% CHEAT(1) | General Commands Manual NAME ==== **cheat** — create and view command-line cheatsheets SYNOPSIS ======== | **cheat** \[options] \[_CHEATSHEET_] DESCRIPTION =========== **cheat** allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remind \*nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but not frequently enough to remember. OPTIONS ======= \--init : Print a config file to stdout. -c, \--colorize : Colorize output. -d, \--directories : List cheatsheet directories. -e, \--edit=_CHEATSHEET_ : Open _CHEATSHEET_ for editing. -l, \--list : List available cheatsheets. -p, \--path=_PATH_ : Filter only to sheets found on path _PATH_. -r, \--regex : Treat search _PHRASE_ as a regular expression. -s, \--search=_PHRASE_ : Search cheatsheets for _PHRASE_. -t, \--tag=_TAG_ : Filter only to sheets tagged with _TAG_. -T, \--tags : List all tags in use. -v, \--version : Print the version number. \--rm=_CHEATSHEET_ : Remove (deletes) _CHEATSHEET_. EXAMPLES ======== To view the foo cheatsheet: : cheat _foo_ To edit (or create) the foo cheatsheet: : cheat -e _foo_ To edit (or create) the foo/bar cheatsheet on the 'work' cheatpath: : cheat -p _work_ -e _foo/bar_ To view all cheatsheet directories: : cheat -d To list all available cheatsheets: : cheat -l To list all cheatsheets whose titles match 'apt': : cheat -l _apt_ To list all tags in use: : cheat -T To list available cheatsheets that are tagged as 'personal': : cheat -l -t _personal_ To search for 'ssh' among all cheatsheets, and colorize matches: : cheat -c -s _ssh_ To search (by regex) for cheatsheets that contain an IP address: : cheat -c -r -s _'(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}'_ To remove (delete) the foo/bar cheatsheet: : cheat \--rm _foo/bar_ FILES ===== Configuration ------------- **cheat** is configured via a YAML file that is conventionally named _conf.yaml_. **cheat** will search for _conf.yaml_ in varying locations, depending upon your platform: ### Linux, OSX, and other Unixes ### 1. **CHEAT_CONFIG_PATH** 2. **XDG_CONFIG_HOME**/cheat/conf.yaml 3. **$HOME**/.config/cheat/conf.yml 4. **$HOME**/.cheat/conf.yml ### Windows ### 1. **CHEAT_CONFIG_PATH** 2. **APPDATA**/cheat/conf.yml 3. **PROGRAMDATA**/cheat/conf.yml **cheat** will search in the order specified above. The first _conf.yaml_ encountered will be respected. If **cheat** cannot locate a config file, it will ask if you'd like to generate one automatically. Alternatively, you may also generate a config file manually by running **cheat \--init** and saving its output to the appropriate location for your platform. Cheatpaths ---------- **cheat** reads its cheatsheets from "cheatpaths", which are the directories in which cheatsheets are stored. Cheatpaths may be configured in _conf.yaml_, and viewed via **cheat -d**. For detailed instructions on how to configure cheatpaths, please refer to the comments in conf.yml. Autocompletion -------------- Autocompletion scripts for **bash**, **zsh**, and **fish** are available for download: - - - The **bash** and **zsh** scripts provide optional integration with **fzf**, if the latter is available on your **PATH**. The installation process will vary per system and shell configuration, and thus will not be discussed here. ENVIRONMENT =========== **CHEAT_CONFIG_PATH** : The path at which the config file is available. If **CHEAT_CONFIG_PATH** is set, all other config paths will be ignored. **CHEAT_USE_FZF** : If set, autocompletion scripts will attempt to integrate with **fzf**. RETURN VALUES ============= 0. Successful termination 1. Application error 2. Cheatsheet(s) not found BUGS ==== See GitHub issues: AUTHOR ====== Christopher Allen Lane SEE ALSO ======== **fzf(1)**