package regexp2 import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "math" "strconv" "strings" "time" "unicode" "" ) type runner struct { re *Regexp code *syntax.Code runtextstart int // starting point for search runtext []rune // text to search runtextpos int // current position in text runtextend int // The backtracking stack. Opcodes use this to store data regarding // what they have matched and where to backtrack to. Each "frame" on // the stack takes the form of [CodePosition Data1 Data2...], where // CodePosition is the position of the current opcode and // the data values are all optional. The CodePosition can be negative, and // these values (also called "back2") are used by the BranchMark family of opcodes // to indicate whether they are backtracking after a successful or failed // match. // When we backtrack, we pop the CodePosition off the stack, set the current // instruction pointer to that code position, and mark the opcode // with a backtracking flag ("Back"). Each opcode then knows how to // handle its own data. runtrack []int runtrackpos int // This stack is used to track text positions across different opcodes. // For example, in /(a*b)+/, the parentheses result in a SetMark/CaptureMark // pair. SetMark records the text position before we match a*b. Then // CaptureMark uses that position to figure out where the capture starts. // Opcodes which push onto this stack are always paired with other opcodes // which will pop the value from it later. A successful match should mean // that this stack is empty. runstack []int runstackpos int // The crawl stack is used to keep track of captures. Every time a group // has a capture, we push its group number onto the runcrawl stack. In // the case of a balanced match, we push BOTH groups onto the stack. runcrawl []int runcrawlpos int runtrackcount int // count of states that may do backtracking runmatch *Match // result object ignoreTimeout bool timeout time.Duration // timeout in milliseconds (needed for actual) deadline fasttime operator syntax.InstOp codepos int rightToLeft bool caseInsensitive bool } // run searches for matches and can continue from the previous match // // quick is usually false, but can be true to not return matches, just put it in caches // textstart is -1 to start at the "beginning" (depending on Right-To-Left), otherwise an index in input // input is the string to search for our regex pattern func (re *Regexp) run(quick bool, textstart int, input []rune) (*Match, error) { // get a cached runner runner := re.getRunner() defer re.putRunner(runner) if textstart < 0 { if re.RightToLeft() { textstart = len(input) } else { textstart = 0 } } return runner.scan(input, textstart, quick, re.MatchTimeout) } // Scans the string to find the first match. Uses the Match object // both to feed text in and as a place to store matches that come out. // // All the action is in the Go() method. Our // responsibility is to load up the class members before // calling Go. // // The optimizer can compute a set of candidate starting characters, // and we could use a separate method Skip() that will quickly scan past // any characters that we know can't match. func (r *runner) scan(rt []rune, textstart int, quick bool, timeout time.Duration) (*Match, error) { r.timeout = timeout r.ignoreTimeout = (time.Duration(math.MaxInt64) == timeout) r.runtextstart = textstart r.runtext = rt r.runtextend = len(rt) stoppos := r.runtextend bump := 1 if { bump = -1 stoppos = 0 } r.runtextpos = textstart initted := false r.startTimeoutWatch() for { if { //fmt.Printf("\nSearch content: %v\n", string(r.runtext)) fmt.Printf("\nSearch range: from 0 to %v\n", r.runtextend) fmt.Printf("Firstchar search starting at %v stopping at %v\n", r.runtextpos, stoppos) } if r.findFirstChar() { if err := r.checkTimeout(); err != nil { return nil, err } if !initted { r.initMatch() initted = true } if { fmt.Printf("Executing engine starting at %v\n\n", r.runtextpos) } if err := r.execute(); err != nil { return nil, err } if r.runmatch.matchcount[0] > 0 { // We'll return a match even if it touches a previous empty match return r.tidyMatch(quick), nil } // reset state for another go r.runtrackpos = len(r.runtrack) r.runstackpos = len(r.runstack) r.runcrawlpos = len(r.runcrawl) } // failure! if r.runtextpos == stoppos { r.tidyMatch(true) return nil, nil } // Recognize leading []* and various anchors, and bump on failure accordingly // r.bump by one and start again r.runtextpos += bump } // We never get here } func (r *runner) execute() error { r.goTo(0) for { if { r.dumpState() } if err := r.checkTimeout(); err != nil { return err } switch r.operator { case syntax.Stop: return nil case syntax.Nothing: break case syntax.Goto: r.goTo(r.operand(0)) continue case syntax.Testref: if !r.runmatch.isMatched(r.operand(0)) { break } r.advance(1) continue case syntax.Lazybranch: r.trackPush1(r.textPos()) r.advance(1) continue case syntax.Lazybranch | syntax.Back: r.trackPop() r.textto(r.trackPeek()) r.goTo(r.operand(0)) continue case syntax.Setmark: r.stackPush(r.textPos()) r.trackPush() r.advance(0) continue case syntax.Nullmark: r.stackPush(-1) r.trackPush() r.advance(0) continue case syntax.Setmark | syntax.Back, syntax.Nullmark | syntax.Back: r.stackPop() break case syntax.Getmark: r.stackPop() r.trackPush1(r.stackPeek()) r.textto(r.stackPeek()) r.advance(0) continue case syntax.Getmark | syntax.Back: r.trackPop() r.stackPush(r.trackPeek()) break case syntax.Capturemark: if r.operand(1) != -1 && !r.runmatch.isMatched(r.operand(1)) { break } r.stackPop() if r.operand(1) != -1 { r.transferCapture(r.operand(0), r.operand(1), r.stackPeek(), r.textPos()) } else { r.capture(r.operand(0), r.stackPeek(), r.textPos()) } r.trackPush1(r.stackPeek()) r.advance(2) continue case syntax.Capturemark | syntax.Back: r.trackPop() r.stackPush(r.trackPeek()) r.uncapture() if r.operand(0) != -1 && r.operand(1) != -1 { r.uncapture() } break case syntax.Branchmark: r.stackPop() matched := r.textPos() - r.stackPeek() if matched != 0 { // Nonempty match -> loop now r.trackPush2(r.stackPeek(), r.textPos()) // Save old mark, textpos r.stackPush(r.textPos()) // Make new mark r.goTo(r.operand(0)) // Loop } else { // Empty match -> straight now r.trackPushNeg1(r.stackPeek()) // Save old mark r.advance(1) // Straight } continue case syntax.Branchmark | syntax.Back: r.trackPopN(2) r.stackPop() r.textto(r.trackPeekN(1)) // Recall position r.trackPushNeg1(r.trackPeek()) // Save old mark r.advance(1) // Straight continue case syntax.Branchmark | syntax.Back2: r.trackPop() r.stackPush(r.trackPeek()) // Recall old mark break // Backtrack case syntax.Lazybranchmark: { // We hit this the first time through a lazy loop and after each // successful match of the inner expression. It simply continues // on and doesn't loop. r.stackPop() oldMarkPos := r.stackPeek() if r.textPos() != oldMarkPos { // Nonempty match -> try to loop again by going to 'back' state if oldMarkPos != -1 { r.trackPush2(oldMarkPos, r.textPos()) // Save old mark, textpos } else { r.trackPush2(r.textPos(), r.textPos()) } } else { // The inner expression found an empty match, so we'll go directly to 'back2' if we // backtrack. In this case, we need to push something on the stack, since back2 pops. // However, in the case of ()+? or similar, this empty match may be legitimate, so push the text // position associated with that empty match. r.stackPush(oldMarkPos) r.trackPushNeg1(r.stackPeek()) // Save old mark } r.advance(1) continue } case syntax.Lazybranchmark | syntax.Back: // After the first time, Lazybranchmark | syntax.Back occurs // with each iteration of the loop, and therefore with every attempted // match of the inner expression. We'll try to match the inner expression, // then go back to Lazybranchmark if successful. If the inner expression // fails, we go to Lazybranchmark | syntax.Back2 r.trackPopN(2) pos := r.trackPeekN(1) r.trackPushNeg1(r.trackPeek()) // Save old mark r.stackPush(pos) // Make new mark r.textto(pos) // Recall position r.goTo(r.operand(0)) // Loop continue case syntax.Lazybranchmark | syntax.Back2: // The lazy loop has failed. We'll do a true backtrack and // start over before the lazy loop. r.stackPop() r.trackPop() r.stackPush(r.trackPeek()) // Recall old mark break case syntax.Setcount: r.stackPush2(r.textPos(), r.operand(0)) r.trackPush() r.advance(1) continue case syntax.Nullcount: r.stackPush2(-1, r.operand(0)) r.trackPush() r.advance(1) continue case syntax.Setcount | syntax.Back: r.stackPopN(2) break case syntax.Nullcount | syntax.Back: r.stackPopN(2) break case syntax.Branchcount: // r.stackPush: // 0: Mark // 1: Count r.stackPopN(2) mark := r.stackPeek() count := r.stackPeekN(1) matched := r.textPos() - mark if count >= r.operand(1) || (matched == 0 && count >= 0) { // Max loops or empty match -> straight now r.trackPushNeg2(mark, count) // Save old mark, count r.advance(2) // Straight } else { // Nonempty match -> count+loop now r.trackPush1(mark) // remember mark r.stackPush2(r.textPos(), count+1) // Make new mark, incr count r.goTo(r.operand(0)) // Loop } continue case syntax.Branchcount | syntax.Back: // r.trackPush: // 0: Previous mark // r.stackPush: // 0: Mark (= current pos, discarded) // 1: Count r.trackPop() r.stackPopN(2) if r.stackPeekN(1) > 0 { // Positive -> can go straight r.textto(r.stackPeek()) // Zap to mark r.trackPushNeg2(r.trackPeek(), r.stackPeekN(1)-1) // Save old mark, old count r.advance(2) // Straight continue } r.stackPush2(r.trackPeek(), r.stackPeekN(1)-1) // recall old mark, old count break case syntax.Branchcount | syntax.Back2: // r.trackPush: // 0: Previous mark // 1: Previous count r.trackPopN(2) r.stackPush2(r.trackPeek(), r.trackPeekN(1)) // Recall old mark, old count break // Backtrack case syntax.Lazybranchcount: // r.stackPush: // 0: Mark // 1: Count r.stackPopN(2) mark := r.stackPeek() count := r.stackPeekN(1) if count < 0 { // Negative count -> loop now r.trackPushNeg1(mark) // Save old mark r.stackPush2(r.textPos(), count+1) // Make new mark, incr count r.goTo(r.operand(0)) // Loop } else { // Nonneg count -> straight now r.trackPush3(mark, count, r.textPos()) // Save mark, count, position r.advance(2) // Straight } continue case syntax.Lazybranchcount | syntax.Back: // r.trackPush: // 0: Mark // 1: Count // 2: r.textPos r.trackPopN(3) mark := r.trackPeek() textpos := r.trackPeekN(2) if r.trackPeekN(1) < r.operand(1) && textpos != mark { // Under limit and not empty match -> loop r.textto(textpos) // Recall position r.stackPush2(textpos, r.trackPeekN(1)+1) // Make new mark, incr count r.trackPushNeg1(mark) // Save old mark r.goTo(r.operand(0)) // Loop continue } else { // Max loops or empty match -> backtrack r.stackPush2(r.trackPeek(), r.trackPeekN(1)) // Recall old mark, count break // backtrack } case syntax.Lazybranchcount | syntax.Back2: // r.trackPush: // 0: Previous mark // r.stackPush: // 0: Mark (== current pos, discarded) // 1: Count r.trackPop() r.stackPopN(2) r.stackPush2(r.trackPeek(), r.stackPeekN(1)-1) // Recall old mark, count break // Backtrack case syntax.Setjump: r.stackPush2(r.trackpos(), r.crawlpos()) r.trackPush() r.advance(0) continue case syntax.Setjump | syntax.Back: r.stackPopN(2) break case syntax.Backjump: // r.stackPush: // 0: Saved trackpos // 1: r.crawlpos r.stackPopN(2) r.trackto(r.stackPeek()) for r.crawlpos() != r.stackPeekN(1) { r.uncapture() } break case syntax.Forejump: // r.stackPush: // 0: Saved trackpos // 1: r.crawlpos r.stackPopN(2) r.trackto(r.stackPeek()) r.trackPush1(r.stackPeekN(1)) r.advance(0) continue case syntax.Forejump | syntax.Back: // r.trackPush: // 0: r.crawlpos r.trackPop() for r.crawlpos() != r.trackPeek() { r.uncapture() } break case syntax.Bol: if r.leftchars() > 0 && r.charAt(r.textPos()-1) != '\n' { break } r.advance(0) continue case syntax.Eol: if r.rightchars() > 0 && r.charAt(r.textPos()) != '\n' { break } r.advance(0) continue case syntax.Boundary: if !r.isBoundary(r.textPos(), 0, r.runtextend) { break } r.advance(0) continue case syntax.Nonboundary: if r.isBoundary(r.textPos(), 0, r.runtextend) { break } r.advance(0) continue case syntax.ECMABoundary: if !r.isECMABoundary(r.textPos(), 0, r.runtextend) { break } r.advance(0) continue case syntax.NonECMABoundary: if r.isECMABoundary(r.textPos(), 0, r.runtextend) { break } r.advance(0) continue case syntax.Beginning: if r.leftchars() > 0 { break } r.advance(0) continue case syntax.Start: if r.textPos() != r.textstart() { break } r.advance(0) continue case syntax.EndZ: rchars := r.rightchars() if rchars > 1 { break } // RE2 and EcmaScript define $ as "asserts position at the end of the string" // PCRE/.NET adds "or before the line terminator right at the end of the string (if any)" if ( & (RE2 | ECMAScript)) != 0 { // RE2/Ecmascript mode if rchars > 0 { break } } else if rchars == 1 && r.charAt(r.textPos()) != '\n' { // "regular" mode break } r.advance(0) continue case syntax.End: if r.rightchars() > 0 { break } r.advance(0) continue case syntax.One: if r.forwardchars() < 1 || r.forwardcharnext() != rune(r.operand(0)) { break } r.advance(1) continue case syntax.Notone: if r.forwardchars() < 1 || r.forwardcharnext() == rune(r.operand(0)) { break } r.advance(1) continue case syntax.Set: if r.forwardchars() < 1 || !r.code.Sets[r.operand(0)].CharIn(r.forwardcharnext()) { break } r.advance(1) continue case syntax.Multi: if !r.runematch(r.code.Strings[r.operand(0)]) { break } r.advance(1) continue case syntax.Ref: capnum := r.operand(0) if r.runmatch.isMatched(capnum) { if !r.refmatch(r.runmatch.matchIndex(capnum), r.runmatch.matchLength(capnum)) { break } } else { if ( & ECMAScript) == 0 { break } } r.advance(1) continue case syntax.Onerep: c := r.operand(1) if r.forwardchars() < c { break } ch := rune(r.operand(0)) for c > 0 { if r.forwardcharnext() != ch { goto BreakBackward } c-- } r.advance(2) continue case syntax.Notonerep: c := r.operand(1) if r.forwardchars() < c { break } ch := rune(r.operand(0)) for c > 0 { if r.forwardcharnext() == ch { goto BreakBackward } c-- } r.advance(2) continue case syntax.Setrep: c := r.operand(1) if r.forwardchars() < c { break } set := r.code.Sets[r.operand(0)] for c > 0 { if !set.CharIn(r.forwardcharnext()) { goto BreakBackward } c-- } r.advance(2) continue case syntax.Oneloop: c := r.operand(1) if c > r.forwardchars() { c = r.forwardchars() } ch := rune(r.operand(0)) i := c for ; i > 0; i-- { if r.forwardcharnext() != ch { r.backwardnext() break } } if c > i { r.trackPush2(c-i-1, r.textPos()-r.bump()) } r.advance(2) continue case syntax.Notoneloop: c := r.operand(1) if c > r.forwardchars() { c = r.forwardchars() } ch := rune(r.operand(0)) i := c for ; i > 0; i-- { if r.forwardcharnext() == ch { r.backwardnext() break } } if c > i { r.trackPush2(c-i-1, r.textPos()-r.bump()) } r.advance(2) continue case syntax.Setloop: c := r.operand(1) if c > r.forwardchars() { c = r.forwardchars() } set := r.code.Sets[r.operand(0)] i := c for ; i > 0; i-- { if !set.CharIn(r.forwardcharnext()) { r.backwardnext() break } } if c > i { r.trackPush2(c-i-1, r.textPos()-r.bump()) } r.advance(2) continue case syntax.Oneloop | syntax.Back, syntax.Notoneloop | syntax.Back: r.trackPopN(2) i := r.trackPeek() pos := r.trackPeekN(1) r.textto(pos) if i > 0 { r.trackPush2(i-1, pos-r.bump()) } r.advance(2) continue case syntax.Setloop | syntax.Back: r.trackPopN(2) i := r.trackPeek() pos := r.trackPeekN(1) r.textto(pos) if i > 0 { r.trackPush2(i-1, pos-r.bump()) } r.advance(2) continue case syntax.Onelazy, syntax.Notonelazy: c := r.operand(1) if c > r.forwardchars() { c = r.forwardchars() } if c > 0 { r.trackPush2(c-1, r.textPos()) } r.advance(2) continue case syntax.Setlazy: c := r.operand(1) if c > r.forwardchars() { c = r.forwardchars() } if c > 0 { r.trackPush2(c-1, r.textPos()) } r.advance(2) continue case syntax.Onelazy | syntax.Back: r.trackPopN(2) pos := r.trackPeekN(1) r.textto(pos) if r.forwardcharnext() != rune(r.operand(0)) { break } i := r.trackPeek() if i > 0 { r.trackPush2(i-1, pos+r.bump()) } r.advance(2) continue case syntax.Notonelazy | syntax.Back: r.trackPopN(2) pos := r.trackPeekN(1) r.textto(pos) if r.forwardcharnext() == rune(r.operand(0)) { break } i := r.trackPeek() if i > 0 { r.trackPush2(i-1, pos+r.bump()) } r.advance(2) continue case syntax.Setlazy | syntax.Back: r.trackPopN(2) pos := r.trackPeekN(1) r.textto(pos) if !r.code.Sets[r.operand(0)].CharIn(r.forwardcharnext()) { break } i := r.trackPeek() if i > 0 { r.trackPush2(i-1, pos+r.bump()) } r.advance(2) continue default: return errors.New("unknown state in regex runner") } BreakBackward: ; // "break Backward" comes here: r.backtrack() } } // increase the size of stack and track storage func (r *runner) ensureStorage() { if r.runstackpos < r.runtrackcount*4 { doubleIntSlice(&r.runstack, &r.runstackpos) } if r.runtrackpos < r.runtrackcount*4 { doubleIntSlice(&r.runtrack, &r.runtrackpos) } } func doubleIntSlice(s *[]int, pos *int) { oldLen := len(*s) newS := make([]int, oldLen*2) copy(newS[oldLen:], *s) *pos += oldLen *s = newS } // Save a number on the longjump unrolling stack func (r *runner) crawl(i int) { if r.runcrawlpos == 0 { doubleIntSlice(&r.runcrawl, &r.runcrawlpos) } r.runcrawlpos-- r.runcrawl[r.runcrawlpos] = i } // Remove a number from the longjump unrolling stack func (r *runner) popcrawl() int { val := r.runcrawl[r.runcrawlpos] r.runcrawlpos++ return val } // Get the height of the stack func (r *runner) crawlpos() int { return len(r.runcrawl) - r.runcrawlpos } func (r *runner) advance(i int) { r.codepos += (i + 1) r.setOperator(r.code.Codes[r.codepos]) } func (r *runner) goTo(newpos int) { // when branching backward or in place, ensure storage if newpos <= r.codepos { r.ensureStorage() } r.setOperator(r.code.Codes[newpos]) r.codepos = newpos } func (r *runner) textto(newpos int) { r.runtextpos = newpos } func (r *runner) trackto(newpos int) { r.runtrackpos = len(r.runtrack) - newpos } func (r *runner) textstart() int { return r.runtextstart } func (r *runner) textPos() int { return r.runtextpos } // push onto the backtracking stack func (r *runner) trackpos() int { return len(r.runtrack) - r.runtrackpos } func (r *runner) trackPush() { r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = r.codepos } func (r *runner) trackPush1(I1 int) { r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = I1 r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = r.codepos } func (r *runner) trackPush2(I1, I2 int) { r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = I1 r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = I2 r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = r.codepos } func (r *runner) trackPush3(I1, I2, I3 int) { r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = I1 r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = I2 r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = I3 r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = r.codepos } func (r *runner) trackPushNeg1(I1 int) { r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = I1 r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = -r.codepos } func (r *runner) trackPushNeg2(I1, I2 int) { r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = I1 r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = I2 r.runtrackpos-- r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] = -r.codepos } func (r *runner) backtrack() { newpos := r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos] r.runtrackpos++ if { if newpos < 0 { fmt.Printf(" Backtracking (back2) to code position %v\n", -newpos) } else { fmt.Printf(" Backtracking to code position %v\n", newpos) } } if newpos < 0 { newpos = -newpos r.setOperator(r.code.Codes[newpos] | syntax.Back2) } else { r.setOperator(r.code.Codes[newpos] | syntax.Back) } // When branching backward, ensure storage if newpos < r.codepos { r.ensureStorage() } r.codepos = newpos } func (r *runner) setOperator(op int) { r.caseInsensitive = (0 != (op & syntax.Ci)) r.rightToLeft = (0 != (op & syntax.Rtl)) r.operator = syntax.InstOp(op & ^(syntax.Rtl | syntax.Ci)) } func (r *runner) trackPop() { r.runtrackpos++ } // pop framesize items from the backtracking stack func (r *runner) trackPopN(framesize int) { r.runtrackpos += framesize } // Technically we are actually peeking at items already popped. So if you want to // get and pop the top item from the stack, you do // r.trackPop(); // r.trackPeek(); func (r *runner) trackPeek() int { return r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos-1] } // get the ith element down on the backtracking stack func (r *runner) trackPeekN(i int) int { return r.runtrack[r.runtrackpos-i-1] } // Push onto the grouping stack func (r *runner) stackPush(I1 int) { r.runstackpos-- r.runstack[r.runstackpos] = I1 } func (r *runner) stackPush2(I1, I2 int) { r.runstackpos-- r.runstack[r.runstackpos] = I1 r.runstackpos-- r.runstack[r.runstackpos] = I2 } func (r *runner) stackPop() { r.runstackpos++ } // pop framesize items from the grouping stack func (r *runner) stackPopN(framesize int) { r.runstackpos += framesize } // Technically we are actually peeking at items already popped. So if you want to // get and pop the top item from the stack, you do // r.stackPop(); // r.stackPeek(); func (r *runner) stackPeek() int { return r.runstack[r.runstackpos-1] } // get the ith element down on the grouping stack func (r *runner) stackPeekN(i int) int { return r.runstack[r.runstackpos-i-1] } func (r *runner) operand(i int) int { return r.code.Codes[r.codepos+i+1] } func (r *runner) leftchars() int { return r.runtextpos } func (r *runner) rightchars() int { return r.runtextend - r.runtextpos } func (r *runner) bump() int { if r.rightToLeft { return -1 } return 1 } func (r *runner) forwardchars() int { if r.rightToLeft { return r.runtextpos } return r.runtextend - r.runtextpos } func (r *runner) forwardcharnext() rune { var ch rune if r.rightToLeft { r.runtextpos-- ch = r.runtext[r.runtextpos] } else { ch = r.runtext[r.runtextpos] r.runtextpos++ } if r.caseInsensitive { return unicode.ToLower(ch) } return ch } func (r *runner) runematch(str []rune) bool { var pos int c := len(str) if !r.rightToLeft { if r.runtextend-r.runtextpos < c { return false } pos = r.runtextpos + c } else { if r.runtextpos-0 < c { return false } pos = r.runtextpos } if !r.caseInsensitive { for c != 0 { c-- pos-- if str[c] != r.runtext[pos] { return false } } } else { for c != 0 { c-- pos-- if str[c] != unicode.ToLower(r.runtext[pos]) { return false } } } if !r.rightToLeft { pos += len(str) } r.runtextpos = pos return true } func (r *runner) refmatch(index, len int) bool { var c, pos, cmpos int if !r.rightToLeft { if r.runtextend-r.runtextpos < len { return false } pos = r.runtextpos + len } else { if r.runtextpos-0 < len { return false } pos = r.runtextpos } cmpos = index + len c = len if !r.caseInsensitive { for c != 0 { c-- cmpos-- pos-- if r.runtext[cmpos] != r.runtext[pos] { return false } } } else { for c != 0 { c-- cmpos-- pos-- if unicode.ToLower(r.runtext[cmpos]) != unicode.ToLower(r.runtext[pos]) { return false } } } if !r.rightToLeft { pos += len } r.runtextpos = pos return true } func (r *runner) backwardnext() { if r.rightToLeft { r.runtextpos++ } else { r.runtextpos-- } } func (r *runner) charAt(j int) rune { return r.runtext[j] } func (r *runner) findFirstChar() bool { if 0 != (r.code.Anchors & (syntax.AnchorBeginning | syntax.AnchorStart | syntax.AnchorEndZ | syntax.AnchorEnd)) { if !r.code.RightToLeft { if (0 != (r.code.Anchors&syntax.AnchorBeginning) && r.runtextpos > 0) || (0 != (r.code.Anchors&syntax.AnchorStart) && r.runtextpos > r.runtextstart) { r.runtextpos = r.runtextend return false } if 0 != (r.code.Anchors&syntax.AnchorEndZ) && r.runtextpos < r.runtextend-1 { r.runtextpos = r.runtextend - 1 } else if 0 != (r.code.Anchors&syntax.AnchorEnd) && r.runtextpos < r.runtextend { r.runtextpos = r.runtextend } } else { if (0 != (r.code.Anchors&syntax.AnchorEnd) && r.runtextpos < r.runtextend) || (0 != (r.code.Anchors&syntax.AnchorEndZ) && (r.runtextpos < r.runtextend-1 || (r.runtextpos == r.runtextend-1 && r.charAt(r.runtextpos) != '\n'))) || (0 != (r.code.Anchors&syntax.AnchorStart) && r.runtextpos < r.runtextstart) { r.runtextpos = 0 return false } if 0 != (r.code.Anchors&syntax.AnchorBeginning) && r.runtextpos > 0 { r.runtextpos = 0 } } if r.code.BmPrefix != nil { return r.code.BmPrefix.IsMatch(r.runtext, r.runtextpos, 0, r.runtextend) } return true // found a valid start or end anchor } else if r.code.BmPrefix != nil { r.runtextpos = r.code.BmPrefix.Scan(r.runtext, r.runtextpos, 0, r.runtextend) if r.runtextpos == -1 { if r.code.RightToLeft { r.runtextpos = 0 } else { r.runtextpos = r.runtextend } return false } return true } else if r.code.FcPrefix == nil { return true } r.rightToLeft = r.code.RightToLeft r.caseInsensitive = r.code.FcPrefix.CaseInsensitive set := r.code.FcPrefix.PrefixSet if set.IsSingleton() { ch := set.SingletonChar() for i := r.forwardchars(); i > 0; i-- { if ch == r.forwardcharnext() { r.backwardnext() return true } } } else { for i := r.forwardchars(); i > 0; i-- { n := r.forwardcharnext() //fmt.Printf("%v in %v: %v\n", string(n), set.String(), set.CharIn(n)) if set.CharIn(n) { r.backwardnext() return true } } } return false } func (r *runner) initMatch() { // Use a hashtable'ed Match object if the capture numbers are sparse if r.runmatch == nil { if != nil { r.runmatch = newMatchSparse(,,, r.runtext, r.runtextstart) } else { r.runmatch = newMatch(,, r.runtext, r.runtextstart) } } else { r.runmatch.reset(r.runtext, r.runtextstart) } // note we test runcrawl, because it is the last one to be allocated // If there is an alloc failure in the middle of the three allocations, // we may still return to reuse this instance, and we want to behave // as if the allocations didn't occur. (we used to test _trackcount != 0) if r.runcrawl != nil { r.runtrackpos = len(r.runtrack) r.runstackpos = len(r.runstack) r.runcrawlpos = len(r.runcrawl) return } r.initTrackCount() tracksize := r.runtrackcount * 8 stacksize := r.runtrackcount * 8 if tracksize < 32 { tracksize = 32 } if stacksize < 16 { stacksize = 16 } r.runtrack = make([]int, tracksize) r.runtrackpos = tracksize r.runstack = make([]int, stacksize) r.runstackpos = stacksize r.runcrawl = make([]int, 32) r.runcrawlpos = 32 } func (r *runner) tidyMatch(quick bool) *Match { if !quick { match := r.runmatch r.runmatch = nil match.tidy(r.runtextpos) return match } else { // send back our match -- it's not leaving the package, so it's safe to not clean it up // this reduces allocs for frequent calls to the "IsMatch" bool-only functions return r.runmatch } } // capture captures a subexpression. Note that the // capnum used here has already been mapped to a non-sparse // index (by the code generator RegexWriter). func (r *runner) capture(capnum, start, end int) { if end < start { T := end end = start start = T } r.crawl(capnum) r.runmatch.addMatch(capnum, start, end-start) } // transferCapture captures a subexpression. Note that the // capnum used here has already been mapped to a non-sparse // index (by the code generator RegexWriter). func (r *runner) transferCapture(capnum, uncapnum, start, end int) { var start2, end2 int // these are the two intervals that are cancelling each other if end < start { T := end end = start start = T } start2 = r.runmatch.matchIndex(uncapnum) end2 = start2 + r.runmatch.matchLength(uncapnum) // The new capture gets the innermost defined interval if start >= end2 { end = start start = end2 } else if end <= start2 { start = start2 } else { if end > end2 { end = end2 } if start2 > start { start = start2 } } r.crawl(uncapnum) r.runmatch.balanceMatch(uncapnum) if capnum != -1 { r.crawl(capnum) r.runmatch.addMatch(capnum, start, end-start) } } // revert the last capture func (r *runner) uncapture() { capnum := r.popcrawl() r.runmatch.removeMatch(capnum) } //debug func (r *runner) dumpState() { back := "" if r.operator&syntax.Back != 0 { back = " Back" } if r.operator&syntax.Back2 != 0 { back += " Back2" } fmt.Printf("Text: %v\nTrack: %v\nStack: %v\n %s%s\n\n", r.textposDescription(), r.stackDescription(r.runtrack, r.runtrackpos), r.stackDescription(r.runstack, r.runstackpos), r.code.OpcodeDescription(r.codepos), back) } func (r *runner) stackDescription(a []int, index int) string { buf := &bytes.Buffer{} fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%v/%v", len(a)-index, len(a)) if buf.Len() < 8 { buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", 8-buf.Len())) } buf.WriteRune('(') for i := index; i < len(a); i++ { if i > index { buf.WriteRune(' ') } buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(a[i])) } buf.WriteRune(')') return buf.String() } func (r *runner) textposDescription() string { buf := &bytes.Buffer{} buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(r.runtextpos)) if buf.Len() < 8 { buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", 8-buf.Len())) } if r.runtextpos > 0 { buf.WriteString(syntax.CharDescription(r.runtext[r.runtextpos-1])) } else { buf.WriteRune('^') } buf.WriteRune('>') for i := r.runtextpos; i < r.runtextend; i++ { buf.WriteString(syntax.CharDescription(r.runtext[i])) } if buf.Len() >= 64 { buf.Truncate(61) buf.WriteString("...") } else { buf.WriteRune('$') } return buf.String() } // decide whether the pos // at the specified index is a boundary or not. It's just not worth // emitting inline code for this logic. func (r *runner) isBoundary(index, startpos, endpos int) bool { return (index > startpos && syntax.IsWordChar(r.runtext[index-1])) != (index < endpos && syntax.IsWordChar(r.runtext[index])) } func (r *runner) isECMABoundary(index, startpos, endpos int) bool { return (index > startpos && syntax.IsECMAWordChar(r.runtext[index-1])) != (index < endpos && syntax.IsECMAWordChar(r.runtext[index])) } func (r *runner) startTimeoutWatch() { if r.ignoreTimeout { return } r.deadline = makeDeadline(r.timeout) } func (r *runner) checkTimeout() error { if r.ignoreTimeout || !r.deadline.reached() { return nil } if { //Debug.WriteLine("") //Debug.WriteLine("RegEx match timeout occurred!") //Debug.WriteLine("Specified timeout: " + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(_timeout).ToString()) //Debug.WriteLine("Timeout check frequency: " + TimeoutCheckFrequency) //Debug.WriteLine("Search pattern: " + _runregex._pattern) //Debug.WriteLine("Input: " + r.runtext) //Debug.WriteLine("About to throw RegexMatchTimeoutException.") } return fmt.Errorf("match timeout after %v on input `%v`", r.timeout, string(r.runtext)) } func (r *runner) initTrackCount() { r.runtrackcount = r.code.TrackCount } // getRunner returns a run to use for matching re. // It uses the re's runner cache if possible, to avoid // unnecessary allocation. func (re *Regexp) getRunner() *runner { re.muRun.Lock() if n := len(re.runner); n > 0 { z := re.runner[n-1] re.runner = re.runner[:n-1] re.muRun.Unlock() return z } re.muRun.Unlock() z := &runner{ re: re, code: re.code, } return z } // putRunner returns a runner to the re's cache. // There is no attempt to limit the size of the cache, so it will // grow to the maximum number of simultaneous matches // run using re. (The cache empties when re gets garbage collected.) func (re *Regexp) putRunner(r *runner) { re.muRun.Lock() re.runner = append(re.runner, r) re.muRun.Unlock() }