package goldilocks import ( "errors" "fmt" fp "" ) // Point is a point on the Goldilocks Curve. type Point struct{ x, y, z, ta, tb fp.Elt } func (P Point) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("x: %v\ny: %v\nz: %v\nta: %v\ntb: %v", P.x, P.y, P.z, P.ta, P.tb) } // FromAffine creates a point from affine coordinates. func FromAffine(x, y *fp.Elt) (*Point, error) { P := &Point{ x: *x, y: *y, z: fp.One(), ta: *x, tb: *y, } if !(Curve{}).IsOnCurve(P) { return P, errors.New("point not on curve") } return P, nil } // isLessThan returns true if 0 <= x < y, and assumes that slices are of the // same length and are interpreted in little-endian order. func isLessThan(x, y []byte) bool { i := len(x) - 1 for i > 0 && x[i] == y[i] { i-- } return x[i] < y[i] } // FromBytes returns a point from the input buffer. func FromBytes(in []byte) (*Point, error) { if len(in) < fp.Size+1 { return nil, errors.New("wrong input length") } err := errors.New("invalid decoding") P := &Point{} signX := in[fp.Size] >> 7 copy(P.y[:], in[:fp.Size]) p := fp.P() if !isLessThan(P.y[:], p[:]) { return nil, err } u, v := &fp.Elt{}, &fp.Elt{} one := fp.One() fp.Sqr(u, &P.y) // u = y^2 fp.Mul(v, u, ¶mD) // v = dy^2 fp.Sub(u, u, &one) // u = y^2-1 fp.Sub(v, v, &one) // v = dy^2-1 isQR := fp.InvSqrt(&P.x, u, v) // x = sqrt(u/v) if !isQR { return nil, err } fp.Modp(&P.x) // x = x mod p if fp.IsZero(&P.x) && signX == 1 { return nil, err } if signX != (P.x[0] & 1) { fp.Neg(&P.x, &P.x) } P.ta = P.x P.tb = P.y P.z = fp.One() return P, nil } // IsIdentity returns true is P is the identity Point. func (P *Point) IsIdentity() bool { return fp.IsZero(&P.x) && !fp.IsZero(&P.y) && !fp.IsZero(&P.z) && P.y == P.z } // IsEqual returns true if P is equivalent to Q. func (P *Point) IsEqual(Q *Point) bool { l, r := &fp.Elt{}, &fp.Elt{} fp.Mul(l, &P.x, &Q.z) fp.Mul(r, &Q.x, &P.z) fp.Sub(l, l, r) b := fp.IsZero(l) fp.Mul(l, &P.y, &Q.z) fp.Mul(r, &Q.y, &P.z) fp.Sub(l, l, r) b = b && fp.IsZero(l) fp.Mul(l, &P.ta, &P.tb) fp.Mul(l, l, &Q.z) fp.Mul(r, &Q.ta, &Q.tb) fp.Mul(r, r, &P.z) fp.Sub(l, l, r) b = b && fp.IsZero(l) return b } // Neg obtains the inverse of the Point. func (P *Point) Neg() { fp.Neg(&P.x, &P.x); fp.Neg(&P.ta, &P.ta) } // ToAffine returns the x,y affine coordinates of P. func (P *Point) ToAffine() (x, y fp.Elt) { fp.Inv(&P.z, &P.z) // 1/z fp.Mul(&P.x, &P.x, &P.z) // x/z fp.Mul(&P.y, &P.y, &P.z) // y/z fp.Modp(&P.x) fp.Modp(&P.y) fp.SetOne(&P.z) P.ta = P.x P.tb = P.y return P.x, P.y } // ToBytes stores P into a slice of bytes. func (P *Point) ToBytes(out []byte) error { if len(out) < fp.Size+1 { return errors.New("invalid decoding") } x, y := P.ToAffine() out[fp.Size] = (x[0] & 1) << 7 return fp.ToBytes(out[:fp.Size], &y) } // MarshalBinary encodes the receiver into a binary form and returns the result. func (P *Point) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) { data = make([]byte, fp.Size+1) err = P.ToBytes(data[:fp.Size+1]) return data, err } // UnmarshalBinary must be able to decode the form generated by MarshalBinary. func (P *Point) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error { Q, err := FromBytes(data); *P = *Q; return err } // Double sets P = 2Q. func (P *Point) Double() { P.Add(P) } // Add sets P =P+Q.. func (P *Point) Add(Q *Point) { // This is formula (5) from "Twisted Edwards Curves Revisited" by // Hisil H., Wong K.KH., Carter G., Dawson E. (2008) // x1, y1, z1, ta1, tb1 := &P.x, &P.y, &P.z, &P.ta, &P.tb x2, y2, z2, ta2, tb2 := &Q.x, &Q.y, &Q.z, &Q.ta, &Q.tb x3, y3, z3, E, H := &P.x, &P.y, &P.z, &P.ta, &P.tb A, B, C, D := &fp.Elt{}, &fp.Elt{}, &fp.Elt{}, &fp.Elt{} t1, t2, F, G := C, D, &fp.Elt{}, &fp.Elt{} fp.Mul(t1, ta1, tb1) // t1 = ta1*tb1 fp.Mul(t2, ta2, tb2) // t2 = ta2*tb2 fp.Mul(A, x1, x2) // A = x1*x2 fp.Mul(B, y1, y2) // B = y1*y2 fp.Mul(C, t1, t2) // t1*t2 fp.Mul(C, C, ¶mD) // C = d*t1*t2 fp.Mul(D, z1, z2) // D = z1*z2 fp.Add(F, x1, y1) // x1+y1 fp.Add(E, x2, y2) // x2+y2 fp.Mul(E, E, F) // (x1+y1)*(x2+y2) fp.Sub(E, E, A) // (x1+y1)*(x2+y2)-A fp.Sub(E, E, B) // E = (x1+y1)*(x2+y2)-A-B fp.Sub(F, D, C) // F = D-C fp.Add(G, D, C) // G = D+C fp.Sub(H, B, A) // H = B-A fp.Mul(z3, F, G) // Z = F * G fp.Mul(x3, E, F) // X = E * F fp.Mul(y3, G, H) // Y = G * H, T = E * H }