Installing ========== `cheat` has no runtime dependencies. As such, installing it is generally straightforward. There are a few methods available: ### Install manually #### Unix-like On Unix-like systems, you may simply paste the following snippet into your terminal: ```sh cd /tmp \ && wget \ && gunzip cheat-linux-amd64.gz \ && chmod +x cheat-linux-amd64 \ && sudo mv cheat-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/cheat ``` You may need to need to change the version number (`4.2.5`) and the archive (`cheat-linux-amd64.gz`) depending on your platform. See the [releases page][releases] for a list of supported platforms. #### Windows TODO: community support is requested here. Please open a PR if you'd like to contribute installation instructions for Windows. ### Install via `go install` If you have `go` version `>=1.17` available on your `PATH`, you can install `cheat` via `go install`: ```sh go install ``` ### Install via package manager Several community-maintained packages are also available: Package manager | Installing ---------------- | ----------- [brew][] | `brew install cheat` [docker][] | `alias cheat='docker run --rm bannmann/docker-cheat'` [nix][] | `nix-env -iA nixos.cheat` [snap][] | `snap install cheat` ## Configuring Three things must be done before you can use `cheat`: 1. A config file must be generated 2. [`cheatpaths`][cheatpaths] must be configured 3. [Community cheatsheets][community] must be downloaded On first run, `cheat` will run an installer that will do all of the above automatically. After the installer is complete, it is strongly advised that you view the configuration file that was generated, as you may want to change some of its default values (to enable colorization, change the paginator, etc). ### conf.yml ### `cheat` is configured by a YAML file that will be auto-generated on first run. By default, the config file is assumed to exist on an XDG-compliant configuration path like `~/.config/cheat/conf.yml`. If you would like to store it elsewhere, you may export a `CHEAT_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable that specifies its path: ```sh export CHEAT_CONFIG_PATH="~/.dotfiles/cheat/conf.yml" ``` [brew]: [cheatpaths]: [community]: [docker]: [nix]: [pacman]: # [releases]: [snap]: