#compdef cheat local -a cheats cheats=() _cheat_complete_cheatsheets() { cheats=("${(f)$(cheat -l -t personal | tail -n +2 | cut -d' ' -f1)}") _describe -t cheats 'cheats' cheats } _cheat_complete_tags() { taglist=("${(f)$(cheat -T)}") _describe -t taglist 'taglist' taglist } _cheat_complete_paths() { pathlist=("${(f)$(cheat -d | cut -d':' -f1)}") _describe -t pathlist 'pathlist' pathlist } _cheat() { _arguments -C \ '(--init)--init[Write a default config file to stdout]: :->none' \ '(-c --colorize)'{-c,--colorize}'[Colorize output]: :->none' \ '(-d --directories)'{-d,--directories}'[List cheatsheet directories]: :->none' \ '(-e --edit)'{-e,--edit}'[Edit ]: :->full' \ '(-l --list)'{-l,--list}'[List cheatsheets]: :->full' \ '(-p --path)'{-p,--path}'[Return only sheets found on path ]: :->pathlist' \ '(-r --regex)'{-r,--regex}'[Treat search as a regex]: :->none' \ '(-s --search)'{-s,--search}'[Search cheatsheets for ]: :->none' \ '(-t --tag)'{-t,--tag}'[Return only sheets matching ]: :->taglist' \ '(-T --tags)'{-T,--tags}'[List all tags in use]: :->none' \ '(-v --version)'{-v,--version}'[Print the version number]: :->none' \ '(--rm)--rm[Remove (delete) ]: :->full' \ case $state in (none) ;; (full) _cheat_complete_cheatsheets ;; (taglist) _cheat_complete_tags ;; (pathlist) _cheat_complete_paths ;; (*) _cheat_complete_cheatsheets ;; esac } _cheat