Special, Example, Verse, etc. Blocks - {`(?i)^( *#\+begin_)(\w+)( *\n)([\w\W]*?)(^ *#\+end_\2)( *$)`, ByGroups(Comment, Comment, Text, Text, Comment, Text), nil}, - // Keywords - {`^(#\+\w+)(:.*)$`, ByGroups(CommentSpecial, Comment), nil}, // Other Org keywords like #+title - // Properties and Drawers - {`(?i)^( *:\w+: *\n)([\w\W]*?)(^ *:end: *$)`, ByGroups(Comment, CommentSpecial, Comment), nil}, - // Line break operator - {`^(.*)(\\\\)$`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("inline"), Operator), nil}, - // Deadline/Scheduled - {`(?i)^( *(?:DEADLINE|SCHEDULED): )(<[^<>]+?> *)$`, ByGroups(Comment, CommentSpecial), nil}, // DEADLINE/SCHEDULED: - // DONE state CLOSED - {`(?i)^( *CLOSED: )(\[[^][]+?\] *)$`, ByGroups(Comment, CommentSpecial), nil}, // CLOSED: [datestamp] - // All other lines - Include("inline"), - }, - "inline": { - {`(\s)*(\*[^ \n*][^*]+?[^ \n*]\*)((?=\W|\n|$))`, ByGroups(Text, GenericStrong, Text), nil}, // Bold - {`(\s)*(/[^/]+?/)((?=\W|\n|$))`, ByGroups(Text, GenericEmph, Text), nil}, // Italic - {`(\s)*(=[^\n=]+?=)((?=\W|\n|$))`, ByGroups(Text, NameClass, Text), nil}, // Verbatim - {`(\s)*(~[^\n~]+?~)((?=\W|\n|$))`, ByGroups(Text, NameClass, Text), nil}, // Code - {`(\s)*(\+[^+]+?\+)((?=\W|\n|$))`, ByGroups(Text, GenericDeleted, Text), nil}, // Strikethrough - {`(\s)*(_[^_]+?_)((?=\W|\n|$))`, ByGroups(Text, GenericUnderline, Text), nil}, // Underline - {`(<)([^<>]+?)(>)`, ByGroups(Text, String, Text), nil}, // - {`[{]{3}[^}]+[}]{3}`, NameBuiltin, nil}, // {{{macro(foo,1)}}} - {`([^[])(\[fn:)([^]]+?)(\])([^]])`, ByGroups(Text, NameBuiltinPseudo, LiteralString, NameBuiltinPseudo, Text), nil}, // [fn:1] - // Links - {`(\[\[)([^][]+?)(\]\[)([^][]+)(\]\])`, ByGroups(Text, NameAttribute, Text, NameTag, Text), nil}, // [[link][descr]] - {`(\[\[)([^][]+?)(\]\])`, ByGroups(Text, NameAttribute, Text), nil}, // [[link]] - {`(<<)([^<>]+?)(>>)`, ByGroups(Text, NameAttribute, Text), nil}, // <> - // Tables - {`^( *)(\|[ -].*?[ -]\|)$`, ByGroups(Text, String), nil}, - // Blank lines, newlines - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - // Any other text - {`.`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/pacman.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/pacman.go deleted file mode 100644 index 00c6255..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/pacman.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Pacmanconf lexer. -var Pacmanconf = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "PacmanConf", - Aliases: []string{"pacmanconf"}, - Filenames: []string{"pacman.conf"}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - pacmanconfRules, -)) - -func pacmanconfRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`#.*$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`^\s*\[.*?\]\s*$`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(\w+)(\s*)(=)`, ByGroups(NameAttribute, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`^(\s*)(\w+)(\s*)$`, ByGroups(Text, NameAttribute, Text), nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `$repo`, `$arch`, `%o`, `%u`), NameVariable, nil}, - {`.`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/perl.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/perl.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6aa338a..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/perl.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Perl lexer. -var Perl = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Perl", - Aliases: []string{"perl", "pl"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.pl", "*.pm", "*.t"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-perl", "application/x-perl"}, - DotAll: true, - }, - perlRules, -)) - -func perlRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "balanced-regex": { - {`/(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\/])*/[egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - {`!(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\!])*![egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - {`\\(\\\\|[^\\])*\\[egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - {`\{(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\}])*\}[egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - {`<(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\>])*>[egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - {`\[(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\\]])*\][egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - {`\((\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\)])*\)[egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - {`@(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\@])*@[egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - {`%(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\%])*%[egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - {`\$(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\$])*\$[egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, Pop(1)}, - }, - "root": { - {`\A\#!.+?$`, CommentHashbang, nil}, - {`\#.*?$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`^=[a-zA-Z0-9]+\s+.*?\n=cut`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `case`, `continue`, `do`, `else`, `elsif`, `for`, `foreach`, `if`, `last`, `my`, `next`, `our`, `redo`, `reset`, `then`, `unless`, `until`, `while`, `print`, `new`, `BEGIN`, `CHECK`, `INIT`, `END`, `return`), Keyword, nil}, - {`(format)(\s+)(\w+)(\s*)(=)(\s*\n)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Name, Text, Punctuation, Text), Push("format")}, - {`(eq|lt|gt|le|ge|ne|not|and|or|cmp)\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`s/(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\/])*/(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\/])*/[egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`s!(\\\\|\\!|[^!])*!(\\\\|\\!|[^!])*![egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`s\\(\\\\|[^\\])*\\(\\\\|[^\\])*\\[egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`s@(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\@])*@(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\@])*@[egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`s%(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\%])*%(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\%])*%[egimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`s\{(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\}])*\}\s*`, LiteralStringRegex, Push("balanced-regex")}, - {`s<(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\>])*>\s*`, LiteralStringRegex, Push("balanced-regex")}, - {`s\[(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\\]])*\]\s*`, LiteralStringRegex, Push("balanced-regex")}, - {`s\((\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\)])*\)\s*`, LiteralStringRegex, Push("balanced-regex")}, - {`m?/(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\/\n])*/[gcimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`m(?=[/!\\{<\[(@%$])`, LiteralStringRegex, Push("balanced-regex")}, - {`((?<==~)|(?<=\())\s*/(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^\\/])*/[gcimosx]*`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `abs`, `accept`, `alarm`, `atan2`, `bind`, `binmode`, `bless`, `caller`, `chdir`, `chmod`, `chomp`, `chop`, `chown`, `chr`, `chroot`, `close`, `closedir`, `connect`, `continue`, `cos`, `crypt`, `dbmclose`, `dbmopen`, `defined`, `delete`, `die`, `dump`, `each`, `endgrent`, `endhostent`, `endnetent`, `endprotoent`, `endpwent`, `endservent`, `eof`, `eval`, `exec`, `exists`, `exit`, `exp`, `fcntl`, `fileno`, `flock`, `fork`, `format`, `formline`, `getc`, `getgrent`, `getgrgid`, `getgrnam`, `gethostbyaddr`, `gethostbyname`, `gethostent`, `getlogin`, `getnetbyaddr`, `getnetbyname`, `getnetent`, `getpeername`, `getpgrp`, `getppid`, `getpriority`, `getprotobyname`, `getprotobynumber`, `getprotoent`, `getpwent`, `getpwnam`, `getpwuid`, `getservbyname`, `getservbyport`, `getservent`, `getsockname`, `getsockopt`, `glob`, `gmtime`, `goto`, `grep`, `hex`, `import`, `index`, `int`, `ioctl`, `join`, `keys`, `kill`, `last`, `lc`, `lcfirst`, `length`, `link`, `listen`, `local`, `localtime`, `log`, `lstat`, `map`, `mkdir`, `msgctl`, `msgget`, `msgrcv`, `msgsnd`, `my`, `next`, `oct`, `open`, `opendir`, `ord`, `our`, `pack`, `pipe`, `pop`, `pos`, `printf`, `prototype`, `push`, `quotemeta`, `rand`, `read`, `readdir`, `readline`, `readlink`, `readpipe`, `recv`, `redo`, `ref`, `rename`, `reverse`, `rewinddir`, `rindex`, `rmdir`, `scalar`, `seek`, `seekdir`, `select`, `semctl`, `semget`, `semop`, `send`, `setgrent`, `sethostent`, `setnetent`, `setpgrp`, `setpriority`, `setprotoent`, `setpwent`, `setservent`, `setsockopt`, `shift`, `shmctl`, `shmget`, `shmread`, `shmwrite`, `shutdown`, `sin`, `sleep`, `socket`, `socketpair`, `sort`, `splice`, `split`, `sprintf`, `sqrt`, `srand`, `stat`, `study`, `substr`, `symlink`, `syscall`, `sysopen`, `sysread`, `sysseek`, `system`, `syswrite`, `tell`, `telldir`, `tie`, `tied`, `time`, `times`, `tr`, `truncate`, `uc`, `ucfirst`, `umask`, `undef`, `unlink`, `unpack`, `unshift`, `untie`, `utime`, `values`, `vec`, `wait`, `waitpid`, `wantarray`, `warn`, `write`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`((__(DATA|DIE|WARN)__)|(STD(IN|OUT|ERR)))\b`, NameBuiltinPseudo, nil}, - {`(<<)([\'"]?)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\2;?\n.*?\n)(\3)(\n)`, ByGroups(LiteralString, LiteralString, LiteralStringDelimiter, LiteralString, LiteralStringDelimiter, Text), nil}, - {`__END__`, CommentPreproc, Push("end-part")}, - {`\$\^[ADEFHILMOPSTWX]`, NameVariableGlobal, nil}, - {"\\$[\\\\\\\"\\[\\]'&`+*.,;=%~?@$!<>(^|/-](?!\\w)", NameVariableGlobal, nil}, - {`[$@%#]+`, NameVariable, Push("varname")}, - {`0_?[0-7]+(_[0-7]+)*`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+(_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`0b[01]+(_[01]+)*`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`(?i)(\d*(_\d*)*\.\d+(_\d*)*|\d+(_\d*)*\.\d+(_\d*)*)(e[+-]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`(?i)\d+(_\d*)*e[+-]?\d+(_\d*)*`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d+(_\d+)*`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`'(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^'\\])*'`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^"\\])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {"`(\\\\\\\\|\\\\[^\\\\]|[^`\\\\])*`", LiteralStringBacktick, nil}, - {`<([^\s>]+)>`, LiteralStringRegex, nil}, - {`(q|qq|qw|qr|qx)\{`, LiteralStringOther, Push("cb-string")}, - {`(q|qq|qw|qr|qx)\(`, LiteralStringOther, Push("rb-string")}, - {`(q|qq|qw|qr|qx)\[`, LiteralStringOther, Push("sb-string")}, - {`(q|qq|qw|qr|qx)\<`, LiteralStringOther, Push("lt-string")}, - {`(q|qq|qw|qr|qx)([\W_])(.|\n)*?\2`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`(package)(\s+)([a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:::[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameNamespace), nil}, - {`(use|require|no)(\s+)([a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:::[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameNamespace), nil}, - {`(sub)(\s+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("funcname")}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `no`, `package`, `require`, `use`), Keyword, nil}, - {`(\[\]|\*\*|::|<<|>>|>=|<=>|<=|={3}|!=|=~|!~|&&?|\|\||\.{1,3})`, Operator, nil}, - {`[-+/*%=<>&^|!\\~]=?`, Operator, nil}, - {`[()\[\]:;,<>/?{}]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(?=\w)`, Name, Push("name")}, - }, - "format": { - {`\.\n`, LiteralStringInterpol, Pop(1)}, - {`[^\n]*\n`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - }, - "varname": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`\{`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`\)|,`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`\w+::`, NameNamespace, nil}, - {`[\w:]+`, NameVariable, Pop(1)}, - }, - "name": { - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*(::[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*(::)?(?=\s*->)`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*(::[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*::`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - {`[\w:]+`, Name, Pop(1)}, - {`[A-Z_]+(?=\W)`, NameConstant, Pop(1)}, - {`(?=\W)`, Text, Pop(1)}, - }, - "funcname": { - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*[!?]?`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`(\([$@%]*\))(\s*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, Text), nil}, - {`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`.*?\{`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - }, - "cb-string": { - {`\\[{}\\]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\\`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\{`, LiteralStringOther, Push("cb-string")}, - {`\}`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - {`[^{}\\]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - }, - "rb-string": { - {`\\[()\\]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\\`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\(`, LiteralStringOther, Push("rb-string")}, - {`\)`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - {`[^()]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - }, - "sb-string": { - {`\\[\[\]\\]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\\`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\[`, LiteralStringOther, Push("sb-string")}, - {`\]`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - {`[^\[\]]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - }, - "lt-string": { - {`\\[<>\\]`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\\`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - {`\<`, LiteralStringOther, Push("lt-string")}, - {`\>`, LiteralStringOther, Pop(1)}, - {`[^<>]+`, LiteralStringOther, nil}, - }, - "end-part": { - {`.+`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/pig.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/pig.go deleted file mode 100644 index f2852c1..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/pig.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Pig lexer. -var Pig = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Pig", - Aliases: []string{"pig"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.pig"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-pig"}, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - pigRules, -)) - -func pigRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`--.*`, Comment, nil}, - {`/\*[\w\W]*?\*/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\\`, Text, nil}, - {`\'(?:\\[ntbrf\\\']|\\u[0-9a-f]{4}|[^\'\\\n\r])*\'`, LiteralString, nil}, - Include("keywords"), - Include("types"), - Include("builtins"), - Include("punct"), - Include("operators"), - {`[0-9]*\.[0-9]+(e[0-9]+)?[fd]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-f]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`[0-9]+L?`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`([a-z_]\w*)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Text, Punctuation), nil}, - {`[()#:]`, Text, nil}, - {`[^(:#\'")\s]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\S+\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "keywords": { - {`(assert|and|any|all|arrange|as|asc|bag|by|cache|CASE|cat|cd|cp|%declare|%default|define|dense|desc|describe|distinct|du|dump|eval|exex|explain|filter|flatten|foreach|full|generate|group|help|if|illustrate|import|inner|input|into|is|join|kill|left|limit|load|ls|map|matches|mkdir|mv|not|null|onschema|or|order|outer|output|parallel|pig|pwd|quit|register|returns|right|rm|rmf|rollup|run|sample|set|ship|split|stderr|stdin|stdout|store|stream|through|union|using|void)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - }, - "builtins": { - {`(AVG|BinStorage|cogroup|CONCAT|copyFromLocal|copyToLocal|COUNT|cross|DIFF|MAX|MIN|PigDump|PigStorage|SIZE|SUM|TextLoader|TOKENIZE)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - }, - "types": { - {`(bytearray|BIGINTEGER|BIGDECIMAL|chararray|datetime|double|float|int|long|tuple)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - }, - "punct": { - {`[;(){}\[\]]`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "operators": { - {`[#=,./%+\-?]`, Operator, nil}, - {`(eq|gt|lt|gte|lte|neq|matches)\b`, Operator, nil}, - {`(==|<=|<|>=|>|!=)`, Operator, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/pkgconfig.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/pkgconfig.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9e02410..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/pkgconfig.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Pkgconfig lexer. -var Pkgconfig = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "PkgConfig", - Aliases: []string{"pkgconfig"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.pc"}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - pkgconfigRules, -)) - -func pkgconfigRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`#.*$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`^(\w+)(=)`, ByGroups(NameAttribute, Operator), nil}, - {`^([\w.]+)(:)`, ByGroups(NameTag, Punctuation), Push("spvalue")}, - Include("interp"), - {`[^${}#=:\n.]+`, Text, nil}, - {`.`, Text, nil}, - }, - "interp": { - {`\$\$`, Text, nil}, - {`\$\{`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push("curly")}, - }, - "curly": { - {`\}`, LiteralStringInterpol, Pop(1)}, - {`\w+`, NameAttribute, nil}, - }, - "spvalue": { - Include("interp"), - {`#.*$`, CommentSingle, Pop(1)}, - {`\n`, Text, Pop(1)}, - {`[^${}#\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`.`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/plaintext.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/plaintext.go deleted file mode 100644 index 058c02a..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/plaintext.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -var Plaintext = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "plaintext", - Aliases: []string{"text", "plain", "no-highlight"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.txt"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/plain"}, - Priority: 0.1, - }, - internal.PlaintextRules, -)) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/plsql.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/plsql.go deleted file mode 100644 index 324d3fe..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/plsql.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Pl/Pgsql lexer. -var PLpgSQL = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "PL/pgSQL", - Aliases: []string{"plpgsql"}, - Filenames: []string{}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-plpgsql"}, - NotMultiline: true, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - plpgSQLRules, -)) - -func plpgSQLRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\%[a-z]\w*\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`:=`, Operator, nil}, - {`\<\<[a-z]\w*\>\>`, NameLabel, nil}, - {`\#[a-z]\w*\b`, KeywordPseudo, nil}, - {`\s+`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - {`--.*\n?`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push("multiline-comments")}, - {`(bigint|bigserial|bit|bit\s+varying|bool|boolean|box|bytea|char|character|character\s+varying|cidr|circle|date|decimal|double\s+precision|float4|float8|inet|int|int2|int4|int8|integer|interval|json|jsonb|line|lseg|macaddr|money|numeric|path|pg_lsn|point|polygon|real|serial|serial2|serial4|serial8|smallint|smallserial|text|time|timestamp|timestamptz|timetz|tsquery|tsvector|txid_snapshot|uuid|varbit|varchar|with\s+time\s+zone|without\s+time\s+zone|xml|anyarray|anyelement|anyenum|anynonarray|anyrange|cstring|fdw_handler|internal|language_handler|opaque|record|void)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `ABORT`, `ABSOLUTE`, `ACCESS`, `ACTION`, `ADD`, `ADMIN`, `AFTER`, `AGGREGATE`, `ALL`, `ALSO`, `ALTER`, `ALWAYS`, `ANALYSE`, `ANALYZE`, `AND`, `ANY`, `ARRAY`, `AS`, `ASC`, `ASSERTION`, `ASSIGNMENT`, `ASYMMETRIC`, `AT`, `ATTRIBUTE`, `AUTHORIZATION`, `BACKWARD`, `BEFORE`, `BEGIN`, `BETWEEN`, `BIGINT`, `BINARY`, `BIT`, `BOOLEAN`, `BOTH`, `BY`, `CACHE`, `CALLED`, `CASCADE`, `CASCADED`, `CASE`, `CAST`, `CATALOG`, `CHAIN`, `CHAR`, `CHARACTER`, `CHARACTERISTICS`, `CHECK`, `CHECKPOINT`, `CLASS`, `CLOSE`, `CLUSTER`, `COALESCE`, `COLLATE`, `COLLATION`, `COLUMN`, `COMMENT`, `COMMENTS`, `COMMIT`, `COMMITTED`, `CONCURRENTLY`, `CONFIGURATION`, `CONNECTION`, `CONSTRAINT`, `CONSTRAINTS`, `CONTENT`, `CONTINUE`, `CONVERSION`, `COPY`, `COST`, `CREATE`, `CROSS`, `CSV`, `CURRENT`, `CURRENT_CATALOG`, `CURRENT_DATE`, `CURRENT_ROLE`, `CURRENT_SCHEMA`, `CURRENT_TIME`, `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, `CURRENT_USER`, `CURSOR`, `CYCLE`, `DATA`, `DATABASE`, `DAY`, `DEALLOCATE`, `DEC`, `DECIMAL`, `DECLARE`, `DEFAULT`, `DEFAULTS`, `DEFERRABLE`, `DEFERRED`, `DEFINER`, `DELETE`, `DELIMITER`, `DELIMITERS`, `DESC`, `DICTIONARY`, `DISABLE`, `DISCARD`, `DISTINCT`, `DO`, `DOCUMENT`, `DOMAIN`, `DOUBLE`, `DROP`, `EACH`, `ELSE`, `ENABLE`, `ENCODING`, `ENCRYPTED`, `END`, `ENUM`, `ESCAPE`, `EVENT`, `EXCEPT`, `EXCLUDE`, `EXCLUDING`, `EXCLUSIVE`, `EXECUTE`, `EXISTS`, `EXPLAIN`, `EXTENSION`, `EXTERNAL`, `EXTRACT`, `FALSE`, `FAMILY`, `FETCH`, `FILTER`, `FIRST`, `FLOAT`, `FOLLOWING`, `FOR`, `FORCE`, `FOREIGN`, `FORWARD`, `FREEZE`, `FROM`, `FULL`, `FUNCTION`, `FUNCTIONS`, `GLOBAL`, `GRANT`, `GRANTED`, `GREATEST`, `GROUP`, `HANDLER`, `HAVING`, `HEADER`, `HOLD`, `HOUR`, `IDENTITY`, `IF`, `ILIKE`, `IMMEDIATE`, `IMMUTABLE`, `IMPLICIT`, `IN`, `INCLUDING`, `INCREMENT`, `INDEX`, `INDEXES`, `INHERIT`, `INHERITS`, `INITIALLY`, `INLINE`, `INNER`, `INOUT`, `INPUT`, `INSENSITIVE`, `INSERT`, `INSTEAD`, `INT`, `INTEGER`, `INTERSECT`, `INTERVAL`, `INTO`, `INVOKER`, `IS`, `ISNULL`, `ISOLATION`, `JOIN`, `KEY`, `LABEL`, `LANGUAGE`, `LARGE`, `LAST`, `LATERAL`, `LC_COLLATE`, `LC_CTYPE`, `LEADING`, `LEAKPROOF`, `LEAST`, `LEFT`, `LEVEL`, `LIKE`, `LIMIT`, `LISTEN`, `LOAD`, `LOCAL`, `LOCALTIME`, `LOCALTIMESTAMP`, `LOCATION`, `LOCK`, `MAPPING`, `MATCH`, `MATERIALIZED`, `MAXVALUE`, `MINUTE`, `MINVALUE`, `MODE`, `MONTH`, `MOVE`, `NAME`, `NAMES`, `NATIONAL`, `NATURAL`, `NCHAR`, `NEXT`, `NO`, `NONE`, `NOT`, `NOTHING`, `NOTIFY`, `NOTNULL`, `NOWAIT`, `NULL`, `NULLIF`, `NULLS`, `NUMERIC`, `OBJECT`, `OF`, `OFF`, `OFFSET`, `OIDS`, `ON`, `ONLY`, `OPERATOR`, `OPTION`, `OPTIONS`, `OR`, `ORDER`, `ORDINALITY`, `OUT`, `OUTER`, `OVER`, `OVERLAPS`, `OVERLAY`, `OWNED`, `OWNER`, `PARSER`, `PARTIAL`, `PARTITION`, `PASSING`, `PASSWORD`, `PLACING`, `PLANS`, `POLICY`, `POSITION`, `PRECEDING`, `PRECISION`, `PREPARE`, `PREPARED`, `PRESERVE`, `PRIMARY`, `PRIOR`, `PRIVILEGES`, `PROCEDURAL`, `PROCEDURE`, `PROGRAM`, `QUOTE`, `RANGE`, `READ`, `REAL`, `REASSIGN`, `RECHECK`, `RECURSIVE`, `REF`, `REFERENCES`, `REFRESH`, `REINDEX`, `RELATIVE`, `RELEASE`, `RENAME`, `REPEATABLE`, `REPLACE`, `REPLICA`, `RESET`, `RESTART`, `RESTRICT`, `RETURNING`, `RETURNS`, `REVOKE`, `RIGHT`, `ROLE`, `ROLLBACK`, `ROW`, `ROWS`, `RULE`, `SAVEPOINT`, `SCHEMA`, `SCROLL`, `SEARCH`, `SECOND`, `SECURITY`, `SELECT`, `SEQUENCE`, `SEQUENCES`, `SERIALIZABLE`, `SERVER`, `SESSION`, `SESSION_USER`, `SET`, `SETOF`, `SHARE`, `SHOW`, `SIMILAR`, `SIMPLE`, `SMALLINT`, `SNAPSHOT`, `SOME`, `STABLE`, `STANDALONE`, `START`, `STATEMENT`, `STATISTICS`, `STDIN`, `STDOUT`, `STORAGE`, `STRICT`, `STRIP`, `SUBSTRING`, `SYMMETRIC`, `SYSID`, `SYSTEM`, `TABLE`, `TABLES`, `TABLESPACE`, `TEMP`, `TEMPLATE`, `TEMPORARY`, `TEXT`, `THEN`, `TIME`, `TIMESTAMP`, `TO`, `TRAILING`, `TRANSACTION`, `TREAT`, `TRIGGER`, `TRIM`, `TRUE`, `TRUNCATE`, `TRUSTED`, `TYPE`, `TYPES`, `UNBOUNDED`, `UNCOMMITTED`, `UNENCRYPTED`, `UNION`, `UNIQUE`, `UNKNOWN`, `UNLISTEN`, `UNLOGGED`, `UNTIL`, `UPDATE`, `USER`, `USING`, `VACUUM`, `VALID`, `VALIDATE`, `VALIDATOR`, `VALUE`, `VALUES`, `VARCHAR`, `VARIADIC`, `VARYING`, `VERBOSE`, `VERSION`, `VIEW`, `VIEWS`, `VOLATILE`, `WHEN`, `WHERE`, `WHITESPACE`, `WINDOW`, `WITH`, `WITHIN`, `WITHOUT`, `WORK`, `WRAPPER`, `WRITE`, `XML`, `XMLATTRIBUTES`, `XMLCONCAT`, `XMLELEMENT`, `XMLEXISTS`, `XMLFOREST`, `XMLPARSE`, `XMLPI`, `XMLROOT`, `XMLSERIALIZE`, `YEAR`, `YES`, `ZONE`, `ALIAS`, `CONSTANT`, `DIAGNOSTICS`, `ELSIF`, `EXCEPTION`, `EXIT`, `FOREACH`, `GET`, `LOOP`, `NOTICE`, `OPEN`, `PERFORM`, `QUERY`, `RAISE`, `RETURN`, `REVERSE`, `SQLSTATE`, `WHILE`), Keyword, nil}, - {"[+*/<>=~!@#%^&|`?-]+", Operator, nil}, - {`::`, Operator, nil}, - {`\$\d+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`([0-9]*\.[0-9]*|[0-9]+)(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`((?:E|U&)?)(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Push("string")}, - {`((?:U&)?)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringName), Push("quoted-ident")}, - // { `(?s)(\$)([^$]*)(\$)(.*?)(\$)(\2)(\$)`, ?? ??, nil }, - {`[a-z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`:(['"]?)[a-z]\w*\b\1`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`[;:()\[\]{},.]`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "multiline-comments": { - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push("multiline-comments")}, - {`\*/`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[^/*]+`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`[/*]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`[^']+`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`''`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`'`, LiteralStringSingle, Pop(1)}, - }, - "quoted-ident": { - {`[^"]+`, LiteralStringName, nil}, - {`""`, LiteralStringName, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringName, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/plutus_core.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/plutus_core.go deleted file mode 100644 index b2ad4e1..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/plutus_core.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// nolint - -// Lexer for the Plutus Core Languages (version 2.1) -// -// including both Typed- and Untyped- versions -// based on “Formal Specification of the Plutus Core Language (version 2.1)”, published 6th April 2021: -// https://hydra.iohk.io/build/8205579/download/1/plutus-core-specification.pdf - -var PlutusCoreLang = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Plutus Core", - Aliases: []string{"plutus-core", "plc"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.plc"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-plutus-core", "application/x-plutus-core"}, - }, - plutusCoreRules, -)) - -func plutusCoreRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`(\(|\))`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(\[|\])`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`({|})`, Punctuation, nil}, - - // Constants. Figure 1. - // For version, see handling of (program ...) below. - {`([+-]?\d+)`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`(#([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])+)`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`(\(\))`, NameConstant, nil}, - {`(True|False)`, NameConstant, nil}, - - // Keywords. Figures 2 and 15. - // Special handling for program because it is followed by a version. - {`(con |abs |iwrap |unwrap |lam |builtin |delay |force |error)`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(fun |all |ifix |lam |con )`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(type|fun )`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(program )(\S+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, LiteralString), nil}, - - // Built-in Types. Figure 12. - {`(unit|bool|integer|bytestring|string)`, KeywordType, nil}, - - // Built-ins Functions. Figure 14 but, more importantly, implementation: - // https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus/blob/6d759c4/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Default/Builtins.hs#L42-L111 - {`(addInteger |subtractInteger |multiplyInteger |divideInteger |quotientInteger |remainderInteger |modInteger |equalsInteger |lessThanInteger |lessThanEqualsInteger )`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(appendByteString |consByteString |sliceByteString |lengthOfByteString |indexByteString |equalsByteString |lessThanByteString |lessThanEqualsByteString )`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(sha2_256 |sha3_256 |blake2b_256 |verifySignature )`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(appendString |equalsString |encodeUtf8 |decodeUtf8 )`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(ifThenElse )`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(chooseUnit )`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(trace )`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(fstPair |sndPair )`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(chooseList |mkCons |headList |tailList |nullList )`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(chooseData |constrData |mapData |listData |iData |bData |unConstrData |unMapData |unListData |unIData |unBData |equalsData )`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(mkPairData |mkNilData |mkNilPairData )`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - - // Name. Figure 1. - {`([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_']*)`, Name, nil}, - - // Unicode String. Not in the specification. - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string")}, - }, - "string": { - {`[^\\"]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/pony.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/pony.go deleted file mode 100644 index 41d5682..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/pony.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Pony lexer. -var Pony = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Pony", - Aliases: []string{"pony"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.pony"}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - ponyRules, -)) - -func ponyRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`//.*\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push("nested_comment")}, - {`"""(?:.|\n)*?"""`, LiteralStringDoc, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Push("string")}, - {`\'.*\'`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`=>|[]{}:().~;,|&!^?[]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `addressof`, `and`, `as`, `consume`, `digestof`, `is`, `isnt`, `not`, `or`), OperatorWord, nil}, - {`!=|==|<<|>>|[-+/*%=<>]`, Operator, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `box`, `break`, `compile_error`, `compile_intrinsic`, `continue`, `do`, `else`, `elseif`, `embed`, `end`, `error`, `for`, `if`, `ifdef`, `in`, `iso`, `lambda`, `let`, `match`, `object`, `recover`, `ref`, `repeat`, `return`, `tag`, `then`, `this`, `trn`, `try`, `until`, `use`, `var`, `val`, `where`, `while`, `with`, `#any`, `#read`, `#send`, `#share`), Keyword, nil}, - {`(actor|class|struct|primitive|interface|trait|type)((?:\s)+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("typename")}, - {`(new|fun|be)((?:\s)+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("methodname")}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `U8`, `U16`, `U32`, `U64`, `ULong`, `USize`, `U128`, `Unsigned`, `Stringable`, `String`, `StringBytes`, `StringRunes`, `InputNotify`, `InputStream`, `Stdin`, `ByteSeq`, `ByteSeqIter`, `OutStream`, `StdStream`, `SourceLoc`, `I8`, `I16`, `I32`, `I64`, `ILong`, `ISize`, `I128`, `Signed`, `Seq`, `RuntimeOptions`, `Real`, `Integer`, `SignedInteger`, `UnsignedInteger`, `FloatingPoint`, `Number`, `Int`, `ReadSeq`, `ReadElement`, `Pointer`, `Platform`, `NullablePointer`, `None`, `Iterator`, `F32`, `F64`, `Float`, `Env`, `DoNotOptimise`, `DisposableActor`, `Less`, `Equal`, `Greater`, `Compare`, `HasEq`, `Equatable`, `Comparable`, `Bool`, `AsioEventID`, `AsioEventNotify`, `AsioEvent`, `Array`, `ArrayKeys`, `ArrayValues`, `ArrayPairs`, `Any`, `AmbientAuth`), KeywordType, nil}, - {`_?[A-Z]\w*`, NameClass, nil}, - {`string\(\)`, NameOther, nil}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-fA-F]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`(true|false)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`_\d*`, Name, nil}, - {`_?[a-z][\w\'_]*`, Name, nil}, - }, - "typename": { - {`(iso|trn|ref|val|box|tag)?((?:\s)*)(_?[A-Z]\w*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameClass), Pop(1)}, - }, - "methodname": { - {`(iso|trn|ref|val|box|tag)?((?:\s)*)(_?[a-z]\w*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, NameFunction), Pop(1)}, - }, - "nested_comment": { - {`[^*/]+`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push()}, - {`\*/`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[*/]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`\\"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`[^\\"]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/postgres.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/postgres.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8977e2c..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/postgres.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Postgresql Sql Dialect lexer. -var PostgreSQL = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "PostgreSQL SQL dialect", - Aliases: []string{"postgresql", "postgres"}, - Filenames: []string{}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-postgresql"}, - NotMultiline: true, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - postgreSQLRules, -)) - -func postgreSQLRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`--.*\n?`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push("multiline-comments")}, - {`(bigint|bigserial|bit|bit\s+varying|bool|boolean|box|bytea|char|character|character\s+varying|cidr|circle|date|decimal|double\s+precision|float4|float8|inet|int|int2|int4|int8|integer|interval|json|jsonb|line|lseg|macaddr|money|numeric|path|pg_lsn|point|polygon|real|serial|serial2|serial4|serial8|smallint|smallserial|text|time|timestamp|timestamptz|timetz|tsquery|tsvector|txid_snapshot|uuid|varbit|varchar|with\s+time\s+zone|without\s+time\s+zone|xml|anyarray|anyelement|anyenum|anynonarray|anyrange|cstring|fdw_handler|internal|language_handler|opaque|record|void)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - { - `(?s)(DO)(\s+)(?:(LANGUAGE)?(\s+)('?)(\w+)?('?)(\s+))?(\$)([^$]*)(\$)(.*?)(\$)(\10)(\$)`, - UsingByGroup( - internal.Get, - 6, 12, - Keyword, Text, Keyword, Text, // DO LANGUAGE - StringSingle, StringSingle, StringSingle, Text, // 'plpgsql' - StringHeredoc, StringHeredoc, StringHeredoc, // $tag$ - StringHeredoc, // (code block) - StringHeredoc, StringHeredoc, StringHeredoc, // $tag$ - ), - nil, - }, - {Words(``, `\b`, `ABORT`, `ABSOLUTE`, `ACCESS`, `ACTION`, `ADD`, `ADMIN`, `AFTER`, `AGGREGATE`, `ALL`, `ALSO`, `ALTER`, `ALWAYS`, `ANALYSE`, `ANALYZE`, `AND`, `ANY`, `ARRAY`, `AS`, `ASC`, `ASSERTION`, `ASSIGNMENT`, `ASYMMETRIC`, `AT`, `ATTRIBUTE`, `AUTHORIZATION`, `BACKWARD`, `BEFORE`, `BEGIN`, `BETWEEN`, `BIGINT`, `BINARY`, `BIT`, `BOOLEAN`, `BOTH`, `BY`, `CACHE`, `CALLED`, `CASCADE`, `CASCADED`, `CASE`, `CAST`, `CATALOG`, `CHAIN`, `CHAR`, `CHARACTER`, `CHARACTERISTICS`, `CHECK`, `CHECKPOINT`, `CLASS`, `CLOSE`, `CLUSTER`, `COALESCE`, `COLLATE`, `COLLATION`, `COLUMN`, `COMMENT`, `COMMENTS`, `COMMIT`, `COMMITTED`, `CONCURRENTLY`, `CONFIGURATION`, `CONNECTION`, `CONSTRAINT`, `CONSTRAINTS`, `CONTENT`, `CONTINUE`, `CONVERSION`, `COPY`, `COST`, `CREATE`, `CROSS`, `CSV`, `CURRENT`, `CURRENT_CATALOG`, `CURRENT_DATE`, `CURRENT_ROLE`, `CURRENT_SCHEMA`, `CURRENT_TIME`, `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, `CURRENT_USER`, `CURSOR`, `CYCLE`, `DATA`, `DATABASE`, `DAY`, `DEALLOCATE`, `DEC`, `DECIMAL`, `DECLARE`, `DEFAULT`, `DEFAULTS`, `DEFERRABLE`, `DEFERRED`, `DEFINER`, `DELETE`, `DELIMITER`, `DELIMITERS`, `DESC`, `DICTIONARY`, `DISABLE`, `DISCARD`, `DISTINCT`, `DO`, `DOCUMENT`, `DOMAIN`, `DOUBLE`, `DROP`, `EACH`, `ELSE`, `ENABLE`, `ENCODING`, `ENCRYPTED`, `END`, `ENUM`, `ESCAPE`, `EVENT`, `EXCEPT`, `EXCLUDE`, `EXCLUDING`, `EXCLUSIVE`, `EXECUTE`, `EXISTS`, `EXPLAIN`, `EXTENSION`, `EXTERNAL`, `EXTRACT`, `FALSE`, `FAMILY`, `FETCH`, `FILTER`, `FIRST`, `FLOAT`, `FOLLOWING`, `FOR`, `FORCE`, `FOREIGN`, `FORWARD`, `FREEZE`, `FROM`, `FULL`, `FUNCTION`, `FUNCTIONS`, `GLOBAL`, `GRANT`, `GRANTED`, `GREATEST`, `GROUP`, `HANDLER`, `HAVING`, `HEADER`, `HOLD`, `HOUR`, `IDENTITY`, `IF`, `ILIKE`, `IMMEDIATE`, `IMMUTABLE`, `IMPLICIT`, `IN`, `INCLUDING`, `INCREMENT`, `INDEX`, `INDEXES`, `INHERIT`, `INHERITS`, `INITIALLY`, `INLINE`, `INNER`, `INOUT`, `INPUT`, `INSENSITIVE`, `INSERT`, `INSTEAD`, `INT`, `INTEGER`, `INTERSECT`, `INTERVAL`, `INTO`, `INVOKER`, `IS`, `ISNULL`, `ISOLATION`, `JOIN`, `KEY`, `LABEL`, `LANGUAGE`, `LARGE`, `LAST`, `LATERAL`, `LC_COLLATE`, `LC_CTYPE`, `LEADING`, `LEAKPROOF`, `LEAST`, `LEFT`, `LEVEL`, `LIKE`, `LIMIT`, `LISTEN`, `LOAD`, `LOCAL`, `LOCALTIME`, `LOCALTIMESTAMP`, `LOCATION`, `LOCK`, `MAPPING`, `MATCH`, `MATERIALIZED`, `MAXVALUE`, `MINUTE`, `MINVALUE`, `MODE`, `MONTH`, `MOVE`, `NAME`, `NAMES`, `NATIONAL`, `NATURAL`, `NCHAR`, `NEXT`, `NO`, `NONE`, `NOT`, `NOTHING`, `NOTIFY`, `NOTNULL`, `NOWAIT`, `NULL`, `NULLIF`, `NULLS`, `NUMERIC`, `OBJECT`, `OF`, `OFF`, `OFFSET`, `OIDS`, `ON`, `ONLY`, `OPERATOR`, `OPTION`, `OPTIONS`, `OR`, `ORDER`, `ORDINALITY`, `OUT`, `OUTER`, `OVER`, `OVERLAPS`, `OVERLAY`, `OWNED`, `OWNER`, `PARSER`, `PARTIAL`, `PARTITION`, `PASSING`, `PASSWORD`, `PLACING`, `PLANS`, `POLICY`, `POSITION`, `PRECEDING`, `PRECISION`, `PREPARE`, `PREPARED`, `PRESERVE`, `PRIMARY`, `PRIOR`, `PRIVILEGES`, `PROCEDURAL`, `PROCEDURE`, `PROGRAM`, `QUOTE`, `RANGE`, `READ`, `REAL`, `REASSIGN`, `RECHECK`, `RECURSIVE`, `REF`, `REFERENCES`, `REFRESH`, `REINDEX`, `RELATIVE`, `RELEASE`, `RENAME`, `REPEATABLE`, `REPLACE`, `REPLICA`, `RESET`, `RESTART`, `RESTRICT`, `RETURNING`, `RETURNS`, `REVOKE`, `RIGHT`, `ROLE`, `ROLLBACK`, `ROW`, `ROWS`, `RULE`, `SAVEPOINT`, `SCHEMA`, `SCROLL`, `SEARCH`, `SECOND`, `SECURITY`, `SELECT`, `SEQUENCE`, `SEQUENCES`, `SERIALIZABLE`, `SERVER`, `SESSION`, `SESSION_USER`, `SET`, `SETOF`, `SHARE`, `SHOW`, `SIMILAR`, `SIMPLE`, `SMALLINT`, `SNAPSHOT`, `SOME`, `STABLE`, `STANDALONE`, `START`, `STATEMENT`, `STATISTICS`, `STDIN`, `STDOUT`, `STORAGE`, `STRICT`, `STRIP`, `SUBSTRING`, `SYMMETRIC`, `SYSID`, `SYSTEM`, `TABLE`, `TABLES`, `TABLESPACE`, `TEMP`, `TEMPLATE`, `TEMPORARY`, `TEXT`, `THEN`, `TIME`, `TIMESTAMP`, `TO`, `TRAILING`, `TRANSACTION`, `TREAT`, `TRIGGER`, `TRIM`, `TRUE`, `TRUNCATE`, `TRUSTED`, `TYPE`, `TYPES`, `UNBOUNDED`, `UNCOMMITTED`, `UNENCRYPTED`, `UNION`, `UNIQUE`, `UNKNOWN`, `UNLISTEN`, `UNLOGGED`, `UNTIL`, `UPDATE`, `USER`, `USING`, `VACUUM`, `VALID`, `VALIDATE`, `VALIDATOR`, `VALUE`, `VALUES`, `VARCHAR`, `VARIADIC`, `VARYING`, `VERBOSE`, `VERSION`, `VIEW`, `VIEWS`, `VOLATILE`, `WHEN`, `WHERE`, `WHITESPACE`, `WINDOW`, `WITH`, `WITHIN`, `WITHOUT`, `WORK`, `WRAPPER`, `WRITE`, `XML`, `XMLATTRIBUTES`, `XMLCONCAT`, `XMLELEMENT`, `XMLEXISTS`, `XMLFOREST`, `XMLPARSE`, `XMLPI`, `XMLROOT`, `XMLSERIALIZE`, `YEAR`, `YES`, `ZONE`), Keyword, nil}, - {"[+*/<>=~!@#%^&|`?-]+", Operator, nil}, - {`::`, Operator, nil}, - {`\$\d+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`([0-9]*\.[0-9]*|[0-9]+)(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`((?:E|U&)?)(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Push("string")}, - {`((?:U&)?)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringName), Push("quoted-ident")}, - { - `(?s)(\$)([^$]*)(\$)(.*?)(\$)(\2)(\$)(\s+)(LANGUAGE)?(\s+)('?)(\w+)?('?)`, - UsingByGroup(internal.Get, - 12, 4, - StringHeredoc, StringHeredoc, StringHeredoc, // $tag$ - StringHeredoc, // (code block) - StringHeredoc, StringHeredoc, StringHeredoc, // $tag$ - Text, Keyword, Text, // LANGUAGE - StringSingle, StringSingle, StringSingle, // 'type' - ), - nil, - }, - {`(?s)(\$)([^$]*)(\$)(.*?)(\$)(\2)(\$)`, LiteralStringHeredoc, nil}, - {`[a-z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`:(['"]?)[a-z]\w*\b\1`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`[;:()\[\]{},.]`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "multiline-comments": { - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push("multiline-comments")}, - {`\*/`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`[^/*]+`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`[/*]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`[^']+`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`''`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`'`, LiteralStringSingle, Pop(1)}, - }, - "quoted-ident": { - {`[^"]+`, LiteralStringName, nil}, - {`""`, LiteralStringName, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringName, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/postscript.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/postscript.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0b51ba5..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/postscript.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Postscript lexer. -var Postscript = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "PostScript", - Aliases: []string{"postscript", "postscr"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.ps", "*.eps"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/postscript"}, - }, - postscriptRules, -)) - -func postscriptRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`^%!.+\n`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`%%.*\n`, CommentSpecial, nil}, - {`(^%.*\n){2,}`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`%.*\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\(`, LiteralString, Push("stringliteral")}, - {`[{}<>\[\]]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`<[0-9A-Fa-f]+>(?=[()<>\[\]{}/%\s])`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`[0-9]+\#(\-|\+)?([0-9]+\.?|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*)((e|E)[0-9]+)?(?=[()<>\[\]{}/%\s])`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`(\-|\+)?([0-9]+\.?|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*)((e|E)[0-9]+)?(?=[()<>\[\]{}/%\s])`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`(\-|\+)?[0-9]+(?=[()<>\[\]{}/%\s])`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`\/[^()<>\[\]{}/%\s]+(?=[()<>\[\]{}/%\s])`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`[^()<>\[\]{}/%\s]+(?=[()<>\[\]{}/%\s])`, NameFunction, nil}, - {`(false|true)(?=[()<>\[\]{}/%\s])`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(eq|ne|g[et]|l[et]|and|or|not|if(?:else)?|for(?:all)?)(?=[()<>\[\]{}/%\s])`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - {Words(``, `(?=[()<>\[\]{}/%\s])`, `abs`, `add`, `aload`, `arc`, `arcn`, `array`, `atan`, `begin`, `bind`, `ceiling`, `charpath`, `clip`, `closepath`, `concat`, `concatmatrix`, `copy`, `cos`, `currentlinewidth`, `currentmatrix`, `currentpoint`, `curveto`, `cvi`, `cvs`, `def`, `defaultmatrix`, `dict`, `dictstackoverflow`, `div`, `dtransform`, `dup`, `end`, `exch`, `exec`, `exit`, `exp`, `fill`, `findfont`, `floor`, `get`, `getinterval`, `grestore`, `gsave`, `gt`, `identmatrix`, `idiv`, `idtransform`, `index`, `invertmatrix`, `itransform`, `length`, `lineto`, `ln`, `load`, `log`, `loop`, `matrix`, `mod`, `moveto`, `mul`, `neg`, `newpath`, `pathforall`, `pathbbox`, `pop`, `print`, `pstack`, `put`, `quit`, `rand`, `rangecheck`, `rcurveto`, `repeat`, `restore`, `rlineto`, `rmoveto`, `roll`, `rotate`, `round`, `run`, `save`, `scale`, `scalefont`, `setdash`, `setfont`, `setgray`, `setlinecap`, `setlinejoin`, `setlinewidth`, `setmatrix`, `setrgbcolor`, `shfill`, `show`, `showpage`, `sin`, `sqrt`, `stack`, `stringwidth`, `stroke`, `strokepath`, `sub`, `syntaxerror`, `transform`, `translate`, `truncate`, `typecheck`, `undefined`, `undefinedfilename`, `undefinedresult`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "stringliteral": { - {`[^()\\]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\`, LiteralStringEscape, Push("escape")}, - {`\(`, LiteralString, Push()}, - {`\)`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - "escape": { - {`[0-8]{3}|n|r|t|b|f|\\|\(|\)`, LiteralStringEscape, Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/povray.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/povray.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2d870f1..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/povray.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Povray lexer. -var Povray = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "POVRay", - Aliases: []string{"pov"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.pov", "*.inc"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-povray"}, - }, - povrayRules, -)) - -func povrayRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`/\*[\w\W]*?\*/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`//.*\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`(?s)"(?:\\.|[^"\\])+"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {Words(`#`, `\b`, `break`, `case`, `debug`, `declare`, `default`, `define`, `else`, `elseif`, `end`, `error`, `fclose`, `fopen`, `for`, `if`, `ifdef`, `ifndef`, `include`, `local`, `macro`, `range`, `read`, `render`, `statistics`, `switch`, `undef`, `version`, `warning`, `while`, `write`), CommentPreproc, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `aa_level`, `aa_threshold`, `abs`, `acos`, `acosh`, `adaptive`, `adc_bailout`, `agate`, `agate_turb`, `all`, `alpha`, `ambient`, `ambient_light`, `angle`, `aperture`, `arc_angle`, `area_light`, `asc`, `asin`, `asinh`, `assumed_gamma`, `atan`, `atan2`, `atanh`, `atmosphere`, `atmospheric_attenuation`, `attenuating`, `average`, `background`, `black_hole`, `blue`, `blur_samples`, `bounded_by`, `box_mapping`, `bozo`, `break`, `brick`, `brick_size`, `brightness`, `brilliance`, `bumps`, `bumpy1`, `bumpy2`, `bumpy3`, `bump_map`, `bump_size`, `case`, `caustics`, `ceil`, `checker`, `chr`, `clipped_by`, `clock`, `color`, `color_map`, `colour`, `colour_map`, `component`, `composite`, `concat`, `confidence`, `conic_sweep`, `constant`, `control0`, `control1`, `cos`, `cosh`, `count`, `crackle`, `crand`, `cube`, `cubic_spline`, `cylindrical_mapping`, `debug`, `declare`, `default`, `degrees`, `dents`, `diffuse`, `direction`, `distance`, `distance_maximum`, `div`, `dust`, `dust_type`, `eccentricity`, `else`, `emitting`, `end`, `error`, `error_bound`, `exp`, `exponent`, `fade_distance`, `fade_power`, `falloff`, `falloff_angle`, `false`, `file_exists`, `filter`, `finish`, `fisheye`, `flatness`, `flip`, `floor`, `focal_point`, `fog`, `fog_alt`, `fog_offset`, `fog_type`, `frequency`, `gif`, `global_settings`, `glowing`, `gradient`, `granite`, `gray_threshold`, `green`, `halo`, `hexagon`, `hf_gray_16`, `hierarchy`, `hollow`, `hypercomplex`, `if`, `ifdef`, `iff`, `image_map`, `incidence`, `include`, `int`, `interpolate`, `inverse`, `ior`, `irid`, `irid_wavelength`, `jitter`, `lambda`, `leopard`, `linear`, `linear_spline`, `linear_sweep`, `location`, `log`, `looks_like`, `look_at`, `low_error_factor`, `mandel`, `map_type`, `marble`, `material_map`, `matrix`, `max`, `max_intersections`, `max_iteration`, `max_trace_level`, `max_value`, `metallic`, `min`, `minimum_reuse`, `mod`, `mortar`, `nearest_count`, `no`, `normal`, `normal_map`, `no_shadow`, `number_of_waves`, `octaves`, `off`, `offset`, `omega`, `omnimax`, `on`, `once`, `onion`, `open`, `orthographic`, `panoramic`, `pattern1`, `pattern2`, `pattern3`, `perspective`, `pgm`, `phase`, `phong`, `phong_size`, `pi`, `pigment`, `pigment_map`, `planar_mapping`, `png`, `point_at`, `pot`, `pow`, `ppm`, `precision`, `pwr`, `quadratic_spline`, `quaternion`, `quick_color`, `quick_colour`, `quilted`, `radial`, `radians`, `radiosity`, `radius`, `rainbow`, `ramp_wave`, `rand`, `range`, `reciprocal`, `recursion_limit`, `red`, `reflection`, `refraction`, `render`, `repeat`, `rgb`, `rgbf`, `rgbft`, `rgbt`, `right`, `ripples`, `rotate`, `roughness`, `samples`, `scale`, `scallop_wave`, `scattering`, `seed`, `shadowless`, `sin`, `sine_wave`, `sinh`, `sky`, `sky_sphere`, `slice`, `slope_map`, `smooth`, `specular`, `spherical_mapping`, `spiral`, `spiral1`, `spiral2`, `spotlight`, `spotted`, `sqr`, `sqrt`, `statistics`, `str`, `strcmp`, `strength`, `strlen`, `strlwr`, `strupr`, `sturm`, `substr`, `switch`, `sys`, `t`, `tan`, `tanh`, `test_camera_1`, `test_camera_2`, `test_camera_3`, `test_camera_4`, `texture`, `texture_map`, `tga`, `thickness`, `threshold`, `tightness`, `tile2`, `tiles`, `track`, `transform`, `translate`, `transmit`, `triangle_wave`, `true`, `ttf`, `turbulence`, `turb_depth`, `type`, `ultra_wide_angle`, `up`, `use_color`, `use_colour`, `use_index`, `u_steps`, `val`, `variance`, `vaxis_rotate`, `vcross`, `vdot`, `version`, `vlength`, `vnormalize`, `volume_object`, `volume_rendered`, `vol_with_light`, `vrotate`, `v_steps`, `warning`, `warp`, `water_level`, `waves`, `while`, `width`, `wood`, `wrinkles`, `yes`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `bicubic_patch`, `blob`, `box`, `camera`, `cone`, `cubic`, `cylinder`, `difference`, `disc`, `height_field`, `intersection`, `julia_fractal`, `lathe`, `light_source`, `merge`, `mesh`, `object`, `plane`, `poly`, `polygon`, `prism`, `quadric`, `quartic`, `smooth_triangle`, `sor`, `sphere`, `superellipsoid`, `text`, `torus`, `triangle`, `union`), NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`[\[\](){}<>;,]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[-+*/=]`, Operator, nil}, - {`\b(x|y|z|u|v)\b`, NameBuiltinPseudo, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`[0-9]+\.[0-9]*`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\.[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/powerquery.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/powerquery.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0302420..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/powerquery.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// PowerQuery lexer. -var PowerQuery = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "PowerQuery", - Aliases: []string{"powerquery", "pq"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.pq"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-powerquery"}, - DotAll: true, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - powerqueryRules, -)) - -func powerqueryRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/\*.*?\*/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`(and|as|each|else|error|false|if|in|is|let|meta|not|null|or|otherwise|section|shared|then|true|try|type)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`(#binary|#date|#datetime|#datetimezone|#duration|#infinity|#nan|#sections|#shared|#table|#time)\b`, KeywordType, nil}, - {`(([a-zA-Z]|_)[\w|._]*|#"[^"]+")`, Name, nil}, - {`0[xX][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*[lL]?`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`([0-9]+\.[0-9]+|\.[0-9]+)([eE][0-9]+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[\(\)\[\]\{\}]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\.\.|\.\.\.|=>|<=|>=|<>|[@!?,;=<>\+\-\*\/&]`, Operator, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/powershell.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/powershell.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9b7b56e..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/powershell.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Powershell lexer. -var Powershell = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "PowerShell", - Aliases: []string{"powershell", "posh", "ps1", "psm1", "psd1"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.ps1", "*.psm1", "*.psd1"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-powershell"}, - DotAll: true, - CaseInsensitive: true, - }, - powershellRules, -)) - -func powershellRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\(`, Punctuation, Push("child")}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`^(\s*#[#\s]*)(\.(?:component|description|example|externalhelp|forwardhelpcategory|forwardhelptargetname|functionality|inputs|link|notes|outputs|parameter|remotehelprunspace|role|synopsis))([^\n]*$)`, ByGroups(Comment, LiteralStringDoc, Comment), nil}, - {`#[^\n]*?$`, Comment, nil}, - {`(<|<)#`, CommentMultiline, Push("multline")}, - {`(?i)([A-Z]:)`, Name, nil}, - {`@"\n`, LiteralStringHeredoc, Push("heredoc-double")}, - {`@'\n.*?\n'@`, LiteralStringHeredoc, nil}, - {"`[\\'\"$@-]", Punctuation, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Push("string")}, - {`'([^']|'')*'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`(\$|@@|@)((global|script|private|env):)?\w+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`[a-z]\w*-[a-z]\w*\b`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`(while|validateset|validaterange|validatepattern|validatelength|validatecount|until|trap|switch|return|ref|process|param|parameter|in|if|global:|function|foreach|for|finally|filter|end|elseif|else|dynamicparam|do|default|continue|cmdletbinding|break|begin|alias|\?|%|#script|#private|#local|#global|mandatory|parametersetname|position|valuefrompipeline|valuefrompipelinebypropertyname|valuefromremainingarguments|helpmessage|try|catch|throw)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - {`-(and|as|band|bnot|bor|bxor|casesensitive|ccontains|ceq|cge|cgt|cle|clike|clt|cmatch|cne|cnotcontains|cnotlike|cnotmatch|contains|creplace|eq|exact|f|file|ge|gt|icontains|ieq|ige|igt|ile|ilike|ilt|imatch|ine|inotcontains|inotlike|inotmatch|ireplace|is|isnot|le|like|lt|match|ne|not|notcontains|notlike|notmatch|or|regex|replace|wildcard)\b`, Operator, nil}, - {`(ac|asnp|cat|cd|cfs|chdir|clc|clear|clhy|cli|clp|cls|clv|cnsn|compare|copy|cp|cpi|cpp|curl|cvpa|dbp|del|diff|dir|dnsn|ebp|echo|epal|epcsv|epsn|erase|etsn|exsn|fc|fhx|fl|foreach|ft|fw|gal|gbp|gc|gci|gcm|gcs|gdr|ghy|gi|gjb|gl|gm|gmo|gp|gps|gpv|group|gsn|gsnp|gsv|gu|gv|gwmi|h|history|icm|iex|ihy|ii|ipal|ipcsv|ipmo|ipsn|irm|ise|iwmi|iwr|kill|lp|ls|man|md|measure|mi|mount|move|mp|mv|nal|ndr|ni|nmo|npssc|nsn|nv|ogv|oh|popd|ps|pushd|pwd|r|rbp|rcjb|rcsn|rd|rdr|ren|ri|rjb|rm|rmdir|rmo|rni|rnp|rp|rsn|rsnp|rujb|rv|rvpa|rwmi|sajb|sal|saps|sasv|sbp|sc|select|set|shcm|si|sl|sleep|sls|sort|sp|spjb|spps|spsv|start|sujb|sv|swmi|tee|trcm|type|wget|where|wjb|write)\s`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {"\\[[a-z_\\[][\\w. `,\\[\\]]*\\]", NameConstant, nil}, - {`-[a-z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`\w+`, Name, nil}, - {"[.,;@{}\\[\\]$()=+*/\\\\&%!~?^`|<>-]|::", Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "child": { - {`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - Include("root"), - }, - "multline": { - {`[^#&.]+`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`#(>|>)`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`\.(component|description|example|externalhelp|forwardhelpcategory|forwardhelptargetname|functionality|inputs|link|notes|outputs|parameter|remotehelprunspace|role|synopsis)`, LiteralStringDoc, nil}, - {`[#&.]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {"`[0abfnrtv'\\\"$`]", LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {"[^$`\"]+", LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`\$\(`, Punctuation, Push("child")}, - {`""`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {"[`$]", LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - }, - "heredoc-double": { - {`\n"@`, LiteralStringHeredoc, Pop(1)}, - {`\$\(`, Punctuation, Push("child")}, - {`[^@\n]+"]`, LiteralStringHeredoc, nil}, - {`.`, LiteralStringHeredoc, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/prolog.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/prolog.go deleted file mode 100644 index a2f346b..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/prolog.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Prolog lexer. -var Prolog = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Prolog", - Aliases: []string{"prolog"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.ecl", "*.prolog", "*.pro", "*.pl"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-prolog"}, - }, - prologRules, -)) - -func prologRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push("nested-comment")}, - {`%.*`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`0\'.`, LiteralStringChar, nil}, - {`0b[01]+`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`0o[0-7]+`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-fA-F]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`\d\d?\'[a-zA-Z0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[\[\](){}|.,;!]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`:-|-->`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`"(?:\\x[0-9a-fA-F]+\\|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\U[0-9a-fA-F]{8}|\\[0-7]+\\|\\["\nabcefnrstv]|[^\\"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`'(?:''|[^'])*'`, LiteralStringAtom, nil}, - {`is\b`, Operator, nil}, - {`(<|>|=<|>=|==|=:=|=|/|//|\*|\+|-)(?=\s|[a-zA-Z0-9\[])`, Operator, nil}, - {`(mod|div|not)\b`, Operator, nil}, - {`_`, Keyword, nil}, - {`([a-z]+)(:)`, ByGroups(NameNamespace, Punctuation), nil}, - {`([a-zÀ-῿぀-퟿-￯][\w$À-῿぀-퟿-￯]*)(\s*)(:-|-->)`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`([a-zÀ-῿぀-퟿-￯][\w$À-῿぀-퟿-￯]*)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Text, Punctuation), nil}, - {`[a-zÀ-῿぀-퟿-￯][\w$À-῿぀-퟿-￯]*`, LiteralStringAtom, nil}, - {`[#&*+\-./:<=>?@\\^~¡-¿‐-〿]+`, LiteralStringAtom, nil}, - {`[A-Z_]\w*`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`\s+|[ -‏￰-￾￯]`, Text, nil}, - }, - "nested-comment": { - {`\*/`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)}, - {`/\*`, CommentMultiline, Push()}, - {`[^*/]+`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {`[*/]`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/promql.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/promql.go deleted file mode 100644 index e80b926..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/promql.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Promql lexer. -var Promql = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "PromQL", - Aliases: []string{"promql"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.promql"}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - promqlRules, -)) - -func promqlRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\n`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - {`\s+`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - {`,`, Punctuation, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `bool`, `by`, `group_left`, `group_right`, `ignoring`, `offset`, `on`, `without`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `sum`, `min`, `max`, `avg`, `group`, `stddev`, `stdvar`, `count`, `count_values`, `bottomk`, `topk`, `quantile`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `abs`, `absent`, `absent_over_time`, `avg_over_time`, `ceil`, `changes`, `clamp_max`, `clamp_min`, `count_over_time`, `day_of_month`, `day_of_week`, `days_in_month`, `delta`, `deriv`, `exp`, `floor`, `histogram_quantile`, `holt_winters`, `hour`, `idelta`, `increase`, `irate`, `label_join`, `label_replace`, `ln`, `log10`, `log2`, `max_over_time`, `min_over_time`, `minute`, `month`, `predict_linear`, `quantile_over_time`, `rate`, `resets`, `round`, `scalar`, `sort`, `sort_desc`, `sqrt`, `stddev_over_time`, `stdvar_over_time`, `sum_over_time`, `time`, `timestamp`, `vector`, `year`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {`[1-9][0-9]*[smhdwy]`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`-?[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`#.*?$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`(\+|\-|\*|\/|\%|\^)`, Operator, nil}, - {`==|!=|>=|<=|<|>`, Operator, nil}, - {`and|or|unless`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+`, NameVariable, nil}, - {`(["\'])(.*?)(["\'])`, ByGroups(Punctuation, LiteralString, Punctuation), nil}, - {`\(`, Operator, Push("function")}, - {`\)`, Operator, nil}, - {`\{`, Punctuation, Push("labels")}, - {`\[`, Punctuation, Push("range")}, - }, - "labels": { - {`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`\n`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - {`\s+`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - {`,`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`([_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)(\s*?)(=~|!=|=|!~)(\s*?)("|')(.*?)("|')`, ByGroups(NameLabel, TextWhitespace, Operator, TextWhitespace, Punctuation, LiteralString, Punctuation), nil}, - }, - "range": { - {`\]`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`[1-9][0-9]*[smhdwy]`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - "function": { - {`\)`, Operator, Pop(1)}, - {`\(`, Operator, Push()}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/protobuf.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/protobuf.go deleted file mode 100644 index 76576cb..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/protobuf.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// ProtocolBuffer lexer. -var ProtocolBuffer = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Protocol Buffer", - Aliases: []string{"protobuf", "proto"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.proto"}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - protocolBufferRules, -)) - -func protocolBufferRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`[ \t]+`, Text, nil}, - {`[,;{}\[\]()<>]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?/(\n|(.|\n)*?[^\\]\n)`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?\*(.|\n)*?\*(\\\n)?/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - {Words(`\b`, `\b`, `import`, `option`, `optional`, `required`, `repeated`, `default`, `packed`, `ctype`, `extensions`, `to`, `max`, `rpc`, `returns`, `oneof`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint32`, `uint64`, `sint32`, `sint64`, `fixed32`, `fixed64`, `sfixed32`, `sfixed64`, `float`, `double`, `bool`, `string`, `bytes`), KeywordType, nil}, - {`(true|false)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`(package)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("package")}, - {`(message|extend)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text), Push("message")}, - {`(enum|group|service)(\s+)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Text), Push("type")}, - {`\".*?\"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\'.*?\'`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[eE][+-]?\d+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+[fF])[fF]?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`(\-?(inf|nan))\b`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-fA-F]+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`0[0-7]+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`\d+[LlUu]*`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`[+-=]`, Operator, nil}, - {`([a-zA-Z_][\w.]*)([ \t]*)(=)`, ByGroups(Name, Text, Operator), nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_][\w.]*`, Name, nil}, - }, - "package": { - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameNamespace, Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "message": { - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameClass, Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - "type": { - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, Pop(1)}, - Default(Pop(1)), - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/puppet.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/puppet.go deleted file mode 100644 index b32caed..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/puppet.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Puppet lexer. -var Puppet = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Puppet", - Aliases: []string{"puppet"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.pp"}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - puppetRules, -)) - -func puppetRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("comments"), - Include("keywords"), - Include("names"), - Include("numbers"), - Include("operators"), - Include("strings"), - {`[]{}:(),;[]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - }, - "comments": { - {`\s*#.*$`, Comment, nil}, - {`/(\\\n)?[*](.|\n)*?[*](\\\n)?/`, CommentMultiline, nil}, - }, - "operators": { - {`(=>|\?|<|>|=|\+|-|/|\*|~|!|\|)`, Operator, nil}, - {`(in|and|or|not)\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - }, - "names": { - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameAttribute, nil}, - {`(\$\S+)(\[)(\S+)(\])`, ByGroups(NameVariable, Punctuation, LiteralString, Punctuation), nil}, - {`\$\S+`, NameVariable, nil}, - }, - "numbers": { - {`(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?j?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`\d+[eE][+-]?[0-9]+j?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0[0-7]+j?`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`\d+L`, LiteralNumberIntegerLong, nil}, - {`\d+j?`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - }, - "keywords": { - {Words(`(?i)`, `\b`, `absent`, `alert`, `alias`, `audit`, `augeas`, `before`, `case`, `check`, `class`, `computer`, `configured`, `contained`, `create_resources`, `crit`, `cron`, `debug`, `default`, `define`, `defined`, `directory`, `else`, `elsif`, `emerg`, `err`, `exec`, `extlookup`, `fail`, `false`, `file`, `filebucket`, `fqdn_rand`, `generate`, `host`, `if`, `import`, `include`, `info`, `inherits`, `inline_template`, `installed`, `interface`, `k5login`, `latest`, `link`, `loglevel`, `macauthorization`, `mailalias`, `maillist`, `mcx`, `md5`, `mount`, `mounted`, `nagios_command`, `nagios_contact`, `nagios_contactgroup`, `nagios_host`, `nagios_hostdependency`, `nagios_hostescalation`, `nagios_hostextinfo`, `nagios_hostgroup`, `nagios_service`, `nagios_servicedependency`, `nagios_serviceescalation`, `nagios_serviceextinfo`, `nagios_servicegroup`, `nagios_timeperiod`, `node`, `noop`, `notice`, `notify`, `package`, `present`, `purged`, `realize`, `regsubst`, `resources`, `role`, `router`, `running`, `schedule`, `scheduled_task`, `search`, `selboolean`, `selmodule`, `service`, `sha1`, `shellquote`, `split`, `sprintf`, `ssh_authorized_key`, `sshkey`, `stage`, `stopped`, `subscribe`, `tag`, `tagged`, `template`, `tidy`, `true`, `undef`, `unmounted`, `user`, `versioncmp`, `vlan`, `warning`, `yumrepo`, `zfs`, `zone`, `zpool`), Keyword, nil}, - }, - "strings": { - {`"([^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`'(\\'|[^'])*'`, LiteralString, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/python.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/python.go deleted file mode 100644 index ad10a32..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/python.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,211 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Python lexer. -var Python = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Python", - Aliases: []string{"python", "py", "sage", "python3", "py3"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.py", "*.pyi", "*.pyw", "*.jy", "*.sage", "*.sc", "SConstruct", "SConscript", "*.bzl", "BUCK", "BUILD", "BUILD.bazel", "WORKSPACE", "*.tac"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-python", "application/x-python", "text/x-python3", "application/x-python3"}, - }, - pythonRules, -)) - -func pythonRules() Rules { - const pythonIdentifier = `[_\p{L}][_\p{L}\p{N}]*` - - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`^(\s*)([rRuUbB]{,2})("""(?:.|\n)*?""")`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDoc), nil}, - {`^(\s*)([rRuUbB]{,2})('''(?:.|\n)*?''')`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDoc), nil}, - {`\A#!.+$`, CommentHashbang, nil}, - {`#.*$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\\`, Text, nil}, - Include("keywords"), - {`(def)((?:\s|\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("funcname")}, - {`(class)((?:\s|\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("classname")}, - {`(from)((?:\s|\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("fromimport")}, - {`(import)((?:\s|\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("import")}, - Include("expr"), - }, - "expr": { - {`(?i)(rf|fr)(""")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Combined("rfstringescape", "tdqf")}, - {`(?i)(rf|fr)(''')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Combined("rfstringescape", "tsqf")}, - {`(?i)(rf|fr)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Combined("rfstringescape", "dqf")}, - {`(?i)(rf|fr)(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Combined("rfstringescape", "sqf")}, - {`([fF])(""")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Combined("fstringescape", "tdqf")}, - {`([fF])(''')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Combined("fstringescape", "tsqf")}, - {`([fF])(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Combined("fstringescape", "dqf")}, - {`([fF])(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Combined("fstringescape", "sqf")}, - {`(?i)(rb|br|r)(""")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Push("tdqs")}, - {`(?i)(rb|br|r)(''')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Push("tsqs")}, - {`(?i)(rb|br|r)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Push("dqs")}, - {`(?i)(rb|br|r)(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Push("sqs")}, - {`([uUbB]?)(""")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Combined("stringescape", "tdqs")}, - {`([uUbB]?)(''')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Combined("stringescape", "tsqs")}, - {`([uUbB]?)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Combined("stringescape", "dqs")}, - {`([uUbB]?)(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Combined("stringescape", "sqs")}, - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - Include("numbers"), - {`!=|==|<<|>>|:=|[-~+/*%=<>&^|.]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[]{}:(),;[]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(in|is|and|or|not)\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - Include("expr-keywords"), - Include("builtins"), - Include("magicfuncs"), - Include("magicvars"), - Include("name"), - }, - "expr-inside-fstring": { - {`[{([]`, Punctuation, Push("expr-inside-fstring-inner")}, - {`(=\s*)?(\![sraf])?\}`, LiteralStringInterpol, Pop(1)}, - {`(=\s*)?(\![sraf])?:`, LiteralStringInterpol, Pop(1)}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - Include("expr"), - }, - "expr-inside-fstring-inner": { - {`[{([]`, Punctuation, Push("expr-inside-fstring-inner")}, - {`[])}]`, Punctuation, Pop(1)}, - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - Include("expr"), - }, - "expr-keywords": { - {Words(``, `\b`, `async for`, `await`, `else`, `for`, `if`, `lambda`, `yield`, `yield from`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `True`, `False`, `None`), KeywordConstant, nil}, - }, - "keywords": { - {Words(``, `\b`, `assert`, `async`, `await`, `break`, `continue`, `del`, `elif`, `else`, `except`, `finally`, `for`, `global`, `if`, `lambda`, `pass`, `raise`, `nonlocal`, `return`, `try`, `while`, `yield`, `yield from`, `as`, `with`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `True`, `False`, `None`), KeywordConstant, nil}, - }, - "builtins": { - {Words(`(?=\^])?[-+ ]?#?0?(\d+)?,?(\.\d+)?[E-GXb-gnosx%]?)?\}`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - {`[^\\\'"%{\n]+`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`[\'"\\]`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - {`%|(\{{1,2})`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - }, - "strings-double": { - {`%(\(\w+\))?[-#0 +]*([0-9]+|[*])?(\.([0-9]+|[*]))?[hlL]?[E-GXc-giorsaux%]`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - {`\{((\w+)((\.\w+)|(\[[^\]]+\]))*)?(\![sra])?(\:(.?[<>=\^])?[-+ ]?#?0?(\d+)?,?(\.\d+)?[E-GXb-gnosx%]?)?\}`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil}, - {`[^\\\'"%{\n]+`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`[\'"\\]`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - {`%|(\{{1,2})`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - }, - "dqf": { - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - {`\\\\|\\"|\\\n`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - Include("fstrings-double"), - }, - "sqf": { - {`'`, LiteralStringSingle, Pop(1)}, - {`\\\\|\\'|\\\n`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - Include("fstrings-single"), - }, - "dqs": { - {`"`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - {`\\\\|\\"|\\\n`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - Include("strings-double"), - }, - "sqs": { - {`'`, LiteralStringSingle, Pop(1)}, - {`\\\\|\\'|\\\n`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - Include("strings-single"), - }, - "tdqf": { - {`"""`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - Include("fstrings-double"), - {`\n`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - }, - "tsqf": { - {`'''`, LiteralStringSingle, Pop(1)}, - Include("fstrings-single"), - {`\n`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - }, - "tdqs": { - {`"""`, LiteralStringDouble, Pop(1)}, - Include("strings-double"), - {`\n`, LiteralStringDouble, nil}, - }, - "tsqs": { - {`'''`, LiteralStringSingle, Pop(1)}, - Include("strings-single"), - {`\n`, LiteralStringSingle, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/python2.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/python2.go deleted file mode 100644 index f1f6036..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p/python2.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -package p - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Python2 lexer. -var Python2 = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Python 2", - Aliases: []string{"python2", "py2"}, - Filenames: []string{}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-python2", "application/x-python2"}, - }, - python2Rules, -)) - -func python2Rules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\n`, Text, nil}, - {`^(\s*)([rRuUbB]{,2})("""(?:.|\n)*?""")`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDoc), nil}, - {`^(\s*)([rRuUbB]{,2})('''(?:.|\n)*?''')`, ByGroups(Text, LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDoc), nil}, - {`[^\S\n]+`, Text, nil}, - {`\A#!.+$`, CommentHashbang, nil}, - {`#.*$`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {`[]{}:(),;[]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`\\\n`, Text, nil}, - {`\\`, Text, nil}, - {`(in|is|and|or|not)\b`, OperatorWord, nil}, - {`!=|==|<<|>>|[-~+/*%=<>&^|.]`, Operator, nil}, - Include("keywords"), - {`(def)((?:\s|\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("funcname")}, - {`(class)((?:\s|\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("classname")}, - {`(from)((?:\s|\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("fromimport")}, - {`(import)((?:\s|\\\s)+)`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, Text), Push("import")}, - Include("builtins"), - Include("magicfuncs"), - Include("magicvars"), - Include("backtick"), - {`([rR]|[uUbB][rR]|[rR][uUbB])(""")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Push("tdqs")}, - {`([rR]|[uUbB][rR]|[rR][uUbB])(''')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Push("tsqs")}, - {`([rR]|[uUbB][rR]|[rR][uUbB])(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Push("dqs")}, - {`([rR]|[uUbB][rR]|[rR][uUbB])(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Push("sqs")}, - {`([uUbB]?)(""")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Combined("stringescape", "tdqs")}, - {`([uUbB]?)(''')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Combined("stringescape", "tsqs")}, - {`([uUbB]?)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringDouble), Combined("stringescape", "dqs")}, - {`([uUbB]?)(')`, ByGroups(LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringSingle), Combined("stringescape", "sqs")}, - Include("name"), - Include("numbers"), - }, - "keywords": { - {Words(``, `\b`, `assert`, `break`, `continue`, `del`, `elif`, `else`, `except`, `exec`, `finally`, `for`, `global`, `if`, `lambda`, `pass`, `print`, `raise`, `return`, `try`, `while`, `yield`, `yield from`, `as`, `with`), Keyword, nil}, - }, - "builtins": { - {Words(`(?>|[-~+/\\*%=<>&^|?:!.]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[\[\]{}(),;]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`[\w]+`, NameVariableGlobal, nil}, - }, - "declarations": { - {`\b(DATA|LET)(?=\(|\b)`, KeywordDeclaration, nil}, - }, - "functions": { - {`\b(ABS|ASC|ATN|CDBL|CHR\$|CINT|CLNG|COMMAND\$|COS|CSNG|CSRLIN|CVD|CVDMBF|CVI|CVL|CVS|CVSMBF|DATE\$|ENVIRON\$|EOF|ERDEV|ERDEV\$|ERL|ERR|EXP|FILEATTR|FIX|FRE|FREEFILE|HEX\$|INKEY\$|INP|INPUT\$|INSTR|INT|IOCTL\$|LBOUND|LCASE\$|LEFT\$|LEN|LOC|LOF|LOG|LPOS|LTRIM\$|MID\$|MKD\$|MKDMBF\$|MKI\$|MKL\$|MKS\$|MKSMBF\$|OCT\$|PEEK|PEN|PLAY|PMAP|POINT|POS|RIGHT\$|RND|RTRIM\$|SADD|SCREEN|SEEK|SETMEM|SGN|SIN|SPACE\$|SPC|SQR|STICK|STR\$|STRIG|STRING\$|TAB|TAN|TIME\$|TIMER|UBOUND|UCASE\$|VAL|VARPTR|VARPTR\$|VARSEG)(?=\(|\b)`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - }, - "metacommands": { - {`\b(\$DYNAMIC|\$INCLUDE|\$STATIC)(?=\(|\b)`, KeywordConstant, nil}, - }, - "operators": { - {`\b(AND|EQV|IMP|NOT|OR|XOR)(?=\(|\b)`, OperatorWord, nil}, - }, - "statements": { - {`\b(BEEP|BLOAD|BSAVE|CALL|CALL\ ABSOLUTE|CALL\ INTERRUPT|CALLS|CHAIN|CHDIR|CIRCLE|CLEAR|CLOSE|CLS|COLOR|COM|COMMON|CONST|DATA|DATE\$|DECLARE|DEF\ FN|DEF\ SEG|DEFDBL|DEFINT|DEFLNG|DEFSNG|DEFSTR|DEF|DIM|DO|LOOP|DRAW|END|ENVIRON|ERASE|ERROR|EXIT|FIELD|FILES|FOR|NEXT|FUNCTION|GET|GOSUB|GOTO|IF|THEN|INPUT|INPUT\ \#|IOCTL|KEY|KEY|KILL|LET|LINE|LINE\ INPUT|LINE\ INPUT\ \#|LOCATE|LOCK|UNLOCK|LPRINT|LSET|MID\$|MKDIR|NAME|ON\ COM|ON\ ERROR|ON\ KEY|ON\ PEN|ON\ PLAY|ON\ STRIG|ON\ TIMER|ON\ UEVENT|ON|OPEN|OPEN\ COM|OPTION\ BASE|OUT|PAINT|PALETTE|PCOPY|PEN|PLAY|POKE|PRESET|PRINT|PRINT\ \#|PRINT\ USING|PSET|PUT|PUT|RANDOMIZE|READ|REDIM|REM|RESET|RESTORE|RESUME|RETURN|RMDIR|RSET|RUN|SCREEN|SEEK|SELECT\ CASE|SHARED|SHELL|SLEEP|SOUND|STATIC|STOP|STRIG|SUB|SWAP|SYSTEM|TIME\$|TIMER|TROFF|TRON|TYPE|UEVENT|UNLOCK|VIEW|WAIT|WHILE|WEND|WIDTH|WINDOW|WRITE)\b`, KeywordReserved, nil}, - }, - "keywords": { - {`\b(ACCESS|ALIAS|ANY|APPEND|AS|BASE|BINARY|BYVAL|CASE|CDECL|DOUBLE|ELSE|ELSEIF|ENDIF|INTEGER|IS|LIST|LOCAL|LONG|LOOP|MOD|NEXT|OFF|ON|OUTPUT|RANDOM|SIGNAL|SINGLE|STEP|STRING|THEN|TO|UNTIL|USING|WEND)\b`, Keyword, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/q/qml.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/q/qml.go deleted file mode 100644 index dfd3c75..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/q/qml.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -package q - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Qml lexer. -var Qml = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "QML", - Aliases: []string{"qml", "qbs"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.qml", "*.qbs"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/x-qml", "application/x-qt.qbs+qml"}, - DotAll: true, - }, - qmlRules, -)) - -func qmlRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "commentsandwhitespace": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {``, Comment, Pop(1)}, - {`-`, Comment, nil}, - }, - "tag": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`[\w.:-]+\s*=`, NameAttribute, Push("attr")}, - {`/?\s*>`, NameTag, Pop(1)}, - }, - "attr": { - {`\s+`, Text, nil}, - {`".*?"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`'.*?'`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - {`[^\s>]+`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/x/xorg.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/x/xorg.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7936a51..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/x/xorg.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -package x - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Xorg lexer. -var Xorg = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Xorg", - Aliases: []string{"xorg.conf"}, - Filenames: []string{"xorg.conf"}, - MimeTypes: []string{}, - }, - xorgRules, -)) - -func xorgRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - {`#.*$`, Comment, nil}, - {`((|Sub)Section)(\s+)("\w+")`, ByGroups(KeywordNamespace, LiteralStringEscape, TextWhitespace, LiteralStringEscape), nil}, - {`(End(|Sub)Section)`, KeywordNamespace, nil}, - {`(\w+)(\s+)([^\n#]+)`, ByGroups(NameKeyword, TextWhitespace, LiteralString), nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/y/yaml.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/y/yaml.go deleted file mode 100644 index 488f760..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/y/yaml.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -package y - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -var YAML = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "YAML", - Aliases: []string{"yaml"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.yaml", "*.yml"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-yaml"}, - }, - yamlRules, -)) - -func yamlRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - Include("whitespace"), - {`^---`, NameNamespace, nil}, - {`^\.\.\.`, NameNamespace, nil}, - {`[\n?]?\s*- `, Text, nil}, - {`#.*$`, Comment, nil}, - {`!![^\s]+`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`&[^\s]+`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`\*[^\s]+`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - {`^%include\s+[^\n\r]+`, CommentPreproc, nil}, - Include("key"), - Include("value"), - {`[?:,\[\]]`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`.`, Text, nil}, - }, - "value": { - {`([>|](?:[+-])?)(\n(^ {1,})(?:.*\n*(?:^\3 *).*)*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, StringDoc, Whitespace), nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, "true", "True", "TRUE", "false", "False", "FALSE", "null", - "y", "Y", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "n", "N", "no", "No", "NO", - "on", "On", "ON", "off", "Off", "OFF"), KeywordConstant, nil}, - {`"(?:\\.|[^"])*"`, StringDouble, nil}, - {`'(?:\\.|[^'])*'`, StringSingle, nil}, - {`\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d([T ]\d\d:\d\d:\d\d(\.\d+)?(Z|\s+[-+]\d+)?)?`, LiteralDate, nil}, - {`\b[+\-]?(0x[\da-f]+|0o[0-7]+|(\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(e[\+\-]?\d+)?|\.inf|\.nan)\b`, Number, nil}, - {`([^\{\}\[\]\?,\:\!\-\*&\@].*)( )+(#.*)`, ByGroups(Literal, Whitespace, Comment), nil}, - {`[^\{\}\[\]\?,\:\!\-\*&\@].*`, Literal, nil}, - }, - "key": { - {`"[^"\n].*": `, NameTag, nil}, - {`(-)( )([^"\n{]*)(:)( )`, ByGroups(Punctuation, Whitespace, NameTag, Punctuation, Whitespace), nil}, - {`([^"\n{]*)(:)( )`, ByGroups(NameTag, Punctuation, Whitespace), nil}, - {`([^"\n{]*)(:)(\n)`, ByGroups(NameTag, Punctuation, Whitespace), nil}, - }, - "whitespace": { - {`\s+`, Whitespace, nil}, - {`\n+`, Whitespace, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/y/yang.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/y/yang.go deleted file mode 100644 index 36349eb..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/y/yang.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -package y - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -var YANG = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "YANG", - Aliases: []string{"yang"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.yang"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"application/yang"}, - }, - yangRules, -)) - -func yangRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\s+`, Whitespace, nil}, - {`[\{\}\;]+`, Punctuation, nil}, - {`(?<|^!?/\-*&~:]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[{}()\[\],.;]`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/z/zig.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/z/zig.go deleted file mode 100644 index 56f54fd..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/z/zig.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -package z - -import ( - . "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal" -) - -// Zig lexer. -var Zig = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer( - &Config{ - Name: "Zig", - Aliases: []string{"zig"}, - Filenames: []string{"*.zig"}, - MimeTypes: []string{"text/zig"}, - }, - zigRules, -)) - -func zigRules() Rules { - return Rules{ - "root": { - {`\n`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - {`\s+`, TextWhitespace, nil}, - {`//.*?\n`, CommentSingle, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `break`, `return`, `continue`, `asm`, `defer`, `errdefer`, `unreachable`, `try`, `catch`, `async`, `await`, `suspend`, `resume`, `cancel`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `const`, `var`, `extern`, `packed`, `export`, `pub`, `noalias`, `inline`, `comptime`, `nakedcc`, `stdcallcc`, `volatile`, `allowzero`, `align`, `linksection`, `threadlocal`), KeywordReserved, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `struct`, `enum`, `union`, `error`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `while`, `for`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `bool`, `f16`, `f32`, `f64`, `f128`, `void`, `noreturn`, `type`, `anyerror`, `promise`, `i0`, `u0`, `isize`, `usize`, `comptime_int`, `comptime_float`, `c_short`, `c_ushort`, `c_int`, `c_uint`, `c_long`, `c_ulong`, `c_longlong`, `c_ulonglong`, `c_longdouble`, `c_voidi8`, `u8`, `i16`, `u16`, `i32`, `u32`, `i64`, `u64`, `i128`, `u128`), KeywordType, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `true`, `false`, `null`, `undefined`), KeywordConstant, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `if`, `else`, `switch`, `and`, `or`, `orelse`), Keyword, nil}, - {Words(``, `\b`, `fn`, `usingnamespace`, `test`), Keyword, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\.[0-9a-fA-F]+([pP][\-+]?[0-9a-fA-F]+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\.?[pP][\-+]?[0-9a-fA-F]+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9]+\.[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`[0-9]+\.?[eE][-+]?[0-9]+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil}, - {`0b(?:_?[01])+`, LiteralNumberBin, nil}, - {`0o(?:_?[0-7])+`, LiteralNumberOct, nil}, - {`0x(?:_?[0-9a-fA-F])+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil}, - {`(?:_?[0-9])+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil}, - {`@[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameBuiltin, nil}, - {`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil}, - {`\'\\\'\'`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`\'\\(|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|U[a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[nr\\t\'"])\'`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`\'[^\\\']\'`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`\\\\[^\n]*`, LiteralStringHeredoc, nil}, - {`c\\\\[^\n]*`, LiteralStringHeredoc, nil}, - {`c?"`, LiteralString, Push("string")}, - {`[+%=><|^!?/\-*&~:]`, Operator, nil}, - {`[{}()\[\],.;]`, Punctuation, nil}, - }, - "string": { - {`\\(x[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|U[a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[nr\\t\'"])`, LiteralStringEscape, nil}, - {`[^\\"\n]+`, LiteralString, nil}, - {`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/mutators.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/mutators.go deleted file mode 100644 index bd6d720..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/mutators.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,131 +0,0 @@ -package chroma - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" -) - -// A Mutator modifies the behaviour of the lexer. -type Mutator interface { - // Mutate the lexer state machine as it is processing. - Mutate(state *LexerState) error -} - -// A LexerMutator is an additional interface that a Mutator can implement -// to modify the lexer when it is compiled. -type LexerMutator interface { - // Rules are the lexer rules, state is the state key for the rule the mutator is associated with. - MutateLexer(rules CompiledRules, state string, rule int) error -} - -// A MutatorFunc is a Mutator that mutates the lexer state machine as it is processing. -type MutatorFunc func(state *LexerState) error - -func (m MutatorFunc) Mutate(state *LexerState) error { return m(state) } // nolint - -// Mutators applies a set of Mutators in order. -func Mutators(modifiers ...Mutator) MutatorFunc { - return func(state *LexerState) error { - for _, modifier := range modifiers { - if err := modifier.Mutate(state); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil - } -} - -type includeMutator struct { - state string -} - -// Include the given state. -func Include(state string) Rule { - return Rule{Mutator: &includeMutator{state}} -} - -func (i *includeMutator) Mutate(s *LexerState) error { - return fmt.Errorf("should never reach here Include(%q)", i.state) -} - -func (i *includeMutator) MutateLexer(rules CompiledRules, state string, rule int) error { - includedRules, ok := rules[i.state] - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("invalid include state %q", i.state) - } - rules[state] = append(rules[state][:rule], append(includedRules, rules[state][rule+1:]...)...) - return nil -} - -type combinedMutator struct { - states []string -} - -// Combined creates a new anonymous state from the given states, and pushes that state. -func Combined(states ...string) Mutator { - return &combinedMutator{states} -} - -func (c *combinedMutator) Mutate(s *LexerState) error { - return fmt.Errorf("should never reach here Combined(%v)", c.states) -} - -func (c *combinedMutator) MutateLexer(rules CompiledRules, state string, rule int) error { - name := "__combined_" + strings.Join(c.states, "__") - if _, ok := rules[name]; !ok { - combined := []*CompiledRule{} - for _, state := range c.states { - rules, ok := rules[state] - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("invalid combine state %q", state) - } - combined = append(combined, rules...) - } - rules[name] = combined - } - rules[state][rule].Mutator = Push(name) - return nil -} - -// Push states onto the stack. -func Push(states ...string) MutatorFunc { - return func(s *LexerState) error { - if len(states) == 0 { - s.Stack = append(s.Stack, s.State) - } else { - for _, state := range states { - if state == "#pop" { - s.Stack = s.Stack[:len(s.Stack)-1] - } else { - s.Stack = append(s.Stack, state) - } - } - } - return nil - } -} - -// Pop state from the stack when rule matches. -func Pop(n int) MutatorFunc { - return func(state *LexerState) error { - if len(state.Stack) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("nothing to pop") - } - state.Stack = state.Stack[:len(state.Stack)-n] - return nil - } -} - -// Default returns a Rule that applies a set of Mutators. -func Default(mutators ...Mutator) Rule { - return Rule{Mutator: Mutators(mutators...)} -} - -// Stringify returns the raw string for a set of tokens. -func Stringify(tokens ...Token) string { - out := []string{} - for _, t := range tokens { - out = append(out, t.Value) - } - return strings.Join(out, "") -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/abap.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/abap.go deleted file mode 100644 index b6d07fb..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/abap.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Abap style. -var Abap = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("abap", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Comment: "italic #888", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "#888", - chroma.Keyword: "#00f", - chroma.OperatorWord: "#00f", - chroma.Name: "#000", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#3af", - chroma.LiteralString: "#5a2", - chroma.Error: "#F00", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/algol.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/algol.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1e8a7b4..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/algol.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Algol style. -var Algol = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("algol", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Comment: "italic #888", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "bold noitalic #888", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "bold noitalic #888", - chroma.Keyword: "underline bold", - chroma.KeywordDeclaration: "italic", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "bold italic", - chroma.NameBuiltinPseudo: "bold italic", - chroma.NameNamespace: "bold italic #666", - chroma.NameClass: "bold italic #666", - chroma.NameFunction: "bold italic #666", - chroma.NameVariable: "bold italic #666", - chroma.NameConstant: "bold italic #666", - chroma.OperatorWord: "bold", - chroma.LiteralString: "italic #666", - chroma.Error: "border:#FF0000", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/algol_nu.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/algol_nu.go deleted file mode 100644 index f8c6f17..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/algol_nu.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// AlgolNu style. -var AlgolNu = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("algol_nu", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Comment: "italic #888", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "bold noitalic #888", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "bold noitalic #888", - chroma.Keyword: "bold", - chroma.KeywordDeclaration: "italic", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "bold italic", - chroma.NameBuiltinPseudo: "bold italic", - chroma.NameNamespace: "bold italic #666", - chroma.NameClass: "bold italic #666", - chroma.NameFunction: "bold italic #666", - chroma.NameVariable: "bold italic #666", - chroma.NameConstant: "bold italic #666", - chroma.OperatorWord: "bold", - chroma.LiteralString: "italic #666", - chroma.Error: "border:#FF0000", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/api.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/api.go deleted file mode 100644 index f3ce673..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/api.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "sort" - - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Registry of Styles. -var Registry = map[string]*chroma.Style{} - -// Fallback style. Reassign to change the default fallback style. -var Fallback = SwapOff - -// Register a chroma.Style. -func Register(style *chroma.Style) *chroma.Style { - Registry[style.Name] = style - return style -} - -// Names of all available styles. -func Names() []string { - out := []string{} - for name := range Registry { - out = append(out, name) - } - sort.Strings(out) - return out -} - -// Get named style, or Fallback. -func Get(name string) *chroma.Style { - if style, ok := Registry[name]; ok { - return style - } - return Fallback -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/arduino.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/arduino.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9e48fb4..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/arduino.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Arduino style. -var Arduino = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("arduino", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Error: "#a61717", - chroma.Comment: "#95a5a6", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "#728E00", - chroma.Keyword: "#728E00", - chroma.KeywordConstant: "#00979D", - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "#00979D", - chroma.KeywordReserved: "#00979D", - chroma.KeywordType: "#00979D", - chroma.Operator: "#728E00", - chroma.Name: "#434f54", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#728E00", - chroma.NameFunction: "#D35400", - chroma.NameOther: "#728E00", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#8A7B52", - chroma.LiteralString: "#7F8C8D", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/autumn.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/autumn.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3966372..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/autumn.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Autumn style. -var Autumn = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("autumn", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.Comment: "italic #aaaaaa", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "noitalic #4c8317", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "italic #0000aa", - chroma.Keyword: "#0000aa", - chroma.KeywordType: "#00aaaa", - chroma.OperatorWord: "#0000aa", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#00aaaa", - chroma.NameFunction: "#00aa00", - chroma.NameClass: "underline #00aa00", - chroma.NameNamespace: "underline #00aaaa", - chroma.NameVariable: "#aa0000", - chroma.NameConstant: "#aa0000", - chroma.NameEntity: "bold #800", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#1e90ff", - chroma.NameTag: "bold #1e90ff", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#888888", - chroma.LiteralString: "#aa5500", - chroma.LiteralStringSymbol: "#0000aa", - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: "#009999", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#009999", - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold #000080", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold #800080", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#aa0000", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#00aa00", - chroma.GenericError: "#aa0000", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "#555555", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#888888", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#aa0000", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "#F00 bg:#FAA", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/base16-snazzy.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/base16-snazzy.go deleted file mode 100644 index 160c75b..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/base16-snazzy.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Base16Snazzy style -var Base16Snazzy = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("base16-snazzy", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Comment: "#78787e", - chroma.CommentHashbang: "#78787e", - chroma.CommentMultiline: "#78787e", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "#78787e", - chroma.CommentSingle: "#78787e", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "#78787e", - chroma.Generic: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#ff5c57", - chroma.GenericEmph: "#e2e4e5 underline", - chroma.GenericError: "#ff5c57", - chroma.GenericHeading: "#e2e4e5 bold", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#e2e4e5 bold", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#43454f", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.GenericStrong: "#e2e4e5 italic", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "#e2e4e5 bold", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "#ff5c57", - chroma.Keyword: "#ff6ac1", - chroma.KeywordConstant: "#ff6ac1", - chroma.KeywordDeclaration: "#ff5c57", - chroma.KeywordNamespace: "#ff6ac1", - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "#ff6ac1", - chroma.KeywordReserved: "#ff6ac1", - chroma.KeywordType: "#9aedfe", - chroma.Literal: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.LiteralDate: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.Name: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#57c7ff", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#ff5c57", - chroma.NameBuiltinPseudo: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.NameClass: "#f3f99d", - chroma.NameConstant: "#ff9f43", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#ff9f43", - chroma.NameEntity: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.NameException: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.NameFunction: "#57c7ff", - chroma.NameLabel: "#ff5c57", - chroma.NameNamespace: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.NameOther: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.NameTag: "#ff6ac1", - chroma.NameVariable: "#ff5c57", - chroma.NameVariableClass: "#ff5c57", - chroma.NameVariableGlobal: "#ff5c57", - chroma.NameVariableInstance: "#ff5c57", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#ff9f43", - chroma.LiteralNumberBin: "#ff9f43", - chroma.LiteralNumberFloat: "#ff9f43", - chroma.LiteralNumberHex: "#ff9f43", - chroma.LiteralNumberInteger: "#ff9f43", - chroma.LiteralNumberIntegerLong: "#ff9f43", - chroma.LiteralNumberOct: "#ff9f43", - chroma.Operator: "#ff6ac1", - chroma.OperatorWord: "#ff6ac1", - chroma.Other: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.Punctuation: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.LiteralString: "#5af78e", - chroma.LiteralStringBacktick: "#5af78e", - chroma.LiteralStringChar: "#5af78e", - chroma.LiteralStringDoc: "#5af78e", - chroma.LiteralStringDouble: "#5af78e", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "#5af78e", - chroma.LiteralStringHeredoc: "#5af78e", - chroma.LiteralStringInterpol: "#5af78e", - chroma.LiteralStringOther: "#5af78e", - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: "#5af78e", - chroma.LiteralStringSingle: "#5af78e", - chroma.LiteralStringSymbol: "#5af78e", - chroma.Text: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#e2e4e5", - chroma.Background: " bg:#282a36", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/borland.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/borland.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9c0fff6..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/borland.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Borland style. -var Borland = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("borland", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.Comment: "italic #008800", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "noitalic #008080", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "noitalic bold", - chroma.LiteralString: "#0000FF", - chroma.LiteralStringChar: "#800080", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#0000FF", - chroma.Keyword: "bold #000080", - chroma.OperatorWord: "bold", - chroma.NameTag: "bold #000080", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#FF0000", - chroma.GenericHeading: "#999999", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "#aaaaaa", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "bg:#ffdddd #000000", - chroma.GenericInserted: "bg:#ddffdd #000000", - chroma.GenericError: "#aa0000", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "#555555", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#888888", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#aa0000", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "bg:#e3d2d2 #a61717", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/bw.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/bw.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3e800d5..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/bw.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// BlackWhite style. -var BlackWhite = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("bw", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Comment: "italic", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "noitalic", - chroma.Keyword: "bold", - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "nobold", - chroma.KeywordType: "nobold", - chroma.OperatorWord: "bold", - chroma.NameClass: "bold", - chroma.NameNamespace: "bold", - chroma.NameException: "bold", - chroma.NameEntity: "bold", - chroma.NameTag: "bold", - chroma.LiteralString: "italic", - chroma.LiteralStringInterpol: "bold", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "bold", - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "bold", - chroma.Error: "border:#FF0000", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/colorful.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/colorful.go deleted file mode 100644 index dc77c5b..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/colorful.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Colorful style. -var Colorful = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("colorful", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.Comment: "#888", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "#579", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "bold #cc0000", - chroma.Keyword: "bold #080", - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "#038", - chroma.KeywordType: "#339", - chroma.Operator: "#333", - chroma.OperatorWord: "bold #000", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#007020", - chroma.NameFunction: "bold #06B", - chroma.NameClass: "bold #B06", - chroma.NameNamespace: "bold #0e84b5", - chroma.NameException: "bold #F00", - chroma.NameVariable: "#963", - chroma.NameVariableInstance: "#33B", - chroma.NameVariableClass: "#369", - chroma.NameVariableGlobal: "bold #d70", - chroma.NameConstant: "bold #036", - chroma.NameLabel: "bold #970", - chroma.NameEntity: "bold #800", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#00C", - chroma.NameTag: "#070", - chroma.NameDecorator: "bold #555", - chroma.LiteralString: "bg:#fff0f0", - chroma.LiteralStringChar: "#04D bg:", - chroma.LiteralStringDoc: "#D42 bg:", - chroma.LiteralStringInterpol: "bg:#eee", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "bold #666", - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: "bg:#fff0ff #000", - chroma.LiteralStringSymbol: "#A60 bg:", - chroma.LiteralStringOther: "#D20", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "bold #60E", - chroma.LiteralNumberInteger: "bold #00D", - chroma.LiteralNumberFloat: "bold #60E", - chroma.LiteralNumberHex: "bold #058", - chroma.LiteralNumberOct: "bold #40E", - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold #000080", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold #800080", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#A00000", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#00A000", - chroma.GenericError: "#FF0000", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "bold #c65d09", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#888", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#04D", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "#F00 bg:#FAA", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/doom-one.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/doom-one.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6450455..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/doom-one.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Doom One style. 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chroma.NameVariableInstance: "#e06c75", - chroma.NameVariableMagic: "#DCAEEA", - chroma.Literal: "#98c379", - chroma.LiteralDate: "#98c379", - chroma.Number: "#d19a66", - chroma.NumberBin: "#d19a66", - chroma.NumberFloat: "#d19a66", - chroma.NumberHex: "#d19a66", - chroma.NumberInteger: "#d19a66", - chroma.NumberIntegerLong: "#d19a66", - chroma.NumberOct: "#d19a66", - chroma.String: "#98c379", - chroma.StringAffix: "#98c379", - chroma.StringBacktick: "#98c379", - chroma.StringDelimiter: "#98c379", - chroma.StringDoc: "#7e97c3", - chroma.StringDouble: "#63c381", - chroma.StringEscape: "bold #d26464", - chroma.StringHeredoc: "#98c379", - chroma.StringInterpol: "#98c379", - chroma.StringOther: "#70b33f", - chroma.StringRegex: "#56b6c2", - chroma.StringSingle: "#98c379", - chroma.StringSymbol: "#56b6c2", - chroma.Generic: "#b0c4de", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#b0c4de", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold #a2cbff", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#a6e22e", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#a6e22e", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "#a6e22e", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "#a2cbff", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#a2cbff", - chroma.Background: "#b0c4de bg:#282c34", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/dracula.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/dracula.go deleted file mode 100644 index d1542f2..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/dracula.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Dracula Style -var Dracula = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("dracula", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Comment: "#6272a4", - chroma.CommentHashbang: "#6272a4", - chroma.CommentMultiline: "#6272a4", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "#ff79c6", - chroma.CommentSingle: "#6272a4", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "#6272a4", - chroma.Generic: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#ff5555", - chroma.GenericEmph: "#f8f8f2 underline", - chroma.GenericError: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.GenericHeading: "#f8f8f2 bold", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#50fa7b bold", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#44475a", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.GenericStrong: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "#f8f8f2 bold", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.Keyword: "#ff79c6", - chroma.KeywordConstant: "#ff79c6", - chroma.KeywordDeclaration: "#8be9fd italic", - chroma.KeywordNamespace: "#ff79c6", - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "#ff79c6", - chroma.KeywordReserved: "#ff79c6", - chroma.KeywordType: "#8be9fd", - chroma.Literal: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.LiteralDate: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.Name: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#50fa7b", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#8be9fd italic", - chroma.NameBuiltinPseudo: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.NameClass: "#50fa7b", - chroma.NameConstant: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.NameEntity: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.NameException: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.NameFunction: "#50fa7b", - chroma.NameLabel: "#8be9fd italic", - chroma.NameNamespace: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.NameOther: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.NameTag: "#ff79c6", - chroma.NameVariable: "#8be9fd italic", - chroma.NameVariableClass: "#8be9fd italic", - chroma.NameVariableGlobal: "#8be9fd italic", - chroma.NameVariableInstance: "#8be9fd italic", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#bd93f9", - chroma.LiteralNumberBin: "#bd93f9", - chroma.LiteralNumberFloat: "#bd93f9", - chroma.LiteralNumberHex: "#bd93f9", - chroma.LiteralNumberInteger: "#bd93f9", - chroma.LiteralNumberIntegerLong: "#bd93f9", - chroma.LiteralNumberOct: "#bd93f9", - chroma.Operator: "#ff79c6", - chroma.OperatorWord: "#ff79c6", - chroma.Other: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.Punctuation: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.LiteralString: "#f1fa8c", - chroma.LiteralStringBacktick: "#f1fa8c", - chroma.LiteralStringChar: "#f1fa8c", - chroma.LiteralStringDoc: "#f1fa8c", - chroma.LiteralStringDouble: "#f1fa8c", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "#f1fa8c", - chroma.LiteralStringHeredoc: "#f1fa8c", - chroma.LiteralStringInterpol: "#f1fa8c", - chroma.LiteralStringOther: "#f1fa8c", - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: "#f1fa8c", - chroma.LiteralStringSingle: "#f1fa8c", - chroma.LiteralStringSymbol: "#f1fa8c", - chroma.Text: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.Background: " bg:#282a36", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/emacs.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/emacs.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4835abd..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/emacs.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Emacs style. -var Emacs = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("emacs", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.Comment: "italic #008800", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "noitalic", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "noitalic bold", - chroma.Keyword: "bold #AA22FF", - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "nobold", - chroma.KeywordType: "bold #00BB00", - chroma.Operator: "#666666", - chroma.OperatorWord: "bold #AA22FF", - 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chroma.GenericOutput: "#888", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#04D", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "border:#FF0000", - chroma.Background: " bg:#f8f8f8", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/friendly.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/friendly.go deleted file mode 100644 index ad02341..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/friendly.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Friendly style. -var Friendly = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("friendly", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.Comment: "italic #60a0b0", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "noitalic #007020", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "noitalic bg:#fff0f0", - chroma.Keyword: "bold #007020", - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "nobold", - chroma.KeywordType: "nobold #902000", - chroma.Operator: "#666666", - chroma.OperatorWord: "bold #007020", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#007020", - chroma.NameFunction: "#06287e", - 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chroma.GenericInserted: "bg:#ddffdd #000000", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#888888", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "#555555", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "#aaaaaa", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#aa0000", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.KeywordType: "bold #445588", - chroma.Keyword: "bold #000000", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#009999", - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: "#009926", - chroma.LiteralStringSymbol: "#990073", - chroma.LiteralString: "#d14", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#008080", - chroma.NameBuiltinPseudo: "#999999", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#0086B3", - chroma.NameClass: "bold #445588", - chroma.NameConstant: "#008080", - chroma.NameDecorator: "bold #3c5d5d", - chroma.NameEntity: "#800080", - chroma.NameException: "bold #990000", - chroma.NameFunction: "bold #990000", - chroma.NameLabel: "bold #990000", - chroma.NameNamespace: "#555555", - chroma.NameTag: "#000080", - chroma.NameVariableClass: "#008080", - chroma.NameVariableGlobal: "#008080", - chroma.NameVariableInstance: "#008080", - chroma.NameVariable: "#008080", - chroma.Operator: "bold #000000", - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/hr_dark.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/hr_dark.go deleted file mode 100644 index 10bb64f..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/hr_dark.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Theme based on HackerRank Dark Editor theme -var HrDark = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("hrdark", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Comment: "italic #828b96", - chroma.Keyword: "#ff636f", - chroma.OperatorWord: "#ff636f", - chroma.Name: "#58a1dd", - chroma.Literal: "#a6be9d", - chroma.Operator: "#ff636f", - chroma.Background: "#1d2432", - chroma.Other: "#fff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/hr_high_contrast.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/hr_high_contrast.go deleted file mode 100644 index d198858..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/hr_high_contrast.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Theme based on HackerRank High Contrast Editor Theme -var HrHighContrast = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("hr_high_contrast", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Comment: "#5a8349", - chroma.Keyword: "#467faf", - chroma.OperatorWord: "#467faf", - chroma.Name: "#ffffff", - chroma.LiteralString: "#a87662", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#fff", - chroma.LiteralStringBoolean: "#467faf", - chroma.Operator: "#e4e400", - chroma.Background: "#000", - chroma.Other: "#d5d500", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/igor.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/igor.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6a6d4cd..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/igor.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Igor style. -var Igor = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("igor", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Comment: "italic #FF0000", - chroma.Keyword: "#0000FF", - chroma.NameFunction: "#C34E00", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#CC00A3", - chroma.NameClass: "#007575", - chroma.LiteralString: "#009C00", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/lovelace.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/lovelace.go deleted file mode 100644 index 074cc08..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/lovelace.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Lovelace style. -var Lovelace = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("lovelace", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#a89028", - chroma.Comment: "italic #888888", - chroma.CommentHashbang: "#287088", - chroma.CommentMultiline: "#888888", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "noitalic #289870", - chroma.Keyword: "#2838b0", - chroma.KeywordConstant: "italic #444444", - chroma.KeywordDeclaration: "italic", - chroma.KeywordType: "italic", - chroma.Operator: "#666666", - chroma.OperatorWord: "#a848a8", - chroma.Punctuation: "#888888", - 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chroma.GenericError: "#c02828", - chroma.GenericHeading: "#666666", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "#444444", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#388038", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#666666", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "#444444", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#2838b0", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "bg:#a848a8", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/manni.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/manni.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9942e7d..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/manni.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Manni style. -var Manni = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("manni", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.Comment: "italic #0099FF", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "noitalic #009999", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "bold", - chroma.Keyword: "bold #006699", - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "nobold", - 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chroma.GenericError: "#FF0000", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "bold #000099", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#AAAAAA", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#99CC66", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "bg:#FFAAAA #AA0000", - chroma.Background: " bg:#f0f3f3", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/monokai.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/monokai.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2586795..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/monokai.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Monokai style. -var Monokai = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("monokai", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Text: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.Error: "#960050 bg:#1e0010", - chroma.Comment: "#75715e", - chroma.Keyword: "#66d9ef", - chroma.KeywordNamespace: "#f92672", - chroma.Operator: "#f92672", - chroma.Punctuation: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.Name: "#f8f8f2", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#a6e22e", - chroma.NameClass: "#a6e22e", - chroma.NameConstant: "#66d9ef", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#a6e22e", - chroma.NameException: "#a6e22e", - chroma.NameFunction: "#a6e22e", - chroma.NameOther: "#a6e22e", - chroma.NameTag: "#f92672", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#ae81ff", - chroma.Literal: "#ae81ff", - chroma.LiteralDate: "#e6db74", - chroma.LiteralString: "#e6db74", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "#ae81ff", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#f92672", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#a6e22e", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "#75715e", - chroma.Background: "bg:#272822", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/monokailight.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/monokailight.go deleted file mode 100644 index 61818a6..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/monokailight.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// MonokaiLight style. -var MonokaiLight = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("monokailight", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Text: "#272822", - chroma.Error: "#960050 bg:#1e0010", - chroma.Comment: "#75715e", - chroma.Keyword: "#00a8c8", - chroma.KeywordNamespace: "#f92672", - chroma.Operator: "#f92672", - chroma.Punctuation: "#111111", - chroma.Name: "#111111", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#75af00", - chroma.NameClass: "#75af00", - chroma.NameConstant: "#00a8c8", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#75af00", - chroma.NameException: "#75af00", - chroma.NameFunction: "#75af00", - chroma.NameOther: "#75af00", - chroma.NameTag: "#f92672", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#ae81ff", - chroma.Literal: "#ae81ff", - chroma.LiteralDate: "#d88200", - chroma.LiteralString: "#d88200", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "#8045FF", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.Background: " bg:#fafafa", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/murphy.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/murphy.go deleted file mode 100644 index 90e83c7..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/murphy.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Murphy style. -var Murphy = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("murphy", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.Comment: "#666 italic", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "#579 noitalic", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "#c00 bold", - chroma.Keyword: "bold #289", - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "#08f", - chroma.KeywordType: "#66f", - chroma.Operator: "#333", - chroma.OperatorWord: "bold #000", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#072", - chroma.NameFunction: "bold #5ed", - chroma.NameClass: "bold #e9e", - chroma.NameNamespace: "bold #0e84b5", - chroma.NameException: "bold #F00", - chroma.NameVariable: "#036", - chroma.NameVariableInstance: "#aaf", - chroma.NameVariableClass: "#ccf", - chroma.NameVariableGlobal: "#f84", - chroma.NameConstant: "bold #5ed", - chroma.NameLabel: "bold #970", - chroma.NameEntity: "#800", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#007", - chroma.NameTag: "#070", - chroma.NameDecorator: "bold #555", - chroma.LiteralString: "bg:#e0e0ff", - chroma.LiteralStringChar: "#88F bg:", - chroma.LiteralStringDoc: "#D42 bg:", - chroma.LiteralStringInterpol: "bg:#eee", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "bold #666", - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: "bg:#e0e0ff #000", - chroma.LiteralStringSymbol: "#fc8 bg:", - chroma.LiteralStringOther: "#f88", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "bold #60E", - chroma.LiteralNumberInteger: "bold #66f", - chroma.LiteralNumberFloat: "bold #60E", - chroma.LiteralNumberHex: "bold #058", - chroma.LiteralNumberOct: "bold #40E", - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold #000080", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold #800080", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#A00000", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#00A000", - chroma.GenericError: "#FF0000", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "bold #c65d09", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#888", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#04D", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "#F00 bg:#FAA", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/native.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/native.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9fae09a..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/native.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Native style. -var Native = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("native", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Background: "#d0d0d0 bg:#202020", - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#666666", - chroma.Comment: "italic #999999", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "noitalic bold #cd2828", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "noitalic bold #e50808 bg:#520000", - chroma.Keyword: "bold #6ab825", - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "nobold", - chroma.OperatorWord: "bold #6ab825", - chroma.LiteralString: "#ed9d13", - chroma.LiteralStringOther: "#ffa500", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#3677a9", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#24909d", - chroma.NameVariable: "#40ffff", - chroma.NameConstant: "#40ffff", - chroma.NameClass: "underline #447fcf", - chroma.NameFunction: "#447fcf", - chroma.NameNamespace: "underline #447fcf", - chroma.NameException: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.NameTag: "bold #6ab825", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#ffa500", - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold #ffffff", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "underline #ffffff", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#d22323", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#589819", - chroma.GenericError: "#d22323", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "#aaaaaa", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#cccccc", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#d22323", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "bg:#e3d2d2 #a61717", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/nord.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/nord.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0fcbc5d..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/nord.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -var ( - // colors and palettes based on https://www.nordtheme.com/docs/colors-and-palettes - nord0 = "#2e3440" - nord1 = "#3b4252" // nolint - nord2 = "#434c5e" // nolint - nord3 = "#4c566a" - nord3b = "#616e87" - - nord4 = "#d8dee9" - nord5 = "#e5e9f0" // nolint - nord6 = "#eceff4" - - nord7 = "#8fbcbb" - nord8 = "#88c0d0" - nord9 = "#81a1c1" - nord10 = "#5e81ac" - - nord11 = "#bf616a" - nord12 = "#d08770" - nord13 = "#ebcb8b" - nord14 = "#a3be8c" - nord15 = "#b48ead" -) - -// Nord, an arctic, north-bluish color palette -var Nord = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("nord", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.TextWhitespace: nord4, - chroma.Comment: "italic " + nord3b, - chroma.CommentPreproc: nord10, - chroma.Keyword: "bold " + nord9, - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "nobold " + nord9, - chroma.KeywordType: "nobold " + nord9, - chroma.Operator: nord9, - chroma.OperatorWord: "bold " + nord9, - chroma.Name: nord4, - chroma.NameBuiltin: nord9, - chroma.NameFunction: nord8, - chroma.NameClass: nord7, - chroma.NameNamespace: nord7, - chroma.NameException: nord11, - chroma.NameVariable: nord4, - chroma.NameConstant: nord7, - chroma.NameLabel: nord7, - chroma.NameEntity: nord12, - chroma.NameAttribute: nord7, - chroma.NameTag: nord9, - chroma.NameDecorator: nord12, - chroma.Punctuation: nord6, - chroma.LiteralString: nord14, - chroma.LiteralStringDoc: nord3b, - chroma.LiteralStringInterpol: nord14, - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: nord13, - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: nord13, - chroma.LiteralStringSymbol: nord14, - chroma.LiteralStringOther: nord14, - chroma.LiteralNumber: nord15, - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold " + nord8, - chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold " + nord8, - chroma.GenericDeleted: nord11, - chroma.GenericInserted: nord14, - chroma.GenericError: nord11, - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "bold " + nord3, - chroma.GenericOutput: nord4, - chroma.GenericTraceback: nord11, - chroma.Error: nord11, - chroma.Background: nord4 + " bg:" + nord0, -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/onesenterprise.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/onesenterprise.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9048e38..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/onesenterprise.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// 1S:Designer color palette -var OnesEnterprise = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("onesenterprise", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Text: "#000000", - chroma.Comment: "#008000", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "#963200", - chroma.Operator: "#FF0000", - chroma.Keyword: "#FF0000", - chroma.Punctuation: "#FF0000", - chroma.LiteralString: "#000000", - chroma.Name: "#0000FF", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/paraiso-dark.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/paraiso-dark.go deleted file mode 100644 index c8cf473..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/paraiso-dark.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// ParaisoDark style. -var ParaisoDark = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("paraiso-dark", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Text: "#e7e9db", - chroma.Error: "#ef6155", - chroma.Comment: "#776e71", - chroma.Keyword: "#815ba4", - chroma.KeywordNamespace: "#5bc4bf", - chroma.KeywordType: "#fec418", - chroma.Operator: "#5bc4bf", - chroma.Punctuation: "#e7e9db", - chroma.Name: "#e7e9db", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#06b6ef", - chroma.NameClass: "#fec418", - chroma.NameConstant: "#ef6155", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#5bc4bf", - chroma.NameException: "#ef6155", - chroma.NameFunction: "#06b6ef", - chroma.NameNamespace: "#fec418", - chroma.NameOther: "#06b6ef", - chroma.NameTag: "#5bc4bf", - chroma.NameVariable: "#ef6155", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#f99b15", - chroma.Literal: "#f99b15", - chroma.LiteralDate: "#48b685", - chroma.LiteralString: "#48b685", - chroma.LiteralStringChar: "#e7e9db", - chroma.LiteralStringDoc: "#776e71", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "#f99b15", - chroma.LiteralStringInterpol: "#f99b15", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#ef6155", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold #e7e9db", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#48b685", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "bold #776e71", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold #5bc4bf", - chroma.Background: "bg:#2f1e2e", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/paraiso-light.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/paraiso-light.go deleted file mode 100644 index b514dfa..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/paraiso-light.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// ParaisoLight style. -var ParaisoLight = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("paraiso-light", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Text: "#2f1e2e", - chroma.Error: "#ef6155", - chroma.Comment: "#8d8687", - chroma.Keyword: "#815ba4", - chroma.KeywordNamespace: "#5bc4bf", - chroma.KeywordType: "#fec418", - chroma.Operator: "#5bc4bf", - chroma.Punctuation: "#2f1e2e", - chroma.Name: "#2f1e2e", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#06b6ef", - chroma.NameClass: "#fec418", - chroma.NameConstant: "#ef6155", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#5bc4bf", - chroma.NameException: "#ef6155", - chroma.NameFunction: "#06b6ef", - chroma.NameNamespace: "#fec418", - chroma.NameOther: "#06b6ef", - chroma.NameTag: "#5bc4bf", - chroma.NameVariable: "#ef6155", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#f99b15", - chroma.Literal: "#f99b15", - chroma.LiteralDate: "#48b685", - chroma.LiteralString: "#48b685", - chroma.LiteralStringChar: "#2f1e2e", - chroma.LiteralStringDoc: "#8d8687", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "#f99b15", - chroma.LiteralStringInterpol: "#f99b15", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#ef6155", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold #2f1e2e", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#48b685", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "bold #8d8687", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold #5bc4bf", - chroma.Background: "bg:#e7e9db", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/pastie.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/pastie.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9a68544..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/pastie.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Pastie style. -var Pastie = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("pastie", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.Comment: "#888888", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "bold #cc0000", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "bg:#fff0f0 bold #cc0000", - chroma.LiteralString: "bg:#fff0f0 #dd2200", - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: "bg:#fff0ff #008800", - chroma.LiteralStringOther: "bg:#f0fff0 #22bb22", - chroma.LiteralStringSymbol: "#aa6600", - chroma.LiteralStringInterpol: "#3333bb", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "#0044dd", - chroma.OperatorWord: "#008800", - chroma.Keyword: "bold #008800", - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "nobold", - chroma.KeywordType: "#888888", - chroma.NameClass: "bold #bb0066", - chroma.NameException: "bold #bb0066", - chroma.NameFunction: "bold #0066bb", - chroma.NameProperty: "bold #336699", - chroma.NameNamespace: "bold #bb0066", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#003388", - chroma.NameVariable: "#336699", - chroma.NameVariableClass: "#336699", - chroma.NameVariableInstance: "#3333bb", - chroma.NameVariableGlobal: "#dd7700", - chroma.NameConstant: "bold #003366", - chroma.NameTag: "bold #bb0066", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#336699", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#555555", - chroma.NameLabel: "italic #336699", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "bold #0000DD", - chroma.GenericHeading: "#333", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "#666", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "bg:#ffdddd #000000", - chroma.GenericInserted: "bg:#ddffdd #000000", - chroma.GenericError: "#aa0000", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "#555555", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#888888", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#aa0000", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "bg:#e3d2d2 #a61717", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/perldoc.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/perldoc.go deleted file mode 100644 index e1372fd..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/perldoc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Perldoc style. -var Perldoc = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("perldoc", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.Comment: "#228B22", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "#1e889b", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "#8B008B bold", - chroma.LiteralString: "#CD5555", - chroma.LiteralStringHeredoc: "#1c7e71 italic", - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: "#1c7e71", - chroma.LiteralStringOther: "#cb6c20", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#B452CD", - chroma.OperatorWord: "#8B008B", - chroma.Keyword: "#8B008B bold", - chroma.KeywordType: "#00688B", - chroma.NameClass: "#008b45 bold", - chroma.NameException: "#008b45 bold", - chroma.NameFunction: "#008b45", - chroma.NameNamespace: "#008b45 underline", - chroma.NameVariable: "#00688B", - chroma.NameConstant: "#00688B", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#707a7c", - chroma.NameTag: "#8B008B bold", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#658b00", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#658b00", - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold #000080", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold #800080", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#aa0000", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#00aa00", - chroma.GenericError: "#aa0000", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "#555555", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#888888", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#aa0000", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "bg:#e3d2d2 #a61717", - chroma.Background: " bg:#eeeedd", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/pygments.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/pygments.go deleted file mode 100644 index 327033b..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/pygments.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Pygments default theme. -var Pygments = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("pygments", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Whitespace: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.Comment: "italic #408080", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "noitalic #BC7A00", - - chroma.Keyword: "bold #008000", - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "nobold", - chroma.KeywordType: "nobold #B00040", - - chroma.Operator: "#666666", - chroma.OperatorWord: "bold #AA22FF", - - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#008000", - chroma.NameFunction: "#0000FF", - chroma.NameClass: "bold #0000FF", - chroma.NameNamespace: "bold #0000FF", - chroma.NameException: "bold #D2413A", - chroma.NameVariable: "#19177C", - chroma.NameConstant: "#880000", - chroma.NameLabel: "#A0A000", - chroma.NameEntity: "bold #999999", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#7D9029", - chroma.NameTag: "bold #008000", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#AA22FF", - - chroma.String: "#BA2121", - chroma.StringDoc: "italic", - chroma.StringInterpol: "bold #BB6688", - chroma.StringEscape: "bold #BB6622", - chroma.StringRegex: "#BB6688", - chroma.StringSymbol: "#19177C", - chroma.StringOther: "#008000", - chroma.Number: "#666666", - - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold #000080", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold #800080", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#A00000", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#00A000", - chroma.GenericError: "#FF0000", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "bold #000080", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#888", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#04D", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - - chroma.Error: "border:#FF0000", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/rainbow_dash.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/rainbow_dash.go deleted file mode 100644 index 37d66ca..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/rainbow_dash.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// RainbowDash style. -var RainbowDash = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("rainbow_dash", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Comment: "italic #0080ff", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "noitalic", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "bold", - chroma.Error: "bg:#cc0000 #ffffff", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "border:#c5060b bg:#ffcccc", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericError: "#ff0000", - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold #2c5dcd", - chroma.GenericInserted: "border:#00cc00 bg:#ccffcc", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#aaaaaa", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "bold #2c5dcd", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold #2c5dcd", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#c5060b", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Keyword: "bold #2c5dcd", - chroma.KeywordPseudo: "nobold", - chroma.KeywordType: "#5918bb", - chroma.NameAttribute: "italic #2c5dcd", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "bold #5918bb", - chroma.NameClass: "underline", - chroma.NameConstant: "#318495", - chroma.NameDecorator: "bold #ff8000", - chroma.NameEntity: "bold #5918bb", - chroma.NameException: "bold #5918bb", - chroma.NameFunction: "bold #ff8000", - chroma.NameTag: "bold #2c5dcd", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "bold #5918bb", - chroma.Operator: "#2c5dcd", - chroma.OperatorWord: "bold", - chroma.LiteralString: "#00cc66", - chroma.LiteralStringDoc: "italic", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "bold #c5060b", - chroma.LiteralStringOther: "#318495", - chroma.LiteralStringSymbol: "bold #c5060b", - chroma.Text: "#4d4d4d", - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#cbcbcb", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/rrt.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/rrt.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2ccf2ca..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/rrt.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Rrt style. -var Rrt = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("rrt", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.CommentPreproc: "#e5e5e5", - chroma.Comment: "#00ff00", - chroma.KeywordType: "#ee82ee", - chroma.Keyword: "#ff0000", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#ff6600", - chroma.LiteralStringSymbol: "#ff6600", - chroma.LiteralString: "#87ceeb", - chroma.NameFunction: "#ffff00", - chroma.NameConstant: "#7fffd4", - chroma.NameVariable: "#eedd82", - chroma.Background: "#f8f8f2 bg:#000000", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/solarized-dark.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/solarized-dark.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2724df2..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/solarized-dark.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// SolarizedDark style. -var SolarizedDark = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("solarized-dark", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Keyword: "#719e07", - chroma.KeywordConstant: "#CB4B16", - chroma.KeywordDeclaration: "#268BD2", - chroma.KeywordReserved: "#268BD2", - chroma.KeywordType: "#DC322F", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#93A1A1", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#B58900", - chroma.NameBuiltinPseudo: "#268BD2", - chroma.NameClass: "#268BD2", - chroma.NameConstant: "#CB4B16", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#268BD2", - chroma.NameEntity: "#CB4B16", - chroma.NameException: "#CB4B16", - chroma.NameFunction: "#268BD2", - chroma.NameTag: "#268BD2", - chroma.NameVariable: "#268BD2", - chroma.LiteralString: "#2AA198", - chroma.LiteralStringBacktick: "#586E75", - chroma.LiteralStringChar: "#2AA198", - chroma.LiteralStringDoc: "#93A1A1", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "#CB4B16", - chroma.LiteralStringHeredoc: "#93A1A1", - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: "#DC322F", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#2AA198", - chroma.Operator: "#719e07", - chroma.Comment: "#586E75", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "#719e07", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "#719e07", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#DC322F", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericError: "#DC322F bold", - chroma.GenericHeading: "#CB4B16", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#719e07", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "#268BD2", - chroma.Background: "#93A1A1 bg:#002B36", - 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chroma.NameFunction: "#0087ff", - chroma.NameTag: "#0087ff", - chroma.NameVariable: "#0087ff", - chroma.LiteralString: "#00afaf", - chroma.LiteralStringBacktick: "#4e4e4e", - chroma.LiteralStringChar: "#00afaf", - chroma.LiteralStringDoc: "#00afaf", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "#af0000", - chroma.LiteralStringHeredoc: "#00afaf", - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: "#af0000", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#00afaf", - chroma.Operator: "#8a8a8a", - chroma.OperatorWord: "#5f8700", - chroma.Comment: "#4e4e4e", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "#5f8700", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "#5f8700", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#af0000", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericError: "#af0000 bold", - chroma.GenericHeading: "#d75f00", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#5f8700", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "#0087ff", - chroma.Background: "#8a8a8a bg:#1c1c1c", - chroma.Other: "#d75f00", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/solarized-light.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/solarized-light.go deleted file mode 100644 index b6d5234..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/solarized-light.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// SolarizedLight style. -var SolarizedLight = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("solarized-light", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Text: "bg: #eee8d5 #586e75", - chroma.Keyword: "#859900", - chroma.KeywordConstant: "bold", - chroma.KeywordNamespace: "#dc322f bold", - chroma.KeywordType: "bold", - chroma.Name: "#268bd2", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#cb4b16", - chroma.NameClass: "#cb4b16", - chroma.NameTag: "bold", - chroma.Literal: "#2aa198", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "bold", - chroma.OperatorWord: "#859900", - chroma.Comment: "#93a1a1 italic", - chroma.Generic: "#d33682", - chroma.Background: " bg:#eee8d5", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/swapoff.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/swapoff.go deleted file mode 100644 index e4daae6..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/swapoff.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// SwapOff theme. -var SwapOff = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("swapoff", chroma.StyleEntries{ - 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chroma.NameFunction: "#000000", - chroma.NameProperty: "#000000", - chroma.NameLabel: "#f57900", - chroma.NameNamespace: "#000000", - chroma.NameOther: "#000000", - chroma.NameTag: "bold #204a87", - chroma.NameVariable: "#000000", - chroma.NameVariableClass: "#000000", - chroma.NameVariableGlobal: "#000000", - chroma.NameVariableInstance: "#000000", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "bold #0000cf", - chroma.LiteralNumberFloat: "bold #0000cf", - chroma.LiteralNumberHex: "bold #0000cf", - chroma.LiteralNumberInteger: "bold #0000cf", - chroma.LiteralNumberIntegerLong: "bold #0000cf", - chroma.LiteralNumberOct: "bold #0000cf", - chroma.Literal: "#000000", - chroma.LiteralDate: "#000000", - chroma.LiteralString: "#4e9a06", - chroma.LiteralStringBacktick: "#4e9a06", - chroma.LiteralStringChar: "#4e9a06", - chroma.LiteralStringDoc: "italic #8f5902", - chroma.LiteralStringDouble: "#4e9a06", - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "#4e9a06", - chroma.LiteralStringHeredoc: "#4e9a06", - chroma.LiteralStringInterpol: "#4e9a06", - chroma.LiteralStringOther: "#4e9a06", - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: "#4e9a06", - chroma.LiteralStringSingle: "#4e9a06", - chroma.LiteralStringSymbol: "#4e9a06", - chroma.Generic: "#000000", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#a40000", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic #000000", - chroma.GenericError: "#ef2929", - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold #000080", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#00A000", - chroma.GenericOutput: "italic #000000", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "#8f5902", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold #000000", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold #800080", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "bold #a40000", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Background: " bg:#f8f8f8", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/trac.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/trac.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3b09c44..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/trac.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Trac style. -var Trac = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("trac", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.TextWhitespace: "#bbbbbb", - chroma.Comment: "italic #999988", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "bold noitalic #999999", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "bold #999999", - chroma.Operator: "bold", - chroma.LiteralString: "#bb8844", - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: "#808000", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#009999", - chroma.Keyword: "bold", - chroma.KeywordType: "#445588", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#999999", - chroma.NameFunction: "bold #990000", - chroma.NameClass: "bold #445588", - chroma.NameException: "bold #990000", - chroma.NameNamespace: "#555555", - chroma.NameVariable: "#008080", - chroma.NameConstant: "#008080", - chroma.NameTag: "#000080", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#008080", - chroma.NameEntity: "#800080", - chroma.GenericHeading: "#999999", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "#aaaaaa", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "bg:#ffdddd #000000", - chroma.GenericInserted: "bg:#ddffdd #000000", - chroma.GenericError: "#aa0000", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "#555555", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#888888", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#aa0000", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "bg:#e3d2d2 #a61717", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/vim.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/vim.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6296042..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/vim.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Vim style. -var Vim = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("vim", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Background: "#cccccc bg:#000000", - chroma.Comment: "#000080", - chroma.CommentSpecial: "bold #cd0000", - chroma.Keyword: "#cdcd00", - chroma.KeywordDeclaration: "#00cd00", - chroma.KeywordNamespace: "#cd00cd", - chroma.KeywordType: "#00cd00", - chroma.Operator: "#3399cc", - chroma.OperatorWord: "#cdcd00", - chroma.NameClass: "#00cdcd", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#cd00cd", - chroma.NameException: "bold #666699", - chroma.NameVariable: "#00cdcd", - chroma.LiteralString: "#cd0000", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#cd00cd", - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold #000080", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold #800080", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#cd0000", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#00cd00", - chroma.GenericError: "#FF0000", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "bold #000080", - chroma.GenericOutput: "#888", - chroma.GenericTraceback: "#04D", - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: "border:#FF0000", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/vs.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/vs.go deleted file mode 100644 index acbcb91..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/vs.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// VisualStudio style. -var VisualStudio = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("vs", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Comment: "#008000", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "#0000ff", - chroma.Keyword: "#0000ff", - chroma.OperatorWord: "#0000ff", - chroma.KeywordType: "#2b91af", - chroma.NameClass: "#2b91af", - chroma.LiteralString: "#a31515", - chroma.GenericHeading: "bold", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericPrompt: "bold", - chroma.Error: "border:#FF0000", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/vulcan.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/vulcan.go deleted file mode 100644 index 82ad1a1..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/vulcan.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -var ( - // inspired by Doom Emacs's One Doom Theme - black = "#282C34" - grey = "#3E4460" - grey2 = "#43454f" - white = "#C9C9C9" - red = "#CF5967" - yellow = "#ECBE7B" - green = "#82CC6A" - cyan = "#56B6C2" - blue = "#7FBAF5" - blue2 = "#57C7FF" - purple = "#BC74C4" -) - -var Vulcan = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("vulcan", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Comment: grey, - chroma.CommentHashbang: grey + " italic", - chroma.CommentMultiline: grey, - chroma.CommentPreproc: blue, - chroma.CommentSingle: grey, - chroma.CommentSpecial: purple + " italic", - chroma.Generic: white, - chroma.GenericDeleted: red, - chroma.GenericEmph: white + " underline", - chroma.GenericError: red + " bold", - chroma.GenericHeading: yellow + " bold", - chroma.GenericInserted: yellow, - chroma.GenericOutput: grey2, - chroma.GenericPrompt: white, - chroma.GenericStrong: red + " bold", - chroma.GenericSubheading: red + " italic", - chroma.GenericTraceback: white, - chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline", - chroma.Error: red, - chroma.Keyword: blue, - chroma.KeywordConstant: red + " bg:" + grey2, - chroma.KeywordDeclaration: blue, - chroma.KeywordNamespace: purple, - chroma.KeywordPseudo: purple, - chroma.KeywordReserved: blue, - chroma.KeywordType: blue2 + " bold", - chroma.Literal: white, - chroma.LiteralDate: blue2, - chroma.Name: white, - chroma.NameAttribute: purple, - chroma.NameBuiltin: blue, - chroma.NameBuiltinPseudo: blue, - chroma.NameClass: yellow, - chroma.NameConstant: yellow, - chroma.NameDecorator: yellow, - chroma.NameEntity: white, - chroma.NameException: red, - chroma.NameFunction: blue2, - chroma.NameLabel: red, - chroma.NameNamespace: white, - chroma.NameOther: white, - chroma.NameTag: purple, - chroma.NameVariable: purple + " italic", - chroma.NameVariableClass: blue2 + " bold", - chroma.NameVariableGlobal: yellow, - chroma.NameVariableInstance: blue2, - chroma.LiteralNumber: cyan, - chroma.LiteralNumberBin: blue2, - chroma.LiteralNumberFloat: cyan, - chroma.LiteralNumberHex: blue2, - chroma.LiteralNumberInteger: cyan, - chroma.LiteralNumberIntegerLong: cyan, - chroma.LiteralNumberOct: blue2, - chroma.Operator: purple, - chroma.OperatorWord: purple, - chroma.Other: white, - chroma.Punctuation: cyan, - chroma.LiteralString: green, - chroma.LiteralStringBacktick: blue2, - chroma.LiteralStringChar: blue2, - chroma.LiteralStringDoc: green, - chroma.LiteralStringDouble: green, - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: cyan, - chroma.LiteralStringHeredoc: cyan, - chroma.LiteralStringInterpol: green, - chroma.LiteralStringOther: green, - chroma.LiteralStringRegex: blue2, - chroma.LiteralStringSingle: green, - chroma.LiteralStringSymbol: green, - chroma.Text: white, - chroma.TextWhitespace: white, - chroma.Background: " bg: " + black, -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/witchhazel.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/witchhazel.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4aea278..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/witchhazel.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2018 Alethea Katherine Flowers -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// WitchHazel Style -var WitchHazel = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("witchhazel", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Text: "#F8F8F2", - chroma.Whitespace: "#A8757B", - chroma.Error: "#960050 bg:#1e0010", - chroma.Comment: "#b0bec5", - chroma.Keyword: "#C2FFDF", - chroma.KeywordNamespace: "#FFB8D1", - chroma.Operator: "#FFB8D1", - chroma.Punctuation: "#F8F8F2", - chroma.Name: "#F8F8F2", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#ceb1ff", - chroma.NameBuiltinPseudo: "#80cbc4", - chroma.NameClass: "#ceb1ff", - chroma.NameConstant: "#C5A3FF", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#ceb1ff", - chroma.NameException: "#ceb1ff", - chroma.NameFunction: "#ceb1ff", - chroma.NameProperty: "#F8F8F2", - chroma.NameTag: "#FFB8D1", - chroma.NameVariable: "#F8F8F2", - chroma.Number: "#C5A3FF", - chroma.Literal: "#ae81ff", - chroma.LiteralDate: "#e6db74", - chroma.String: "#1bc5e0", - chroma.GenericDeleted: "#f92672", - chroma.GenericEmph: "italic", - chroma.GenericInserted: "#a6e22e", - chroma.GenericStrong: "bold", - chroma.GenericSubheading: "#75715e", - chroma.Background: " bg:#433e56", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/xcode-dark.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/xcode-dark.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9a9d757..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/xcode-dark.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -var ( - // Inspired by Apple's Xcode "Default (Dark)" Theme - background = "#1F1F24" - plainText = "#FFFFFF" - comments = "#6C7986" - strings = "#FC6A5D" - numbers = "#D0BF69" - keywords = "#FC5FA3" - preprocessorStatements = "#FD8F3F" - typeDeclarations = "#5DD8FF" - otherDeclarations = "#41A1C0" - otherFunctionAndMethodNames = "#A167E6" - otherTypeNames = "#D0A8FF" -) - -// Xcode dark style -var XcodeDark = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("xcode-dark", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Background: plainText + " bg:" + background, - - chroma.Comment: comments, - chroma.CommentMultiline: comments, - chroma.CommentPreproc: preprocessorStatements, - chroma.CommentSingle: comments, - chroma.CommentSpecial: comments + " italic", - - chroma.Error: "#960050", - - chroma.Keyword: keywords, - chroma.KeywordConstant: keywords, - chroma.KeywordDeclaration: keywords, - chroma.KeywordReserved: keywords, - - chroma.LiteralNumber: numbers, - chroma.LiteralNumberBin: numbers, - chroma.LiteralNumberFloat: numbers, - chroma.LiteralNumberHex: numbers, - chroma.LiteralNumberInteger: numbers, - chroma.LiteralNumberOct: numbers, - - chroma.LiteralString: strings, - chroma.LiteralStringEscape: strings, - chroma.LiteralStringInterpol: plainText, - - chroma.Name: plainText, - chroma.NameBuiltin: otherTypeNames, - chroma.NameBuiltinPseudo: otherFunctionAndMethodNames, - chroma.NameClass: typeDeclarations, - chroma.NameFunction: otherDeclarations, - chroma.NameVariable: otherDeclarations, - - chroma.Operator: plainText, - - chroma.Punctuation: plainText, - - chroma.Text: plainText, -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/xcode.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/xcode.go deleted file mode 100644 index 115cf71..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles/xcode.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -package styles - -import ( - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" -) - -// Xcode style. -var Xcode = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("xcode", chroma.StyleEntries{ - chroma.Comment: "#177500", - chroma.CommentPreproc: "#633820", - chroma.LiteralString: "#C41A16", - chroma.LiteralStringChar: "#2300CE", - chroma.Operator: "#000000", - chroma.Keyword: "#A90D91", - chroma.Name: "#000000", - chroma.NameAttribute: "#836C28", - chroma.NameClass: "#3F6E75", - chroma.NameFunction: "#000000", - chroma.NameBuiltin: "#A90D91", - chroma.NameBuiltinPseudo: "#5B269A", - chroma.NameVariable: "#000000", - chroma.NameTag: "#000000", - chroma.NameDecorator: "#000000", - chroma.NameLabel: "#000000", - chroma.Literal: "#1C01CE", - chroma.LiteralNumber: "#1C01CE", - chroma.Error: "#000000", - chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff", -})) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tokentype_string.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tokentype_string.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9c302f9..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tokentype_string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,219 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by "stringer -type TokenType"; DO NOT EDIT. - -package chroma - -import "strconv" - -func _() { - // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. - // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. - var x [1]struct{} - _ = x[Background - -1] - _ = x[PreWrapper - -2] - _ = x[Line - -3] - _ = x[LineNumbers - -4] - _ = x[LineNumbersTable - -5] - _ = x[LineHighlight - -6] - _ = x[LineTable - -7] - _ = x[LineTableTD - -8] - _ = x[CodeLine - -9] - _ = x[Error - -10] - _ = x[Other - -11] - _ = x[None - -12] - _ = x[EOFType-0] - _ = x[Keyword-1000] - _ = x[KeywordConstant-1001] - _ = x[KeywordDeclaration-1002] - _ = x[KeywordNamespace-1003] - _ = x[KeywordPseudo-1004] - _ = x[KeywordReserved-1005] - _ = x[KeywordType-1006] - _ = x[Name-2000] - _ = x[NameAttribute-2001] - _ = x[NameBuiltin-2002] - _ = x[NameBuiltinPseudo-2003] - _ = x[NameClass-2004] - _ = x[NameConstant-2005] - _ = x[NameDecorator-2006] - _ = x[NameEntity-2007] - _ = x[NameException-2008] - _ = x[NameFunction-2009] - _ = x[NameFunctionMagic-2010] - _ = x[NameKeyword-2011] - _ = x[NameLabel-2012] - _ = x[NameNamespace-2013] - _ = x[NameOperator-2014] - _ = x[NameOther-2015] - _ = x[NamePseudo-2016] - _ = x[NameProperty-2017] - _ = x[NameTag-2018] - _ = x[NameVariable-2019] - _ = x[NameVariableAnonymous-2020] - _ = x[NameVariableClass-2021] - _ = x[NameVariableGlobal-2022] - _ = x[NameVariableInstance-2023] - _ = x[NameVariableMagic-2024] - _ = x[Literal-3000] - _ = x[LiteralDate-3001] - _ = x[LiteralOther-3002] - _ = x[LiteralString-3100] - _ = x[LiteralStringAffix-3101] - _ = x[LiteralStringAtom-3102] - _ = x[LiteralStringBacktick-3103] - _ = x[LiteralStringBoolean-3104] - _ = x[LiteralStringChar-3105] - _ = x[LiteralStringDelimiter-3106] - _ = x[LiteralStringDoc-3107] - _ = x[LiteralStringDouble-3108] - _ = x[LiteralStringEscape-3109] - _ = x[LiteralStringHeredoc-3110] - _ = x[LiteralStringInterpol-3111] - _ = x[LiteralStringName-3112] - _ = x[LiteralStringOther-3113] - _ = x[LiteralStringRegex-3114] - _ = x[LiteralStringSingle-3115] - _ = x[LiteralStringSymbol-3116] - _ = x[LiteralNumber-3200] - _ = x[LiteralNumberBin-3201] - _ = x[LiteralNumberFloat-3202] - _ = x[LiteralNumberHex-3203] - _ = x[LiteralNumberInteger-3204] - _ = x[LiteralNumberIntegerLong-3205] - _ = x[LiteralNumberOct-3206] - _ = x[Operator-4000] - _ = x[OperatorWord-4001] - _ = x[Punctuation-5000] - _ = x[Comment-6000] - _ = x[CommentHashbang-6001] - _ = x[CommentMultiline-6002] - _ = x[CommentSingle-6003] - _ = x[CommentSpecial-6004] - _ = x[CommentPreproc-6100] - _ = x[CommentPreprocFile-6101] - _ = x[Generic-7000] - _ = x[GenericDeleted-7001] - _ = x[GenericEmph-7002] - _ = x[GenericError-7003] - _ = x[GenericHeading-7004] - _ = x[GenericInserted-7005] - _ = x[GenericOutput-7006] - _ = x[GenericPrompt-7007] - _ = x[GenericStrong-7008] - _ = x[GenericSubheading-7009] - _ = x[GenericTraceback-7010] - _ = x[GenericUnderline-7011] - _ = x[Text-8000] - _ = x[TextWhitespace-8001] - _ = x[TextSymbol-8002] - _ = x[TextPunctuation-8003] -} - -const _TokenType_name = "NoneOtherErrorCodeLineLineTableTDLineTableLineHighlightLineNumbersTableLineNumbersLinePreWrapperBackgroundEOFTypeKeywordKeywordConstantKeywordDeclarationKeywordNamespaceKeywordPseudoKeywordReservedKeywordTypeNameNameAttributeNameBuiltinNameBuiltinPseudoNameClassNameConstantNameDecoratorNameEntityNameExceptionNameFunctionNameFunctionMagicNameKeywordNameLabelNameNamespaceNameOperatorNameOtherNamePseudoNamePropertyNameTagNameVariableNameVariableAnonymousNameVariableClassNameVariableGlobalNameVariableInstanceNameVariableMagicLiteralLiteralDateLiteralOtherLiteralStringLiteralStringAffixLiteralStringAtomLiteralStringBacktickLiteralStringBooleanLiteralStringCharLiteralStringDelimiterLiteralStringDocLiteralStringDoubleLiteralStringEscapeLiteralStringHeredocLiteralStringInterpolLiteralStringNameLiteralStringOtherLiteralStringRegexLiteralStringSingleLiteralStringSymbolLiteralNumberLiteralNumberBinLiteralNumberFloatLiteralNumberHexLiteralNumberIntegerLiteralNumberIntegerLongLiteralNumberOctOperatorOperatorWordPunctuationCommentCommentHashbangCommentMultilineCommentSingleCommentSpecialCommentPreprocCommentPreprocFileGenericGenericDeletedGenericEmphGenericErrorGenericHeadingGenericInsertedGenericOutputGenericPromptGenericStrongGenericSubheadingGenericTracebackGenericUnderlineTextTextWhitespaceTextSymbolTextPunctuation" - -var _TokenType_map = map[TokenType]string{ - -12: _TokenType_name[0:4], - -11: _TokenType_name[4:9], - -10: _TokenType_name[9:14], - -9: _TokenType_name[14:22], - -8: _TokenType_name[22:33], - -7: _TokenType_name[33:42], - -6: _TokenType_name[42:55], - -5: _TokenType_name[55:71], - -4: _TokenType_name[71:82], - -3: _TokenType_name[82:86], - -2: _TokenType_name[86:96], - -1: _TokenType_name[96:106], - 0: _TokenType_name[106:113], - 1000: _TokenType_name[113:120], - 1001: _TokenType_name[120:135], - 1002: _TokenType_name[135:153], - 1003: _TokenType_name[153:169], - 1004: _TokenType_name[169:182], - 1005: _TokenType_name[182:197], - 1006: _TokenType_name[197:208], - 2000: _TokenType_name[208:212], - 2001: _TokenType_name[212:225], - 2002: _TokenType_name[225:236], - 2003: _TokenType_name[236:253], - 2004: _TokenType_name[253:262], - 2005: _TokenType_name[262:274], - 2006: _TokenType_name[274:287], - 2007: _TokenType_name[287:297], - 2008: _TokenType_name[297:310], - 2009: _TokenType_name[310:322], - 2010: _TokenType_name[322:339], - 2011: _TokenType_name[339:350], - 2012: _TokenType_name[350:359], - 2013: _TokenType_name[359:372], - 2014: _TokenType_name[372:384], - 2015: _TokenType_name[384:393], - 2016: _TokenType_name[393:403], - 2017: _TokenType_name[403:415], - 2018: _TokenType_name[415:422], - 2019: _TokenType_name[422:434], - 2020: _TokenType_name[434:455], - 2021: _TokenType_name[455:472], - 2022: _TokenType_name[472:490], - 2023: _TokenType_name[490:510], - 2024: _TokenType_name[510:527], - 3000: _TokenType_name[527:534], - 3001: _TokenType_name[534:545], - 3002: _TokenType_name[545:557], - 3100: _TokenType_name[557:570], - 3101: _TokenType_name[570:588], - 3102: _TokenType_name[588:605], - 3103: _TokenType_name[605:626], - 3104: _TokenType_name[626:646], - 3105: _TokenType_name[646:663], - 3106: _TokenType_name[663:685], - 3107: _TokenType_name[685:701], - 3108: _TokenType_name[701:720], - 3109: _TokenType_name[720:739], - 3110: _TokenType_name[739:759], - 3111: _TokenType_name[759:780], - 3112: _TokenType_name[780:797], - 3113: _TokenType_name[797:815], - 3114: _TokenType_name[815:833], - 3115: _TokenType_name[833:852], - 3116: _TokenType_name[852:871], - 3200: _TokenType_name[871:884], - 3201: _TokenType_name[884:900], - 3202: _TokenType_name[900:918], - 3203: _TokenType_name[918:934], - 3204: _TokenType_name[934:954], - 3205: _TokenType_name[954:978], - 3206: _TokenType_name[978:994], - 4000: _TokenType_name[994:1002], - 4001: _TokenType_name[1002:1014], - 5000: _TokenType_name[1014:1025], - 6000: _TokenType_name[1025:1032], - 6001: _TokenType_name[1032:1047], - 6002: _TokenType_name[1047:1063], - 6003: _TokenType_name[1063:1076], - 6004: _TokenType_name[1076:1090], - 6100: _TokenType_name[1090:1104], - 6101: _TokenType_name[1104:1122], - 7000: _TokenType_name[1122:1129], - 7001: _TokenType_name[1129:1143], - 7002: _TokenType_name[1143:1154], - 7003: _TokenType_name[1154:1166], - 7004: _TokenType_name[1166:1180], - 7005: _TokenType_name[1180:1195], - 7006: _TokenType_name[1195:1208], - 7007: _TokenType_name[1208:1221], - 7008: _TokenType_name[1221:1234], - 7009: _TokenType_name[1234:1251], - 7010: _TokenType_name[1251:1267], - 7011: _TokenType_name[1267:1283], - 8000: _TokenType_name[1283:1287], - 8001: _TokenType_name[1287:1301], - 8002: _TokenType_name[1301:1311], - 8003: _TokenType_name[1311:1326], -} - -func (i TokenType) String() string { - if str, ok := _TokenType_map[i]; ok { - return str - } - return "TokenType(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/.editorconfig b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/.editorconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d80374e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/.editorconfig @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +root = true + +[*] +indent_style = tab +end_of_line = lf +charset = utf-8 +trim_trailing_whitespace = true +insert_final_newline = true + +[*.xml] +indent_style = space +indent_size = 2 +insert_final_newline = false diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/.gitignore similarity index 88% rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/.gitignore rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/.gitignore index ccacd12..8cbdd75 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/.gitignore +++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/.gitignore @@ -1,4 +1,8 @@ # Binaries for programs and plugins +.git +.idea +.vscode +.hermit *.exe *.dll *.so @@ -17,3 +21,5 @@ _models/ _examples/ +*.min.* +build/ diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/.golangci.yml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/.golangci.yml similarity index 85% rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/.golangci.yml rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/.golangci.yml index ba75573..120ea71 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/.golangci.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/.golangci.yml @@ -36,6 +36,19 @@ linters: - ifshort - wrapcheck - stylecheck + - thelper + - nonamedreturns + - revive + - dupword + - exhaustruct + - varnamelen + - forcetypeassert + - ireturn + - maintidx + - govet + - nosnakecase + - testableexamples + - musttag linters-settings: govet: @@ -48,8 +61,8 @@ linters-settings: min-len: 8 min-occurrences: 3 forbidigo: - forbid: - - (Must)?NewLexer + #forbid: + # - (Must)?NewLexer$ exclude_godoc_examples: false @@ -74,3 +87,4 @@ issues: - 'methods on the same type should have the same receiver name' - '_TokenType_name should be _TokenTypeName' - '`_TokenType_map` should be `_TokenTypeMap`' + - 'rewrite if-else to switch statement' diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/.goreleaser.yml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/.goreleaser.yml similarity index 100% rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/.goreleaser.yml rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/.goreleaser.yml diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/Bitfile b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/Bitfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf15863 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/Bitfile @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +VERSION = %(git describe --tags --dirty --always)% +export CGOENABLED = 0 + +tokentype_enumer.go: types.go + build: go generate + +# Regenerate the list of lexers in the README +README.md: lexers/*.go lexers/*/*.xml table.py + build: ./table.py + -clean + +implicit %{1}%{2}.min.%{3}: **/*.{css,js} + build: esbuild --bundle %{IN} --minify --outfile=%{OUT} + +implicit build/%{1}: cmd/* + cd cmd/%{1} + inputs: cmd/%{1}/**/* **/*.go + build: go build -ldflags="-X 'main.version=%{VERSION}'" -o ../../build/%{1} . + +#upload: chromad +# build: +# scp chromad root@swapoff.org: +# ssh root@swapoff.org 'install -m755 ./chromad /srv/http/swapoff.org/bin && service chromad restart' +# touch upload diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/COPYING b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/COPYING similarity index 100% rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/COPYING rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/COPYING diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2ff762 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +.PHONY: chromad upload all + +VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --dirty --always) +export GOOS ?= linux +export GOARCH ?= amd64 + +all: README.md tokentype_string.go + +README.md: lexers/*/*.go + ./table.py + +tokentype_string.go: types.go + go generate + +chromad: + rm -rf build + esbuild --bundle cmd/chromad/static/index.js --minify --outfile=cmd/chromad/static/index.min.js + esbuild --bundle cmd/chromad/static/index.css --minify --outfile=cmd/chromad/static/index.min.css + (export CGOENABLED=0 ; cd ./cmd/chromad && go build -ldflags="-X 'main.version=$(VERSION)'" -o ../../build/chromad .) + +upload: build/chromad + scp build/chromad root@swapoff.org: && \ + ssh root@swapoff.org 'install -m755 ./chromad /srv/http/swapoff.org/bin && service chromad restart' diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/README.md b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c347a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +# Chroma — A general purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go + +[![Golang Documentation](https://godoc.org/github.com/alecthomas/chroma?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/alecthomas/chroma) [![CI](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/actions/workflows/ci.yml) [![Slack chat](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?logo=slack&style=flat&label=slack&color=green&message=gophers)](https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org/) + +Chroma takes source code and other structured text and converts it into syntax +highlighted HTML, ANSI-coloured text, etc. + +Chroma is based heavily on [Pygments](http://pygments.org/), and includes +translators for Pygments lexers and styles. + + + +## Table of Contents + + + +1. [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) +2. [Supported languages](#supported-languages) +3. [Try it](#try-it) +4. [Using the library](#using-the-library) + 1. [Quick start](#quick-start) + 2. [Identifying the language](#identifying-the-language) + 3. [Formatting the output](#formatting-the-output) + 4. [The HTML formatter](#the-html-formatter) +5. [More detail](#more-detail) + 1. [Lexers](#lexers) + 2. [Formatters](#formatters) + 3. [Styles](#styles) +6. [Command-line interface](#command-line-interface) +7. [Testing lexers](#testing-lexers) +8. [What's missing compared to Pygments?](#whats-missing-compared-to-pygments) + + + + + +## Supported languages + +| Prefix | Language | +| :----: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| A | ABAP, ABNF, ActionScript, ActionScript 3, Ada, Agda, AL, Alloy, Angular2, ANTLR, ApacheConf, APL, AppleScript, ArangoDB AQL, Arduino, ArmAsm, AutoHotkey, AutoIt, Awk | +| B | Ballerina, Bash, Bash Session, Batchfile, BibTeX, Bicep, BlitzBasic, BNF, BQN, Brainfuck | +| C | C, C#, C++, Caddyfile, Caddyfile Directives, Cap'n Proto, Cassandra CQL, Ceylon, CFEngine3, cfstatement, ChaiScript, Chapel, Cheetah, Clojure, CMake, COBOL, CoffeeScript, Common Lisp, Coq, Crystal, CSS, Cython | +| D | D, Dart, Dax, Diff, Django/Jinja, dns, Docker, DTD, Dylan | +| E | EBNF, Elixir, Elm, EmacsLisp, Erlang | +| F | Factor, Fennel, Fish, Forth, Fortran, FortranFixed, FSharp | +| G | GAS, GDScript, Genshi, Genshi HTML, Genshi Text, Gherkin, GLSL, Gnuplot, Go, Go HTML Template, Go Text Template, GraphQL, Groff, Groovy | +| H | Handlebars, Hare, Haskell, Haxe, HCL, Hexdump, HLB, HLSL, HolyC, HTML, HTTP, Hy | +| I | Idris, Igor, INI, Io, ISCdhcpd | +| J | J, Java, JavaScript, JSON, Julia, Jungle | +| K | Kotlin | +| L | Lighttpd configuration file, LLVM, Lua | +| M | Makefile, Mako, markdown, Mason, Mathematica, Matlab, mcfunction, Meson, Metal, MiniZinc, MLIR, Modula-2, MonkeyC, MorrowindScript, Myghty, MySQL | +| N | NASM, Natural, Newspeak, Nginx configuration file, Nim, Nix | +| O | Objective-C, OCaml, Octave, Odin, OnesEnterprise, OpenEdge ABL, OpenSCAD, Org Mode | +| P | PacmanConf, Perl, PHP, PHTML, Pig, PkgConfig, PL/pgSQL, plaintext, Plutus Core, Pony, PostgreSQL SQL dialect, PostScript, POVRay, PowerQuery, PowerShell, Prolog, PromQL, properties, Protocol Buffer, PRQL, PSL, Puppet, Python, Python 2 | +| Q | QBasic, QML | +| R | R, Racket, Ragel, Raku, react, ReasonML, reg, reStructuredText, Rexx, Ruby, Rust | +| S | SAS, Sass, Scala, Scheme, Scilab, SCSS, Sed, Sieve, Smali, Smalltalk, Smarty, Snobol, Solidity, SourcePawn, SPARQL, SQL, SquidConf, Standard ML, stas, Stylus, Svelte, Swift, SYSTEMD, systemverilog | +| T | TableGen, Tal, TASM, Tcl, Tcsh, Termcap, Terminfo, Terraform, TeX, Thrift, TOML, TradingView, Transact-SQL, Turing, Turtle, Twig, TypeScript, TypoScript, TypoScriptCssData, TypoScriptHtmlData | +| V | V, V shell, Vala, VB.net, verilog, VHDL, VHS, VimL, vue | +| W | WDTE, WebGPU Shading Language, Whiley | +| X | XML, Xorg | +| Y | YAML, YANG | +| Z | Z80 Assembly, Zed, Zig | + +_I will attempt to keep this section up to date, but an authoritative list can be +displayed with `chroma --list`._ + + + +## Try it + +Try out various languages and styles on the [Chroma Playground](https://swapoff.org/chroma/playground/). + + + +## Using the library + +Chroma, like Pygments, has the concepts of +[lexers](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tree/master/lexers), +[formatters](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tree/master/formatters) and +[styles](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tree/master/styles). + +Lexers convert source text into a stream of tokens, styles specify how token +types are mapped to colours, and formatters convert tokens and styles into +formatted output. + +A package exists for each of these, containing a global `Registry` variable +with all of the registered implementations. There are also helper functions +for using the registry in each package, such as looking up lexers by name or +matching filenames, etc. + +In all cases, if a lexer, formatter or style can not be determined, `nil` will +be returned. In this situation you may want to default to the `Fallback` +value in each respective package, which provides sane defaults. + + + +### Quick start + +A convenience function exists that can be used to simply format some source +text, without any effort: + +```go +err := quick.Highlight(os.Stdout, someSourceCode, "go", "html", "monokai") +``` + + + +### Identifying the language + +To highlight code, you'll first have to identify what language the code is +written in. There are three primary ways to do that: + +1. Detect the language from its filename. + + ```go + lexer := lexers.Match("foo.go") + ``` + +2. Explicitly specify the language by its Chroma syntax ID (a full list is available from `lexers.Names()`). + + ```go + lexer := lexers.Get("go") + ``` + +3. Detect the language from its content. + + ```go + lexer := lexers.Analyse("package main\n\nfunc main()\n{\n}\n") + ``` + +In all cases, `nil` will be returned if the language can not be identified. + +```go +if lexer == nil { + lexer = lexers.Fallback +} +``` + +At this point, it should be noted that some lexers can be extremely chatty. To +mitigate this, you can use the coalescing lexer to coalesce runs of identical +token types into a single token: + +```go +lexer = chroma.Coalesce(lexer) +``` + + + +### Formatting the output + +Once a language is identified you will need to pick a formatter and a style (theme). + +```go +style := styles.Get("swapoff") +if style == nil { + style = styles.Fallback +} +formatter := formatters.Get("html") +if formatter == nil { + formatter = formatters.Fallback +} +``` + +Then obtain an iterator over the tokens: + +```go +contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) +iterator, err := lexer.Tokenise(nil, string(contents)) +``` + +And finally, format the tokens from the iterator: + +```go +err := formatter.Format(w, style, iterator) +``` + + + +### The HTML formatter + +By default the `html` registered formatter generates standalone HTML with +embedded CSS. More flexibility is available through the `formatters/html` package. + +Firstly, the output generated by the formatter can be customised with the +following constructor options: + +- `Standalone()` - generate standalone HTML with embedded CSS. +- `WithClasses()` - use classes rather than inlined style attributes. +- `ClassPrefix(prefix)` - prefix each generated CSS class. +- `TabWidth(width)` - Set the rendered tab width, in characters. +- `WithLineNumbers()` - Render line numbers (style with `LineNumbers`). +- `WithLinkableLineNumbers()` - Make the line numbers linkable and be a link to themselves. +- `HighlightLines(ranges)` - Highlight lines in these ranges (style with `LineHighlight`). +- `LineNumbersInTable()` - Use a table for formatting line numbers and code, rather than spans. + +If `WithClasses()` is used, the corresponding CSS can be obtained from the formatter with: + +```go +formatter := html.New(html.WithClasses(true)) +err := formatter.WriteCSS(w, style) +``` + + + +## More detail + + + +### Lexers + +See the [Pygments documentation](http://pygments.org/docs/lexerdevelopment/) +for details on implementing lexers. Most concepts apply directly to Chroma, +but see existing lexer implementations for real examples. + +In many cases lexers can be automatically converted directly from Pygments by +using the included Python 3 script `pygments2chroma_xml.py`. I use something like +the following: + +```sh +python3 _tools/pygments2chroma_xml.py \ + pygments.lexers.jvm.KotlinLexer \ + > lexers/embedded/kotlin.xml +``` + +See notes in [pygments-lexers.txt](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/blob/master/pygments-lexers.txt) +for a list of lexers, and notes on some of the issues importing them. + + + +### Formatters + +Chroma supports HTML output, as well as terminal output in 8 colour, 256 colour, and true-colour. + +A `noop` formatter is included that outputs the token text only, and a `tokens` +formatter outputs raw tokens. The latter is useful for debugging lexers. + + + +### Styles + +Chroma styles are defined in XML. The style entries use the +[same syntax](http://pygments.org/docs/styles/) as Pygments. + +All Pygments styles have been converted to Chroma using the `_tools/style.py` +script. + +When you work with one of [Chroma's styles](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tree/master/styles), +know that the `Background` token type provides the default style for tokens. It does so +by defining a foreground color and background color. + +For example, this gives each token name not defined in the style a default color +of `#f8f8f8` and uses `#000000` for the highlighted code block's background: + +```xml + +``` + +Also, token types in a style file are hierarchical. For instance, when `CommentSpecial` is not defined, Chroma uses the token style from `Comment`. So when several comment tokens use the same color, you'll only need to define `Comment` and override the one that has a different color. + +For a quick overview of the available styles and how they look, check out the [Chroma Style Gallery](https://xyproto.github.io/splash/docs/). + + + +## Command-line interface + +A command-line interface to Chroma is included. + +Binaries are available to install from [the releases page](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/releases). + +The CLI can be used as a preprocessor to colorise output of `less(1)`, +see documentation for the `LESSOPEN` environment variable. + +The `--fail` flag can be used to suppress output and return with exit status +1 to facilitate falling back to some other preprocessor in case chroma +does not resolve a specific lexer to use for the given file. For example: + +```shell +export LESSOPEN='| p() { chroma --fail "$1" || cat "$1"; }; p "%s"' +``` + +Replace `cat` with your favourite fallback preprocessor. + +When invoked as `.lessfilter`, the `--fail` flag is automatically turned +on under the hood for easy integration with [lesspipe shipping with +Debian and derivatives](https://manpages.debian.org/lesspipe#USER_DEFINED_FILTERS); +for that setup the `chroma` executable can be just symlinked to `~/.lessfilter`. + + + + + +## Testing lexers + +If you edit some lexers and want to try it, open a shell in `cmd/chromad` and run: + +```shell +go run . +``` + +A Link will be printed. Open it in your Browser. Now you can test on the Playground with your local changes. + +If you want to run the tests and the lexers, open a shell in the root directory and run: + +```shell +go test ./lexers +``` + +When updating or adding a lexer, please add tests. See [lexers/README.md](lexers/README.md) for more. + +## What's missing compared to Pygments? + +- Quite a few lexers, for various reasons (pull-requests welcome): + - Pygments lexers for complex languages often include custom code to + handle certain aspects, such as Raku's ability to nest code inside + regular expressions. These require time and effort to convert. + - I mostly only converted languages I had heard of, to reduce the porting cost. +- Some more esoteric features of Pygments are omitted for simplicity. +- Though the Chroma API supports content detection, very few languages support them. + I have plans to implement a statistical analyser at some point, but not enough time. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/coalesce.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/coalesce.go similarity index 100% rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/coalesce.go rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/coalesce.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/colour.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/colour.go similarity index 81% rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/colour.go rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/colour.go index 15d794c..b7fd6e0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/colour.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/colour.go @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ func (c Colour) Brighten(factor float64) Colour { return NewColour(uint8(r), uint8(g), uint8(b)) } -// BrightenOrDarken brightens a colour if it is < 0.5 brighteness or darkens if > 0.5 brightness. +// BrightenOrDarken brightens a colour if it is < 0.5 brightness or darkens if > 0.5 brightness. func (c Colour) BrightenOrDarken(factor float64) Colour { if c.Brightness() < 0.5 { return c.Brighten(factor) @@ -100,7 +100,35 @@ func (c Colour) BrightenOrDarken(factor float64) Colour { return c.Brighten(-factor) } -// Brightness of the colour (roughly) in the range 0.0 to 1.0 +// ClampBrightness returns a copy of this colour with its brightness adjusted such that +// it falls within the range [min, max] (or very close to it due to rounding errors). +// The supplied values use the same [0.0, 1.0] range as Brightness. +func (c Colour) ClampBrightness(min, max float64) Colour { + if !c.IsSet() { + return c + } + + min = math.Max(min, 0) + max = math.Min(max, 1) + current := c.Brightness() + target := math.Min(math.Max(current, min), max) + if current == target { + return c + } + + r := float64(c.Red()) + g := float64(c.Green()) + b := float64(c.Blue()) + rgb := r + g + b + if target > current { + // Solve for x: target == ((255-r)*x + r + (255-g)*x + g + (255-b)*x + b) / 255 / 3 + return c.Brighten((target*255*3 - rgb) / (255*3 - rgb)) + } + // Solve for x: target == (r*(x+1) + g*(x+1) + b*(x+1)) / 255 / 3 + return c.Brighten((target*255*3)/rgb - 1) +} + +// Brightness of the colour (roughly) in the range 0.0 to 1.0. func (c Colour) Brightness() float64 { return (float64(c.Red()) + float64(c.Green()) + float64(c.Blue())) / 255.0 / 3.0 } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/delegate.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/delegate.go similarity index 90% rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/delegate.go rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/delegate.go index 5cef01b..f848194 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/delegate.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/delegate.go @@ -24,6 +24,21 @@ func DelegatingLexer(root Lexer, language Lexer) Lexer { } } +func (d *delegatingLexer) AnalyseText(text string) float32 { + return d.root.AnalyseText(text) +} + +func (d *delegatingLexer) SetAnalyser(analyser func(text string) float32) Lexer { + d.root.SetAnalyser(analyser) + return d +} + +func (d *delegatingLexer) SetRegistry(r *LexerRegistry) Lexer { + d.root.SetRegistry(r) + d.language.SetRegistry(r) + return d +} + func (d *delegatingLexer) Config() *Config { return d.language.Config() } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/doc.go similarity index 100% rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/doc.go rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/doc.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/emitters.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/emitters.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0788b5b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/emitters.go @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +package chroma + +import ( + "fmt" +) + +// An Emitter takes group matches and returns tokens. +type Emitter interface { + // Emit tokens for the given regex groups. + Emit(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator +} + +// SerialisableEmitter is an Emitter that can be serialised and deserialised to/from JSON. +type SerialisableEmitter interface { + Emitter + EmitterKind() string +} + +// EmitterFunc is a function that is an Emitter. +type EmitterFunc func(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator + +// Emit tokens for groups. +func (e EmitterFunc) Emit(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator { + return e(groups, state) +} + +type Emitters []Emitter + +type byGroupsEmitter struct { + Emitters +} + +// ByGroups emits a token for each matching group in the rule's regex. +func ByGroups(emitters ...Emitter) Emitter { + return &byGroupsEmitter{Emitters: emitters} +} + +func (b *byGroupsEmitter) EmitterKind() string { return "bygroups" } + +func (b *byGroupsEmitter) Emit(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator { + iterators := make([]Iterator, 0, len(groups)-1) + if len(b.Emitters) != len(groups)-1 { + iterators = append(iterators, Error.Emit(groups, state)) + // panic(errors.Errorf("number of groups %q does not match number of emitters %v", groups, emitters)) + } else { + for i, group := range groups[1:] { + if b.Emitters[i] != nil { + iterators = append(iterators, b.Emitters[i].Emit([]string{group}, state)) + } + } + } + return Concaterator(iterators...) +} + +// ByGroupNames emits a token for each named matching group in the rule's regex. +func ByGroupNames(emitters map[string]Emitter) Emitter { + return EmitterFunc(func(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator { + iterators := make([]Iterator, 0, len(state.NamedGroups)-1) + if len(state.NamedGroups)-1 == 0 { + if emitter, ok := emitters[`0`]; ok { + iterators = append(iterators, emitter.Emit(groups, state)) + } else { + iterators = append(iterators, Error.Emit(groups, state)) + } + } else { + ruleRegex := state.Rules[state.State][state.Rule].Regexp + for i := 1; i < len(state.NamedGroups); i++ { + groupName := ruleRegex.GroupNameFromNumber(i) + group := state.NamedGroups[groupName] + if emitter, ok := emitters[groupName]; ok { + if emitter != nil { + iterators = append(iterators, emitter.Emit([]string{group}, state)) + } + } else { + iterators = append(iterators, Error.Emit([]string{group}, state)) + } + } + } + return Concaterator(iterators...) + }) +} + +// UsingByGroup emits tokens for the matched groups in the regex using a +// sublexer. Used when lexing code blocks where the name of a sublexer is +// contained within the block, for example on a Markdown text block or SQL +// language block. +// +// An attempt to load the sublexer will be made using the captured value from +// the text of the matched sublexerNameGroup. If a sublexer matching the +// sublexerNameGroup is available, then tokens for the matched codeGroup will +// be emitted using the sublexer. Otherwise, if no sublexer is available, then +// tokens will be emitted from the passed emitter. +// +// Example: +// +// var Markdown = internal.Register(MustNewLexer( +// &Config{ +// Name: "markdown", +// Aliases: []string{"md", "mkd"}, +// Filenames: []string{"*.md", "*.mkd", "*.markdown"}, +// MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-markdown"}, +// }, +// Rules{ +// "root": { +// {"^(```)(\\w+)(\\n)([\\w\\W]*?)(^```$)", +// UsingByGroup( +// 2, 4, +// String, String, String, Text, String, +// ), +// nil, +// }, +// }, +// }, +// )) +// +// See the lexers/markdown.go for the complete example. +// +// Note: panic's if the number of emitters does not equal the number of matched +// groups in the regex. +func UsingByGroup(sublexerNameGroup, codeGroup int, emitters ...Emitter) Emitter { + return &usingByGroup{ + SublexerNameGroup: sublexerNameGroup, + CodeGroup: codeGroup, + Emitters: emitters, + } +} + +type usingByGroup struct { + SublexerNameGroup int `xml:"sublexer_name_group"` + CodeGroup int `xml:"code_group"` + Emitters Emitters `xml:"emitters"` +} + +func (u *usingByGroup) EmitterKind() string { return "usingbygroup" } +func (u *usingByGroup) Emit(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator { + // bounds check + if len(u.Emitters) != len(groups)-1 { + panic("UsingByGroup expects number of emitters to be the same as len(groups)-1") + } + + // grab sublexer + sublexer := state.Registry.Get(groups[u.SublexerNameGroup]) + + // build iterators + iterators := make([]Iterator, len(groups)-1) + for i, group := range groups[1:] { + if i == u.CodeGroup-1 && sublexer != nil { + var err error + iterators[i], err = sublexer.Tokenise(nil, groups[u.CodeGroup]) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + } else if u.Emitters[i] != nil { + iterators[i] = u.Emitters[i].Emit([]string{group}, state) + } + } + return Concaterator(iterators...) +} + +// UsingLexer returns an Emitter that uses a given Lexer for parsing and emitting. +// +// This Emitter is not serialisable. +func UsingLexer(lexer Lexer) Emitter { + return EmitterFunc(func(groups []string, _ *LexerState) Iterator { + it, err := lexer.Tokenise(&TokeniseOptions{State: "root", Nested: true}, groups[0]) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return it + }) +} + +type usingEmitter struct { + Lexer string `xml:"lexer,attr"` +} + +func (u *usingEmitter) EmitterKind() string { return "using" } + +func (u *usingEmitter) Emit(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator { + if state.Registry == nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("no LexerRegistry available for Using(%q)", u.Lexer)) + } + lexer := state.Registry.Get(u.Lexer) + if lexer == nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("no such lexer %q", u.Lexer)) + } + it, err := lexer.Tokenise(&TokeniseOptions{State: "root", Nested: true}, groups[0]) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return it +} + +// Using returns an Emitter that uses a given Lexer reference for parsing and emitting. +// +// The referenced lexer must be stored in the same LexerRegistry. +func Using(lexer string) Emitter { + return &usingEmitter{Lexer: lexer} +} + +type usingSelfEmitter struct { + State string `xml:"state,attr"` +} + +func (u *usingSelfEmitter) EmitterKind() string { return "usingself" } + +func (u *usingSelfEmitter) Emit(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator { + it, err := state.Lexer.Tokenise(&TokeniseOptions{State: u.State, Nested: true}, groups[0]) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return it +} + +// UsingSelf is like Using, but uses the current Lexer. +func UsingSelf(stateName string) Emitter { + return &usingSelfEmitter{stateName} +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatter.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatter.go similarity index 100% rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatter.go rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatter.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/api.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/api.go similarity index 90% rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/api.go rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/api.go index 6da0a24..9ca0d01 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/api.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/api.go @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ import ( "io" "sort" - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/html" - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/svg" + "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2" + "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/html" + "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/svg" ) var ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/html/html.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/html/html.go similarity index 77% rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/html/html.go rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/html/html.go index 164c842..0ad6b31 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/html/html.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/html/html.go @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import ( "sort" "strings" - "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" + "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2" ) // Option sets an option of the HTML formatter. @@ -25,12 +25,21 @@ func WithClasses(b bool) Option { return func(f *Formatter) { f.Classes = b } } // WithAllClasses disables an optimisation that omits redundant CSS classes. func WithAllClasses(b bool) Option { return func(f *Formatter) { f.allClasses = b } } +// WithCustomCSS sets user's custom CSS styles. +func WithCustomCSS(css map[chroma.TokenType]string) Option { + return func(f *Formatter) { + f.customCSS = css + } +} + // TabWidth sets the number of characters for a tab. Defaults to 8. func TabWidth(width int) Option { return func(f *Formatter) { f.tabWidth = width } } // PreventSurroundingPre prevents the surrounding pre tags around the generated code. func PreventSurroundingPre(b bool) Option { return func(f *Formatter) { + f.preventSurroundingPre = b + if b { f.preWrapper = nopPreWrapper } else { @@ -39,6 +48,29 @@ func PreventSurroundingPre(b bool) Option { } } +// InlineCode creates inline code wrapped in a code tag. +func InlineCode(b bool) Option { + return func(f *Formatter) { + f.inlineCode = b + f.preWrapper = preWrapper{ + start: func(code bool, styleAttr string) string { + if code { + return fmt.Sprintf(``, styleAttr) + } + + return `` + }, + end: func(code bool) string { + if code { + return `` + } + + return `` + }, + } + } +} + // WithPreWrapper allows control of the surrounding pre tags. func WithPreWrapper(wrapper PreWrapper) Option { return func(f *Formatter) { @@ -68,9 +100,9 @@ func LineNumbersInTable(b bool) Option { } } -// LinkableLineNumbers decorates the line numbers HTML elements with an "id" +// WithLinkableLineNumbers decorates the line numbers HTML elements with an "id" // attribute so they can be linked. -func LinkableLineNumbers(b bool, prefix string) Option { +func WithLinkableLineNumbers(b bool, prefix string) Option { return func(f *Formatter) { f.linkableLineNumbers = b f.lineNumbersIDPrefix = prefix @@ -139,10 +171,10 @@ var ( defaultPreWrapper = preWrapper{ start: func(code bool, styleAttr string) string { if code { - return fmt.Sprintf(`
`, styleAttr)
+				return fmt.Sprintf(``, styleAttr)
-			return fmt.Sprintf(`
`, styleAttr)
+			return fmt.Sprintf(``, styleAttr)
 		end: func(code bool) string {
 			if code {
@@ -156,19 +188,22 @@ var (
 // Formatter that generates HTML.
 type Formatter struct {
-	standalone          bool
-	prefix              string
-	Classes             bool // Exported field to detect when classes are being used
-	allClasses          bool
-	preWrapper          PreWrapper
-	tabWidth            int
-	wrapLongLines       bool
-	lineNumbers         bool
-	lineNumbersInTable  bool
-	linkableLineNumbers bool
-	lineNumbersIDPrefix string
-	highlightRanges     highlightRanges
-	baseLineNumber      int
+	standalone            bool
+	prefix                string
+	Classes               bool // Exported field to detect when classes are being used
+	allClasses            bool
+	customCSS             map[chroma.TokenType]string
+	preWrapper            PreWrapper
+	inlineCode            bool
+	preventSurroundingPre bool
+	tabWidth              int
+	wrapLongLines         bool
+	lineNumbers           bool
+	lineNumbersInTable    bool
+	linkableLineNumbers   bool
+	lineNumbersIDPrefix   string
+	highlightRanges       highlightRanges
+	baseLineNumber        int
 type highlightRanges [][2]int
@@ -227,7 +262,7 @@ func (f *Formatter) writeHTML(w io.Writer, style *chroma.Style, tokens []chroma.
 				fmt.Fprintf(w, "", f.styleAttr(css, chroma.LineHighlight))
-			fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", f.styleAttr(css, chroma.LineNumbersTable), f.lineIDAttribute(line), f.lineTitleWithLinkIfNeeded(lineDigits, line))
+			fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", f.styleAttr(css, chroma.LineNumbersTable), f.lineIDAttribute(line), f.lineTitleWithLinkIfNeeded(css, lineDigits, line))
 			if highlight {
 				fmt.Fprintf(w, "")
@@ -249,26 +284,29 @@ func (f *Formatter) writeHTML(w io.Writer, style *chroma.Style, tokens []chroma.
-		// Start of Line
-		fmt.Fprint(w, ``)
 			} else {
-				fmt.Fprintf(w, ` style="%s %s"`, css[chroma.Line], css[chroma.LineHighlight])
+				fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s>", f.styleAttr(css, chroma.Line))
-			fmt.Fprint(w, `>`)
-		} else {
-			fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s>", f.styleAttr(css, chroma.Line))
-		}
-		// Line number
-		if f.lineNumbers && !wrapInTable {
-			fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", f.styleAttr(css, chroma.LineNumbers), f.lineIDAttribute(line), f.lineTitleWithLinkIfNeeded(lineDigits, line))
-		}
+			// Line number
+			if f.lineNumbers && !wrapInTable {
+				fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", f.styleAttr(css, chroma.LineNumbers), f.lineIDAttribute(line), f.lineTitleWithLinkIfNeeded(css, lineDigits, line))
+			}
-		fmt.Fprintf(w, ``, f.styleAttr(css, chroma.CodeLine))
+			fmt.Fprintf(w, ``, f.styleAttr(css, chroma.CodeLine))
+		}
 		for _, token := range tokens {
 			html := html.EscapeString(token.String())
@@ -279,11 +317,12 @@ func (f *Formatter) writeHTML(w io.Writer, style *chroma.Style, tokens []chroma.
 			fmt.Fprint(w, html)
-		fmt.Fprint(w, ``) // End of CodeLine
+		if !(f.preventSurroundingPre || f.inlineCode) {
+			fmt.Fprint(w, ``) // End of CodeLine
-		fmt.Fprint(w, ``) // End of Line
+			fmt.Fprint(w, ``) // End of Line
+		}
 	fmt.Fprintf(w, f.preWrapper.End(true))
 	if wrapInTable {
@@ -306,12 +345,12 @@ func (f *Formatter) lineIDAttribute(line int) string {
 	return fmt.Sprintf(" id=\"%s\"", f.lineID(line))
-func (f *Formatter) lineTitleWithLinkIfNeeded(lineDigits, line int) string {
+func (f *Formatter) lineTitleWithLinkIfNeeded(css map[chroma.TokenType]string, lineDigits, line int) string {
 	title := fmt.Sprintf("%*d", lineDigits, line)
 	if !f.linkableLineNumbers {
 		return title
-	return fmt.Sprintf("%s", f.lineID(line), title)
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%s", f.styleAttr(css, chroma.LineLink), f.lineID(line), title)
 func (f *Formatter) lineID(line int) string {
@@ -373,7 +412,7 @@ func (f *Formatter) styleAttr(styles map[chroma.TokenType]string, tt chroma.Toke
 func (f *Formatter) tabWidthStyle() string {
 	if f.tabWidth != 0 && f.tabWidth != 8 {
-		return fmt.Sprintf("; -moz-tab-size: %[1]d; -o-tab-size: %[1]d; tab-size: %[1]d", f.tabWidth)
+		return fmt.Sprintf("-moz-tab-size: %[1]d; -o-tab-size: %[1]d; tab-size: %[1]d;", f.tabWidth)
 	return ""
@@ -435,28 +474,53 @@ func (f *Formatter) styleToCSS(style *chroma.Style) map[chroma.TokenType]string
 		if t != chroma.Background {
 			entry = entry.Sub(bg)
-		if !f.allClasses && entry.IsZero() {
+		// Inherit from custom CSS provided by user
+		tokenCategory := t.Category()
+		tokenSubCategory := t.SubCategory()
+		if t != tokenCategory {
+			if css, ok := f.customCSS[tokenCategory]; ok {
+				classes[t] = css
+			}
+		}
+		if tokenCategory != tokenSubCategory {
+			if css, ok := f.customCSS[tokenSubCategory]; ok {
+				classes[t] += css
+			}
+		}
+		// Add custom CSS provided by user
+		if css, ok := f.customCSS[t]; ok {
+			classes[t] += css
+		}
+		if !f.allClasses && entry.IsZero() && classes[t] == `` {
-		classes[t] = StyleEntryToCSS(entry)
+		styleEntryCSS := StyleEntryToCSS(entry)
+		if styleEntryCSS != `` && classes[t] != `` {
+			styleEntryCSS += `;`
+		}
+		classes[t] = styleEntryCSS + classes[t]
-	classes[chroma.Background] += f.tabWidthStyle()
-	classes[chroma.PreWrapper] += classes[chroma.Background] + `;`
+	classes[chroma.Background] += `;` + f.tabWidthStyle()
+	classes[chroma.PreWrapper] += classes[chroma.Background]
 	// Make PreWrapper a grid to show highlight style with full width.
-	if len(f.highlightRanges) > 0 {
+	if len(f.highlightRanges) > 0 && f.customCSS[chroma.PreWrapper] == `` {
 		classes[chroma.PreWrapper] += `display: grid;`
 	// Make PreWrapper wrap long lines.
 	if f.wrapLongLines {
 		classes[chroma.PreWrapper] += `white-space: pre-wrap; word-break: break-word;`
-	lineNumbersStyle := `white-space: pre; user-select: none; margin-right: 0.4em; padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;`
+	lineNumbersStyle := `white-space: pre; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; margin-right: 0.4em; padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;`
 	// All rules begin with default rules followed by user provided rules
 	classes[chroma.Line] = `display: flex;` + classes[chroma.Line]
 	classes[chroma.LineNumbers] = lineNumbersStyle + classes[chroma.LineNumbers]
 	classes[chroma.LineNumbersTable] = lineNumbersStyle + classes[chroma.LineNumbersTable]
 	classes[chroma.LineTable] = "border-spacing: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0;" + classes[chroma.LineTable]
 	classes[chroma.LineTableTD] = "vertical-align: top; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0;" + classes[chroma.LineTableTD]
+	classes[chroma.LineLink] = "outline: none; text-decoration: none; color: inherit" + classes[chroma.LineLink]
 	return classes
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/json.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/json.go
similarity index 94%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/json.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/json.go
index 95df4bb..f167bc0 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/json.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/json.go
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma"
+	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2"
 // JSON formatter outputs the raw token structures as JSON.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/svg/font_liberation_mono.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/svg/font_liberation_mono.go
similarity index 100%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/svg/font_liberation_mono.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/svg/font_liberation_mono.go
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/svg/svg.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/svg/svg.go
similarity index 98%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/svg/svg.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/svg/svg.go
index 5cfd950..6d457f9 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/svg/svg.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/svg/svg.go
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ import (
-	"io/ioutil"
+	"os"
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma"
+	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2"
 // Option sets an option of the SVG formatter.
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func EmbedFontFile(fontFamily string, fileName string) (option Option, err error
 	var content []byte
-	if content, err = ioutil.ReadFile(fileName); err == nil {
+	if content, err = os.ReadFile(fileName); err == nil {
 		option = EmbedFont(fontFamily, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(content), format)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/tokens.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/tokens.go
similarity index 91%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/tokens.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/tokens.go
index 91d80d1..3bdd57c 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/tokens.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/tokens.go
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma"
+	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2"
 // Tokens formatter outputs the raw token structures.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/tty_indexed.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/tty_indexed.go
similarity index 98%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/tty_indexed.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/tty_indexed.go
index 47fbb1a..d383d98 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/tty_indexed.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/tty_indexed.go
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma"
+	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2"
 type ttyTable struct {
@@ -242,12 +242,21 @@ func (c *indexedTTYFormatter) Format(w io.Writer, style *chroma.Style, it chroma
 	theme := styleToEscapeSequence(c.table, style)
 	for token := it(); token != chroma.EOF; token = it() {
 		clr, ok := theme[token.Type]
+		// This search mimics how styles.Get() is used in tty_truecolour.go.
 		if !ok {
 			clr, ok = theme[token.Type.SubCategory()]
 			if !ok {
-				clr = theme[token.Type.Category()]
+				clr, ok = theme[token.Type.Category()]
+				if !ok {
+					clr, ok = theme[chroma.Text]
+					if !ok {
+						clr = theme[chroma.Background]
+					}
+				}
 		if clr != "" {
 			fmt.Fprint(w, clr)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/tty_truecolour.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/tty_truecolour.go
similarity index 96%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/tty_truecolour.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/tty_truecolour.go
index b02e636..7b43c6e 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters/tty_truecolour.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters/tty_truecolour.go
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma"
+	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2"
 // TTY16m is a true-colour terminal formatter.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/iterator.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/iterator.go
similarity index 100%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/iterator.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/iterator.go
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexer.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexer.go
similarity index 59%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexer.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexer.go
index fe62519..eb027bf 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexer.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexer.go
@@ -15,30 +15,30 @@ var (
 // Config for a lexer.
 type Config struct {
 	// Name of the lexer.
-	Name string
+	Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
 	// Shortcuts for the lexer
-	Aliases []string
+	Aliases []string `xml:"alias,omitempty"`
 	// File name globs
-	Filenames []string
+	Filenames []string `xml:"filename,omitempty"`
 	// Secondary file name globs
-	AliasFilenames []string
+	AliasFilenames []string `xml:"alias_filename,omitempty"`
 	// MIME types
-	MimeTypes []string
+	MimeTypes []string `xml:"mime_type,omitempty"`
 	// Regex matching is case-insensitive.
-	CaseInsensitive bool
+	CaseInsensitive bool `xml:"case_insensitive,omitempty"`
 	// Regex matches all characters.
-	DotAll bool
+	DotAll bool `xml:"dot_all,omitempty"`
 	// Regex does not match across lines ($ matches EOL).
 	// Defaults to multiline.
-	NotMultiline bool
+	NotMultiline bool `xml:"not_multiline,omitempty"`
 	// Don't strip leading and trailing newlines from the input.
 	// DontStripNL bool
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ type Config struct {
 	// Make sure that the input ends with a newline. This
 	// is required for some lexers that consume input linewise.
-	EnsureNL bool
+	EnsureNL bool `xml:"ensure_nl,omitempty"`
 	// If given and greater than 0, expand tabs in the input.
 	// TabSize int
@@ -56,7 +56,27 @@ type Config struct {
 	// Priority of lexer.
 	// If this is 0 it will be treated as a default of 1.
-	Priority float32
+	Priority float32 `xml:"priority,omitempty"`
+	// Analyse is a list of regexes to match against the input.
+	//
+	// If a match is found, the score is returned if single attribute is set to true,
+	// otherwise the sum of all the score of matching patterns will be
+	// used as the final score.
+	Analyse *AnalyseConfig `xml:"analyse,omitempty"`
+// AnalyseConfig defines the list of regexes analysers.
+type AnalyseConfig struct {
+	Regexes []RegexConfig `xml:"regex,omitempty"`
+	// If true, the first matching score is returned.
+	First bool `xml:"first,attr"`
+// RegexConfig defines a single regex pattern and its score in case of match.
+type RegexConfig struct {
+	Pattern string  `xml:"pattern,attr"`
+	Score   float32 `xml:"score,attr"`
 // Token output to formatter.
@@ -94,6 +114,20 @@ type Lexer interface {
 	Config() *Config
 	// Tokenise returns an Iterator over tokens in text.
 	Tokenise(options *TokeniseOptions, text string) (Iterator, error)
+	// SetRegistry sets the registry this Lexer is associated with.
+	//
+	// The registry should be used by the Lexer if it needs to look up other
+	// lexers.
+	SetRegistry(registry *LexerRegistry) Lexer
+	// SetAnalyser sets a function the Lexer should use for scoring how
+	// likely a fragment of text is to match this lexer, between 0.0 and 1.0.
+	// A value of 1 indicates high confidence.
+	//
+	// Lexers may ignore this if they implement their own analysers.
+	SetAnalyser(analyser func(text string) float32) Lexer
+	// AnalyseText scores how likely a fragment of text is to match
+	// this lexer, between 0.0 and 1.0. A value of 1 indicates high confidence.
+	AnalyseText(text string) float32
 // Lexers is a slice of lexers sortable by name.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/README.md b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/README.md
similarity index 85%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/README.md
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/README.md
index b4ed292..60a0055 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/README.md
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/README.md
@@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
-# Lexer tests
+# Chroma lexers
+All lexers in Chroma should now be defined in XML unless they require custom code.
+## Lexer tests
 The tests in this directory feed a known input `testdata/.actual` into the parser for `` and check
-that its output matches `.exported`.
+that its output matches `.expected`.
 It is also possible to perform several tests on a same parser ``, by placing know inputs `*.actual` into a
 directory `testdata//`.
-## Running the tests
+### Running the tests
 Run the tests as normal:
 go test ./lexers
-## Update existing tests
+### Update existing tests
 When you add a new test data file (`*.actual`), you need to regenerate all tests. That's how Chroma creates the `*.expected` test file based on the corresponding lexer.
 To regenerate all tests, type in your terminal:
@@ -26,7 +31,8 @@ This first sets the `RECORD` environment variable to `true`. Then it runs `go te
 (That environment variable tells Chroma it needs to output test data. After running `go test ./lexers` you can remove or reset that variable.)
-### Windows users
+#### Windows users
 Windows users will find that the `RECORD=true go test ./lexers` command fails in both the standard command prompt terminal and in PowerShell.
 Instead we have to perform both steps separately:
@@ -35,6 +41,6 @@ Instead we have to perform both steps separately:
 	+ In the regular command prompt window, the `set` command sets an environment variable for the current session: `set RECORD=true`. See [this page](https://superuser.com/questions/212150/how-to-set-env-variable-in-windows-cmd-line) for more.
 	+ In PowerShell, you can use the `$env:RECORD = 'true'` command for that. See [this article](https://mcpmag.com/articles/2019/03/28/environment-variables-in-powershell.aspx) for more.
 	+ You can also make a persistent environment variable by hand in the Windows computer settings. See [this article](https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm) for how.
-- When the environment variable is set, run `go tests ./lexers`.
+- When the environment variable is set, run `go test ./lexers`.
 Chroma will now regenerate the test files and print its results to the console window.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/caddyfile.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/caddyfile.go
similarity index 96%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/caddyfile.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/caddyfile.go
index 765947a..9100efa 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/caddyfile.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/caddyfile.go
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-package c
+package lexers
 import (
-	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal"
+	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2" // nolint
 // caddyfileCommon are the rules common to both of the lexer variants
@@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ func caddyfileCommonRules() Rules {
 // Caddyfile lexer.
-var Caddyfile = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer(
+var Caddyfile = Register(MustNewLexer(
 		Name:      "Caddyfile",
 		Aliases:   []string{"caddyfile", "caddy"},
@@ -196,7 +195,7 @@ func caddyfileRules() Rules {
 // Caddyfile directive-only lexer.
-var CaddyfileDirectives = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer(
+var CaddyfileDirectives = Register(MustNewLexer(
 		Name:      "Caddyfile Directives",
 		Aliases:   []string{"caddyfile-directives", "caddyfile-d", "caddy-d"},
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cl.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/cl.go
similarity index 80%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cl.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/cl.go
index bb16273..3eb0c23 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/c/cl.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/cl.go
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-package c
+package lexers
 import (
-	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal"
+	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2" // nolint
 var (
@@ -230,15 +229,9 @@ var (
 // Common Lisp lexer.
-var CommonLisp = internal.Register(TypeRemappingLexer(MustNewLazyLexer(
-	&Config{
-		Name:            "Common Lisp",
-		Aliases:         []string{"common-lisp", "cl", "lisp"},
-		Filenames:       []string{"*.cl", "*.lisp"},
-		MimeTypes:       []string{"text/x-common-lisp"},
-		CaseInsensitive: true,
-	},
-	commonLispRules,
+var CommonLisp = Register(TypeRemappingLexer(MustNewXMLLexer(
+	embedded,
+	"embedded/common_lisp.xml",
 ), TypeMapping{
 	{NameVariable, NameFunction, clBuiltinFunctions},
 	{NameVariable, Keyword, clSpecialForms},
@@ -248,63 +241,3 @@ var CommonLisp = internal.Register(TypeRemappingLexer(MustNewLazyLexer(
 	{NameVariable, KeywordType, clBuiltinTypes},
 	{NameVariable, NameClass, clBuiltinClasses},
-func commonLispRules() Rules {
-	return Rules{
-		"root": {
-			Default(Push("body")),
-		},
-		"multiline-comment": {
-			{`#\|`, CommentMultiline, Push()},
-			{`\|#`, CommentMultiline, Pop(1)},
-			{`[^|#]+`, CommentMultiline, nil},
-			{`[|#]`, CommentMultiline, nil},
-		},
-		"commented-form": {
-			{`\(`, CommentPreproc, Push()},
-			{`\)`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)},
-			{`[^()]+`, CommentPreproc, nil},
-		},
-		"body": {
-			{`\s+`, Text, nil},
-			{`;.*$`, CommentSingle, nil},
-			{`#\|`, CommentMultiline, Push("multiline-comment")},
-			{`#\d*Y.*$`, CommentSpecial, nil},
-			{`"(\\.|\\\n|[^"\\])*"`, LiteralString, nil},
-			{`:(\|[^|]+\||(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~]|[#.:])*)`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil},
-			{`::(\|[^|]+\||(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~]|[#.:])*)`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil},
-			{`:#(\|[^|]+\||(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~]|[#.:])*)`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil},
-			{`'(\|[^|]+\||(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~]|[#.:])*)`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil},
-			{`'`, Operator, nil},
-			{"`", Operator, nil},
-			{"[-+]?\\d+\\.?(?=[ \"()\\'\\n,;`])", LiteralNumberInteger, nil},
-			{"[-+]?\\d+/\\d+(?=[ \"()\\'\\n,;`])", LiteralNumber, nil},
-			{"[-+]?(\\d*\\.\\d+([defls][-+]?\\d+)?|\\d+(\\.\\d*)?[defls][-+]?\\d+)(?=[ \"()\\'\\n,;`])", LiteralNumberFloat, nil},
-			{"#\\\\.(?=[ \"()\\'\\n,;`])", LiteralStringChar, nil},
-			{`#\\(\|[^|]+\||(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~]|[#.:])*)`, LiteralStringChar, nil},
-			{`#\(`, Operator, Push("body")},
-			{`#\d*\*[01]*`, LiteralOther, nil},
-			{`#:(\|[^|]+\||(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~]|[#.:])*)`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil},
-			{`#[.,]`, Operator, nil},
-			{`#\'`, NameFunction, nil},
-			{`#b[+-]?[01]+(/[01]+)?`, LiteralNumberBin, nil},
-			{`#o[+-]?[0-7]+(/[0-7]+)?`, LiteralNumberOct, nil},
-			{`#x[+-]?[0-9a-f]+(/[0-9a-f]+)?`, LiteralNumberHex, nil},
-			{`#\d+r[+-]?[0-9a-z]+(/[0-9a-z]+)?`, LiteralNumber, nil},
-			{`(#c)(\()`, ByGroups(LiteralNumber, Punctuation), Push("body")},
-			{`(#\d+a)(\()`, ByGroups(LiteralOther, Punctuation), Push("body")},
-			{`(#s)(\()`, ByGroups(LiteralOther, Punctuation), Push("body")},
-			{`#p?"(\\.|[^"])*"`, LiteralOther, nil},
-			{`#\d+=`, Operator, nil},
-			{`#\d+#`, Operator, nil},
-			{"#+nil(?=[ \"()\\'\\n,;`])\\s*\\(", CommentPreproc, Push("commented-form")},
-			{`#[+-]`, Operator, nil},
-			{`(,@|,|\.)`, Operator, nil},
-			{"(t|nil)(?=[ \"()\\'\\n,;`])", NameConstant, nil},
-			{`\*(\|[^|]+\||(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~]|[#.:])*)\*`, NameVariableGlobal, nil},
-			{`(\|[^|]+\||(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~]|[#.:])*)`, NameVariable, nil},
-			{`\(`, Punctuation, Push("body")},
-			{`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
-		},
-	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/dns.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/dns.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e69962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/dns.go
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package lexers
+import (
+	"regexp"
+// TODO(moorereason): can this be factored away?
+var zoneAnalyserRe = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^@\s+IN\s+SOA\s+`)
+func init() { // nolint: gochecknoinits
+	Get("dns").SetAnalyser(func(text string) float32 {
+		if zoneAnalyserRe.FindString(text) != "" {
+			return 1.0
+		}
+		return 0.0
+	})
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/emacs.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/emacs.go
similarity index 92%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/emacs.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/emacs.go
index 51c4910..869b0f3 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/e/emacs.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/emacs.go
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-package e
+package lexers
 import (
-	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal"
+	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2" // nolint
 var (
@@ -522,14 +521,9 @@ var (
 // EmacsLisp lexer.
-var EmacsLisp = internal.Register(TypeRemappingLexer(MustNewLazyLexer(
-	&Config{
-		Name:      "EmacsLisp",
-		Aliases:   []string{"emacs", "elisp", "emacs-lisp"},
-		Filenames: []string{"*.el"},
-		MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-elisp", "application/x-elisp"},
-	},
-	emacsLispRules,
+var EmacsLisp = Register(TypeRemappingLexer(MustNewXMLLexer(
+	embedded,
+	"embedded/emacslisp.xml",
 ), TypeMapping{
 	{NameVariable, NameFunction, emacsBuiltinFunction},
 	{NameVariable, NameBuiltin, emacsSpecialForms},
@@ -537,50 +531,3 @@ var EmacsLisp = internal.Register(TypeRemappingLexer(MustNewLazyLexer(
 	{NameVariable, NameBuiltin, append(emacsBuiltinFunctionHighlighted, emacsMacros...)},
 	{NameVariable, KeywordPseudo, emacsLambdaListKeywords},
-func emacsLispRules() Rules {
-	return Rules{
-		"root": {
-			Default(Push("body")),
-		},
-		"body": {
-			{`\s+`, Text, nil},
-			{`;.*$`, CommentSingle, nil},
-			{`"`, LiteralString, Push("string")},
-			{`\?([^\\]|\\.)`, LiteralStringChar, nil},
-			{`:((?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|]|[#.:])*)`, NameBuiltin, nil},
-			{`::((?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|]|[#.:])*)`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil},
-			{`'((?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|]|[#.:])*)`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil},
-			{`'`, Operator, nil},
-			{"`", Operator, nil},
-			{"[-+]?\\d+\\.?(?=[ \"()\\]\\'\\n,;`])", LiteralNumberInteger, nil},
-			{"[-+]?\\d+/\\d+(?=[ \"()\\]\\'\\n,;`])", LiteralNumber, nil},
-			{"[-+]?(\\d*\\.\\d+([defls][-+]?\\d+)?|\\d+(\\.\\d*)?[defls][-+]?\\d+)(?=[ \"()\\]\\'\\n,;`])", LiteralNumberFloat, nil},
-			{`\[|\]`, Punctuation, nil},
-			{`#:((?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|]|[#.:])*)`, LiteralStringSymbol, nil},
-			{`#\^\^?`, Operator, nil},
-			{`#\'`, NameFunction, nil},
-			{`#[bB][+-]?[01]+(/[01]+)?`, LiteralNumberBin, nil},
-			{`#[oO][+-]?[0-7]+(/[0-7]+)?`, LiteralNumberOct, nil},
-			{`#[xX][+-]?[0-9a-fA-F]+(/[0-9a-fA-F]+)?`, LiteralNumberHex, nil},
-			{`#\d+r[+-]?[0-9a-zA-Z]+(/[0-9a-zA-Z]+)?`, LiteralNumber, nil},
-			{`#\d+=`, Operator, nil},
-			{`#\d+#`, Operator, nil},
-			{`(,@|,|\.|:)`, Operator, nil},
-			{"(t|nil)(?=[ \"()\\]\\'\\n,;`])", NameConstant, nil},
-			{`\*((?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|]|[#.:])*)\*`, NameVariableGlobal, nil},
-			{`((?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|])(?:\\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|]|[#.:])*)`, NameVariable, nil},
-			{`#\(`, Operator, Push("body")},
-			{`\(`, Punctuation, Push("body")},
-			{`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
-		},
-		"string": {
-			{"[^\"\\\\`]+", LiteralString, nil},
-			{"`((?:\\\\.|[\\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|])(?:\\\\.|[\\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@^{}~|]|[#.:])*)\\'", LiteralStringSymbol, nil},
-			{"`", LiteralString, nil},
-			{`\\.`, LiteralString, nil},
-			{`\\\n`, LiteralString, nil},
-			{`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)},
-		},
-	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/abap.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/abap.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8140b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/abap.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+    ABAP
+    abap
+    *.abap
+    *.ABAP
+    text/x-abap
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/abnf.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/abnf.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ffd51c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/abnf.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+    ABNF
+    abnf
+    *.abnf
+    text/x-abnf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/actionscript.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/actionscript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6727a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/actionscript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+    ActionScript
+    as
+    actionscript
+    *.as
+    application/x-actionscript
+    text/x-actionscript
+    text/actionscript
+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/actionscript_3.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/actionscript_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5f6538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/actionscript_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+    ActionScript 3
+    as3
+    actionscript3
+    *.as
+    application/x-actionscript3
+    text/x-actionscript3
+    text/actionscript3
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/ada.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/ada.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5854a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/ada.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+    Ada
+    ada
+    ada95
+    ada2005
+    *.adb
+    *.ads
+    *.ada
+    text/x-ada
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/agda.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/agda.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f2b2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/agda.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+    Agda
+    agda
+    *.agda
+    text/x-agda
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/al.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/al.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30bad5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/al.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+    AL
+    al
+    *.al
+    *.dal
+    text/x-al
+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/alloy.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/alloy.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1de9ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/alloy.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+    Alloy
+    alloy
+    *.als
+    text/x-alloy
+    true
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/angular2.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/angular2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84fe20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/angular2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+    Angular2
+    ng2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/antlr.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/antlr.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e57edd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/antlr.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+    ANTLR
+    antlr
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/apacheconf.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/apacheconf.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7643541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/apacheconf.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+    ApacheConf
+    apacheconf
+    aconf
+    apache
+    .htaccess
+    apache.conf
+    apache2.conf
+    text/x-apacheconf
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/apl.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/apl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..959448c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/apl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+    APL
+    apl
+    *.apl
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/applescript.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/applescript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1de6c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/applescript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+    AppleScript
+    applescript
+    *.applescript
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/arangodb_aql.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/arangodb_aql.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e711973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/arangodb_aql.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+    ArangoDB AQL
+    aql
+    *.aql
+    text/x-aql
+    true
+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/arduino.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/arduino.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00399c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/arduino.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+    Arduino
+    arduino
+    *.ino
+    text/x-arduino
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/armasm.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/armasm.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5966cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/armasm.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+    ArmAsm
+    armasm
+    *.s
+    *.S
+    text/x-armasm
+    text/x-asm
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/autohotkey.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/autohotkey.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ec94ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/autohotkey.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+    AutoHotkey
+    autohotkey
+    ahk
+    *.ahk
+    *.ahkl
+    text/x-autohotkey
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/autoit.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/autoit.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f7e15d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/autoit.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+    AutoIt
+    autoit
+    *.au3
+    text/x-autoit
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/awk.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/awk.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07476ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/awk.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+    Awk
+    awk
+    gawk
+    mawk
+    nawk
+    *.awk
+    application/x-awk
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/ballerina.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/ballerina.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d13c123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/ballerina.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+    Ballerina
+    ballerina
+    *.bal
+    text/x-ballerina
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bash.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bash.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d704a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bash.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+    Bash
+    bash
+    sh
+    ksh
+    zsh
+    shell
+    *.sh
+    *.ksh
+    *.bash
+    *.ebuild
+    *.eclass
+    .env
+    *.env
+    *.exheres-0
+    *.exlib
+    *.zsh
+    *.zshrc
+    .bashrc
+    bashrc
+    .bash_*
+    bash_*
+    zshrc
+    .zshrc
+    application/x-sh
+    application/x-shellscript
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bash_session.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bash_session.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82c5fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bash_session.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+    Bash Session
+    bash-session
+    console
+    shell-session
+    *.sh-session
+    text/x-sh
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/batchfile.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/batchfile.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3e0627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/batchfile.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+    Batchfile
+    bat
+    batch
+    dosbatch
+    winbatch
+    *.bat
+    *.cmd
+    application/x-dos-batch
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bibtex.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bibtex.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fde161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bibtex.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+    BibTeX
+    bib
+    bibtex
+    *.bib
+    text/x-bibtex
+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bicep.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bicep.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db90f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bicep.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+    Bicep
+    bicep
+    *.bicep
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/blitzbasic.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/blitzbasic.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..591b1ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/blitzbasic.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+    BlitzBasic
+    blitzbasic
+    b3d
+    bplus
+    *.bb
+    *.decls
+    text/x-bb
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bnf.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bnf.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c98424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bnf.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+    BNF
+    bnf
+    *.bnf
+    text/x-bnf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bqn.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bqn.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1090ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/bqn.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+    BQN
+    bqn
+    *.bqn
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/brainfuck.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/brainfuck.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c84c33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/brainfuck.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+    Brainfuck
+    brainfuck
+    bf
+    *.bf
+    *.b
+    application/x-brainfuck
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/c#.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/c#.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..801a954
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+    C#
+    csharp
+    c#
+    *.cs
+    text/x-csharp
+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+    C++
+    cpp
+    c++
+    *.cpp
+    *.hpp
+    *.c++
+    *.h++
+    *.cc
+    *.hh
+    *.cxx
+    *.hxx
+    *.C
+    *.H
+    *.cp
+    *.CPP
+    *.tpp
+    text/x-c++hdr
+    text/x-c++src
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+    C
+    c
+    *.c
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+    *.idc
+    *.x[bp]m
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+    text/x-csrc
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@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+    Cap'n Proto
+    capnp
+    *.capnp
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+    Cassandra CQL
+    cassandra
+    cql
+    *.cql
+    text/x-cql
+    true
+    true
+          1
+          6
\ No newline at end of file
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+    ceylon
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+    text/x-ceylon
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.cf
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+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    ChaiScript
+    chai
+    chaiscript
+    *.chai
+    text/x-chaiscript
+    application/x-chaiscript
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    Chapel
+    chapel
+    chpl
+    *.chpl
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+    Cheetah
+    cheetah
+    spitfire
+    *.tmpl
+    *.spt
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+    application/x-spitfire
\ No newline at end of file
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+    Clojure
+    clojure
+    clj
+    edn
+    *.clj
+    *.edn
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+    application/edn
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+    *.cmake
+    CMakeLists.txt
+    text/x-cmake
\ No newline at end of file
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+    COBOL
+    cobol
+    *.cob
+    *.COB
+    *.cpy
+    *.CPY
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    coffee-script
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+    coffee
+    *.coffee
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+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+    Common Lisp
+    common-lisp
+    cl
+    lisp
+    *.cl
+    *.lisp
+    text/x-common-lisp
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    true
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+    cython
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+    pyrex
+    *.pyx
+    *.pxd
+    *.pxi
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+    application/x-cython
\ No newline at end of file
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    dart
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+    Diff
+    diff
+    udiff
+    *.diff
+    *.patch
+    text/x-diff
+    text/x-patch
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    jinja
+    application/x-django-templating
+    application/x-jinja
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    Docker
+    docker
+    dockerfile
+    Dockerfile
+    Dockerfile.*
+    *.Dockerfile
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+    text/x-dockerfile-config
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+    Dylan
+    dylan
+    *.dylan
+    *.dyl
+    *.intr
+    text/x-dylan
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.ebnf
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+    Elixir
+    elixir
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+    exs
+    *.ex
+    *.eex
+    *.exs
+    text/x-elixir
\ No newline at end of file
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+    Elm
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+    EmacsLisp
+    emacs
+    elisp
+    emacs-lisp
+    *.el
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+    application/x-elisp
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+    Erlang
+    erlang
+    *.erl
+    *.hrl
+    *.es
+    *.escript
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+    Factor
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+    *.factor
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
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+    fnl
+    *.fennel
+    text/x-fennel
+    application/x-fennel
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+    Fish
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+    fishshell
+    *.fish
+    *.load
+    application/x-fish
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
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+    *.frt
+    *.fth
+    *.fs
+    application/x-forth
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+    Fortran
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+    *.f03
+    *.f90
+    *.f95
+    *.F03
+    *.F90
+    *.F95
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+    FortranFixed
+    fortranfixed
+    *.f
+    *.F
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+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    Gherkin
+    cucumber
+    Cucumber
+    gherkin
+    Gherkin
+    *.feature
+    *.FEATURE
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    graphqls
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    man
+    *.[1-9]
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.hh
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    .editorconfig
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.cjs
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    lighty
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.wlua
+    text/x-lua
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.mak
+    *.mk
+    Makefile
+    makefile
+    Makefile.*
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+    BSDmakefile
+    Justfile
+    justfile
+    .justfile
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.mhtml
+    *.mc
+    *.mi
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+    dhandler
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+    0.1
\ No newline at end of file
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+    nb
+    *.cdf
+    *.m
+    *.ma
+    *.mt
+    *.mx
+    *.nb
+    *.nbp
+    *.wl
+    application/mathematica
+    application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica
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+    application/vnd.wolfram.cdf
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    meson.build
+    meson_options.txt
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.def
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..724a19f
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+    MorrowindScript
+    morrowind
+    mwscript
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/myghty.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/myghty.xml
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+    Myghty
+    myghty
+    *.myt
+    autodelegate
+    application/x-myghty
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+    MySQL
+    mysql
+    mariadb
+    *.sql
+    text/x-mysql
+    text/x-mariadb
+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+    NASM
+    nasm
+    *.asm
+    *.ASM
+    *.nasm
+    text/x-nasm
+    true
+    1.0 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+    Natural
+    natural
+    *.NSN
+    *.NSP
+    *.NSS
+    *.NSH
+    *.NSG
+    *.NSL
+    *.NSA
+    *.NSM
+    *.NSC
+    *.NS7
+    text/x-natural
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+    Newspeak
+    newspeak
+    *.ns2
+    text/x-newspeak
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+    Nginx configuration file
+    nginx
+    nginx.conf
+    text/x-nginx-conf
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+    Nim
+    nim
+    nimrod
+    *.nim
+    *.nimrod
+    text/x-nim
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+    Nix
+    nixos
+    nix
+    *.nix
+    text/x-nix
\ No newline at end of file
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+    Objective-C
+    objective-c
+    objectivec
+    obj-c
+    objc
+    *.m
+    *.h
+    text/x-objective-c
\ No newline at end of file
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+    ObjectPascal
+    objectpascal
+    *.pas
+    *.pp
+    *.inc
+    *.dpr
+    *.dpk
+    *.lpr
+    *.lpk
+    text/x-pascal
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+    OCaml
+    ocaml
+    *.ml
+    *.mli
+    *.mll
+    *.mly
+    text/x-ocaml
\ No newline at end of file
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+    Octave
+    octave
+    *.m
+    text/octave
\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.odin
+    text/odin
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+    OnesEnterprise
+    ones
+    onesenterprise
+    1S
+    1S:Enterprise
+    *.EPF
+    *.epf
+    *.ERF
+    *.erf
+    application/octet-stream
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    OpenEdge ABL
+    openedge
+    abl
+    progress
+    openedgeabl
+    *.p
+    *.cls
+    *.w
+    *.i
+    text/x-openedge
+    application/x-openedge
\ No newline at end of file
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+    openscad
+    *.scad
+    text/x-scad
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+    Org Mode
+    org
+    orgmode
+    *.org
+    text/org
+          2
+          4
+          2
+          4
\ No newline at end of file
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+    PacmanConf
+    pacmanconf
+    pacman.conf
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+    Perl
+    perl
+    pl
+    *.pl
+    *.pm
+    *.t
+    text/x-perl
+    application/x-perl
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    PHP
+    php
+    php3
+    php4
+    php5
+    *.php
+    *.php[345]
+    *.inc
+    text/x-php
+    true
+    true
+    true
+    3
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+    Pig
+    pig
+    *.pig
+    text/x-pig
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..875dcba
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+    PkgConfig
+    pkgconfig
+    *.pc
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+    PL/pgSQL
+    plpgsql
+    text/x-plpgsql
+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    plaintext
+    text
+    plain
+    no-highlight
+    *.txt
+    text/plain
+    -1
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+    Plutus Core
+    plutus-core
+    plc
+    *.plc
+    text/x-plutus-core
+    application/x-plutus-core
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+    Pony
+    pony
+    *.pony
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+    PostgreSQL SQL dialect
+    postgresql
+    postgres
+    text/x-postgresql
+    true
+    true
+          6
+          12
+          12
+          4
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+    PostScript
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+    postscr
+    *.ps
+    *.eps
+    application/postscript
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
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+    *.pov
+    *.inc
+    text/x-povray
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
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+    powerquery
+    pq
+    *.pq
+    text/x-powerquery
+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+    PowerShell
+    powershell
+    posh
+    ps1
+    psm1
+    psd1
+    pwsh
+    *.ps1
+    *.psm1
+    *.psd1
+    text/x-powershell
+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..391bae3
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+    Prolog
+    prolog
+    *.ecl
+    *.prolog
+    *.pro
+    *.pl
+    text/x-prolog
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+    PromQL
+    promql
+    *.promql
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..d5ae0a2
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
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+    *.properties
+    text/x-java-properties
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index 0000000..157d321
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+    Protocol Buffer
+    protobuf
+    proto
+    *.proto
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
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+    prql
+    *.prql
+    application/prql
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index 0000000..ab375da
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+    PSL
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+    *.psl
+    *.BATCH
+    *.TRIG
+    *.PROC
+    text/x-psl
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+    Puppet
+    puppet
+    *.pp
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..3c6af86
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+    Python
+    python
+    py
+    sage
+    python3
+    py3
+    *.py
+    *.pyi
+    *.pyw
+    *.jy
+    *.sage
+    *.sc
+    SConstruct
+    SConscript
+    *.bzl
+    BUCK
+    BUILD
+    BUILD.bazel
+    *.tac
+    text/x-python
+    application/x-python
+    text/x-python3
+    application/x-python3
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+    Python 2
+    python2
+    py2
+    text/x-python2
+    application/x-python2
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+    QBasic
+    qbasic
+    basic
+    *.BAS
+    *.bas
+    text/basic
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+    QML
+    qml
+    qbs
+    *.qml
+    *.qbs
+    application/x-qml
+    application/x-qt.qbs+qml
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+    R
+    splus
+    s
+    r
+    *.S
+    *.R
+    *.r
+    .Rhistory
+    .Rprofile
+    .Renviron
+    text/S-plus
+    text/S
+    text/x-r-source
+    text/x-r
+    text/x-R
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+    0.1 
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
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+    rkt
+    *.rkt
+    *.rktd
+    *.rktl
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.rei
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.rexx
+    *.rex
+    *.rx
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.rb
+    *.rbw
+    Rakefile
+    *.rake
+    *.gemspec
+    *.rbx
+    *.duby
+    Gemfile
+    Vagrantfile
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.rs.in
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    squid.conf
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    Standard ML
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+    *.sig
+    *.fun
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.dnssd
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+    *.mount
+    *.netdev
+    *.network
+    *.path
+    *.scope
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+    *.slice
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+    *.swap
+    *.target
+    *.timer
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.svh
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.ASM
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.rvt
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.tcsh
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+    Termcap
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    Terminfo
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.tf
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    Pipfile
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    true
\ No newline at end of file
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+    *.tu
+    text/x-turing
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/turtle.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/turtle.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c572f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/turtle.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+    Turtle
+    turtle
+    *.ttl
+    text/turtle
+    application/x-turtle
+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/twig.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/twig.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de95c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/twig.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+    Twig
+    twig
+    *.twig
+    application/x-twig
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/typescript.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/typescript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d49241e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/typescript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+    TypeScript
+    ts
+    tsx
+    typescript
+    *.ts
+    *.tsx
+    *.mts
+    *.cts
+    text/x-typescript
+    true
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/typoscript.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/typoscript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc416d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/typoscript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+    TypoScript
+    typoscript
+    *.ts
+    text/x-typoscript
+    true
+    0.1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/typoscriptcssdata.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/typoscriptcssdata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62c42c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/typoscriptcssdata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+    TypoScriptCssData
+    typoscriptcssdata
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/typoscripthtmldata.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/typoscripthtmldata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b0af3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/typoscripthtmldata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+    TypoScriptHtmlData
+    typoscripthtmldata
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/ucode.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/ucode.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..054fa89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/ucode.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+    ucode
+    *.uc
+    application/x.ucode
+    text/x.ucode
+    true
+    true
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/v.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/v.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1af3d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/v.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+    V
+    v
+    vlang
+    *.v
+    *.vv
+    v.mod
+    text/x-v
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/v_shell.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/v_shell.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34ce610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/v_shell.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+    V shell
+    vsh
+    vshell
+    *.vsh
+    text/x-vsh
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vala.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vala.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17c1acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vala.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+    Vala
+    vala
+    vapi
+    *.vala
+    *.vapi
+    text/x-vala
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vb_net.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vb_net.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f85afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vb_net.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+    VB.net
+    vb.net
+    vbnet
+    *.vb
+    *.bas
+    text/x-vbnet
+    text/x-vba
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/verilog.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/verilog.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd4b9ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/verilog.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+    verilog
+    verilog
+    v
+    *.v
+    text/x-verilog
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vhdl.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vhdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa42044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vhdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+    VHDL
+    vhdl
+    *.vhdl
+    *.vhd
+    text/x-vhdl
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vhs.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vhs.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee84d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vhs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+    VHS
+	vhs
+	tape
+	cassette
+	*.tape
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/viml.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/viml.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43e6bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/viml.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+    VimL
+    vim
+    *.vim
+    .vimrc
+    .exrc
+    .gvimrc
+    _vimrc
+    _exrc
+    _gvimrc
+    vimrc
+    gvimrc
+    text/x-vim
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vue.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vue.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7518020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/vue.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+    vue
+    vue
+    vuejs
+    *.vue
+    text/x-vue
+    application/x-vue
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/wdte.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/wdte.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c663ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/wdte.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+    WDTE
+    *.wdte
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/webgpu_shading_language.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/webgpu_shading_language.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea2b6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/webgpu_shading_language.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+    WebGPU Shading Language
+    wgsl
+    *.wgsl
+    text/wgsl
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/whiley.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/whiley.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1762c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/whiley.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+    Whiley
+    whiley
+    *.whiley
+    text/x-whiley
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/xml.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/xml.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c6a4d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/xml.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+    XML
+    xml
+    *.xml
+    *.xsl
+    *.rss
+    *.xslt
+    *.xsd
+    *.wsdl
+    *.wsf
+    *.svg
+    *.csproj
+    *.vcxproj
+    *.fsproj
+    text/xml
+    application/xml
+    image/svg+xml
+    application/rss+xml
+    application/atom+xml
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/xorg.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/xorg.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53bf432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/xorg.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+    Xorg
+    xorg.conf
+    xorg.conf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/yaml.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/yaml.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97a0b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/yaml.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+    YAML
+    yaml
+    *.yaml
+    *.yml
+    text/x-yaml
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/yang.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/yang.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3da7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/yang.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+    YANG
+    yang
+    *.yang
+    application/yang
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/z80_assembly.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/z80_assembly.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bb77a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/z80_assembly.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+    Z80 Assembly
+    z80
+    *.z80
+    *.asm
+    true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/zed.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/zed.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..929f495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/zed.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+    Zed
+    zed
+    *.zed
+    text/zed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/zig.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/zig.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb51cc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/embedded/zig.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+    Zig
+    zig
+    *.zig
+    text/zig
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/genshi.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/genshi.go
similarity index 75%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/genshi.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/genshi.go
index dc4d4b1..7f396f4 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/g/genshi.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/genshi.go
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-package g
+package lexers
 import (
-	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal"
-	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/p"
+	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2" // nolint
 // Genshi Text lexer.
-var GenshiText = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer(
+var GenshiText = Register(MustNewLexer(
 		Name:      "Genshi Text",
 		Aliases:   []string{"genshitext"},
@@ -28,20 +26,20 @@ func genshiTextRules() Rules {
 		"directive": {
 			{`\n`, Text, Pop(1)},
-			{`(?:def|for|if)\s+.*`, Using(Python), Pop(1)},
-			{`(choose|when|with)([^\S\n]+)(.*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Using(Python)), Pop(1)},
+			{`(?:def|for|if)\s+.*`, Using("Python"), Pop(1)},
+			{`(choose|when|with)([^\S\n]+)(.*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Using("Python")), Pop(1)},
 			{`(choose|otherwise)\b`, Keyword, Pop(1)},
 			{`(end\w*)([^\S\n]*)(.*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Comment), Pop(1)},
 		"variable": {
-			{`(?)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Using(Python), CommentPreproc), nil},
+			{`(<\?python)(.*?)(\?>)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Using("Python"), CommentPreproc), nil},
 			{`<\s*(script|style)\s*.*?>.*?<\s*/\1\s*>`, Other, nil},
 			{`<\s*py:[a-zA-Z0-9]+`, NameTag, Push("pytag")},
 			{`<\s*[a-zA-Z0-9:.]+`, NameTag, Push("tag")},
@@ -83,8 +81,8 @@ func genshiMarkupRules() Rules {
 			{`/?\s*>`, NameTag, Pop(1)},
 		"pyattr": {
-			{`(")(.*?)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralString, Using(Python), LiteralString), Pop(1)},
-			{`(')(.*?)(')`, ByGroups(LiteralString, Using(Python), LiteralString), Pop(1)},
+			{`(")(.*?)(")`, ByGroups(LiteralString, Using("Python"), LiteralString), Pop(1)},
+			{`(')(.*?)(')`, ByGroups(LiteralString, Using("Python"), LiteralString), Pop(1)},
 			{`[^\s>]+`, LiteralString, Pop(1)},
 		"tag": {
@@ -113,7 +111,7 @@ func genshiMarkupRules() Rules {
 		"variable": {
-			{`(?>=|<<|>>|<=|>=|&\^=|&\^|\+=|-=|\*=|/=|%=|&=|\|=|&&|\|\||<-|\+\+|--|==|!=|:=|\.\.\.|[+\-*/%&])`, Operator, nil},
 			{`([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(\()`, ByGroups(NameFunction, UsingSelf("root"), Punctuation), nil},
@@ -63,61 +61,22 @@ func goRules() Rules {
-func goTemplateRules() Rules {
-	return Rules{
-		"root": {
-			{`{{(- )?/\*(.|\n)*?\*/( -)?}}`, CommentMultiline, nil},
-			{`{{[-]?`, CommentPreproc, Push("template")},
-			{`[^{]+`, Other, nil},
-			{`{`, Other, nil},
-		},
-		"template": {
-			{`[-]?}}`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)},
-			{`(?=}})`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)}, // Terminate the pipeline
-			{`\(`, Operator, Push("subexpression")},
-			{`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil},
-			Include("expression"),
-		},
-		"subexpression": {
-			{`\)`, Operator, Pop(1)},
-			Include("expression"),
-		},
-		"expression": {
-			{`\s+`, Whitespace, nil},
-			{`\(`, Operator, Push("subexpression")},
-			{`(range|if|else|while|with|template|end|true|false|nil|and|call|html|index|js|len|not|or|print|printf|println|urlquery|eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge)\b`, Keyword, nil},
-			{`\||:?=|,`, Operator, nil},
-			{`[$]?[^\W\d]\w*`, NameOther, nil},
-			{`\$|[$]?\.(?:[^\W\d]\w*)?`, NameAttribute, nil},
-			{`"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"`, LiteralString, nil},
-			{`-?\d+i`, LiteralNumber, nil},
-			{`-?\d+\.\d*([Ee][-+]\d+)?i`, LiteralNumber, nil},
-			{`\.\d+([Ee][-+]\d+)?i`, LiteralNumber, nil},
-			{`-?\d+[Ee][-+]\d+i`, LiteralNumber, nil},
-			{`-?\d+(\.\d+[eE][+\-]?\d+|\.\d*|[eE][+\-]?\d+)`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil},
-			{`-?\.\d+([eE][+\-]?\d+)?`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil},
-			{`-?0[0-7]+`, LiteralNumberOct, nil},
-			{`-?0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+`, LiteralNumberHex, nil},
-			{`-?0b[01_]+`, LiteralNumberBin, nil},
-			{`-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil},
-			{`'(\\['"\\abfnrtv]|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\U[0-9a-fA-F]{8}|[^\\])'`, LiteralStringChar, nil},
-			{"`[^`]*`", LiteralString, nil},
-		},
-	}
-var GoHTMLTemplate = internal.Register(DelegatingLexer(h.HTML, MustNewLazyLexer(
+var GoHTMLTemplate = Register(DelegatingLexer(HTML, MustNewXMLLexer(
+	embedded,
+	"embedded/go_template.xml",
 		Name:    "Go HTML Template",
 		Aliases: []string{"go-html-template"},
-	goTemplateRules,
-var GoTextTemplate = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer(
+var GoTextTemplate = Register(MustNewXMLLexer(
+	embedded,
+	"embedded/go_template.xml",
 		Name:    "Go Text Template",
 		Aliases: []string{"go-text-template"},
-	goTemplateRules,
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/haxe.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/haxe.go
similarity index 99%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/haxe.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/haxe.go
index cc8c693..9a72de8 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/haxe.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/haxe.go
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-package h
+package lexers
 import (
-	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal"
+	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2" // nolint
 // Haxe lexer.
-var Haxe = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer(
+var Haxe = Register(MustNewLexer(
 		Name:      "Haxe",
 		Aliases:   []string{"hx", "haxe", "hxsl"},
@@ -631,7 +630,9 @@ func haxePreProcMutator(state *LexerState) error {
 			state.Stack = stack[len(stack)-1]
 	case "end":
-		stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
+		if len(stack) > 0 {
+			stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
+		}
 	if proc == "if" || proc == "elseif" {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/html.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/html.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c858042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/html.go
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+package lexers
+import (
+	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2"
+// HTML lexer.
+var HTML = chroma.MustNewXMLLexer(embedded, "embedded/html.xml")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/http.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/http.go
similarity index 81%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/http.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/http.go
index c515ed4..b57cb1b 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h/http.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/http.go
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
-package h
+package lexers
 import (
-	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal"
+	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2" // nolint
 // HTTP lexer.
-var HTTP = internal.Register(httpBodyContentTypeLexer(MustNewLazyLexer(
+var HTTP = Register(httpBodyContentTypeLexer(MustNewLexer(
 		Name:         "HTTP",
 		Aliases:      []string{"http"},
@@ -23,8 +22,8 @@ var HTTP = internal.Register(httpBodyContentTypeLexer(MustNewLazyLexer(
 func httpRules() Rules {
 	return Rules{
 		"root": {
-			{`(GET|POST|PUT|DELETE|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE|PATCH|CONNECT)( +)([^ ]+)( +)(HTTP)(/)([12]\.[01])(\r?\n|\Z)`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Text, NameNamespace, Text, KeywordReserved, Operator, LiteralNumber, Text), Push("headers")},
-			{`(HTTP)(/)([12]\.[01])( +)(\d{3})( +)([^\r\n]+)(\r?\n|\Z)`, ByGroups(KeywordReserved, Operator, LiteralNumber, Text, LiteralNumber, Text, NameException, Text), Push("headers")},
+			{`(GET|POST|PUT|DELETE|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE|PATCH|CONNECT)( +)([^ ]+)( +)(HTTP)(/)([123](?:\.[01])?)(\r?\n|\Z)`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Text, NameNamespace, Text, KeywordReserved, Operator, LiteralNumber, Text), Push("headers")},
+			{`(HTTP)(/)([123](?:\.[01])?)( +)(\d{3})( *)([^\r\n]*)(\r?\n|\Z)`, ByGroups(KeywordReserved, Operator, LiteralNumber, Text, LiteralNumber, Text, NameException, Text), Push("headers")},
 		"headers": {
 			{`([^\s:]+)( *)(:)( *)([^\r\n]+)(\r?\n|\Z)`, EmitterFunc(httpHeaderBlock), nil},
@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ func (d *httpBodyContentTyper) Tokenise(options *TokeniseOptions, text string) (
 		case token.Type == Generic && contentType != "":
-				lexer := internal.MatchMimeType(contentType)
+				lexer := MatchMimeType(contentType)
 				// application/calendar+xml can be treated as application/xml
 				// if there's not a better match.
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ func (d *httpBodyContentTyper) Tokenise(options *TokeniseOptions, text string) (
 					slashPos := strings.Index(contentType, "/")
 					plusPos := strings.LastIndex(contentType, "+")
 					contentType = contentType[:slashPos+1] + contentType[plusPos+1:]
-					lexer = internal.MatchMimeType(contentType)
+					lexer = MatchMimeType(contentType)
 				if lexer == nil {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/lexers.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/lexers.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fa35ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/lexers.go
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+package lexers
+import (
+	"embed"
+	"io/fs"
+	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2"
+//go:embed embedded
+var embedded embed.FS
+// GlobalLexerRegistry is the global LexerRegistry of Lexers.
+var GlobalLexerRegistry = func() *chroma.LexerRegistry {
+	reg := chroma.NewLexerRegistry()
+	// index(reg)
+	paths, err := fs.Glob(embedded, "embedded/*.xml")
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	for _, path := range paths {
+		reg.Register(chroma.MustNewXMLLexer(embedded, path))
+	}
+	return reg
+// Names of all lexers, optionally including aliases.
+func Names(withAliases bool) []string {
+	return GlobalLexerRegistry.Names(withAliases)
+// Get a Lexer by name, alias or file extension.
+// Note that this if there isn't an exact match on name or alias, this will
+// call Match(), so it is not efficient.
+func Get(name string) chroma.Lexer {
+	return GlobalLexerRegistry.Get(name)
+// MatchMimeType attempts to find a lexer for the given MIME type.
+func MatchMimeType(mimeType string) chroma.Lexer {
+	return GlobalLexerRegistry.MatchMimeType(mimeType)
+// Match returns the first lexer matching filename.
+// Note that this iterates over all file patterns in all lexers, so it's not
+// particularly efficient.
+func Match(filename string) chroma.Lexer {
+	return GlobalLexerRegistry.Match(filename)
+// Register a Lexer with the global registry.
+func Register(lexer chroma.Lexer) chroma.Lexer {
+	return GlobalLexerRegistry.Register(lexer)
+// Analyse text content and return the "best" lexer..
+func Analyse(text string) chroma.Lexer {
+	return GlobalLexerRegistry.Analyse(text)
+// PlaintextRules is used for the fallback lexer as well as the explicit
+// plaintext lexer.
+func PlaintextRules() chroma.Rules {
+	return chroma.Rules{
+		"root": []chroma.Rule{
+			{`.+`, chroma.Text, nil},
+			{`\n`, chroma.Text, nil},
+		},
+	}
+// Fallback lexer if no other is found.
+var Fallback chroma.Lexer = chroma.MustNewLexer(&chroma.Config{
+	Name:      "fallback",
+	Filenames: []string{"*"},
+	Priority:  -1,
+}, PlaintextRules)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/markdown.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/markdown.go
similarity index 82%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/markdown.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/markdown.go
index e50e470..1fb9f5b 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/m/markdown.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/markdown.go
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-package m
+package lexers
 import (
-	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h"
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal"
+	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2" // nolint
 // Markdown lexer.
-var Markdown = internal.Register(DelegatingLexer(h.HTML, MustNewLazyLexer(
+var Markdown = Register(DelegatingLexer(HTML, MustNewLexer(
 		Name:      "markdown",
 		Aliases:   []string{"md", "mkd"},
@@ -29,11 +27,7 @@ func markdownRules() Rules {
 			{"^(```\\n)([\\w\\W]*?)(^```$)", ByGroups(String, Text, String), nil},
-				UsingByGroup(
-					internal.Get,
-					2, 4,
-					String, String, String, Text, String,
-				),
+				UsingByGroup(2, 4, String, String, String, Text, String),
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/mysql.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/mysql.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32e94c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/mysql.go
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package lexers
+import (
+	"regexp"
+var (
+	mysqlAnalyserNameBetweenBacktickRe = regexp.MustCompile("`[a-zA-Z_]\\w*`")
+	mysqlAnalyserNameBetweenBracketRe  = regexp.MustCompile(`\[[a-zA-Z_]\w*\]`)
+func init() { // nolint: gochecknoinits
+	Get("mysql").
+		SetAnalyser(func(text string) float32 {
+			nameBetweenBacktickCount := len(mysqlAnalyserNameBetweenBacktickRe.FindAllString(text, -1))
+			nameBetweenBracketCount := len(mysqlAnalyserNameBetweenBracketRe.FindAllString(text, -1))
+			var result float32
+			// Same logic as above in the TSQL analysis.
+			dialectNameCount := nameBetweenBacktickCount + nameBetweenBracketCount
+			if dialectNameCount >= 1 && nameBetweenBacktickCount >= (2*nameBetweenBracketCount) {
+				// Found at least twice as many `name` as [name].
+				result += 0.5
+			} else if nameBetweenBacktickCount > nameBetweenBracketCount {
+				result += 0.2
+			} else if nameBetweenBacktickCount > 0 {
+				result += 0.1
+			}
+			return result
+		})
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/circular/phtml.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/php.go
similarity index 55%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/circular/phtml.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/php.go
index fc2e2ea..ff82f6e 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/circular/phtml.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/php.go
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
-package circular
+package lexers
 import (
-	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/h"
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal"
+	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2" // nolint
-// PHTML lexer is PHP in HTML.
-var PHTML = internal.Register(DelegatingLexer(h.HTML, MustNewLazyLexer(
+// phtml lexer is PHP in HTML.
+var _ = Register(DelegatingLexer(HTML, MustNewLexer(
 		Name:            "PHTML",
 		Aliases:         []string{"phtml"},
@@ -20,20 +18,20 @@ var PHTML = internal.Register(DelegatingLexer(h.HTML, MustNewLazyLexer(
 		EnsureNL:        true,
 		Priority:        2,
-	phtmlRules,
+	func() Rules {
+		return Get("PHP").(*RegexLexer).MustRules().
+			Rename("root", "php").
+			Merge(Rules{
+				"root": {
+					{`<\?(php)?`, CommentPreproc, Push("php")},
+					{`[^<]+`, Other, nil},
+					{`<`, Other, nil},
+				},
+			})
+	},
 ).SetAnalyser(func(text string) float32 {
 	if strings.Contains(text, ")` +
 					`(.+?)` +
-				UsingByGroup(internal.Get, 2, 4, Other, Other, Other, Other, Other),
+				UsingByGroup(2, 4, Other, Other, Other, Other, Other),
@@ -53,21 +50,21 @@ func svelteRules() Rules {
 		"templates": {
 			{`}`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
 			// Let TypeScript handle strings and the curly braces inside them
-			{`(?]*>`, Using(TypoScriptHTMLData), nil},
+			{`<\S[^\n>]*>`, Using("TypoScriptHTMLData"), nil},
 			{`&[^;\n]*;`, LiteralString, nil},
-			{`(_CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE)(\s*)(\()(?s)(.*(?=\n\)))`, ByGroups(NameClass, Text, LiteralStringSymbol, Using(TypoScriptCSSData)), nil},
+			{`(_CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE)(\s*)(\()(?s)(.*(?=\n\)))`, ByGroups(NameClass, Text, LiteralStringSymbol, Using("TypoScriptCSSData")), nil},
 		"literal": {
 			{`0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+t?`, LiteralNumberHex, nil},
@@ -84,55 +83,3 @@ func typoscriptRules() Rules {
-// TypoScriptCSSData lexer.
-var TypoScriptCSSData = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer(
-	&Config{
-		Name:      "TypoScriptCssData",
-		Aliases:   []string{"typoscriptcssdata"},
-		Filenames: []string{},
-		MimeTypes: []string{},
-	},
-	typoScriptCSSDataRules,
-func typoScriptCSSDataRules() Rules {
-	return Rules{
-		"root": {
-			{`(.*)(###\w+###)(.*)`, ByGroups(LiteralString, NameConstant, LiteralString), nil},
-			{`(\{)(\$)((?:[\w\-]+\.)*)([\w\-]+)(\})`, ByGroups(LiteralStringSymbol, Operator, NameConstant, NameConstant, LiteralStringSymbol), nil},
-			{`(.*)(\{)([\w\-]+)(\s*:\s*)([\w\-]+)(\})(.*)`, ByGroups(LiteralString, LiteralStringSymbol, NameConstant, Operator, NameConstant, LiteralStringSymbol, LiteralString), nil},
-			{`\s+`, Text, nil},
-			{`/\*(?:(?!\*/).)*\*/`, Comment, nil},
-			{`(?,:=.*%+|]`, LiteralString, nil},
-			{`[\w"\-!/&;(){}]+`, LiteralString, nil},
-		},
-	}
-// TypoScriptHTMLData lexer.
-var TypoScriptHTMLData = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer(
-	&Config{
-		Name:      "TypoScriptHtmlData",
-		Aliases:   []string{"typoscripthtmldata"},
-		Filenames: []string{},
-		MimeTypes: []string{},
-	},
-	typoScriptHTMLDataRules,
-func typoScriptHTMLDataRules() Rules {
-	return Rules{
-		"root": {
-			{`(INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT)`, NameClass, nil},
-			{`(EXT|FILE|LLL):[^}\n"]*`, LiteralString, nil},
-			{`(.*)(###\w+###)(.*)`, ByGroups(LiteralString, NameConstant, LiteralString), nil},
-			{`(\{)(\$)((?:[\w\-]+\.)*)([\w\-]+)(\})`, ByGroups(LiteralStringSymbol, Operator, NameConstant, NameConstant, LiteralStringSymbol), nil},
-			{`(.*)(\{)([\w\-]+)(\s*:\s*)([\w\-]+)(\})(.*)`, ByGroups(LiteralString, LiteralStringSymbol, NameConstant, Operator, NameConstant, LiteralStringSymbol, LiteralString), nil},
-			{`\s+`, Text, nil},
-			{`[<>,:=.*%+|]`, LiteralString, nil},
-			{`[\w"\-!/&;(){}#]+`, LiteralString, nil},
-		},
-	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/zed.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/zed.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aadc80f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers/zed.go
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+package lexers
+import (
+	"strings"
+// Zed lexer.
+func init() { // nolint: gochecknoinits
+	Get("Zed").SetAnalyser(func(text string) float32 {
+		if strings.Contains(text, "definition ") && strings.Contains(text, "relation ") && strings.Contains(text, "permission ") {
+			return 0.9
+		}
+		if strings.Contains(text, "definition ") {
+			return 0.5
+		}
+		if strings.Contains(text, "relation ") {
+			return 0.5
+		}
+		if strings.Contains(text, "permission ") {
+			return 0.25
+		}
+		return 0.0
+	})
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/mutators.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/mutators.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e80ad97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/mutators.go
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+package chroma
+import (
+	"encoding/xml"
+	"fmt"
+	"strings"
+// A Mutator modifies the behaviour of the lexer.
+type Mutator interface {
+	// Mutate the lexer state machine as it is processing.
+	Mutate(state *LexerState) error
+// SerialisableMutator is a Mutator that can be serialised and deserialised.
+type SerialisableMutator interface {
+	Mutator
+	MutatorKind() string
+// A LexerMutator is an additional interface that a Mutator can implement
+// to modify the lexer when it is compiled.
+type LexerMutator interface {
+	// MutateLexer can be implemented to mutate the lexer itself.
+	//
+	// Rules are the lexer rules, state is the state key for the rule the mutator is associated with.
+	MutateLexer(rules CompiledRules, state string, rule int) error
+// A MutatorFunc is a Mutator that mutates the lexer state machine as it is processing.
+type MutatorFunc func(state *LexerState) error
+func (m MutatorFunc) Mutate(state *LexerState) error { return m(state) } // nolint
+type multiMutator struct {
+	Mutators []Mutator `xml:"mutator"`
+func (m *multiMutator) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
+	for {
+		token, err := d.Token()
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		switch token := token.(type) {
+		case xml.StartElement:
+			mutator, err := unmarshalMutator(d, token)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			m.Mutators = append(m.Mutators, mutator)
+		case xml.EndElement:
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+func (m *multiMutator) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
+	name := xml.Name{Local: "mutators"}
+	if err := e.EncodeToken(xml.StartElement{Name: name}); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	for _, m := range m.Mutators {
+		if err := marshalMutator(e, m); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return e.EncodeToken(xml.EndElement{Name: name})
+func (m *multiMutator) MutatorKind() string { return "mutators" }
+func (m *multiMutator) Mutate(state *LexerState) error {
+	for _, modifier := range m.Mutators {
+		if err := modifier.Mutate(state); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// Mutators applies a set of Mutators in order.
+func Mutators(modifiers ...Mutator) Mutator {
+	return &multiMutator{modifiers}
+type includeMutator struct {
+	State string `xml:"state,attr"`
+// Include the given state.
+func Include(state string) Rule {
+	return Rule{Mutator: &includeMutator{state}}
+func (i *includeMutator) MutatorKind() string { return "include" }
+func (i *includeMutator) Mutate(s *LexerState) error {
+	return fmt.Errorf("should never reach here Include(%q)", i.State)
+func (i *includeMutator) MutateLexer(rules CompiledRules, state string, rule int) error {
+	includedRules, ok := rules[i.State]
+	if !ok {
+		return fmt.Errorf("invalid include state %q", i.State)
+	}
+	rules[state] = append(rules[state][:rule], append(includedRules, rules[state][rule+1:]...)...)
+	return nil
+type combinedMutator struct {
+	States []string `xml:"state,attr"`
+func (c *combinedMutator) MutatorKind() string { return "combined" }
+// Combined creates a new anonymous state from the given states, and pushes that state.
+func Combined(states ...string) Mutator {
+	return &combinedMutator{states}
+func (c *combinedMutator) Mutate(s *LexerState) error {
+	return fmt.Errorf("should never reach here Combined(%v)", c.States)
+func (c *combinedMutator) MutateLexer(rules CompiledRules, state string, rule int) error {
+	name := "__combined_" + strings.Join(c.States, "__")
+	if _, ok := rules[name]; !ok {
+		combined := []*CompiledRule{}
+		for _, state := range c.States {
+			rules, ok := rules[state]
+			if !ok {
+				return fmt.Errorf("invalid combine state %q", state)
+			}
+			combined = append(combined, rules...)
+		}
+		rules[name] = combined
+	}
+	rules[state][rule].Mutator = Push(name)
+	return nil
+type pushMutator struct {
+	States []string `xml:"state,attr"`
+func (p *pushMutator) MutatorKind() string { return "push" }
+func (p *pushMutator) Mutate(s *LexerState) error {
+	if len(p.States) == 0 {
+		s.Stack = append(s.Stack, s.State)
+	} else {
+		for _, state := range p.States {
+			if state == "#pop" {
+				s.Stack = s.Stack[:len(s.Stack)-1]
+			} else {
+				s.Stack = append(s.Stack, state)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// Push states onto the stack.
+func Push(states ...string) Mutator {
+	return &pushMutator{states}
+type popMutator struct {
+	Depth int `xml:"depth,attr"`
+func (p *popMutator) MutatorKind() string { return "pop" }
+func (p *popMutator) Mutate(state *LexerState) error {
+	if len(state.Stack) == 0 {
+		return fmt.Errorf("nothing to pop")
+	}
+	state.Stack = state.Stack[:len(state.Stack)-p.Depth]
+	return nil
+// Pop state from the stack when rule matches.
+func Pop(n int) Mutator {
+	return &popMutator{n}
+// Default returns a Rule that applies a set of Mutators.
+func Default(mutators ...Mutator) Rule {
+	return Rule{Mutator: Mutators(mutators...)}
+// Stringify returns the raw string for a set of tokens.
+func Stringify(tokens ...Token) string {
+	out := []string{}
+	for _, t := range tokens {
+		out = append(out, t.Value)
+	}
+	return strings.Join(out, "")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/pygments-lexers.txt b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/pygments-lexers.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/pygments-lexers.txt
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/pygments-lexers.txt
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/quick/quick.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/quick/quick.go
similarity index 81%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/quick/quick.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/quick/quick.go
index 1ed3db7..af701d9 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/quick/quick.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/quick/quick.go
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ package quick
 import (
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma"
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/formatters"
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers"
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/styles"
+	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2"
+	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/formatters"
+	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/lexers"
+	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles"
 // Highlight some text.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/regexp.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/regexp.go
similarity index 58%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/regexp.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/regexp.go
index 4096dfc..0dcb077 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/regexp.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/regexp.go
@@ -21,156 +21,6 @@ type Rule struct {
 	Mutator Mutator
-// An Emitter takes group matches and returns tokens.
-type Emitter interface {
-	// Emit tokens for the given regex groups.
-	Emit(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator
-// EmitterFunc is a function that is an Emitter.
-type EmitterFunc func(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator
-// Emit tokens for groups.
-func (e EmitterFunc) Emit(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator {
-	return e(groups, state)
-// ByGroups emits a token for each matching group in the rule's regex.
-func ByGroups(emitters ...Emitter) Emitter {
-	return EmitterFunc(func(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator {
-		iterators := make([]Iterator, 0, len(groups)-1)
-		if len(emitters) != len(groups)-1 {
-			iterators = append(iterators, Error.Emit(groups, state))
-			// panic(errors.Errorf("number of groups %q does not match number of emitters %v", groups, emitters))
-		} else {
-			for i, group := range groups[1:] {
-				if emitters[i] != nil {
-					iterators = append(iterators, emitters[i].Emit([]string{group}, state))
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return Concaterator(iterators...)
-	})
-// ByGroupNames emits a token for each named matching group in the rule's regex.
-func ByGroupNames(emitters map[string]Emitter) Emitter {
-	return EmitterFunc(func(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator {
-		iterators := make([]Iterator, 0, len(state.NamedGroups)-1)
-		if len(state.NamedGroups)-1 == 0 {
-			if emitter, ok := emitters[`0`]; ok {
-				iterators = append(iterators, emitter.Emit(groups, state))
-			} else {
-				iterators = append(iterators, Error.Emit(groups, state))
-			}
-		} else {
-			ruleRegex := state.Rules[state.State][state.Rule].Regexp
-			for i := 1; i < len(state.NamedGroups); i++ {
-				groupName := ruleRegex.GroupNameFromNumber(i)
-				group := state.NamedGroups[groupName]
-				if emitter, ok := emitters[groupName]; ok {
-					if emitter != nil {
-						iterators = append(iterators, emitter.Emit([]string{group}, state))
-					}
-				} else {
-					iterators = append(iterators, Error.Emit([]string{group}, state))
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return Concaterator(iterators...)
-	})
-// UsingByGroup emits tokens for the matched groups in the regex using a
-// "sublexer". Used when lexing code blocks where the name of a sublexer is
-// contained within the block, for example on a Markdown text block or SQL
-// language block.
-// The sublexer will be retrieved using sublexerGetFunc (typically
-// internal.Get), using the captured value from the matched sublexerNameGroup.
-// If sublexerGetFunc returns a non-nil lexer for the captured sublexerNameGroup,
-// then tokens for the matched codeGroup will be emitted using the retrieved
-// lexer. Otherwise, if the sublexer is nil, then tokens will be emitted from
-// the passed emitter.
-// Example:
-// 	var Markdown = internal.Register(MustNewLexer(
-// 		&Config{
-// 			Name:      "markdown",
-// 			Aliases:   []string{"md", "mkd"},
-// 			Filenames: []string{"*.md", "*.mkd", "*.markdown"},
-// 			MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-markdown"},
-// 		},
-// 		Rules{
-// 			"root": {
-// 				{"^(```)(\\w+)(\\n)([\\w\\W]*?)(^```$)",
-// 					UsingByGroup(
-// 						internal.Get,
-// 						2, 4,
-// 						String, String, String, Text, String,
-// 					),
-// 					nil,
-// 				},
-// 			},
-// 		},
-// 	))
-// See the lexers/m/markdown.go for the complete example.
-// Note: panic's if the number emitters does not equal the number of matched
-// groups in the regex.
-func UsingByGroup(sublexerGetFunc func(string) Lexer, sublexerNameGroup, codeGroup int, emitters ...Emitter) Emitter {
-	return EmitterFunc(func(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator {
-		// bounds check
-		if len(emitters) != len(groups)-1 {
-			panic("UsingByGroup expects number of emitters to be the same as len(groups)-1")
-		}
-		// grab sublexer
-		sublexer := sublexerGetFunc(groups[sublexerNameGroup])
-		// build iterators
-		iterators := make([]Iterator, len(groups)-1)
-		for i, group := range groups[1:] {
-			if i == codeGroup-1 && sublexer != nil {
-				var err error
-				iterators[i], err = sublexer.Tokenise(nil, groups[codeGroup])
-				if err != nil {
-					panic(err)
-				}
-			} else if emitters[i] != nil {
-				iterators[i] = emitters[i].Emit([]string{group}, state)
-			}
-		}
-		return Concaterator(iterators...)
-	})
-// Using returns an Emitter that uses a given Lexer for parsing and emitting.
-func Using(lexer Lexer) Emitter {
-	return EmitterFunc(func(groups []string, _ *LexerState) Iterator {
-		it, err := lexer.Tokenise(&TokeniseOptions{State: "root", Nested: true}, groups[0])
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(err)
-		}
-		return it
-	})
-// UsingSelf is like Using, but uses the current Lexer.
-func UsingSelf(stateName string) Emitter {
-	return EmitterFunc(func(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator {
-		it, err := state.Lexer.Tokenise(&TokeniseOptions{State: stateName, Nested: true}, groups[0])
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(err)
-		}
-		return it
-	})
 // Words creates a regex that matches any of the given literal words.
 func Words(prefix, suffix string, words ...string) string {
 	sort.Slice(words, func(i, j int) bool {
@@ -225,17 +75,20 @@ func (r Rules) Merge(rules Rules) Rules {
 	return out
-// MustNewLazyLexer creates a new Lexer with deferred rules generation or panics.
-func MustNewLazyLexer(config *Config, rulesFunc func() Rules) *RegexLexer {
-	lexer, err := NewLazyLexer(config, rulesFunc)
+// MustNewLexer creates a new Lexer with deferred rules generation or panics.
+func MustNewLexer(config *Config, rules func() Rules) *RegexLexer {
+	lexer, err := NewLexer(config, rules)
 	if err != nil {
 	return lexer
-// NewLazyLexer creates a new regex-based Lexer with deferred rules generation.
-func NewLazyLexer(config *Config, rulesFunc func() Rules) (*RegexLexer, error) {
+// NewLexer creates a new regex-based Lexer.
+// "rules" is a state machine transition map. Each key is a state. Values are sets of rules
+// that match input, optionally modify lexer state, and output tokens.
+func NewLexer(config *Config, rulesFunc func() Rules) (*RegexLexer, error) {
 	if config == nil {
 		config = &Config{}
@@ -245,31 +98,40 @@ func NewLazyLexer(config *Config, rulesFunc func() Rules) (*RegexLexer, error) {
 			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %q is not a valid glob: %w", config.Name, glob, err)
-	return &RegexLexer{
-		config:       config,
-		compilerFunc: rulesFunc,
-	}, nil
-// MustNewLexer creates a new Lexer or panics.
-// Deprecated: Use MustNewLazyLexer instead.
-func MustNewLexer(config *Config, rules Rules) *RegexLexer { // nolint: forbidigo
-	lexer, err := NewLexer(config, rules) // nolint: forbidigo
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
+	r := &RegexLexer{
+		config:         config,
+		fetchRulesFunc: func() (Rules, error) { return rulesFunc(), nil },
-	return lexer
-// NewLexer creates a new regex-based Lexer.
-// "rules" is a state machine transitition map. Each key is a state. Values are sets of rules
-// that match input, optionally modify lexer state, and output tokens.
-// Deprecated: Use NewLazyLexer instead.
-func NewLexer(config *Config, rules Rules) (*RegexLexer, error) { // nolint: forbidigo
-	return NewLazyLexer(config, func() Rules { return rules })
+	// One-off code to generate XML lexers in the Chroma source tree.
+	// var nameCleanRe = regexp.MustCompile(`[^-+A-Za-z0-9_]`)
+	// name := strings.ToLower(nameCleanRe.ReplaceAllString(config.Name, "_"))
+	// data, err := Marshal(r)
+	// if err != nil {
+	// 	if errors.Is(err, ErrNotSerialisable) {
+	// 		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "warning: %q: %s\n", name, err)
+	// 		return r, nil
+	// 	}
+	// 	return nil, err
+	// }
+	// _, file, _, ok := runtime.Caller(2)
+	// if !ok {
+	// 	panic("??")
+	// }
+	// fmt.Println(file)
+	// if strings.Contains(file, "/lexers/") {
+	// 	dir := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(file), "embedded")
+	// 	err = os.MkdirAll(dir, 0700)
+	// 	if err != nil {
+	// 		return nil, err
+	// 	}
+	// 	filename := filepath.Join(dir, name) + ".xml"
+	// 	fmt.Println(filename)
+	// 	err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, data, 0600)
+	// 	if err != nil {
+	// 		return nil, err
+	// 	}
+	// }
+	return r, nil
 // Trace enables debug tracing.
@@ -292,13 +154,14 @@ type CompiledRules map[string][]*CompiledRule
 // LexerState contains the state for a single lex.
 type LexerState struct {
-	Lexer *RegexLexer
-	Text  []rune
-	Pos   int
-	Rules CompiledRules
-	Stack []string
-	State string
-	Rule  int
+	Lexer    *RegexLexer
+	Registry *LexerRegistry
+	Text     []rune
+	Pos      int
+	Rules    CompiledRules
+	Stack    []string
+	State    string
+	Rule     int
 	// Group matches.
 	Groups []string
 	// Named Group matches.
@@ -398,31 +261,59 @@ func (l *LexerState) Iterator() Token { // nolint: gocognit
 // RegexLexer is the default lexer implementation used in Chroma.
 type RegexLexer struct {
+	registry *LexerRegistry // The LexerRegistry this Lexer is associated with, if any.
 	config   *Config
 	analyser func(text string) float32
 	trace    bool
-	mu           sync.Mutex
-	compiled     bool
-	rules        map[string][]*CompiledRule
-	compilerFunc func() Rules
-	compileOnce  sync.Once
+	mu             sync.Mutex
+	compiled       bool
+	rawRules       Rules
+	rules          map[string][]*CompiledRule
+	fetchRulesFunc func() (Rules, error)
+	compileOnce    sync.Once
+func (r *RegexLexer) String() string {
+	return r.config.Name
+// Rules in the Lexer.
+func (r *RegexLexer) Rules() (Rules, error) {
+	if err := r.needRules(); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return r.rawRules, nil
+// SetRegistry the lexer will use to lookup other lexers if necessary.
+func (r *RegexLexer) SetRegistry(registry *LexerRegistry) Lexer {
+	r.registry = registry
+	return r
 // SetAnalyser sets the analyser function used to perform content inspection.
-func (r *RegexLexer) SetAnalyser(analyser func(text string) float32) *RegexLexer {
+func (r *RegexLexer) SetAnalyser(analyser func(text string) float32) Lexer {
 	r.analyser = analyser
 	return r
-func (r *RegexLexer) AnalyseText(text string) float32 { // nolint
+// AnalyseText scores how likely a fragment of text is to match this lexer, between 0.0 and 1.0.
+func (r *RegexLexer) AnalyseText(text string) float32 {
 	if r.analyser != nil {
 		return r.analyser(text)
-	return 0.0
+	return 0
-func (r *RegexLexer) Config() *Config { // nolint
+// SetConfig replaces the Config for this Lexer.
+func (r *RegexLexer) SetConfig(config *Config) *RegexLexer {
+	r.config = config
+	return r
+// Config returns the Config for this Lexer.
+func (r *RegexLexer) Config() *Config {
 	return r.config
@@ -441,7 +332,7 @@ func (r *RegexLexer) maybeCompile() (err error) {
 					pattern = "(?" + rule.flags + ")" + pattern
 				pattern = `\G` + pattern
-				rule.Regexp, err = regexp2.Compile(pattern, regexp2.RE2)
+				rule.Regexp, err = regexp2.Compile(pattern, 0)
 				if err != nil {
 					return fmt.Errorf("failed to compile rule %s.%d: %s", state, i, err)
@@ -473,8 +364,11 @@ restart:
 	return nil
-func (r *RegexLexer) compileRules() error {
-	rules := r.compilerFunc()
+func (r *RegexLexer) fetchRules() error {
+	rules, err := r.fetchRulesFunc()
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("%s: failed to compile rules: %w", r.config.Name, err)
+	}
 	if _, ok := rules["root"]; !ok {
 		return fmt.Errorf("no \"root\" state")
@@ -496,21 +390,28 @@ func (r *RegexLexer) compileRules() error {
+	r.rawRules = rules
 	r.rules = compiledRules
 	return nil
-func (r *RegexLexer) Tokenise(options *TokeniseOptions, text string) (Iterator, error) { // nolint
+func (r *RegexLexer) needRules() error {
 	var err error
-	if r.compilerFunc != nil {
+	if r.fetchRulesFunc != nil {
 		r.compileOnce.Do(func() {
-			err = r.compileRules()
+			err = r.fetchRules()
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
 	if err := r.maybeCompile(); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return err
+// Tokenise text using lexer, returning an iterator.
+func (r *RegexLexer) Tokenise(options *TokeniseOptions, text string) (Iterator, error) {
+	err := r.needRules()
+	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	if options == nil {
@@ -525,6 +426,7 @@ func (r *RegexLexer) Tokenise(options *TokeniseOptions, text string) (Iterator,
 		newlineAdded = true
 	state := &LexerState{
+		Registry:       r.registry,
 		newlineAdded:   newlineAdded,
 		options:        options,
 		Lexer:          r,
@@ -536,6 +438,15 @@ func (r *RegexLexer) Tokenise(options *TokeniseOptions, text string) (Iterator,
 	return state.Iterator, nil
+// MustRules is like Rules() but will panic on error.
+func (r *RegexLexer) MustRules() Rules {
+	rules, err := r.Rules()
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return rules
 func matchRules(text []rune, pos int, rules []*CompiledRule) (int, *CompiledRule, []string, map[string]string) {
 	for i, rule := range rules {
 		match, err := rule.Regexp.FindRunesMatchStartingAt(text, pos)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal/api.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/registry.go
similarity index 57%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal/api.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/registry.go
index 12fa45f..4742e8c 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal/api.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/registry.go
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
-// Package internal contains common API functions and structures shared between lexer packages.
-package internal
+package chroma
 import (
-	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma"
 var (
@@ -22,20 +19,25 @@ var (
-// Registry of Lexers.
-var Registry = struct {
-	Lexers  chroma.Lexers
-	byName  map[string]chroma.Lexer
-	byAlias map[string]chroma.Lexer
-	byName:  map[string]chroma.Lexer{},
-	byAlias: map[string]chroma.Lexer{},
+// LexerRegistry is a registry of Lexers.
+type LexerRegistry struct {
+	Lexers  Lexers
+	byName  map[string]Lexer
+	byAlias map[string]Lexer
+// NewLexerRegistry creates a new LexerRegistry of Lexers.
+func NewLexerRegistry() *LexerRegistry {
+	return &LexerRegistry{
+		byName:  map[string]Lexer{},
+		byAlias: map[string]Lexer{},
+	}
 // Names of all lexers, optionally including aliases.
-func Names(withAliases bool) []string {
+func (l *LexerRegistry) Names(withAliases bool) []string {
 	out := []string{}
-	for _, lexer := range Registry.Lexers {
+	for _, lexer := range l.Lexers {
 		config := lexer.Config()
 		out = append(out, config.Name)
 		if withAliases {
@@ -47,27 +49,27 @@ func Names(withAliases bool) []string {
 // Get a Lexer by name, alias or file extension.
-func Get(name string) chroma.Lexer {
-	if lexer := Registry.byName[name]; lexer != nil {
+func (l *LexerRegistry) Get(name string) Lexer {
+	if lexer := l.byName[name]; lexer != nil {
 		return lexer
-	if lexer := Registry.byAlias[name]; lexer != nil {
+	if lexer := l.byAlias[name]; lexer != nil {
 		return lexer
-	if lexer := Registry.byName[strings.ToLower(name)]; lexer != nil {
+	if lexer := l.byName[strings.ToLower(name)]; lexer != nil {
 		return lexer
-	if lexer := Registry.byAlias[strings.ToLower(name)]; lexer != nil {
+	if lexer := l.byAlias[strings.ToLower(name)]; lexer != nil {
 		return lexer
-	candidates := chroma.PrioritisedLexers{}
+	candidates := PrioritisedLexers{}
 	// Try file extension.
-	if lexer := Match("filename." + name); lexer != nil {
+	if lexer := l.Match("filename." + name); lexer != nil {
 		candidates = append(candidates, lexer)
 	// Try exact filename.
-	if lexer := Match(name); lexer != nil {
+	if lexer := l.Match(name); lexer != nil {
 		candidates = append(candidates, lexer)
 	if len(candidates) == 0 {
@@ -78,9 +80,9 @@ func Get(name string) chroma.Lexer {
 // MatchMimeType attempts to find a lexer for the given MIME type.
-func MatchMimeType(mimeType string) chroma.Lexer {
-	matched := chroma.PrioritisedLexers{}
-	for _, l := range Registry.Lexers {
+func (l *LexerRegistry) MatchMimeType(mimeType string) Lexer {
+	matched := PrioritisedLexers{}
+	for _, l := range l.Lexers {
 		for _, lmt := range l.Config().MimeTypes {
 			if mimeType == lmt {
 				matched = append(matched, l)
@@ -95,11 +97,13 @@ func MatchMimeType(mimeType string) chroma.Lexer {
 // Match returns the first lexer matching filename.
-func Match(filename string) chroma.Lexer {
+// Note that this iterates over all file patterns in all lexers, so is not fast.
+func (l *LexerRegistry) Match(filename string) Lexer {
 	filename = filepath.Base(filename)
-	matched := chroma.PrioritisedLexers{}
+	matched := PrioritisedLexers{}
 	// First, try primary filename matches.
-	for _, lexer := range Registry.Lexers {
+	for _, lexer := range l.Lexers {
 		config := lexer.Config()
 		for _, glob := range config.Filenames {
 			ok, err := filepath.Match(glob, filename)
@@ -126,7 +130,7 @@ func Match(filename string) chroma.Lexer {
 	matched = nil
 	// Next, try filename aliases.
-	for _, lexer := range Registry.Lexers {
+	for _, lexer := range l.Lexers {
 		config := lexer.Config()
 		for _, glob := range config.AliasFilenames {
 			ok, err := filepath.Match(glob, filename)
@@ -155,11 +159,11 @@ func Match(filename string) chroma.Lexer {
 // Analyse text content and return the "best" lexer..
-func Analyse(text string) chroma.Lexer {
-	var picked chroma.Lexer
+func (l *LexerRegistry) Analyse(text string) Lexer {
+	var picked Lexer
 	highest := float32(0.0)
-	for _, lexer := range Registry.Lexers {
-		if analyser, ok := lexer.(chroma.Analyser); ok {
+	for _, lexer := range l.Lexers {
+		if analyser, ok := lexer.(Analyser); ok {
 			weight := analyser.AnalyseText(text)
 			if weight > highest {
 				picked = lexer
@@ -170,32 +174,37 @@ func Analyse(text string) chroma.Lexer {
 	return picked
-// Register a Lexer with the global registry.
-func Register(lexer chroma.Lexer) chroma.Lexer {
+// Register a Lexer with the LexerRegistry. If the lexer is already registered
+// it will be replaced.
+func (l *LexerRegistry) Register(lexer Lexer) Lexer {
+	lexer.SetRegistry(l)
 	config := lexer.Config()
-	Registry.byName[config.Name] = lexer
-	Registry.byName[strings.ToLower(config.Name)] = lexer
+	l.byName[config.Name] = lexer
+	l.byName[strings.ToLower(config.Name)] = lexer
 	for _, alias := range config.Aliases {
-		Registry.byAlias[alias] = lexer
-		Registry.byAlias[strings.ToLower(alias)] = lexer
+		l.byAlias[alias] = lexer
+		l.byAlias[strings.ToLower(alias)] = lexer
-	Registry.Lexers = append(Registry.Lexers, lexer)
+	l.Lexers = add(l.Lexers, lexer)
 	return lexer
-// PlaintextRules is used for the fallback lexer as well as the explicit
-// plaintext lexer.
-func PlaintextRules() chroma.Rules {
-	return chroma.Rules{
-		"root": []chroma.Rule{
-			{`.+`, chroma.Text, nil},
-			{`\n`, chroma.Text, nil},
-		},
-	}
+// add adds a lexer to a slice of lexers if it doesn't already exist, or if found will replace it.
+func add(lexers Lexers, lexer Lexer) Lexers {
+	for i, val := range lexers {
+		if val == nil {
+			continue
+		}
-// Fallback lexer if no other is found.
-var Fallback chroma.Lexer = chroma.MustNewLazyLexer(&chroma.Config{
-	Name:      "fallback",
-	Filenames: []string{"*"},
-}, PlaintextRules)
+		if val.Config().Name == lexer.Config().Name {
+			lexers[i] = lexer
+			return lexers
+		}
+	}
+	return append(lexers, lexer)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/remap.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/remap.go
similarity index 77%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/remap.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/remap.go
index cfb5c38..bcf5e66 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/remap.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/remap.go
@@ -10,6 +10,20 @@ func RemappingLexer(lexer Lexer, mapper func(Token) []Token) Lexer {
 	return &remappingLexer{lexer, mapper}
+func (r *remappingLexer) AnalyseText(text string) float32 {
+	return r.lexer.AnalyseText(text)
+func (r *remappingLexer) SetAnalyser(analyser func(text string) float32) Lexer {
+	r.lexer.SetAnalyser(analyser)
+	return r
+func (r *remappingLexer) SetRegistry(registry *LexerRegistry) Lexer {
+	r.lexer.SetRegistry(registry)
+	return r
 func (r *remappingLexer) Config() *Config {
 	return r.lexer.Config()
@@ -46,10 +60,10 @@ type TypeMapping []struct {
 // eg. Map "defvaralias" tokens of type NameVariable to NameFunction:
-// 		mapping := TypeMapping{
-// 			{NameVariable, NameFunction, []string{"defvaralias"},
-// 		}
-// 		lexer = TypeRemappingLexer(lexer, mapping)
+//	mapping := TypeMapping{
+//		{NameVariable, NameFunction, []string{"defvaralias"},
+//	}
+//	lexer = TypeRemappingLexer(lexer, mapping)
 func TypeRemappingLexer(lexer Lexer, mapping TypeMapping) Lexer {
 	// Lookup table for fast remapping.
 	lut := map[TokenType]map[string]TokenType{}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/renovate.json5 b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/renovate.json5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..897864b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/renovate.json5
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+  $schema: "https://docs.renovatebot.com/renovate-schema.json",
+  extends: [
+    "config:recommended",
+    ":semanticCommits",
+    ":semanticCommitTypeAll(chore)",
+    ":semanticCommitScope(deps)",
+    "group:allNonMajor",
+    "schedule:earlyMondays", // Run once a week.
+  ],
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/serialise.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/serialise.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..645a5fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/serialise.go
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+package chroma
+import (
+	"compress/gzip"
+	"encoding/xml"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"io/fs"
+	"math"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"reflect"
+	"regexp"
+	"strings"
+	"github.com/dlclark/regexp2"
+// Serialisation of Chroma rules to XML. The format is:
+//	      [<$EMITTER ...>]
+//	      [<$MUTATOR ...>]
+// eg. Include("String") would become:
+//	[null, null, {"kind": "include", "state": "String"}]
+// eg. Rule{`\d+`, Text, nil} would become:
+// eg. Rule{`"`, String, Push("String")}
+// eg. Rule{`(\w+)(\n)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Whitespace), nil},
+var (
+	// ErrNotSerialisable is returned if a lexer contains Rules that cannot be serialised.
+	ErrNotSerialisable = fmt.Errorf("not serialisable")
+	emitterTemplates   = func() map[string]SerialisableEmitter {
+		out := map[string]SerialisableEmitter{}
+		for _, emitter := range []SerialisableEmitter{
+			&byGroupsEmitter{},
+			&usingSelfEmitter{},
+			TokenType(0),
+			&usingEmitter{},
+			&usingByGroup{},
+		} {
+			out[emitter.EmitterKind()] = emitter
+		}
+		return out
+	}()
+	mutatorTemplates = func() map[string]SerialisableMutator {
+		out := map[string]SerialisableMutator{}
+		for _, mutator := range []SerialisableMutator{
+			&includeMutator{},
+			&combinedMutator{},
+			&multiMutator{},
+			&pushMutator{},
+			&popMutator{},
+		} {
+			out[mutator.MutatorKind()] = mutator
+		}
+		return out
+	}()
+// fastUnmarshalConfig unmarshals only the Config from a serialised lexer.
+func fastUnmarshalConfig(from fs.FS, path string) (*Config, error) {
+	r, err := from.Open(path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	defer r.Close()
+	dec := xml.NewDecoder(r)
+	for {
+		token, err := dec.Token()
+		if err != nil {
+			if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find  element")
+			}
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		switch se := token.(type) {
+		case xml.StartElement:
+			if se.Name.Local != "config" {
+				break
+			}
+			var config Config
+			err = dec.DecodeElement(&config, &se)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", path, err)
+			}
+			return &config, nil
+		}
+	}
+// MustNewXMLLexer constructs a new RegexLexer from an XML file or panics.
+func MustNewXMLLexer(from fs.FS, path string) *RegexLexer {
+	lex, err := NewXMLLexer(from, path)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return lex
+// NewXMLLexer creates a new RegexLexer from a serialised RegexLexer.
+func NewXMLLexer(from fs.FS, path string) (*RegexLexer, error) {
+	config, err := fastUnmarshalConfig(from, path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	for _, glob := range append(config.Filenames, config.AliasFilenames...) {
+		_, err := filepath.Match(glob, "")
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %q is not a valid glob: %w", config.Name, glob, err)
+		}
+	}
+	var analyserFn func(string) float32
+	if config.Analyse != nil {
+		type regexAnalyse struct {
+			re    *regexp2.Regexp
+			score float32
+		}
+		regexAnalysers := make([]regexAnalyse, 0, len(config.Analyse.Regexes))
+		for _, ra := range config.Analyse.Regexes {
+			re, err := regexp2.Compile(ra.Pattern, regexp2.None)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %q is not a valid analyser regex: %w", config.Name, ra.Pattern, err)
+			}
+			regexAnalysers = append(regexAnalysers, regexAnalyse{re, ra.Score})
+		}
+		analyserFn = func(text string) float32 {
+			var score float32
+			for _, ra := range regexAnalysers {
+				ok, err := ra.re.MatchString(text)
+				if err != nil {
+					return 0
+				}
+				if ok && config.Analyse.First {
+					return float32(math.Min(float64(ra.score), 1.0))
+				}
+				if ok {
+					score += ra.score
+				}
+			}
+			return float32(math.Min(float64(score), 1.0))
+		}
+	}
+	return &RegexLexer{
+		config:   config,
+		analyser: analyserFn,
+		fetchRulesFunc: func() (Rules, error) {
+			var lexer struct {
+				Config
+				Rules Rules `xml:"rules"`
+			}
+			// Try to open .xml fallback to .xml.gz
+			fr, err := from.Open(path)
+			if err != nil {
+				if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
+					path += ".gz"
+					fr, err = from.Open(path)
+					if err != nil {
+						return nil, err
+					}
+				} else {
+					return nil, err
+				}
+			}
+			defer fr.Close()
+			var r io.Reader = fr
+			if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".gz") {
+				r, err = gzip.NewReader(r)
+				if err != nil {
+					return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", path, err)
+				}
+			}
+			err = xml.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&lexer)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", path, err)
+			}
+			return lexer.Rules, nil
+		},
+	}, nil
+// Marshal a RegexLexer to XML.
+func Marshal(l *RegexLexer) ([]byte, error) {
+	type lexer struct {
+		Config Config `xml:"config"`
+		Rules  Rules  `xml:"rules"`
+	}
+	rules, err := l.Rules()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	root := &lexer{
+		Config: *l.Config(),
+		Rules:  rules,
+	}
+	data, err := xml.MarshalIndent(root, "", "  ")
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	re := regexp.MustCompile(`>`)
+	data = re.ReplaceAll(data, []byte(`/>`))
+	return data, nil
+// Unmarshal a RegexLexer from XML.
+func Unmarshal(data []byte) (*RegexLexer, error) {
+	type lexer struct {
+		Config Config `xml:"config"`
+		Rules  Rules  `xml:"rules"`
+	}
+	root := &lexer{}
+	err := xml.Unmarshal(data, root)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid Lexer XML: %w", err)
+	}
+	lex, err := NewLexer(&root.Config, func() Rules { return root.Rules })
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return lex, nil
+func marshalMutator(e *xml.Encoder, mutator Mutator) error {
+	if mutator == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	smutator, ok := mutator.(SerialisableMutator)
+	if !ok {
+		return fmt.Errorf("unsupported mutator: %w", ErrNotSerialisable)
+	}
+	return e.EncodeElement(mutator, xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: smutator.MutatorKind()}})
+func unmarshalMutator(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) (Mutator, error) {
+	kind := start.Name.Local
+	mutator, ok := mutatorTemplates[kind]
+	if !ok {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown mutator %q: %w", kind, ErrNotSerialisable)
+	}
+	value, target := newFromTemplate(mutator)
+	if err := d.DecodeElement(target, &start); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return value().(SerialisableMutator), nil
+func marshalEmitter(e *xml.Encoder, emitter Emitter) error {
+	if emitter == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	semitter, ok := emitter.(SerialisableEmitter)
+	if !ok {
+		return fmt.Errorf("unsupported emitter %T: %w", emitter, ErrNotSerialisable)
+	}
+	return e.EncodeElement(emitter, xml.StartElement{
+		Name: xml.Name{Local: semitter.EmitterKind()},
+	})
+func unmarshalEmitter(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) (Emitter, error) {
+	kind := start.Name.Local
+	mutator, ok := emitterTemplates[kind]
+	if !ok {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown emitter %q: %w", kind, ErrNotSerialisable)
+	}
+	value, target := newFromTemplate(mutator)
+	if err := d.DecodeElement(target, &start); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return value().(SerialisableEmitter), nil
+func (r Rule) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, _ xml.StartElement) error {
+	start := xml.StartElement{
+		Name: xml.Name{Local: "rule"},
+	}
+	if r.Pattern != "" {
+		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
+			Name:  xml.Name{Local: "pattern"},
+			Value: r.Pattern,
+		})
+	}
+	if err := e.EncodeToken(start); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if err := marshalEmitter(e, r.Type); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if err := marshalMutator(e, r.Mutator); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return e.EncodeToken(xml.EndElement{Name: start.Name})
+func (r *Rule) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
+	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
+		if attr.Name.Local == "pattern" {
+			r.Pattern = attr.Value
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	for {
+		token, err := d.Token()
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		switch token := token.(type) {
+		case xml.StartElement:
+			mutator, err := unmarshalMutator(d, token)
+			if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, ErrNotSerialisable) {
+				return err
+			} else if err == nil {
+				if r.Mutator != nil {
+					return fmt.Errorf("duplicate mutator")
+				}
+				r.Mutator = mutator
+				continue
+			}
+			emitter, err := unmarshalEmitter(d, token)
+			if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, ErrNotSerialisable) { // nolint: gocritic
+				return err
+			} else if err == nil {
+				if r.Type != nil {
+					return fmt.Errorf("duplicate emitter")
+				}
+				r.Type = emitter
+				continue
+			} else {
+				return err
+			}
+		case xml.EndElement:
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+type xmlRuleState struct {
+	Name  string `xml:"name,attr"`
+	Rules []Rule `xml:"rule"`
+type xmlRules struct {
+	States []xmlRuleState `xml:"state"`
+func (r Rules) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, _ xml.StartElement) error {
+	xr := xmlRules{}
+	for state, rules := range r {
+		xr.States = append(xr.States, xmlRuleState{
+			Name:  state,
+			Rules: rules,
+		})
+	}
+	return e.EncodeElement(xr, xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: "rules"}})
+func (r *Rules) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
+	xr := xmlRules{}
+	if err := d.DecodeElement(&xr, &start); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if *r == nil {
+		*r = Rules{}
+	}
+	for _, state := range xr.States {
+		(*r)[state.Name] = state.Rules
+	}
+	return nil
+type xmlTokenType struct {
+	Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
+func (t *TokenType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
+	el := xmlTokenType{}
+	if err := d.DecodeElement(&el, &start); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	tt, err := TokenTypeString(el.Type)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	*t = tt
+	return nil
+func (t TokenType) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
+	start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{Name: xml.Name{Local: "type"}, Value: t.String()})
+	if err := e.EncodeToken(start); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return e.EncodeToken(xml.EndElement{Name: start.Name})
+// This hijinks is a bit unfortunate but without it we can't deserialise into TokenType.
+func newFromTemplate(template interface{}) (value func() interface{}, target interface{}) {
+	t := reflect.TypeOf(template)
+	if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		v := reflect.New(t.Elem())
+		return v.Interface, v.Interface()
+	}
+	v := reflect.New(t)
+	return func() interface{} { return v.Elem().Interface() }, v.Interface()
+func (b *Emitters) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
+	for {
+		token, err := d.Token()
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		switch token := token.(type) {
+		case xml.StartElement:
+			emitter, err := unmarshalEmitter(d, token)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			*b = append(*b, emitter)
+		case xml.EndElement:
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+func (b Emitters) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
+	if err := e.EncodeToken(start); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	for _, m := range b {
+		if err := marshalEmitter(e, m); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return e.EncodeToken(xml.EndElement{Name: start.Name})
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/style.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/style.go
similarity index 69%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/style.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/style.go
index 1319fc4..cc8d9a6 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/style.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/style.go
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 package chroma
 import (
+	"encoding/xml"
+	"io"
+	"sort"
@@ -49,6 +52,10 @@ type StyleEntry struct {
 	NoInherit bool
+func (s StyleEntry) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
+	return []byte(s.String()), nil
 func (s StyleEntry) String() string {
 	out := []string{}
 	if s.Bold != Pass {
@@ -157,9 +164,12 @@ func (s *StyleBuilder) AddAll(entries StyleEntries) *StyleBuilder {
 func (s *StyleBuilder) Get(ttype TokenType) StyleEntry {
-	// This is less than ideal, but it's the price for having to check errors on each Add().
+	// This is less than ideal, but it's the price for not having to check errors on each Add().
 	entry, _ := ParseStyleEntry(s.entries[ttype])
-	return entry.Inherit(s.parent.Get(ttype))
+	if s.parent != nil {
+		entry = entry.Inherit(s.parent.Get(ttype))
+	}
+	return entry
 // Add an entry to the Style map.
@@ -175,6 +185,25 @@ func (s *StyleBuilder) AddEntry(ttype TokenType, entry StyleEntry) *StyleBuilder
 	return s
+// Transform passes each style entry currently defined in the builder to the supplied
+// function and saves the returned value. This can be used to adjust a style's colours;
+// see Colour's ClampBrightness function, for example.
+func (s *StyleBuilder) Transform(transform func(StyleEntry) StyleEntry) *StyleBuilder {
+	types := make(map[TokenType]struct{})
+	for tt := range s.entries {
+		types[tt] = struct{}{}
+	}
+	if s.parent != nil {
+		for _, tt := range s.parent.Types() {
+			types[tt] = struct{}{}
+		}
+	}
+	for tt := range types {
+		s.AddEntry(tt, transform(s.Get(tt)))
+	}
+	return s
 func (s *StyleBuilder) Build() (*Style, error) {
 	style := &Style{
 		Name:    s.name,
@@ -194,6 +223,22 @@ func (s *StyleBuilder) Build() (*Style, error) {
 // StyleEntries mapping TokenType to colour definition.
 type StyleEntries map[TokenType]string
+// NewXMLStyle parses an XML style definition.
+func NewXMLStyle(r io.Reader) (*Style, error) {
+	dec := xml.NewDecoder(r)
+	style := &Style{}
+	return style, dec.Decode(style)
+// MustNewXMLStyle is like NewXMLStyle but panics on error.
+func MustNewXMLStyle(r io.Reader) *Style {
+	style, err := NewXMLStyle(r)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return style
 // NewStyle creates a new style definition.
 func NewStyle(name string, entries StyleEntries) (*Style, error) {
 	return NewStyleBuilder(name).AddAll(entries).Build()
@@ -217,6 +262,89 @@ type Style struct {
 	parent  *Style
+func (s *Style) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
+	if s.parent != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("cannot marshal style with parent")
+	}
+	start.Name = xml.Name{Local: "style"}
+	start.Attr = []xml.Attr{{Name: xml.Name{Local: "name"}, Value: s.Name}}
+	if err := e.EncodeToken(start); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	sorted := make([]TokenType, 0, len(s.entries))
+	for ttype := range s.entries {
+		sorted = append(sorted, ttype)
+	}
+	sort.Slice(sorted, func(i, j int) bool { return sorted[i] < sorted[j] })
+	for _, ttype := range sorted {
+		entry := s.entries[ttype]
+		el := xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: "entry"}}
+		el.Attr = []xml.Attr{
+			{Name: xml.Name{Local: "type"}, Value: ttype.String()},
+			{Name: xml.Name{Local: "style"}, Value: entry.String()},
+		}
+		if err := e.EncodeToken(el); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if err := e.EncodeToken(xml.EndElement{Name: el.Name}); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return e.EncodeToken(xml.EndElement{Name: start.Name})
+func (s *Style) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
+	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
+		if attr.Name.Local == "name" {
+			s.Name = attr.Value
+		} else {
+			return fmt.Errorf("unexpected attribute %s", attr.Name.Local)
+		}
+	}
+	if s.Name == "" {
+		return fmt.Errorf("missing style name attribute")
+	}
+	s.entries = map[TokenType]StyleEntry{}
+	for {
+		tok, err := d.Token()
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		switch el := tok.(type) {
+		case xml.StartElement:
+			if el.Name.Local != "entry" {
+				return fmt.Errorf("unexpected element %s", el.Name.Local)
+			}
+			var ttype TokenType
+			var entry StyleEntry
+			for _, attr := range el.Attr {
+				switch attr.Name.Local {
+				case "type":
+					ttype, err = TokenTypeString(attr.Value)
+					if err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+				case "style":
+					entry, err = ParseStyleEntry(attr.Value)
+					if err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+				default:
+					return fmt.Errorf("unexpected attribute %s", attr.Name.Local)
+				}
+			}
+			s.entries[ttype] = entry
+		case xml.EndElement:
+			if el.Name.Local == start.Name.Local {
+				return nil
+			}
+		}
+	}
 // Types that are styled.
 func (s *Style) Types() []TokenType {
 	dedupe := map[TokenType]bool{}
@@ -297,6 +425,15 @@ func (s *Style) synthesisable(ttype TokenType) bool {
 	return ttype == LineHighlight || ttype == LineNumbers || ttype == LineNumbersTable
+// MustParseStyleEntry parses a Pygments style entry or panics.
+func MustParseStyleEntry(entry string) StyleEntry {
+	out, err := ParseStyleEntry(entry)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return out
 // ParseStyleEntry parses a Pygments style entry.
 func ParseStyleEntry(entry string) (StyleEntry, error) { // nolint: gocyclo
 	out := StyleEntry{}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/abap.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/abap.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36ea2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/abap.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/algol.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/algol.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8a6dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/algol.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/algol_nu.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/algol_nu.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fa340f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/algol_nu.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/api.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/api.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e26d6f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/api.go
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package styles
+import (
+	"embed"
+	"io/fs"
+	"sort"
+	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2"
+//go:embed *.xml
+var embedded embed.FS
+// Registry of Styles.
+var Registry = func() map[string]*chroma.Style {
+	registry := map[string]*chroma.Style{}
+	// Register all embedded styles.
+	files, err := fs.ReadDir(embedded, ".")
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	for _, file := range files {
+		if file.IsDir() {
+			continue
+		}
+		r, err := embedded.Open(file.Name())
+		if err != nil {
+			panic(err)
+		}
+		style, err := chroma.NewXMLStyle(r)
+		if err != nil {
+			panic(err)
+		}
+		registry[style.Name] = style
+		_ = r.Close()
+	}
+	return registry
+// Fallback style. Reassign to change the default fallback style.
+var Fallback = Registry["swapoff"]
+// Register a chroma.Style.
+func Register(style *chroma.Style) *chroma.Style {
+	Registry[style.Name] = style
+	return style
+// Names of all available styles.
+func Names() []string {
+	out := []string{}
+	for name := range Registry {
+		out = append(out, name)
+	}
+	sort.Strings(out)
+	return out
+// Get named style, or Fallback.
+func Get(name string) *chroma.Style {
+	if style, ok := Registry[name]; ok {
+		return style
+	}
+	return Fallback
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/arduino.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/arduino.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9891dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/arduino.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/autumn.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/autumn.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74d2eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/autumn.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/average.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/average.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79bdb95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/average.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/base16-snazzy.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/base16-snazzy.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a05ba24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/base16-snazzy.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/borland.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/borland.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d8f574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/borland.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/bw.xml b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/styles/bw.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb0e868
--- /dev/null
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+package styles
+// Present for backwards compatibility.
+// Deprecated: use styles.Get(name) instead.
+var (
+	Abap                = Registry["abap"]
+	Algol               = Registry["algol"]
+	AlgolNu             = Registry["algol_nu"]
+	Arduino             = Registry["arduino"]
+	Autumn              = Registry["autumn"]
+	Average             = Registry["average"]
+	Base16Snazzy        = Registry["base16-snazzy"]
+	Borland             = Registry["borland"]
+	BlackWhite          = Registry["bw"]
+	CatppuccinFrappe    = Registry["catppuccin-frappe"]
+	CatppuccinLatte     = Registry["catppuccin-latte"]
+	CatppuccinMacchiato = Registry["catppuccin-macchiato"]
+	CatppuccinMocha     = Registry["catppuccin-mocha"]
+	Colorful            = Registry["colorful"]
+	DoomOne             = Registry["doom-one"]
+	DoomOne2            = Registry["doom-one2"]
+	Dracula             = Registry["dracula"]
+	Emacs               = Registry["emacs"]
+	Friendly            = Registry["friendly"]
+	Fruity              = Registry["fruity"]
+	GitHubDark          = Registry["github-dark"]
+	GitHub              = Registry["github"]
+	GruvboxLight        = Registry["gruvbox-light"]
+	Gruvbox             = Registry["gruvbox"]
+	HrDark              = Registry["hrdark"]
+	HrHighContrast      = Registry["hr_high_contrast"]
+	Igor                = Registry["igor"]
+	Lovelace            = Registry["lovelace"]
+	Manni               = Registry["manni"]
+	ModusOperandi       = Registry["modus-operandi"]
+	ModusVivendi        = Registry["modus-vivendi"]
+	Monokai             = Registry["monokai"]
+	MonokaiLight        = Registry["monokailight"]
+	Murphy              = Registry["murphy"]
+	Native              = Registry["native"]
+	Nord                = Registry["nord"]
+	OnesEnterprise      = Registry["onesenterprise"]
+	ParaisoDark         = Registry["paraiso-dark"]
+	ParaisoLight        = Registry["paraiso-light"]
+	Pastie              = Registry["pastie"]
+	Perldoc             = Registry["perldoc"]
+	Pygments            = Registry["pygments"]
+	RainbowDash         = Registry["rainbow_dash"]
+	RosePineDawn        = Registry["rose-pine-dawn"]
+	RosePineMoon        = Registry["rose-pine-moon"]
+	RosePine            = Registry["rose-pine"]
+	Rrt                 = Registry["rrt"]
+	SolarizedDark       = Registry["solarized-dark"]
+	SolarizedDark256    = Registry["solarized-dark256"]
+	SolarizedLight      = Registry["solarized-light"]
+	SwapOff             = Registry["swapoff"]
+	Tango               = Registry["tango"]
+	Trac                = Registry["trac"]
+	Vim                 = Registry["vim"]
+	VisualStudio        = Registry["vs"]
+	Vulcan              = Registry["vulcan"]
+	WitchHazel          = Registry["witchhazel"]
+	XcodeDark           = Registry["xcode-dark"]
+	Xcode               = Registry["xcode"]
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\ No newline at end of file
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similarity index 89%
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@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ from subprocess import check_output
-lines = check_output(["go", "run", "./cmd/chroma/main.go", "--list"]).decode("utf-8").splitlines()
+lines = check_output(["chroma", "--list"]).decode("utf-8").splitlines()
 lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.startswith("  ") and not line.startswith("   ")]
 lines = sorted(lines, key=lambda l: l.lower())
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/tokentype_enumer.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/tokentype_enumer.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..696e9ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/tokentype_enumer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+// Code generated by "enumer -text -type TokenType"; DO NOT EDIT.
+package chroma
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"strings"
+const _TokenTypeName = "NoneOtherErrorCodeLineLineLinkLineTableTDLineTableLineHighlightLineNumbersTableLineNumbersLinePreWrapperBackgroundEOFTypeKeywordKeywordConstantKeywordDeclarationKeywordNamespaceKeywordPseudoKeywordReservedKeywordTypeNameNameAttributeNameBuiltinNameBuiltinPseudoNameClassNameConstantNameDecoratorNameEntityNameExceptionNameFunctionNameFunctionMagicNameKeywordNameLabelNameNamespaceNameOperatorNameOtherNamePseudoNamePropertyNameTagNameVariableNameVariableAnonymousNameVariableClassNameVariableGlobalNameVariableInstanceNameVariableMagicLiteralLiteralDateLiteralOtherLiteralStringLiteralStringAffixLiteralStringAtomLiteralStringBacktickLiteralStringBooleanLiteralStringCharLiteralStringDelimiterLiteralStringDocLiteralStringDoubleLiteralStringEscapeLiteralStringHeredocLiteralStringInterpolLiteralStringNameLiteralStringOtherLiteralStringRegexLiteralStringSingleLiteralStringSymbolLiteralNumberLiteralNumberBinLiteralNumberFloatLiteralNumberHexLiteralNumberIntegerLiteralNumberIntegerLongLiteralNumberOctOperatorOperatorWordPunctuationCommentCommentHashbangCommentMultilineCommentSingleCommentSpecialCommentPreprocCommentPreprocFileGenericGenericDeletedGenericEmphGenericErrorGenericHeadingGenericInsertedGenericOutputGenericPromptGenericStrongGenericSubheadingGenericTracebackGenericUnderlineTextTextWhitespaceTextSymbolTextPunctuation"
+const _TokenTypeLowerName = "noneothererrorcodelinelinelinklinetabletdlinetablelinehighlightlinenumberstablelinenumberslineprewrapperbackgroundeoftypekeywordkeywordconstantkeyworddeclarationkeywordnamespacekeywordpseudokeywordreservedkeywordtypenamenameattributenamebuiltinnamebuiltinpseudonameclassnameconstantnamedecoratornameentitynameexceptionnamefunctionnamefunctionmagicnamekeywordnamelabelnamenamespacenameoperatornameothernamepseudonamepropertynametagnamevariablenamevariableanonymousnamevariableclassnamevariableglobalnamevariableinstancenamevariablemagicliteralliteraldateliteralotherliteralstringliteralstringaffixliteralstringatomliteralstringbacktickliteralstringbooleanliteralstringcharliteralstringdelimiterliteralstringdocliteralstringdoubleliteralstringescapeliteralstringheredocliteralstringinterpolliteralstringnameliteralstringotherliteralstringregexliteralstringsingleliteralstringsymbolliteralnumberliteralnumberbinliteralnumberfloatliteralnumberhexliteralnumberintegerliteralnumberintegerlongliteralnumberoctoperatoroperatorwordpunctuationcommentcommenthashbangcommentmultilinecommentsinglecommentspecialcommentpreproccommentpreprocfilegenericgenericdeletedgenericemphgenericerrorgenericheadinggenericinsertedgenericoutputgenericpromptgenericstronggenericsubheadinggenerictracebackgenericunderlinetexttextwhitespacetextsymboltextpunctuation"
+var _TokenTypeMap = map[TokenType]string{
+	-13:  _TokenTypeName[0:4],
+	-12:  _TokenTypeName[4:9],
+	-11:  _TokenTypeName[9:14],
+	-10:  _TokenTypeName[14:22],
+	-9:   _TokenTypeName[22:30],
+	-8:   _TokenTypeName[30:41],
+	-7:   _TokenTypeName[41:50],
+	-6:   _TokenTypeName[50:63],
+	-5:   _TokenTypeName[63:79],
+	-4:   _TokenTypeName[79:90],
+	-3:   _TokenTypeName[90:94],
+	-2:   _TokenTypeName[94:104],
+	-1:   _TokenTypeName[104:114],
+	0:    _TokenTypeName[114:121],
+	1000: _TokenTypeName[121:128],
+	1001: _TokenTypeName[128:143],
+	1002: _TokenTypeName[143:161],
+	1003: _TokenTypeName[161:177],
+	1004: _TokenTypeName[177:190],
+	1005: _TokenTypeName[190:205],
+	1006: _TokenTypeName[205:216],
+	2000: _TokenTypeName[216:220],
+	2001: _TokenTypeName[220:233],
+	2002: _TokenTypeName[233:244],
+	2003: _TokenTypeName[244:261],
+	2004: _TokenTypeName[261:270],
+	2005: _TokenTypeName[270:282],
+	2006: _TokenTypeName[282:295],
+	2007: _TokenTypeName[295:305],
+	2008: _TokenTypeName[305:318],
+	2009: _TokenTypeName[318:330],
+	2010: _TokenTypeName[330:347],
+	2011: _TokenTypeName[347:358],
+	2012: _TokenTypeName[358:367],
+	2013: _TokenTypeName[367:380],
+	2014: _TokenTypeName[380:392],
+	2015: _TokenTypeName[392:401],
+	2016: _TokenTypeName[401:411],
+	2017: _TokenTypeName[411:423],
+	2018: _TokenTypeName[423:430],
+	2019: _TokenTypeName[430:442],
+	2020: _TokenTypeName[442:463],
+	2021: _TokenTypeName[463:480],
+	2022: _TokenTypeName[480:498],
+	2023: _TokenTypeName[498:518],
+	2024: _TokenTypeName[518:535],
+	3000: _TokenTypeName[535:542],
+	3001: _TokenTypeName[542:553],
+	3002: _TokenTypeName[553:565],
+	3100: _TokenTypeName[565:578],
+	3101: _TokenTypeName[578:596],
+	3102: _TokenTypeName[596:613],
+	3103: _TokenTypeName[613:634],
+	3104: _TokenTypeName[634:654],
+	3105: _TokenTypeName[654:671],
+	3106: _TokenTypeName[671:693],
+	3107: _TokenTypeName[693:709],
+	3108: _TokenTypeName[709:728],
+	3109: _TokenTypeName[728:747],
+	3110: _TokenTypeName[747:767],
+	3111: _TokenTypeName[767:788],
+	3112: _TokenTypeName[788:805],
+	3113: _TokenTypeName[805:823],
+	3114: _TokenTypeName[823:841],
+	3115: _TokenTypeName[841:860],
+	3116: _TokenTypeName[860:879],
+	3200: _TokenTypeName[879:892],
+	3201: _TokenTypeName[892:908],
+	3202: _TokenTypeName[908:926],
+	3203: _TokenTypeName[926:942],
+	3204: _TokenTypeName[942:962],
+	3205: _TokenTypeName[962:986],
+	3206: _TokenTypeName[986:1002],
+	4000: _TokenTypeName[1002:1010],
+	4001: _TokenTypeName[1010:1022],
+	5000: _TokenTypeName[1022:1033],
+	6000: _TokenTypeName[1033:1040],
+	6001: _TokenTypeName[1040:1055],
+	6002: _TokenTypeName[1055:1071],
+	6003: _TokenTypeName[1071:1084],
+	6004: _TokenTypeName[1084:1098],
+	6100: _TokenTypeName[1098:1112],
+	6101: _TokenTypeName[1112:1130],
+	7000: _TokenTypeName[1130:1137],
+	7001: _TokenTypeName[1137:1151],
+	7002: _TokenTypeName[1151:1162],
+	7003: _TokenTypeName[1162:1174],
+	7004: _TokenTypeName[1174:1188],
+	7005: _TokenTypeName[1188:1203],
+	7006: _TokenTypeName[1203:1216],
+	7007: _TokenTypeName[1216:1229],
+	7008: _TokenTypeName[1229:1242],
+	7009: _TokenTypeName[1242:1259],
+	7010: _TokenTypeName[1259:1275],
+	7011: _TokenTypeName[1275:1291],
+	8000: _TokenTypeName[1291:1295],
+	8001: _TokenTypeName[1295:1309],
+	8002: _TokenTypeName[1309:1319],
+	8003: _TokenTypeName[1319:1334],
+func (i TokenType) String() string {
+	if str, ok := _TokenTypeMap[i]; ok {
+		return str
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf("TokenType(%d)", i)
+// An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed.
+// Re-run the stringer command to generate them again.
+func _TokenTypeNoOp() {
+	var x [1]struct{}
+	_ = x[None-(-13)]
+	_ = x[Other-(-12)]
+	_ = x[Error-(-11)]
+	_ = x[CodeLine-(-10)]
+	_ = x[LineLink-(-9)]
+	_ = x[LineTableTD-(-8)]
+	_ = x[LineTable-(-7)]
+	_ = x[LineHighlight-(-6)]
+	_ = x[LineNumbersTable-(-5)]
+	_ = x[LineNumbers-(-4)]
+	_ = x[Line-(-3)]
+	_ = x[PreWrapper-(-2)]
+	_ = x[Background-(-1)]
+	_ = x[EOFType-(0)]
+	_ = x[Keyword-(1000)]
+	_ = x[KeywordConstant-(1001)]
+	_ = x[KeywordDeclaration-(1002)]
+	_ = x[KeywordNamespace-(1003)]
+	_ = x[KeywordPseudo-(1004)]
+	_ = x[KeywordReserved-(1005)]
+	_ = x[KeywordType-(1006)]
+	_ = x[Name-(2000)]
+	_ = x[NameAttribute-(2001)]
+	_ = x[NameBuiltin-(2002)]
+	_ = x[NameBuiltinPseudo-(2003)]
+	_ = x[NameClass-(2004)]
+	_ = x[NameConstant-(2005)]
+	_ = x[NameDecorator-(2006)]
+	_ = x[NameEntity-(2007)]
+	_ = x[NameException-(2008)]
+	_ = x[NameFunction-(2009)]
+	_ = x[NameFunctionMagic-(2010)]
+	_ = x[NameKeyword-(2011)]
+	_ = x[NameLabel-(2012)]
+	_ = x[NameNamespace-(2013)]
+	_ = x[NameOperator-(2014)]
+	_ = x[NameOther-(2015)]
+	_ = x[NamePseudo-(2016)]
+	_ = x[NameProperty-(2017)]
+	_ = x[NameTag-(2018)]
+	_ = x[NameVariable-(2019)]
+	_ = x[NameVariableAnonymous-(2020)]
+	_ = x[NameVariableClass-(2021)]
+	_ = x[NameVariableGlobal-(2022)]
+	_ = x[NameVariableInstance-(2023)]
+	_ = x[NameVariableMagic-(2024)]
+	_ = x[Literal-(3000)]
+	_ = x[LiteralDate-(3001)]
+	_ = x[LiteralOther-(3002)]
+	_ = x[LiteralString-(3100)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringAffix-(3101)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringAtom-(3102)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringBacktick-(3103)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringBoolean-(3104)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringChar-(3105)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringDelimiter-(3106)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringDoc-(3107)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringDouble-(3108)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringEscape-(3109)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringHeredoc-(3110)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringInterpol-(3111)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringName-(3112)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringOther-(3113)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringRegex-(3114)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringSingle-(3115)]
+	_ = x[LiteralStringSymbol-(3116)]
+	_ = x[LiteralNumber-(3200)]
+	_ = x[LiteralNumberBin-(3201)]
+	_ = x[LiteralNumberFloat-(3202)]
+	_ = x[LiteralNumberHex-(3203)]
+	_ = x[LiteralNumberInteger-(3204)]
+	_ = x[LiteralNumberIntegerLong-(3205)]
+	_ = x[LiteralNumberOct-(3206)]
+	_ = x[Operator-(4000)]
+	_ = x[OperatorWord-(4001)]
+	_ = x[Punctuation-(5000)]
+	_ = x[Comment-(6000)]
+	_ = x[CommentHashbang-(6001)]
+	_ = x[CommentMultiline-(6002)]
+	_ = x[CommentSingle-(6003)]
+	_ = x[CommentSpecial-(6004)]
+	_ = x[CommentPreproc-(6100)]
+	_ = x[CommentPreprocFile-(6101)]
+	_ = x[Generic-(7000)]
+	_ = x[GenericDeleted-(7001)]
+	_ = x[GenericEmph-(7002)]
+	_ = x[GenericError-(7003)]
+	_ = x[GenericHeading-(7004)]
+	_ = x[GenericInserted-(7005)]
+	_ = x[GenericOutput-(7006)]
+	_ = x[GenericPrompt-(7007)]
+	_ = x[GenericStrong-(7008)]
+	_ = x[GenericSubheading-(7009)]
+	_ = x[GenericTraceback-(7010)]
+	_ = x[GenericUnderline-(7011)]
+	_ = x[Text-(8000)]
+	_ = x[TextWhitespace-(8001)]
+	_ = x[TextSymbol-(8002)]
+	_ = x[TextPunctuation-(8003)]
+var _TokenTypeValues = []TokenType{None, Other, Error, CodeLine, LineLink, LineTableTD, LineTable, LineHighlight, LineNumbersTable, LineNumbers, Line, PreWrapper, Background, EOFType, Keyword, KeywordConstant, KeywordDeclaration, KeywordNamespace, KeywordPseudo, KeywordReserved, KeywordType, Name, NameAttribute, NameBuiltin, NameBuiltinPseudo, NameClass, NameConstant, NameDecorator, NameEntity, NameException, NameFunction, NameFunctionMagic, NameKeyword, NameLabel, NameNamespace, NameOperator, NameOther, NamePseudo, NameProperty, NameTag, NameVariable, NameVariableAnonymous, NameVariableClass, NameVariableGlobal, NameVariableInstance, NameVariableMagic, Literal, LiteralDate, LiteralOther, LiteralString, LiteralStringAffix, LiteralStringAtom, LiteralStringBacktick, LiteralStringBoolean, LiteralStringChar, LiteralStringDelimiter, LiteralStringDoc, LiteralStringDouble, LiteralStringEscape, LiteralStringHeredoc, LiteralStringInterpol, LiteralStringName, LiteralStringOther, LiteralStringRegex, LiteralStringSingle, LiteralStringSymbol, LiteralNumber, LiteralNumberBin, LiteralNumberFloat, LiteralNumberHex, LiteralNumberInteger, LiteralNumberIntegerLong, LiteralNumberOct, Operator, OperatorWord, Punctuation, Comment, CommentHashbang, CommentMultiline, CommentSingle, CommentSpecial, CommentPreproc, CommentPreprocFile, Generic, GenericDeleted, GenericEmph, GenericError, GenericHeading, GenericInserted, GenericOutput, GenericPrompt, GenericStrong, GenericSubheading, GenericTraceback, GenericUnderline, Text, TextWhitespace, TextSymbol, TextPunctuation}
+var _TokenTypeNameToValueMap = map[string]TokenType{
+	_TokenTypeName[0:4]:            None,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[0:4]:       None,
+	_TokenTypeName[4:9]:            Other,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[4:9]:       Other,
+	_TokenTypeName[9:14]:           Error,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[9:14]:      Error,
+	_TokenTypeName[14:22]:          CodeLine,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[14:22]:     CodeLine,
+	_TokenTypeName[22:30]:          LineLink,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[22:30]:     LineLink,
+	_TokenTypeName[30:41]:          LineTableTD,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[30:41]:     LineTableTD,
+	_TokenTypeName[41:50]:          LineTable,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[41:50]:     LineTable,
+	_TokenTypeName[50:63]:          LineHighlight,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[50:63]:     LineHighlight,
+	_TokenTypeName[63:79]:          LineNumbersTable,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[63:79]:     LineNumbersTable,
+	_TokenTypeName[79:90]:          LineNumbers,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[79:90]:     LineNumbers,
+	_TokenTypeName[90:94]:          Line,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[90:94]:     Line,
+	_TokenTypeName[94:104]:         PreWrapper,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[94:104]:    PreWrapper,
+	_TokenTypeName[104:114]:        Background,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[104:114]:   Background,
+	_TokenTypeName[114:121]:        EOFType,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[114:121]:   EOFType,
+	_TokenTypeName[121:128]:        Keyword,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[121:128]:   Keyword,
+	_TokenTypeName[128:143]:        KeywordConstant,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[128:143]:   KeywordConstant,
+	_TokenTypeName[143:161]:        KeywordDeclaration,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[143:161]:   KeywordDeclaration,
+	_TokenTypeName[161:177]:        KeywordNamespace,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[161:177]:   KeywordNamespace,
+	_TokenTypeName[177:190]:        KeywordPseudo,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[177:190]:   KeywordPseudo,
+	_TokenTypeName[190:205]:        KeywordReserved,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[190:205]:   KeywordReserved,
+	_TokenTypeName[205:216]:        KeywordType,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[205:216]:   KeywordType,
+	_TokenTypeName[216:220]:        Name,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[216:220]:   Name,
+	_TokenTypeName[220:233]:        NameAttribute,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[220:233]:   NameAttribute,
+	_TokenTypeName[233:244]:        NameBuiltin,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[233:244]:   NameBuiltin,
+	_TokenTypeName[244:261]:        NameBuiltinPseudo,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[244:261]:   NameBuiltinPseudo,
+	_TokenTypeName[261:270]:        NameClass,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[261:270]:   NameClass,
+	_TokenTypeName[270:282]:        NameConstant,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[270:282]:   NameConstant,
+	_TokenTypeName[282:295]:        NameDecorator,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[282:295]:   NameDecorator,
+	_TokenTypeName[295:305]:        NameEntity,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[295:305]:   NameEntity,
+	_TokenTypeName[305:318]:        NameException,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[305:318]:   NameException,
+	_TokenTypeName[318:330]:        NameFunction,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[318:330]:   NameFunction,
+	_TokenTypeName[330:347]:        NameFunctionMagic,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[330:347]:   NameFunctionMagic,
+	_TokenTypeName[347:358]:        NameKeyword,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[347:358]:   NameKeyword,
+	_TokenTypeName[358:367]:        NameLabel,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[358:367]:   NameLabel,
+	_TokenTypeName[367:380]:        NameNamespace,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[367:380]:   NameNamespace,
+	_TokenTypeName[380:392]:        NameOperator,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[380:392]:   NameOperator,
+	_TokenTypeName[392:401]:        NameOther,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[392:401]:   NameOther,
+	_TokenTypeName[401:411]:        NamePseudo,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[401:411]:   NamePseudo,
+	_TokenTypeName[411:423]:        NameProperty,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[411:423]:   NameProperty,
+	_TokenTypeName[423:430]:        NameTag,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[423:430]:   NameTag,
+	_TokenTypeName[430:442]:        NameVariable,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[430:442]:   NameVariable,
+	_TokenTypeName[442:463]:        NameVariableAnonymous,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[442:463]:   NameVariableAnonymous,
+	_TokenTypeName[463:480]:        NameVariableClass,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[463:480]:   NameVariableClass,
+	_TokenTypeName[480:498]:        NameVariableGlobal,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[480:498]:   NameVariableGlobal,
+	_TokenTypeName[498:518]:        NameVariableInstance,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[498:518]:   NameVariableInstance,
+	_TokenTypeName[518:535]:        NameVariableMagic,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[518:535]:   NameVariableMagic,
+	_TokenTypeName[535:542]:        Literal,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[535:542]:   Literal,
+	_TokenTypeName[542:553]:        LiteralDate,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[542:553]:   LiteralDate,
+	_TokenTypeName[553:565]:        LiteralOther,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[553:565]:   LiteralOther,
+	_TokenTypeName[565:578]:        LiteralString,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[565:578]:   LiteralString,
+	_TokenTypeName[578:596]:        LiteralStringAffix,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[578:596]:   LiteralStringAffix,
+	_TokenTypeName[596:613]:        LiteralStringAtom,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[596:613]:   LiteralStringAtom,
+	_TokenTypeName[613:634]:        LiteralStringBacktick,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[613:634]:   LiteralStringBacktick,
+	_TokenTypeName[634:654]:        LiteralStringBoolean,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[634:654]:   LiteralStringBoolean,
+	_TokenTypeName[654:671]:        LiteralStringChar,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[654:671]:   LiteralStringChar,
+	_TokenTypeName[671:693]:        LiteralStringDelimiter,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[671:693]:   LiteralStringDelimiter,
+	_TokenTypeName[693:709]:        LiteralStringDoc,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[693:709]:   LiteralStringDoc,
+	_TokenTypeName[709:728]:        LiteralStringDouble,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[709:728]:   LiteralStringDouble,
+	_TokenTypeName[728:747]:        LiteralStringEscape,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[728:747]:   LiteralStringEscape,
+	_TokenTypeName[747:767]:        LiteralStringHeredoc,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[747:767]:   LiteralStringHeredoc,
+	_TokenTypeName[767:788]:        LiteralStringInterpol,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[767:788]:   LiteralStringInterpol,
+	_TokenTypeName[788:805]:        LiteralStringName,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[788:805]:   LiteralStringName,
+	_TokenTypeName[805:823]:        LiteralStringOther,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[805:823]:   LiteralStringOther,
+	_TokenTypeName[823:841]:        LiteralStringRegex,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[823:841]:   LiteralStringRegex,
+	_TokenTypeName[841:860]:        LiteralStringSingle,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[841:860]:   LiteralStringSingle,
+	_TokenTypeName[860:879]:        LiteralStringSymbol,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[860:879]:   LiteralStringSymbol,
+	_TokenTypeName[879:892]:        LiteralNumber,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[879:892]:   LiteralNumber,
+	_TokenTypeName[892:908]:        LiteralNumberBin,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[892:908]:   LiteralNumberBin,
+	_TokenTypeName[908:926]:        LiteralNumberFloat,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[908:926]:   LiteralNumberFloat,
+	_TokenTypeName[926:942]:        LiteralNumberHex,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[926:942]:   LiteralNumberHex,
+	_TokenTypeName[942:962]:        LiteralNumberInteger,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[942:962]:   LiteralNumberInteger,
+	_TokenTypeName[962:986]:        LiteralNumberIntegerLong,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[962:986]:   LiteralNumberIntegerLong,
+	_TokenTypeName[986:1002]:       LiteralNumberOct,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[986:1002]:  LiteralNumberOct,
+	_TokenTypeName[1002:1010]:      Operator,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1002:1010]: Operator,
+	_TokenTypeName[1010:1022]:      OperatorWord,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1010:1022]: OperatorWord,
+	_TokenTypeName[1022:1033]:      Punctuation,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1022:1033]: Punctuation,
+	_TokenTypeName[1033:1040]:      Comment,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1033:1040]: Comment,
+	_TokenTypeName[1040:1055]:      CommentHashbang,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1040:1055]: CommentHashbang,
+	_TokenTypeName[1055:1071]:      CommentMultiline,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1055:1071]: CommentMultiline,
+	_TokenTypeName[1071:1084]:      CommentSingle,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1071:1084]: CommentSingle,
+	_TokenTypeName[1084:1098]:      CommentSpecial,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1084:1098]: CommentSpecial,
+	_TokenTypeName[1098:1112]:      CommentPreproc,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1098:1112]: CommentPreproc,
+	_TokenTypeName[1112:1130]:      CommentPreprocFile,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1112:1130]: CommentPreprocFile,
+	_TokenTypeName[1130:1137]:      Generic,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1130:1137]: Generic,
+	_TokenTypeName[1137:1151]:      GenericDeleted,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1137:1151]: GenericDeleted,
+	_TokenTypeName[1151:1162]:      GenericEmph,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1151:1162]: GenericEmph,
+	_TokenTypeName[1162:1174]:      GenericError,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1162:1174]: GenericError,
+	_TokenTypeName[1174:1188]:      GenericHeading,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1174:1188]: GenericHeading,
+	_TokenTypeName[1188:1203]:      GenericInserted,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1188:1203]: GenericInserted,
+	_TokenTypeName[1203:1216]:      GenericOutput,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1203:1216]: GenericOutput,
+	_TokenTypeName[1216:1229]:      GenericPrompt,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1216:1229]: GenericPrompt,
+	_TokenTypeName[1229:1242]:      GenericStrong,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1229:1242]: GenericStrong,
+	_TokenTypeName[1242:1259]:      GenericSubheading,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1242:1259]: GenericSubheading,
+	_TokenTypeName[1259:1275]:      GenericTraceback,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1259:1275]: GenericTraceback,
+	_TokenTypeName[1275:1291]:      GenericUnderline,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1275:1291]: GenericUnderline,
+	_TokenTypeName[1291:1295]:      Text,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1291:1295]: Text,
+	_TokenTypeName[1295:1309]:      TextWhitespace,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1295:1309]: TextWhitespace,
+	_TokenTypeName[1309:1319]:      TextSymbol,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1309:1319]: TextSymbol,
+	_TokenTypeName[1319:1334]:      TextPunctuation,
+	_TokenTypeLowerName[1319:1334]: TextPunctuation,
+var _TokenTypeNames = []string{
+	_TokenTypeName[0:4],
+	_TokenTypeName[4:9],
+	_TokenTypeName[9:14],
+	_TokenTypeName[14:22],
+	_TokenTypeName[22:30],
+	_TokenTypeName[30:41],
+	_TokenTypeName[41:50],
+	_TokenTypeName[50:63],
+	_TokenTypeName[63:79],
+	_TokenTypeName[79:90],
+	_TokenTypeName[90:94],
+	_TokenTypeName[94:104],
+	_TokenTypeName[104:114],
+	_TokenTypeName[114:121],
+	_TokenTypeName[121:128],
+	_TokenTypeName[128:143],
+	_TokenTypeName[143:161],
+	_TokenTypeName[161:177],
+	_TokenTypeName[177:190],
+	_TokenTypeName[190:205],
+	_TokenTypeName[205:216],
+	_TokenTypeName[216:220],
+	_TokenTypeName[220:233],
+	_TokenTypeName[233:244],
+	_TokenTypeName[244:261],
+	_TokenTypeName[261:270],
+	_TokenTypeName[270:282],
+	_TokenTypeName[282:295],
+	_TokenTypeName[295:305],
+	_TokenTypeName[305:318],
+	_TokenTypeName[318:330],
+	_TokenTypeName[330:347],
+	_TokenTypeName[347:358],
+	_TokenTypeName[358:367],
+	_TokenTypeName[367:380],
+	_TokenTypeName[380:392],
+	_TokenTypeName[392:401],
+	_TokenTypeName[401:411],
+	_TokenTypeName[411:423],
+	_TokenTypeName[423:430],
+	_TokenTypeName[430:442],
+	_TokenTypeName[442:463],
+	_TokenTypeName[463:480],
+	_TokenTypeName[480:498],
+	_TokenTypeName[498:518],
+	_TokenTypeName[518:535],
+	_TokenTypeName[535:542],
+	_TokenTypeName[542:553],
+	_TokenTypeName[553:565],
+	_TokenTypeName[565:578],
+	_TokenTypeName[578:596],
+	_TokenTypeName[596:613],
+	_TokenTypeName[613:634],
+	_TokenTypeName[634:654],
+	_TokenTypeName[654:671],
+	_TokenTypeName[671:693],
+	_TokenTypeName[693:709],
+	_TokenTypeName[709:728],
+	_TokenTypeName[728:747],
+	_TokenTypeName[747:767],
+	_TokenTypeName[767:788],
+	_TokenTypeName[788:805],
+	_TokenTypeName[805:823],
+	_TokenTypeName[823:841],
+	_TokenTypeName[841:860],
+	_TokenTypeName[860:879],
+	_TokenTypeName[879:892],
+	_TokenTypeName[892:908],
+	_TokenTypeName[908:926],
+	_TokenTypeName[926:942],
+	_TokenTypeName[942:962],
+	_TokenTypeName[962:986],
+	_TokenTypeName[986:1002],
+	_TokenTypeName[1002:1010],
+	_TokenTypeName[1010:1022],
+	_TokenTypeName[1022:1033],
+	_TokenTypeName[1033:1040],
+	_TokenTypeName[1040:1055],
+	_TokenTypeName[1055:1071],
+	_TokenTypeName[1071:1084],
+	_TokenTypeName[1084:1098],
+	_TokenTypeName[1098:1112],
+	_TokenTypeName[1112:1130],
+	_TokenTypeName[1130:1137],
+	_TokenTypeName[1137:1151],
+	_TokenTypeName[1151:1162],
+	_TokenTypeName[1162:1174],
+	_TokenTypeName[1174:1188],
+	_TokenTypeName[1188:1203],
+	_TokenTypeName[1203:1216],
+	_TokenTypeName[1216:1229],
+	_TokenTypeName[1229:1242],
+	_TokenTypeName[1242:1259],
+	_TokenTypeName[1259:1275],
+	_TokenTypeName[1275:1291],
+	_TokenTypeName[1291:1295],
+	_TokenTypeName[1295:1309],
+	_TokenTypeName[1309:1319],
+	_TokenTypeName[1319:1334],
+// TokenTypeString retrieves an enum value from the enum constants string name.
+// Throws an error if the param is not part of the enum.
+func TokenTypeString(s string) (TokenType, error) {
+	if val, ok := _TokenTypeNameToValueMap[s]; ok {
+		return val, nil
+	}
+	if val, ok := _TokenTypeNameToValueMap[strings.ToLower(s)]; ok {
+		return val, nil
+	}
+	return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s does not belong to TokenType values", s)
+// TokenTypeValues returns all values of the enum
+func TokenTypeValues() []TokenType {
+	return _TokenTypeValues
+// TokenTypeStrings returns a slice of all String values of the enum
+func TokenTypeStrings() []string {
+	strs := make([]string, len(_TokenTypeNames))
+	copy(strs, _TokenTypeNames)
+	return strs
+// IsATokenType returns "true" if the value is listed in the enum definition. "false" otherwise
+func (i TokenType) IsATokenType() bool {
+	_, ok := _TokenTypeMap[i]
+	return ok
+// MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface for TokenType
+func (i TokenType) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
+	return []byte(i.String()), nil
+// UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface for TokenType
+func (i *TokenType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
+	var err error
+	*i, err = TokenTypeString(string(text))
+	return err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/types.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/types.go
similarity index 94%
rename from vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/types.go
rename to vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/types.go
index 3f15be8..3d12310 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/types.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/types.go
@@ -1,33 +1,12 @@
 package chroma
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-//go:generate stringer -type TokenType
+//go:generate enumer -text -type TokenType
 // TokenType is the type of token to highlight.
 // It is also an Emitter, emitting a single token of itself
 type TokenType int
-func (t TokenType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal(t.String()) }
-func (t *TokenType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
-	key := ""
-	err := json.Unmarshal(data, &key)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	for tt, text := range _TokenType_map {
-		if text == key {
-			*t = tt
-			return nil
-		}
-	}
-	return fmt.Errorf("unknown TokenType %q", data)
 // Set of TokenTypes.
 // Categories of types are grouped in ranges of 1000, while sub-categories are in ranges of 100. For
@@ -52,6 +31,8 @@ const (
 	// Line numbers table TD wrapper style.
+	// Line number links.
+	LineLink
 	// Code line wrapper style.
 	// Input that could not be tokenised.
@@ -233,6 +214,7 @@ var (
 		LineHighlight:    "hl",
 		LineTable:        "lntable",
 		LineTableTD:      "lntd",
+		LineLink:         "lnlinks",
 		CodeLine:         "cl",
 		Text:             "",
 		Whitespace:       "w",
@@ -354,3 +336,5 @@ func (t TokenType) InSubCategory(other TokenType) bool {
 func (t TokenType) Emit(groups []string, _ *LexerState) Iterator {
 	return Literator(Token{Type: t, Value: groups[0]})
+func (t TokenType) EmitterKind() string { return "token" }
diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt
index 79ded21..2cc150d 100644
--- a/vendor/modules.txt
+++ b/vendor/modules.txt
@@ -28,42 +28,15 @@ github.com/ProtonMail/go-crypto/openpgp/internal/ecc
-# github.com/alecthomas/chroma v0.10.0
-## explicit; go 1.13
+# github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2 v2.12.0
+## explicit; go 1.19
 # github.com/cloudflare/circl v1.3.6
 ## explicit; go 1.19